Equinox Payments 020123-002 User Manual Owners Manual
Equinox Payments LLC Owners Manual
Owners Manual
HYPERCOM POINT-OF-SALE 900 MHz Wireless POS Terminal Interface System Operation and Installation Manual Draft Copy—Version1.0 December 5, 1997 Hypermm Corporation 2851 West Kathleen Road Phoenix, Arizona 85023 USA Corporate Telephone: (602) 504-5000 Corporate Fax: (602) 866-5380 TRADEMARKS: Hypercom has attempted throughout the 900 MHz ereIess POS Ten-nine! Intelface System Operation and Installation Manual to distinguish proprietary trademarks from descriptive terms by following the capitalization style used by the manufacturer. Every effort has been made to supply complete and accurate information However, Hypercom assumes no responsibility for its use, nor any infringement of the intellectual property rights of third parties which would result from such use. Copyright 1997 by HYPERCOM® CORPORATION Manufactured in the United States of America II 900 MHz wireless Interface System Operation and Installatlon Manual 940139-001 ©HYPERCOM CORPORATION 1997. All Rights Reserved. Hypercom. ihenyperoom Logo, and the integrated Enterprise Network are registered trademarks of Hypercom Corporation. , v ~. / . t This document is proprietary to Hyperoom Corporation. and is Intended solely for the contractual use 9! Hyperoom customers. This publication may not be reproduced or distributed for any purpose without the written permission of Hypercom Corporation. NOTICE Hypercom Corporation reserves the ght to make changes to specificafions at any time and without notice The information furnished in this publication by Hypercom Corporation, is believed to be accurate and reliable, however. no responsibility is assumed by Hypercom Corporation ior its use ’ This document applies to the QOO MHz Wireless POS Terminal Interface System Operation and Installation Manualt ‘ " ’ 9401394101 Hypercom Polnt—of-Sale Table 0! contents Chapter1 lntr’écluctipn“ Function Blocks . f. r , .‘ ................................................ 1-3 Operation ..... f .................................................... 1-3 Basic System ................ Basic System Installation . . 4 . Extending Basic Coverage Area . Installing ExIended Basic Coverage Area . Large Area Coverage .............................. Installing Large Area Coverage . . Installation Examples .......... Warranty ...... Iv 900 MHz Wireless Interfacc System Operarlon and Install-(Ion Manual 9401394301 List of Figures ‘ , Basic cqnfigu‘ration ................. Extgndlng baslcfioverage area 4 . Lafgq area coverage 4 VPrjemisss wiring1dlagvv'am ....................................................... 2-7 Bash: system a}; pie Extendéd basic ekample’ Large area exampl/e . .2-10 940139-001 Hypercom Polnt-ofl-SNC Preface The 900 MHz Wre/ess POS Terminal Interface System Operation and Installation Manual is a corn rehensivé guide to working with the Hypercom 900 MHz Wireless POS This book is designed to prowde rnfonnation relevant to the Hypercom equipment and rs divided into the following chapters: ' Chupler 1: General Product Description and Operation—Information relevant to the use of Hypercom‘ s 900 MHz wireless POS terminal ‘ Chapter 2: Inslullufion—lnslallalion procedures for the wireless terminal ' Warranty Information vI 900 MHz wlroloss Interlau System Operation and Installallon Manual 9401394301 General Product Descriptien and Operation ' ”x Topics include: ' Funciional Blocks ' Operation Gen-rat Product Description and Operation Function Blocks The concept for Hypercom“ s 900 MHz wireless POS terminal interface system offers a high level of customer convenience and reduces the time required to process a POS transaction Because customers see the process they have control of the financial transaction and feel an added sense of security. The host POS terminal and peripheral P08 terminal device(s) Hyperc‘oin’s 900 'MHz wireless POS terminal interface system consists of the following functional blocks: .A- f‘ * ' Host Terminal—This may be any of Hypercom 5 PCS terminal products with a PIN pad port and an external commUnication port, such as a LAN or telephone. using the appropriate software such as 17.17P, 177. ' Terminal Transceiver Interface—Hypercom model FTl 01 or for use with a single terminal transceiver. a Hypercom adapter cable, PIN 810170-001, ' Terminal Transceiver(s)—Hypercom model FXV 01A ' Customer Premisis Wiring—vii required: r ' Peripheral Terminal Device—This may be any of Hypercom's POS terminals or POS terminal accessory products such as a PIN pad or Signature Capture device with a compatible optional wireless transceiver installed An example' rs an [.C. E POS terminal with an optional FXI 01 module and appropriate software installed. OPERATION ~ . Hypercom' s 900 MHz wireless POS terminal interface system rs designed to be transparent to the user The peripheral POS terminal device Operates with a wireless POS terminal interface system in the same way as when a cable connection exists between a peripheral POS terminal device and a host POS terminal xx: Hypercom s 900 MHz wireless POS terminal system uses radio transmitters and receivers certified in accordance with Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regulations (CFR 47 Part 2 and Part 15) for use within the industrial scientific. and medical band of frequencies between 902 MHz and 928 MHz. THIS DEVICE commas wrrr-r PART 15 or THE FCC RULES. OPERATION rs SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING TWO common: (1) THIS DEWCE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) ms DEVICE MUST ACCEPT ANY lNTERFERENCE RECEIVED, mcummc INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSE (mm-25mm) OPERATION. “0139-001 Hypercom Polntvol-Salc 1-3 Chapter 1 The operating distance between a terminal transceiver and a peripheral POS terminal is greatly affected by their environment, Obstmctions such as walls and furniture as well as outside interferring signals reduce the operational range. Hypercom software communication protocols have been implemented within the wireless POS terminal interface system that should reduce these effects. v ' K ’ 14 900 MHz Wireless Interface systom Operation and installation Manual 9401394101 Installation Topics include: ' Basic System ' Basic System Installation ' Extending Basic Coverage Area ' Installing Extended Basic Coverage Area ' Large Area Coverage ' Installing Large Area Coverage ' Installation Examples Installatlon BAsu: SYSTEM The example in Figure 4-1 shows the basic configuration. The terminal transceiver should be less than 100 feet from the peripheral terminal device. This short range reduces the possibility of interference with other communication systems using the same radio spectrum. Causing such interference is a violation of FCC regulations HOST SINGLE UNIT CABLE PN' 0201234102 TER WA TERMINAL P .a1017ooo1 nggsfixien 1 TO 16 PERIPHERAL TERMINAL DEVICES PIN: PIN: $0232“?! 030232001 Figure 4-1‘ Basic configuration 940139-001 Hypercem Polnt-ol-Snlo 2~3 chapter 2 Basic System Installation The installation of the basic system wireless hardware is quite simple. Step-by-Step % To install the basic. wireless system: 1. Ensure the host tenninal' is properly configured and connected for use as a standard POS terminal. see the manual provided with the host POS terminal. insert the. «ale and at the single unit Hypercom adapter cable Hypercom PIN 810170 001, into the PIN pad port of the host terminal. Mount the terminal transceiver, Hypercom PM 020123- 002. to a vertical surface Place it as high as possible in an area that has the best visibility from the area where the peripheral terminal device(s) are used, Mounting may be accomplished by using the metal hook or the rubber suction cups provided, An alternate method is to remove the metal hook and the rubber suction cups replacing them with double-sided tape The terminal transceiver must not be mounted on or next to metal objects f' Insert the male connector on the 12 foot cable from the terminal transceiver into the female connector on the single-unit adapter cable: g It the 12- foot cable is not long enough, it may be extended up to 100 feet by using any six conductor, one— -to—one standard telephone extender cable available at various retail outlets, such as Radio Shack® or Best Buy® The cable may be extended up to 1000 feet by substituting a terminal transceiver intertaoe tor the single unit adapter cable WARNING: Do not insert the cable connectors from the single u terminal transceiver into any receptacle designated for use with the premises telephone system to avoid damaging the terrninai transceiver unit. 2-4 900 MHz wireless lntortace System Operation and Installation Manual 9401394101 Installation Extending Basic Coverage Area It the basic system does not cover enough space or major gaps exist in the coverage, you can extend the area covered. The example in Figure 4-2 shows how to extend coverage or fill in gaps by adding a terminal transceiver interface and an additional terminal transceiver. PN: 020127-001 PN' ozone-002 PM: 81 00224301 TERM‘N‘L TERMKNAL TRANSCEIVER iNTERFACE FT‘O' PN: 020123—002 HOST , Figure 4-2. Extending basic coverage area Installing Extended Basic Coverage Area The installation of the extended basic coverage wireless hardware is simple. Step-by-Step , f " To install the extended basic wireless hardwa‘ s; ‘ 1, Ensure the host terminal is properly configured and connected for use as a standard POS terminal. Afr .‘ A, See the manual provided with the hostbPOS term'ihal‘ s L . 24 If this is a system upgrade from the basic syst ‘ , discard the single unit adapter cable Insert one end of the PIN pad cable, Hypercom PIN 810022-QO1_, into the PIN pad port of the host POS terminal. Insert the other end of the PIN pad cable into the connector marked To Terminal on the terminal transceiver i er‘f’acé _ Hypercom PIN 020192-001. fl, . 3; ' N7" 3. Mount the two terminal transceivers, Hypercom PIN 020123-002, to a vertical surface. Place them as high as possible in an area that has the'best visibility from the area(s) where the peripheral terminal device(s) are used. Separate the transceivers as far as possible from each other while still providing the required coverage Mounting may be accomplished by using the metal hook or the rubber suction cups provided. An alternate method is to remove the metal hook and the rubber suction cups replacing them with double-sided tape. The terminal transceivers must not be mounted on or next to metal objects. 940139-001 Hyptrcom Point-oi-Sllt 2-5 Chapter 2 4. Insert the male connector of the 12-toot cable from the terminal transceivers into the female connectors on the terminal transceiver interface marked Terminal Transceivert or Terminal Transcelver 2. If the12—foot cable is not long enough, it may be extended up to 1000 feet by using any four conductor. one-tc-one standard telephone extender cable available at various retail outlets, such as Radio Shack® or Best Buy®. You can also havethe premises wired for extending the cables. Firms that install telephone cabling in buildings can perform this task because the wiring is identical to a two-circuit telephone system. _ ,. A/m WARNING: Do not insert the cable connectors from the single unit adapter or the terminal transceiver into any receptacle designated for use with the premises telephone system to avoid damaging the terminal transceiver unite large-Area Cover-age, \ , . a if the area to be serviced is too large for the extended basic coverage, configure the system for large area coverage (See Figure 4 3 )Add a power supply, Hypercom P/N 870003- 001 to the terminal transceiver interface. The premise wiring may be expanded to support an additional eight terminal transceivers for a total of ten maximizing the system for large areas or to fill in gaps in coverage {f TERMINAL TRANSCEIVER INTERFACE nun PN: Hos'r srmzmot TERMINAL PN: noomJJol cusroMER PREMISES WIRING 4w~er vam v: To as w vam MAXIMUM Figure 4-3. Large area coverage 2-6 900 MHz wireless Inter'aeo System Operation Ind Installatlon Manual 940139-001 Installation Installing large Area Coverage Step-by-Step To install the large area coverage: 1. Ensure the host terminal is properly configured and connected for use as a standard POS terminal. See the manual provided with the host POS terminal 2 Insert one end of the PIN pad cable. Hypercom P/N 810022-001 L: the ‘ ' pad port of the host POS terminal, Insert the other end of the PIN pad cable into the connector marked To Terminal on the terminal transceiver interface, Hypercom P_(N 020192-001. 3. Mount the terminal transceivers, Hypercom P/N 020123002. to a vertical surface. Place them as high as possible in an area that has the best visibility from the area(s) where the peripheral terminal device(s) are used. Separate the transceivers as far as possible from each other while still providing the required coverage. Mounting may be accomplished by using the metal hook or the rubber suction cups provided. An alternate method is to remove the metal hook and the rubber suction cups replacing them with double-sided tape The terminal transceivers must not be mounted on or next to metal objects. 4. Insert the 24-Volt power cord from the power supply, Hypercom PIN 870003-001, into the terminal transceiver interface receptacle marked Power Insert the AC power cord from the power supply into an appropriate AC receptacle 5. insert the male connector of the 12- foot cable from the terminal transceivers into the female connectors on the terminal transceiver interface marked Termlnal Transceiver 1 or Terminal Transceiver 2 » If the 12 -foot cable is not long enough, it may be extended up to 1000 feet by using any four conductor one- --to o—ne standard telephone extender cable available at various retail outlets such as Radio Shack® or Best Buys. You can also have the premises wired for extending the cables Firms that install ‘—"\' telephone cabling in buildings can perform this task because the wiring is identical to a two-circuit telephone system hr”, terminal transceiver into any receptacle designated for use with the WARNING: Do not insert the cable connectors from the single unit adapter or the A premises telephone system to avoid damaging the terminal transceiver unit. Nous-001 Hyparcom Polnt-of-Salo 2-7 cm ptor 2 MODULE MODULE CONNECTOR CONNECTOR ADDITIONAL counsmfis MAY as ADDED m PARALLEL Figure 4-44 Premises wiring diagram lustallatié'n Exampies- Figures 4-5 fhrough 477 are installofion examples KITCHEN AREA O®O 0 arm Pos COUNTER AREA 0 Jlr o o o o o o TERMINAL 06 O TRANSCEIVER Flgure 4-5. Basic system example 2-0 900 MHz wlulou Int-rue. Syslem Oporltlon and Installatlon Manual 9401394101 lnstallatlon KITCHEN AREA Wu u A: fie W/mT'mmRNELJO ‘J I 4_l \ U 0 I o o H m , ~, OF 10 .— ‘10 “ mm 6 L 7,“ F) // O \ Q o 0—1 940139-001 Hyporcom Polnl—ol—sal. 2-9 Chapter 2 Fl , | O l“! o r j hgljo Olga / ego ago 0 lo _ o LNOéQmmcéo U 051i,» U WIVEFSL 0 [Q] “U V3“ ago A O u l volglo oh; Gib CJ[:]C D'M. A Q) g \ o c) QUE) 0D 0 DU LARGEDININGAREA DD“ \\ J u _ U a l . PATIO AREA KITCHEN my mm "1.“me l I l msmsvs OE? o®o DEE-59519 Dim o®o o o ~v|v_o_s_ o®o [ Figure 4-7. Large area example 2-10 900 MHz eroltss Intodaco Sysxom Opor-llon and Installation Manual 940139401 Warranty WARRANTY (A) Hypercom Corporation warrants that the equipment is free from defects in material or workmanship at the time of shipment and that it conforms to applicable specifications for such products for the period of time specified below The T7 Family of Terminals' 5 years ' Integrated primers contained within T7 T 4 l I l year ermlnals The_P7/Family of Printers 1 year The P8 Family of Printers 1 year The 57 Family of PIN Pads 1 year The 58 Family at PlN Pads 1 year CS7 Family at Signature Capture FIN Pads 1 year The NAC Family ot Products 1 year All other products not showh above 1 year Software , ' i 90 days The Customer shall exercise any and'all warranty claims for a specific product within the specified time frame from the date of shipment. All warranty repairs will be performed at Hypercom’s plant in Phoenix, Arizona, or at other repair facilities that Hypercam may designate from time-to-time. All Customers requesting warranty service must obtain a Returned Material Authorization/(RMA) Number trorn Hypercom before returning products for service, and the RMA must be displayed on the exterior of the shipping containerts). An,RfAA number may be obtained by calling the Hypercom Service Department at ”(6702) 504-5062. Hypercom shall, at its sole discretion, repair or replace the malfunctioning product. The Customer is solely responsible for returning aII faulty equipment, freight, and insurance prepaid, to Hypercom at its designated repair facility. All risk of loss during shipment to Hypercom shall remain with the Customerr Hypercom shall return the repaired or replacement product to the Customer, freight prepaid. Repairs or replacements are usually provided within ten (10) business days from the date received by Hypercom. 940138-001 Hyporcom Polnt-ot-sala w-1 Warra my Upon the request of Hypercom, the buyer shall return the equipment, transportation and all other costs prepaid, to a location designated by Hypercom. Hypercom’s obligations under this warranty are limited to the repair or replacement of the returned equipment and shipment to the buyer of such repaired or replacement partsEO‘B. Hypercom's factory or warehouse. This warranty is subject to the following'e‘xceptions: . (l, The warranty does not apply to any part or product that has been installed, ' altered, repaired, or otherwise maintained by parties not authorized by \ Hypercom Corporation. (2) The warranty does not apply it the equipment is operated or subjected to conditions outside the equipment specifications published by Hypercom Corporation. (3) The warranty does not apply to any product or parts thereot it its serial number or the serial number of any of its part has been altered, defaced, or removed. (4) The warranty does not cover damages or losses incurred in transportation. (5) The warranty does not cover replacement or repair necessitated by loss or damage resulting from any cause beyond the control at Hypercom Corporation including, but not limited to, use at peripherals other than those certified by Hypercom or the use of non-Hypercom‘ approved cables._ \- . 4' . (6) The warranty does not include the furnishing of anyxlabor involyed or connected with the removal and/or reinstallation of warranted equipment or parts on site or any labor required to diagnose the necessity for replacement or . at g. repolr. (7) The warranty excludes any Hypercom responsibility for in:- ental or consequential damages arising from the use of the equipment or products, or for any inability to use them either separated from or in combination with any other equipment or products. (8) This warranty does not cover reasonably required operating supplies, including but not limited to: receipt paper, printer ribbons, accessories, rechargeable batteries. (9) Hypercom is not responsible for repainting or refinishing the equipment or furnishing materials for such purposes. w-z 900 MHz wlretess Interface system Operation and Install-(Ion Mlnual “0139-001 Warranty (B) (C) (D) THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND HYPERCOM EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Hypercom's sale liability and the Customer’s sole remedy, whether in contract, tort, or otherwise, shall be limited to the repair or replacement of defective or faulty equipment. Hypercom shall not be liable for indirect or consequential /’ damages‘or any damages resulting from loss of use, data, or profits arising out of or in connection with the use of the equipment. Should the Purchaser elect to have the system serviced on site rather than returned to Hypercom’s plant as described above, the following provisions shall apply: (I) Purchaser will be charged for the services of qualified Hypercom field personnel at standard labor rates plus reasonable travel and related expenses. Should Hypercom’s field examination of the reasons for malfunction disclose defects in Hypercom’s design, material or workmanship, the Purchaser will be billed only for those charges associated with the trip to and from the site (labor, reasonable travel and related expenses). Purchaser will not be charged for the time spent on site and correction of the detect. (2) Should Hypercom’s field examination determine the inoperability was not due to the design, material or workmanship an the part of Hypercom, the Purchaser will be charged for all labor, travel and related expenses associated with the trip. ’ * a ~. (3) For service calls on equipment which is out of warranty, theicustomer will be charged for the services of qualified Hypercorn personnel. The labor charges will be at standard daily labor rates plus reasonable trav 'nd related expenses. Equipment replacement charges will be deter iled upon a case-by- case basis. (Extended warranty plans are available by‘sjparate agreement.) (4) Since certain maintenance and/or warranty services cannot be properly performed in the field, it might become necessary to return the equipment to Hypercam’s plant. Hypercom reserves the right to determine which services may or may not be performed in the field. (5) All expenses are subject to a 10% administrative fee. Hypercom does not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation at the sottware. 940139-001 Hypurcam Polnt-at-Salo W-S Warra nty (E) Hypercom does noi warrant ihaf the funcfions contained in he soffwure will meal Cusiomer’s requiremen's; then i? will operate in the combinations which Customer may seled for use; lhci the operation of Sohware will be uninlerrupled or error- free; or that all programming errors will be ccrreciecl. W4 900 MHz Wlnless lnlorhcc Syshm Oporatlon and Inflallatlon Manual 940139-001 Reader Comment Form Please forward any comments oboui ihis document to: Hypercom Corporation Technical Information Deve|opmenl 285i Wesi Koihleen Rood Phoenix, Arizona 85023 hflp://www.hypercom.com Document Number: 940139-001
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