Escort orporated 7500 Radar Detector User Manual 7500

Escort Incorporated Radar Detector 7500


Users Manual

1Quick Reference Guide 2-3Installation 4-5• Power Connection 4• Mounting Location 4• Windshield Mount 5Controls and Features 6-9• Power and volume control 6• Power-on indication 6• AutoMute 6• Mute 6• Auto / Highway / City Switch 6• Dim / Dark Switch 7• Dark Mode 7• Audible Alerts 7• Signal Strength Meter 8• ExpertMeter 8-9PASSPORT 7500 Radar • Laser • Safety DetectorEZ Programming 10-14• How to use EZ Programming 10• Example of Programming 1 0• Overview of Programming 11• Details of Programming 12-14Technical Details 15-21• Specifications 15• Interpreting Alerts 16-17• How Radar Works 18• How Laser Works 19• How Safety Radar Works 20-21Service 22-25• Troubleshooting 22-23• Service 24• Warranty 25• Accessories 25
2To begin using your Passport,just follow these simple stepsPlug the small end of the power cordinto the side jack, and plug the largeend of the power cord into your car’slighter socket.Mount your Passport on the windshieldusing the windshield mount.Rotate the volume thumbwheel onPassport’s left side to turn Passporton and adjust the volume.Please read the manual to fully understandPassport’s operation and features.EasyMount SlotInsert Passport’s adjustable Windshieldmount into this slot.  Pg 4-5EasyMount ButtonPress and slide the Windshield mountto one of its four positions.  Pg 5AutoMutePassport’s patented AutoMute auto-matically reduces the volume level ofthe audio alert.  Pg 6. If you prefer, youcan turn AutoMute off.  Pg 10Power JackPlug power cord or optional SmartCordinto this connector.  Pg 4, 8, 25Power/Volume ControlRotate the thumbwheel to turn Passporton and set the volume.City ButtonSwitches between AutoSensitivity,City, and Highway settings. In general,we recommend the Auto mode.  Pg 6Quick Reference Guideᕡᕢᕣ
3Quick Reference GuideEZ ProgrammingPassport is ready to go– just plug it inand turn it on. But you can also easilychange 10 features for your prefer-ences. Press both top buttons to enterthe Program Mode, then easily Reviewor Change your settings.  Pg 10-14Mute ButtonBriefly press this button (next to thedisplay) to silence the audio fora specific alert. (The audio  will alertyou to the next encounter.)  Pg 6Matrix DisplayPassport’s display will show  “Highway”,“Auto,” or “City” as its power-on indica-tion.  Pg 6. If you prefer, you can chooseother power-on indications.  Pg 10-12During an alert, the display will indi-cate radar band, and a precise bargraph of signal strength.  Pg 8Note: in the Dark Mode the displaywill not light during an alert.  Pg 7You can program Passport for theExpertMeter, which displays up to 8radar signals at once.  Pg 9The display can also show SafetyRadar text messages.  Pg 20-21Dim ButtonPress to adjust display brightness. Thereare three brightness settings, plus DarkMode.  Pg  7In the Dark Mode, the power-onindication will be changed to AD, HD,or CD (indicating  Auto, Highway, orCity Dark). In the Dark Mode, Passport’smeter will not display during an alert,only the audio will alert you.  Pg 7Radar Antenna and Laser LensThe back of your Passport should havea clear view of the road ahead. Forbest performance, do not mount Pass-port directly behind windshield wipersor tinted areas. Pg 4
4Power ConnectionTo power Passport, plug the small end ofthe supplied coiled power cord into thetelephone-type power jack on Passport'sleft side, and plug the lighter adapter intoyour vehicle's lighter socket or accessorysocket.Passport operates on 12 volts DC negativeground only. The lighter plug provided isstandard size and will work in most ve-hicles. Of course, your lighter socket mustbe clean and properly connected for properoperation.Note: depending on your vehicle, the lightersocket power may either be continuouslyon, or it may be switched on and off withyour ignition switch.Passport’s standard lighter adapter has anintegral fuseholder. If it is ever necessary toreplace the fuse, simply unscrew the tip ofthe lighter plug and replace the fuse withan identical 2 amp fuse.Optional power cordsSee the Accessories section for details onour new optional SmartCord MuteDisplaycord. Both a plug-in version and a direct-wire version are available.Power Connection and Mounting LocationMounting LocationWARNING: ESCORT cannot anticipate themany ways Passport can be mounted. It isimportant that you mount Passport whereit will not impair your view nor present ahazard in case of an accident.Where to mount PassportFor optimum detection performance, werecommend the following:•  Using the Windshield Mount, mountPassport relatively level and a few inchesabove the dashboard– high enough on yourfront windshield to provide a clear view ofthe road from the front and rear.•Mount Passport away from windshieldwipers, other solid objects, and heavilytinted areas that might obstruct the radarantenna or laser lens.
5Windshield Mount3 Mount Passport on your windshield.Using the EasyMount adjustment button,slide Passport forward or backward to ahorizontal position.To ensure that the suction cups adhere tothe windshield firmly, be sure to keep bothyour windshield and the suction cups clean.When adjusted properly to minimize bounc-ing, the back top edge of Passport shouldrest solidly against your windshield.Caution!A few vehicles (including some Porsche944's) have windshields with a soft “anti-lacerative” coating on the inside surface.Use of suction cups will permanently marthis coating. Consult your dealership or thevehicle’s owner’s manual to determine ifyour windshield has this coating.User’s TipYou can leave the EasyMount bracket inplace on your windshield, and easily re-move Passport by pressing the adjustmentbutton and sliding Passport off the mount.Again, be sure to position the bracket whereit won’t present a hazard in the event of anaccident.Windshield MountPassport’s EasyMount windshield bracketis designed for unobtrusive and hassle-freemounting.1 Insert each suction cup into large endof bracket hole and rotate cup outward,locking into place. A spare set of suctioncups is included for your convenience.Save them for future use.2 Depress the adjustment button on thetop of Passport (by the word “ESCORT”)and slide the EasyMount bracket into theslot until mount is locked into the positionwhich best fits the angle of your wind-shield (there are four settings available).For extremely horizontal or extremelysloped windshields, the EasyMount bracketcan be bent.
6Power and volume controlTo turn Passport on and adjust the alerttone volume level, rotate the thumbwheelon Passport's left side. Turn the controlaway from you to increase the audio vol-ume. When you turn Passport on, it goesthrough a sequence of alerts.If you prefer, you may program yourPassport for a shorter power-on sequence.See the EZ Programming section for details.Power-on indicationAfter Passport's start-up sequence is com-plete, the matrix display will show “High-way”, “City”, or “Auto” to show whichoperation mode is selected.If you prefer, you can select alternatepower-on displays. See the EZ Program-ming section for details.AutoMuteYour Passport has our patented AutoMutefeature. After Passport alerts you to a radarencounter at the full volume, it automati-cally mutes the volume  to a lower level.This keeps you informed without the an-noyance of a continuous full-volume alert.If you prefer, you can turn theAutoMute feature off. See the EZ Program-ming section for details.Controls and FeaturesMuteThe Mute button, located on Passport’sfront panel, allows you to  totally silencethe audio alert during a radar encounter.To mute the audio for a single specificsignal, briefly press the Mute Button. Afterthat radar encounter has passed, the mutewill automatically reset and the audio  willalert you to the next encounter.Auto / Highway / City SwitchThe City button selects Passport’s sensitiv-ity mode. We recommend the “Auto”(AutoSensitivity) mode for most driving.Passport’s new AutoSensitivity modeprovides long-range warning, with mini-mum false alarms. In this mode, Passport’sinternal computer continuously analyzesall incoming signals and intelligently ad-justs the sensitivity circuits.You can also select conventional “High-way” and “City” modes. When driving inurban areas where annoying X-band intru-sion alarms and door openers are common,City Mode can be engaged to lower X-bandsensitivity and reduce X-band alerts. Fullsensitivity is maintained on all other bands.You can customize Passport’s City modesensitivity. See the EZ Programming sec-tion for details.
7Controls and FeaturesAudible AlertsFor Radar signals:Passport uses a geiger-counter-likesound to indicate the signal strength andtype of radar signal being encountered.When you encounter radar, a distinctAudible Alert will sound and occur faster asthe signal gets stronger. When the signal isvery strong, the Audible Alerts will blendinto a solid tone. This allows you to judgethe distance from the signal source with-out taking your eyes from the road.Each band has a distinct tone for easyidentification. X-band = beep tone, K-band= raspy brap tone, Ka-band = double-braptone.For Laser signals:Since Laser signals are a possible threatno matter how weak, Passport alerts you toall laser signals with a full laser alert.For Safety signals:If you have turned on the SWS andSafety Alert detection in Passport’s pro-gramming, Passport will alert you to thesesignals with a double-beep tone, and acorresponding text message. A completelisting of the text messages is on page 21.If you haven’t programmed your Pass-port to decode the safety signals (see pages10, 14, 21), it will still display them asstrong K-band radar signals.Dim / Dark SwitchPassport’s Dim button selects the bright-ness of Passport’s display. There are foursettings: Maximum, Medium, Minimum, andDark. Press the Dim button to select yourpreferred brightness.Each time you turn Passport on, itautomatically selects the brightness settingyou last used.If you prefer, you can have Passportalways turn on at a specific brightness. Seethe EZ Programming section for details.Dark ModeWhen you select the Dark mode with theDim switch, Passport changes to a veryinconspicuous power-on indication: a verydim “AD”, “HD”, or “CD”. (In this display,the A, H, or  C indicates Auto, Highway, orCity, and the D indicating Dark.)When Passport is in the Dark Mode,the display will not show visual alerts whenPassport detects signals. Only the audiblealert will tell you of detected signals.If you prefer, you can have Passport’sdisplay totally dark when you are in theDark mode. (This is particularly useful whenyou have the optional SmartCordMuteDisplay; a lighter cord with power-onlight, alert light, and a mute button.) Seethe EZ Programming section for details.
8Controls and IndicatorsPower ConnectorPassport’s new power jack uses a tele-phone-type connector. This new 4-con-ductor connector works with the includedcoiled cord, and with our optional newSmartCord MuteDisplay.The SmartCord is a special power cordthat has a power-on indicator, a bright alertlight that warns of radar or laser, and aconvenient mute button right on the plug.It’s the perfect addition for any carwhere reaching the detector mute buttonon the windshield is a stretch. And fordiscreet night driving, put Passport in theDark Mode, and use the SmartCord for yourvisual alerts. Other drivers won’t know youhave a detector.Two versions are available: ASmartCord that plugs into your lightersocket and has a coiled cord, and a Direct-wire SmartCord module that you wire intoyour electrical system, with an 8 foot straightcord to route to your Passport.For more information or to order, callus toll-free at 1-800-433-3487.Signal Strength MeterPassport’s new matrix display consists of280 individual LED’s, to provide an intui-tive ultra-bright display of signal strengthand text messages.When Passport detects radar, it dis-plays the band of the radar (X, K, or Ka),and a precise bar graph of signal strength.When Passport detects laser, the dis-play will show “LASER.”NOTE: If you are operating Passport inthe Dark Mode, the display will not lightwhen a signal is detected- only the audiowill alert you.ExpertMeterPassport 7500’s new ExpertMeter op-tion is an advanced display for experi-enced detector users.  Please use Pass-port for a few weeks to get familiar with itsother features  before using ExpertMeter.To use the ExpertMeter instead ofthe bar graph signal strength meter,you must select ExpertMeter in Pass-port’s EZ Programming  (see pg 10-12).Passport’s standard signal strengthmeter only displays information about asingle radar signal. If there are multiplesignals present,  Passport’s internal computerdetermines which is the most importantthreat to show on the bar graph meter.
9KA|| K|| X||||Here ExpertMeter shows 1 strong K-bandsignal, and three X-band signals, two strongand one weak.KA|| K|| X||||Here ExpertMeter shows 1 weak Ka-bandsignal, and three weak X-band signals.KA|| K|| X||||On very weak signals, there will not be avertical line at all. This shows a very weakX-band signal.ExpertMeter DetailsThe band designators (X, K, Ka) willstay on the display for a few seconds  afterthe signal has passed. This allows you to seewhat the unit detected, even on very briefsignals.However, the vertical lines represent-ing individual signals  continuously change(several times a second) to give you a con-tinuous instantaneous view of all radar sig-nals present.Note: even long-time detector userswill require a significant time to getfamiliar with this new level of infor-mation about detected signals.Controls and IndicatorsHowever, Passport’s ExpertMeter  si-multaneously tracks up to 8 radar signals. Itshows you detailed information on up to 2Ka-band, 2 K-band, and 4 X-band signals.ExpertMeter can help you spot achange in your normal driving environ-ment; for example, a traffic radar unit beingoperated in an area where there are nor-mally other signals present.The ExpertMeter is actually a minia-ture spectrum analyzer. It shows what bandeach signal is, its relative frequency withinthe band, and its signal strength.KA|| K|| X||||Above is the ExpertMeter Display if Passportwas detecting 2 strong Ka-band, 2 strongK-band, and 4 strong X-band signals.As you can see, there are vertical linesafter each band designator. Each line showsa signal being detected. The height of eachline shows the relative signal strength ofthat signal. The position of the line showsthe relative frequency of the signal withinthe band.NOTE: If you use ExpertMeter, thebrief signal shown in the power-on se-quence when you turn on your Passportwill also be in ExpertMeter: an “X” with asingle vertical line.A few more examples will help youbetter see how the ExpertMeter works.
10How to customize Passport with EZ ProgrammingThere are 10 user-selectable options so youcan customize your Passport 7500 for yourown preferences. The buttons that are nor-mally used for CITY and DIM are used toenter the Program Mode, to REVIEW yourcurrent program settings, and to CHANGEany settings as desired. Pages 12-14 explaineach option in more detail.How to use EZ ProgrammingTo enter Program Mode, hold both topbuttons down for 2 seconds. (The unitwill beep twice, and will display “Program”).Then press the REVIEW button to reviewthe current settings. (You can either tapthe button to change from item to item, orhold the button to scroll through the items.)Press the CHANGE button to changeany setting.  (You can either tap the buttonto change from setting to setting, or hold thebutton to scroll through all the options.)To leave the Program Mode, simply wait8 seconds without pressing any button.(The unit will display “Complete”, beep 4times, and return to normal operation.)(To quickly return to the  all of the factorydefaults, hold the City, Dim, and Mutebuttons down while turning on the unit.)An exampleFor example, here’s how you would  turnPassport’s AutoMute feature off.1Enter the Program Mode by holdingboth buttons down for 2 seconds.  Passportwill beep twice and display “Program”.2Then hold the REVIEW button down.Passport will scroll through the categories,starting with Pilot Light (“Pilot”),then Power-on sequence (“PwrOn”),then Signal strength meter (“Meter”),and then AutoMute (“aMute”).3Release the REVIEW button when Pass-port shows the AutoMute item.  Since thefactory setting is for AutoMute to be on,Passport will display “aMute ON”.(If you accidentally don’t release theReview button in time, and Passport goes tothe next category, hold the Review buttondown again, and after Passport scrollsthrough all categories, it will begin again atthe top of the list.)4Press the CHANGE button to changefrom  “aMute ON” to “aMute OFF”5To complete the Programming, simplywait 8 seconds without pressing any but-ton. Passport will display “Complete”, beep4 times, and return to normal operation.ᕡᕢᕣᕤ
11Overview of EZ Programming OptionsPilot HWYPilot HPilot H.>Pilot +Pilot +.>Pilot +>PwrOn STDPwrOn FSTMeter STDMeter EXPaMute ONaMute OFF Tone STD Tone LOUD City STD City LoX City NoX  Brt LAST  Brt MIN  Brt MED  Brt MAX  Brt DARK Dark STD Dark ALL  sws OFF  sws ON   sa OFF   sa ONPress the REVIEW buttonto go from one categoryto the nextPILOT LIGHT(Power-on indication)POWER-ON SEQUENCESIGNAL STRENGTH METERAUTOMUTEAUDIO TONESCITY MODE SENSITIVITYBRIGHTNESSDARK MODESAFETY WARNING SYSTEMSAFETY ALERTPress the CHANGE buttonto change your settingwithin a category(full word: Highway or Auto or City)(letter: H or A or C)(letter, with scanning dot)(symbol: + or  .  or  – )(symbol, with scanning dot)(scanning symbol)(standard power-on sequence)(fast power-on sequence)(standard signal strength meter)(Expert Meter)(automute on)(automute off)(Standard tones)(Loud tones)(Standard City mode sensitivity)(Low X band sensitivity in City Mode)(No X band sensitivity in City Mode)(Last brightness used )(Minimum brightness when turned on )(Medium brightness when turned on)(Maximum brightness when turned on)(Dark Mode when Passport turned on)(Standard Dark: shows HD, AD, CD)(All Dark. No display.)(Safety Warning System detection off)(Safety Warning System detection on)(Safety Alert detection off)(Safety Alert detection on)̄̄***********These are Passport’s factory settings
12Details of EZ Programming OptionsPilot Light (power-on indication)Note: when you are using the Dark mode,the display will only show HD, AD, or CD,(Highway-Dark, Auto-Dark, or City-Dark).PilotHWY (full descr iption)In this setting, Passpor t will displa y"Highway," "City ," or "A uto" as its po wer-on indication.  (factor y default)Pilot H (letter)In this setting, Passpor t will displa y "H"for Highw ay, "C" f or City, and "A" f or Auto.Pilot H.> (Letter with scanning dot)In this setting, Passport will display "H"for Highway, "C" for City, and "A" forAuto. Also, a single dot will continuouslyscroll across the display.Pilot+ (symbol)In this setting, Passport will display "+" forHighway, "." for Auto, and "-" for City.Pilot+.> (symbol with scanning dot)In this setting, Passport will display "+" forHighway, "." for Auto, and "-" for City. Also,a single dot will continuously scroll acrossthe display.Pilot+> (scanning symbol)In this setting, Passport will display "+" forHighway, "." for Auto, and "-" for City. Eachwill continuously scroll across the display.Power-on SequencePwrOnSTD (standar d)In this setting, each time you turn on Pass-port, it will display "Passport 7500", "LA-SER", "Ka-band", "K-band", "X-band", fol-lowed by a brief X-band alert. (factory de-fault)PwrOnFST (fast power-on)In this setting, each time you turn on Pass-port, it will display a brief X-band alert.Signal Strength MeterMeterSTD (standar d meter)In this setting, the meter displays the bandof the received signal, and a bar graphshowing the relative signal strength. (fac-tory default)MeterEXP (Exper t Meter)In this setting, the meter simultaneouslytracks multiple radar signals. It shows up to2 Ka band, 2 K band, and 4 X band signals.Note: The ExpertMeter feature is ex-plained in more detail on page 9.
13Details of EZ Programming OptionsCity Mode SensitivityCity STD (Standar d)In this setting, when you put Passport inthe City mode, X-band sensitivity is signifi-cantly reduced, to reduce annoyance fromX-band intrusion alarms and motion sen-sors. (factory default)City LoX (Low X band sensitivity)In this setting, when you put Passport inthe City mode, X-band sensitivity is re-duced more than the standard setting. Thiswill reduce X band alarms from othersources even further, but also significantlyreduces range to X band traffic radar.City NoX (No X band sensitivity)In this setting, when you put Passport inthe City mode, Passport will not respondto any X band signals. WARNING: Onlychoose this setting if you are absolutelycertain that there are no X band trafficradar units where you drive.AutoMuteaMute ON (autom ute on)In this setting, Passport’s audio alerts willinitially be at the volume you set, but aftera few seconds, Passport will automaticallyreduce the volume level, to keep you in-formed, but not annoyed. (factory default)aMuteOFF (autom ute off)With AutoMute off, Passport’s audio alertswill remain at the volume you set for theduration of the radar encounter.Audio TonesTone STD (Standar d tones)This setting uses more pleasing tones. (fac-tory default)ToneLOUD (Loud tones)This setting uses tones that are more pierc-ing, and easier to hear in a louder vehicle.
14Details of EZ Programming OptionsDark ModeDark STD (standar d)In this setting, when you select the darkmode, the only display will be a very dimHD, AD, or CD, indicating Highway-Dark,Auto-Dark, or City-Dark). (factory default)DarkALL (all)In this setting, when you select the darkmode, Passport's display will be totallydark, without even displaying any power-on indication. This is recommended onlywhen using Passport's optional SmartCordso you will have a visual indication toconfirm that Passport is operational.Safety Warning Systemsws OFF (safety warning systemdetection of f) (factory default)sws  ON (safety warning systemdetection on)Safety Alertsa  OFF (safety aler t detection of f)(factory default)sa  ON (safety aler t detection on)BrightnessBrt LAST (Last)In this setting, when you tur n on P ass-port, the displa y will be the last br ight-ness you had selected dur ing oper ationwith the dim button.  (factor y default)Brt MIN (Minim um)In this setting, each time y ou tur n onPasspor t, the displa y will be at the lo westbrightness.Brt MED (medium)In this setting, each time you turn on Pass-port, the display will be at the mediumbrightness.Brt MAX (maxim um)In this setting, each time y ou tur n onPasspor t, the displa y will be at themaxim um br ightness.Brt DARK (Dark)In this setting, each time you turn on Pass-port, the display will be in the dark mode.This is recommended only when usingPassport's optional remote display so youstill have a visual indication to confirm thatPassport is operational.
15SpecificationsFeatures and SpecificationsOperating Bands• X-band 10.525 GHz  ± 25 MHz• K-band 24.150 GHz  ± 100 MHz• Ka-band 34.700 GHz  ± 1300 MHz• Laser 900nm, 33 MHz bandwidthRadar Receiver / Detector Type• Superheterodyne, GaAs FET VCO• Scanning Frequency Discriminator• Digital Signal Processing (DSP)• 4-bit high-resolution A-to-D converterLaser Detection• Quantum Limited Video Receiver• 5 Laser Sensor DiodesDisplay Type• HP AlGaAs 280 LED Matrix/Text• Bar Graph or ExpertMeter ™• 3-Level Dimming, plus Dark ModePower Requirement• 12VDC, Negative Ground• SmartCord MuteDisplay ™ CompatibleProgrammable Features• Power-On Indication• Power-On Sequence• Signal Strength Meter• AutoMute• Audio Tones• City Mode Sensitivity• Display Brightness• Dark Mode• Safety Warning System Alerts• Safety Pilot AlertsSensitivity Control• AutoSensitivity ™, Highway, and CityDimensions 1.1 x 2.8 x 5.0 InchesPatented TechnologyPassport is covered by one or more of thefollowing Escort Inc. US patents. Additionalpatents may be listed inside the product.5,668,554 5,559,508 5,365,055 5,347,1205,305,007 5,206,500 5,164,729 5,134,4065,111,207 5,079,553 5,049,885 5,049,8844,954,828 4,952,937 4,896,855 4,887,7534,862,175 4,750,215 4,686,499 4,631,5424,613,989 4,604,529 4,583,057 4,581,7694,313,216 D314,178 D313,365 D310,167D308,837 D296,771 D288,418 D253,752
16Although Passport has a comprehensivewarning system and this handbook is ascomplete as we can make it, only expe-rience will teach you what to expectfrom your Passport and how to interpretwhat it “tells” you. The radar alerts youreceive are affected by the specific typeAlertPassport begins to sound slowly, then the rateof alerts increases until the alert becomes asolid tone. The Signal Meter ramps accordingly.Passport emits short alerts for a few secondsand then falls silent only to briefly alert andfall silent again.Passport suddenly sounds a continuous tonefor the appropriate band received. Allsegments in the Signal Strength Meter are lit.A brief laser alert.Passport receives weak signals. These signalsmay be a little stronger as you pass large,roadside objects. The signals increase infrequency.Passport alerts slowly for awhile and thenabruptly jumps to a strong alert.ExplanationYou are approaching a continuous radarsource aimed in your direction.An instant-on radar source is being used aheadof you and out of your view.An instant-on radar source or laser source isbeing used nearby. This kind of alert requiresimmediate attention!Laser is being used in the area. Because laser isinherently difficult to detect, any laser alertmay indicate a source very close by.A moving patrol car with continuous radar isovertaking you from behind. Because thesesignals are reflected (reflections are increasedby large objects), they may or may noteventually melt into a solid point even whenthe patrol car is directly behind you.You are approaching a radar unit concealed bya hill or an obstructed curve.Interpreting Alertsof radar being used, the type of transmis-sion (continuous or instant-on) and thelocation of the radar source.The following examples will giveyou an introduction to understandingPassport ’s warning system for radar, la-ser and safety alerts.
17AlertPassport alerts intermittently. Rate andstrength of alerts may be consistent or varywildly.Passport alerts intermittently. Rate andstrength of signal increases with each alert.Passport gives an X-band alert intermittently.ExplanationA patrol car is travelling in front of you with aradar source aimed forward. Because signalsare sometimes reflected off of large objectsand sometimes not, the alerts may seeminconsistent.A patrol car is approaching from the otherdirection, “sampling” traffic with instant-onradar. Such alerts should be taken seriously.You are driving through an area populatedwith radar motion sensors (door openers,burglar alarms, etc.) Since these transmittersare usually contained inside buildings or aimedtoward OR away from you, they are typicallynot as strong or lasting as a real radarencounter.CAUTION: Since the characteristics of thesealerts may be similar to some of the precedingexamples, overconfidence in an unfamiliararea can be dangerous. Likewise, if an alert ina commonly travelled area is suddenly strongeror on a different band than usual, speed radarmay be set up nearby.Interpreting Alerts
18How Radar WorksTraffic radar, which consists of microwaves,travels in straight lines and is easily re-flected by objects such as cars, trucks, evenguardrails and overpasses. Radar works bydirecting its microwave beam down theroad. As your vehicle travels into range, themicrowave beam bounces off your car, andthe radar antenna looks for the reflections.Using the Doppler Principle, the radarequipment then calculates your speed bycomparing the frequency of the reflectionof your car to the original frequency of thebeam sent out.Traffic radar has limitations, the mostsignificant of these being that it typicallycan monitor only one target at a time. Ifthere is more than one vehicle within range,it is up to the radar operator to decidewhich target is producing the strongestreflection. Since the strength of the reflec-tion is affected by both the size of thevehicle and its proximity to the antenna, itis difficult for the radar operator to deter-mine if the signal is from a sports car nearbyor a semi-truck several hundred feet away.How Radar WorksRadar range also depends on the powerof the radar equipment itself. The strengthof the radar unit’s beam diminishes withdistance. The farther the radar has to travel,the less energy it has for speed detection.Because intrusion alarms and motion sen-sors often operate on the same frequencyas X-Band radar, your Passport will occa-sionally receive non-police radar signals.Since these X-Band transmitters are usuallycontained inside of buildings or aimed to-ward the ground, they will generally pro-duce much weaker readings than will atrue radar encounter. As you become famil-iar with the sources of these pseudo alarmsin your daily driving, they will serve asconfirmation that your Passport’s radar de-tection abilities are fully operational.
19How Laser WorksThere are limitations to LIDAR equip-ment. LIDAR is much more sensitive toweather conditions than RADAR, and aLIDAR gun’s range will be decreased byanything affecting visibility such as rain,fog, or smoke. A LIDAR gun cannot operatethrough glass and it must be stationary inorder to get an accurate reading. BecauseLIDAR must have a clear line of sight and issubject to cosine error (an inaccuracy whichincreases as the angle between the gun andthe vehicle increases) police typically useLIDAR equipment parallel to the road orfrom an overpass. LIDAR can be used day ornight.How Laser (Lidar) WorksLaser speed detection is actually LIDAR(Light Detection And Ranging). LIDAR gunsproject a beam of invisible infrared light.The signal is a series of very short infraredlight energy pulses which move in a straightline, reflecting off your car and returning tothe gun. LIDAR uses these light pulses tomeasure the distance to a vehicle. Speed isthen calculated by measuring how quicklythese pulses are reflected given the knownspeed of light.LIDAR (or laser) is a newer technologyand is not as widespread as conventionalradar, therefore, you may not encounterlaser on a daily basis. And unlike radardetection, laser detection is not prone to“false” alarms. Because LIDAR transmits amuch narrower beam than does radar, it ismuch more accurate in its ability to distin-guish between targets and is also moredifficult to detect. AS A RESULT, EVEN THEBRIEFEST LASER ALERT SHOULD BETAKEN SERIOUSLY.
20How Safety Radar WorksNote: some of the safety messageshave been condensed, so each messagecan be displayed on one or two screens onPassport’s eight character display.Since Safety radar technology is rela-tively new and the number of transmittersin operation is not yet widespread, you willnot receive Safety signals on a daily basisand should not be surprised to encounteremergency vehicles, road hazards and rail-road crossings that are unequipped withthese transmitters and, therefore, fail toprovide a signal. As Safety transmittersbecome more prevalent (the number ofoperating transmitters is growing everyday), these Safety radar signals will be-come more common.For more information and details aboutSWS safety radar, visit their web site Safety Radar WorksThere are two separate Safety Radar sys-tems in limited use today: Safety Alert, andSafety Warning System (SWS). Both sys-tems use modified K-band radar signals.From the factory, your Passport is pro-grammed with safety radar decoding OFF.If Safety Radar is used in your area, yourPassport will  display these signals as Kband radar signals instead of safety radarunless you use the EZ Programming to turnPassport’s safety radar decoding ON.The Safety Alert safety radar systemhas three possible alerts:• Safety Vehicle• Road Hazard• Train NearbyThe SWS safety radar system has 64possible messages (60 currently allocated).The SWS messages your Passport can dis-play are listed on the facing page.
21SWS Safety Radar Text MessagesWorkZoneRoadBridgeWorkCrewWorkCrewDetourTruckMustExitRtlaneCntrLaneLeftLaneFuturePoliceTrainLowBridgeUpBridgeRockSlidSchoolRoadSharpCroswalkDeerBlind orSteepUseAccidentPoorRoadLoadingDontPassDangrousEmergncyFutureWeatherBlowingBlowingSnowusew/servicOpenClosedSpeedEnforcedExitDelayDelayDelayDelayDelayTunRadioExitRghtExitLeftuseMovingPursuitVehicleVehicleClosedClosedHighwayUtilityDetourClosedClosedCloseduseOverpassWt LimitAreaZoneNarrowsCurveCrossingDeaf KidLowGearSurfaceSchooBusIntrsectVehicleuseHighWindSevereHeavyFogFloodingBridgIceRoadIceDustSandBlindingFutureRestAreaRestArea24hrFuelInsp StnInsp StnReducedSpeedHazMatlsExpect10 Min20 Min30 Min1 HourTrafficPay TollTrucksTrucksFutureEmergVehPoliceOversizeSloMovngSWS Text Messages12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031323334353637383940414243444546474849505152535455565758596061626364
22ProblemPassport beeps briefly at the samelocation every day, but no radarsource is in sight.Passport does not seem sensitive toradar or laser.Passport did not alert when a policecar was in view.Passport did not provide a Safetysignal while within range of anemergency vehicle.Passport’s display is not working.Passport’s audible alerts are less loudafter the first few alerts.Passport bounces or sags onwindshield.Passport’s power-on sequencereoccurs while you are driving.Your 14-year old son has changed all10 of the EZ Programming options.TroubleshootingSolution• An X-band motion sensor or intrusion alarm is locatedwithin range of your route. With time, you will learnpredictable patterns of these signals.• Make sure that Passport’s radar antenna is not blocked bywindshield wipers and that the laser lens is not behindtinted areas.• Determine if your vehicle has an Instaclear®, ElectriClear®or solar reflective windshield which may deflect radar orlaser signals.• Passport may be in City Mode.• VASCAR, (Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder)a stopwatch method of speed detection, may be in use.•  Officer may not have radar or laser unit turned on.• Safety transmitters may not be commonly used in yourarea.• Press the Dim button to deactivate Dark Mode.• Passport is in AutoMute Mode. See page 6 for details.• Passport is not making contact with the windshield toprovide stability. While holding down Passport’s EasyMountbutton, slide Passport further back toward the windshield sothat the back top edge makes firm contact.• A loose power connection or dirty lighter socket cancause Passport to be briefly disconnected.• You can return all of the programming options to thefactory defaults by holding down the City, Dim, and Mutebuttons while you turn Passport on.
23TroubleshootingExplanation of DisplaysADHDCDNo displayPilotHWYWorkZoneCautionX|or K|or KA| etc.Sensitivity control is in Automode, display is in Dark Mode (page 7)Sensitivity control is in Highway mode, display is in Dark Mode (page 7)Sensitivity control is in City mode, display is in Dark Mode (page 7)Passport is in the Dark Mode, and is programmed for All Dark (page 7,14)One of the many programming messages (pages 10-14)One of the many Safety Radar messages (pages 20-21)Passport has detected a Safety Radar Signal, but the signal isn’t yet strongenough to decode the specific safety message (page 20-21)Passport has been programmed in the ExpertMeter Mode (page 8,9)ProblemPassport will not turn on.Passport feels very warm.Solution• Check that both ends of the cord are properly connected.• Check that volume control is ON.• Check that vehicle ignition is ON.• Check that vehicle lighter socket is functional• Try Passport in another vehicle.• It is normal for Passport to feel warm.
24Service ProcedureIf Your Passport ever needs service,please follow these simple steps:1 Check the troubleshooting section ofthis manual. It may have a solution to yourproblem.2 Call us at 1-800-543-1608. We may beable to solve your problem over the phone.If the problem requires that you send yourPassport to the factory for repair, we willprovide you with a Service Order Number,which must be included on the outside ofyour shipping box.Enclose The Following InformationWith Your Passport :• Your Service Order Number• Your name and return address• Your daytime telephone number• A description of the problem you areexperiencing.ServiceOut Of Warranty RepairsFor out of warranty repairs, include pre-payment in the amount you were quotedby the Escort Customer Service Represen-tative. If the detector has been damaged,abused or modified, the repair cost will becalculated on a parts and labor basis. If itexceeds the basic repair charge, you willbe contacted with a quotation. If the addi-tional payment is not received within 30days (or if you notify us that you choose notto have your Passport repaired at the pricequoted), your Passport will be returned,without repair. Payment can be made bycheck, money order or credit card.Mail Passport and Power Cord To:ESCORTCustomer Service DepartmentService Order Number ______________5440 West Chester RoadWest Chester, Ohio  45069For your own protection, we recommendthat you ship your Passport postpaid andinsured. Insist on a proof of delivery andkeep the receipt until the return of yourPassport .
25ESCORT One Year Limited WarrantyESCORT warrants your Passport against alldefects in materials and workmanship for aperiod of one (1) year from the date of theoriginal purchase, subject to the followingterms and conditions:• The sole responsibility of ESCORTunder this Warranty is limited to eitherrepair or, at the option of ESCORT, replace-ment of the Passport detector. There are noexpressed or implied warranties, includingthose of fitness for a particular purpose ormerchantability, which extend beyond theface hereof. Some states do not allow limi-tations on how long an implied warrantylasts, so the above limitations may not ap-ply to you.• ESCORT is not liable for any incidentalor consequential damages arising from theuse, misuse, or mounting of the Passport .Some states do not allow the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above limitation or exclu-sion may not apply to you.• This Warranty gives you specific rights.You may have other legal rights which varyfrom state to state. This Warranty does notapply if the serial number on the housing ofthe Passport has been removed, or if yourPassport has been subjected to physicalabuse, improper  installation, or modifica-tion.Warranty and AccessoriesAccessoriesThe following accessories and replacementparts are available for Passport 7500.Replacement coiled cord          $14.00Soft Carrying Case             $12.00SmartCord MuteDisplay           $29.95A special power cord that has a power-onindicator, a bright alert light that warns ofradar or laser, and a convenient mute but-ton right on the plug.It’s the perfect addition for any carwhere reaching the detector mute buttonon the windshield is a stretch. And fordiscreet night driving, put Passport in theDark Mode, and use the SmartCord for yourvisual alerts. Other cars won’t know youhave a detector.Two versions are available: ASmartCord that plugs into your lightersocket and has a coiled cord (shown), anda Direct-wire SmartCord module that youwire into your electrical system, with an 8foot straight cord to route to your Passport.

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