Escort orporated SRX Radar Detector User Manual SRX Manual

Escort Incorporated Radar Detector SRX Manual


Users Manual

PASSPORT SRX is designed and made in the USA byEscort Incorporated5440 West Chester RoadWest Chester, Ohio 45069Sales/Service 800-964-3143Fax©2001 Escort Inc. Escort®, Passport®, AutoSensitivity™, SpecDisplay™, ExpertMeter™, and Laser Shifter™are trademarks of Escort Inc. SWS™is a trademark of SWS LC. Features, specifications and prices subject to change without notice.SUPERCHARGED RADAR/LASER DEFENSE SYSTEMSUPERCHARGED RADAR/LASER DEFENSE SYSTEMOwner’s ManualULTIMATE PERFORMANCEULTIMATE PERFORMANCE
Quick Reference Card1IEZ-Programming Details  ̈Factory Default SettingsTo reset Passport to its original factorysettings, press and hold the “CITY” and“MUTE” buttons while turning the poweron. Passport’s display will provide a“Reset” message, accompanied by anaudible alert, acknowledging the reset.Passport SRX Quick Reference Card̄Remove card along perforations         ̄̄Remove card along perforations         ̄Congratulations and Important WarningCongratulationsYour new Passport SRX is the mostadvanced remote radar/laser detector available.The Passport SRX includes full X, K,and SuperWide Ka radar coverage, newfront and rear Laser Shifters, improvedDigital Signal Processing for superior rangeand reduced false alarms, our patented Muteand AutoMute, audible and visual bandalerts, and all the performance you'd expectfrom Escort.In addition, your new Passport SRXintroduces a new level of Radar/Laserdefense including:• Supercharged radar performance, forsuperior K and Ka-band sensitivity • New programmable Laser Shifters, formaximum protection against laser targeting• Advanced EZ-Programming lets youinstantly set up to 9 customized features• Exclusive AutoSensitivity™mode drasti-cally reduces false alarms, plus Highway andCity settings• Ultra-bright alphanumeric display uses 280LEDs for crystal clear information• Exclusive ExpertMeter™tracks anddisplays up to 8 radar signals• New SpecDisplay provides numericfrequency for any radar signal• Detects and decodes up to 64 SafetyWarning Systems signals• High-Speed A/D converter dramaticallyimproves radar detection range• Exclusive vertical display option providesunlimited installation options• Standard remote mute button providesone-touch mute and volume adjustment• Optional external speaker enables VoicealertsIf you’ve used a radar detector before, areview of the Quick Reference Guide onpage 4 and the EZ-Programming informationon pages 9 and 10 will briefly explain thenew features.If this is your first detector, please readthe manual in detail to get the most out ofyour new Passport’s performance andfeatures.Please drive safely.IMPORTANT INSTALLATION WARNINGYour new Passport must be installed bya professional. Car Audio specialists andmany car dealers can install Passport for you.Attempting to install the Passport SRXwithout expertise in automotive electronicinstallations can cause personal injuryduring the installation, or can damage yourPassport or your vehicle. If your vehicle isdamaged during installation, its safetysystems may be compromised, which couldcause personal injury or property damage.You can locate an authorized dealer inyour area by logging on to our web site atwww.escortradar.comThere are 9 user-selectable options so youcan customize your Passport SRX for yourown preferences. The buttons labeled CITY and MUTE arealso used to enter the Program Mode,REVIEW your current program settings, andto CHANGE any settings as desired. Thewords PROGRAM, REVIEW, and CHANGEare located on the front of the display, andare highlighted in gold graphics.How to use EZ-Programming1To enter Program Mode, press andhold both buttons down for 2 seconds.(The unit will beep twice, and will displaythe word “Program”).2Then press the REVIEW button toreview the current settings. (You caneither tap the button to change from itemto item, or hold the button to scroll throughthe items).3Press the CHANGE button to changeany setting. (You can either tap the buttonto change from setting to setting, or holdthe button to scroll through all the options).4To leave Program Mode, simply wait8 seconds without pressing any button.(The unit will display Complete, beep 4times, and return to normal operation).An exampleFor example, here is how you would turnPassport’s AutoMute feature off. 1Enter the Program Mode by holding both the CITY and MUTE buttons down for 2 seconds. Passport will beep twice anddisplay Program.2Press and hold the REVIEW button. Passport will scroll through the categories,starting with Pilot Light (Pilot), thenPower-on sequence (PwrOn), then Signalstrength meter (Meter), and thenAutoMute (aMute).3Release the REVIEW button whenPassport shows the AutoMute item. Sincethe factory setting is for AutoMute to beon, Passport will display aMute ON.(If you accidentally don't release theReview button in time, and Passport goesto the next category, hold the Reviewbutton down again, and after Passportscrolls through all categories, it will beginagain at the top of the list.)4Press the CHANGE button to changefrom aMute ON to aMute OFF.5To complete the Programming, simplywait 8 seconds without pressing any button.Passport will display Complete, beep 4times, and return to normal operation.
Table of ContentsIntroduction I• Congratulations  I• Important Warning  I• Quick Reference Guide  1-2Controls and Features 5-8• Power and volume control 5• Power-on indication 5• AutoMute 5• Mute 5• Remote Mute / Volume 5• Highway / Auto / City Switch 6• Display Brightness 6• Audible Alerts 6• Signal Strength Meter 7• ExpertMeter 7• SpecDisplay 8• Laser Shifters 8EZ-Programming 9-13• How to use EZ-Programming 9• Example of Programming 9• Overview of Programming 10• Details of Programming 11-13Technical Details 14-19• Interpreting Alerts 14-15• How Radar Works 16• How Laser Works 17• How Safety Radar Works 18-19Service 20-25• Troubleshooting 20-21• Service 22• Warranty 22• Registation Card 23• Specifications 2532Quick Reference CardPassport SRX Quick Reference Card*Factory Default Settings̄Remove card along perforations         ̄̄Remove card along perforations         ̄Disp STDDisp VERTPilot HWYPilot HPilot H.>Pilot +Pilot +.>Pilot +>Pilot VPwrOn STDPwrOn FSTMeter STDMeter EXPMeter SPCaMute ONaMute OFFTone STDTone LOUDCity STDCity LoXCity NoXBrt AUTOBrt MINBrt MEDBrt MAXBrt DARKBands ALLBands MODX ON or OFFK ON or OFFKa ON or OFFLSR ON or OFF or SHFTSWS ON or OFFPress the REVIEW buttonto go from one categoryto the nextDISPLAYPILOT LIGHT(Power-on indication)POWER-ON SEQUENCESIGNAL STRENGTH METERAUTOMUTEAUDIOTONESCITY MODE SENSITIVITYBRIGHTNESSBANDSPress the CHANGE buttonto change your settingwithin a category*Standard displayVertical display*Full word: Highway or Auto or CityLetter: H or A or CLetter with scanning dotSymbol: + or •or --Symbol with scanning dotScanning symbolVehicle voltage*Standard power-on sequenceFast power-on sequence*Standard signal strength meterExpertMeterSpecDisplay*AutoMute onAutoMute off*Standard tonesLoud tones*Standard City mode sensitivityLow X band sensitivity in City ModeNo X band sensitivity in City Mode*Brightness adjusts automaticallyMinimum brightness when turned onMedium brightness when turned onMaximum brightness when turned onDark Mode when Passport turned on*All bands enabledOne or more bands has been modifiedTurn bands “ON” or “OFF” by pressing the mute button
Power/Volume ControlRotate the thumbwheel to turn Passport onand set the volume. (We recommend wiringthe SRX to a switched circuit so that it willturn on/off with your ignition).Matrix DisplayPassport’s display will show  “Highway,”“Auto,” or “City” as its standard power-onindication. Page 5. If you prefer, you canchoose other power-on indications. Pages10 -11.During an alert, the display will indicatethe radar band, and a precise bar graph forthe signal strength. Page 7.You can program Passport forExpertMeter, which displays up to 8 radarsignals at once, or choose SpecDisplaymode, which provides the actual numericradar frequency. Pages 7-8.The display can also show Safety Radartext messages. Pages 18-19.AutoMutePassport’s patented AutoMute automaticallyreduces the volume level of the audio alert.Page 5. If you prefer, you can turnAutoMute off. Page 9.City ButtonSwitches sensitivity modes betweenHighway, AutoSensitivity, and City settings.In general, we recommend the Auto mode.Page 6.EZ-ProgrammingPassport is ready to go – just turn it on. Butyou can also easily change 9 features foryour preferences. Press both buttons toenter the Program Mode, then easily Reviewor Change your settings. Pages 9-13.Mute ButtonBriefly press this button on the displaycontroller, or the standard remote mutebutton, to silence the audio for a specificalert. (The audio will alert you to the nextencounter.)  Page 5.Quick Reference Guide4 5Power and volume controlTo turn Passport on and adjust the alerttone volume level, rotate the thumbwheelon Passport’s Display/Controller. Turn thecontrol to the left to increase the audiovolume. When you turn Passport on, it goesthrough a sequence of alerts.If you prefer, you may program yourPassport for a shorter power-on sequence.See the EZ Programming section for details.Power-on indicationAfter Passport’s start-up sequence iscomplete, the matrix display will show“Highway,” “Auto,” or “City,” to showwhich sensitivity mode is selected. If you prefer, you can select alternatepower-on displays. See the EZ-Programmingsection for details.AutoMuteYour Passport has our patented AutoMutefeature. After Passport alerts you to a radarencounter at your selected volume level, itautomatically mutes the volume to a lowerlevel. This keeps you informed without theannoyance of a continuous full-volume alert.If you prefer, you can turn the AutoMutefeature off. See the EZ-Programming sectionfor details.MuteThe Mute Button, located on Passport’sfront panel, or the installed Remote MuteButton, allows you to totally silence theaudio alert during a radar encounter. To mute the audio for a single specificsignal, briefly press the Mute Button or theinstalled Remote Mute Button. After thatradar encounter has passed, the mute willautomatically reset and the audio will alertyou to the next encounter.Remote Mute/Volume AdjustThe installed Remote Mute Button can alsobe used to change the volume level withoutaccessing the Display Controller. To changethe volume levelwith the RemoteMute Button,simply press andhold. An audibletone will begenerated, and thedisplay will provide a bar graph for thevolume level. Once the desired volumelevel has been reached, simply releasethe Remote Mute Button. Your volumesetting will be stored in memory. When the Laser Shifters are engaged,(see EZ-Programming section) the RemoteMute button can be used to manually stopshifting once you have corrected yourspeed. Simply press the Remote MuteButton twice during the “Laser Shifting”message, and the Shifters will cease totransmit. The Shifters will automaticallyreset within one minute, and a “Shift ON”reset message will be displayed.Controls and Features
Highway / Auto / City SwitchThe “City” button selects Passport’s sensitivitymode. We recommend the “Auto”(AutoSensitivity) mode for most driving.Passport’s exclusive AutoSensitivitymode provides long-range warning withminimum false alarms. In this mode,Passport’s internal computer continuouslyanalyzes all incoming signals and intelligentlyadjusts the  sensitivity – eliminating themajority of false alarms.You can also select conventional“Highway” and “City” modes. When drivingin urban areas where annoying X-bandintrusion alarms and door openers arecommon, City Mode can be engaged tolower X-band sensitivity and reduce X-bandalerts. Full sensitivity is maintained on allother bands. You can customize Passport’sCity Mode sensitivity. See the EZ-Programming section for details.Display BrightnessPassport’s display brightness is automaticallyadjusted to suit ambient lighting conditionsin your car. (The light sensor is locatedbetween the City and Mute buttons on thedisplay controller and may dim the displaymomentarily when you are accessing one orboth of these buttons).If you prefer, you can program yourPassport for a fixed brightness level(Maximum, Medium, Minimum, or Dark).See the EZ-Programming section for details.Dark ModeIf you set Passport to its Dark Mode with itsEZ-Programming, Passport changes to a veryinconspicuous power-on indication: a verydim “HD,” AD,” or “CD.” (In this display,the H, A, or  C indicates Highway, Auto, orCity, and the D indicates Dark.)When Passport is in the Dark Mode,the display will not show visual alerts whenPassport detects signals. Only the audiblealert will tell you of detected signals.See the EZ-Programming section formore details.Audible AlertsFor Radar signals:Passport uses a Geiger-counter-likesound to indicate the signal strength andtype of radar signal being encountered.When you encounter radar, a distinctAudible Alert will sound and occur faster asthe signal gets stronger. When the signal isvery strong, the Audible Alerts will blendinto a solid tone. This allows you to judgethe distance from the signal source withouttaking your eyes from the road. Each bandhas a distinct tone for easy identification. X-band = beep toneK-band = raspy brap toneKa-band = double-brap toneFor Laser signals:Since Laser signals are a possible threatno matter how weak, Passport alerts you toall laser signals with a full laser alert.6 7Controls and Features Controls and FeaturesFor Safety signals:When SWS detection in Passport’sprogramming is turned on (factory default),Passport will alert you to these signals witha double-beep tone, and a correspondingtext message. A complete listing of the textmessages is on page 19.If you have turned off SWS detection inprogramming, Passport will still reportthese as a K-band signal. Signal Strength MeterPassport’s matrix display consists of 280individual LEDs, to provide an intuitiveultra-bright display of signal strength andtext messages.When Passport detects radar, it displaysthe band of the radar (X, K, or Ka), and aprecise bar graph of signal strength.ExpertMeterPassport’s exclusive ExpertMeter option isan advanced display for experienceddetector users. Please use Passport for a fewweeks to get fully familiar with its otherfeatures before using ExpertMeter.To use the ExpertMeter instead of thestandard bar graph signal strength meter,you must select ExperMeter in Passport’sEZ-Programming (see pages 9-12).Passport’s ExpertMeter simultaneouslytracks up to 8 radar signals. It shows youdetailed information on up to 2 Ka-band, 2K-band, and 4 X-band signals.ExpertMeter can help you spot achange in your normal driving environment;for example, a traffic radar unit being operated in an area where there arenormally other signals present.The ExpertMeter is actually a miniaturespectrum analyzer. It shows what bandeach signal is, its relative frequency withinthe band, and its signal strength.KA|| K|| X||||Above is the ExpertMeter Display ifPassport was detecting 2 strong Ka-band,2 strong K-band, and 4 strong X-bandsignals.As you can see, there are vertical linesafter each band designator.  Each line showsa signal being detected. The height of eachline shows the relative signal strength ofthat signal. The position of the line showsthe relative frequency of the signal withinthe band. NOTE: If you use ExpertMeter, thebrief signal shown in the power-onsequence when you turn on your Passportwill also be in ExpertMeter: an “X” with asingle vertical line.A few more examples will help youbetter see how the ExpertMeter works.K|X|||Here ExpertMeter shows 1 strong K-bandsignal, and three X-band signals, twostrong and one weak.
Controls and FeaturesKA|X|||Here ExpertMeter shows 1 weak Ka-bandsignal, and three weak X-band signals.XOn very weak signals, there will not be avertical line at all. This shows a very weakX-band signal.ExpertMeter DetailsThe band designators (X, K, Ka) willstay on the display for a few seconds afterthe signal has passed. This allows you to seewhat the unit detected, even on very briefsignals.However, the vertical lines representingindividual signals continuously change(several times a second) to give you acontinuous view of the signal strength of allradar signals present.SpecDisplayPassport’s new SpecDisplay option is alsodesigned for the advanced detector user. Inthis mode, Passport will display the actualnumeric radar frequency being received.K 24.150Display shows a K-band signal at 24.150GHzKa34.700Display shows a Ka-band signal at 34.700GHzX 10.525Display shows a X-band signal at 10.525GHzNote: Even long-time detector users willrequire a significant amount of time toget familiar with this new level ofinformation.Laser Shifters™Your Passport SRX is equipped with a totalof three (2 front, 1 rear) Laser Shifters*.These Laser Shifters can be programmed toreceive only, or “Shift” an incoming lasersignal. Once Passport has been programmedto “Shift,” a pulsed laser signal is transmittedback in order to “Shift” or confuse thetargeting laser gun. When Passport has been programmedto “Shift” the incoming laser signal, thedisplay will show  F LASER – SHIFTINGwhen a signal is received from the front, orR LASER – SHIFTING when a signal isreceived from the rear. (see programmingpage 10) This message will be accompaniedby the normal Laser alert tone.When Passport is in receive only mode,(factory default) and detects laser from thefront, the display will show F LASER. WhenPassport detects laser from the rear, thedisplay will show R LASER.*This feature may be limited or prohibited in some jurisdictions. Check applicable laws before using.8 9How to customize Passport with EZ-ProgrammingThere are 9 user-selectable options so youcan customize your Passport for your ownpreferences. The buttons that are normallyused for CITY and MUTE are used to enterthe Program Mode, to REVIEW your currentprogram settings, and to CHANGE anysettings as desired. Pages 11-13 explain eachoption in more detail.How to use EZ-ProgrammingTo enter Program Mode, press bothbuttons and hold for 2 seconds.(Passport will beep twice and display“Program.” (Brightness is at maximumduring programming.)Then press the REVIEW button to reviewthe current settings. (You can either tapthe button to change from item to item, orhold the button to scroll through the items.)Press the CHANGE button to changeany setting. (You can either tap the buttonto change from setting to setting, or holdthe button to scroll through all the options).To leave the Program Mode, simply wait8 seconds without pressing any button.(The unit will display “Complete,” beep 4times, and return to normal operation.)(To quickly return to all of the factorydefaults, press and hold the CITY and MUTEbuttons while turning on the unit. A resetmessage will be displayed.)1234An exampleFor example, here is how you would turnPassport’s AutoMute feature off. 1Enter the Program Mode by holdingboth the CITY and MUTE buttons down for 2 seconds. Passport will beep twice anddisplay Program.2Press and hold the REVIEW button. Passport will scroll through the categories,starting with Display (Disp), then PilotLight (Pilot), then Power-on sequence(PwrOn), then Signal strength meter(Meter), then AutoMute (aMute).3Release the REVIEW button whenPassport shows the AutoMute item. Sincethe factory setting is for AutoMute to beon, Passport will display aMute ON .(If you accidentally don't release theReview button in time, and Passport goesto the next category, hold the Reviewbutton down again, and after Passportscrolls through all categories, it will beginagain at the top of the list.)4Press the CHANGE button to changefrom aMute ON to aMute OFF.5To complete the Programming, simplywait 8 seconds without pressing any button.Passport will display Complete, beep 4times, and return to normal operation.
10 11Overview of EZ-Programming OptionsPress the REVIEW buttonto go from one categoryto the nextDISPLAYPILOT LIGHT(Power-on indication)POWER-ON SEQUENCESIGNAL STRENGTH METERAUTOMUTEAUDIOTONESCITY MODE SENSITIVITYBRIGHTNESSBANDS*Passport’s Factory Default SettingsTo reset Passport to its originalfactory settings, press and holdthe “CITY” and “MUTE” buttonswhile turning the power on.Passport’s display will provide a“Reset” message, accompaniedby an audible alert, acknowl-edging the reset.Disp STDDisp VERTPilot HWYPilot HPilot H.>Pilot +Pilot +.>Pilot +>Pilot VPwrOn STDPwrOn FSTMeter STDMeter EXPMeter SPCaMute ONaMute OFFTone STDTone LOUDCity STDCity LoXCity NoXBrt AUTOBrt MINBrt MEDBrt MAXBrt DARKBands ALLBands MODX ON or OFFK ON or OFFKa ON or OFFLSR ON or OFF or SHFTSWS ON or OFFPress the CHANGE buttonto change your settingwithin a category*Standard displayVertical display*Full word: Highway or Auto or CityLetter: H or A or CLetter, with scanning dotSymbol: + or •or --Letter, with scanning dotScanning symbolVehicle voltage*Standard power-on sequenceFast power-on sequence*Standard signal strength meterExpert MeterSpecDisplay*AutoMute onAutoMute off*Standard tonesLoud tones*Standard City mode sensitivityLow X-band sensitivity in City ModeNo X-band sensitivity in City Mode*Brightness adjusts automaticallyMinimum brightness when turned onMedium brightness when turned onMaximum brightness when turned onDark Mode when Passport turned on*All bands enabled (Laser receive only)One or more bands has been modifiedTurn bands “ON” or “OFF” by holding down the Mute buttonDetails of EZ-Programming OptionsDisplayDisp STD (Display standard)This is the standard setting for use whenPassport’s Display is mounted horizontally.(factory default)DispVERT (Display vertical)This setting is used whenPassport’s Display is mounted vertically; for example, mounted on the side of a center console.Pilot Light (Power-on indication)Note: When you are using the Dark mode,the display will only show HD, AD, or CD,(Highway-Dark, Auto-Dark, or City-Dark).PilotHWY (Full description)In this setting, Passport will display“Highway,” “Auto,” or “City” as its power-on indication. (factory default)Pilot H (Letter) In this setting, Passport will display “H” forHighway, “A” for Auto, or “C” for City. Pilot H.> (Letter with scanning dot) In this setting, Passport will display “H” forHighway, “A” for Auto, and “C” for City.Also, a single dot will continuously scrollacross the display.Pilot+ (Symbol) In this setting, Passport will display “+” forHighway, “.” for Auto, and “–” for City.Pilot+.> (Symbol with scanning dot) In this setting, Passport will display “+” forHighway, “.” for Auto, and “–” for City. Also,a single dot will continuously scroll acrossthe display. Pilot+> (Scanning symbol) In this setting, Passport will display “+” forHighway, “.” for Auto, and “–” for City. Eachwill continuously scroll across the display. Pilot V (Vehicle voltage)In this setting, Passport will display “H” forHighway, “A” for Auto, or “C” for City, andthe vehicle’s voltage. If the vehicle’s voltagedrops below 10.5 volts, a low voltagewarning is displayed, followed by an audiblealert. A high voltage warning is also given ifthe voltage goes above 16.5 volts. The high-voltage warning is also followed by anaudible alert.
Details of EZ-Programming Options12 13Power-on SequencePwrOnSTD (Standard) In this setting, each time you turn onPassport, it will display “Passport,” “SRX,”“LASER,” “Ka-band,” “K-band,” “X-band,”followed by a brief X-band alert. It thenconfirms communications to the front radarreceiver, and front and rear Laser Shifters. If acommunications error occurs, the appropriate error message will be displayed.(see page 21 for error messages)PwrOnFST (Fast power-on) This setting shortens Passport’s start upsequence to single beep. Passport’s self-diagnostic test is still performed in this mode.Signal Strength MeterMeterSTD (Standard meter) The meter displays the band, and bar graphshowing signal strength. (factory default)MeterEXP (ExpertMeter) The meter simultaneously tracks up to 2 Ka-band, 2 K-band, and 4 X-band signals.MeterSPC (SpecDisplay) The meter displays the actual numericfrequency of the radar signal being received.Note: See more details on pages 6-7.AutoMuteaMute ON (AutoMute on) In this setting, Passport’s audio alerts willinitially be at the volume you set, but after afew seconds, Passport will automaticallyreduce the volume level, to keep youinformed, but not annoyed. (factory default)aMuteOFF (AutoMute off) With AutoMute off, Passport’s audio alertswill remain at the volume you set forthe duration of the radar encounter.Audio TonesTone STD (Standard tones) This setting uses more pleasing tones.(factory default)ToneLOUD (Loud tones) This setting uses tones that are more piercing,and easier to hear in a louder vehicle.Optional Voice AlertsVoice alerts are only available using anexternal speaker, which can be purchasedthrough your local installer.Voice ONIn this setting, all radar and laser alerts,including SWS messages will be accompanied by a voice announcement.Voice OFFWith Voice off, the standard tones will beused.NOTE: The program option to turnVoice ON/OFF is only displayed whenan external speaker is plugged in.City Mode SensitivityCity STD (Standard) In this setting, when you put Passport in theCity mode, X-band sensitivity is significantlyreduced, to minimize annoyances from X-band intrusion alarms and motion sensors.(factory default)City LoX (Low X band sensitivity) In this setting, when you put Passport in theCity mode, X-band sensitivity is reducedmore than the standard setting. This willreduce X band alarms from other sourceseven further, but also significantly reducesrange to X band traffic radar.City NoX (No X band sensitivity) In this setting, when you put Passport in theCity mode, Passport will not respond to anyX band signals. WARNING: Only choosethis setting if you are absolutelycertain that there are no X band trafficradar units where you drive.Note: These settings only apply whenPassport is operated in City mode. X-bandsensitivity is not affected when used in“Auto” or “Highway” modes.BrightnessBrt AUTO (Auto) Display brightness automatically adjusted tosuit the ambient lighting in your car.(factory default)Brt MIN (Minimum) Sets display to minimum brightness.Brt MED (Medium) Sets display to medium brightness.Brt MAX (Maximum) Sets display to maximum brightness.Brt DARK (Dark) In this setting, Passport will only display avery dim HD, AD, or CD for the power-onindication, and will not show any visualalerts when signals are detected.BandsBandsALLIn this setting, all radar, laser (receive only),and SWS frequencies are monitored. This isthe factory default setting, and it is highlyrecommended that you use your Passport inthis mode.BandsMODIn this setting, Passport will warn you withan audible alert, and associated textmessage, that one or more bands have beenturned off in programming (i.e.”SWS OFF”).This warning is displayed during the start-upsequence (standard or fast).WARNING: Only modify bands if youare absolutely certain that there are notraffic radar units using that specificband in your area.Details of EZ-Programming Options
Interpreting Alerts Interpreting Alerts14 15Although Passport has a comprehensivewarning system and this handbook is ascomplete as we can make it, only experiencewill teach you what to expect from yourPassport and how to interpret what it “tells”you. The radar alerts you receive areaffected by the specific type of radar beingused, the type of transmission (continuousor instant-on) and the location of the radarsource.The following examples will give youan introduction to understanding Passport’swarning system for radar, laser and safetyalerts.ExplanationYou are approaching a continuous radarsource aimed in your direction.  An instant-on radar source is being usedahead of you and out of your view. An instant-on radar source or laser source isbeing used nearby. This kind of alertrequires immediate attention!Laser is being used in the area. Because laseris inherently difficult to detect, any laseralert may indicate a source very close by. A moving patrol car with continuous radaris overtaking you from behind. Becausethese signals are reflected (reflections areincreased by large objects), they may or maynot eventually blend into a solid tone evenwhen the patrol car is directly behind you.ExplanationYou are approaching a radar unit concealedby a hill or an obstructed curve.A patrol car is travelling in front of you witha radar source aimed forward. Becausesignals are sometimes reflected off of largeobjects and sometimes not, the alerts mayseem inconsistent. A patrol car is approaching from the otherdirection, sampling traffic with instant-onradar. Such alerts should be taken seriously.  You are driving through an area populatedwith radar motion sensors (door openers,burglar alarms, etc.). Since these transmittersare usually contained inside buildings oraimed toward OR away from you, they aretypically not as strong or lasting as a realradar encounter.CAUTION: Since the characteristics ofthese alerts may be similar to some ofthe preceding examples, overconfidencein an unfamiliar area can be dangerous.Likewise, if an alert in a commonlytraveled area is suddenly stronger oron a different band than usual, speedradar may be set up nearby. AlertPassport begins to sound slowly, then therate of alert increases until the alertbecomes a solid tone. The Signal Meterramps accordingly. Passport emits short alerts for a few secondsand then falls silent only to briefly alert andfall silent again.         Passport suddenly sounds a continuous tonefor the appropriate band received. Allsegments in the Signal Strength Meter are lit.A brief laser alert. Passport receives weak signals. Thesesignals may be a little stronger as you passlarge, roadside objects. The signals increasein frequency.AlertPassport alerts slowly for awhile and thenabruptly jumps to a strong alert.Passport alerts intermittently. Rate andstrength of alerts may be consistent or varywildly.         Passport alerts intermittently. Rate andstrength of signal increases with each alert.     Passport gives an X-band alert intermittently.
How Radar Works How Laser Works16 17How Radar WorksTraffic radar, which consists of microwaves,travels in straight lines and is easily reflectedby objects such as cars, trucks, evenguardrails and overpasses. Radar works bydirecting its microwave beam down theroad. As your vehicle travels into range, themicrowave beam bounces off your car, andthe radar antenna looks for the reflections.Using the Doppler Principle, the radarequipment then calculates your speed bycomparing the frequency of the reflectionof your car to the original frequency of thebeam sent out.Traffic radar has limitations, the mostsignificant of these being that it typicallycan monitor only one target at a time. Ifthere is more than one vehicle within range,it is up to the radar operator to decidewhich target is producing the strongestreflection. Since the strength of the reflectionis affected by both the size of the vehicleand its proximity to the antenna, it is difficultfor the radar operator to determine if thesignal is from a sports car nearby or a semi-truck several hundred feet away.How Laser (Lidar) WorksLaser speed detection is actually LIDAR(Light Detection And Ranging). LIDAR gunsproject a beam of invisible infrared light.The signal is a series of very short infraredlight energy pulses which move in a straightline, reflecting off your car and returning tothe gun. LIDAR uses these light pulses tomeasure the distance to a vehicle. Speed isthen calculated by measuring how quicklythese pulses are reflected given the knownspeed of light.LIDAR (or laser) is a newer technologyand is not as widespread as conventionalradar; therefore, you may not encounterlaser on a daily basis. And unlike radardetection, laser detection is not prone to“false” alarms. Because LIDAR transmits amuch narrower beam than does radar, it ismuch more accurate in its ability to distinguish between targets and is also moredifficult to detect. As a result, even thebriefest laser alert should be takenseriously.There are limitations to LIDAR equipment. LIDAR is much more sensitiveto weather conditions than RADAR, and aLIDAR gun’s range will be decreased byanything affecting visibility such as rain, fog,or smoke. A LIDAR gun cannot operatethrough glass and it must be stationary inorder to get an accurate reading. BecauseLIDAR must have a clear line of sight and issubject to cosine error (an inaccuracywhich increases as the angle between thegun and the vehicle increases) police typically use LIDAR equipment parallel tothe road or from an overpass. LIDAR can beused day or night.Radar range also depends on the powerof the radar equipment itself. The strengthof the radar unit's beam diminishes withdistance. The farther the radar has to travel,the less energy it has for speed detection.Because intrusion alarms and motionsensors often operate on the same frequencyas X-Band radar, your Passport will occasionally receive non-police radarsignals. Since these X-Band transmitters areusually contained inside of buildings oraimed toward the ground, they willgenerally produce much weaker readingsthan will a true radar encounter. As youbecome familiar with the sources of thesepseudo alarms in your daily driving, theywill serve as confirmation that yourPassport’s radar detection abilities are fullyoperational.
How Safety Radar Works SWS Safety Radar Text Messages18 19How Safety Warning Systems WorksSafety Warning Systems, or SWS, is a modified K-band radar signal used to transmitimportant driving related information.From the factory, your Passport isprogrammed with SWS turned ON. If SWS isnot used in your area, you can simply turnSWS reception OFF by using Passport’sEZ-Programming feature.The SWS system has 64 possiblemessages (60 allocated). The SWS messagesyour Passport can decode and display arelisted on the facing page.SWS Text Messages1WorkZone2Road Closed3Bridge Closed4WorkCrew Highway5WorkCrew Utility6Detour7Truck Detour8MustExit9Rtlane Closed10 CntrLane Closed11 LeftLane Closed12 Future Use13 Police14 Train15 Low Overpass16 BridgeUp17 Bridge Wt Limit18 RockSlid Area19 School Zone20 Road Narrows21 Sharp Curve22 Croswalk23 Deer Crossing24 Blind or Deaf Kid25 SteepUse LowGear26 Accident27 PoorRoad Surface28 Loading ScholBus29 DontPass30 Dangrous Intrsect31 Emergncy Vehicle32 Future Use33 HighWind34 Severe Weather35 HeavyFog36 Flooding37 BridgIce38 RoadIce39 Dust Blowing40 Sand Blowing41 Blinding Snow42 Future Use43 RestArea44 RestArea w/servic45 24hrFuel46 Insp Stn Open47 Insp Stn Closed48 Reduced Speed49 Speed Enforced50 HazMatls Exit51 Expect Delay52 10 Min Delay53 20 Min Delay54 30 Min Delay55 1 Hour Delay56 Traffic TunRadio57 Pay Toll58 Trucks ExitRght59 Trucks ExitLeft60 Future Use61 Emerg Veh Mvng62 Police Pursuit63 Oversize Vehicle64 SloMovng VehicleNote: Some of the safety messages havebeen condensed, so each message can bedisplayed on one or two screens onPassport’s eight character display. Since Safety radar technology is relatively new and the number of transmittersin operation is not yet widespread, you willnot receive Safety signals on a daily basisand should not be surprised to encounteremergency vehicles, road hazards and railroad crossings that are unequipped withthese transmitters and, therefore, fail toprovide a signal. As Safety transmittersbecome more prevalent (the number ofoperating transmitters is growing everyday), these Safety radar signals will becomemore common.For more information and details aboutSWS safety radar, visit their web site
Troubleshooting Troubleshooting20 21ProblemPassport beeps briefly at the samelocation every day, but no radarsource is in sight.Passport does not seem sensitive toradar or laser.Passport did not alert when a policecar was in view.Passport did not provide a Safetysignal while within range of anemergency vehicle.Passport’s audible alerts are lessloud after the first few alerts.Passport’s power-on sequence reoccurs while you are driving. Your 14-year old son has changed all9 of the EZ-Programming options.Passport will not turn on.Passport’s Display feels warm.Solution• An X-band motion sensor or intrusion alarm is located withinrange of your route. With time, you will learn predictablepatterns of these signals.• Passport may be in City Mode.• Radar band(s) are turned off in programming.• VASCAR, (Visual Average Speed Computer And Recorder) astopwatch method of speed detection, may be in use. Officermay not have radar or laser unit turned on.• Safety transmitters may not be commonly used in your area.• Passport is in AutoMute Mode. See page 4 for details.• A loose power connection can cause Passport to be brieflydisconnected, and will retrigger the power-on sequence.• You can return all of the programming options to the factorydefaults by holding down the City and Mute buttons while youturn Passport on.• Check that volume control is ON.• Check that vehicle ignition is ON.• Check all connections.• It is normal for Passport to feel warm.Explanation of DisplaysLsrF ERRLsrR N/ACheckReceiverWiringHDADCDPilotHWYWorkZoneX|,or K|,or KA|,etc.Self CalRcvr ERRShiftOFFComm ERRThere is a problem with one or both front Laser Shifter(s). There could be anunplugged connection, damaged wiring, or a problem within the front LaserShifter(s). After Passport alerts you to this, it will then resume operation with the frontradar receiver and rear laser only.There is a problem with the rear Laser Shifter. It could be an unplugged connection,damaged wiring, or a problem within the rear Laser Shifter itself. After Passport alertsyou to this, it will then resume operation with the front radar and Laser Shifters only.There is a problem with the front receiver. It could be an unplugged connection,damaged wiring, or a problem within the front receiver itself. Passport will continueto display this message, and will not operate until the problem has been repaired.Sensitivity control is in Highway mode, display is in Dark Mode (page 13)Sensitivity control is in Auto mode, display is in Dark Mode (page 13)Sensitivity control is in City mode, display is in Dark Mode (page 13)One of the many programming messages (pages 9-13)One of the many Safety Radar messages (page 19)Passport has been programmed in the ExpertMeter Mode (pages 7-8)Passport is running a self-calibration test.Passport’s radar receiver has failed to calibrate. Contact your Dealer for repair.Laser Shifters were manually shut off during a laser alert.Serial communications between the interface and the display have been interrupted.Contact your dealer for repair.
23Service22Service ProcedureIf your Passport ever needs service,please follow these steps:1Check the troubleshooting section ofthis manual. It may have a solution to yourproblem.2Contact your installing dealer. Theywill evaluate your unit and arrangerepairs if necessary.PartsReplacement parts are available from yourinstalling dealer.AccessoriesThe following accessories are availablethrough your local dealer:• 12-volt Amplified External Speaker*.• Hidden Display Package. Package includesa single bi-color LED for alert and a 12-voltAmplified External Speaker*.*Use of external speaker enables Voice alerts.ESCORT One Year Limited WarrantyESCORT warrants your Passport against alldefects in materials and workmanship for aperiod of one (1) year from the date of theoriginal purchase, subject to the followingterms and conditions:The sole responsibility of ESCORTunder this Warranty is limited to either repairor, at the option of ESCORT, replacement ofthe Passport detector. There are noexpressed or implied warranties, includingthose of fitness for a particular purpose ormerchantability, which extend beyond theface hereof. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warrantylasts, so the above limitations may not applyto you.This warranty does not cover installation,removal or reinstallation charges. ESCORT isnot liable for any incidental or consequentialdamages arising from the use, misuse, installation, or mounting of the Passport.Some states do not allow the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above limitation or exclusionmay not apply to you.This Warranty gives you specific rights.You may have other legal rights which varyfrom state to state. This Warranty does notapply if the serial number on the housing ofthe Passport has been removed, or if yourPassport has been subjected to physicalabuse, improper  installation, or modification.Registeronline:@www.escortradar.comESCORT PRODUCT REGISTRATION CARD̈If you purchased your detector directly from Escort, you do not need to fill this out.̈If you did not purchase your detector directly from Escort, please fill out this section and return to us, or register online at our web address: 1. First Name:___________________  Middle Initial____  Last Name__________________________Address______________________________________________________________________City_______________________________________  State_____________  ZIP______________Phone Number (In case we have a question)_____________________________________________2. Product Purchased________________________  Model___________  Serial Number___________3. Place of Purchase__________________________________  Date_________  Price____________4. Primary reason for purchasing this ESCORT product_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________̄Remove card along perforations         ̄                                                         ̄
2524̄Remove card along perforations         ̄Features and SpecificationsOperating Bands• X-band 10.525 GHz ± 25 MHz• K-band 24.150 GHz ± 100 MHz• Ka-band 34.700 GHz ± 1300 MHz• Laser 900nm, 33 MHz bandwidthRadar Receiver / Detector Type• Superheterodyne, GaAs FET VCO• Scanning Frequency Discriminator• Digital Signal Processing (DSP)• 4-bit High-Resolution A-to-D ConverterLaser Detection• Quantum Limited Video Receiver • Multiple Laser Sensor Diodes (6F, 3R)Laser Shifter• Multiple Laser-Shifting Diodes (16F, 8R)Display Type• 280 AlGaAs LED Matrix/Text• Bar Graph, ExpertMeter or SpecDisplay• Automatic Brightness ControlPower Requirement• 12VDC, Negative GroundProgrammable Features• Display (Horizontal or Vertical)• Power-On Indication• Power-On Sequence• Signal Strength Meter• AutoMute• Audio Tones• City Mode Sensitivity• Display Brightness• Radar and Laser BandsSensitivity Control• AutoSensitivity, Highway, and CityAuto Calibration CircuitryComplete VG2 ImmunityDimensions (Inches)• Display/Controller: 4.2 x 1.4 x .55• Receiver Unit: 3.75 x 3.15 x 1.75• Front Laser Units: 4.65 x 1.8 x 0.8 • Rear Laser Unit: 6.0 x 1.0 x .65Patented TechnologyPassport is covered by one or more of thefollowing US patents. 6,249,218 6,069,580 5,600,132 5,587,9165,668,554  5,559,508 5,365,055 5,347,1205,446,923  5,402,087 5,305,007 5,206,5005,164,729 5,134,406 5,111,207 5,079,5535,049,885  5,049,884 4,961,074 4,954,8284,952,937  4,952,936 4,939,521 4,896,8554,887,753 4,862,175 4,750,215 4,686,4994,631,542  4,630,054 4,625,210 4,613,9894,604,529  4,583,057 4,581,769 4,571,5934,313,216 D314,178 D313,365 D310,167D308,837 D296,771 D288,418 D253,752Passport is also covered by one or more ofthe following Canadian patents:1,295,715 1,295,714 1,187,602 1,187,586Other patents pending.Specifications

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