Escort orporated X5M4 Radar Detector User Manual 8500 X50 Manual

Escort Incorporated Radar Detector 8500 X50 Manual


Owner’s ManualDesigned in the USAEscort Incorporated5440 West Chester RoadWest Chester OH 45069Sales 888-8-ESCORT (888-837-2678)Service©2004 Escort Inc. Escort®, Passport®, AFR®, SmartShield®, AutoSensitivity™, ExpertMeter™andSpecDisplay™are trademarks of Escort Inc. Features, specifications and prices subject to change without notice.
You’ve purchased the Passport 8500 X50,which is the most advanced high-performance radar and laser detector on the market.The 8500 X50 provides extreme long-range warning on all radar bands includingX, K, superwide Ka, and instant-on POPmode. Multiple front and rear laser sensorsprovide 360 degree laser protection,including the widest field of view. For theultimate in laser protection, the Passport8500 X50 is ZR3 ready. Ask your retailer, orcall us at 1-800-543-1608 for details.Our patented Digital Signal Processing(DSP) provides extreme radar range withminimal false alarms. Patented Mute andAutoMute circuits keep the Passport 8500X50 quiet in even the most populated areas.In addition, the Passport 8500 X50introduces the following state-of-the-artperformance and features:•Extreme long-range K and Ka-band radar performance, including instant-on POP mode•Advanced EZ-Programming lets you customize up to 9 features•Exclusive AutoSensitivity intelligently filters out annoying false alarms, plus Highway and City settings•Ultra-bright alphanumeric display with 280 LED’s•Exclusive ExpertMeter tracks and displays up to 8 radar signals simultaneously•Exclusive SpecDisplay provides actual numeric frequency for any radar signal•Programmable bands (on/off) allow you to customize which bands are monitored•Includes exclusive SmartCord for easy access to remote mute buttonIf you’ve used a radar detector before, areview of the Quick Reference Guide onpages 4 and 5, and the EZ-Programminginformation on pages 12 and 13 will brieflyexplain the new features.If this is your first detector, please readthe manual in detail to get the most out ofyour Passport’s outstanding performanceand innovative features.Please drive safely.Quick Reference Card1EZ-Programming Details  ̈Factory Default SettingsTo reset Passport to its original factorysettings, press and hold the “CITY,” “DIM,”and “MUTE” buttons while turning thepower on. Passport’s display will providea “Reset” message, accompanied by anaudible alert, acknowledging the reset.Passport 8500 X50 Quick Reference Card̄Remove card along perforations         ̄̄Remove card along perforations         ̄CongratulationsFCC Note:Modifications not expresslyapproved by the manufacturercould void the user’s FCC grantedauthority to operate the equipment.There are 9 user-selectable options so youcan customize your 8500 X50 for your ownpreferences. The buttons labeled CITY and DIM arealso used to enter the Program Mode,REVIEW your current program settings, andto CHANGE any settings as desired. Thewords PROGRAM, REVIEW, and CHANGEare located on the top of the detector, andare highlighted in blue graphics.How to use EZ-Programming1To enter Program Mode, press andhold both top buttons down for 2seconds. (The unit will beep twice, andwill display the word “Program”).2Then press the REVIEW button toreview the current settings. (You caneither tap the button to change from itemto item, or hold the button to scroll throughthe items).3Press the CHANGE button to changeany setting. (You can either tap the buttonto change from setting to setting, or holdthe button to scroll through all the options).4To leave Program Mode, simply wait8 seconds without pressing any button.(The unit will display Complete, beep 4times, and return to normal operation).An exampleFor example, here is how you would turnPassport’s AutoMute feature off. 1Enter the Program Mode by holding both the city and dim buttons down for 2 seconds. Passport will beep twice anddisplay Program.2Then hold the REVIEW button down. Passport will scroll through the categories,starting with Pilot Light (Pilot), thenPower-on sequence (PwrOn), then Signalstrength meter (Meter), and thenAutoMute (aMute).3Release the REVIEW button whenPassport shows the AutoMute item. Sincethe factory setting is for AutoMute to beon, Passport will display aMute ON.(If you accidentally don't release theReview button in time, and Passport goesto the next category, hold the Reviewbutton down again, and after Passportscrolls through all categories, it will beginagain at the top of the list.)4Press the CHANGE button to changefrom aMute ON to aMute OFF.5To complete the Programming, simplywait 8 seconds without pressing any button.Passport will display Complete, beep 4times, and return to normal operation.
Table of ContentsQuick Reference  Guide 4-5Installation 6-7• Power Connection 6• Mounting Location 6• Windshield Mount 7Controls and Features 8-11• Power and volume control 8• Power-on indication 8• AutoMute 8• Mute 8• Auto / Highway / City Switch 8• Dim / Dark Switch 9• Dark Mode 9• Audible Alerts 9• Signal Strength Meter 10• ExpertMeter 10-11• SpecDisplay 11EZ-Programming 12-16• How to use EZ-Programming 12• Example of Programming 12• Overview of Programming 13• Details of Programming 14-16Technical Details 17-22• Specifications 17• Interpreting Alerts 18-19• How Radar Works 20• How POP Mode Works 21• How Laser Works 22Service 23-28• Service 23• Troubleshooting 24-25• Warranty 26• Accessories 2632Quick Reference CardPassport 8500 X50 Quick Reference Card*Factory Default Settings̄Remove card along perforations         ̄̄Remove card along perforations         ̄Press the REVIEW buttonto go from one categoryto the nextPILOT LIGHT(Power-on indication)POWER-ON SEQUENCESIGNAL STRENGTH METERAUTOMUTEAUDIOTONESCITY MODE SENSITIVITYBRIGHTNESSDARK MODEBANDSPilot HWYPilot HPilot H.>Pilot +Pilot +.>Pilot +>Pilot VPwrOn STDPwrOn FSTMeter STDMeter EXPMeter SPCaMute ONaMute OFFTone STDTone LOUDCity STDCity LoXCity NoXBrt LASTBrt MINBrt MEDBrt MAXBrt DARKDARK STDDARK ALLBands DFTBands MODXONor OFF (default is on)KONor OFF (default is on)Ka ON or OFF (default is on)POP ON or OFF (default is off)LSR ON or OFF (default is on)Press the CHANGE buttonto change your settingwithin a category*Full word: Highway or Auto or CityLetter: H or A or CLetter, with scanning dotSymbol: + or •or --Symbol, with scanning dotScanning symbolVehicle voltage*Standard power-on sequenceFast power-on sequence*Standard signal strength meterExpert MeterSpecDisplay*AutoMute onAutoMute off*Standard tonesLoud tones*Standard City mode sensitivityLow X band sensitivity in City ModeNo X band sensitivity in City Mode*Last brightness usedMinimum brightness when turned onMedium brightness when turned onMaximum brightness when turned onDark Mode when Passport turned on*Standard Dark: shows HD, AD, CDAll Dark, no display*Factory default settingsFactory default settings modifiedTurn bands “ON” or “OFF” by pressing the mute button
Quick Reference GuideTo begin using your Passport, just follow these simple steps1Plug the small end of the power cord into the side jack of the detector, and plug the large end of the power cord into your car’s lighter socket.2Mount your Passport on the windshieldusing the supplied windshield mount.3Rotate the volume thumbwheel on Passport’s left side to turn Passport on and adjust the volume.Please read the manual to fully understandPassport’s operation and features.EasyMount Slot Insert Passport’s adjustable Windshield mount into this slot. Page 7Rear Laser PortReceives laser signals from behind thevehicle.EasyMount ButtonPress the button, and slide the Windshieldmount into one of its four locking positions.Page 7City ButtonSwitches between AutoSensitivity, City, andHighway settings. In general, we recommend the Auto mode. Page 8Power/Volume ControlRotate the thumbwheel to turn Passport onand set the volume. Page 8AutoMutePassport’s patented AutoMute automaticallyreduces the volume level of the audio alertafter a brief period. If you prefer, you canturn AutoMute off. Page 8Radar Antenna and Laser LensThe rear panel of your Passport should havea clear view of the road ahead. For bestperformance, do not mount Passport directly behind windshield wipers or tinted areas. Page 6Alphanumeric DisplayPassport’s display will show Highway, Auto,or City as its power-on indication. If youprefer, you can choose other power-on indications. Page 12-14During an alert, the display will indicateradar band, and a precise bar graph of signalstrength. Page 10Note: In the Dark Mode the display willnot light during an alert. Page 9Earphone JackAccepts standard 3.5mm earphone.Power Jack Plug the SmartCord into this connector.Page 6Dim Button Press to adjust display brightness. There arethree brightness settings, plus Dark Mode.In the Dark Mode, the power-onindication will be changed to a dim “AD,”“HD,” or “CD” (indicating Auto, Highway,or City Dark). In the Dark Mode, Passport’smeter will not display during an alert, onlythe audio will alert you. Page 9Mute Button Briefly press this button (next to thedisplay) to silence the audio for a specificalert. (The audio will alert you to the nextencounter.) Page 8EZ-ProgrammingPassport is ready to go, just plug it in andturn it on. But you can also easily change 9features for your preferences. Page 12-164 5Quick Reference Guide
Power ConnectionTo power Passport, plug the small end ofthe SmartCord, (telephone-typeconnector) into the modular jack onPassport’s right side, and plug the lighterplug adapter into your vehicle’s lightersocket or accessory socket.Passport operates on 12 volts DC negativeground only. The lighter plug provided is astandard size and will work in most vehicles.However, some vehicles may require theenclosed sleeve to ensure a snug fit. If so,simply slide the sleeve over the SmartCord’slighter plug adapter. Of course, your lightersocket must be clean and properlyconnected for proper operation. Note: depending on your vehicle, the lightersocket power may either be continuouslyon, or it may be switched on and off withyour ignition switch.Optional power cordsSee the Accessories section for details onour optional Direct-wire SmartCord. Windshield MountPassport’s EasyMount windshield bracket isdesigned for unobtrusive and hassle-freemounting. 1Depress the adjustment button on thetop of Passport (by the word ESCORT) andslide the EasyMount bracket into the slotuntil it is locked into the position whichbest fits the angle of your windshield (thereare four settings available). For extremelyhorizontal or extremely sloped windshields,the EasyMount bracket can be bent.To ensure that the suction cups adhere tothe windshield firmly, be sure to keep bothyour windshield and the suction cups clean.2To adjust Passport on your windshield,use the EasyMount adjustment buttonlocated on the top of the Passport, and slidePassport forward or backward to obtain alevel horizontal position.When installed and adjusted properly, theback top edge of Passport should restsolidly against your windshield.Caution! A few vehicles (including some Porsches)have windshields with a soft anti-lacerativecoating on the inside surface. Use ofsuction cups will permanently mar thiscoating. Consult your dealership or thevehicle owner’s manual to determine ifyour windshield has this coating.User’s TipYou can leave the EasyMount bracket inplace on your windshield, and easily removePassport by pressing the adjustment buttonand sliding Passport off the mount. Again,be sure to position the bracket where itwon’t present a hazard in the event of anaccident. Additional mounts are available.Mounting LocationWARNING: ESCORT cannot anticipate themany ways Passport can be mounted. It isimportant that you mount Passport where itwill not impair your view nor presenta hazard in case of an accident.Where to mount PassportFor optimum detection performance, werecommend the following:• Using the Windshield Mount, mount yourPassport level, and high enough on yourfront windshield to provide a clear view ofthe road from the front and rear.• Mount Passport away from windshieldwipers, other solid objects, and heavilytinted areas that might obstruct the radarantenna or laser lens.6 7Installation Windshield Mount
Controls and FeaturesPower and volume controlTo turn Passport on and adjust the alerttone volume level, rotate the thumbwheelon Passport’s left side. Turn the controlaway from you to increase the audiovolume. When you turn Passport on, it goesthrough a sequence of alerts.If you prefer, you may program yourPassport for a shorter power-on sequence.See the EZ-Programming section for details.Power-on indicationAfter Passport’s start-up sequence iscomplete, the alphanumeric display willshow Highway, City, or Auto to indicatewhich sensitivity mode is selected.If you prefer, you can select alternatepower-on displays. See the EZ-Programmingsection for details.AutoMuteYour Passport has our patented AutoMutefeature. After Passport alerts you to a radarencounter at the volume you have selected,the AutoMute feature will automaticallyreduce the volume to a lower level. Thiskeeps you informed without the annoyanceof a continuous full-volume alert.If you prefer, you can turn the AutoMutefeature off. See the EZ-Programming sectionfor details.Dim / Dark SwitchPassport’s Dim button selects the brightnessof Passport's display. There are four settings:Maximum, Medium, Minimum, and Dark.Press the Dim button to select yourpreferred brightness.If you prefer, you can have Passportalways turn on at a specific brightness. Seethe EZ-Programming section for details.Dark ModeWhen you select the Dark mode with theDim switch, Passport changes to a veryinconspicuous power-on indication: a verydim AD, HD, or CD. (In this display, the A,H, or C indicates Auto, Highway, or City,and the D indicates Dark.)When Passport is in the Dark mode,the display will not show visual alerts whenPassport detects signals. Only the audiblealert will tell you of detected signals.If you prefer, you can have Passport’sdisplay totally dark, (see the EZ-Programmingsection) and use the visual alerts on theSmartCord.Audible AlertsFor Radar signals:Passport uses a Geiger-counter-likesound to indicate the signal strength andtype of radar signal being encountered.When you encounter radar, a distinctaudible alert will sound and occur faster asthe signal gets stronger. When the signal isvery strong, the audible alerts will blendinto a solid tone. This allows you to judgethe distance from the signal source withouttaking your eyes from the road.Each band has a distinct tone for easyidentification. X-band = beep toneK-band = raspy brap toneKa-band = double-brap tonePOP = solid brap toneFor Laser and POP signals:Since laser and POP signals are apossible threat no matter how weak,Passport alerts you to these signals with afull alert.MuteThe Mute button, located on Passport’sfront panel and SmartCord, allows you tosilence the audio alert during a radarencounter.To mute the audio for a single specificsignal, briefly press the Mute button. Afterthat radar encounter has passed, the mutewill automatically reset and the audio willalert you to the next encounter.Auto / Highway / City SwitchThe City button selects Passport’s sensitivitymode. We recommend the Auto(AutoSensitivity) mode for most driving.Passport’s AutoSensitivity modeprovides long-range warning, withminimum false alarms. In this mode,Passport’s internal computer continuouslyanalyzes all incoming signals and intelligently adjusts the sensitivity circuits.You can also select conventionalHighway and City modes. When driving inurban areas where annoying X-band intrusion alarms and door openers arecommon, City mode can be engaged tolower X-band sensitivity and reduce X-bandalerts. Full sensitivity is maintained on allother bands. You can customize Passport’sCity mode sensitivity. See the EZ-Programming section for details. 8 9
10 11Power ConnectorPassport’s power jack uses a telephone-typeconnector. This 4-conductor connectoronly works with the included coiledSmartCord, or the optional Direct-wireSmartCord.The coiled SmartCord is a specialpower cord that has a power-on indicator(which only lights up when the 8500 isturned on), a bright alert light that warns ofradar or laser, and a convenient mutebutton right on the plug. It’s perfect for anycar where reaching the detector’s mutebutton on the windshield is a stretch. For discreet night driving, put Passport inthe Dark mode, and use the SmartCord foryour visual alerts. Other drivers won’t knowyou have a detector.An optional Direct-wire SmartCord isalso available. This version includes a smalldisplay module, which can be wired directlyinto your electrical system, with a 10 footstraight cord to route to your Passport.For more information or to order, callus toll-free at 1-800-433-3487.Signal Strength Meter Passport’s alphanumeric display consists of280 individual LEDs, to provide an intuitiveultra-bright display of signal strength andtext messages.Passport’s standard bar-graph signalstrength meter only displays information ona single radar signal. If there are multipleThe ExpertMeter is actually a miniaturespectrum analyzer. It shows what bandeach signal is and its signal strength.KA|| K|| X||||Above is the ExpertMeter Display ifPassport was detecting 2 strong Ka-band,2 strong K-band, and 4 strong X-bandsignals.As you can see, there are vertical linesafter each band designator. Each line showsa signal being detected. The height of eachline shows the relative signal strength ofthat signal. NOTE: If you use ExpertMeter, thebrief signal shown in the power-onsequence when you turn on your Passportwill also be in ExpertMeter: an X with asingle vertical line.A few more examples will help youbetter see how the ExpertMeter works.K|X|||Here ExpertMeter shows 1 strong K-bandsignal, and three X-band signals, twostrong and one weak.KA|X|||Here ExpertMeter shows 1 weak Ka-bandsignal, and three weak X-band signals.XOn very weak signals, there will not be avertical line at all. This shows a very weakX-band signal.ExpertMeter DetailsThe band designators (X, K, Ka) willstay on the display for a few seconds afterthe signal has passed. This allows you to seewhat the unit detected, even on very briefsignals.However, the vertical lines repre-senting individual signals continuouslychange (several times a second) to give youa continuous instantaneous view of all radarsignals present.SpecDisplay8500 X50’s new SpecDisplay option is alsofor the experienced detector user. In thismode, Passport will display the actualnumeric frequency of the radar signal beingreceived.K 24.150SpecDisplay shows one K-band signal at24.150 gigahertz.Note: Even long-time detector users willrequire a significant amount of time toget familiar with this new level ofinformation about detected signals.signals present, Passport’s internal computerdetermines which is the most importantthreat to show on the bar-graph meter.When Passport detects radar, it displaysthe band (X, K, or Ka), and a precise bargraph of the signal strength. When Passportdetects a laser signal, the display will show“LASER.”NOTE: If you are operating Passport inthe Dark mode, the display will not lightwhen a signal is detected – only the audio,and the flashing alert lamp on theSmartCord.ExpertMeterPassport’s ExpertMeter option is anadvanced display for experienced detectorusers. Please use Passport for a few weeksto get familiar with its other features beforeusing ExpertMeter.To use the ExpertMeter instead of thebar graph signal strength meter, you mustselect ExpertMeter in Passport’s EZ-Programming (see page 12-15).Passport’s ExpertMeter simultaneouslytracks up to 8 radar signals. It shows youdetailed information on up to 2 Ka-band, 2K-band, and 4 X-band signals.ExpertMeter can help you spot achange in your normal driving environment;for example, a traffic radar unit being oper-ated in an area where there are normallyother signals present.Controls and Features
How to use EZ-Programming Overview of EZ-Programming12 13There are 9 user-selectable options so youcan customize your 8500 X50 for your ownpreferences. The buttons labeled CITY andDIM are also used to enter the ProgramMode, REVIEW your current programsettings, and to CHANGE any settings asdesired. The words PROGRAM, REVIEW,and CHANGE are located on the top of thedetector, and are highlighted in dark bluegraphics. Pages 14-16 explain each option inmore detail.How to use EZ-ProgrammingTo enter Program Mode, press and holdboth top buttons down for 2 seconds.(The unit will beep twice, and will displaythe word “Program”).Then press the REVIEW button to reviewthe current settings. (You can either tapthe button to change from item to item, orhold the button to scroll through the items).Press the CHANGE button to changeany setting. (You can either tap the buttonto change from setting to setting, or holdthe button to scroll through all the options).To leave the Program Mode, simply wait8 seconds without pressing any button.(The unit will display Complete, beep 4times, and return to normal operation).Press the REVIEW buttonto go from one categoryto the nextPILOT LIGHT(Power-on indication)POWER-ON SEQUENCESIGNAL STRENGTH METERAUTOMUTEAUDIOTONESCITY MODE SENSITIVITYBRIGHTNESSDARK MODEBANDS*Factory Default SettingsTo reset Passport to its originalfactory settings, press and holdthe “CITY,” “DIM,” and “MUTE”buttons while turning the poweron. Passport’s display willprovide a “Reset” message,accompanied by an audible alert,acknowledging the reset.1234An exampleFor example, here is how you would turnPassport’s AutoMute feature off. 1Enter the Program Mode by holdingboth the city and dim buttons down for 2 seconds. Passport will beep twice anddisplay Program.2Then hold the REVIEW button down. Passport will scroll through the categories,starting with Pilot Light (Pilot), thenPower-on sequence (PwrOn), then Signalstrength meter (Meter), and thenAutoMute (aMute).3Release the REVIEW button whenPassport shows the AutoMute item. Sincethe factory setting is for AutoMute to beon, Passport will display aMute ON .(If you accidentally don't release theReview button in time, and Passport goesto the next category, hold the Reviewbutton down again, and after Passportscrolls through all categories, it will beginagain at the top of the list.)4Press the CHANGE button to changefrom aMute ON to aMute OFF.5To complete the Programming, simplywait 8 seconds without pressing any button.Passport will display Complete, beep 4times, and return to normal operation.Pilot HWYPilot HPilot H.>Pilot +Pilot +.>Pilot +>Pilot VPwrOn STDPwrOn FSTMeter STDMeter EXPMeter SPCaMute ONaMute OFFTone STDTone LOUDCity STDCity LoXCity NoXBrt LASTBrt MINBrt MEDBrt MAXBrt DARKDARK STDDARK ALLBands DFTBands MODXONor OFF (default is on)KONor OFF (default is on)Ka ON or OFF (default is on)POP ON or OFF (default is off)LSR ON or OFF (default is on)Press the CHANGE buttonto change your settingwithin a category*Full word: Highway or Auto or CityLetter: H or A or CLetter, with scanning dotSymbol: + or •or --Symbol, with scanning dotScanning symbolVehicle voltage*Standard power-on sequenceFast power-on sequence*Standard signal strength meterExpert MeterSpecDisplay*AutoMute onAutoMute off*Standard tonesLoud tones*Standard City mode sensitivityLow X band sensitivity in City ModeNo X band sensitivity in City Mode*Last brightness usedMinimum brightness when turned onMedium brightness when turned onMaximum brightness when turned onDark Mode when Passport turned on*Standard Dark: shows HD, AD, CDAll Dark, no display*Factory default settingsFactory default settings modifiedTurn bands “ON” or “OFF” by pressing the Mute button
Details of EZ-Programming14 15Pilot Light (Power-on indication)Note: When you are using the Dark mode,the display will only show HD, AD, or CD,(Highway-Dark, Auto-Dark, or City-Dark).PilotHWY (Full description) In this setting, Passport will display“Highway,” “City,” or “Auto” as its power-on indication. (factory default)Pilot H (Letter) In this setting, Passport will display “H” forHighway, “C” for City, and “A” for Auto. Pilot H.> (Letter with scanning dot) In this setting, Passport will display “H” forHighway, “C” for City, and “A” for Auto.Also, a single dot will continuously scrollacross the display.Pilot+ (Symbol) In this setting, Passport will display “+” forHighway, “.” for Auto, and “–” for City.Pilot+.> (Symbol with scanning dot) In this setting, Passport will display “+” forHighway, “.” for Auto, and “–” for City. Also,a single dot will continuously scroll acrossthe display. Pilot+> (Scanning symbol) In this setting, Passport will display “+” forHighway, “.” for Auto, and “–” for City. Eachwill continuously scroll across the display. MeterEXP (ExpertMeter) In this setting, the meter simultaneouslytracks multiple radar signals. It can displayup to 2 Ka band, 2 K band, and 4 X bandsignals at the same time.Note: The ExpertMeter feature isexplained in more detail on pages 10-11.MeterSPC (SpecDisplay meter)In this setting, the meter displays the actualnumeric frequency of the radar signalreceived.  Note: The SpecDisplay feature isexplained in more detail on page 11.AutoMuteaMute ON (AutoMute on) In this setting, Passport’s audio alerts willinitially be at the volume you set, but after afew seconds, Passport will automaticallyreduce the volume level, to keep youinformed, but not annoyed. (factory default)aMuteOFF (AutoMute off) With AutoMute off, Passport’s audio alertswill remain at the volume you set forthe duration of the radar encounter.Audio TonesTone STD (Standard tones) This setting uses more pleasing tones.(factory default)ToneLOUD (Loud tones) This setting uses tones that are morepiercing. This setting is recommended forlouder vehicles. City Mode SensitivityCity STD (Standard) In this setting, when you put Passport in theCity mode, X-band sensitivity is significantlyreduced, to reduce annoyance from X-bandintrusion alarms and motion sensors.(factory default)City LoX (Low X band sensitivity) In this setting, when you put Passport in theCity mode, X-band sensitivity is reducedmore than the standard setting. This willreduce X band alarms from other sourceseven further, but also significantly reducesrange to X band traffic radar.City NoX (No X band sensitivity) In this setting, when you put Passport in theCity mode, Passport will not respond to anyX band signals. WARNING: Only choosethis setting if you are absolutely certainthat there are no X band traffic radarunits where you drive.Note: These settings only apply whenPassport is operated in City mode. X-bandsensitivity is not affected when used in“Auto,” or “Highway” modes.Pilot V (Vehicle voltage)In this setting, Passport will continuallydisplay “H” for Highway, “C” for City, and“A” for Auto, and the vehicle’s voltage. Ifthe vehicle’s voltage drops below 10.5 volts,a low voltage warning is displayed, followedby an audible alert. A high voltage warningis also given if the voltage goes above 16.5volts. The high-voltage warning is alsofollowed by an audible alert.Power-on SequencePwrOnSTD (Standard) In this setting, each time you turn Passporton it will display “Passport,” “8500 X50,”“LASER,” “Ka-band,” “K-band,” “X-band,”followed by a brief X-band alert. (factorydefault) If any bands have been disabled, adouble X-band tone and correspondingmessage (i.e. “X OFF”), will alert you thatone or more bands have been turned off.PwrOnFST (Fast power-on) In this setting, Passport will provide a singleX-band tone if all bands are enabled. If anybands have been disabled, a double X-bandtone and corresponding message (i.e. “XOFF”), will alert you that one or more bandshave been turned off.Signal Strength MeterMeterSTD (Standard meter) In this setting, the meter displays the bandof the received signal, and a bar graph showsthe relative signal strength. (factory default)
BrightnessBrt LAST (last) In this setting, when you turn on Passport,the display will be the last brightness youhad selected during operation with the dimbutton. (factory default)Brt MIN (minimum) In this setting, each time you turn onPassport, the display will be at the lowestbrightness.Brt MED (medium) In this setting, each time you turn onPassport, the display will be at the mediumbrightness.Brt MAX (maximum) In this setting, each time you turn onPassport, the display will be at themaximum brightness.Brt DARK (dark) In this setting, each time you turn onPassport, the display will be in the darkmode. This is recommended only whenusing Passport’s SmartCord so you have avisual indication to confirm that Passport isoperational.Dark ModeDark STD (standard) In this setting, when you select the darkmode, the only display will be a very dimHD, AD, or CD, indicating Highway-Dark,Auto-Dark, or City-Dark). (factory default)Dark ALL (all) In this setting, when you select the darkmode using the dim button, Passport’sdisplay will be totally dark, without evendisplaying any power-on indication. In thissetting, Passport’s SmartCord will providethe only visual indication to confirm thatPassport is operational.BandsBandsDFTIn this setting all radar and laser frequencies,(with the exception of POP mode) aremonitored. This is the factory setting, and itis recommended that you use your Passportin this mode. BandsMODIn this setting, Passport will warn you withan audible alert, and associated textmessage stating which band has been modified (i.e. “X OFF”). This warning isdisplayed during the start up sequence(standard or fast).WARNING: Only modify bands if youare absolutely certain that there are notraffic radar units using that specificband in your area.Features and SpecificationsOperating Bands• X-band 10.525 GHz ± 25 MHz• K-band 24.150 GHz ± 100 MHz• Ka-band 34.700 GHz ± 1300 MHz• Laser 904nm, 33 MHz bandwidthRadar Receiver / Detector Type• Superheterodyne VTO• Scanning Frequency Discriminator• Digital Signal Processing (DSP)Laser Detection• Quantum Limited Video Receiver • Multiple Laser Sensor DiodesDisplay Type• 280 LED Alphanumeric• Bar Graph, ExpertMeter, or SpecDisplay   • 3-Level Dimming, plus Dark ModePower Requirement• 12VDC, Negative Ground• SmartCord (included)Programmable Features• Power-On Indication• Power-On Sequence• Signal Strength Meter• AutoMute• Audio Tones• City Mode Sensitivity• Display Brightness• Dark Mode• Radar / Laser BandsSensitivity Control• AutoSensitivity, Highway and CityAuto Calibration CircuitrySmartShield VG2 ImmunityDimensions (Inches)• 1.25 H x 2.85 W x 5.32 LPatented TechnologyPassport is covered by one or more of thefollowing U.S. patents: 6,693,578 6,614,385 6,587,068 6,400,3056,249,218 6,069,580 5,668,554 5,600,1325,559,508 5,587,916 5,446,923 5,402,0875,365,055 5,347,120 5,305,007 5,206,5005,164,729 5,134,406 5,111,207 5,079,5535,049,885 5,049,884 4,961,074 4,954,8284,952,937 4,952,936 4,939,521 4,896,8554,887,753 4,862,175 4,750,215 4,686,4994,631,542 4,630,054 4,625,210 4,613,9894,604,529 4,583,057 4,581,769 4,571,5934,313,216 D314,178 D313,365 D310,167D308,837 D296,771 D288,418 D253,752 Passport is also covered by one or more ofthe following Canadian patents:2,330,964 1,295,715 1,295,714 1,187,6021,187,586Additional patents may be listed inside theproduct. Other Patents Pending.16 17SpecificationsDetails of EZ-Programming
Interpreting Alerts18 19Although Passport has a comprehensivewarning system and this handbook is ascomplete as we can make it, only experi-ence will teach you what to expect fromyour Passport and how to interpret what ittells you. The specific type of radar beingused, the type of transmission (continuousor instant-on) and the location of the radarsource affect the radar alerts you receive.The following examples will give youan introduction to understanding Passport’swarning system for radar and laser alerts.ExplanationYou are approaching a continuous radarsource aimed in your direction.  An instant-on radar source is being used aheadof you and out of your view. An instant-on radar source or laser source isbeing used nearby. This kind of alert requiresimmediate attention!Laser is being used in the area. Because laser isinherently difficult to detect, any laser alertmay indicate a source very close by. A moving patrol car with continuous radar isovertaking you from behind. Because thesesignals are reflected (reflections are increasedby large objects), they may or may not eventu-ally melt into a solid point even when thepatrol car is directly behind you. You are approaching a radar unit concealed bya hill or an obstructed curve.ExplanationA patrol car is travelling in front of you with aradar source aimed forward. Because signalsare sometimes reflected off of large objects andsometimes not, the alerts may seem inconsistent.A patrol car is approaching from the otherdirection, sampling traffic with instant-onradar. Such alerts should be taken seriously.  You are driving through an area populatedwith radar motion sensors (door openers,burglar alarms, etc.). Since these transmittersare usually contained inside buildings or aimedtoward OR away from you, they are typicallynot as strong or lasting as a real radar encounter.CAUTION: Since the characteristics of these alerts may be similar to some of the precedingexamples, over confidence in an unfamiliararea can be dangerous. Likewise, if an alertin a commonly traveled area is suddenlystronger or on a different band than usual,speed radar may be set up nearby.AlertPassport begins to sound slowly, then the rateof alert increases until the alert becomes asolid tone. The Signal Meter ramps accordingly.Passport emits short alerts for a few secondsand then falls silent only to briefly alert and fallsilent again.         Passport suddenly sounds a continuous tonefor the appropriate band received. Allsegments in the Signal Strength Meter are lit.A brief laser alert. Passport receives weak signals. These signalsmay be a little stronger as youpass large, roadside objects. The signalsincrease in frequency.         Passport alerts slowly for awhile and thenabruptly jumps to a strong alert.AlertPassport alerts intermittently. Rate andstrength of alerts may be consistent or varywildly.         Passport alerts intermittently. Rate andstrength of signal increases with each alert.         Passport gives an X-band alert intermittently.
How Radar Works20 21How Radar WorksTraffic radar, which consists of microwaves,travels in straight lines and is easily reflectedby objects such as cars, trucks, evenguardrails and overpasses. Radar works bydirecting its microwave beam down theroad. As your vehicle travels into range, themicrowave beam bounces off your car, andthe radar antenna looks for the reflections.Using the Doppler Principle, the radarequipment then calculates your speed bycomparing the frequency of the reflectionof your car to the original frequency of thebeam sent out.Traffic radar has limitations, the mostsignificant of these being that it typicallycan monitor only one target at a time. Ifthere is more than one vehicle within range,it is up to the radar operator to decidewhich target is producing the strongestreflection. Since the strength of the reflec-tion is affected by both the size of thevehicle and its proximity to the antenna, itis difficult for the radar operator to deter-mine if the signal is from a sports car nearbyor a semi-truck several hundred feet away.How “POP” Works“POP” mode is a relatively new feature forradar gun manufacturers. It works by transmitting an extremely short burst,within the allocated band, to identifyspeeding vehicles in traffic. Once the targetis identified, or “POPPED,” the gun is thenturned to its normal operating mode toprovide a vehicle tracking history, (requiredby law).Note: According to the operator’s manualfrom the radar gun manufacturer, ticketsshould not be issued in this mode.Radar range also depends on the powerof the radar equipment itself. The strengthof the radar unit's beam diminishes withdistance. The farther the radar has to travel,the less energy it has for speed detection.Because intrusion alarms and motionsensors often operate on the samefrequency as X-Band radar, your Passportwill occasionally receive non-police radarsignals. Since these X-Band transmitters areusually contained inside of a building, oraimed toward the ground, they will gener-ally produce much weaker readings thanwill a true radar encounter. As you becomefamiliar with the sources of these pseudoalarms in your daily driving, they will serveas confirmation that your Passport’s radardetection abilities are fully operational.How POP Works
22 23How Laser (Lidar) WorksLaser speed detection is actually LIDAR(Light Detection and Ranging). LIDAR gunsproject a beam of invisible infrared light.The signal is a series of very short infraredlight energy pulses, which move, in astraight line, reflecting off your car andreturning to the gun. LIDAR uses these lightpulses to measure the distance to a vehicle.Speed is then calculated by measuring howquickly these pulses are reflected given theknown speed of light. LIDAR (or laser) is a newer technologyand is not as widespread as conventionalradar, therefore, you may not encounterlaser on a daily basis. And unlike radardetection, laser detection is not prone tofalse alarms. Because LIDAR transmits amuch narrower beam than does radar, it ismuch more accurate in its ability to distinguish between targets and is also more difficult to detect. AS A RESULT, EVENTHE BRIEFEST LASER ALERT SHOULDBE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.There are limitations to LIDAR equipment. LIDAR is much more sensitiveto weather conditions than RADAR, and aLIDAR gun’s range will be decreased byanything affecting visibility such as rain, fog,or smoke. A LIDAR gun cannot operatethrough glass and it must be stationary inorder to get an accurate reading. BecauseLIDAR must have a clear line of sight and issubject to cosine error (an inaccuracy,which increases as the angle between thegun and the vehicle, increases) police typically use LIDAR equipment parallel tothe road or from an overpass. LIDAR can beused day or night.How Laser Works ServiceService ProcedureIf Your Passport ever needs service,please follow these simple steps:1Check the troubleshooting section ofthis manual. It may have a solution to yourproblem.2Call us at 1-800-543-1608. We may beable to solve your problem over the phone.If the problem requires that you send yourPassport to the factory for repair, we willprovide you with a Service Order Number,which must be included on the outside ofyour shipping box. Enclose The Following InformationWith Your Passport :•Your Service Order Number•Your name and return address•Your daytime telephone number•A description of the problem you are experiencing.Out Of Warranty RepairsFor out of warranty repairs, include prepay-ment in the amount you were quoted bythe Escort Customer Service Representative.If the detector has been damaged, abused ormodified, the repair cost will be calculatedon a parts and labor basis. If it exceeds thebasic repair charge, you will be contactedwith a quotation. If the additional paymentis not received within 30 days (or if younotify us that you choose not to have yourPassport repaired at the price quoted), yourPassport will be returned, without repair.Payment can be made by check, moneyorder, or credit card.Mail Passport and Power Cord To:ESCORTCustomer Service DepartmentService Order Number ______________5440 West Chester RoadWest Chester, Ohio  45069For your own protection, we recommendthat you ship your Passport postpaid andinsured. Insist on a proof of delivery, andkeep the receipt until the return ofyour Passport.
Troubleshooting24 25ProblemPassport beeps briefly at the samelocation every day, but no radarsource is in sight.Passport does not seem sensitive toradar or laser.Passport did not alert when a policecar was in view.Passport’s display is not working.Passport’s audible alerts are lessloud after the first few alerts.Passport bounces or sags on wind-shield.Passport’s power-on sequence reoc-curs while you are driving. Your 14-year old son has changed all9 of the EZ-Programming options.Solution• An X-band motion sensor or intrusion alarm is located withinrange of your route. With time, you will learn predictablepatterns of these signals.• Make sure that windshield wipers do not block Passport’sradar antenna and that the laser lens is not behind tinted areas.• Determine if your vehicle has an Instaclear®, ElectriClear®orsolar reflective windshield which may deflect radar or lasersignals.• Passport may be in City Mode.• VASCAR (Visual Average Speed Computer and Recorder) astopwatch method of speed detection, may be in use.• Officer may not have radar or laser unit turned on.• Press the Dim button to deactivate Dark Mode.• Passport is in AutoMute Mode. See page 8 for details.• Passport is not making contact with the windshield toprovide stability. While holding down Passport’s EasyMountbutton, slide Passport further back toward the windshield sothat the back top edge makes firm contact.• A loose power connection or dirty lighter socket can causePassport to be briefly disconnected.You can return all of the programming options to the factorydefaults by holding down the City, Dim, and Mute buttonswhile you turn Passport on.ProblemPassport will not turn on.Passport feels very warm. Solution• Check that volume control is ON.• Check that vehicle ignition is ON.• Check that vehicle lighter socket is functional.• Try Passport in another vehicle.• It is normal for Passport to feel warm.Explanation of DisplaysAD Sensitivity control is in Auto mode, display is in Dark mode (page 9)HD Sensitivity control is in Highway mode, display is in Dark mode (page 9)CD Sensitivity control is in City mode, display is in Dark mode (page 9)No display Passport is in the Dark mode, and is programmed for Dark All (page 9, 16)PilotHWY One of the many programming messages (pages 12-16)X|, or  K|,Passport has been programmed in the ExpertMeter Mode (page 10-11)or  KA|etc.Self Cal Passport is running a self-calibration test.Service Passport has failed the calibration test. Contact Escort for repair.Required̄Remove card along perforations         ̄                                                         ̄WarrantyESCORT One Year Limited WarrantyESCORT warrants your Passport against alldefects in materials and workmanship for aperiod of one (1) year from the date of theoriginal purchase, subject to the followingterms and conditions:The sole responsibility of ESCORTunder this Warranty is limited to either repairor, at the option of ESCORT, replacement ofthe Passport detector. There are noexpressed or implied warranties, includingthose of fitness for a particular purpose ormerchantability, which extend beyond theface hereof. Some states do not allow limita-tions on how long an implied warranty lasts,so the above limitations may not apply to you.ESCORT is not liable for any incidentalor consequential damages arising from theuse, misuse, or mounting of the Passport.Some states do not allow the exclusion orlimitation of incidental or consequentialdamages, so the above limitation or exclusionmay not apply to you.This Warranty gives you specific rights. You may have other legal rights, whichvary, from state to state. This Warranty doesnot apply if the serial number on thehousing of the Passport has been removed,or if your Passport has been subjected tophysical abuse, improper installation, ormodification.Escort Extended Service PlanEscort offers an optional extended serviceplan. Contact Escort for details.AccessoriesThe following accessories and replacementparts are available for Passport 8500 X50.Standard Coiled SmartCord...........$29.95Available in red or blueDirect-wire SmartCord.....................$29.95Accessory Kit ........................................$19.95Visor Clip ..................................................$4.008500 X50 Travel Case........................$19.95AccessoriesESCORT PRODUCT REGISTRATION CARD̈If you purchased your detector directly from Escort, you do not need to fill this out.̈If you did not purchase your detector directly from Escort, please fill out this section and return to us, or register online at our web address: www.escortradar.com1. First Name:___________________  Middle Initial____  Last Name__________________________Address______________________________________________________________________City_______________________________________  State_____________  Zip______________E-mail (In case we have a question)___________________________________________________2. Product Purchased________________________  Model___________  Serial Number___________3. Place of Purchase__________________________________  Date_________  Price____________4. Primary reason for purchasing this ESCORT product_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Would you like to be added to our mailing list? २Yes   २No 6. Would you like us to e-mail you with updates? २Yes   २No
28̄Remove card along perforations         ̄

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