Euro Communication EquipementS BTMOTOF5 Wireless Handsfree User Manual INTERPHONE F5

Euro Communication Equipement SAS Wireless Handsfree INTERPHONE F5


INTERPHONE F5Bluetooth HeadsetPRODUCT OVERVIEW:1. Center Button (power on & off / pairing / answer / end a call / reject a call / activate mode / deactivate mode)2. Status Indicator3. Left Button (Volume Down)4. Right Button (Volume Up)5. UP Button (Selection Up)6. DOWN Button (Selection Down)7. Microphone (On the flexible boom)8. Charger Socket 9. Left/Right (L/R) Ear SpeakerCharging:Connect   the   charger’s   plug   to   the   Charger   Socket   of   the Interphone F5. Then connect the charger to an external power source. Charge Indicator (2) Status:Steady Red: Battery LowSteady Orange: ChargingSteady Green: Battery FullWhen fully charged, disconnect the charger. Power On:From   Off,   press   center   button   for   3   seconds.   Interphone   F5 announces “Interphone  F5 ready. Battery ‘level’. Phone.” Then status indicator blinks blue.Power Off:
Press   center   button   for   about   5   seconds.   Interphone   F5 announces “Interphone F5 Powering Down” then status indicator turns red then off.Pairing Mode:From Off, press center button for about 5 seconds. Interphone F5 announce “British English Selected. From phones Bluetooth menu, search for devices and select Interphone F5. Enter pin code 0000 if requested.” Then status indicator turns blinking red and blue.Pairing to Mobile Phone:From pairing mode, access the Bluetooth menu of your phone then execute a Bluetooth search. Then follow the headset and phone   prompts  to   pair  the   Interphone  F5.   After   the   successful pairing, a voice will announce “Pairing successful to phone”. Pairing Cancel:During pairing mode, press center button for 2 seconds to cancel the   pairing   process.   “Pairing   Cancel”   will   be   announced   and stops the pairing search. Receiving Incoming Call:Answer   Call:  Press   center   button   for   1   second   to   accept   the incoming call.End Call:  Press center button for 1 second to end the received call.Reject   Call:  Press   center   button   for   3   seconds   to   reject   the incoming call. “Call Rejected” will be announced on Interphone F5.Volume   UP:  Press   Right   button   for   1   second   to   increase   the volume   level.   “Maximum   Volume”   or   a   beep   will   be   heard   if highest level is reached.Volume DOWN:  Press Left button for 1 second to decrease the volume level. A beep will be heard if minimum level is reached.
Transfer   Conversation   from   Interphone   F5   to   phone:  Press   and hold   center   button   for   3   seconds.   A   beep   will   be   heard   and audio will transfer to phone.Transfer   Conversation   from   phone   to   Interphone   F5:  Press   and hold   center   button   for   3   seconds.   A   beep   will   be   heard   and audio will transfer to Interphone F5.Menu Selection:Press UP/DOWN button for 1 second to select which menu you wanted   to   use.   You   can   select   Phone,   FM,   Music   Streaming, Auxiliary Input and Set-Up on the menu.Phone Menu:Activate Phone Mode: Press center button for 1 second to activate phone mode. “Phone Mode” will be announced on Interphone F5Redial:  Press UP button   for  1 second to   redial the last number used on your phone. “redialing last number” announced.Voice   Dial:  Press   DOWN   button   for   1   second   to   activate   the voice dial saved on your phone.Deactivate   Phone   Mode:  Press   center   button   for   1   second   to deactivate Phone mode. “Phone” will be announced and ready to select another menu.FM Menu:Activate FM Mode: Press center button for 1 second to activate FM mode. “FM Active” will be announced on Interphone F5.To   scan   the   stored   FM   Station:  Press   UP/DOWN   button   for   1 second   to   scan   memory   up.   “Scan   UP/Scan   DOWN”   will   be announced on Interphone F5. “Memory 1-8 followed by the FM Station” will be announced on Interphone F5.To   scan   the   FM   Station   Found:  Press   UP/DOWN   button   for   2 seconds to search a new FM station. “Scan UP/Scan DOWN” will be announced on Interphone F5.
To Store FM Station to memory: Press center button for 2 seconds to store the current FM station on memory. Use UP/DOWN button to select your desired memory to store the current station, then short press center button to confirm.  Interphone F5 announces “FM station stored to memory 1-8”.Deactivate   FM   Mode:  Press   center   button   for   1   second   to deactivate   FM   mode.   It  will   automatically   go   back   to   Phone menu. “Phone” will be announced and ready to select another menu.Music Streaming (A2DP) Menu:Activate Music  Streaming   (A2DP) Mode:  Press center  button for 1 second to select phone music streaming (A2DP) mode. “Music Streaming Active” will be announced on Interphone F5.To   select   next/previous   music:  Press   UP/DOWN   button   for   1 second   to   select   songs   you   wanted   to   play/stream. “Next/Previous” will be announced on Interphone F5.To play/pause music: Press center button for 2 seconds to play or pause   the   music  streaming.   Automatically   play  or  paused   the music streaming.Note: With some phones, you may need to manually play via Bluetooth on your phone to start streaming music on Interphone F5. Deactivate Music Streaming (A2DP) Mode: Press center button for 1 second   to   deactivate Music   Streaming   (A2DP)   mode.   It   will automatically   go   back   to   phone   menu.   “Phone”   will   be announced and ready to select another menu.Auxiliary Input (MP3) Menu:Activate   Auxiliary   Input   (MP3)   Mode:  Press   center   button   for   1 second to activate auxiliary input mode. “Auxiliary Input Active” will be announced on Interphone F5. Plug in MP3 player and start  playing   music   (audio   will   be   automatically   stream   through Interphone F5).
Deactivate   Auxiliary   Input   (MP3)   Mode:  Press   center  button   for   1 second   to   deactivate Auxiliary   Input   (MP3)   mode.   It   will automatically   go   back   to   phone   menu.   “Phone”   will   be announced and ready to select another menu.Set-Up Menu:Activate Set-Up Mode:  Press center button for 1 second to select Set-Up mode. “Set-UP Active” will be announced on Interphone F5.   Then   use   UP/DOWN   button   for   1   second   to   select   which function settings you will need to change. You can select RDS setting, Caller ID setting, Automatic Volume control setting, Voice Answer setting and Erase Pairing.RDS   On/Off:  Press   center   for   2   seconds   to   change   the   RDS settings. “RDS On or Off” will be announced on Interphone F5.Caller ID On/Off: Press center button for 2 seconds to change the Caller ID settings.   “Caller  ID On  or Off” will be  announced  on Interphone F5.Automatic   Volume   Control   On/Off:  Press   center   button   for   2 seconds   to   change   the   Volume   Control   settings.   “Automatic Volume Control On or Off” will be announced on Interphone F5.Voice   Answer   On/Off:  Press   center   button   for   2   seconds   to change the Phone VOX settings. “Voice Answer On or Off” will be announced on Interphone F5.Erase Pairing: Press center button for 2 seconds to erase pairings. “Pairing Erased” will be announced on Interphone F5 followed by indistinct beeps.Deactivate   Functions   Menu:  Press   center   button   for   1   second   to deactivate Set-Up mode. It will automatically go back to phone menu. “Phone” will be announced and ready to select another menu.
FFeeddeerraall  CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss  CCoommmmiissssiioonn  ((FFCCCC))  SSttaatteemmeenntt  IInndduussttrryy  CCaannaaddaa  ((IICC))  SSttaatteemmeenntt  1155..2211    YYoouu  aarree  ccaauuttiioonneedd  tthhaatt  cchhaannggeess  oorr  mmooddiiffiiccaattiioonnss  nnoott  eexxpprreessssllyy  aapppprroovveedd  bbyy  tthhee  ppaarrtt  rreessppoonnssiibbllee  ffoorr  ccoommpplliiaannccee  ccoouulldd vvooiidd  tthhee  uusseerr’’ss  aauutthhoorriittyy  ttoo  ooppeerraattee  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt..    1155..110055((bb))  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  hhaass  bbeeeenn  tteesstteedd  aanndd  ffoouunndd  ttoo  ccoommppllyy  wwiitthh  tthhee  lliimmiittss  ffoorr  aa  CCllaassss  BB  ddiiggiittaall  ddeevviiccee,,  ppuurrssuuaanntt  ttoo  ppaarrtt  1155  ooff tthhee  FFCCCC  rruulleess..  TThheessee  lliimmiittss  aarree  ddeessiiggnneedd  ttoo  pprroovviiddee  rreeaassoonnaabbllee  pprrootteeccttiioonn  aaggaaiinnsstt  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  iinn  aa  rreessiiddeennttiiaall iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ggeenneerraatteess,,  uusseess  aanndd  ccaann  rraaddiiaattee  rraaddiioo  ffrreeqquueennccyy  eenneerrggyy  aanndd,,  iiff  nnoott  iinnssttaalllleedd  aanndd  uusseedd  iinn aaccccoorrddaannccee  wwiitthh  tthhee  iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss,,  mmaayy  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  ttoo  rraaddiioo  ccoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnss..  HHoowweevveerr,,  tthheerree  iiss  nnoo gguuaarraanntteeee  tthhaatt  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  wwiillll  nnoott  ooccccuurr  iinn  aa  ppaarrttiiccuullaarr  iinnssttaallllaattiioonn..  IIff  tthhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ddooeess  ccaauussee  hhaarrmmffuull  iinntteerrffeerreennccee ttoo  rraaddiioo  oorr  tteelleevviissiioonn  rreecceeppttiioonn,,  wwhhiicchh  ccaann  bbee  ddeetteerrmmiinneedd  bbyy  ttuurrnniinngg  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ooffff  aanndd  oonn,,  tthhee  uusseerr  iiss  eennccoouurraaggeedd  ttoo ttrryy  ttoo  ccoorrrreecctt  tthhee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  bbyy  oonnee  oorr  mmoorree  ooff  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  mmeeaassuurreess  ::    --RReeoorriieenntt  oorr  rreellooccaattee  tthhee  rreecceeiivviinngg  aanntteennnnaa..  --IInnccrreeaassee  tthhee  sseeppaarraattiioonn  bbeettwweeeenn  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  aanndd  rreecceeiivveerr..  --CCoonnnneecctt  tthhee  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  iinnttoo  aann  oouuttlleett  oonn  aa  cciirrccuuiitt  ddiiffffeerreenntt  ffrroomm  tthhaatt  ttoo  wwhhiicchh  tthhee  rreecceeiivveerr  iiss  ccoonnnneecctteedd..  --CCoonnssuulltt  tthhee  ddeeaalleerr  oorr  aann  eexxppeerriieenncceedd  rraaddiioo//TTVV  tteecchhnniicciiaann  ffoorr  hheellpp..    OOppeerraattiioonn  iiss  ssuubbjjeecctt  ttoo  tthhee  ffoolllloowwiinngg  ttwwoo  ccoonnddiittiioonnss  ::  11))TThhiiss  ddeevviiccee  mmaayy  nnoott  ccaauussee  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  aanndd  22))TThhiiss  ddeevviiccee  mmuusstt  aacccceepptt  aannyy  iinntteerrffeerreennccee,,  iinncclluuddiinngg  iinntteerrffeerreennccee  tthhaatt  mmaayy  ccaauussee  uunnddeessiirreedd  ooppeerraattiioonn  ooff  tthhee  ddeevviiccee..    FFCCCC  RRFF  RRaaddiiaattiioonn  EExxppoossuurree  SSttaatteemmeenntt  ::  TThhiiss  eeqquuiippmmeenntt  ccoommpplliieess  wwiitthh  FFCCCC  rraaddiiaattiioonn  eexxppoossuurree  lliimmiittss  sseett  ffoorrtthh  ffoorr  aann  uunnccoonnttrroolllleedd  eennvviirroonnmmeenntt..  EEnndd  uusseerrss  mmuusstt ffoollllooww  tthhee  ssppeecciiffiicc  ooppeerraattiinngg  iinnssttrruuccttiioonnss  ffoorr  ssaattiissffyyiinngg  RRFF  eexxppoossuurree  ccoommpplliiaannccee..  TThhiiss  ttrraannssmmiitttteerr  mmuusstt  nnoott  bbee  ccoo--llooccaatteedd  oorr  ooppeerraattiinngg  iinn  ccoonnjjuunnccttiioonn  wwiitthh  aannyy  ootthheerr  aanntteennnnaa  oorr  ttrraannssmmiitttteerr.. This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS  standard(s).

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