Excel Energy Technologies ES500-A-RFT RFT Listener User Manual PLS ES200 A PT Man

Excel Energy Technologies, Ltd. RFT Listener PLS ES200 A PT Man

users manual

Owners ManualDRAFTThe wireless - internet enabled data collection systemES100 TEMPERATURE SENSORES200 PULSE TOTALIZERES300 REPEATERES500 LISTENERPlease Read Before Using This Equipment
CongratulationsYou are now the owner of the ExcelSyusTM "Listener", a wireless, internetenabled data collection system.  With this system you have the flexibility of variousmodes of communication to receive the information back to the Excel Web Serversfor publishing on your browser.The complete ExcelSyusTM "Listener" utilizes a radio signals to communicatebetween wireless sensor's which transmit Celsius and Fahrenheit temperaturereadings.  Also the wireless data totalizer which transmit total counts of items suchas energy usage, operation cycles, andBattery powered wireless sensor has a small green LED to notify of active datatransmission. A small push button switch is barely visible for transmit activation inaddition to the normal transmission schedules.Battery All the devices contained in the complete ExcelSyusTM "Listener" productsinclude battery operation.  The transmitters require battery operation but theExcelSyusTM "Listener" and repeater uses an optional battery for power lossrequirements.The normal battery life for the wireless sensor and wireless totalizer aregreater than 18 months.   The normal transmission of the data for both of thesedevices include an alert for low battery power and can be observed on the internetweb site.System The ExcelSyusTM "Listener" system includes several components -"Listener" software, "Listener" device, repeater, wireless sensors, and wireless datatotalizer.  The ExcelSyusTM "Listener" can be connected to several different devicesincluding a standard PC running on a Microsoft Windows operating system, amodem connection, or an ExcelSyusTM "Monitor" system.OperationThe operation of the ExcelSyusTM "Listener" system is subdivided into the fivesystem components:A. "Listener" SoftwareThe "Listener" Software is designed to run using Microsoft's InternetExplorer version 5.0 or greater.   Through Internet "SMTP" technology data istransferred to Excel's Internet Web Server.   To ensure proper operation select fromMicrosoft Internet Explorer tools/Internet options/programs/e-mail and choosewhichever email application the PC uses.  The "Listener" software will use thisconduit to transfer the data packets to Excel Energy Technologies.Install the "Listener" software into a folder.  The application is very smalland no entrys are made into your computer system registry.  One the installation ismade the PC is ready to activate the ExcelSyusTM "Listener" system.B. ExcelSyusTM "Listener"The "Listener" has two communication ports.  One uses RS-232 and theother is RS-485.The PC attachment normally uses RS-232 however with a RS-485 cardinstalled in your PC you can also use RS-485 and daisy chain the "Listeners."Through use of a null modem cable attach the ExcelSyusTM "Listener" to the PCCom port.When connecting the Listener to the ExcelSyus Building Control Panel, usea null modem to the RS-485 ports on both devices.C. RepeaterThe repeater is used to boost the signals coming from the wirelesstransmitters.  They are simply installed in locations that allow the radio signals to goaround dense metal areas or to increase the distance between the wirelesstransmitting devices and the "Listener."  There is no setup required since the built-inintelligence recognizes Excel communication and simply rebroadcasts that data.D. Wireless SensorOperation of the wireless sensor is very simple and requires very little detailfor proper operation.  The main concern for the proper operation centers aroundgetting the transmitted radio signals to the ExcelSyusTM "Listener."  Items to avoid inorder to improve the performance include staying away from dense wall structures ormetal objects.   Distance between the "Listener" and wireless sensors should be nomore than 700 feet for good reception.  If increased range is desired simply use theExcelSyusTM "Repeater."Other items to bear in mind while placing the wireless sensor are to avoidareas above hot surfaces such as cook tops, ovens, lights, sunlight heated objects, etc.E. Wireless Data TotalizerThe wireless data totalizer is similar to the operation of the wireless sensorexcept for the addition of the pulse input.  The wireless data totalizer is constructedfor sealed weather tight operation. For this reason the operation is activated byjoining the two "enabling" control wires.  The two input wires must be attached tothe pulse initiation device that allows a low voltage signal to energize/de-energize.Again, the main concern for the proper operation of the wireless datatotalizer centers around getting the transmitted radio signals to the ExcelSyusTM"Listener."  Items to avoid in order to improve the performance include staying awayfrom dense wall structures and/or metal objects.   Distance between the "Listener"and wireless data totalizer should be no more than 700 feet for good reception.  Ifincreased range is desired simply use the ExcelSyusTM "Repeater."
OptimizationThe Federal Communications Commission (FCC) places power limits upondevices that transmit as intentional radiators.  This power limitation directly affectsthe distance or receiving range of the ExcelSyusTM "Listener" system.The main concern for the proper operation centers around getting the transmittedradio signals to the ExcelSyusTM "Listener."  Items to avoid in order to improve theperformance include staying away from dense wall structures or metal objects.Distance between the "Listener" and wireless sensors should be no more than 700feet for good reception.  If increased range is desired simply use the ExcelSyusTM"Repeater." The broadcast range of the ExcelSyusTM "Listener" may be limited by a numberof external factors listed above.  Therefore, the following suggestions may be helpfulin getting the optimal range.1. Avoid metallic materials. Metallic materials affect a radio's range significantly.Thus the more metal objects located near the individual "Listener" devices theshorter the range.2. Avoid using other devices that generate electrical interference.  Electricalinterference in the atmosphere will affect radio reception.3. Replace weak batteries when the alert notification signal is seen on the ExcelEnergy web site.   http:www.excel-energy.comThe user may also find a booklet prepared by the FCC helpful: "How to Identify andResolve Radio-Television Interference Problems."  This booklet is available from theUnited States Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 004000-00345-4.Radio Frequency Interference StatementNote: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for anintentional radiator, pursuant to Part 15, Subpart C of the FCC Rules.  Thisequipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy.  If not installedand used in accordance with the instructins, it may cause interference to radiocommunications.The limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against suchinterference in a residential situation.  However, there is no guarantee thatinterference will not occur in a particular installation.  If this equipment does causeinterference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment on and off, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by oneor more of the following measures:1. Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna of the affected radio or television.2. Increase the separation between the equipment and th affected receiver.3. Connect the equipment and the affected receiver to power outlets on separatecircuits.4. Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.ModificationsChanges or modifications not expressly approved by Excel EnergyTechnology, Ltd., could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.SpecificationSupply voltagesExcelSyusTM "Listener"ExcelSyusTM "Repeater"Wireless Temperature SensorWireless Data TotalizerFrequency RangePre-emphasisPower ConsumptionChannel StrengthDrop-Out VoltageLimited WarrantyExcel Energy Technologies, Ltd. warrants to the original onsumer purchaser of theExcelSyusTM "Listener" system that it will be free from defects in material andworkmanship for a period of ninety (90) date from the date of purchase.  ExcelEnergy Technology, Ltd. will repair or replace any defective parts without charge,provided that the item is returned with shipping charges prepaid, together with proofof the date-of-purchase, name of original purchaser, mailing address and adescription of the defect, to:Excel Energy Technologies, Ltd.Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119This warranty does not cover defects caused by damage in transit, abuse, accident,negligence, or repairs make by others.This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rightswhich vary from state to state.For you protection cut out the warranty registration form printed on the packaginginsert card and send to the above address.

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