Exegin Technologies Q53R6 ZIGBEE GATEWAY BRIDGE User Manual Q53

Exegin Technologies Limited ZIGBEE GATEWAY BRIDGE Q53



1 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
Exegin Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway
Installation and Configuration Guide
Version 1.2.6
2 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
Copyright © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
All rights reserved.
No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. While every precaution has been taken in
the preparation of this manual, Exegin Technologies Limited assumes no liability for errors or omissions contained herein or for
any damages in connection with the performance or use of this material.
All rights reserved. All other product names are trademarks of their respective manufacturers or providers.
This manual was written, illustrated, and produced using FrameMaker publishing software.
Made in Canada.
Exegin Technologies Limited
401 - 2071 Kingsway Avenue
Port Coquitlam, B.C. V3C 6N2
P/N 79-053-100
3 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
Table of Contents
ii List of Figures................................................................................................................................5
iii List of Tables .................................................................................................................................6
1 Overview Of The Manual...............................................................................................................7
Contents of the Manual..................................................................................................................... 7
Documentation Conventions ............................................................................................................8
2 Introduction to the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway ...................................................................9
What is the Q53? ..............................................................................................................................9
Physical Features..............................................................................................................................9
How Does the Q53 Work?..............................................................................................................10
Product Features .............................................................................................................................11
3 Installing the Q53.........................................................................................................................12
Site Requirements...........................................................................................................................12
Unpacking the Q53.........................................................................................................................13
Connecting the Q53 to a Network..................................................................................................13
4 Configuration Tools ....................................................................................................................17
Q53 Utilities ................................................................................................................................... 17
TCP/IP Commands.........................................................................................................................19
5 Configuring the Q53 on Your Network ......................................................................................20
Required TCP/IP Settings............................................................................................................... 20
Optional TCP/IP Settings ...............................................................................................................25
Troubleshooting Tips...................................................................................................................... 27
6 Configuring the Q53 Gateway ....................................................................................................30
Required Gateway Settings ............................................................................................................30
Gateway Status Page ...................................................................................................................... 32
7 Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration ..............................................................................33
Required ZigBee Settings...............................................................................................................33
ZigBee Configuration Settings.......................................................................................................36
Optional Bridging Settings.............................................................................................................39
Troubleshooting Tips...................................................................................................................... 40
8 Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53 .................................................................................43
Accessing the Q53 HTML Pages ...................................................................................................43
Q53 Home Page..............................................................................................................................45
ZigBee Forms .................................................................................................................................47
Bridge Forms..................................................................................................................................49
TCP/IP Forms................................................................................................................................. 51
Administration Forms.....................................................................................................................54
Help Page........................................................................................................................................60
4 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9 Reference Information ................................................................................................................62
Q53 Command Line Interface Shell...............................................................................................62
Complete Command Reference......................................................................................................64
Q53 Naming Scheme......................................................................................................................70
User Accounts and Permissions .....................................................................................................70
Resetting to Factory Defaults......................................................................................................... 70
Performing Firmware Upgrades.....................................................................................................71
10 Extra Features/Additional Information ......................................................................................72
General Options..............................................................................................................................72
Q53 Security................................................................................................................................... 72
11 Q53 Regulatory information .......................................................................................................75
Radio Frequency Notifications....................................................................................................... 75
12 Q53 Specifications ......................................................................................................................79
Physical Features............................................................................................................................79
Electrical Details.............................................................................................................................80
Antenna Radiation Pattern..............................................................................................................80
Q53 LEDs.......................................................................................................................................81
Network Interfaces .........................................................................................................................82
Software Specifications..................................................................................................................83
13 Getting Help .................................................................................................................................84
Help Methods Available.................................................................................................................84
Repair Procedure ............................................................................................................................85
14 Glossary .......................................................................................................................................88
5 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
Figure 1: Q53 Bottom View.................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 2: Q53 Side View.........................................................................................................................15
Figure 3: Q53 Top View: LED Status Indicators....................................................................................16
Figure 4: Q53 HTML Menu Structure ....................................................................................................18
Figure 5: TCP/IP Settings Form..............................................................................................................21
Figure 6: Gecko Main Screen..................................................................................................................23
Figure 7: Q53 Gateway Settings..............................................................................................................30
Figure 8: Gateway Status Screen.............................................................................................................32
Figure 9: ZigBee Configuration Form.....................................................................................................34
Figure 10: ZigBee Control Form...............................................................................................................35
Figure 11: Bridge Settings Form ...............................................................................................................39
Figure 12: ZigBee Status Form .................................................................................................................41
Figure 13: Bridge Status Form ..................................................................................................................42
Figure 14: Password Dialog for Access to Administration Forms............................................................45
Figure 15: Q53 HTML Menu Structure ....................................................................................................46
Figure 16: Q53 Home Page ....................................................................................................................... 46
Figure 17: Zigbee Control Form................................................................................................................ 47
Figure 18: ZigBee Configuration Form.....................................................................................................48
Figure 19: ZigBee Status Page ..................................................................................................................49
Figure 20: Bridge Settings Form ...............................................................................................................50
Figure 21: Bridge Status Page ...................................................................................................................51
Figure 22: TCP/IP Settings Form.............................................................................................................. 52
Figure 23: TCP/IP Status Page.................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 24: System Information Form........................................................................................................55
Figure 25: Password Form.........................................................................................................................56
Figure 26: SNTP Settings Form ................................................................................................................57
Figure 27: Firmware Upgrade Form..........................................................................................................58
Figure 28: Firmware File Selection Dialog...............................................................................................59
Figure 29: Restart Page.............................................................................................................................. 60
Figure 30: Help Page.................................................................................................................................61
Figure 31: Q53 Declaration of Conformity............................................................................................... 78
Figure 32: Power Socket............................................................................................................................80
Figure 33: Antenna Radiation Pattern .......................................................................................................81
Figure 34: Sample Commercial Invoice....................................................................................................87
6 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
Table 1: Q53 Packing List......................................................................................................................13
Table 2: Q53 Dipswitch Settings ...........................................................................................................15
Table 3: Common Commands................................................................................................................63
Table 4: List Command Options............................................................................................................ 65
Table 5: Set Command Options .............................................................................................................66
Table 6: Store Command Options.......................................................................................................... 67
Table 7: Miscellaneous Commands ....................................................................................................... 68
Table 8: STAT LED Patterns................................................................................................................. 81
Table 9: NET LED Patterns ...................................................................................................................82
Table 10: RF LED Patterns......................................................................................................................82
Table 11: UTP (RJ45) Connector Pinout.................................................................................................82
7 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
1. Overview Of The Manual
Contents of the Manual
This manual describes the installation and configuration of the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4
Gateway on your network. For the latest information on the Q53, please see the
Technical Support section of Exegin’s Web site:
Contents of the Manual
This manual contains the following chapters:
2: Introduction to the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway. A description of how the Q53
works, and its main features.
3: Installing the Q53. Installing and connecting the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway to
a TCP/IP network.
4: Configuration Tools. Utilities provided with the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway and
some basic TCP/IP commands that you will need to configure the Q53.
5: Configuring the Q53 on Your Network. Describes how to set up the TCP/IP network
parameters on the Q53.
6: Configuring the Q53 Gateway. Describes the services offered by and the
configuration of the ZigBee Gateway components of the Q53
7: Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration. Describes how to set up the Zigbee and
bridging parameters on the Q53 to establish a Zigbee bridge over your TCP/IP network.
8: Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53. Descriptions of the Q53 web pages for
configuring the Zigbee gateway bridge device and viewing its status.
9: Reference Information. Provides a complete command list and information about
using the Q53’s command line interface shell. Describes the Q53 naming scheme, how
to reset units to factory defaults and how to upgrade the firmware.
10: Extra Features/Additional Information. Topics covered include product
architecture, general options, security features, using the FTP daemon to access the Q53.
111: Q53 Specifications. Providing hardware and software specifications for the Q53,
connector pinouts, LED status indicators and variable definitions.
12: Getting Help. Where to find help and how to return the Q53 for repair.
13: Glossary.
8 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
1. Overview Of The Manual
Documentation Conventions
Documentation Conventions
The document conventions used in this manual and the appendices are as follows:
The Courier font in boldface indicates commands that you type.
$ping exegin.com
Regular Courier font indicates displayed results.
exegin.com is alive
Example names, numbers, and commands are presented in bold.
To create an IP address for the Q53 using the TCP/IP arp command, do the
Variable values are shown in italics. Italics may also be used to add emphasis.
ping ipname
ipname is alive
Please enter the ipname at the prompt.
Make sure you first contact...
2. Introduction to the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway
What is the Q53?
9 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
This chapter describes the Q53’s architecture and special features. The topics included
What is the Q53? on page 9
Physical Features on page 9
How Does the Q53 Work? on page 10
Product Features on page 11
What is the Q53?
The Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway provides computers with a secure TCP/IP network
interface to a ZigBee PAN.
Using SOAP or REST, open, well-supported, industry-standard remote procedure call
(RPC) protocols.
Physical Features
The key physical components of the Q53 are:
a 10/100 network interface connector to connect to the network
2.4 GHz radio for connection to ZigBee PANs
Flash memory to store firmware and user-configurable settings
High-performance 32-bit microprocessor subsystem for speed, efficiency and
For more detailed specifications of the Q53, please see chapter 12, Q53 Specifications.
2. Introduction to the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway
How Does the Q53 Work?
10 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
How Does the Q53 Work?
The Q53 implements the ZigBee Gateway specification as defined by the ZigBee
Alliance; see www.zigbee.org to obtain a copy. This standard specifies remote
procedure call method based on Web services (SOAP and REST) and ASN.1based
application level protocols.
Through user created host applications the Q53's SOAP and REST interface can be
accessed using the encoding schemes detailed in Gateway Specification. The Q53 does
not currently implement the ANS.1 interface.
In the case of SOAP, the message formats are defined through the use of an xml
encoded schema and a WSDL which can be found in the ZigBee Gateway specification.
The specification also details the format of the RESTful HTTP messages.
Either of these interfaces can be accessed through the use of user created Web
Services client applications or third party tools such as eviware’s soapUI tool.
Exegin provides a sample Microsoft Visual Studio project, on our web site at
which implements a number of simple SOAP based interactions with a Q53
The Q53 implements the mandatory subset of functions of the Gateway
Specification. The Exegin specific schema and WSDL are available in the
example Q53_VSC project package.
Note that the contents of this package may change at anytime and that Exegin
Technologies makes no warranties regarding the usability or reliability of the
contents of the package. The package is simply an example of how one might use
a gateway.
2. Introduction to the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway
Product Features
11 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
Product Features
The Q53 offers an extensive list of features including:
internal radio circuitry supporting 2.4 GHz PANs
simple and fast configuration of ZigBee, TCP/IP and bridge operating parameters
built-in HTML forms for easy cross-platform configuration and status monitoring
with any web browser
Gecko, a utility for automated TCP/IP configuration (the latest version online at
A detailed and easy-to-use command line interface shell
TCP/IP configuration through static settings or via DHCP
configuration security through passwords
remote management through telnet session.
extensive built-in troubleshooting tools
built-in "telnet" and "ping" clients
simple flash memory upgrades over TCP/IP
12 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
3. Installing the Q53
Site Requirements
This chapter describes the following:
Site Requirements on page 12
Unpacking the Q53 on page 13
Connecting the Q53 to a Network on page 13
Site Requirements
Prepare to install the Q53 in a clean, well-ventilated environment protected from
extremes of temperature, humidity, mechanical shock, or vibration. Provide enough
space at the back of the unit for cable connections.
Depending upon the specific options selected at time of ordering, the Q53 may be
powered from a 115 or 230 VAC outlet using the supplied external transformer through
a output cord to a barrel-style power connector, or over the Ethernet cable (Power Over
Ethernet - PoE) from an Ethernet switch providing power as defined in the IEEE standard
802.11af. If using the external AC transformer, prepare to install the Q53 within four
meters (13 feet) of a grounded 115 or 230 VAC outlet.
The Q53 must be installed within RF range of the local ZigBee wireless PAN, in order
to connect to the PAN and therefore bridge it over the TCP/IP network to the remote
PAN. The maximum distance from the Q53 to the nearest ZigBee PAN node will vary
depending upon the installation environment and capabilities of the other ZigBee
The Q53 is an intentional radiator of Radio Frequency (RF) energy. In order to limit RF
exposure to personnel in the immediate area, the Q53 should be located and installed
such that a separation of at least 20 centimeters is maintained between the Q53’s antenna
and personnel in the vicinity of the device.
Note: ESD precautions should be used when attaching or removing the antenna.
13 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
3. Installing the Q53
Unpacking the Q53
Unpacking the Q53
Upon receiving the Q53, check the packaging for any damage or missing pieces.
Immediately report problems to the shipping company or vendor.
Connecting the Q53 to a Network
There are two DIP switches on the rear surface (Figure 1) of the Q53. Table 2 on page 15
lists the different modes controlled by dipswitch 1 and 2. Ensure that dipswitch 1 and
dipswitch 2 are set to the "off" position for normal operations. They are in the "off"
postion when shipped from the factory.
Table 1—Q53 Packing List
ZigBee / 802.15.4
Gateway •Q53
Power Supply
Antenna 2.4 GHz Antenna
14 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
3. Installing the Q53
Connecting the Q53 to a Network
Figure 1—Q53 Bottom View
15 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
3. Installing the Q53
Connecting the Q53 to a Network
Use the RJ45 network connector, located on the side panel of the Q53 (see Figure 2), for
attaching to a 10/100Base-T (UTP) network. Plug a network cable into the network
connector. If installing a Q53 without the Power Over Ethernet (POE) option, insert the
three-prong power cable of the AC adapter into an AC outlet, and insert the barrel power
connectors into the POWER connector on the side panel of the Q53; this will power on
the device.
Figure 2—Q53 Side View
Table 2—Q53 Dipswitch Settings
Dipswitch Comments
OFF OFF Normal operation. With both dipswitches in the "OFF" position, the unit
will boot up using the settings in Flash rather than the default settings.
Dipswitch 2 is in the "OFF" position from the factory so that the new settings
that you store will be used.
ON OFF Factory default settings. With the dipswitches in this configuration, the
unit will boot up and all settings stored in Flash will be erased except the
Ethernet address and key value.
OFF ON Default IP ( With the dipswitches in this configuration, the unit will
boot with factory default settings, but the stored settings in Flash remain
intact. This enables you to set an IP Address of your own. Setting dipswitch
2 to "ON" will not clear any settings that you have stored in Flash. It simply
boots the unit in a different state with the settings in Flash temporarily
ON ON Factory bootloader mode. Do not use this mode except as directed by
Exegin technical support.
16 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
3. Installing the Q53
Connecting the Q53 to a Network
Two LED indicators are used to indicate Ethernet link integrity (see Figure 2). The green
LED at the bottom left of the UTP network connector will be illuminated when a 100
MB/S link is established over the network connection, or extinguished otherwise. The
red LED at the bottom right of the UTP network connector will be illuminated when a
10 MB/S link is established over the network connection, or extinguished otherwise.
Figure 3—Q53 Top View: LED Status Indicators
Watch the LED indicators on the top panel as they cycle through the power-on self-test.
When the test is complete, the STAT LED will flash once per second or, if there is no IP
address configured, twice per second (see Gecko on page 18 for instruction on how to
configure an IP address).
17 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
4. Configuration Tools
Q53 Utilities
This chapter briefly describes some of the Q53 utilities provided to help you setup your
Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway:
HTML forms on page 17
Gecko on page 18
In addition, two TCP/IP commands that you will need are briefly described:
Telnet on page 19
Ping on page 19
Q53 Utilities
HTML forms
The Q53’s settings can be configured over TCP/IP using a standard Web browser. The
Q53’s Web pages provide a user-friendly way to access some of the commands built into
the Zigbee gateway device.
To access the Q53’s home page, do the following:
1. Ensure that the ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway has an IP address and subnet mask so
that it is identifiable on your TCP/IP network.
2. Ensure that your network station can successfully "ping" the Q53 over the
3. Direct your Web browser to the Uniform Resource Locator (URL):
For example:
4. When prompted for a User ID and Password, type in "root" for the ID and either
press ENTER at the password prompt or, if a password has been set, type the
password and then press ENTER.
The Q53’s HTML structure is divided into several menus as shown in Figure 4. More
detailed information about Q53 web pages is found in chapter 8, Using HTML Pages to
Configure the Q53.
18 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
4. Configuration Tools
Q53 Utilities
Figure 4—Q53 HTML Menu Structure
Gecko is a Windows tool for discovering, monitoring, and configuring Exegin devices
on a TCP/IP network. The program is a Java stand alone program.
The Q53 can be configured on a TCP/IP network using Gecko. Two steps are involved:
1. Identify the Q53 on the network using TCP/IP as the underlying protocol
2. Configure the Q53 with its required TCP/IP settings (i.e. IP address and subnet
Additional settings like routing entries can also be configured allowing for
communications across subnets. Once Gecko is up and running, select Help Topics from
the help menu for more detailed information about Gecko.
The installation procedure for Gecko is described below; Using Gecko (Windows) on
page 23 describes how to use Gecko to configure your Q53.
Before installing Gecko, ensure that you have met the following system environment
the Java Runtime Environment™ (JRE) from Sun Microsystems. JRE consists of
the Java virtual machine, the java platform core classes, and supporting files. The
latest supported version of JRE is available at Exegin’s website:
the TCP/IP protocol installed and configured on your workstation.
19 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
4. Configuration Tools
TCP/IP Commands
Gecko in
To install Gecko on a Windows workstation, you will need to:
1. Insert the Q53 CD ROM and bring up the CD directory listing in My Computer or
Windows Explorer
2. Double click on setupex.exe in the Gecko directory to run the InstallShield Wizard.
3. Answer the prompts throughout the Wizard.
Once the install process is complete, you will be prompted to view the ReadMe file.
Select "Yes" to read this and when done, close the file.
Note: The latest version of Gecko is available on Exegin’s website:
TCP/IP Commands
Telnet can be used to access a remote computer on a network. To use this command, you
must know the IP address of the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway. You can start a Telnet
session on a UNIX- or Windows-based computer which is connected to the network, to
log in to the Q53 command line interface shell to alter and view settings.
telnet ipaddress
This will bring up the Q53 login prompt. Enter "root" for the User ID and press either
ENTER at the password prompt or, if a password has been set, then type it in and press
You can use the "ping" command to check that an assigned IP address (for example, the
IP address for the Q53) is active.
ping IPaddress
For example:
The response will indicate whether the IP address is active or not.
20 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Required TCP/IP Settings
This chapter describes how to configure the required and optional TCP/IP settings for the
Q53 on your network. The following steps are covered:
Required TCP/IP Settings:
Configuring an initial IP address for the Q53 on page 20
Configure the Q53 IP address and subnet mask on page 21
Optional TCP/IP Settings:
Communicating across routers on page 25
Using Host and Domain Names on page 26
Troubleshooting Tips on page 27.
Once the TCP/IP network port is configured on the Q53, additional configuration is
required to connect the Q53 to the local ZigBee Personal Area Network (PAN), and also
to bridge that local PAN to another remote PAN over TCP/IP. Please refer to Q53 Zigbee
PAN and Bridge Configuration on page 33 for details on ZigBee and bridge
Required TCP/IP Settings
Configuring an initial IP address for the Q53
Since the Q53 has no physical user interface such as a display or keyboard, all operating
parameters must be configured by means of a TCP/IP network connection from a
separate computer. However, the Q53 must first be assigned an IP address in order to
function on a TCP/IP network. This raises the question of how to configure a Q53 when
it is first installed on the network fresh from the factory.
As delivered from the factory, the Q53 is configured to request an IP address from a
DHCP server when attached to a TCP/IP network. If a DHCP server exists on the
network, then the IP address assigned to the Q53 may be determined by querying the
DHCP server using its administration interface and locating the IP address of the desired
Q53 by matching its Ethernet MAC address. Please refer to the documentation for the
particular DHCP server used to determine how this may be done.
As an alternative, Exegin provides a utility program called Gecko which is capable of
locating any configured or unconfigured Q53 device attached to the TCP/IP subnet, and
assigning an initial IP address to it to facilitate subsequent configuration through a telnet
or HTTP connection. Please refer to Using Gecko (Windows) on page 23 for details on
how to do this.
21 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Required TCP/IP Settings
Configure the Q53 IP address and subnet mask
Once the IP address has been created, you can configure the remaining TCP/IP
parameters of the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway using one of the following:
•Q53 HTML forms, page 21
the Q53 Gecko utility (Windows only), page 23
the TCP/IP telnet command, page 24.
Using HTML
forms 1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"Network" from the Main Menu.
Or, go directly to the Network Configuration form by typing the following into your
The TCP/IP Settings form is displayed (Figure 5).
Figure 5—TCP/IP Settings Form
22 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Required TCP/IP Settings
2. If dynamic addressing is desired, then click on the radio button to the left of the
label Obtain an IP address automatically, then proceed directly to step 9 below;
this will cause the Q53 to request its TCP/IP parameters from a DHCP server over
the network.
To specify a static IP address, click on the radio button to the left of the label Use
the following IP address: and proceed to step 3 below.
3. Enter the IP address in the IP Address field.
4. Enter the Q53’s subnet mask in the Subnet Mask field.
5. [Optional setting] In order to communicate across subnets with the Q53, enter the
address of the default gateway in the Default Gateway field.
6. [Optional setting] In order to use host and domain names in addition to dotted quad
IP addresses, enter the address of the domain name server in the DNS Server
Address field.
7. [Optional setting] Enter the suffix of the domain name for the Q53 in the DNS
Domain Suffix field.
8. [Optional setting] To change the TCP window size, select the desired value in the
TCP Window Size combo box.
9. Click on "Submit" when done.
10. Go to the Restart page and click on "Restart" to apply the new settings to your
23 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Required TCP/IP Settings
Using Gecko
(Windows) Ensure that you have installed Gecko on your Windows PC (see Installing Gecko in
Windows on page 19). To configure the Q53 with its required TCP/IP settings (i.e. IP
address and subnet mask), do the following:
1. Select ProgramsExegin GeckoGecko in the Windows Start menu.
The Gecko main screen is displayed, as in Figure 6.
2. Click on "Search…" to open the Discover Devices dialog box.
3. Select "local" and click on "OK".
Or, click on "Add..." to find a device on another subnet.
The main dialog box will now build up a list of Exegin devices. This process may
take a minute or two to find the devices on the network.
4. Click on "Stop Searching" after the device has been found.
5. Select the Q53's ethernet address from the list box and press "Assign IP…".
6. In the Assign IP dialog box, fill in the IP address and subnet mask for this Q53.
You can also assign a default router/gateway entry in this dialog box to allow your
Q53 to communicate across subnets. Please see Communicating across routers on
page 25 for further details.
7. Click "Assign" when done to assign these TCP/IP settings to the Q53. Gecko will
then display its progress status in a separate dialog box.
After successfully assigning the settings you will see the Q53 with its new IP address in
the device list.
Figure 6—Gecko Main Screen
24 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Required TCP/IP Settings
Using Telnet 1. Start a Telnet session with the Q53. Type:
telnet Q53IPaddress
where Q53IPaddress is the IP address of the Q53 unit. This will bring up a login
2. Enter "root" for the User ID and press ENTER at the Password prompt, as by
default there is no password set.
The following WARNING message is normal at this point and may be ignored.
You should now see the prompt:
3. Store the new IP address and netmask in EEPROM so that the setting will remain
intact after restart. To do this, enter:
store net addr Q53IPaddress
store net mask Q53netmask
Q53netmask is the netmask address for the Q53.
If you would like to communicate with the Q53 from across routers, you will need
to make an entry in the "Routing" section. See Communicating across routers on
page 25 for further details.
4. [Optional, but recommended] Configure root and guest user passwords with the
following commands:
set user passwd root newRootPssswd
set user passwd guest newGuestPasswd
5. Save these configurations to EEPROM. Enter:
6. Verify the IP address and netmask. Enter:
list stored net
7. Log out of the telnet session with "quit" then restart the Q53 by powering the unit
off and then back on again.
8. Test the equipment and configuration after installation is complete.
ping Q53IPaddress
An Important
Note Once you have configured the unit using any of the above methods, the STAT LED will
flash once per second. This means the Q53 is configured and recognizable on the
The STAT LED will flash when the IP Address is configured; it does not mean that
the unit is properly configured, only that an IP address has been saved.
25 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Optional TCP/IP Settings
Optional TCP/IP Settings
Communicating across routers
Since Windows and UNIX environments depend on TCP/IP to communicate with the
Q53, crossing routers can be an issue.
After following one of the Q53 configuration methods described above, you will only be
able to communicate with the Zigbee gateway device from the same subnet. This means
that the Q53 will not be able to communicate across a router (i.e., to another subnet).
To allow the Q53 to communicate across a router, it is best to store a default
router/gateway within the Zigbee gateway device so that any packets destined for
another subnet are forwarded to this router automatically. The router (or series of routers)
can then ensure the packets arrive at their final destination on the other subnet.
You can configure a default router/gateway within the Q53 using either the Q53 HTML
forms or the TCP/IP telnet command.
Using HTML
forms 1. Follow the instructions for accessing the Network TCP/IP form (page 21).
2. Enter the address of the default gateway in the Default Gateway field.
3. Click on "Submit" when done.
4. Go to the Restart page and click on "Restart" to apply the new settings to your
26 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Optional TCP/IP Settings
Using Telnet 1. Telnet to the Zigbee gateway device as described on page 24.
telnet Q53ipaddress
2. Enter "root" for the User ID and press ENTER at the Password prompt, as by
default there is no password set.
The following WARNING message is normal at this point and may be ignored.
You should now see the prompt:
3. Type "list net" to view the Zigbee gateway device’s current settings, then
configure the Q53’s default router/gateway as follows:
store net gateway routerIPaddress
4. Logout of the Telnet session with "quit". Then restart the Q53 by powering the
unit off and then on again.
Using Host and Domain Names
The Q53 allows entry of most IP addresses either in ’dotted quad’ form or as a symbolic
host names. Host names have the advantage that they are easier to remember and are not
tied to a specific IP address.
The translation from host name to IP address is performed by a Domain Name Server
(DNS). In order to use host names, the IP address for the DNS server as well as the
domain name suffix must be specified at configuration time.
Using HTML
forms 1. Follow the instructions for accessing the TCP/IP Settings form (page 21).
2. Enter the IP address of the Domain Name Server in the DNS Server Address field.
Note: this address must be entered in dotted quad format.
3. Enter the suffix of the domain name in the DNS Domain Suffix field.
4. Click on "Submit" when done.
5. Go to the Restart page and click on "Restart" to apply the new settings to your
27 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Troubleshooting Tips
Using Telnet 1. Telnet to the Zigbee gateway device as described on page 24.
telnet Q53ipaddress
2. Enter "root" for the User ID and press ENTER at the Password prompt, as by
default there is no password set.
The following WARNING message is normal at this point and may be ignored.
You should now see the prompt:
3. Type "list net" to view the Zigbee gateway device’s current settings, then
configure the Q53’s Domain Name Server address and Domain Name Suffix as
store net dns dnsIPaddress
store net domain domainsuffix
4. Logout of the Telnet session with "quit". Then restart the Q53 by powering the
unit off and then on again.
Troubleshooting Tips
Gecko error messages: Q53 will not talk on the network
Unable to assign temporary IP. The address is already in use.
Ensure that you have assigned an IP address that is not being use by another device.
Unable to assign temporary IP. The device is not responding. The network may be down,
or an invalid IP address has been used.
Ensure that the IP address that you used is valid for your network.
Q53 will not talk on the network
Have you assigned it a unique and valid IP address which corresponds with the
other IP addresses on your network? For example, are you sure no other device is
using this IP address, that the subnet mask is the same as other hosts on the
network, and that the unique IP address is part of the network specified by the
subnet mask specified?
Are you sure you are trying to talk to the Q53 from a host on the same subnet? The
Zigbee gateway device can only be seen locally unless you configured a routing
entry earlier on.
Is the STAT LED on the front of the Q53 flashing once per second or is it flashing
faster? A slower, once-a-second rate indicates that the Zigbee gateway device is in
fact configured with an IP address. A faster rate indicates that the Q53 is unaware of
the IP address and you may need to try the configuration process again.
28 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Troubleshooting Tips
Have you confirmed the network connection to the Q53 is working correctly?
Trying different network cables and locations will help narrow down the problem.
Cannot ping the Q53
There are a number of possible reasons for this:
Have you restarted the Q53? Sometimes this will solve various communication
Is the network cable securely connected?
Have you checked your network connection to the Q53? Try it at a new location on
your network if possible or swap in another device.
Have you made an entry in your computers host table (/etc/hosts, host nis map, or
DNS name table) for the Q53?
Have you tried to ping with the IP address instead of the IP name? This will
eliminate any name-lookup issues and focus more on the communications between
the Q53 and your host.
Is it possible that a duplicate IP address has been assigned?
Did you use the correct netmask for your particular environment?
Has the Q53 been moved from another network? If so, it will likely need to be
reconfigured to integrate with its new location. This includes at minimum a new IP
address and netmask. Please see Resetting to Factory Defaults on page 70 for
possible configuration methods.
Is there a router between the Q53 and your host? If so, a default router or a static
route must be configured on the unit so the Q53 knows how to get its response back
to the originating host. Please see Communicating across routers on page 25.
Do you have a DHCP or BOOTP server running on your network? By default, the
Q53 comes with the DHCP and BOOTP request turned on so although you may
have stored a particular network configuration in the unit’s EEPROM, a DHCP or
BOOTP server may supply new network parameters upon bootup. To turn off
DHCP and BOOTP on the unit, please see Configure the Q53 IP address and subnet
mask on page 21.
If none of these help, try the following:
Reset the unit to default settings. Please see Resetting to Factory Defaults on page
70. Once the unit is in the default state, use one of the configuration options listed in
the "Q53 Configuration" above in the manual to reconfigure it.
Cannot Telnet to the Q53
If you are unable to ping the Q53 as well, please see Cannot ping the Q53 on page 28. If
it is telnet only that you are having problems with, these points should be considered:
Are you able to telnet to another host on your network or telnet from another host?
If not, look into your host’s TELNET configuration.
29 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
5. Configuring the Q53 on Your Network
Troubleshooting Tips
Have you tried restarting the Q53?
Are the dipswitches in the "off" position?
Does the fourth octet of the Q53’s given IP address equal 0 or 255? Each of the four
octets in the IP address should be between 1 and 254.
HTML configuration forms will not display
Can you "ping" the Q53 from your Windows station? If not, please see Cannot
ping the Q53 on page 28.
Have you used the correct URL for the Q53’s home page? It should be:
For example:
30 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
6. Configuring the Q53 Gateway
Required Gateway Settings
This chapter describes how to configure the required and optional Gateway settings for
the Q53 on your network. The following steps are covered:
Q53 Gateway Settings on page 30:.
Once the TCP/IP network port is configured on the Q53, additional configuration is
required to connect the Q53 to the local ZigBee Personal Area Network (PAN). Please
refer to Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration on page 33 for details on ZigBee
PAN configuration.
Required Gateway Settings
Figure 7—Q53 Gateway Settings
The Gateway Settings page allows for the configuration of the SOAP and REST
interfaces of the gateway.
The SOAP interface configuration admits only one parameter, the TCP/IP port number
on which it will receive SOAP request. The default is 8080. This is the port number to
which a host application will direct its SOAP requests.
31 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
6. Configuring the Q53 Gateway
Required Gateway Settings
The REST interface configuration allows for a variety of configuration options:
Port Number, like for the SOAP interface this is the TCP/IP port number on which the
gateway will receive RESTful requests. This should be different that the SOAP port
number. The default is 1792.
Use NameSpaces: a check box that enables, if checked, the use of the Namespaces
defined below. If unchecked the namespace will not be used.
· HTTP Prefix: The prefix that will be prepended to all incoming RESTful URL
requests. The default is “restifc/zgd/*”
· REST Namespace Prefix: The namespace to be used for the REST requests.
The default is “tns”
· Gateway Namespace Prefix: The namespace to be used for the gateway ga.l
HTTP type: This field allows the gateway REST interface to be configured to use either
32 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
6. Configuring the Q53 Gateway
Gateway Status Page
Gateway Status Page
The Gateway Status page is shown in the figure below. The page provides for the
reporting of the status of the gateway device.
Figure 8—Gateway Status Screen
The page provide information regarding the:
Gateway Status (running or not)
Gateway Protocol Supported (SOAP and/or REST)
Gateway Memory Usage (%) (overall memory usage on the device)
GAteway GMO CallBack Information (details of Callback filters defined)
Gateway GMO Non-blocking Callback Information
Gateway Alias Information (details of Alias devices defined)
Soap Information (Current)
Rest Information (Current)
33 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
Required ZigBee Settings
This chapter describes how to configure the required and optional ZigBee Personal Area
Network (PAN) and bridge settings for the Q53. The following steps are covered:
Required ZigBee Settings
Selecting the RF Channels on page 33
ZigBee Configuration Settings
Using HTML forms on page 38
Setting Extended PAN ID on page 38
Required ZigBee Settings
Setting the remote bridge host name on page 39
Setting additional remote bridge host names
Setting additional remote bridge host names on page 40
Troubleshooting Tips
ZigBee PAN on page 40
ZigBee Bridge on page 41
Required ZigBee Settings
Selecting the RF Channels
As shipped from the factory the Q53 is configured to operate on channel 11 for the 2.4
GHz radio.
The Q53 must be configured to use the same radio channel(s) as the other nodes in the
local ZigBee PAN. This configuration may be performed using HTML forms.
Using HTML
forms 1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"ZigBee" from the Main Menu and than click on "Configuration".
Or, go directly to the ZigBee Configuration form by typing the following into your
The ZigBee Configuration form is displayed (Figure 9).
34 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
Required ZigBee Settings
Figure 9—ZigBee Configuration Form
Next click on the "Control" link below ZigBee: The start button forces the Gateway
to join or form a network.
Or, go directly to the ZigBee Configuration form by typing the following into your
The ZigBee Control form is displayed (Figure 10).
35 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
Required ZigBee Settings
Figure 10—ZigBee Control Form
2. Control Start;
Forces the Gateway device to join or form the specific network.
3. Control Leave:
Forces the Gateway device to leave the network
Click on "Leave" to leave the network.
4. Control Permit-Join:
ZigBee networks have a notion of a period of time during which a coordinator
allows devices to join its network. The Permit-Join button put the gateway into an
open state of 60 seconds (configurable on the Advanced page). During this period
child devices should be able to join the network being formed by the gateway
5. Click on "Permit-Join" to enable child devices to join the network.
6. Status Refresh
Displays information regarding the gateway device and its local network.
7. Click on "Refresh" to get immediate status information on the gateway and its local
36 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
ZigBee Configuration Settings
ZigBee Configuration Settings
ZigBee Settings
By default, the Q53 acts only as a ZigBee Bridge Device (ZBD) to bridge ZigBee
network messages over TCP/IP. However, the Q53 is also capable of acting as ZigBee
Coordinator for the local ZigBee PAN.
Configuration Management: Allows named gateway configurations to be stored on the
Q53 and retrieved by name.
Selected Configuration: Allows the selected/current configuration to be displayed and
ZDO: ZDO specific parameters are set here, including:
Startup Mode: The device will join a PAN as a Router or form the PAN as a ZigBee
Use Persistent Data: The ZigBee specification indicated that the following
information should be preserved across resets in order to maintain an operating
The device’s PAN Id and Extended PAN Id.
The device’s 16-bit network address.
The 63-bit IEEE address and 16-bit network address of each associated end
device child and if nwkAddrAlloc is equal to 0 then also each associated router
For end devices, the 16-bit network address of the parent device.
The stack profile in use.
The device depth.
The use of the non-volatile data at any time on a gateway is determined by the "Use
Persistent Data" check box.
Scan Attempts: Integar value representing the number of scan attempts to make
before the device decides which ZigBee coordinator or router to associate with. This
attribute has default value of 5 and valid values of between 1 and 255.
Scan Duration:
Permit-Join Duration: The period of which the coordinator will allow nodes to join.
37 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
ZigBee Configuration Settings
Use Insecure Join:
This flag indicates whether the device should assume on startup that it must become
a ZigBee coordinator
If the network rejoin attempt fails, and Use Insecure Join is selected, then the device
will use the Channel Mask. If extended PANID has a non-zero value, then the device
should join only the specified network and the procedure should fail if that network
is found to be inaccessible. If extended PANID is equal to 0x0000000000000000,
then the device should join the best available network.
Extended PAN Id:
This is the extended PANID of the network to which the device is joined or in the
case of a coordinator the network that it will form. If it has a value of
0x0000000000000000, then the device is not connected to a network.
2.4 GHz Channels:
This is the mask containing allowable channels on which the device may attempt to
form or join a network at startup time.
Stack Profile: The device will use one of the following: ZigBee Home, ZigBee PRO
or Ember.
Disable Security: Turning off all security features.
Trust Center Address:
The IEEE address of the Trust Center.
Trust Center Link Key:
This is a key that is shared exclusively between two, and only two, peer
application-layer entities within a PAN.
Trust Center Master Key:
This is a shared key used during the execution of a symmetric-key key establishment
protocol. The master key is the basis for long-term security between the two devices,
and may be used to generate link keys.
Preconfigured Network Key:
This is the key used by a ZigBee device to secure outgoing NWK frames and that is
available for use to process incoming NWK frames.
38 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
ZigBee Configuration Settings
1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"ZigBee" from the Main Menu and than "Configuration".
Or, go directly to the ZigBee Configuration form by typing the following into your
The ZigBee Settings configuration form is displayed (Figure 9).
2. If the Q53 should act as ZigBee PAN Coordinator for the wireless network, click on
the "Startup Mode" drop down box labelled ’Form (as Coordinator)’; otherwise
leave it as ’Join (as Router)’.
3. Click on "Submit" when done.
4. Go to the Control page and click on "Start" for the new settings to join or form a
Using HTML
forms Setting Extended PAN ID
The Q53 may be optionally configured to respond to specific ZigBee MAC addresses.
These addresses are referred to as Extended Address Filters. A maximum of ten
Extended Address Filters may be configured.
Using HTML
forms 1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"ZigBee" from the Main Menu.
Or, go directly to the ZigBee Configuration form by typing the following into your
The ZigBee Settings configuration form is displayed (Figure 9).
2. Enter the desired ZigBee MAC addresses into the Extended Address Filter field.
Each address should be entered on its own line, separated by a carriage return from
the next. Each MAC address is expressed as a twelve-digit hexadecimal value.
3. To enable extended address filtering, ensure that the ’Extended Address Filter
checkbox is checked.
4. Click on "Submit" when done.
5. Go to the Control page and click on "Start" for the new settings to join or form a
39 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
Optional Bridging Settings
Optional Bridging Settings
Setting the remote bridge host name
In order to successfully bridge a ZigBee PAN across TCP/IP, at least two ZigBee bridge
devices are required. The Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway which is currently being
configured requires at least one other Zigbee gateway bridge device available on the
TCP/IP network with which it may establish a bridge connection. This configuration may
be performed using HTML forms.
Using HTML
forms 1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"Bridge" from the Main Menu.
Or, go directly to the Bridge Configuration form by typing the following into your
The Bridge Settings configuration form is displayed (Figure 11).
Figure 11—Bridge Settings Form
2. Enter the IP address of the remote zigbee bridge device into the Hostname 1 field.
The IP address may be entered in dotted quad form, or as a host name if the Domain
Name Server (DNS) parameters have been configured in the Q53. Please refer to
Optional TCP/IP Settings on page 25 for details on how to configure the DNS
40 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
Troubleshooting Tips
3. Click on "Submit" when done.
Setting additional remote bridge host names
While at least one remote ZigBee bridge device is required for successful bridging
operation, the Q53 can support up to eight remote ZigBee bridge devices. These
additional bridge devices may be configured using HTML forms.
Using HTML
forms 1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"Bridge" from the Main Menu.
Or, go directly to the Bridge Configuration form by typing the following into your
The Bridge Settings configuration form is displayed (Figure 11).
2. Enter the IP address of up to three additional remote zigbee bridge device into the
Hostname 2, Hostname 3 and Hostname 4 fields. Each IP address may be entered
in dotted quad form, or as a host name if the Domain Name Server (DNS)
parameters have been configured in the Q53. Please refer to Optional TCP/IP
Settings on page 25 for details on how to configure the DNS settings.
3. Click on "Submit" when done.
Troubleshooting Tips
ZigBee PAN
The Q53 can display a ZigBee Status HTML form which may be very helpful in
resolving connection issues with the ZigBee PAN.
1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"ZigBee" from the Main Menu. The ZigBee Settings form will be displayed.
2. From the ZigBee Settings form, select "Status".
Or, go directly to the ZigBee Status form by typing the following into your browser:
The ZigBee Status form is displayed (Figure 12).
41 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
Troubleshooting Tips
Figure 12—ZigBee Status Form
Some things to check:
Do the selected radio channels match the channels in use by the local ZigBee PAN?
If PAN ID filtering is in use, does the PAN ID filter match the PAN ID used by the
local ZigBee coordinator?
If Extended Address Filters are in use, do the ZigBee MAC addresses match those
of the devices to be bridged?
ZigBee Bridge
The ZigBee Bridge Status form is helpful in determining the current state of the ZigBee
bridge connection.
1. Load the Q53 HTML forms as described in HTML forms on page 17, then select
"Bridge" from the Main Menu. The Bridge Settings form will be displayed.
42 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
7. Q53 Zigbee PAN and Bridge Configuration
Troubleshooting Tips
2. From the Bridge Settings form, select "Status".
Or, go directly to the Bridge Status form by typing the following into your browser:
The Bridge Status form is displayed (Figure 13).
Figure 13—Bridge Status Form
Some things to check:
Is the IP address of the remote bridge device entered correctly?
If the IP address of the remote bridge device(s) is(are) entered as host names as
opposed to a dotted-quad numeric values, have the Domain Name Server (DNS)
configuration settings been entered? Please refer to Optional TCP/IP Settings on
page 25 for details on how to configure the DNS settings.
Are you able to ’ping’ the remote bridge device(s)?
43 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Accessing the Q53 HTML Pages
This chapter describes the HTML pages provided with the Q53. The Zigbee gateway
device settings can be configured and its status observed at any time, by calling up these
The following HTML pages are described here:
Accessing the Q53 HTML Pages on page 43
Password Protection on page 44
Q53 Home Page on page 45
ZigBee Forms
ZigBee Control Form on page 47
ZigBee Configuration Form on page 47
ZigBee Status Page on page 48
Bridge Forms
Bridge Settings Form on page 49
Bridge Status Page on page 51
TCP/IP Forms
TCP/IP Settings Form on page 51
TCP/IP Status Page on page 53
Administration Forms
System Information Form on page 54
Password Form on page 55
SNTP Settings Form on page 56
Firmware Upgrade Form on page 57
Restart Page on page 59
Help Page on page 60
Accessing the Q53 HTML Pages
To access the Q53’s HTML pages, do the following:
1. Ensure that the Zigbee gateway device has an IP address and subnet mask so that it
is identifiable on your TCP/IP network.
44 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Accessing the Q53 HTML Pages
2. Ensure that your network station can successfully "ping" the Q53 over the
3. Direct your Web browser to the Uniform Resource Locator (URL):
For example:
4. When prompted for a User ID and Password, type in "root" for the ID and press
ENTER at the password prompt.
By default, no password is set. However, if a password has been configured, then
type it in and then press ENTER.
Each page can be accessed directly by directing your browser to the URL:
where "filename" is one of:
zigbeeBasic Zigbee Control form
zigbeeConf ZigBee Settings form
zigbeeStatus ZigBee Status form
gatewayConf Gateway Settings form
gatewayStatus Gateway Status form
bridgeConf Bridge Settings form
bridgeStatus Bridge Status form
tcpipConf TCP/IP (network) Settings form
tcpipStatus TCP/IP (network) Status form
adminConf Administration form
pswdConf System Password form
sntpConf SNTP Settings form
upgrade Firmware Upgrade form
restart System Restart page
help Help page.
Password Protection
The Q53 configuration forms are password-protected. When first accessing these forms,
a password dialog will be displayed as shown in Figure 14.
45 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Q53 Home Page
Figure 14—Password Dialog for Access to Administration Forms
By default, the Q53 implements two user names: ’root’ and ’guest’. Individual
passwords may be set for each user name. As shipped from the factory, the password for
both user names is blank. Passwords may be set for each user ID; please refer to
Password Form on page 55 for details on how this is done.
To access a password-protected form, enter the desired user name (’root’ or ’guest’) and
the associated password, then click the ’OK’ button at the bottom of the dialog.
Q53 Home Page
The Home page for the Q53 ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway Bridge provides a menu of pages
(see Figure 15) that facilitate viewing and changing the status and operating parameters
of the Q53. It also provides some basic system information for the Q53, and a link to the
Exegin web site.
46 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Q53 Home Page
Figure 15—Q53 HTML Menu Structure
Information The first three fields of this page, Hostname, Location and Contact, can be changed by
going to the Administration page. The other fields are information provided by the Q53
Figure 16—Q53 Home Page
47 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
ZigBee Forms
ZigBee Forms
ZigBee Control Form
the ZigBee Control form appears as shown in Figure 17.
Figure 17—Zigbee Control Form
Control Start: Forces the Gateway device to join or form the specific network.
Leave: Forces the Gateway device to leave the network.
Permit-Join: ZigBee networks have a notion of a period of time during which a
coordinator allows devices to join its network. The Permit-Join button put the gateway
into an open state of 60 seconds (configurable on the Advanced page). During this period
child devices should be able to join the network being formed by the gateway
Status Refresh: Displays information regarding the gateway device and its local network.
ZigBee Configuration Form
the ZigBee Settings form appears as shown in Figure 18.
48 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
ZigBee Forms
Figure 18—ZigBee Configuration Form
Channels Radio buttons are provided to select the desired channel for the 2.4 GHz radio.
Default: No channels selected.
Coordinator By default, the Q53 acts only as a ZigBee Bridge Device (ZBD) to bridge ZigBee
network messages over TCP/IP. However, the Q53 is also capable of acting as ZigBee
Coordinator for the local ZigBee PAN. A check box is provided to enable the Q53 to act
as ZigBee Coordinator for the local PAN. If this functionality is selected.
Default: ZigBee Router functionality is selected.
Any changes on this page will be saved only when the ’Submit’ button is clicked. In
order for the new values to actually take effect, the Q53 must be re-started.
To erase all changes, click the ’Revert’ button.
ZigBee Status Page
The ZigBee Status page is shown in Figure 19. Use this page to troubleshoot
ZigBee-related problems. Network status indicators are recorded in this page; there are
no configuration settings. The page refreshes every minute. The Radio status, ZigBee
Network Neightbour table, and ZigBee Network Routing table are displayed.
49 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Bridge Forms
Figure 19—ZigBee Status Page
Bridge Forms
Bridge Settings Form
The Bridge Settings form is shown in Figure 20.
50 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Bridge Forms
Figure 20—Bridge Settings Form
The Bridge Settings form allows specification of up to four remote ZigBee bridge
devices. The Q53 will attempt to connect to all specified bridge devices to bridge ZigBee
messages to and from the local PAN.
Remote ZigBee bridge devices are specified by IP address. At least one device should be
specified in order to bridge ZigBee message over the TCP/IP network.
IP addresses may be specified in dotted quad format, for example:
Alternatively, host names may be used to specify the IP address of each bridge device.
The Q53 requires access to a Domain Name Server (DNS) in order for host names to
work. Please refer to DNS Server Address on page 53 for more details on configuring the
DNS server address.
Hostname 1 At a minimum, the IP address one remote ZigBee bridge device should be entered into
the Hostname 1 field.
Default: Unconfigured (blank) IP address.
Hostname 2
Hostname 3
Hostname 4
The IP addresses of up to three additional ZigBee bridge devices may be specified, using
the Hostname 2 through Hostname 4 fields respectively.
51 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
TCP/IP Forms
Default: Unconfigured (blank) IP address.
Bridge Status Page
The Bridge Status page is shown in Figure 21. Use this page to troubleshoot
bridge-related problems. Only bridge status indicators are recorded in this page; there are
no configuration settings. The page refreshes every minute. The packet statistics are
displayed for each bridge connection.
Figure 21—Bridge Status Page
TCP/IP Forms
TCP/IP Settings Form
The TCP/IP Settings form appears as is shown in Figure 22.
52 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
TCP/IP Forms
Figure 22—TCP/IP Settings Form
Static vs
The Q53 may be set up to automatically request its TCP/IP parameters over the network
from a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server. To enable this feature,
click on the radio button labelled ’Obtain an IP address automatically’. When this feature
is enabled, the DHCP server will provide all TCP/IP configuration data; in this case,
none of the other fields on the TCP/IP Settings form need to be filled in.
If static addressing is desired, then click on the radio button labelled ’Use the following
IP address’. For static addressing, the IP address and Subnet mask are required to be
entered. All other parameters are optional, depending upon your installation
Default: Unconfigured (blank) IP address and subnet mask; dynamic addressing
Gateway If static addressing is used, and the Q53 will be required to communicate to a different
subnet, then the IP address of a default gateway is required in order to route traffic from
the Q53 to devices on remote subnets. You can leave this field blank if you are not
communicating across a router (from one network to another). In most other situations,
you simply enter your router's IP address in the Default Gateway field.
Default: Unconfigured (blank).
53 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
TCP/IP Forms
DNS Server
Address Enter the IP address of the local domain name service (DNS) host in this field. This
allows the Zigbee gateway device to automatically resolve hostnames (e.g.
host.domain.com) to IP addresses (e.g.
Default: Unconfigured (blank).
DNS Domain
Suffix Enter the domain name suffix which will be appended to the host name of the Q53 to
form a complete fully-qualified host name. For example, if the fully-qualified host name
of a particular Q53 is host.domain.com, then the string ’host’ would be the device’s host
name and ’domain.com’ would be the DNS Domain Suffix.
Default: Unconfigured (blank).
TCP Window
Size To change the TCP window size, select the desired value in the TCP Window Size
combo box.
Default: 2 MSS packets.
TCP/IP Status Page
The TCP/IP Status page is shown in Figure 23. Use this page to troubleshoot
network-related problems. Network status indicators are recorded in this page; there are
no configuration settings. The page refreshes every minute. The TCP, UDP and DHCP
connection information is displayed.
54 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Administration Forms
Figure 23—TCP/IP Status Page
Administration Forms
Several forms are available for administering basic system settings, such as host name,
passwords, and firmware upgrades.
System Information Form
The System Information form is shown in Figure 24. It facilitates administration of
general device-related settings.
55 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Administration Forms
Figure 24—System Information Form
Free format fields for user. A host namefor the Zigbee gateway device, its location and
contact information for support can be entered in these fields and they will appear on the
Q53 home page.
Default: Unconfigured (blank).
Password Form
The Password administration form is shown in Figure 25.
56 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Administration Forms
Figure 25—Password Form
All settings are protected by a password so that only authorized users can make
changes. When you try to open any configuration page, you will be asked for a
user name and password. At the prompt, you will need to enter root (unless you
have another user configured with root privileges) followed by the associated
password. If there is no password, leave the field blank and press ENTER.
Settings can only be altered by a user with root privileges; guest users can only view
settings. Both types of users can be assigned passwords. To change a password, type the
old password in the "Old" field. Then type the new password twice: once in the "New"
field and once in the "Confirm" field.
Default: Blank passwords for root and guest users.
SNTP Settings Form
the SNTP Settings Form (Figure 26) facilitates configuration of the Simple Network
Time Protocol (SNTP) client in the Q53. SNTP is used by the Q53 to synchronize its
local time-of-day clock with that of a central server.
57 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Administration Forms
Figure 26—SNTP Settings Form
NTP Server The NTP Server field specifies the IP address of the NTP server from which the Q53 will
obtain time of day information. The IP address may be specified in dotted quad numeric
form. Alternatively, if a Domain Name Service (DNS) server have been configured, the
server’s host name may be entered. Please refer to Using Host and Domain Names on
page 26 for details on setting up the DNS server.
Default: Unconfigured (blank).
Poll Interval The Poll Interval combo box facilitates selection of the desired NTP polling interval. A
range of values between 1 and 17 minutes may be selected.
Default: 1024 Sec (17 minutes).
Firmware Upgrade Form
The Firmware Upgrade Form (Figure 27) facilitates uploading of new firmware to the
58 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Administration Forms
Figure 27—Firmware Upgrade Form
The firmware upgrade procedure uploads a new firmware image from your workstation
into the flash memory of the Q53. This firmware image file must have been previously
obtained from Exegin technical support personnel or downloaded directly from Exegin’s
web site:
Please refer to Contacting Exegin on page 84 for more details on how to contact Exegin
technical support.
File to Upload Enter the location of the new firmware file on your computer’s hard drive. The full path
to the file must be entered. Alternatively, clicking the the ’Browse...’ button will open a
file selection dialog (Figure 28) which will allow you to navigate your computer’s hard
drive and select the firmware file interactively.
59 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Administration Forms
Figure 28—Firmware File Selection Dialog
Upgrade Once the file location has been specified, clicking the ’Upgrade’ button will cause the
selected firmware file to be uploaded to the Q53.
Restart Page
The Restart page (Figure 29) allows you to restart the Zigbee gateway device with one
of two options.
60 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Help Page
Figure 29—Restart Page
Restart Restart the Zigbee gateway device with any new settings that have been configured or
changed in these forms.
Default Restart the Zigbee gateway device with the factory default settings.
Help Page
Selecting "Help" from the main menu opens the Help information page (see Figure 30)
with all of the Help information available for these forms. This page can also be opened
at the appropriate location by clicking on the Help (question mark) icon at the top of each
HTML form or page.
61 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
8. Using HTML Pages to Configure the Q53
Help Page
Figure 30—Help Page
62 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Q53 Command Line Interface Shell
This chapter describes some of the most common features of the Q53 including:
Q53 Command Line Interface Shell on page 62: a description of the built-in
command line interface shell, along with a table of the most common commands
Complete Command Reference on page 64: syntax and descriptions of all
commands available in the command line interface shell
Q53 Naming Scheme on page 70: important predefined names
User Accounts and Permissions on page 70: logging in as a "root" or "guest" user
Resetting to Factory Defaults on page 70: how to reset the unit to factory default
Performing Firmware Upgrades on page 71: a complete overview of the Flash
upgrade procedure.
Q53 Command Line Interface Shell
Within the Q53, the command line interface shell is built into the firmware. It allows you
to manipulate objects such as sntp, and sysinfo and also provides some monitoring and
troubleshooting capabilities.
Command Line Interface access methods
Access the command line interface shell using these methods:
HTML Forms When you configure a setting using the built-in HTML
configuration forms, shell commands are actually
executed remotely on the Q53.
Telnet Session Opening a Telnet session with the Q53 allows you to
log into the device and access the command line
interface shell. (e.g. "telnet")
63 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Q53 Command Line Interface Shell
Main command prefixes
The three main command prefixes within the command line interface shell are:
store change settings stored in Flash. When the "store" prefix is used, the
Q53 must be restarted to apply the changes to the system. Since
"store" affects Flash settings only, the Zigbee gateway bridge device
must reset and read the new settings now in Flash.
set change current/working settings in memory. When the "set" prefix is
used, a "save" command must be executed as well so that the new
settings are retained after power cycles. Since "set" only affects the
settings in memory, they will be lost after a power cycle unless they are
saved into Flash ROM.
list view current/working settings in memory.
Command shell prompt
When the command shell is accessed through a Telnet session, a prompt is displayed
after login to indicate that it is ready to accept a command from the user. The Telnet
prompt is formatted ipaddress:userid> where IPaddress is the IP address of the Q53
and userid is the user ID of the currently logged-in user. For example,>
where is the Q53’s IP address and the user is root.
Getting command help
The Q53’s command line interface shell provides several on-line help tools. These
"?" Command Typing "?" once logged in to the command line interface
shell will produce a full listing of all commands available.
Command Prefixes Typing in the beginning of a command will produce an
error message showing the correct syntax. For example,
typing in "store tcpip" will produce a list of all
commands that start with this prefix.
Common command shell commands
The command line interface shell consists of more than 50 commands. Table 3 outlines
some of the more common commands. For a complete command reference, please refer
to Complete Command Reference on page 64.
Table 3—Common Commands
Command Syntax Description
store net addr IPaddress Store the IP address for the Q53.
64 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Complete Command Reference
Complete Command Reference
This section outlines the entire Q53 command set including the command syntax, a
description, and in most cases, an example for each command listed. These commands
are available in the command line interface shell. See Q53 Command Line Interface
Shell on page 62 for information on accessing these commands
List commands on page 65
Set commands on page 66
Store commands on page 67
Miscellaneous commands on page 68.
store net mask netmask Store the subnet mask for the Q53.
store net gateway
Store a default router/gateway for the Q53 to
forward remote packets to.
store net ipconfig bootp Disable DHCP requests for IP addresses and
enables bootp
list net List the current TCP/IP network settings.
list sysinfo List current system information for the Q53.
save Save all current settings to Flash.
reset Reset the Q53.
ping IPaddress "ping" another TCP/IP host on the network.
quit "Quit" out of the command line interface
Table 3—Common Commands
Command Syntax Description
65 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Complete Command Reference
List commands
These commands list the current or working settings for a particular section within the
command line interface shell. To view stored settings in Flash memory, you’ll need to
add "stored" to the beginning of any of the following commands. For example, "list
net" shows you the current network settings but "list stored net" shows you the
settings sitting in Flash. Normally these should match. You may also type "list
default all" to view the factory default settings.
Table 4—List Command Options
Command Syntax Description
list all List all current settings.
list bdl Displays the host names of the remote
Zigbee bridge devices, as well as the UDP
port number used to transport Zigbee
messages over the IP network.
list diff List the differences between the current
settings and the stored settings in Flash.
Normally, you want these values to match,
so issue a "save" command followed by a
list date List the current time and date on the Q53.
list dhcp Display the current status of the DHCP
client in the Q53. Data includes the client
state, server IP address, and the length of the
current lease.
list [default|stored] ifc Display the module’s physical network
interface properties.
list key List the license details and license key
list [default|stored] net List all current TCP/IP network settings
(e.g. IP address and subnet mask).
list sysinfo List the current Q53 system information
(e.g. contact name and protocol stacks
list user List the current user definitions (e.g. user
names and types).
list uptime List the time the unit has been powered up
since the last power cycle. (e.g. "Uptime: 12
days, 22:50:23").
list zigbee List all current ZigBee settings (e.g. RF
channel selections, PAN ID filter and
Extended Address Filters).
66 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Complete Command Reference
Set commands
These commands alter the current or working settings in memory only. They will be lost
if the Q53 is turned off then on. To ensure this does not happen, be sure to issue a "save"
command so the current settings get written to Flash.
Table 5—Set Command Options
Command Syntax Description
set sysinfo hostname hostname Set a hostname for use with DDNS.
For example:
set sysinfo hostname
set sysinfo contact
Set a person or department to contact in case
of Zigbee gateway bridge device trouble.
For example:
set sysinfo contact
set sysinfo location newname Set a descriptive name defined by newname
for the Q53 for identification purposes. This
is not used in the operation of the Zigbee
gateway bridge device in any way.
For example:
set sysinfo name
set sysinfo from default Set all sysinfo settings back to factory
set user passwd username
Assign a password to a defined user on the
Q53. This password must be less than
eleven characters. The username must be
either root or guest. If the new password is
not entered, the users old password will be
For example:
set user passwd root mplex1
If you forget the root password, you can set
the dipswitchs to restore settings to factory
defaults. See Resetting to Factory Defaults
on page 70.
set user from default Set all user settings back to factory defaults.
set user from stored Set all current user settings to the stored
values in Flash.
67 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Complete Command Reference
Store commands
These commands change the settings stored in Flash (permanent memory) and do not
affect the current or working settings in memory. A power cycle is needed before the
stored settings become current.
Table 6—Store Command Options
Command Syntax Description
store ifc from default Set all network settings back to factory
store ifc from current Store all current network settings to Flash so
they are retained after a power cycle. This
ensures all current settings match what is
stored in Flash.
store net addr IPaddress Store a static IP address for the Q53.
For example:
store net addr
store net dns domainName Store the IP address of the Domain Name
Server (DNS) for the Q53.
For example:
store net dns
store net domain domainName Store the domain name suffix for the Q53.
For example:
store net domain
store net from default Set all TCP/IP network settings back to
factory defaults.
store net from current Store all current TCP/IP network settings to
Flash so they are retained after a power
cycle. This ensures all current settings
match what’s stored in Flash.
store net ipconfig
Change the way the IP address is assigned
upon bootup. Default is DHCP. Enter the
command for alternative configuration
option; otherwise it is enabled.
For example:
store ipconfig static
store net route add default
Store a default router/gateway defined by
routerIPaddress so the Q53 knows where to
direct packets destined for another subnet.
For example:
store net route add default 1
68 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Complete Command Reference
Miscellaneous commands
These commands do not fall under any specific section of the command line interface
shell but they are used quite frequently.
store net mask netmask Store the subnet mask for the Q53.
For example:
store net mask
store net rxwin packets Determine the receive window size for the
Q53. Usually the packets value ranges from
2-8 with the lower number allowing for
more simultaneous TCP connections with
the Zigbee gateway bridge device.
For example:
store net rxwin 2
Table 7—Miscellaneous Commands
Command Syntax Description
close <SD>|all Close the network connection defined by the
socket descriptor. Socket descriptors can be
obtained using the netstat command.
If the argument all is entered, then all
active network connections will be
terminated, including the telnet session in
which the command was entered.
load [default] Load the settings stored in Flash and use
them as the current or working settings. If
default is specified as well, factory
settings will be loaded. Use this after power
failure to restore settings saved in Flash.
netstat Display current network status, including
TCP packet statistics and the current state of
each TCP and UDP socket in the system.
Table 6—Store Command Options
Command Syntax Description
69 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Complete Command Reference
ping [-s] hostIPaddress
[datasize [packetnumber]]
"ping" another TCP/IP host, specified by
hostIPaddress, on the network. datasize is
the datagram packet size which defaults to
64 bytes if no size is included in the syntax
and packetnumber is the number of requests
to be sent.
To use a host or IP name instead of the
address, you must have set the DNS server
on the Q53. Use the command "set
sysinfo dns..." to do this.
For example:
quit Close the telnet command session.
restart Perform a warm boot or hardware reset
simulating a power-on reset. This will
restore current settings to those stored in
Flash as the Flash settings will be read and
loaded into memory upon bootup.
save [default] Save the current settings to Flash so they are
remembered after power cycles. Sysinfo,
user, and sntp settings will be saved. If
default is specified as well, factory
settings will be saved to Flash overwriting
any new settings you have configured.
Resetting the unit is not required.
Table 7—Miscellaneous Commands
Command Syntax Description
70 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Q53 Naming Scheme
Q53 Naming Scheme
The Q53 always follows this naming scheme:
exgnxxxxx A default name of ‘exgn’ is followed by "xxxxx", the serial
number found on the bottom of the Zigbee gateway bridge
device. For example: exgn00091
User Accounts and Permissions
When you log into the Q53, you either log in as a guest or as a root user. The commands
you will be able to utilize on the print server depend on which login name you use. By
default, there is one root user and one guest user; users can then be added to this with
either permission level.
Users with root permission can execute all commands: users with guest permission can
not do any configuration and can only execute commands that display settings on the
Q53. However, they can use ping and telnet as well.
Use list user on page 65 to look at current user definitions. Use set user passwd username
password on page 66 to see how the root user can change these settings.
Resetting to Factory Defaults
Sometimes it is beneficial to return the Q53 to its factory default state. For example, if
you are having problems communicating with the Zigbee gateway bridge device over the
network, you may want to put it back to a default state and reconfigure the network
To reset to factory defaults:
1. Move dipswitch 1 to the "off" position and dipswitch 2 to the "on" position as
described in Table 2, Q53 Dipswitch Settings, on page 15. This is the Factory
Settings mode
2. Restart the unit by cycling the power off, then on.
You now have the Q53 booted into a default state, meaning its current/working settings
are those stored at the factory. All settings configured and stored in Flash are ignored
while the dipswitches are in the "Factory Settings" position.
At this point, you can use shell commands on the Q53 to configure certain settings. Here
are some common examples of steps taken when the device is in a default state:
71 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
9. Reference Information
Performing Firmware Upgrades
1. Forgotten Password
If you have forgotten a password set on the Q53, you can reset the user settings using
these commands:
set user from default
2. Restore All Settings in Flash to Defaults
Since this default state is temporary and you may want to make sure all settings
sitting in Flash are back to their factory default values, you will need to use these
save default
store tcpip from default
or set dipswitch 1=on and 2=off. See Table 2, Q53 Dipswitch Settings, on page 15.
3. Set dipswitches for normal operation.
Set dipswitch 1=off and 2=off. See Table 2, Q53 Dipswitch Settings, on page 15.
Performing Firmware Upgrades
Since the Q53’s firmware is stored in Flash ROM, upgrading is easy. Using a computer
with a web browser on a TCP/IP network, the Zigbee gateway bridge device can be
upgraded to a newer firmware version without needing new hardware. Please refer to
Firmware Upgrade Form on page 57 for step-by-step instructions on how to load new
firmware into the Q53.
Firmware File
The latest firmware file is always available at Exegin’s web site,
"http://www.exegin.com/" or it can be ordered through Exegin Technical Support.
Please see Help Methods Available on page 84 for further information.
72 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
10. Extra Features/Additional Information
General Options
This chapter provides information about additional features available with the Q53.
General Options on page 72: miscellaneous Zigbee gateway device options
Q53 Security on page 72: how to use the Q53’s built-in security features as well as
taking advantage of your Network’s security features.
General Options
Manipulating the Q53’s UTP Interface
You have some control over the UTP interface and its properties on the Q53.
By default, the UTP interface is set to automatically negotiate the communications speed
and duplex settings with its link peer. You can change this to force the Q53 to use a
specific speed and duplex setting.
To see the current UTP interface settings for the UTP network interface, please see list
ifc in Table 4 on page 65. To manipulate the UTP interface, please see store ifc in Table
6 on page 67.
Remotely Managing the Q53
In a TCP/IP environment, various methods are available for remotely monitoring the
Print Server. These include using:
the built-in HTML forms,
•a Telnet session,
Q53 Security
This touches upon the most popular built-in security feature - permission levels and
passwords. Setting passwords and assigning a permission level to users makes it difficult
for unauthorized users to gain access to the Q53’s command set and manipulate the
However, the Zigbee gateway device also uses TCP access lists to restrict host
connections with the device and allows scrambling/descrambling of print jobs.
73 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
10. Extra Features/Additional Information
Q53 Security
Users and Passwords
The Q53 supports two users:
root Access to everything within the Zigbee gateway device including all
configurable settings.
guest Ability to list settings but not configure them.
For each user, a password can be set. However, you would normally only set a password
for the root user to protect the Q53’s configuration. Guest users cannot alter the Zigbee
gateway device’s configuration in any way.
To configure the root password on your Q53, you will need to:
HTML Method 1. Load a Web browser on a network station that can communicate with the Zigbee
gateway device over TCP/IP.
2. Direct your Web browser to URL "http://Q53IPaddress/pswdConf.html"
(e.g. "").
Note: If prompted for a "User ID" and password first, type in "root" for the ID and
press ENTER at the password prompt as there is no password by default.
3. Click within the "Old" field beside the "Root Password" heading and enter the
existing root password. By default, there is no root password; in this case, this step
can be skipped.
4. Within the "Root Password" section, click within the "New" field and enter the new
root password.
5. Within the "Root Password" section, click within the "Confirm" field and enter the
new root password again. Remember this the password is case sensitive.
6. Click on the "Submit" button when done.
7. Go to the Restart page and click on "Restart" to apply the new settings to your
1. Start a Telnet session with the Q53. Type:
telnet Q53IPaddress
2. Login to the Q53 through a command line shell session as a root user.
Note: If prompted for a "User ID" and password first, type in "root" for the ID and
press ENTER at the password prompt since there’s no password by default.
3. At the command shell prompt, follow this syntax:
set user passwd username password
For example, to set the root password to "mplex1" type:
set user passwd root mplex1
74 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
10. Extra Features/Additional Information
Q53 Security
From this point on, anytime you log in to the Q53 as "root", you will need to specify
this password or else your login attempt will fail.
Note: This process can be repeated to clear or change the password. An alternate
method to clear the password has the following syntax:
set user from default
75 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
11. Q53 Regulatory information
Radio Frequency Notifications
FCC Part 15
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This
equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed
and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio
communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a
particular installation.
If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the
receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
Radio Frequency Notifications
FCC Notifications
RF Radiation The Q53 is an intentional radiator of Radio Frequency (RF) energy. In order to limit RF
exposure to personnel in the immediate area, the Q53 should be located and installed
such that a separation of at least 20 centimeters is maintained between the Q53’s antenna
and personnel in the vicinity of the device.
warning Caution: changes or modifications to this equipment, not expressly approved by Exegin
Technologies Limited could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Industry Canada Notifications
This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired
operation of the device.
Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
76 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
11. Q53 Regulatory information
Radio Frequency Notifications
Antenna To reduce potential radio interference to other users, the antenna type and its gain should
be so chosen that the equivalent isotropically radiated power (e.i.r.p.) is not more than
that permitted for successful communication.
This device has been designed to operate with the antennas listed below, and having a
maximum gain of 3 dB. Antennas not included in this list or having a gain greater than
3 dB are strictly prohibited for use with this device. The required antenna impedance is
50 ohms.
Antenna Factor Corp: Part no ANT-2.4-CW-RCL
CE Mark Conformity
Exegin Technologies Limited declares that this product conforms to the specifications
listed in this manual, following the provisions of the European R&TTE directive
Exegin Technologies Limited vakuuttaa täten että dieses produkt tyyppinen laite on
direktiivin 1999/5/EY oleellisten vaatimusten ja sitä koskevien näiden direktiivien
muiden ehtojen mukainen.
Exegin Technologies Limited déclare que le produit est conforme aux conditions
essentielles et aux dispositions relatives à la directive 1999/5/EC.
EN 301 489-1, 301 489-17 General EMC requirements for Radio equipment.
EN 60950 Safety
EN 300 328 Technical requirements for Radio equipment.
CAUTION—This equipment is intended to be used in all EU and EFTA countries.
Outdoor use may be restricted to certain frequencies and/or may require a license for
operation. Contact local Authority for procedure to follow.
Note: ESD precautions should be used when attaching or removing the antenna.
Note: Combinations of power levels and antennas resulting in a radiated power level of
above 100 mW equivalent isotropic radiated power (EIRP) are considered as not
compliant with the above mentioned directive and are not allowed for use within
the European community and countries that have adopted the European R&TTE
directive 1999/5/EC. For more details on legal combinations of power levels and
antennas, contact Exegin Technologies Limited
Do not use this product near water, for example, in a wet basement or near a swimming
Avoid using this product during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of
electric shock from lightning.
77 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
11. Q53 Regulatory information
Radio Frequency Notifications
Belgique Dans le cas d'une utilisation privée, à l'extérieur d'un bâtiment, au-dessus d'un espace
public, aucun enregistrement n'est nécessaire pour une distance de moins de 300m. Pour
une distance supérieure à 300m un enregistrement auprès de l'IBPT est requise. Pour une
utilisation publique à l'extérieur de bâtiments, une licence de l'IBPT est requise. Pour les
enregistrements et licences, veuillez contacter l'IBPT.
Canada Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils
radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes : (1)
l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter
tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en
compromettre le fonctionnement.
France 2.4 GHz Bande : les canaux 10, 11, 12, 13 (2457, 2462, 2467, et 2472 MHz
respectivement) sont complétement libres d'utilisation en France (en utilisation
intérieur). Pour ce qui est des autres canaux, ils peuvent être soumis à autorisation selon
le départment. L'utilisation en extérieur est soumis à autorisation préalable et très
restreint. Vous pouvez contacter l'Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications
(http://www.art-telecom.fr) pour de plus amples renseignements.
78 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
11. Q53 Regulatory information
Radio Frequency Notifications
01 - 2071 king
ay avenue
ort coquitlam
v3c 6n2
t +1.604.468.2552
f +1.604.468.2445
Declaration of Conformity
We, Exegin Technologies Limited, Manufacturer /
Importer, 401  2071 Kingsway Avenue, Port
Coquitlam, BC, V3C 6N2, Canada
hereby declare that under sole responsibility the following equipment:
x Q51 ZigBee 802.15.4 Transceiver
x Q52 ZigBee Bridge Device
x Q53 ZigBee Gateway Device
is in conformity with the provisions of the following EC Directives, including all
amendments, and with national legislation implementing these directives:
European Council Directive 1999/5/EC
and that the following harmonized standards have been applied:
RF: EN 300 328 v1.7.1 (2006-10)
EMC: EN 301 489-01 v1.8.1 (2008-04)
EN 301 489-17 v2.1.1 (2009-05)
Electrical Safety: EN 60950-1:2006
Full name and identification of the person empowered to sign on behalf of the
Name Title
Fred Fierling Director
Signature Date Place
2009/10/20 Port Coquitlam
Figure 31—Q53 Declaration of Conformity
79 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
12. Q53 Specifications
Physical Features
Hardware and software specifications are described in this chapter.
Hardware specifications are covered in the following sections:
Physical Features on page 79
Electrical Details on page 80
Q53 LEDs on page 81
Network Interfaces on page 82
Software Specifications are covered in the following sections:
Standards supported on page 83
TCP port numbers used on the Q53 on page 83
UDP port numbers used on the Q53 on page 83
Error conditions on page 83
Internal errors such as bus errors, address errors or illegal instructions force the Q53
into this non-operational mode. on page 83.
Physical Features
Metric Width:65 mm
Height: 23.5 mm
Length: 111 mm
Imperial Width: 2.55"
Height: 1.925"
Length: 4.4"
Weight: 80g or 3 oz (Device); 175g or 6 oz (external transformer)
Environmental details
Operating: 0° C to 50° C
Storage: -40° C to 85° C
95% maximum humidity, non-condensing.
80 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
12. Q53 Specifications
Electrical Details
Electrical Details
Power socket
Figure 32 shows the power socket on the Q53 side panel.
Figure 32—Power Socket
Power supply
options External transformer available in 120V/60Hz or 220-240V/50Hz.
Power supply
requirements Typical 120VAC +/- 10% 35mA, 60Hz
240VAC +/- 10% 18mA, 50/60Hz
Maximum 120VAC +/- 10% 40mA, 60Hz
240VAC +/- 10% 20mA, 50/60Hz
DC power
requirements Voltage 4.5-6.0 VDC regulated
Current, Typical 300 mA
Current, Maximum 330 mA
DC Power
consumption Typical 1.8 W
Maximum 2.0 W
IEEE 802.3.af
Power over
Class 1 device, 1.2W typical
Antenna Radiation Pattern
Figure 33 shows the radiation pattern of the standard antenna supplied with the Q53.
81 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
12. Q53 Specifications
Q53 LEDs
Figure 33—Antenna Radiation Pattern
Q53 LEDs
STAT System Status
NET Data to Ethernet
RF Data to ZigBee PAN
Run and
Run Mode is the normal operating state of the Q53. Auto-reset mode is entered when the
watchdog timer is triggered and the Zigbee gateway device has reset itself. The STAT
LED flashes differently depending on whether the device’s IP address is configured.
Azimuth Elevation
Table 8—STAT LED Patterns
Green, on once per second
(i.e., more off than on) Normal Mode, IP address configured
Green, on twice per second IP address not configured
Amber, off once per second
(i.e., more on than off) Download (MOS)
Amber, off twice per second Download (MOS), no IP address configured
Red, off twice per second System error
82 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
12. Q53 Specifications
Network Interfaces
Network Interfaces
The Q53 network interfaces provide compatibility with TCP/ICMP/IP and 802.3
Ethernet protocols with an IEEE 802.3 10/100Base-T UTP Ethernet female RJ45
Network Connector Pinouts
Table 11 shows the pinout for the UTP (RJ45) connector.
Table 9—NET LED Patterns
On Network link present
Off Network link not present
Blinking, off 1/3 second Network link present and transmitting; flashes off 1/3
second each time a packet is transmitted
Table 10—RF LED Patterns
On Network link present
Off Network link not present
Blinking, off 1/3 second Network link present and transmitting; flashes off 1/3
second each time a packet is transmitted
Table 11—UTP (RJ45) Connector Pinout
Pin Signal Source Pin Signal Source
1TX_D1+ Q53 5BI-D3- Q53
2 TX_D1- Q53 6 RX_D2- Network
3 RX_D2+ Network 7 BI_D4+ Network
4 BI-D3+ Q53 8 BI_D4- Network
83 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
12. Q53 Specifications
Software Specifications
Software Specifications
Standards supported
ARC Ethernet Address Control Protocol
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
IP Internet Protocol
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TELNET Telnet Protocol
UDP User Datagram Protocol
TCP port numbers used on the Q53
23 TCP Protocol for TELNETD port
8200 Exegin Communications Protocol Port for Gecko
UDP port numbers used on the Q53
514 SYSLOG client support
68 DHCP client port
17755 SCoP ZigBee Bridge Device Protocol
Error conditions
panic Unrecoverable errors detected by the Q53 firmware force it into panic mode. Manually
reset the Q53 to resume normal operation.
Watchdog halt The watchdog timer is a hardware device that resets the system if not serviced regularly
by the CPU. It’s purpose is to prevent the CPU from entering an infinite loop because of
a hardware or firmware problem. After a watchdog interrupt, some diagnostic
information is saved for debugging and the device resumes operation in Auto-reset
Mode. The Q53 will auto-reset up to 16 times before entering non-operational Watchdog
Spurious halt Unsupported interrupts force the Q53 into this non-operational mode and typically
indicate a hardware problem.
exception Internal errors such as bus errors, address errors or illegal instructions force the Q53 into
this non-operational mode.
84 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
13. Getting Help
Help Methods Available
This chapter identifies other sources of Help for installing and configuring your Q53
ZigBee / 802.15.4 Gateway Bridge and defines the repair procedure.
Help Methods Available
"Troubleshooting Tips" sections
Troubleshooting tips are listed at the end of each network configuration chapter. These
are the most commonly asked relevant questions. There are additional troubleshooting
tips in the appendices as well.
Web site
Exegin’s Web site, http://www.exegin.com/, contains information about the company
and its products. You will find a link to the Support page that contains the technical
bulletins and firmware and software histories and files.
Contacting Exegin
If you need technical assistance from Exegin, please have this information on hand:
Q53 serial number found on the bottom of the Zigbee gateway device.
Description of your network environment and peripherals attached.
Description of the problem.
Contact options
Email "support@exegin.com"
Call +1 604 468-2552 x637.
Note: Email queries will have the fastest response time.
85 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
13. Getting Help
Repair Procedure
Repair Procedure
Warranty description
Exegin Systems Ltd. warrants this product to be free from defects in workmanship and
material for one (1) year from the time of the original purchase date.
During this period, Exegin will repair or replace a defective product with a new or rebuilt
product at no extra charge except as stipulated below.
At no time shall Exegin’s liability exceed the replacement cost of the subject item.
All expressed and implied warranties for this product including all warranties of
Merchantability, Suitability, and Fitness for a particular application are limited to one (1)
year from the time of the original purchase date. In no event shall Exegin be liable for
Loss of Use, Loss of Profits or Revenues, or other Indirect, Incidental, or Consequential
Damages. This warranty does not imply the right to loaner or replacement units during
the time required to perform repairs.
This warranty does not cover any losses or damage caused by:
• shipping,
improper installation, use, or maintenance,
unauthorized repair, modification, alteration, or replacement of components,
excessive environmental conditions including electrical power surges, temperature,
humidity, or any other irregularities,
negligence or abuse.
Returning for repair
To obtain service under this warranty, you must first contact Exegin’s Technical Support
department to rule out configuration errors. A Support Technician will ensure the
problem is related to the hardware. If so, a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
number will be given to you by the technician. The defective product should then be
returned to Exegin for repair.
Please use the following guidelines when shipping goods back for warranty claim:
Package the product securely, in original packaging if possible, to prevent damage
during shipping.
Indicate the RMA number clearly on the address label of the shipping carton.
Include a copy of the invoice/receipt.
You may use any courier company. However, we recommend using Federal Express
due to its lower charges for customs.
86 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
13. Getting Help
Repair Procedure
Note: Under a normal warranty repair, Exegin will only pay for the shipping charges
to return the Q53 to you.
If you ship from a country other than Canada, type (on any paper) a commercial invoice
containing the following information:
your address
Exegin’s address (as "consignee")
country of origin of the product (i.e. Canada)
number of packages in the shipment
description of the product
• quantity
total value of shipment (i.e. your total purchase price)
reason for return (e.g. warranty repair)
a declaration.
Canada Customs requires that this invoice accompany the returned product. For an
example, refer to Figure 34:
87 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
13. Getting Help
Repair Procedure
Figure 34—Sample Commercial Invoice
Leslie Smith
ABC Corporation
1234 Western Parkway
Anycity, NC
USA, 27511
DATE OF EXPORT: 22/02/96
AIR WAYBILL NO: 123-12341234
Exegin Systems Ltd.
401- 2071 Kingsway Avenue
Port Coquitlam, B.C.
V3C 6N2, Canada
IMPORTER (if other than consignee)
same as consignee
1 Ethernet Zigbee gateway device 1 100.00
REASON FOR RETURN: warranty repair
I declare all information contained in this invoice to be true and correct.
_______________ Leslie Smith 24/03/2002
88 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
14. Glossary
ARP Address Resolution Protocol. Associates a selected IP address with
a network device’s Ethernet address.
BPS Bits per second.
Daemon A continuously running process that handles system-wide
functions such as print spooling.
Default router A network device that allows communication to and from external
subnets by forwarding any IP packets accordingly.
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Allows a network device to
discover its IP address dynamically upon bootup.
DNS Domain Name Server. Host providing responses to queries for a
given host name’s IP address.
EEPROM Electronically-Erasable, Programmable Read-Only Memory.
Preserves data after power is removed. Also known as Flash
Factory defaults Zigbee gateway device settings shipped with the Q53.
Flash Permanent memory in the EEPROM. Stores firmware code and
configurable settings. Allows for upgrades without replacing
hardware inside the Q53.
FTP File Transfer Protocol. Used for transferring files from one TCP/IP
host to another and used in the upgrade process.
Gecko TCP/IP configuration utility provided with the Q53 ZigBee /
802.15.4 Gateway Bridge.
HTML HyperText Markup Language. Format used for documents
viewable on the World Wide Web.
HTTP HyperText Transport Protocol. Protocol used for the delivery of
web pages.
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.
Ifnum Interface Number. Represents the network interface. This will be
"1" for an Ethernet network.
Netmask see subnet mask.
PAN Personal Area Network. A wireless network made up of ZigBee
wireless devices communicating under control of a ZigBee
Coordinator device.
PDF Portable Document Format. Encodes different types of documents
enabling them to be read across multiple platforms.
89 Q53 Installation and Configuration Guide © Exegin Technologies Limited, 2013
14. Glossary
Ping A program used to test reachability of destinations by sending them
an ICMP echo request and waiting for a reply. It is a standard
command to test a TCP/IP connection. (e.g. "ping")
RAM Random Access Memory. Volatile memory within the Q53 that
contains current/working settings. Settings are lost once the power
is removed.
RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol. Allows a network device to
discover its IP address dynamically upon bootup. The IP address
does not need to be stored within the device permanently.
RF Radio Frequency. A radio signal that propagates through the
environment via electromagnetic radiation.
Router A device that forwards IP packets to their destination. Also called a
gateway. See Default Router.
Serial number Number found on the bottom of the Q53. Each Q53 is assigned a
unique serial number.
Socket TCP connection between two hosts consisting of a source and
destination TCP port number at each end.
Subnet mask A binary value used to divide IP networks into smaller
subnetworks or subnets. This mask is used to help determine
whether IP packets need to be forwarded on to other subnets.
Tar UNIX command for archiving data onto a permanent storage
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. Suite of
protocols that act as the base protocol for the Internet.
TCP port A logical connection point in the software of a TCP host or device.
When two IP devices talk, they establish a socket which consists of
a source and destination TCP port number on both ends.
Telnet Command and protocol to establish a terminal connection between
two hosts on an IP network.
ZigBee A set of electrical and protocol standards defining a means by
which low-cost control devices may communicate over low-power
wireless links within a building. Defined and maintained by the
ZigBee Alliance. More information may be obtained from the
Alliance’s web site: http://www.zigbee.org/

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