FDT Technologies FD7903W FDT 720P 4x PTZ camera User Manual
FDT Technologies FDT 720P 4x PTZ camera Users Manual
Users Manual
Use er Man nual FDT 720P 4 PT 4x TZ cam mera-F FD790 03W/B V1 1.0.1 FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us C Contents Wellcome ..................................................................................................................................... 5 1 Fe eatures and d Specifications ................................................................................................ 7 1.1 Overview w .......................................................................................................................... 7 1.2 Featuress........................................................................................................................... 7 1.3 Specifica ations .................................................................................................................. 8 2 Device Overvview .................................................................................................................. 10 3 Camera Connection and d Installation n ............................................................................... 11 3.1 Connectiion Guide ........................................................................................................ 11 3.2 Installatio on Guide ......................................................................................................... 11 3.3 Default Username a Passwo and ord ............................................................................. 11 4 Acccess the camera .............................................................................................................. 12 4.1 Mobile device accesss .................................................................................................. 12 4.2 Web brow wser accesss ................................................................................................... 12 4.2.1 SearrchTool for Windows O ....................................................................... 12 OS 4.2.2 SearrchTool for Mac OS .............................................................................. 13 4.2.3 Acce ess by IP ad ddress and http port ............................................................ 15 4.2.4 Rem mote access ........................................................................................... 17 4.3 NVR acccess .................................................................................................................. 18 4.4 RTSP acccess ................................................................................................................ 18 5 Ap pp for Mobile Device......................................................................................................... 21 5.1 Add Cam mera .................................................................................................................. 21 5.1.1 Set up u a new ca amera. ................................................................................. 21 5.1.2 Set up u an existing camera.. ......................................................................... 25 5.2 Camera list page .......................................................................................................... 26 5.3 Live view w page .............................................................................................................. 27 5.4 Settings pages .............................................................................................................. 29 5.4.1 Edit Password ............................................................................................. 29 5.4.2 Alarm m Settings............................................................................................. 29 5.4.3 Alarm m link settin ngs ....................................................................................... 29 FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.4.4 Time ed recording g settings............................................................................. 30 5.4.5 Audio settings ............................................................................................. 30 5.4.6 Video settings ............................................................................................. 30 5.4.7 Wifi settings................................................................................................. 31 5.4.8 SD Card setting gs ......................................................................................... 31 5.4.9 Device time setttings .................................................................................... 31 5.4.10 Em mail settings............................................................................................ 32 5.4.11 FTP P settings .............................................................................................. 32 5.4.12 Sysstem setting gs......................................................................................... 32 5.4.13 Devvice informa ation .................................................................................... 33 5.5 Local file es page............................................................................................................. 33 5.6 Playbackk page .............................................................................................................. 34 6 Web W User Intterface for operation ...................................................................................... 35 6.1 Login page..................................................................................................................... 35 6.2 Live page ....................................................................................................................... 35 D ............................................................................................................ 35 6.2.1 OSD 6.2.2 Pan//Tilt control ............................................................................................ 36 6.2.3 View w ............................................................................................................ 36 6.2.4 Presset.......................................................................................................... 36 6.2.5 Imag geSettings ............................................................................................. 37 6.2.6 Tool bar ....................................................................................................... 37 6.3 Playbackk page(Onlyy for IE/Firefox browser in window ws) ..................................... 39 6.3.1 Searrch and playyback video os ....................................................................... 39 6.3.2 Tool bar ....................................................................................................... 39 6.4 Configuration page....................................................................................................... 40 6.4.1 Media settings ............................................................................................. 40 work ....................................................................................................... 42 6.4.2 Netw 6.4.3 Alarm m........................................................................................................... 44 6.4.4 Adva ance ...................................................................................................... 46 6.4.5 System ........................................................................................................ 50 FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 7. Frequently Asked Quesstions ............................................................................................ 53 FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us We elcome Tha ank you for purchasing o FDT IP camera! our Thiss user manu ual will help you y become e familiar witth our camera in a very short time. Here you can find info ormation ab bout the cam mera’s featurres and funcctions, as we ell as informa ation to aid a in troub bleshooting..Before insttallation an nd operation n, please rread the below safe eguards and d warnings carefully. ou still have e further que estions, plea ase visit htttp://fdt.ustoget any sup pports from FDT If yo team m. Ema ail: support@ @fdt.us Visitt: www.fdt.us/support USA A Direct: 713 3-955-7170 Im mportantt Safegu uards and Warnings In order to keep p your came era secure an nd prevent unauthorized d access, please make sure ollow the ste eps below: to fo 1)Allways make sure your camera has the latest firrmware as listed onhttp://fdt.us. 2) Never use th he default password forr your came era. Always ensure yourr password is at leasst 8-10 cha aracters lon ng and contains a combination of lowerca ase charac cters, uppercase charracters as well w as numb bers. Ele ectrical Safety All installations and op perations herre should co onform to yo our local elecctrical safety codes. We assume e no liability or responsibility for any y of the firess or electrica al shocks cau used by imprope er handling or o installation n. We are nott liable for an ny problemss caused by unauthorize ed modifications or attempted repair. Improper battery use may m result in n fire, explos sion, or personal injury. When repla acing the ba attery, please e make sure e you are using the same model. This producct must be grounded to reduce the risk of electtric shock. Tra ansporta ation Sec curity Hea avy stress, violent vibrattions, and exxcess moistu ure should not n occur du uring transportation, storage, and d installation n of the device. Ins stallation FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us Han ndle the device with care e. Keep the device rightt side up. Do not n apply po ower to the camera befo ore completing installatio on. Do not n place ob bjects on top p of the camera. Repair Proffessiona als All the t examina ation and rep pair work sho ould be done by qualifie ed service engineers. We are not liablle for any prroblems cau used by unau uthorized mo odifications or user-attempted repair. Environme ent The e camera sho ould be keptt in a cool, dry d place aw way from dire ect sunlight, flammable materials, explo osive substa ances, etc. Thiss product should be tran nsported, sto ored, and us sed only in th he specified d environments as stated above e. Do not n aim the camera at a strong lightt source, as it may causse overexposure of the pictu ure, and ma ay affect the longevity off the camera a’s sensors. Enssure that the camera is in a well ven ntilated area to prevent overheating Op peration and Main ntenance Do not n touch the camera se ensor or lens directly. To clean dust or dirt off of th he lens, use e an air blow wer or a micrrofiber cloth.. Ac ccessorie es Be sure to use only the acccessories reccommended d by manufa acturer. Befo ore installation, please open the package and check to enssure that all of the com mponents are e present. Con ntact the reta ailer that you u purchased d from, or FD DT directly iff anything iss broken or misssing in the package. Ch heck Hard dware Whe en you receive the product in the pa ackage, unp pack itand ch heck all side es of the pro oduct for any a physical damage. The T protectivve materials used in the package off the productt can prottect most acccidental da amage durin ng transporta ation, but to o ensure yo our equipme ent is operating as expected, it is recommended to in nspect the product beffore procee eding furth her. On the product, check sp pecifically that the label on the bo ottom of the e product is s not dam maged. The serial number of the uniit is often ne eeded to pro ovide supporrt. Plea ase check th hat all required items fo or your camera are pressent. If any item is miss sing, plea ase contact us as soon as a possible so we can send you the e missing co omponent. e may not look exactly as a pictured in n this section n, but the ste eps to assem mble Note: Hardware e. the hardware arre the same FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 1 Feature s and Specific ations 1.1 Overvie ew The e FDTIP Cam mera is an exxcellent digital surveillan nce product that can be useful to a wide varie ety of users. The camerra connects to any route er, and usess an internett connection to allow w the user to o access all of its functionality from many intern net connecte ed devices. It’s easyy to use and d can be set up in a rela atively small amount of time. It has vvarious functtions such h as recording, playback, and monitoring functiionality and it synchronizes audio and vide eo by defaultt. The e FDT IP cam mera conneccts to a wide e variety of ro outers in ord der to conne ect to the inte ernet, both h through a wired conne ection and wirelessly. On nce setup, th he camera ccan be acces ssed remotely from a wide varietty of internett connected devices, inccluding PC, iPhone, iPa ad, And droid tablet, and a Android d phone. Thiss FDT IP Camera ado opts a high--quality desiign in orderr to achieve e high levels of relia ability and se ecurity. It can be configu ured to work k locally, as well w as on a network. It also has a built-in WiFi W adapter allows the camera to be b used on a wireless n network, witthout needing a physical connecttion to a router or PC. 1.2 2 Feature es The e FDT IP Cam mera has th he following features: HD Resolution e FDT IP cam mera is an in ntegrated wireless IP Ca amera with a color CMO OS sensor which The enable to view in High Defin nition resolu ution. It comb bines a high quality digittal video cam mera, with h a powerful web server, to bring cle ear video to your deskto op and mobile devices no matter where byy your local network or over the Inte ernet. P function P2P The e FDT camerra supports P2P function. You don’tt need to ma akecomplica ated Port Forw warding and d DDNS settings, just ne eed to add it into your mo obile device es. Then you u can remote access it easily. 64 Encodin ng H.26 The e FDT IP Camera provid des users witth more com mprehensive e controls ovver a monito ored site.. The camerra supports H.264 video o compressio on technolog gy, dramaticcally reduces s file size e and saves networkban ndwidth. b access Web The e FDT camerra is designe ed for surveillance with wide applica ations such as at home, in reta ail store and in office. Co ontrolling the e camera an nd managing g images are e simplified by usin ng the provid ded web inte erface acrosss the netwo ork in either wired or wire eless way. bile device access Mob The e FDT IP cam mera provide es “FDT Vie ew” App for mobile devices.You can search an nd FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us insta all iton App Store or Go oogle Play, th hen you can n access you urcamera on n your mobile devices. vanced Play yback Func ction Adv The e FDT IP cam mera supporrts real-time e recording and a can support search,, fast forward ded playyback, recorrded searche es, and dow wnloading of videos and snapshots. It can also playyback frame by frame ass needed. When recording, the Cam mera shows a date/time overlay to ensure accurate viewing of events when n they occurrred. ay be slight differences in functionality due to th he existence e of differentt Note: There ma duct series. prod 1.3 3 Specific cations Ca amera Lens Video Ne etwork Ge eneral Ima age Sensorr 3" 960P CMO OS 1/3 Effe ective Pixels 80 (H)x960((V) 128 Day y/Night con ntrol (IR--Cut) Auto(ICR) / Co olor / Black& &White Pan n & Tilt Ho orizon-355°, Vertical-90°° Memory slot Misscro SD Carrd, up to 128 8GB IR distance 20m Sm mart Alerts Mo otion detectio on cal Length Foc 2.8 8-12mm, 4x optical zoom Max Aperture F1.2 Angle of View 30--90° Res solution Ma ain Stream:720P (1280 0x720)+ VG GA (640x480 0) Sub Stream: VGA (640xx480) + QVG GA (320x240 0) Vid deo Bitrates 32Kbps ~ 6144 4Kbps Vid deo Frame Rate 25ffps@720P Ima age snapsh hot Supported Dual video strream Supported Eth hernet RJ-45 (10/100Base-T) Nettwork Proto ocol HT TTP, FTP, TC CP/IP, UDP P, SMTP, DH HCP, NTP, UPNP, RT TSP, Onvif, DDNS We eb browser Windows: IE/F Firefox/Chrom me, Mac: Sa afari/Chrome Sm mart Phone De ericam App, IOS: iPhone e+iPad, And droid: Sm martphone+T Tablet Wiffi WiFi (802.11b//g/n), 2.4G only, supporrts WE EP/WPA-PS SK/WPA2-PS SK encryptio on P2P Supported Max. User Acc cess 3 users (Main stream) + 3 users (Sub stream) Pow wer Supply DC C 12V/1A Pow wer Consumption <8W Wo orking -10 0℃~+60℃,1 10%~90% RH FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us Env vironment Dim mensions 250 0x225x145m mm We eight 1.5 5kg FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 2 Device Overvie ew FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 3 Camer ra Conn nection andIns stallation To make your experience w the FDT with T IP camera easy and simple, we've e provided multtiple ways to o set up, view, and operrate it depen nding on you ur needs. Ple ease set up your cam mera in the way w works be est for you. 3.1 Connec ction Guiide The e FDT camerra can be acccessed thro ough the web browser in n the compu uter or the Ap pp in the smart phone e or tablet PC. P Before accessing, yo ou should co onnect the ccamera to yo our routter by Ethern net cable or WiFi after itt is powered d on. 3.2 2 Installation Guide The e camera hass a standard d camera trip pod screw hole (1/4-20 UNC thread d) for use in mou unting the ca amera onto a stable surrface. Note: Prior to in nstallation en nsure that th he installatio on environm ment can sup pport at leastt 3 es the weigh ht of the cam mera. time 3.3 3 Default Usernam me and Passwor rd To login to the camera for the t first time e, the defaultt username//password iss admin/adm min. uccessfully lo ogged in, it is i highly rec commended to change tthe usernam me Oncce you’ve su and password for f security reasons. i for the firsst time will fo orce the use er to change the default password of o the Note: Logging in min account. adm FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 4A Access the t cam mera 4.1 Mobile device access The e FDT camerracan be accessedthrou ugh FDT Vie ew app on either iOS or Android mo obile devices. To acccess your de evice from a smart phone or tablet, please searcch and insta all T Viewapp fiirst from App p Store or Google Play. FDT 4.2 2 Web browser ac ccess The e FDT camerra can be acccessed thro ough web brrowser for bo oth windowss and Mac OS. O It supports the IE//Chrome/ Mozilla Firefo ox in window ws and Safarri/Chrome in n Mac. The web brow wser accesssing can sup pports all advvance features of the FD DT camera. 4.2.1 SearchT Tool for Windows OS To easily conne ect to the cam mera’s interfface in Wind dows, use th he included C CD to installl and run the “Search hTool”for Win ndows.Altern natively, you u can downlo oad thelatesst tool from p://fdt.us. However, beffore using th he SearchTool to find the e FDT came era in your lo ocal http netw work, please e ensure: 1) The T camera is connected d to the Netw work via an Ethernet ca able or Wifi. 2) The T camera and the PC are on the same local network. 3) To T open the camera’s we eb interface e, pleaseuse the IE/Chro ome/Mozilla Firefox in Windows OS, use u the Safa ari/Chrome in n Mac OS. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us You u can also ed dit some nettwork configu urations, camera name through the SearchTool.But you have toente er the correcct camera’s username/p password to make your modification ns valid d. 4.2.2 SearchT Tool for Mac M OS You can find the e “FDT Mac c SearchToo ol.zip” for Mac M OS in th he included mini CD. Ple ease M compute er. Then run n the tool named “SearcchTool” to se earch copyy and installl it on your Mac FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us the FDT camera a in your LA AN. From the e tool, you can c get the name, UID, IP address, Mac address, Http port and firmw ware version n of the cam mera. By double left clicking the camera in th he searching g list, you ca an open the camera by your defa ault web bro owser, such as a Safari. You can find th he button “R Refresh Cam mera List” an nd “Flush Arp A Buffer” b by right click k the search tool or the camera in i the searcching list, the en you can refresh the ssearching lis st by FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us thesse 2 buttonss. Here e is a “Netw work Configu uration” butto on in the rig ght-clicking button list. F From this bu utton, you can modify the IP, Device display name and http port of the e FDT came era. Please note: 1. The T camera will w reboot automatically y if you modify its http port. 2. Please enterr the right ussername and password of your cam mera before you modify y any netw work configu uration of the e camera. 4.2.3 Access s by IP add dress and http port Afte er launching the SearchT Tool, click th he next to sk kip the welco ome page a and refresh the searching page e to bring up the camera as on your LA AN. Then yo ou can doub ble click the cam mera you selected to login by your default web browser, or you y can ope en the web brow wser you wa ant first and input the camera’s IP ad ddress and http h port in the URL add dress FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us bar of the browsser by manu ual to login your camera a. You can access the F FDT camera by HTT TP protocolss as below: http://LAN IP Ad ddress + HT TTP Port No. For examp ple: http://19 8:80. You u can find the e LAN IP Ad ddress and http h port of your camera a through the e SearchToo ol. The e default portt is 80. Login to the cam mera using your correctt credentials. If it is yourr first time logging into th he cam mera by defa ault account after it is resset, you will be forced to o change the e default passsword. Plea ase select a password th hat is at leas st 8 characte ers long, and d include a com mbination of uppercase letters, lowe ercase letters s, and numb bers. For the IE/ Mozzilla Firefox in Windows, when open ning the cam mera’s interfa ace, the brow wser will prompt you to install a plugin. The plugins are necessary to o get camerra’s video. Click insta all link to do ownload the plugin, and install it by manually. If the browserr prompts yo ou to allow w the plugin n to work on the computer, hit Allow w to ensure th he plugin ca an run succcessfully. Th hen the cam mera is now successfully y set up for live viewing, playback and conffiguration! FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us Note: Due to the limitationss of NPAPI plugin, the web w browserr of Chrome//Safari does s not ction and prrivacy mask. support the feattures of playyback, talk, motion-dete 4.2.4 Remote e access FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us You can accesss the FDT ca amera remottely through h web browsers by UPnP P/DDNS features or Portt forwarding. Go to t the CONF FIG/DDNS page to enab ble the UPnP and input the informa ation for third d-party DDN NS, such as Dyndns.org//3322.org/dy ynddns.us/N No-ip.com. T Then you can acce ess the FDT T by DDNS remotely. Go to t your route er settings page to makke the appreciate port fo orwarding, th hen you can acce ess your cam mera remote ely through the public IP P address an nd its corressponding po ort. 4.3 3 NVR ac ccess The e FDT camerra supports connecting to any NVR that ONVIF F enabled. T This allows th he cam mera to view live, playba ack and to sa ave recorded data to a network storrage device.. 4.4 4 RTSP access The e FDT camerra supports the RTSP standard protocol, you ca an access th he video and audio from the camera dire ectly by RTSP player suc ch as VLC. Please makke sure you enable the RTS SP feature off you camerra, you can set s this featu ure in the we ebUI of the cam mera through h the web brrowsers, like e IE/Firefox/C Chrome in Windows OS S computer, and Safa ari or Chrom me in Mac OS computer. RTS SP URL First stream: rtssp://usernam me:password d@IP:port/11 For example: rtssp://admin:1 123456@19 554/11 Seccond stream: rtsp://usern name:passw word@IP:port/12 For example: rtssp://admin:1 123456@19 554/12 Follo ow these ste eps to accesss the came era rtsp strea am by VLC player: 1) Open the VLC player and go to “Med dia”/”Open Network Stre eam”; 2) Enter the UR RL in VLC an nd click the play button. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 3) You Y may nee ed to go thro ough the rtsp p authentication if you did not input the username/passsword in your RTSP RUL L. you can n view the video from th he VLC playe er by now. 4) Then FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us Note: you can also view the e video remotely by the rtsp stream m if you have e the right DD DNS p mapping g or forwardiing. or port FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5 App for Mobile Device To access yourr device from m a smart phone or ta ablet, please e download and install FDT View w. For iPho one and iPad d users, ple ease visit the App store e to downloa ad the App.. For And droid user, please install the APP fro om the Goog gle Play, or http://fdt.us s. Note: For purpo oses of this guide, we will w use iOS, though both h apps have the same A Interface e may differ slightly from m the screen nshots below w as updates s are interface. The App released. and router, and a your cam mera is not connecting tto your WiFi Note: If you havve a dual ba work, please e make sure e you did nott connect the e FDT came era by 5G. Itt support 2.4 4G netw onlyy. 5.1 Add Ca amera You u can go to the camera list page to find a “+ Add d Camera” to add came eras into you ur App p.There are 2 methods to o add camera. The first one is “Set up u a new ca amera”, it is used to add camera which is justt reset to facctory setting or you just get the cam mera from the package. You can c change the t initial pa assword of th he camera and a set wifi ssettings to your cam mera through h this method. It is usually used for the t first time e you want tto setup this cam mera. The se econd one iss “Set up an existing cam mera”, it means to add tthe camera you set up before, fo or example you y have alrready set up p your camera in anothe er smartphon ne or web b. For the se econd metho od, you can search and add the cam mera directlyy, no need to change the passsword or se et the wifi configuration. 5.1.1 Set up a new cam mera. If yo ou are the firrst time to se et up the FD DT camera, or o your just reset your F FDT camera a. Plea ase click the e button “Sett up a new camera” to add a it into yo our smartpho one or tablet. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us Plea ase powered d up your ca amera first, and a connectt your camera to your ro outer with an Ethe ernet cable. After you co onnect your smartphone e or tablet to o the same local network via wifi, then you ca an go to add d your came era into the App A by scan nning the cam mera in the LAN or by b inputting its UID by manual. We do d recomme end you to scan and add d the camera a in your local netwo ork, so you do d not need d to input the e UID which is a long ide entifie and hard to re emember. 1. Scan for you ur camera Oncce you chose en to add the camera byy scanning, you can folllow the NEX XTor text instrructions to complete the e process off adding cam mera.Here are the scree enshots to sh how how w to add the camera by scanning. -Sellect the cam mera you want to set up from the cam mera list you u get by sca anning. -Givve your camera a name, and input right usernam me and password to acccess it. The defa ault usernam me is admin,, the default password is s admin too.. -Cha ange the initial admin/admin userna ame/passwo ord for the consideration n of accountt secu urity. Give your camera a private ussername and d password that known o only by you,, and keep it secret. -If you want to configure the e wifi in this set up proc cess, you can choose YE ES to conne ect to your wifi, or you u can choose e NO to starrt the live vie ew directly. You Y can also configure your wifi in the wifi se etting page after you ad dded the cam mera into yo our App if you do not wa ant to conffigure it in th his step. -Ple ease click the e refresh ico on to search h the wifi AP list again if you did not find the wifii SSID you want.. -Ple ease input th he right passsword of you ur wifi, and click next to set it into yo our camera. -The en you can start live vie ew of your ca amera and complete thiss set up pro ocess, and you can access and d control you ur camera no ow. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 2. Manually co onnect Oncce you chose en to add the camera byy manual, yo ou can follow w the NEXT T or text instrructions to complete the e adding of camera. Herre are the sccreenshots tto show you this FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us proccess. -Entter in your camera’s UID D first, you can c find it on n the sticker of your cam mera’s bottom m or side e. Give your camera a name, and in nput right username and d password tto access it. The defa ault usernam me is admin,, the default password is s admin too.. -Cha ange the initial admin/admin userna ame/passwo ord for the consideration n of accountt secu urity. Give your camera a private ussername and d password that known o only by you,, and keep it secret. -If you want to configure the e wifi in this set up proc cess, you can choose YE ES to conne ect to your wifi, or you u can choose e NO to starrt the live vie ew directly. You Y can also configure your wifi in the wifi se etting page after you ad dded the cam mera into yo our App if you do not wa ant to conffigure it in th his step. -Ple ease click the e refresh ico on to search the wifi AP list again if you y did not ffind the wifiS SSID you want. -Ple ease input th he right passsword of you ur wifi, and click next to set it into yo our camera. -The en you can start live vie ew of your ca amera and complete thiss set up pro ocess, and you can access and d control you ur camera no ow. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.1.2 Set up an a existing camera. For the FDT cam mera you ha ave set up before, you can c click the e button “Sett up an exis sting cam mera” to add d it into your smartphone e or tablet. There are alsso 2 ways to o add it, by scan nning or by manual. We e do recomm mend you to scan and add the came era in your lo ocal netw work area, so s you do no ot need to input the UID which is a long identifie e and hard to remember. for you ur camera 1. Scan -Afte er click the scanning bu utton to searrch the FDT camera in your local ne etwork area,, you can get a came era list. Pleasse select the e camera yo ou want to se et up. -Givve you came era a name, and enter in n its right username and d password. -The en you can start the live e view and go g to the settting page to access or ccontrol it. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 2. Manually co onnect If yo ou want to add this existting camera to your sma artphone or table by ma anual, please clickk the button “Manually Connect”. En nter in your camera’s UID, usernam me and passw word, you can also givve it a new name you likke. Then you u can start the t live view w and go to the setting page to access and control your camera. 5.2 2 Camera a list pag ge You can go to the camera a page to check what cameras yo ou have add ded. Here are a a cam mera list, and d you can also delete orr edit the log gin informatio on for the ca amera. -Clicck the edit iccon to edit the came era login info ormation. Fo or example, you can cha ange the camera’s na ame in your smartphone e or modify the t camera’ss username and passwo ord if you could not lo ogin your camera, even the UID. -Clicck the toolin ng icon t enter the to e setting pag ge, then you u can edit all your came era’s settings, include Edit Password, Alarrm Setting, Alarm Linkk Setting, Tiimed Recorrding Settting, Audio Setting, Vide eo Setting, Wifi W Setting, SD Card Setting, Devicce Time Settting, Ema ail Setting, FTP Setting, System Se etting and Device Inform mation. All o of these setttings will be explained in detail in n next chapter. -Clicck the trash icon to delete the camera you want. You can also de elete the cam mera you want by sliding the ca amera from right to left, then you can find a D Delete butto on to dele ete this came era. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.3 3 Liveview w page Afte er add the ca amera succe essfully, you u can preview w the video of your cam mera and sett the conffigurations you y want. Th his section will w show you u what the iccons can do o in the liveview page of the FDT T View. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us -The e resolution n (HD/SD orr High/Low) The e HD standards for the fiirst/main stre eam of the camera, it iss 720P as de efault. The SD mea ans second/sub stream of the came era, it is VGA A as default.. You can alsso change the defa ault settings as you wan nt in the settiing pages. -Flip p the Viewo -Mirrror the Vide eo -Sna ap picture from the video and save e it to your phone -Rec cord video by manual from the video and save e it to your phone; -Audio from the e camera -Talking to the camera ;By press an nd holding th his icon, you can hear th he voice from m the cam mera or the audio out po ort by conneccting an earphone. -Sett the video parameters s of your cam mera, such as a bright/con ntrast/satura ation. And conttrol the LED D status of your camera a by the icon ns of the mod del, such ass auto/night visio on/day vision. -Exiit , you can n go back to the device list page by click the ba ack icon. -Setttings page , you can n go to the settings page by click th he icon of se ettings. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.4 4 Settings s pages 5.4.1 Edit Pas ssword You can change e the passw word of the FDT camera in this page e. 5.4.2 Alarm Settings You can set the e configuratio on about mo otion-detection alarm of the camera a in this page e, such h as enable or disable the alarm, se et the sensittivity of the motion-detec ction like low//medium/hig gh. 5.4.3 Alarm link setting gs You can enable e the linked actions once e the alarm is i triggered in this page, include the Pussh Notificatio ons to your smartphone, , record vide eo to the SD D Card, alarm m emails witth snapshot, save snapshot or recording to t FTP serve er, and the count for the e snapshot. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.4.4 Timed recording settings You can set the e scheduled recording se ettings in thiis page, include the reco ording lengtth. 5.4.5 Audio settings You can set the e configuratio ons for audio o in this pag ge. 5.4.6 Video settings You can set the configuratio on about video encoding g for the firstt/second stre eam in this page, like bitrate/frame rate and video qualityy. The top on n is for first stream, the ssecond one is i for seco ond stream. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.4.7 Wifi setttings You can search h the wifi in the LAN and d set it to you ur camera in n this page. 5.4.8 SD Card d settings You can get the e space inforrmation about the SD Card in your camera and d format it in this page. 5.4.9 Device time settings You can set the e time of you ur camera to o sync it with h your smartphone in this page. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.4.10 Email settings You can set the e email inform mation in thiis page to en nable the em mail alarm actions. Here e is a test button for you y to checkk the connecction of the email settings, please sa ave your setttings and test it beforre you complete the ema ail settings to o make sure e your email setting will work succcessfully. 5.4.11 FTP se ettings You can set the e FTP account informatio on for the vid deo recordin ng or alarm linked actions in this page. 5.4.12 System m settings You can reboot,, restore the e camera in this page. And A there is an a icon “Verrsion checkin ng” for you y to checkk the latest firmware for the camera a and upgrad de it online. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.4.13 Device e informattion You can obtain the informattion about th he camera in n this page. 5.5 5 Local fiiles page You can browse e the pictures and videoss saved in your smart ph hone in this page by clic cking the chosen file. And you can delete the ese files if yo ou want.For the t video file e you can de elete by sliding the file you choossing from rig ght to left. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.6 6 Playbac ck page You can browse e the recording stored in n the SD Ca ard of the camera in the playback pa age and playback it remotely byy click the vid deo file from m the list. And you can also filter the files by assigning an n exact recorrding time. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 6 Web W User Interrface forr operattion Here e details the e FDT camera’s user intterface for web w browser, as well as all of the operations the camera can perform, inccluding the Login, LIVE,, PLAYBACK K and CONF FIG pages. 6.1 Login page Use ername and Password: It I is the acco ount of your camera, the e default use ername is “adm min”, the deffault passwo ord is “admin n” too. Pleas se change the password d the first tim me you use to prevvent unautho orized users login the ca amera. Language: You can click on n the langua age dropdow wn list to sele ect the langu uage for the web UI. me, it will req quest you mo odify the default Note: When settting up your camera forr the first tim word and con nfirm it. Then n you can acccess your passsword, pleasse input the new passw cam mera by the new passwo ord in the futture once yo ou saved you ur settings. 6.2 Live page 6.2.1 OSD FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us -Camera Name e: -Camera Date& &Time: 6.2.2 Pan/Tiltt control No.. Re emark No. Remark No. Remark Go to up Go to o right-up Go o to right Go to rightt-down Go to o down Go o to left-down Go to left Go to o left-up Ba ack to center : Cruise for horizontal, from up to down. : Cruise for vertical, from m left to righ ht. : Zoomin. : Zoomout. 6.2.3 View First Stream: the main strea am, default is 720P-128 80x720. Seccond Stream m: the sub strream, defau ult is VGA-64 40x480. 6.2.4Preset The e FDT camerra can support max 8 prreset positio ons, from 1 to t 8. You can n click the “S Set” FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us button to save one o preset point named by number 1-8, and click the “Go” button to lett the Pan n/Tilt go to th he preset you saved beffore. 6.2.5 ImageS Settings You can set the e color param meters for th he video ima age in this “Im mageSet”, ssuch as Hue e, Brig ghtness, Con ntrast, Saturration, Sharp pness. : Hue. : Brightnesss. : Contrast. : Saturation n. : Sharpnesss. 6.2.6 Tool ba ar : Zoom in/Zoom out/Back to original size e, 1x/1.5x/2xx/3x. : Open/Closse the audio o. (Only for IE E/Firefox brrowser in windows): Enable/Disab ble the talkin ng. (Only for IE E/Firefox brrowser in windows): Set the storag ge path to sa ave the picture capttured by ma anual through the web browser, or save the vide eo recorded by manual thro ough the web b browser. Itt will pop up p a folder bro owser windo ows for you tto select the FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us folde er path in yo our compute er. Note e: If your win ndows OS iss windows 10, 1 please ru un the web browser as a administrato or, or it will forbit you to generate the folder in n your comp puter, then you y will be fa ailed to snap pictu ures or reco ord video thrrough the we eb browser. (Only for IE/Firefox browser in windows): Capture pictu ures by man nual. (Only for IE/Firefox browser in windows): Record video o by manuall. There will show you u a red “REC C” icon if yo ou enable the e manual recording. : This icon n is for you to o browser th he content of o the SD card in your ca amera, such h as pictu ures or video recordingss. You need to go throug gh the authe entication off the username/passsword of you ur camera to browser yo our SD card in the camera. You can also edit the contentts in your SD D card like delete files or download files through h this icon. (Only for IE browserr in window ws): These iccons are use ed to show you multtiple-devicess in your loccal network at a the same time. If you have multi FDT camera as, you add them to o the multiplle-device pa age, then you can view them all at th he same tim me. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us C in wiindows and Chrome/Sa afari in Mas, there are so omething Note: For the Chrome he plugins. They have different tool bar show ass below and d some featu ures limittations for th are forbited. : Open/Closse the audio.. : Enable the e full screen for the live view video. 6.3 3 Playbac ck page(Only forr IE/Firefo ox brows ser in windows) 6.3.1 Search and playb back video os In th he playback page, you can c browserr the videos in your SD card recorde ed by the mo otion alarrm or schedu ule or the vid deos stored in your com mputer recorrded by man nual. You can search these vid deos by date and time, then playba ack them onlline. 6.3.2 Tool ba ar The ere is a tool bar b in the pla ayback page e for you to control yourr playback a as your wish. : Play or Pause the playback proccess. : Open the lo ocal file in yo our compute er to playbac ck. : Stop or clo ose the playb back processs. : Playback ne ext frame in the video. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us : Adjust the e audio volum me when yo ou playback the recordin ngs. 6.4 4 Configu uration page Here e you can se et configurations for all features of the t FDT cam mera, please e click the “A Apply” button to save your settingss, click the “Refresh” to query or reffresh the currrent conffiguration in your camerra. 6.4.1 Media settings 1) Video Here e you can se et the config gurations forr power frequency and the t encoding g profile for H.26 64. For the power frequency, 50Hz used for the e region Eurrope and Ch hina, 60HZ used for the t region USA and Can nanda. Here e you can se et the config gurations ab bout the stream for both first and seccond stream m in your camera, su uch as the re esolution, biitrate, frame e rate, key frrame interva al, bitrate con ntrol and the image quality level. e you can enable/diable e the OSD fo or camera time or name e, and modiffy the camerra Here nam me to one yo ou like. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us mage 2) Im Here e you can co ontrol the ca amera video o status, suc ch as mirror the video, flip the video, enable/disable the t WDR. Here e you can se et an approp priate expossure mode fo or your came era, such ass indoor, outtdoor or le et it change automatically as the change of the working envvironment. Here e you can co ontrol the LE ED light stattus: Ena able-Camera a works at th he night visio on status alw ways. Disa able-Camera a works at th he day vision status alw ways. Auto o-Camera will w change between the day and nig ght vision sta atus automa atically accorrding the change of th he outside light. Note: To reset the t default settings, plea ase click the e “Default” button. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 3) Audio You can set the e configuratio ons about audio in this section, including the en ncoding form mat for audio, enablle or disable e the audio fo or first strea am or second d stream, th he input type e, the volu ume for input and outputt. 6.4.2 Network 1) Network Here e you can se et the IP add dress inform mation like DHCP or Static and the p port for HTT TP/RTSP/RT TMP. Note: Please ke eep the type e for IP and DNS are the e same, both h are the DH HCP or Statiic 2) Wireless Here e you can se earch the WIFI W AP around your cam mera, then select and ap pply one of them to yo our camera.. Please ma ake sure you u enable the wifi before you y start to use it. You can also ch heck your se ettings by click the “Che eck” button after you savve your settings. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us Note: The FDT camera use e the wired Ethernet cab ble by defau ult, it will worrk on the eless status automatically if you discconnect the Ethernet ca able. But the wireless will not wire FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us work if you still connect the e Ethernet ca able in your camera. 3) DDNS Here e you can se et the third-p party DDNS S like Dyndns s.org/3322.o org/dynddnss.us/No-ip.co om and the status of o the UPnP P for your cam mera.You ca an get the public IP address of the LAN your camera wo orks by clickk the “Query” button. 4) ONVIF Here e you can se et the contro ol configurattions about ONVIF, such h as enable status, portt and privilege. You ca an configure e these inforrmation as th he needs off your NVR, so FDT cam mera can match yourr NVR best. 5) P2P Here e you can query the UID D of your camera for P2 2P, and you can c enable or disable th he P2P P feature of your camera a as you nee ed. 6.4.3 Alarm 1) Audio Alarm Here e you can en nable/disablle the audio alarm of your camera. You Y can set the sensitivity of the audio alarm m for the resp ponding of your camera. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us M Dete ection(Only for IE/Fireffox in windo ows) 2) Motion Here e you can se et the areass for the mottion detection and the se ensitivity of each area. You can enable or disable each of the area, or change the size of each area by dragging the bottom right corrner of the setting windo ow of square e, or change e the position n by draggin ng the setting wind dow through your mouse e. 3) Alarm link Here e you can enable or disa able the alarm actions once the alarm triggered d, including send ema ail with picture, save ala arm picture or o video to SD S card or FTP server, g go to one ce ertain presset point and d also the piicture numbers for captu uring. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us S 4) Schedule Here e you can se et the sched dule for the motion detection alarm, red means enable and whitte means dissable. You can c select ce ertain one or several da ays or hours you like to enable or disab ble the motio on detection features. 6.4.4 Advanc ce 1) User Here e you can edit the account informattion of the FDT camera,, such as change the username or pa assword, the e default acccount is adm min/admin. Snap 2) Auto Here e you can se et the save path and tim me interval fo or the featurre of capture e pictures auto omatically. You Y can sele ect to save th he picture to o SD card, FTP server o or both of the em. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us T Recording 3) Timed Here e you can se et the config gurations forr timed recording, you can c enable o or disable it, set the file size for each of the video, selecct the stream m you want to t record(firsst or second stream) and the e time sched dule. 4) Email Here e you can se et the sending or receivving email fo or your email alarm. Note: TP port is ussually set ass 25. Some SMTP serve ers have spe ecial port, su uch as 587 or SMT 465. Auth hentication is used for trransport layer security, it is usually none. If you u use gmail and the SMTP port enable the auth hentication with w TLS or STARTTLS, p must be e set to 465 or 587, it dependss the authenttication type e you selecte ed. You can click th he “Test” buttton to checkk whether yo our email se ettings is valiid or not. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us F 5) FTP Here e you can se et the FTP server config gurations forr your FTP storage for p picture or vid deo. You can click th he “Test” buttton to checkk whether yo our settings is ok or not.. Please make sure e you have input the righ ht folder patth in your FT TP server. 6) PTZ Here e you can se et the config gurations ab bout Pan/Tilt motion for your camera a. Cruise cycles decide the tim me for your vertical and horizontal cruise. If yo ou enable the “Return to o center presset”, it will go o to the centter preset wh hen the cruise is com mplete. The e “Indicator Display Mode” decides the t status fo or the system m LED status in the front-head of the Pan/Tilt. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us M Setting(Only fo or IE in win ndows) 7) Multiple Here e you can se earch the FD DT camerass in your LAN N and add th hem into your multiple device group.Th hen you can n view them at the live page togethe er. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us P Mas sk(Only for IE/Firefox in windows) 8) Privacy Here e you can se et the area and a color for the privacy y mask of yo our camera, it up to 4 arreas. You can set the e color of the e mask, chan nge the size e of the area a by dragging g the right-bottom corrner, change e the positio on of the area by draggin ng the area. 6.4.5 System 1) Time Here e you can se et the time and a date, the e status for NTP and DS ST, the time zone for yo our cam mera. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us M 2) Maintenance Reb boot: reboott the camera a. Fac ctory Default: restore the e camera se ettings to the e factory deffault settingss. Bac ckupConfiguration: bacckup the currrent setting gs of the cam mera, it will g generate a file nam me “config_b backup.bin” for f you to sa ave. Res store Config guration: Im mport and restore the co onfiguration file f you backkup before. Plea ase browse and select the t file you want to impo ort, then clicck the “Imporrt” button. Upg grade: Upgrrade the firm mware. Pleasse browse and select the file you wa ant to upgra ade, then n click the “U Upgrade” bu utton. Inforrmation 3) Device Here e you can query and ch heck the maiin informatio on and status of the FDT T camera, inclu uding the na ame, time, IP P, firmware version, DDNS and UPn nP status, and the SD card left space. By clicking the “Format” “ button, you can format the e SD card in n your camerra. By clickin ng the “Open” butto on you can open and brrowser the contents in your SD card d. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 4) System Log Here e you can query the hisstory operatio on or runnin ng log for your camera. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 7.F Frequen ntly Ask ked Que estions 7.1 How to start the e live vie ew in com mputer by b web brrowser? Before you sttart the live view in windows OS by y IE browse er or Mozilla a Firefox. Ple ease insta all the plugin n first. But fo or the Goog gle Chrome in i Windows//Mac OS an nd Safari in Mac, you can start the live view directly by acccessing the e IP addresss of your cam mera, no nee ed to insta all the plugin n. 7.1.1How to install the e plugin fo or IE brows ser in Win ndows OS? When you lo ogin the cam mera in your computer at a the first tim me by IE bro owser, the IE brow wser will pro ompt automa atically to sh how you to allow the insttalling of the e FDT came era plug gin named WebCam_Pl lug. 1.. Allow to insstall this plug gin after you u login the camera. 2.. Install the plugin after youlogin the e camera. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 3.. Refresh the e IP addresss when it is ready to log gin and acce ess your cam mera. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 7.1.2 How to install the e plugin fo or Mozilla Firefox brrowser in Windows OS? When you log gin the came era in your computer at the first time e by Firefoxx browser, it will show w you to dow wnload the plugin. Please click the text link to download an nd save this plug gin in you co omputer, and d install it byy manually. 1.. Click and download the plugin from m the login page, save it i to your computer 2.. Double clicck the WebC Cam_Plug.exxe file to ins stall it in your computer. 3.. Refresh the IP addresss in your we eb browser to access your camera after you in nstall the plugin succe essfully in yo our compute er. 7.2 2 How to uninstalll the plu ugin in yo our computer? Plea ase go to Control Panel->Unin stall a pro ogram to find the p program na amed Web bCam_Plug, then uninsttall it directlyy. Note e: Please make sure yo ou closed th he web brow wser who is using this p plugin, or it may could not be uninstalled completely. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 7.3 3 Forgottten the username e or pass sword off the cam mera. Here is a hard d reset butto on in the cam mera. Pleas se press and d hold the re eset button fo or 5-10 0 seconds. Upon releassing the rese et button, the e camera will reboot and d the userna ame and password will w be restorred to the fa actory defaullt settings. Default usern name:admin Default passw word: admin 7.4 4Could not record d videos s or snap p pictures in IE 11 1 or Firefox of Windows s 10 OS. Because the security limitation of IE 11 and wind dows, you co ould not ena able the reco ording/snap path to store. Please ru un your web browser as administrattor authority,, and set an a available e file path to save your recordings and a pictures.. Then they will work in your com mputer. 7.5 5 Camera acould not conne ect the wireless network by wifi. 1.. Please go to the CONFIG->Netwo ork->Wireles ss page thro ough web brrowser, here e is a checck button, you y can che eck whether your wifi se ettings are right or not b by this butto on. If your settings arre correct, it will show yo ou success. 2.. Please make sure thesse special ch haracters did not be inccluded in you ur wifi passw word, such h as &= ’ ’’ \ % +. 3.. The camerra only support 2.4G wiffi, did not sup pport 5G. Pllease make sure you did d not set the t 5G wifi configuration n to the cam mera. 4.. Please ma ake sure you u have enablled the wirelless. FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us 5.. Please ma ake sure your wifi passsword is corrrect, you ca an display th he passworrd by clickk the eye-ico on beside th he input box.. 7.6 6The plug gin is blo ocked by y Firefox x. Firefox will blo ock the NPA API plugin byy default, it will w prompt you y to allow this plugin when you access the camera or you y can active the plugin after you login the cam mera. sh the IP ad ddress of you ur camera to o access your camera a again once you Please refres w or active the t plugin in n your Firefox browser. allow FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us FC CC State ement Thiss device com mplies with Part P 15 of the FCC rules s. Operation is subject to o the followiing two conditions: 1) this devicce may not cause harmfful interferen nce, and 2) this device must acce ept any interference recceived, including interferrence that may m cause undesired operation. Note e: This equip pment has been tested and found to comply wiith the limitss for a Class B digittal device, pursuant to part p 15 of the e FCC Rules. These lim mits are designed to prov vide reassonable prottection again nst harmful interference e in a residen ntial installation. This equipment gene erates uses and can rad diate radio frrequency en nergy and, iff not installed and used in acccordance witth the instructions, may cause harm mful interfere ence to radio com mmunicationss. However, there is no guarantee that interfere ence will nott occur in partticular installation. If thiss equipment does cause e harmful intterference to o radio or televvision recep ption, which can be dete ermined by turning the equipment offf and on, th he user is encoura aged to try to o correct the e interference by one or more of the e following mea asures: --Re eorient or relocate the re eceiving anttenna. --Inccrease the separation between the equipment and a receiver. --Co onnect the equipment in nto an outlet on a circuit different fro om that to wh hich the rece eiver iss connected.. radio/TV te --Co onsult the de ealer or an experienced echnician forr help. Cha anges or mo odifications not n expresslyy approved by the partyy responsible e for complia ance could void the user’s authority to opera ate the equip pment. warning RF exposure Thiss equipmentt complies with w FCC rad diation expos sure limits set forth for a an uncontrollled environment. User should avoid un-inte ended opera ation of usag ge when it iss collocated with othe er transmitte ers or antenn na. The dista ance betwee en user and products sh hould be no less than n 20cm FDT T Technologies-http://w www.fdt.us
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