FE Technologies FE-MSU Mobile Scanning Unit User Manual Mobile Scanning Unit

FE Technologies Mobile Scanning Unit Mobile Scanning Unit

User Manual

Mobile Scanning Unit
User Guide
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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 3
KEY COMPONENTS ........................................................................................................... 4
USING THE MOBILE SCANNING UNIT ..................................................................................... 5
Charging the Handheld Wand Batteries ........................................................................ 5
Starting Up the Unit .................................................................................................. 6
USING THE MOBILE SCANNING UNIT ..................................................................................... 7
Synchronising the phone ........................................................................................... 7
Stocktake ................................................................................................................ 8
Alert Lists .............................................................................................................. 11
Find Items ............................................................................................................. 12
Security Blaster ...................................................................................................... 12
ALERT FOR OUT OF PLACE ITEMS ........................................................................................ 14
SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................... 15
SAFETY AND REGULATION COMPLIANCE ................................................................................ 15
SUPPORT OPTIONS ........................................................................................................ 17
Online Support ....................................................................................................... 17
Phone Support ....................................................................................................... 17
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Note: This User Guide relates to Software Version Release 2.33
The FE Technologies Mobile Scanning Unit enables the library staff to perform a stocktake, to
search for items and to switch the security status of items to “on”, without the need to remove
items from the library shelving area or interrupt regular library services. The Mobile Scanning
Unit consists of a handheld wand plus a mobile phone the two communicate using Bluetooth
and do not have any external wires (other than a standard USB cable for data
This user document will help you harness the full potential of this equipment.
Document Legend:
Do’s (recommended action)
Don’t (not recommended action)
Note (a note of advice)
Caution (A note of warning or
(FAQ) Frequently asked question
Tips for effective usage
Optional features
On screen keyboard button
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Key components
The Mobile Scanning Unit consists of the
following components:
Handheld wand weighing 430g,
with a scanning time of over 10
hours and an idle time of over 60
Samsung S4 Mini mobile phone
weighing 110g, with a scanning
time of 20 hours and an idle time
of 19 days
The unit comes with 2 sets of 3 Li-
ion batteries, a battery charger
and a USB cable.
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Using the Mobile Scanning Unit
Charging the Handheld Wand Batteries
Inserting the Batteries
Turn over the wand and open the battery compartment by unclipping the battery compartment.
Place the three batteries into the unit with all the positive (red) ends of the batteries facing to
the head of the unit. Replace the battery compartment cover and snap it back into place by
pressing down.
The handheld wand is supplied with two sets of three EagleTac
18650 3100mAh protected Li-ion batteries. The batteries are
placed in the charger as shown and will require an 8 hour total
charge time when flat.
Right: the batteries and charger
Left: the battery compartment
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Starting Up the Unit
Power on the RFID wand by turning the power
switch to the ON position (located on the back of
the unit.
Power on the mobile phone by switching on the
power button on the top right hand side of the
Switch off both the wand and the phone in the
same manner as the above.
The power switch on the phone is on the top right
hand side. Select the “Shelf Scanner” icon to launch
the application. You will be presented with the main
Find Items
Security Blaster
The phone will indicate when it has detected the
presence of the handheld wand, with a notification in
the top left hand corner. Indications of the battery life
of both the phone and the wand can be found in the
bottom right hand corner of the screen.
In the scenario that the wand is turned on and not
connected or waiting to connect to the mobile device,
an LED light will blink red, providing visual feedback
to the user when this event occurs. Conversely, an
LED light will turn green when the wand successfully
connects to the mobile device.
Note that the wand will emit a loud beep if it is
left without connection to the phone to alert you to
switch off the unit in case it’s been left on
Right: the “On” switch on the wand
Above: the main menu
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Using the Mobile Scanning Unit
Synchronising the phone
The Shelf Scanner Synch Application will
have been installed by FE Technologies as
part of your FE Technologies Library RFID
setup on your selected PC or laptop. This
application allows you to manage your
stocktake lists and synchronises with the
mobile phone component when plugged in
via the USB cable. Once plugged in, a
message at the bottom of the screen will
tell you that the phone device has been
recognised. Click on “Synchronise” to
synch the phone with the application
stocktake lists will be sent to the phone
and stocktake results will be sent to the
Synch Application.
Above: synchronising the phone
Multiple PCs or laptops can be used to
run the application, along with multiple
Mobile Scanning Units. Any changes to
stocktake sessions will be amended each
time you plug in the mobile phone (you
do have an option to reject the automatic
update though.)
Right: the Main Menu of the Synch Application
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You can manage stocktake lists
using the Shelf Scanner Synch
Application. The “Import” button
allows you to import files. Lists
can be named and multiple
stocktake lists can be created.
The date and time of each
stocktake performed is also listed.
Right: Managing item lists
Select “Stocktake” from the main menu – you can create a
new session or use an existing one.
You’re now ready to start scanning the collection.
Note that the wand must be within 20 metres of the
phone the wand will emit a beep to alert you if connection
is lost. Carrying the phone in your pocket or in a bag allows
you to monitor the progress of the stocktake and to view
alerts, found items etc.
Right: A new Stocktake Session
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A controlled way of stocktaking is to move the wand in “loop length steps”, (usually takes
a couple of seconds depending on the number of items within the loop) before moving to the
next loop length.
Reading items
Scanning procedure
Work methodically through the section you wish to
stocktake or search in - hold the wand with the loop
parallel to the plane of the spines of the items to be
scanned. The stocktake procedure can be performed
at a rate of up to 12,000 items an hour.
Right: the correct positioning of the wand against shelved
The unit will emit a beep sound when it has finished reading
items in that section. Once you hear the beep move the
wand to the next section. A counter will indicate the number
of items read.
The function to “beep when no more tags detected” is
configurable via the Management Console. Leaving this box
unchecked will mean the unit will make an audible ‘click’
sound as it detects each item. If no clicks are heard, it
means it has read all items in its read range.
Right: a stocktake in progress
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Information regarding your stocktake session will be displayed
on the phone at the end of the session. You can open it for
more detail and when you plug the phone into your PC it will
synch with the Synch Application allowing you to view, edit and
export your stocktake results.
Above: A completed Stocktake
session on the phone
Left: Completed Stocktake
sessions on the Synch
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Alert Lists
Alert Lists are a way for you be alerted to items (such as those on a missing items or weed list)
whilst conducting a stocktake. Alert Lists are enabled via the “Settings Menu” – In the event
that an alert item is detected, a message will be displayed on the screen and a voice will emit
from the mobile device informing the user of the item details. In addition, the red light on the
face of the wand will light up. The user can press the button on the face of the wand to the left
of the red light to proceed with the stocktake, or use the screen interface of the mobile device
to perform the same action.
Select the Settings icon, then select “Stocktake Alert List” to view lists of alert items.
Left: navigating to the Alert Lists
You will also be
able to see what alerts
are enabled when
performing a
Stocktake by looking
at the bottom-right
corner of the screen.
Left: the stocktake
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Find Items
Configuring the Mobile Scanning Unit
This is performed via the Management Console. Please refer to the Management Console User
Guide for further information.
Security Blaster
This program updates the tags to set their security to ‘ON’. This is a very fast and reliable
process capable of processing up to 20,000 tags per hour.
This process will only be performed once you have completed the conversion of your
collection to RFID.
The FE Technologies Retrospective Encoding system does not set the security of the tag to ‘ON’
during the tagging process. This is to allow the library to continue to operate without disruption
during the tagging period using the old process that the Library was using prior to the initiation
You can setup the Mobile Scanning Unit to find items
from a weed list, missing items, or claimed returned
items, for example. Individual items can be manually
entered via the phone, or you can import a list of search
items when you have the phone plugged into the Synch
Application. Multiple “find items” lists can be setup as
Select “Find Items” from the main menu of the phone.
Commence scanning the section of the collection you wish
to search, scanning the shelves in the manner described
above in the Stocktake section.
When the unit detects an item on the list the LED on the
handheld wand will flash green and the mobile will
highlight the item with a green tick and will provide a
voice alert by speaking the title of the item.
You can purchase a Bluetooth earpiece to use with
the phone if you wish to perform this process without
interrupting library users. (Not supplied by FE
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of the RFID. If the tags are set to ‘ON’ during the tagging process, and these items are issued
by the library’s non-RFID process prior to going live, they will set off the alarm on the security
gates when the items are brought back for returning by the patron. This will cause confusion
and lack of confidence in the system.
To overcome this issue, FE Technologies has developed the ‘Security Blasting’ function. This
basically involves the following steps:
Encode tags without setting the security during the retrospective tagging process
After the retrospective encoding process is completed and a day or so before going live
with RFID, use the ‘Security Blasting’ function and batch update the security status of all
the items in the library
Activate security gates
Go live with the FE Technologies Library RFID system
Select “Security Blaster from the main menu.
The blasting function consists of two processes:
A batch process that instructs all the tags covered by the
loop to be set to the secured value.
A verify process that detects tags that are yet to be set to
the secured value and individually sets them to the secured
For each tag that the verify function actions, it makes an
audible ‘click’.
Right: The Security Blasting function
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Alert for out of place items
When the Out of Place Item feature is
enabled on the Mobile Scanning Unit,
it will alert when it detects items that
are outside of a designated collection
range or location range, based on the
collection code. This will allow library
staff to find misplaced items within a
range. The misplaced item will trigger
a visual and audio alert.
You can enable the alert for out of
place items by selecting the checkbox
on the mobile handset called “Out of
Place Alerts”.
This feature can also be easily
disabled (by unchecking the box) so
that when scanning a large batch of
recently returned items for example,
the unit will not alert.
As you scan a selection of items the unit will display the collection code name of that section.
If an item is scanned that falls outside that collection code, the unit will alert a voice alert will
advise you of the name of the item and the details of the item will be displayed on the handset
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Safety instructions
Do not expose the Mobile Scanning Unit or wand to liquids, rain, moisture or high
temperatures, as this may damage the unit or cause electric shock to personnel.
If the Mobile Scanning Unit or wand is repaired or serviced by unqualified personnel,
their actions may cause electric shock to themselves or to others and will void the
During periods of use it is recommended that users regularly swap the wand operating
hand to avoid muscle fatigue. Regular periods of rest are encouraged.
It’s recommended that the wand be held at least 30cm away from the body during use.
Safety and regulation compliance
The FE Technologies Mobile Scanning Unit, inclusive of the Wand, complies with the following
Australian and international standards.
As required by Australian Communications and Media Authority, our RFID products have
Suppliers Declaration of Conformity notices under:
Section 182 of the Radio communications Act 1992
Section 134 of the Telecommunications Act 1997.
In addition, our RFID furniture complies with the following Australian and European standards:
AS/NZS 4268:2003 Radio equipment and systems Short range devices
Radio communications (Low Interference Potential Devices) Class Licence 2000
Radio Communications (Electromagnetic Radiation Human Exposure) Standard 2003
ARPANSA Radiation Protection Standard for Maximum Exposure Levels to Radiofrequency
Fields - 3kHz to 300GHz (2002)
EN 60950-1:2001
EN 50364:2001 health and safety requirements pursuant to FTEG 3(1)1 and R&TTE
Article 3(1)a
ETSI EN 301 489-3 V1.4.1 protection requirements concerning electromagnetic
compatibility 3(1)2 (Article 3(1)b)
ETSI EN 300 330-2 V1.1.1 measures for the efficient use of the radiofrequency
spectrum pursuant to 3(2) (Article 3(2)).
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FCC Compliance
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device,
pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against
harmful interference when the equipment is operated in a commercial environment. This equipment
generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance
with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of
this equipment in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will
be required to correct the interference at his own expense.
Warning: Any changes or modifications not expressively approved by FE technologies could void the
user's authority to operate this equipment
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Support Options
For any queries or to log a support call, please contact
FE Technologies Customer Care Centre via one of the following forum:
Online Support
Email: support@fetechgroup.com
Phone Support
1300 731 991 Australia
0800 231977 New Zealand
+85 2 3008 5757 Hong Kong
+60 3 2788 4847 Malaysia
+65 3158 0074 Singapore
801 4033 Brunei

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