FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYGT2G Digital proportional radio control system User Manual 1

FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Digital proportional radio control system 1

User Manual

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Date Submitted2014-07-04 00:00:00
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fig? rs-as—arza
Digital mnnulinnal lflllill unnlml susmm
Insmucnou MAMIIAL
m P i BB
niuilalIllulluliunallaniuuunlmlsusmm FS-GS-GTZG
I. lntruductiun fif?
Thankyou rorchoosing 2.46 ratlo remote oonlrol dlgilal products,llyou are me llrsnime to
use lhis type ol productsplease read We slalemem carelully and slrlclly m accordance wurr
me requlremems oloperallomou could refer (olhe manual ilyou meel any problems during
the operauon Please well keep the manual aller use because you migm have lo use it agam
nexttlmeDnce agammankslorbuying oulpmducls
ammmmm 2.4GIRBEREEEFE r mfilflifi—mflfiflfififlfkfl r amalgam
Eflfiflfitiflflfifi , #Flfifiiflflfigiififiw’fi. Eifil’fiflfi‘?tflfifliilfll’nllflfifififllfiiikflfifi.
mafififififiifififififlgfigfl , L‘Aélfifii. fiwmmaama BSFE: . R$§Q3§fi¥RR
E. Servites Ifig
llyou flnd any problems durlng lhe operallon process.please rerer m We manuallrme problem
slill could conlacl our dealers m ml oul me way m solve.And you could also log on
m ourwebsne service center.
mikfififlfi¢fifil§lflfl , fiflfiihl‘flkfiéiflfififi. Wfil‘flflfizfllfiw}: , fififllifl 3324i]
menswear”. wawgammmaambma :
3. Special sgmbuls $5335
Please pay anemron mme lollowmg symbols when nappears on me manuar
and read carertu
Miawfi¢§m7fl§mflfiififlfififliifi r #Hflffifi.
lhhe operamr does not operate by roHowing me
ADanger: operator may \ead tosenous In]ur|e5,even mortar danger
mamwaxamfimwfirfime , Efifig§fiifliépg§lfi r fiéflfifil‘?
_ IHhe operamrdoes notoperare by chowmg (he mslrucnans‘
AWarnIng: me operatormaylead to serrous rmurreseven mortal danger
miavssxamuamfiwt . EEQQRVEEF‘EMM , Efifiéflfimfl ‘
"the operatordoes nomperale by ionowmg the msrrucnonsme
Amunfion operalor may \ead to mmor mjunes,butgenera\ly nwm nmoause
sermus injuries to me operator.
fin§§fi$T&E%3§4’EEE1§W . fifi§§fi§fi$$§fifi , {Eifl*%i’fi§4’£$
i‘a‘fiiifi !
Prohibited Mandatory
$151]: 35%!
4. Safety gulde figgs
Do rm use r1 mme mgmara \igming storm as the bad weather er make the remote
comrm outofccmm
W$§Efil§§i§gix€ifikfiffl . EtEfiWXWfiiflBfi§fli§§ifii§§.
Make sure movmg dveclion ole” motors be same with the operaung drrecnon H not
please adJusI arrecuon first.
3119*}, fifilufilfifififlmfifififisfifififiifl. maxim r fiflllfiflhflfi
fifi .
The shutdown sequence must be (a irrstmsconnect (he recewer battery than to swuch
olfme «ransmruer. "the transmitter Is swnched orrwmle me recewer rs sUH poweredr rt
may \ead m uncommHed mavemem or engme gram and may cause an accraem
awn-a, igubmaemgmmafimfisemfinm , anfisemfinmasmxummmal
k; , fifififl駥fli§flfifi9€flfi§§\¥§§I¢m§\fi¥m.
In Dzmcmzv “we 2 as R/C Syswm wm awed me wane or me car nearby aner you mm on me transmmer
fiiflEfigrmfimifififiiifiéfifllmfifilfi MEZ 4 GHz Rcififilggfifiliiflmfll
06 60
niuilalmuuuliunal[aniuuunlmlsusmm FS-GS-GTZG
s BesuvemsetmeFaHSalemncuon
Do um operate umdnurs on ramy days‘ run through pudd‘e! amam ur use Wm mummy a hunted
shuuu “We was.” Mummygummymmnsm “mum monogram m
G ussuqawu mm
7F§EFWiiififiQfimEiiéihfimEfififlWflEfifi. 3%?)(591mimfiifiAflfifiWEWFflEWEfi
DanaloperalemmeiaHnwmg pmas
Mormon (ensmn pnwev hnesarcnmmumcanan hroadcasnng amennas
\merierencecaumcause‘essalcnmm‘ \mwepevm5mH3|IunMyaurRadmcnmrmsysmmmyaur
s mode‘caumresuflmsermusmwvy
xmmfiyamxfisfiamwfi :
¥ffEEIfi§ fia§§i aasxrtm,£&mm1§maw S‘fl'fi‘flfiiwiwfi? ,
Do m opeva‘e «ms R/C Sys‘em when you ave may mu Veeww wen m undev me mimence m a‘cohol
younuuomem \s unpaved and coum vesuH m a dangemus swtuauon mat may cause senous Wuvy k:
yoursen as wan as omers.
flmfiflfifliflifiiflkifi , *filflfifilfllfiT ‘ *ifi'fifi’l‘R/Cifi.
filfifiFflflfififilfiSfiifififimMfi'fiwfi mAEfiEEfi‘ZF‘iE‘Mfii
no run much we ongmo. mamn sosso camro‘ m any pan of ms mode‘ max wm generals mm Mme ms
madc‘ u cpcratmg or \mmcdwalc‘y aflcr m use Thzsc pans may bl: very rm and can cauw sormus bumi
fiflfllfil’fifififififimhflfifilm_ $le mmnew:mfimmav9£gawmzasmmgs§mr
Always Dorlorm a opnranng rann- chock mm In usmg.
onoxemswumne vamo comm System aswen as vaonevms|aHa|mn m a mode‘ 00qu cause \osso'
comm (Swmnlevangetesumemod) Havea mend mm me modem omamo Hdown ovwaceltwheve ma
wheels or mop cannot come m contamwun any ah‘ecl Wa‘k away and check to see me servos 'oHnw
ma movamem N we cammls on ma transmutev. snoum you nouca any ahnmma‘ oporauon, and do nm
0 ovsvaua ma mada‘ N50 check «0 no sum ms model memory mamas mo moda‘ m use
xfiasménmmmawxzuas, flEEIBE§Rfl¥iEH$B§IEEflUEEE
i”?AESfiEEfiififixR$6?53&EZifimfi*4‘Afi353fllfi‘ffigilfiifififiiifimi. ME
EEEEENQ swam wfixéfilfifiyu amaagwem LXRROfiQB‘IEREEéi my
Tum DHIHG Down:
Turmnu on ma Dowerswwtcnes‘Nv/ays checkme momemggaronme uansmmono besuve u ‘5 sum
neunal Dosmon
when makmg amustmsms m we mode“ do so WM mo sngma um runnmg or me molurmscunnecled
0 you may unexpec‘ed‘y was annual and cream a dangswus suuamn
mm ‘ tamingfiwnwmnwm Eflf‘fiifilfii
gfifififllffimflfilfiflfiflflmgllfifi EEEWQEEK. Hflgfiifififififliflw
Iliuilal ntunnliunallaninsnnlmlsuslsm FS-GS-GTZG
5.03.AFHDSEA g {fiflfilfifii’mkfifl3fifi
AFHDSZMaulomahcfraqMannyhovPlngmgua‘Sys|em Zkhsmemgnmradmsystsmwwmmdapandsmmte‘lacma‘pvupsflm
wmcmsnew‘ydeve‘apedby Thlssys(em\sdeve\epedspeLIaHyiavmghrenflmode‘pmducls Asmeeneonhebesl
vowenmamammmgcapammv Mode‘awwanelancansaie‘yuse"UsvamoSystemasncomhmesyeauomes‘gn
AFHDSZA A amalgamammnsegm ) prawns/AmDszgmlsfimfifimm—zn3ifii
filfiéilflifiFu. AFHDSZAEHflEfiH’IEF-fififimfi ‘ WI§EEEEEWM5§E$§ , xfizmmnmnm
fin EEEEMifi fléflfllfimhfih , Efimfifiiflfiflfifiifi2*n fiifiafiTIIfimfikflfiiflflfifififi ,
EIJF‘QEBSIEZIIEWK . mfififlfiflfiku‘zfifi ‘
RF spenlllcatlnns: filfiflflfi :
RF range,2.405572 4756M: ”153- 1405571475011
Bandwidth 50mm; mail. SUDKHI
Eandsum. 1m $552441. 14%
RF power \essthan IDdBm mama. 7F޴wd5m
2.463ys(am.AFHDS 2A 245fii I magmamwmnsxfi
Codetype GFSK mafia. GFSK
RXsensmva .gsusm fiumaau 75mm
5.D4. System Eharatteristit fimfiflf
The frequency range Dumas» ‘5 «mm 2 msst m 2 menz The wha‘e hand ‘5 dwmafl min 140'requency
pmn‘s Em System w. umque (yaquancy happmg m‘es uses16 amenam (requancy pawn; whmh can Evmd
mlewphans eflecnve‘y
AFHDSZAKfiIVEfiWfiIfi 14055714755“ fia‘aanmamm‘mnm §xi§l§§
fiEfiIE’NFEJHfi n afiflfimiflr JIM. ‘ fiéfiaflflfifiififihfiim.
ms ramo system uses a mgr: gain and high quamy mum divermona‘ antenna u covers me who‘s heuuenvy
band.A.ssacvalad wnn a man sansmva vecewen W5 ladlu sys|em wavamees a jamming free won; range ladle
Mfififlfim lmflafiffi , limamm. Easaumw n xmmfimmwma
Each (mnsmmer m a unique m wnn. mmmg with a reach/en n2 receiver saves nn “ m and mu
accepls an, an; (mm mm umque lransmmzr m was p‘ckmg another lransmmzr ngmn m dramalnml‘y
\ncreases \Menerence Immunky and may
fiéfimé-Nt—WDEE, gmmmzs, mmwm—mmaanmmm
asymwmg. maummmsmamué , xmiammnws'z.
'flus mam syslzm use: m pwere‘mflmmc campunemz. and a my sensmve mew chip The RF
madn‘amun uses .memmenmgnax «ansmisslun mus reduc‘ng even mare puwer consummmn Cnmpaml‘ve‘y,
an; mam sysizm ma nmy a mum cl me pnwer an smnam FM syslem
Mfifififim¥$¥flfiflfiimflflmfifi. fiafifli‘fliflfi’dfifilflflfiififl , Elittkl
{R7fifilfl$. tbflififi ‘ MKSEVJEN‘HFMWISW‘HiZi.
AFNDSZA has buHHn mumme charmer seam and enorwlvecmm. wmch Implovs me gammy at me
Wumumcanun‘ reduce ma armr 1am) and sxlend ma rename transmrssron distance
AFHDSZAERWISEEEiBiflflfilfi , EnmEHYflGEE! , fidfilflfiffly , EDDFIIVE
E. EwitEhing system between system AFHIJE and system AFHDS 2A
#infififififififiwfifi “BIND" ”FM/I, , fifiAFHDSm
mm: , flufififlmfiQLEDflfim r fifVZfiflKfifiAFHDS,
F§"BIND' Efififiifififi.
mififlmfiELEDHWfiY‘giflwfifilWlfil 3 S) , i$§m
fififiAFHDSZA‘ fi'amb'gfifizfififiim.
ififllfififiifi , EEENM , Wfiffifififififie
Systemswrtcmng lurnlhlslurmgwhee‘and pr-ss|ha“B\ND'
bmmnwhenlurnmetrans eron
The currcnuystcm rsAFHDs rmrcgrccn LED kcbpsflashing
Press me “awn“ buuon to save me cwvem system
The currentsystcm rsAFHDs 2A rune green LED Hashestwrcc
everynme Pressme“B‘ND‘bunchmszvemecwvemsyslem
Rastanmstransmiuan and ma eurrem 5ys|am \swha‘ynu saved
Iliuilal ntunnliunallaninsnnlmlsuslsm FS-GS-GTZG
7. Transmitter specificatiuns zimngm
rummmu spumcnlons:
Cwanneh z
MofleHyp: any/bum
nr range 2 man men:
aanmam mm
2 M3 sysmm AFHDSZAanfl AFHDS
cm Nu: GFSK
Sznsmwly mzo
Law w‘lsge warmw \ess znan 4 2v
Dscpml 35mm,au\vul PPM
5T vange w L-as R as
w Yang: ‘5 s 35 315
Cwmgcrpcn rm
wmgm 239a
waer 6v DC ‘ 5mm
u sway made up mmcamr
Sue 2‘0‘95’160ww
war Neck
m m
mm . 1405572 nssm
mm mm
mm: mm
mm: 7W3¥10dsm
mean 15:4mmamm3m51mm
mam: ersx
W 1024::
ml HAM:
mm ssummm
Emma‘s Asfi
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