FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYI6 Digital proportional radio control system User Manual FS i6 20140311

FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD Digital proportional radio control system FS i6 20140311

User Manual

Download: FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYI6 Digital proportional radio control system User Manual FS i6                   20140311
Mirror Download []FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYI6 Digital proportional radio control system User Manual FS i6                   20140311
Document ID2328953
Application IDHj2OlbShKWJ87CINN3DOLA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Date Submitted2014-07-18 00:00:00
Date Available2014-07-18 00:00:00
Creation Date2014-07-07 16:35:19
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Document Lastmod2014-07-07 16:56:12
Document TitleFS-i6说明书 20140311
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X5
Document Author: user27

EG’ rs-is
H? F“ i BB
Copyngm @201 372017
F‘ysky RC model ‘echnology co ‘ Rd
Iliuilal nmnminnal [aflin nnnlml susmm
Fl. sKv
Table of contents
mlroducmon mfi 2
Sen/me an; 2
51:13:12.1 symbms 141mm 3
Saiety fluids £9953.
Sys1em characlensucs 551mm 6
Racswer specmcahuns museum
RX semp1n1raauc11on3§t1§m§1=1twfi
c Receiver and servo connecnans mimafiaflasmfi
10 01 Recewerand sewn cunnechans (avcrafl) 9Ewnw1mmgmxm)
10 oz Rnncwcr and serve nonncmonsmclmopmr) EH1WWEVLS§§(EHM)
11 2.1mm Opemmon notes 2 46R4’EKEEJ-fi ..
11 01
11 02
11 (13
12. Defimuan 01 key (unaluns fifiESL...
1a Wammgfi‘é
14 Mam screen 211mg
15 Mam menu :xaa
16.53/519777 sanmgs fifiififi .
1s 01
1e 02
1e 03
16 06
1e 07
11s 00
16 11
1e 12
17 Funcnons se111r1gs Vléiifi
1a. Packagmg comem am:
19 FCC Stalemem $115
4 . . . .. . . .
5 2 461-11 System 2 41mm 5
cahons 32;)»an
Bmdmg REES
Puwer rm fi’flL
puwer o" 9:11
Model sewn fiéf‘lifié’é
Model name gym:
Type 5212c. gémizaé
M01151 Copy 10%ng
Mode‘ vese‘ wig.
Tramer mode flififii‘
51.1.12”. made 5/ ifiifi
sucks mods fififiifi
RX semprgmmaa .
LCD unqhmessfiifififi
firmware 12W EH 02x
pmwm mam [:Wtfl'fi
Facxory rese‘ WEIFiQé
Reverse Eififié
Em 0mm: asmaxmi
D1sp1ay El?
70.01130 channels 111011013
51.11 m. 0.110
Dua1 ra|e I expunenual WEtHWfiEfl
Thmme curve 781153. . .. . .
1711011 curve (vaname 011071 hehcoptev omy) WSEB§&(NEETEREEI Eiflm ..
$11351. AFR sfimmaiafizsfi
11.x an
Eleven 1a1rp1anc mm flufiflaflififiif‘sm)
V1a111a1rp1ane on‘y) VflEEMXEfiiTKfiM
Gyvoscope (hehcomer 011M BEfldwiéfiiTngfl) 21529200
Thrnmn 11.1111 1011‘ij 2‘;
Wummlsusmm [s - i5
1. Intruduttiun €11?
Thankyou forchoosing Ihe F‘ySky F5466 channe‘s 2.4GHzAFHDSZA compmerized dwgilal
proporlional RC airp‘ane and hehcapler syslem. If ire your firsl use of a compmerized ramo
sysmm (ms user manua‘ wiH brmg you easuy m a new worm uHun and sophislicatiun m :1“
cases‘ please read carelul‘y and complelely [ms user manual as n cuntams a“ Informant)" ID
keepycu safe
famifiifi9§EMtflfiumFsriafiiliEZAGEJfiEAFH DSZAfi:Rl§§fifiEiflifififl$ifi , E3335]
fifi'fimiflEHMFfiWEifi. mfiiéfigimtflfifilfififikfifi , animaammmmmmi/r
fiflififimfifififi. EM , fiTRfifiiflfigfifiilfiFfl , iafiflnm§¥£fili§itfifi§¥flm
2. Services IE;
Hyeu encounterany premem durmg use, please rever m nus manua‘ "me problem sun
perswsls, p‘ease contactyourlocm dealerorwsn Io ourservuce and supportwebsne-
m§vmfiaaia¥ummw . nemmuw. m§mwmmmfifiwm , flfifikfifimfiififi
http://wwwflysky-cn .com
3. Special sgmbuls fimfii
Please pay aiieniion to Ihe lollowmg symbols wnen iney appear lrl ihe manual
and read carefully
Noilcllowmg inese inslruciions may expose irie user icserious
ADanger; injuriesciueaiii
m¥€éfisx§ifiml€fiffii§¢ , €fl§2§flffifii$imi§lfi , amalgam.
Noi following liiese Instructlons may exposeine user to serious
AWarning: lnjurles.
mafimaxmmfimw , aasasmlaawiw.
Nellallowing mese insiiuelions may expase ine user |c minor
AAflention: inluries and even to serious iniiirles
Anilifisfiflfimfiflfimfll’fi . Emezamflasills , EEFEElfi.
Prohibited Mandatory
$11: 55—5"
4. Safetu guide figgg
Don‘lfly al nigmor in bad weamer likerainormunderslorm aslnis can cause erratic
G opeialion or lass cl ccnlrol
fixglfiilfifiéfififfififltFfl . E733§§Wi§fifi§fi§§§fii§flifl§iifi
Make sure movlng direction olall rumors be same Willi lhe operaling direction.
linol‘ please adlusl aireciion lirsi
REE? . ififiikfiflfifififlfimafiim’fifimfifififimifi.
fiflfifiifi r fi‘fiigfiEmwfifil.
The shuldown sequence musi be ic lirsi dlscorlrlecl me receiver paiieryinen |o swncri
a" the Vansmlkenl! (he |rarlsml||er ls swllched 0W whlle lhe recall/er ls SUH powered‘ It
0 may lead to uncenlrolled muvement or engine siarl and may cause an accldem.
as”: , fififlfiéfifiilflimaflfi r fifiéfil‘flk‘fifim . yuiimfimmammgumwm;
11’: , 1§EE§E%HE3§E§9€§E§Elgfifill’fifigUS$531.
ln pariicular, ma 2 4:; RC sysiem will alleciine plane mine car nearby alier you iuin
on me iransmiller
fififlii‘ifi r W§Wfi§fi$EEififiEXMEEXfi . KWEZA GHz Rciflfiégéié
—fljflflfllfllflflflflflflflflflfliflflflflllfllfiuslflm [s - is
Do not operate outdoors on rainy days, run through puddles olwateror use when
visibility is limited Should any type o1 moisture (water or snow enter any component
oithe system, erratic operation and loss ct control may occur.
Hfiififitd<fi§§ifiA§J§fiVi§fl , Kfiflafliéfilufififié‘gfii.
Dc notoperate in the lollowmg places.
Near other sites where other radio control actiyity may occur.
Nearpeople or roads.
On any pond when passenger boats are present,
Nearhigh tension power lines orcommunication broadcasting antennas,
lnterleience could cause loss otcontrol.
G improper installation ofyuur Radio Control System in your model could result in serious iniury
fififimifififitflfiéfiififiaflmfi , Agaflmfifiififimifi,
gamma-z . Efifififiifilfimfiffimifi , ¥fitfiffii§flfi§ ,
fifixim , fififififilfififiéfiéfififlfiiflémMS.
no not operate this R/C system when you are tired, not reeling well or unoerthe iniluence
oialcohol aldrugs Vouryudgment is impaired and could resultina dangeroussituation
that may cause serious lmwy to yoursell aswell as others.
filmfiiflfifi , uremia: , Kfiflfimfifllfl? , Ffififiiz’l‘R / (SEEK.
Do nottouch the engine. motor. speed control or any part ctthe model thatimll generate
neatwhile the model is operating or immediately attei its use These parts may be very
hot and can cause serious burns
fififlfit’fiflflfifi , EMlfltfifii’iflL fitfl. Eififlfimifilfilfififlafl‘éfifii
agamalacaml . %i‘i§§2‘rmmwmfi.
Please have an overall check about the model oelore any operation
Any proolem in radio control system or improper installation may cause outol control
simple distance test methods
One hold the model. aritt the olherone carry the transmitter to a proper placeto check the
servo system condition
Please stop operation iiany exceptional case occurs
Please chechthe model memoryto make sure the matching is right.
0 mataaimmmummfiaa , auaaagamamxra,
teemiaanwmass - amateieetaamyaaaman . mgmfiflfififififififi.
woueaaalaaaam . E$§Xfim§¥
unaaemictz. mmleetmeaaiaam.
Turn on the power. please check ilthe throttle neutral position is in its lowest position
while turning on the transmitter everytime.When making adiustments to the model, do
so With the engine not running orthe motor disconnected you may unexpectedly lose
8 control and create a dangerous situation.
fifllfiij i fimafiitfififififisfifilimflfiifiéfiéitfi.
afimmtmvagw , aaaamauelgsafifiozee 5L9? , Héfi%fi$%§§fi§9l§
FL see
5. 2.4EHZ System 2.45%!fi
Ilillll 1m:- 2“
AFHDSZA s«enas«er‘AmemeueFrequency Happmg
ngwa‘Syswm 2A“ mehrgnwysopn-slrcateuradro
«ransmrssren sys‘em leguavamee you a mug vange‘
Aammmg «reeene rang haflery me expenenne me rs
me resuuevyearsov research and |es|mg and makes
my Sky one aHhe warld \eadevm me mavke|
5. zawamwwamzafingu r E’Pfi
figfiififitfifififiifl r fi‘FmEfiDififiEfialfiE.
RF speemeeuens:
RF range 2 4055.2 475cm
Channe‘ bandwmm suaKHz
Numbermnhanne‘s' 14a
RF Duwev. \essman 20.13."
RF mode AFHDS 2A(Autamauc Frequency Happmg
Dnga‘Systcm 2M
Moamaueruype GFSK
Aruerma lengm. 26mm'2(dua\ emenna)
RXsensmva emsesm
6mm :
mum: 140557147501:
imam Scum-«z
was/r32 14%
3mm $޴20dam
E6553: GFSK
Xfififi ZBESK'Z ( X‘ZXEV
gwmfiaa rlosaam
Misuse enms raeie sys|em can \ead w Serums
mjunes oraeem meeee read camp‘ele‘y‘ms
mama and WW uperere yaw radm Syflem
accovdmg m A
E. :1 ~
fiEEfifiU§EWflE$EB¥M r #Efififi‘fl
Inez oer-<2 vamo band hasacomp‘e‘ewmflerem
behawarmanpremous‘yused‘owerrrequency was
Keepaxwayeyeurmeuexrrrsrgruesaxzrge object can
hlockme RF ergnel and We“ m \uss M conlrm arm
danger Thez 1:st arergnm propagmes m urargm
hnesandcannmgel arounuameueunuspzm Never
gnpmehansmmev amnnawneneperenng a mode‘
asrtdegradesugnmeannyme RF s‘gna‘ quamy and
shengm zndmayczuse\nssafcamm‘znddangev
fifcfififlfl. EEWEEfifl‘BflflflFE'EfiE
sawmmm , Wfitmflfiwfi§fllfiififi
fi¥l§€bknvn§fli§§§9€§filfék 2.4Gy’céififli
$€§E$lfif§fiw r EXfiflififliflWfifi-fi
ii. EtifiiiiE‘F r Pg‘efiflfiflfllikfi . Eflflfi
fikkfiiiffififfiflifigwfifliflfifi. $513
Aways mm an metransmmerhrsnhen me recewer
When mrnmg 0"th symm, always |um umne
recewerhrsnhen me transmnter This is ‘0 avoid
max/mg (he recewevan rzseuee Itmay prex awmng
signal and lead m errahc servo mavsmsms. Tms .e
pamcmar‘y \mponanfluremcmc powered models
as umeyunexpecremy mm on the momramflead
m miufles ordeam
3 :I‘
§Kfififlifii~flikflfififlm , MEEQK‘K
”LEE. filflififlfi‘ , fififilfiififlimflfifi r 93
Eiifilfiflm. ixaéemrmuaggwmfiwzu
E‘éfifiglfigflmfiflflfiflfimfifil. Ewi‘fi
EUKEL’SKLWWSEE, mfigfifififi§§<51§fi<
—flluflfllumuflflnufllmfljunnnlmlsuslflm [s - l6
6.5g5tem Eharacteristit fififififi
1m: vadiu werem wovks m one frequency range at 2.4055“: 2 user-<1. ms band nas been dlvldad rnro
“Dindwmdam manners Each ladlo smear uses 15 «1mm manners and1$u ummm Iypes e1 nowrng
argomnm By usrng various swmchran urn- napprng meme and manner «mqueneres, me rysrem can
flnammae arammrng «ea radru rransmr Ion.
Mimifimfifiigz 4055:112 475cm. Mnamfimwpmnmfi. §li§mimifia1 M
*Ifiafimr swmmanrz. mafimmaxfil r armflammfiammafi r Eflimlflnfia
ans lama sysrenr uses a mgh yam and high qualny mum arreermnar amenne u novels rne wnme [requency
hand Assaualed wflh e mgh sensmvrry reeerver, mrs ream sysrern gueremees a rammrng lree rang mug: ream
AltiQfiElfilmilfiifi r 1321mm”: sanaumwm r Kflflfififimlfifififlfi
Em mnsmmer has a «man. m wnen brnurng wrm : waiver, m. recerver saver mm umque \D and can
acosms my dell: «um mar unrque «ransmruer Yhis avmds pickulg anom-rrmnsmruer erg-raw m1 dvathcaHy
mcmasus rnmvarenc- rmmunny and army
semfiimtimss . fiiflfiwfizfir E‘Rmfifififl‘flfiiwlmfififlfififlrfifi‘mfi
fiflmfitflfififii BfififluflQRlfiESflmfififlmfi§ , xxggm¥ma§hm§gm
This radm sys|em uses raw paw. .recrrenrc cempenenrs and a very sensmm recawar amp rne RF
madmauan mes rnrerrnrrrem signer rransnrissrerr Ihus reuucmg even nrere pwer mnsumyflnn Compararmry,
w: mdm syslem uses ”fly a renm enne poweraia standard FM syflem
MEREEOEVJI$¥EF¢WEEQRKMMER‘ ffififilfiflflfiifillfl'fléififl, Entt’zfi
«$713551»? K1555: r mimwnaxmmxwfiszi.
AFHDSZAsysLem has me eurnmuc menmicaunn lunclmn, wmch can swnch aurammuy currem made berween
srngremy cammunlcauon made ma mmy commumcalmn made ammrng |a cuslnmer needs The Mnrway
canrrnunrceuen made th dam remm mneuan can help users undenmnd curremwmkmg smus benerena make
me ngnr mare enreyable
AFHDSZAfififiisiflfiEiflifififlmfi , figmnnmammngwamfium. EflfiifléfliT ,
AFHDSZA nes huan mumpre cnennel comng and errarenrreuren, wnrcn Impmve lhe srahrmy the
cammumcalmn, reduce me error ram and emnd me rename nrensmrssran arsrarree
AFHDSZAKRWI§EEEMEWQNQ55£ fiflmlflifllé‘flfil , magma: . iéflflilfilé
fifiééfilfimfi , fiifim‘fifigmé’lfififl’flfifi , gmmfifiuuagm
7. Transmitter Spetifitatiuns fiflm§£fl
% nfflns
Numberevcnannels s ..amimmn'. 2A
ModeHype "xedrwmg/glmeflhehcopter
mm .255an 1024 ms MIJDEIS ; FS—ili
Fowevsupp‘y' avu SVAAXA)
Law vanage warmng Icon bunks and a‘arm‘zssman 4 2v
mm blmks and 5mm a‘arm \ess |han4 av
Namperananwammg Thetransmuterwma‘zrmil
there ‘5 no Operzhon more .. {PT
man one mmme.
Antenna \engm 26mm‘2 ( dua‘ antenna) %
Cmar. mack
Swza 174‘89’150mm
wswghl 3929
Cemncanun.c5_ FCC
1. fifi’l‘fi : 6
2. E§flW Emmwamn
3 #189”?! 1.024%!
4. mAaEE. av (1 SVAAXA)
6 *magmag: fimfify’filfififilffiflifig
7 Xfififi. ZGEfifi‘ZWYCfi)
8 Name: 55%
9 NEE; 174-39‘1soax
11 yacht CE‘ FCC
E. Rateiver spatifitatinns gumgfi
531‘": 2n
Numberefchanne‘s s Mtg/PB swag
ModeHype hxedrwmg/glmev/helwcopley magma" @Emawaym
RFrecewersensmvmy -105dEm, Svfi‘kiufiv rlOSdBm
Mndu‘atmn GFSK
Syswm «ype AFHDSZNAFHDS :ngfififimlwfi
channwesolunm mumps maimggiwgm
5W1 DD" YES 6v£fififim¥ 102%?
Puwarpun yeswcc) 1ng .5
Power A076 wot: Kama: Ewcc)
ngm. 5.49 9 ailfififi: 4076,5V DC
Amennalengm 26mm 10 was: 64%
5‘13 40,4'21.1'7.35mm mifififi. Zfiéx
Cmm mack 12. 9&113‘ 404'21,1'735§>¢<
cemncanon ca For; 13 mafia gé
14. fiflufl c: FCC.
Wumwlsusmm [s - “5
El. RX setup intruductinn iétlflmifiimfi
Dull IntnnnI nulls
In orderm make sure rnexnnmn aruenee heMeen me nansmruerena recewerp‘ease (oHaw xne dwechons
1 The two amennas rnusnee keplas energmas passmle mnerwrseeanum range le be reduced
2 The «we emennes enema he placed m e 50 degree angle m eeen a‘hev‘as IHusUa‘efl m We «nree plumes
3 The antennas mus| be kmawayvram canduclwe matena‘s.such as mela‘ and carbon»: emance a1 a(
mast 1.5:: req urreacar seveop erahon Conduchve matana‘swiH nm anecnne caaxwa‘p ermnne
zmennz‘bm mpurlam mm me (mama‘s ave nm hem m a severe radms
4 Keep zmennzs awayhumme motor‘speed canUoHevand omer nmse sauces as much as posslme
kTWEMHifl . iiiifiL‘ATl'Lfi '
1 amwgl . gunman/1mm 7
2. WWMWSD WEEfl/‘Jiflfiflfigfiflniéfifi , EWEBWEWEEE ;
3. wasamzfilmw , EDEEIScmk—EWEI. WWFEMWM r {EFEHESE r
4 EWWEWHL mamazmnmfim
( 11 3)
II]. Receiver and servo cunnettinns
In, In. Receiver and servn runnertinns [aircraft]
b Bal‘BVY
mam: £3
egg-«g Namass
‘ a m a
1n. DE Receiver and serve cunnEcliun§(helicupterl
1a Banery
gem: mg"
ӣ339 Harness
a m a
gm rm . 5;
en 1
WWMW . y.
muwm mm
‘ smegmy‘cmg) a“.
Opflunm ‘
Gym ‘
Sysmm ‘
, flea-M1“
Servo m.»
Wummlsusmm [s - “5
ll. 2.4EHz Dperatiun notes 2.4G§¢3E$Ifi
".111. Binding gm
The supphcd transmmmand rcccwcrarc a‘rcafly hound awrauucnah mm: :0 you don" nDDd m an n Hynu are
usmg anmher\rahsmiuemneceweh you havelomfl mm mam belore use asuescrmeu be‘ow
1 \nslaHbauenesmmevansmmerandmm no"
2 CnnnecHheDindmgwmpevmmehzflery pmmmerecewey
3 Carmen me Daflery onhe recewer «0 any charme‘ pawev supp‘y The red LED wuh mmk .hmcznhg ma! u \s m
hmflmg mode
Press and how (he bmfl key onhe xransmmerana lurn u on
The bmdmg pruness w hmshed when «he red mmam an recewer Hashes more s‘ow‘y
man beiore mm aunhe bmdmg we and «he red muicammysah
a Dwsconnecflhereceiverbaflery
7 Tum amnen am oh metransmmev
a Cannemathe servasmmerecewerandMencannedusbaflery
9 Check m 3H serves are workmg as expeded
m wahymmg Iswmng‘ mean we agam accordmg ahcvmg meps
W§E§F§IE$FB§W1EEIEENNB , wigfiwm afl§$ “MW"
simamfinmafiwmmy gmmmaimmw mg:
1 Kama/\finmmfifiafinm.
2 swmfifigmum mafia.
a fiKKMEhEigfiéifliWififiié , Eumueasimzmwm
4 fififiwmmflfiiafiflki , Ewmnmm.
sfiwmnasfium‘mkmmwwgwamm . mama , k1
a mxfiumaifi.
7 imfinmaafi.
s x5mm;mfifiszfiumfigmmamgmmum.
9 mgéfimfimemmfimnmfi.
a; M
II. DE Power un firm,
‘ cannhectaHpans 1. EKfiWEEIWF
3 ECXEZSTh‘Zi'EZTV‘Z‘SEQeW 1' ””5““
4 The recewerred LED mammns 5mm 3' mammaaa
mamanhgme presenceoVacarrecmgnaw kfififllflefififlfiimlflfi§§fiifi
5 Uselheramo system S NVFfifiWHEW
Tx power ON
Imp www sk com
11. D3 Shut duwn *ffl
1 Dwsconnecimerecewerhzflevy 1» EMMMQE
2 5mm emne iransmmev 2. aemmm
Rx puwer ufl
Tx power off
12. Definition uf keg functiuns 533x
Antenna , fa
Handle 4E:
May 5mm 5 (SM!)
3mm c (smymec
—5wncn D (swwfiéb
HM Symon A (SwA)
#551 , HOOK
i Ema *Lefl mms;
MR ~ Le" stick
‘ ‘—R\gm snowfigmfiv
team x Up (Key) ‘ OK key v mm“
Ema) x Down (Key) Canbe‘ key» mama:
LCDflffix LCD msp‘ay
*P 1 n. 5mg 9E
HEW) * Emdmg(Key) \W oweVSWI c 9?
Wavelsusmm [s - “5
Definition of key functiuns $3332
H u
‘ y ‘ —’Tramer1ackafigr§[]
\ '\/ / updaiemmmeimeflace
‘ Q \ ‘ «gamma
V \
M ° 9
13. Warning 5‘;
um um um
Faryoursaiay, ma swxiches aHhe iransmmer must 797mg? , fimwfifimifiwl’rfimfixfi
be m mewofl posman and meme suck musm me wzssbmi , mrmmwmmmi. ”#551!
luwesiposmanwhenmmmglheiransmmernn _ _
v not awammg screen wm be mspwaysd unm an *bfifiiifimfifiii , Emfififiwfllfimfimégfififi
swatches are m We ngm pasmon #39333.
14. Main screen ”WEE ( Xifl)
TX Bauery
Mode‘ number
Mode‘ name
data leedback :
“ E
mm»: mm m... a nu. .
Besmes We Fly Sky logo and moumanon (ype {AFHDSZAJ‘ R7gfifififim|§fipszmsfifiggf , mmfifi
we mam screen msp‘ays mewowmg inlormahon midway
< Se‘eueumode‘numberuIozn) Qadfleremmade‘s _ a ,
can be saved m We "shimmer al‘awmg ynum l'figfiflfiéuguzaL fiflmj’ufifizaflKfifi
mstarmy swlxchtazamflevem made‘s M , EPEIfiBDSfiZDfiKfilflE.
2 Mademame eachmode‘ can he named mm “mam §7gfi§wgflgg¢$flgflvmp
nharackersnamema‘aHowyau(oeasflyrecagmze ‘
Meassommdmm‘ mumsmgmsmaaammasmmy.
3 Anawcvafl or hehcnpter pmmremahnmcatesme 3. fifiifigwxmaggflmwfifiwfifi
type a! me seleded mode‘ ‘
A Thelowe‘echomcmmsposmon 4' “\gfifiwmfil‘
5 Thebauerystams andvnkzge Icon bhnksand s ammalwmmai ammmu 2m,
a‘avm whemhe hanevy vunzge drops be‘nw A 2v gfimgygkfig 'amgmfiu ow: , E
Be‘uw 4 0V loan bhnks and a‘arm Shonly
6 Feedback sensovdam (mm RX(umqu& chavac‘er cl fiwfififififil.
MW“ cammumcahon systam). e. Emumamsmwg (mmfifi 1.
I4.I]l Main screen fifflilfi ( £51)
Logo Bauery
AFHDS Mode type
Mode‘ number
Mode‘ name

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.6
Linearized                      : No
Author                          : user27
Create Date                     : 2014:07:07 16:35:19+08:00
Modify Date                     : 2014:07:07 16:56:12+08:00
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XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 5.4-c005 78.147326, 2012/08/23-13:03:03
Format                          : application/pdf
Creator                         : user27
Title                           : FS-i6说明书 20140311
Creator Tool                    : CorelDRAW X5
Metadata Date                   : 2014:07:07 16:56:12+08:00
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 11.0 (Windows)
Document ID                     : uuid:09d9bc56-710e-41e9-a960-7092b724d1aa
Instance ID                     : uuid:2a8e99ef-0221-4f90-9634-7baccad77ef5
Page Count                      : 14
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