User manual

Download: FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYT6 6CH Radio Control System User Manual FS T6Y3
Mirror Download []FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYT6 6CH Radio Control System User Manual FS T6Y3
Document ID1740934
Application ID4SYAcvSEx0BnKPzvgEW8LQ==
Document DescriptionUser manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
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Filesize324.76kB (4059546 bits)
Date Submitted2012-07-11 00:00:00
Date Available2012-07-11 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-07-09 11:00:20
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Document Lastmod2012-07-09 17:53:01
Document TitleFS-T6Y3.cdr
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Document Author: lideping

§® f8 Ili
FLY SKY Iliuilalnmnuliunaltaflin nunlmlsusmm
msrnuenuu MANIIM
EB F’ i BB
nu Ill-Ill I"
nun In
Copyright©2008-2012 Flysky co., ltd
play any
Table of contents
Services .
Special symbms
Saiely guide
2 46Hz System
Banery chergmg notes
Transmmev specmcenans
Recewer snecmcemns
Resewer and sewn Emma-mans
e m Rccmvcrand servo connnchons (emem
5 oz. Recewer and servo cameomnemeucomev>
1o ZAGHz Operauon nukes
1c 01 Bmdlng
1o 02 Ameemenmme antenna
10 03 Power on . . . . . . . .
1o 04 SW: down 9
11 Defimhon ofkeymncuons m
12 Warn g 11
13 Main semen...
14 Main menu
15 Sys|em seflmgs
15m Meee1 Se‘ecl
15:12 Mods‘nams
15.03 Type se1ec1.
15 m Mode‘ copy
15:75 Meue1 reset
15 us Tramcrmodn
15m S‘udemmode.
15 as Sucks mode
1509 LCDbnglvlness 15
1510 meerevereen 15
15.11. ermwareupdale . . . 15
1512 Factoryreset 1s
1s Funchonsseumgs 17
1am Reverse 17
15.02 End paws . . . . .17
1603 Dwsmay 1s
1604 Anxmarychannels 1a
1505 Submm 13
15:16 Dual rem/expenme: 15
16.07 Thromecurve . . . .19
16 us P1101 curve (vaname ouch hehcomer omy) 19
1609 SwaahAFR 20
1510 MX 20
16.11. Vtafl (Awmane only).... . . . . . . . . . 20
1612 Gyroscope (hehccplevon‘y) 21
1513 Swmeeseesm 21
1314 remmeeem 21
17 Packaamg comm.
1:; FCC smemem
lliflilfllfllflflflliflflflllflfliflflflflllfllSUSlflfll fs—Ifi
l. lntruductiun Hf?
Thankyou {or choosmg the Fly Sky FS-TG 6 channels 2 AGHZ AFHDS computerlzed dlglla‘
proponional R/C alrplarle and hellcopler system ll il's yourlirsl use or a computerized radlo
system, «ms user manual will bring you easllylo a new world 01 furl and sophislicallon ln all
cases please read Carelullyand completelylhis user manual as ltcomalns all inlormallon (a
keepyou safe
fimlfiifigiifiHiflBSFS-T6fii§i§z.455}fii§AFHDSi§i§ifi , afimfimfixmmaflmvm
fi‘xt. mfiflimfi—mfifiififififlfififi , Bfififiiimfififiefitfififl—fl‘éfllfifififigfilfl
5?. IE1“: . fiYMRfifififififiiFfl , mamfigwl‘xaxwagm.
Z. Services Iafi
llyou encoumerany problem durlng use, please reler lo lhis manual lnhe problem sllH
perslsls, please Contact your local dealer or cennecl to our servlce and suppanwebslle:
miflfifiiwifliufifllfifl , fififififltfiflfifi. mammmamfimma , fiafifififimgififi
http://www.flysky-cn .com
er SKY
3. Special symhuls gab—:5
Piease pay attention to lhe roiioWing symbols when iheyappear in the inanuai
and read earetuiiy
Not ioiiowing these instructions may expose the user to serious
ADanger: iniuriesordeath
lflififiaxiflfifififlfiiflll’i r EEI§€§§2EB§F¥§M i Eififififilfilfi.
_ Not toiiawmg these instructions may expose the user to serious
AWarning: iniunes.
Wiffifiéxfilfii‘klfifir‘fifil’i , €fl9§$§ll§fi€WE§1fi
Not ioiiowmg these instructions may expose the user to minor
AAttenlion: injuries and even to serious iniuries
Wfiflfifixfiflmififiififii’? r fifilfifigfififififlfi i EEPfi§1£
Prohi ited Mandatory
$11: EH
4. Safety guide £2353
Dori'triy at night or in bad weather like rain or thunderstorm as this can cause erratic
8 operation or ioss oi ountroi
HKEEKHfifiifiitfififltFnfiu , maggmx'wafifiiagaagmagsm.
aeiare you fly‘ please make sure the movements at aii serves cairespond io theiaystieks
direction in case o'lnwnsislencles‘ oiease adiust oerore Night
152%]. ismwsrammaammsmmfim—n. mix—5a , iéE'EfifiWEE
Eetore use, piease iowerthe throttle stick to its minimum, switch on the transmitter then
0 connecttheieceiveroattery
EEZETJ. Efiiaijflmflfigifl§ljfis . flfifimmzfififimflimfiflfi.
The shutdown sequence must oe |ct riist discannecl the receiver oattery then to swrteh
ottthe transmitter lithe transmitter is sWitehed cfl white the receiver is stili powered, it
0 may lead to unconireiieo movementerengine start and may cause an accment
*WE‘I i Hfifll\%§$fifl§flfl$fii£fi%bfi§§fim . fin§$éf>fi7iflmfiflfiflfifiwflwfilfl
1'? , fiéfiféfifitfigfiififiifififiéigéfiéfiélt’fifiififim.
IliuilalumflminnalIauiunummlsusmm fs—"i
5. 2.45m System “emit
IIIIFPIIII Illilfll “fill
2.4 III
AFNDS smug for “Aummahc Frequency Happmg
Diguar System“ ms mgh‘y supmsucated raoro
vansmwssmnsys|emwmguaramee youamngrange.
iammmg flea and mm bauevy We expzflence This rs
weresortoryearsorresoaronano«estrngano makes
Hy Sky one loa worm \aaderm W; Market
AFHDSEEflMfiifi?XfiBfl1-‘i§. ? E 7 ’I‘
B§§Eafli§flf§§1§fiifi r E’I‘Kfifi‘éflflfimfi
9mm . fimfigbfififififillfi. Eéfififi
RF qucilicatmns
RF range 2 400072 ABSSGHI
Channe‘handwmm 5mm
Nomboromanners rec
RF power ‘255 man zuoam (mumW)
RF modD.AFHDS (Aummahc Frcuuonoy HanE
Dlgnal swam)
Moamanomype. GFSK
Antenna \engm 26mm
RX sensmvuy .msoam
SIN!“ :
1518 2.401435%:
mam: 500m:
:53er 16M
$111133! 7Fi-‘F2wam(1oomw|
fiflfifi. AFHDS(EfiJEIH¥fl$§Em
fiflfifi' GFSK
i616; 26§5K
mefim F10§dEm
Mrsuseonms roam sysmm can reao m Serums
rmurros or death P‘casc road campmmy UH:
manuar and omy opera‘e your room syskem
fififififififigfififlmfifi¥m . gamma
The 24an mm band has a commemy oruereru
behawurmanDvevmus‘yused‘awerirequency bands
xeopzrwaysyoormooormsrgmaszrarge omen can
momma RF Myna‘ and bad m \uss ul cannu‘ and
dangev ThezAGHzRFsrgnz‘ pmpagates m strawgm
hnesandmnnmgfi amundamemscnuspam Never
grrvmonransmmor amonnawnonaporamg a madzl
asuoograoessrgmnoamrymo RF srgrrzr quamy and
snerrgm wmayrooserossorcomroranudanger
fifififiifififi. EHNERfiflwfiflFflxfiE
Emmammw r axxmfimm%mnfi£sza
fiWE§Mfi3REEiEWfiIfi. ZAGfifia’fi
fimfigifiéfififlm , E$fi§fiflfifimifififi§
FE. lawman: , P‘Rfifififimifi . E11103
fitkflfifififififlfigwfiifiififi. 55KB
Always mm on me nausmruer hm man we
rooewer Whenlummg oflmesysmm‘a‘waysmm
omne recewenrrsr men me ”anyway This Is «o
avoro havmg mo reooworon kseHas u may prok a
wmng srgrrar and read (a errauo sevvu mavemems
Tm; rs parhcu‘ar‘yrmparlan‘Yore‘eclncpowsred
mode‘s asilmayunexpecmd‘y \um orr the rumor
iwfififla‘. fififlfififlmrfififié‘afiw
151.11%. ‘Elflififi‘l r flflsfilfififilfilfllfiifi r if?
Efiimfiflm. ifilii’iflblfififikmfikfl
fififi§fi3flfifififisfifflflmfiim EHTE
magxwmxig, Nfizfiflflfififlfikflfl
an wwwllysky cn om
er SKY
System [haracteristic ggfilfifi
Thusramesyslemwmhslnlhelrequeneyraneeer 2.4000 lb 2.48356Hz Thls band has been
dlvlded mlo160lnflependenlchannels Each raurosyslem uses lsnrllerem channels and 160
anlerehllypes blheppmg algbnlhm Eyuslng vavlmls ewnchm llmes‘ hbbblng scheme and
AW channelllequencles‘(hesyslemcanguarameealammlnglleeradlolrznsmlsslon
Mfinll’fifififlE-EZADDDEJJZAHSGHx. mxaamfimso/mmfig. §§EE§M
fifilé?$fiffi€mlfiaw*fimmfifii§. ilflflmwffij$lfi , Wfiflfl$lfimflfi$fimffifi ,
This radlo syslem usasa hlgh Qam and hlgh lluallly mukidlracllonal anlenna “covers me whble
lrequeneyhand Assomamd wnh a hlgh sensmvlly recewen lhls radlo syslem guaranlees a
fltfiflifiifilwfifixfi r Ilfi’l‘ffifi‘x‘fix. fiiifilfilfim r Kflfifififlwlfiafi
Each llansmlflerhzsa lmlque lD When hindlng wllh a recewer lhe recewersaveslhal lmlque lD
andcanaCCEDlsunlyda|a1mmmamnlqllzhansmlner This avnlfls plckmg anelher lransmluel
E] slgnalanddramaucallylncreaseslnlerl‘erencelmmunllyandsaiely
fiéfinfléi’fltimlmfi r éiwfilfifllfiflzfi r ElfimfifiizlflfiiWIDfi$¥ER§§M
fi/l‘lDEfiflmfime%. ififilufifiElfilflSUmfimfig , Xxflfifi¥fibé§7fifl§2m
Thlsradlosystem useslawpawerelenrmnlccomponemsandaverysensltlve recelver :2th The
RF madmahon uses lmermluem slgnal |lansmlsslon mus reduclng even more powerczmsumpllan
Comparalively, "Us rzdla syslem uses only alemh bllhe bowerbla slaneare FM syslem
5. Battery charging nutEs gmfi§fi§§fi
Mfififlfifimfifi¥fi#wfiimfllfimflfi. fifififififilfil¥filfiifliflgfifl , E
IltXXIME‘IEEflVJW. Rafi! . litifimfifthMfiKn‘l-QZi.
Wyuur \ransmlflnr or renewal uses any lybe cl rechargeable bananas, please check mam belere each «ham
9 and make sure lhey are in good shape and Mly charged olherwee i( may lead m less bl conlrbl, lnlwles and
mammfinwafiwmmammemaxaam . fififimxfiflifigfirfl r afifiiflfififdfififi
3% r Emfifik§flil§fi§AElit.
llybuare uslng rechargeable ballenes, make sure |o use a sul|able charger wnh lhe nghl charging
curremsetumerwlse Kmaylead lo ballery uvemeallng‘ llre crexplbslbn Dlscunnecuhe bauery irbm the
Amehmmmm .W and he asrrmayehagem
mammaaaimaam r iflifififiESM§EIEfifimfllfififififiéWaflflfifififlEWfiSHfififl
fulfil , %X§§Ik§. Rflfifi r WififllfifififififiiflfifiwflKfiflEfifi r WfifiiflMfifiWD-WW’W
fll¥§ r Llfiéfiiflfififi.
Iliuilalulnflnlinnalladiunummlsusmm fs—"i
7. Transmitter specificatinn< fimmgg
Yuma-mu woemuuom:
Numberorcnannews 1a
Modeuype awerananunehcemer
Channe‘resomhon 1024slevs
Fewersupmy 12V{15VAAXB)
Lawvonagewammg almxmgsymbmhemwesv
auneramm he‘awa 5v
Chmgmglack 35mmmunfl
Amennalengm- 28mm
Cmar mack
Swze' auz x 190x 93mm
We‘gh" 590g
oemncamn-CL FCC
5 (Hanna; {ETQVSREfii‘WaWfl
6. Rfifiiki 151*
lififififl. 2655K
9 WEE? 302wsak93§>§e
10. emit 59m
11 wam (E‘ FCC
H. Receiver spetificatiuns jgugmgfi
spzcwmmous. mman:
Numbevofdwznne‘s w 1. FE?“ :‘M‘ilia
Model type awrcranandhelwcomer 2 Eumw- WWI/lam
RFrecewerSensmva r105d8m, iguana: rlusdam
Modulanun (3st 222;; 13:51:75
Sys|em |yue AFHDS
Channe‘ resumtmn' 11324 Maps gggggfiélozw
Bmd pm yes - .
Powerpan' yes(VCC) Kama Ewco
Puwer 4 576 svnc 9 fifi \ 4 576 5V Dc
Wewgm 13g 10 Eng; 13%
An‘enna‘engkh 26mm 11 Xfififi: zsgx A
Swze As'zs-Qmm 12 ”ER? lira-9%»;
Com mm lzmxmgfifn: mama
Cemficanon CE‘ FCC. ”imam CE FCC.
an wwwllysky a. on
er SKY
5. Receiver and serve EDnneEtiuns ygugmeqajfiag‘ggg
5!. EH. Receiver and serve cunneEtiuns [aircraft]
Judi Nam!“ ‘ may
am“ am
metal pan
Remark to guarantee a mag Iange, place (he antenna loe recewervemcaHy away imm any
73E: fifii‘ififiwiflfilfilififlRlflmififi‘fiflmfifiénfififilfiflww.
Receiver /—[
\ u ‘
mum &
5. DE. REKEivEr and SErvn (nnnEtliDflEIhElitnptErl
wiry "em génmuinciaiafim
\ Rudder(CH4)fim2 ‘
(CH6) 1 H
F56 "a o a "a ‘
fif’f‘u Swnch "V 2y: ‘
Ja'gk 9 Name“ Sys‘em :
acme , )1»ng
Iliuilalulnflnlinnalladiunummlsusmm fs—"i
ll]. 2.4GHz Elperatinn nutes ZAGEVFEEE§IE
1u.u1. Binding gm
The supphed vansmmer and recewerare s‘resdy bound m pmduchan me 50 you ann‘l need :0 :10 w "you are
usmg anomertransmuler orrecewen yw have In hrs! hmd «hem ware use as descnhed be‘aw
1 \nslaHbananasmmelransmmevandmmllufl
2 Connecnhe bmdmglumpermme hanary ponaHhe racewer
a Connecnhe bauery onne recewerkz any channe‘ pawsrsupp‘y The red LED th bhnkmdmahng mm m \s m
bmdmg mode
4 Pvess and mm the mud key onnemnsmmeremmrn Hon
5 The red LED elme renewed 5mm slap to em meamng e emessm bundmg
s Dlsconnecl(herecewerbsnery
7 Turn nmhen back an menansmuner
a ConnemaHmeservaswmerecelvarlhenusbaflery
9 ChecklfaH servos are workmg as expemed
m Hanymmg ‘5 wvong‘ vestarums pmcedwe homme begmnmg
3:155: .um
FfififlfiFflKfliFBfilWEéflEfiiflWfl . Mflfim
WES animammwmmmuwmwm, @LWEEE
fifiufififiL‘ATfiEiflE :
1. swam/\mmmfiimmm. ’W" ’V‘ ‘
2. Sifififififllflflflfifflfifififl.
3 gewmammgrgwwegnm , mama’s Bmd key
4. EEEWWFJEEBKFA¥. @Wflfifififim.
5. filfimflélfififlfikwfiififlhfiflm.
6 MFfiQW‘Lfif/fi.
8. fimfidfimiifiilfiflfiflhfifimfiEmfifii‘lfiflm.
9 ageemfiwmmewrxnmfi.
10 fiflfiififliwfiffit‘xifilfikifix.
1EI.EIE. Adjustment uf the antenna: fifiiflg
Ad‘ustmentanhe anlanna:
Thereavetwo canecxwaye m amusnne amenna P‘ease smcny yespecnnemnowmg Hlustrauan as “35‘ vesuks
Shaw mm m ‘5 mo saics|and mosmvnmmway m comm yDurmodcl.
ZAGifiEfERWfiRELXTWW , ié§flfi$fifififimi§9mi utvmfizcmuaszaxag sammem
an wwwllysky a. on
er SKY
ID‘ [13 inar an inn
1 Cwmneclal‘ pans 1 mgfifififi’afi‘fit
2 5mm. onmelransmmer 2 ”5&5”,
a Cannedmorcccwcrbaficry
4 Tharecawarred LED mmcamrissohd 3 fifigumafi
mdma‘mg (he presence afa curred signal 4 fiwmfle‘lffififlfifimaEGEfiKIfi
s Usemeradiusyflem 5 {gygfifimumgg
Tx pawel ON Rx power ON
10.04 Shut duwn *fl'l
1 msmnnemmerecewemanery 1 WWEWWQ‘N
2 swucn ovnhevansmmer 2 ifflfifi‘fl
Rx power 0” Tx puwer a"
mu. www ysky encom
IliuilalflluflnlinnalIauiunummlsusmm fs—lfi
ll. Definitiun uf keg functiuns )fifiiy
nterma‘ 7:?»
5:313 «nabswrm
fixur SwuchD(SwD)i
H363 SwnchB(SwE) Knobmvmymm
3w HOOK Swuch A (SwA}/ޤA
—EWEJ Leilmms V 3 ngh‘snckyfimfl
Bib»? Leflshck
Right mm 5430;}
LCDEES / LCD mspxay
0K key , mug
mam) «Up/dawn (mam)
iB/Wfi) ’En‘eflpress)
fifiawfi) V Menu (\cng press)
Bmd ke mam
ChargerAack Ragga
an: www.llysky encom 1 O
play any
12. Warning 5‘;
all lrl'
Furyowszie‘y‘ |heA§wi|chesaHhe hansmmer must yfigmfig , fimwfinmlfiml/pfimfigm
bein their uflposmanwnenmrmngmeuansmmmn
w non a warmng screen wm be msplayed unm aH mifififil- W¥§§&*fifilrfifififi%mflfl
swunhes are mthe Hgm sme lififilyfiéfisfiém.
13. Main screen ”NEE
Logs Battery
AFHDS Mode lype
Mode‘ number
Model name
aesmesme F‘y Sky‘agn and moumznon type (AFHDSL aygmmfimmnssmfim , fimfifififi
me main screen mspxaysme mHawmg mvarmamn TTL‘ANES'
1 Se‘eded mode‘ numberm mzo) Zodwfleremmode‘s , _ ‘ \
can be saved m me vansmmer aHowmg youm lfiguggfiguguzo), fiflmfilufimmfirfim
muanuy swuch (o 20 dwerenl models 1‘ , fiF‘HfiWEfiZDfl’FEfiE.
2. Mudelname Each mom can be named WM 3 a “giam §—ma§mmawax¢$flam.m=
chavacters name mm aHnw you w easny recogmze
we assumed mode‘ awnaagmmagummmaemam.
3.An aircrafl m nahcamr pmmamammamsma svmtéaaxmgsfimmwasmm,
‘ype a! me se‘ec‘ed mode‘ .
A Themure‘ecvomcmms pasman 4 ITE¥WUHB§MI.
51m nanerymms and Wage The nanerymms 5 gmmglflflmgfi. gamgfi1fi¥g5vw ,
wm sun m bhnk whenme bauery vnkzge drops .
new 9 5v Eemw a 5v, an a‘arm beep wm be ammmamam v gamgmzfi 5W? v ”
em‘ned Bifififiéfii.
lliuilal flmflnlinnal muinnnnlml susmm fs—Ifl
14. Main menu ifig
The mam menu Is swavalea "do two mam secnons‘ ifiafifiwflfl r fififiimmhfifii. fiF'EIW
system and mnmrons The system menu aHawsyoulo
sewpmeVansmlflevzndlomanaqemezomade‘s Yhe mAgaxgfigfimmfigzogfiy. mgfigqfij
Innefion manuisused mama each mow separate‘y asualmugmmhg.
Toemermemam msmmong Drassme'Enlar"key Use , . . s . s _ .
the “up” and'Down"ralaryhunonlo se‘ecflhe desued kfi EM” “Aifig ' 5“ ”V W 9“" E
semen and press 'Emer' Then‘ use me ‘Up' and mfigggmmmvfi-Enurnnnm‘ “gfimuuvnm
“Down“ rmary bmmrr m se‘ecl the desired submenu _ . _ n ‘
and prassagam‘Emer" Mostof me loHowmg screens 00W" fimfi§E§W¥fifi r ififi EMU ”Rm.
work accordmg m mm mm. scheme: Exfixgamgufififlgfifliflfigmggmfi :
1 Usethe'En|er"k2ylase‘zcllhz parame|er|omodify . .
2 Useme’UD“and“ann'mlzrybmmn m mudwy ms ““1 Emer‘nggnmimypn.
vame 01 “w ss‘edad parameler 2. $21 'Up“ fa “Down' fimfiflfiflmfiifi.
3 Pass flu ‘OK' key (a exul and save me new r . .
pavamelevs 3-73 UK Kfiflifififisfiwfigfi.
4 Fresslhe‘cance" keymexilwimomsavmg|he new 4 fi‘fznceVflifififlFEfifiafilflfi
parameters H W _ 7 ‘ A
Torelumlolheprevmusscreen.pressme“cance\” key E Cance‘ DEE: gfig' fiFflLAiEB‘
You can rspssnrsropsrsusn unmme malnscreen wragamwa.
I5. System settings fififii
l5.Dl. Mudel select fiflifig
UseIhisfunctionlose‘ecllhe aclwe mode‘ among the AkVJB‘éEMfiMBSIZDEKi’Q‘figi’I‘éiifiEEW .
20 avaflahle made‘s Damgsn‘yuu cansalupandsave wPfiluflfiiflfififififiimofififigflwnE. W:
an rammed Parameters (uflyQDdWaren(moda\s and
swnch Inuanny hs|ween |hem Emiflfilfiflfiflfi
play any
Usemlsmncllonm change the name assocmnd wllh Mmfigijflfl§ifiifiémfiflgw, gs “Emer' mg
the currennyse‘ecled made‘ Press ‘Emer" Ia se‘ecl
Ine‘eneroflhe name 10 change men use me rotary Efigfifim$§ , fififilfigéfifiimfi$§.
enuen to change «he so‘acud Ieuer
15.03. Type select figfig
rm ' n'
..-.. Inn-vol- «mm—ww-
Usemiemnenanm selecHhe|ype Malrcraflorhehcopmr mmfifiggmfimmfim : xmflggflm. 29
me currem model is controHing rne ‘Funclions semp'
menu wiubenueu accavdingly. The Uansmlflar supgons mmmsalmaammma. mafimmirsxma
a‘rmann (\ncmdhm Vtau configurahon) mo and 1 k. . ~
vannme mlch heucamere and SwashAFR {CoHeclIve (am/12:49),figm‘mmfimgfimumcm
and Cych Pnen ang) 90" 120- and Mn' (lfimlfléfiflxéfil 90" 120‘ m 140'.
15.04. Mudel cupu Eflifiu
it“ ' '
ueemlsmncnonm copy one made‘ semngsm anumer mmmmfifimfiymgggamgugfifiy, an;
The|arge|made\seuingswiHBE dele|ed and rep‘aced ugmmmagsmnzma #Euanmaaugaa
by the source mada‘sefllngs Since mus cummand \s : ' \ 7
«meme 8 conmmahon Wm bsasksfl Press“0K' W“; E’J’E?§7’°'“imvWéfifmmm;
loexecutelheCDpy,se\ect 'Ves'wnh lherolary lumen ianmafimmmm 3? “0K" ummms . $50
men press“oK'agewoeonmm. fiflislé "Yes" 5am "OK" imam:
15.05. Muriel reset
'84! ‘
lliuilal flmflnlinnal muinnnnlml susmm fs—Ifl
Tnismncnonwru resemre currently selectad modem
us «alarm The cmsrmods‘swmncws amdsfl Tm:
can be usetw when a setup Isgomg nowhere and
neeasavresn Stan Since rms funchon rs aesrmcrwe,
acunllrmalmn wrn be asked
msmfimsgamummiamum , jams
gunman. filflfiwfltfififiimmfimfi
WEE. é‘rfififififififlmlfifififiiimfi r #Efi‘r‘fli
E , EMQE—Nflfflfli. fiamunammmm
15.05. Trainer made
ms lunmion suows you re canned 2 Iransmmers
mgelhevusmgadedicatedcahlecnnnectedlome back
m|erlace One Is ms Instrudur (ms master) and ms
emu rs (he smasm (ma s‘svel. Once anablad.
swl|chlng onlhess‘ecledlramer swllchwnlsel up lhe
remore as memsuumr and usemesmaemsrgnsus
cammHhe mode‘ As soon as me Iramer swuch is
mrnad rm, ms msmmmr veqams comm and can lor
examp‘erecovarme mudaHmm ahaxarduns pnsmnn.
*éfiflmfiflfiflfi r *Sfiflmfi$fii§fi. *EWE
M1715 , ufifiiflfilfl , #Efiififlaaaflfififimfifilfl
fl. :mmfimw , fifififilfifilfl.
15.07. Student made
Thls mncuon works mgalher wnn me Ua‘ner made
Once enab‘ed‘ an mode‘ seumgs are bypassed and me
slicks pasflian rs sem flirewy Ia me ins‘mdor‘s
uansmlfler Allhamme, thesmdenl Ivznsmmer must
narcomrm any mom dirscnyanaany receiver bound
mlhe sludannransmvller mm bummed o" Bypass‘ng
ausmaenl slmngs aHowsbomswdemanfl \Mvucmr
switching he|ween me student and ms ins‘mdor
mmasmnsmsifim. iamanmts, éfim
iffrfiflfiiflfliflfi . flflfiwflEEEEflEMEX. "TI
E$Efiflm—E$§E&l§fifififlfl , Efifi?fifi§1
mwxmamumasem. $fimififi§fi$fifi5lfii§fifi
51E r $§M$Emfiififimimfilflfiflfimfi§fi
an www ysky cn om
play any
15.118. Sticks muda Rflfififi
I?" - .,,_,.‘.-__.... n.-
\ -u. m...“ .
Wumhwmnchom yuu can (mouse among 4 Warm Mmafialnxmmwmwmg. grammar
sucks modes Thedlwruchanne‘s are mapped to We gammgegamnfiafim ‘ REPEIGEEVEENE
se‘ected sucks acmmmg mynuruymg mm; (\eflor
"gm handed mr example) fifigmlfliififiijflgfiiififll.
The LCD bngmness can be adws|ed m accommodate fifigganagggm-xgmgmgyzmg
m we ammenmgm.
l5.lEl. Firmware versiun IWlfit
Tmsscreen flxsp‘ays «he mmware uersmn and ask: nfixfimgam WWMKWEIIE , fiF‘EWfiE
Tms aHnws yau to know we newerversmn \s avauame ‘
gm “puma (see nemw) LELAEEHAEEEfiwfifiKfih‘XHQ‘
play any
15. Functiuns settings mama
IEJJI. Reverse HIV”:
\ 9. mm a“-..
Tmsmncnon auuws you to reversea charme‘ Set aH fipflfiflmfififiliflfl , MEWEEMWEME
charme‘s accordmgm yourmode‘ mechamcs Lumizmesam.
IE.EIE. End paints Efiii!
W“ , .‘.-.-_‘... n .
: .
Tmsmncnan se‘sme \nwer and upper extems cl 5“ nmgaumgfigfigfilmxm. § mum" a
channe‘s Salem me channe‘ numberwuhme Enter“
key and me luwer m upper extenby muvmg (he 3&ng,fisggmmpmumgmummfimfimfi§
carrespandmgsnck or vanalano me desired dlrechon ggfimflggemgmggmamxux,
sawed each ex|em vame accnmmg to your made‘
"up w sky en om
IliuilalumflminnalIauiunummlsusmm fS—Ifl
15.03. Display 37?
f5 '5;
. ‘
ms screen msp‘ays the sums a! a“ (he s channe‘s mfigfifimEfi/fififimfimsflflfifimififi
we may are Uansmmed m we mode‘ H‘s mcmdes ‘ _ _
3“ me made swings and a‘gomhmsilmesmdem flfifi- #ifiiflfifiim‘flfi . Wflfimmg’sm
made \s m emu/shad. WEWQIW
“5.04. Au
arg (hannEls mama
\ mu. mun-glam v ~
Tms Vuncflon \e‘you cheese the source Mme channe‘s Mmggafifiggfi_ gfimgwgw¥fi' magi
5 and s u can he a vanamr or a switch u a switch ’maaaizimfimfiae. ”$355,337,”; , we)":
‘5 summed an arr swflch wm (ransmmhc \nwcr mm _
‘ mwgufiexmmmmm. W%flfiw¢§§ll§§fill
01 me channe‘ and an on much me uanr mam . A A“ .
w a vaname pHch hehcop|ev \s m use‘ me channels I‘m/3’3"- Wfi‘ifiWEE—Vfiifiwg‘fflr gm."
‘5 unavm‘ahle we helmep‘er gyroscope .5 acuvaxed‘ Amman migmmuumfim. 5mm;
0|: channe‘ 5 \sunavaflab‘e. Hymn
IEJJS. Sub trim fifi
\ ...... m...“ .
ThismnchanaHuwsynum mm me "name new 01 Mmfifiwgfi/filmmfifimmrpm. mug,“
each servo. Tm: .sespeclauyusemansmmsmmdlg .
pmm nannm be mechamcsHynne afljus‘ed Niki-HEM” , E’Nfitiifififii
play any
IE.DE. Dual rate / Expunential
ISIS ’ "
\ mum-nu." .
Tmslunc|mnle|synu semnmenansceymncmn uHhe
channe‘ 1, 2 and 4 m ham narma‘ and spun made use
me fly made swwch mohange made Therate se‘ecu
we desvefl smpe cuemment and the expnnemmme
Mneamyoflhe curve Thlsls very mm m deuease
mesensmvuyneznhe mwdd‘e pom
nmsemam§< 5:1‘ufililiaiflgfififlliim
anaenmz. fifllfifififiiflifltfifi , HIRE
N§fi§¥fl$mlfififilflflflfi§mfifif§fl ETHIhE
15.07. ThruttlE curve
\ mum-nu." .
mmncmn sensupmevaneier curve or the [home
(channe‘ 37 m mm narma‘ and .me up modes use me
me made swuch m change made 5 key poms can be
adjusted Forexamp‘e, z hegmnev may senhem M) o‘ 5
10‘ 1s and 20%(0 decreasema mama sensmmy and
keep us meamy
it. Kfiggfifiiflffifififi. EILlflfimfilmS’x‘i
EflE. mu m¥€flfififlfilfiaw 5% 10%
15% m20%ildflfii1§fi§#§5fllbifififi.
IEJJE. Fitch curve [variable pitth helitnpter unly]
\ .....~..u.... -n- m.
Tmsmnnhan ‘5 swmnarta me -mome cuvve' and sels
up we vansiercwe Mme pHch
W330“ Mijmfi' mam , Efifikfififllfilflfi.
"up w ysky en om
IliuilalumflminnalIauiunummlsusmm fS—Ifl
lfi.E|§. swash AFR [Variable pitch with swash AFR halituptar unlu)
Eflmfllfiififififi (EEEMEHECCPMEHM)
W“ -V;..,.‘.-‘-_‘... R '.
\ —.-..~.-u. r—
Tmmncnan se(s me pvapumon a1 aflemn‘ e‘zvamr MMfiEEYiIi‘JH. Wflfllfléwflcfl. WfilfMJ
and mm m m: SwashAFR. Tumvcnum: my mom a rpam‘ifii/p , mfifigfifimflg,
negahve va‘ue must be se‘ecled
15.11:. Mix 55m:
Tmmumn aHaws you w program up «u 3 cuswm EPHEEEEwEESEGSEEEEmfiEfiE.
channm mwxes.Tha masterchanne‘wm aHar ma s‘ave M“5‘erfimfifiafi%&§5|avflmiliéwé- iflfil
channs\.Ths posmve and neganve mix senhe amount Wifi‘l'fiifiififilfiiflmfii S‘ave ilfimfillfi
a1 auerafion abuve and new we midme pom. The WEEEBW‘EWE-
cum smMsme s‘ava channe‘ by a certain amoum.
15.11. Vtail [Airplane unly] VEEEHR'WIEE)
W“ -V;..,.‘.-‘-_‘... R .
\ .... m... _
Tum on "us mncnon w yuu are flying an awmane WREFEEfi’afifiVflfilgfiwfi11Ufiflt
mm a v mloanngwannn sumo aflcmn (channcw mfififiufllfiJ-(gififijmflfififizfifi agfigg
and e‘evalar (channew 2)proporlmmnlhe mm mm.
an www ysky cn om
play any
16.12. Egruscupe [helicupter unlg] maumstuafimfia)
I?" -.,._..‘.-__.... fl .
t ..
x .-
3 _J
\ mummmx-r—v
Tmmncmnauowsyoum amen: me gyroscope on gpflfifimfigwflfigfiififimmflm , 131mg
me channe‘ 5 and m 524 up Ms vame var ham mum and
me up modes Efifiwfiflfiwfifi.
IEJEI. Switches assign fiififl
5‘" -.,,_,.‘.-__.... fl .
Tmsmnchun le|s you assign a swucn «0 m7an me fly Mmfififiifififiifiiflfiwfi‘sfifii , Rfififi
made‘ We made and "name new main": mmwamg.
”5.14. ThruttlE hnld EMJWE
Tms vuncnnn aHaws yuu m scuvme me Imame hold and Mmeamazmimamwmnaimam. ,
m chooEe H5value Once engaged‘memromesuckws Egg , gmngmflmg, fimmnmfigmfina
\gnured and only me se‘eded vame \s ‘ransmmed Emma.
"up w sky en om
lliuilal flmflnlinnal muinnnnlml susmm fS—Ifl
17. Packaging :untEnt agng
N0 Model Sum Remarks
6 channe‘ 2.46
I transmitter (FS-TS) 1
s muefififlfl
6 channel 2 4G
2 receive! (FSVRSB) 1
6 filflefiwm
' — \
User manua‘
3 mm; 1 CD
A Servo (FS’SODQ) Op‘huna‘
mags was
Charger Opuonaw
was: . 312m
IE. FCE Statement
FCC Statement
"us luulpmlmhas bleniukd and hum! tocomwy wumn-nmusvma mass Bdwglia‘davlce pursuant to put 15 or me
FCCru‘es Thu 3 ' us an dislgned m pwwde msonam- proucnon age-nu narnnul mterl Inna In a rasvdemm‘
msuHalmn Tinssqulpmsmglnlrates,uslsanflcan mam. radm Irenuency enevgy sum .4 nu| InsiaHId and um m
accnrdancl mm m numchens, may cause harmlu‘ mterfarlncs m rams cummunicaimns Hewlver,1heve ts nu guarante-
unaumenereneewmnexuesunnepanmummueuauen u ms :qu‘pmem dues cause harmM \nterference m 13de or
le‘evisen yeeepmn, wh‘ch can be delermmed bylurmng xne eqmpmem uwsnd on me user ‘1 encanraged 1» try n: current
me \nterference by ene nr mare loe loHowmg measures
rmcrease me separatlnn between me eqmpmemend receiver
rCnnnect me eqmpmem mm an mmet on e mun mnerenn lmm manawmcn |he Yemen/ens connected
scansun |he dee‘eral an experienced ream/TV nannmlen «a. he‘p
Tasssurecnmlnued eompuenee, any changes nr mndmcehans nnl express‘y approved by me peny responsme Vor
camphencecnmdvmdmeuser‘szuthnnty|oepera|e|msequlpmem (Exemmeuse nmy smemea menace eemes wnen
eannecung m camputerol penpnele‘ devices)
Tms eqummem nomphes wnn Part 15 Mme FCC Rmes Operatmn \s sumeenome «ouowmg m cannmons
(1) Tms aeme may not cause nzva m|er1erence,znd
(2) Tms aeme mus|accentzny mterlerenue vecewed, mcmdmu mteflevence om may cause undeswefl epevzhen
The manulacturer 15 not vasnonsm‘e for any vadlo av TV interference caused by unaulhenzefl modmcahens in nu:
wulpmenl. Such modmcalwens ceu‘d vold the userauthevlfy |e evera|e the wmpmem
fliflilfll llllllllllillllfll [flflifl [iflfllllll SUSIBIII
http://www.f| c E
Copyright ©2008-2012 Flysky (20., ltd

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Metadata Date                   : 2012:07:09 17:53:01+08:00
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