
User manual part II

Download: FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYTH9X 9CH Radio Control System User Manual FS TH9X                          2
Mirror Download []FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY FLYSKYTH9X 9CH Radio Control System User Manual FS TH9X                          2
Document ID1700156
Application IDrKNuALqOWoWWzaFkjLNJbg==
Document DescriptionUser manual part II
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize214.02kB (2675198 bits)
Date Submitted2012-05-17 00:00:00
Date Available2012-05-17 00:00:00
Creation Date2012-05-17 14:02:33
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2012-05-17 14:02:33
Document TitleFS-TH9X 说明书改2
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X5
Document Author: lideping

Und-r the n . hf m, innm
nil)! e. in» new key forlnnl,
um. the null: “nu.
em. meow he, uelect the em
semns mun...“ pm. 1mm 1“,
m mm um um (uh-emu.
iii The most flexible version of travel adjustment
PrunL‘P/Mflk-y“hath-Elm. available. It independently adjusts each end
gzlull'hnnrelnvln‘h:"pln.=“n3flm m of each individual servo' s travel.rnther than
' one setting for the serve that affects both
directions.Runges from“ to 12095,
vavr/uwlmmanhunt-mum mm. Press the UP or DOWM key to select the E. POINT
Press '+'uy'—' key to adjust the END POINT pnsf
Pm, -.n"~ ition for that selected channel.
E-FMNTeo-Hin- m “Ah“ l Press the MENU key to save and return lnst menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return lust
P uenvk r h z t k
"" ansrzturt'llfi'm‘i."‘ N0’l'E:Do not use excessive 5.1mm values as
k“, El’vgflmft 3,35" it is possible to overdrive the servo‘ s linin—
. um travel.
The Throttle hold function is used to practice
nutorotntion and is often use as a safety switch
for electric helicopters.clding the throttle
in the off pusition.lhen the throttle hold suite
is activated the throttle hold function holds
the throttle servo/EEC in a specific position
(normally low or off thruttle)while 311 uther
servos function normally.
key to mm the
ltnteflll'l' er in)
Press the UP or now key to select the T1010 HOLD
Press '+'or'-' key to select the stnteflNT OR ACT)
and change the throttle hold value,
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key tn not keep and return last
in): mi traurn n he: n-ml.
vita" the that: at the mud
sum-fr an“ kly r": in.
mm. 1 . mn .. “mi
pm. [Ir/MW Ill! lelect the sum:
5mm, n-nutilnd pm. until: key
f“ .t-.m im mt mum-ii
rm. uP/nnllm n utmmvnw “HERON:
Effflit‘i‘t‘tttiif The mmot‘ mixing funttion um out servo on such of
the "e ailerunx,und use! then for hot]! aileron and (lap
fittiinmir flip effect, the uilernns raise/Inter simultanennsly.
pm. m, up a. now h, to "1,“ of canine, uilaron functimnuvin: in opposite flirtation!)
m Mm mm» is also perfumzd.
rm '0'n! ' key Ln shut]: the
aim um.
“’ Press the UP or DOWM key La select the
FLAPERON screeni
Prenml‘ kuyfurlhnrl in ks-n Press the '+'°1"
relnlt-nd mm nun. Pru' FLAPERON value.
um kty (n m k==v Ind mm
mm." Press the MENU key to save and return
135 1: menu
Press the EXIT key to not keep and re—
_ turn lust menu EIBEI ENE
' key to change the select
him the PVND
mi. mu try
The Dual Rate and Exponential function alluws
two control rates to be programmed and selected
with a switch. Dual rates and expos are available
mun-ad on 1mm in an the aileron.e1evutor and rudder channels,
"'““- 7 Changing the dual rate value not only affects
§ the maximum control suthnrity but also affects
A the overall sensitivity of cuntroLA higher
"""’"""""‘"°“”"‘“"”"“’“m" rate yields a higher overall sensitivity.’l‘he
@ sensitivity around center can be tailored using
the Exponential function to precisely adjust
ar — lie, LachAMe the control “CL
Press the U! or DOWM key to select the DH! l “P
Pru} IBM; key fnrllhnrt to t.“ screen.
raw t In (“um I". llnni ' " '_”
um. um k“ in mm H m Press + or key to change the select D/R k EXP
k-lp nnd mum in tut mlnu. value.
Press the MENU key tn save and return last manui
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
pm. luv/um
52mm; m...
m um um. m
the 11ch
mm in
Pun m-lnnnc m mm m. me
In“ m1 pva mm m m mm
imnm m. n.
he" I'D/MIMI" m slum
n... '-'u'—' key m thflll m
nimai my "in...
pm. 11an m m lhort (m k p
relultnud return mm
mm key [n In“. r. m nun.
1m mu,
The FS—THBX super has digitsl trims lhic are
different from cunventinnul mechanical trim
elders. Each triI lever is actually a twcfdirention
svitch.Eech time the trill lever is pressed.the
trim is changed a selected amount.When you hold
the trim lever. the trim speed increasesrThe
current trim pesition is graphically displayed
on the start “D screen.The trim suhmenu includes
two functions that are used to manage the trim
Press the UP or DOWM key to select the TRIM screen.
Press '+'ur'—' key to change the selected trim
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return lest
u...“ n.
\ ELZ§“""'
umm key ferlnnl.
rm. uP/uuwu key m,“ m, svvc
ssmuc mlulu.lmd mu KBNII k"
in man into next nut-m.
‘ Prln (tr/ms m mm the mutant
"an...“ H... mm luv
for shark 1m n." lubnnu
nunmnmhmmmuemum mm
Full ‘t'ux'J luv to ell-ml! the
1mm key m mm tn h
and mm. in! mm. r
m [a not ketp ma mu
nu nemu.
Lowers the engine idle for:sitting on the runway
prior tn take off, stalls and spinsmud landingsr
The normal idle setting is a little higher for
easier starts and safe flights with less risk
of deed sticks.
Press the UP or BOWM key to select the lDLEDOWN
Press '+'or'—' key to change the select IDLEDOWN
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return lest
under tn m. of n.- mum
new". mu k-y foxlnnsv
aceela the nu. menu.
rm. up/now kry seiect the m:
smm mam". a a new k"
m mm me em m. mi.
Pun lIP/MIN key seleet the FAIL
sar memms, “a pm. um key
m mm me nut luhlamu.
rnu HF/Wlilw m shun um" m nun.
Press ‘o'm- — key ln nhanle the
leleuedllflll s: m).
new key nu mm (u may
e. “a urn 1." men.
mm mm key for (hurt ta not
inn and tr-urm to tut menu.
Under the em- of the man
Nature, mm. mm by fnxlnnlv
use" the min menu.
rm. [IF/no!" k-y mm m m:
serum menus ore" new key
fax mm lmtu next aubaenu.
em. ur/nnm key "it“ the men '
menu and "is" mu key m than
me em m. m.
Pren W/lwlller m same In um screen
mu taad retura lm neml.Prrll
5m key u not keen and mun
m lenu.
Sets respnnsss in case of less nf signal or
low rx battery (PCM mode only).
Press the “P or DOWM key to select the FAIL SAP
Press + /— key for short and regulate the parameter
(when showing for F/S XX“ for parameter. Press
MENU key for short and see that reads the output
of the eerrespanding passway, regard value read
as the establishing value
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
The timefrecorder is used calculating nemparahle
ho stipulated time unexpectedly,“ the possible
time of flight under the state that the fuel fill
it up with,it is very comvenient.’l‘he pattern of
the time-recorder is the caunt—dovn.Pour time—
recorder from set for time is it is it count to surplus time at interface tn begin
The time—recerder can set forthe settlement time
of 99 minutes and 59 seconds altogether at most.
START:Press TRN switch.STOP:Press trn switch
REST TlMER:Press EXIT key for long time of the
initial pictures
sTAN'l'E:IN1| forbids this function.ACT lauches
the funct'ort.
Wm the noun After establishing time for less
then 59 seconds,warning sound appears in nne
second in every intervalEBilflt sets for time
to finish long and loud.
Press the UP 02 D0“ key to select the TIIIER screen.
Press '+'or'—' key to change the select TIMER
Press the MEN'IJ key tn save and return lest menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last neu
o! the initi-l
am e. pr snv iey farlnni.
me.- the u. n menu.
Preu lie/mm iey "lee the runs
ss'mm; mun.“ pm mm key
in mm lntu next vubmrnu.
Pr ur/ww key "lent the Msmi
uni... M pi... inn-u ii, to; mm
me n.“ in mm
Pnu m up or nnw key to mm
the TKSTIUN er ow),
Preu usnv ar sxlr its; return
[lat menu.
um: in. t. A? n. initial
Mature. preu new key lurlmnl,
noun the Inn- menu.
Press vr/nnm m ulm in. rail:
smut lawn-hi m. nnu key
in mm mu next luhlrnu.
(IF/D0“ m 41. the Film“
in.” pr new in,
m- m" me am in mu.
um kc, far but to kew
t Ilenll.PItll
d mm
11 key so not he
i." lemu.
Display radio’ 5 output to channels l—s.
The serve iubmanu includes two features:
Reel—tune bar—graph display to demonstrate e-
xactly what commands the transmitter is sending
to the servos. (This een be particularly handy
in setting up models with complicated mixing
functions.because the results of each stick.
lever,knnb, switch input and delay circuit may
be immediately seen.)
Servn cycle function to help locate servo problens
prior to inrflight failures.
Press the II! or now key to select the TESNUN or OFF).
Press the MENU key to return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to return last mcnul
FLAPrTRiiassigns the primary flaneron control
to allow trimming in flight of the flap action of
flsperons .(Nute: even if FLAP—TRIM is made active
with AllfDIFF, it will not have any effect The ONLY
function that allows control of the ailerons as flaps
in the AILfDIFF configuration is AIRBRAKE Mast
modelers use AlliBRAKE,or programmable mixes. to nave
the flaps to a specified position via movement of a
suite .
FLAP—TRIM may 81le he used as the primary flap control
in flight by doing so .you can assign (IRS to n 3-
position switch, with a " spoiler en” ,neutral, and
” flapernn " pnsitinn , and even adjust the percentage
traveled as flaparon/spailernn by chsnging the Flap
Trim Lraval (Note that there is only one setting not
independent settings for up and down travel).
Press the I]? or DOV/M key to select the FLAPTRIM screen.
Press '+'or'—' key to change the select FLAPTRIM
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return lest menul
llndax th ms of (h. inns-l
piste". em. mm Ir-y xerisnn.
sees" the min nenu.
um manul. Ind
fur nhen me nm luhmnu.
Preu the up or null key to nsleet
th: MLMFF nereen.
pm. "'nr'>' in (n cheese the
lelcct vein-4
Pre" mm key for short to keen
relultnnd return int menu. Prrll
VII key so not keep nnd return
ef the inhhl
ENII key forlenn.
pm. ur/nnln hey neleet the vulva
32mm; nsmnlmnd m.- mm in
fer nhsrt lute nert nuhnenu.
pm. nr/nnln hey mm the me
mu .e.u...nd pm. inml k=y
fer nhsrt lute nert nuhnenu.
in... mm m n, the... rt. uunu m...
rm- “‘ox'-’ in te eheene the
nelert velus.
he" mm hey for more te keen
"lultnnd return lut menu. Pm-
xx 1‘ key In lat keep end return
Aileron differential is primarily used on 3 or
41am wing: with ans servu(s)opsrating inboard
fllp(S) nn cna ur CH5 A one ,sud Alt—11m centralling
proper lilzran operation cf 2 nilzrnn servos
plugged into Chlnnd CH7.Th= silemns esn not he
moved like flaps when using AIL’DIFFchapt if
using AIRBRADEUiuta that even if you make FLALTRII active
while using AIL-DIN,“ rill net have uny effect ,nNLv
AIKBRAKE Dantrnls the Ailerons is fllpl in the AIL-DIFF
NOTE: lhen changing the pain-icy af A rate ,
" change rate dir‘?" is displayed for A check
plenna set up after pressing DIAL for 1 unwind
and annealing an Alarm displny(GLID only).
Press the up or 1mm key te select the AILDIFF screen.
Press 't'er‘-' key to change the select AILDIFF
Press the MENU key to return lest menu.
Press the EXIT key to return lest menu
funetiuu the: is reslly uede up of e series of
pre-vrnxrsmmed mixes all done for yeu within
the radio AIRBRAKE sinultan-enusly naves the flap
(s)(if installedhfln aileronsfif installed)aud
elevntnr(S),nnd is usunlly used tn make steep
dcsncnts nr tn limit increases in airspeed in dives.
This function is often used even on models without
flaps as an easy way to use the flnperons and
FLAP ELEVATOR mixing together,
Press the II? or DOWM It!) to select the AIRBRAKE screen.
Press '+'nr'—' key to ehsnge the select AIRBRAKE
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key tn not keep and return last menu.
of th- initial
Planner or 1 mm kly tartan,
mu- m- main u-uu.
Pnu HP/Do'll ny tulm tu. rim
samnc "nu-Jud a: null key
far lharl inta nut luhllnn.
mu HP/Do'll m lelecv. the BLBP
my arm, and um. um key
for [hart into am lulu-ml.
m tn aclnat
. "'ar'-' h, to em... th-
at value.
Prau new key for mart ta nap
reault-md return 1- menlLPrcll
5x17 m la nut in nd return
lm menur
ar the initial
new k-y Enrlmnlr
Pru- ur/lxmi hy mm m- cm
summ; “tannin“ nnu uxuu Iuy
far lhcrt ma am mama.
Fran HP/Do'll l-y lac! the v-
ml. menu-and ux law he)
for [hart inta um luhllnn.
le|ec| wihle.
Pru. usuv key for than ta run
remit-mi "turn int unarm-
cm In! an not my and murn
mt menu.
ELEVrFLAP mixing is the first Dre’prcxrammed
mix Iei’ll cover This mix makes the flaps drop
or rise whenever the ELEVATOR STICK 1's maved ,
It is most commonly used to make tighter pylon
turns or squarer corners in maneuvers In most
cases the flaps droup (are lowered )when up
elevator is commanded.
Prcss the l]? or DBWM key to sclcct thc ELEFLAP screen.
Press ’+'or'*’ key to change the select ELEFLAP
Press the MENU key to return last menu,
Press the Ex" key to return last men
[TAIL mixing is used with v—tail aircraft so
that both elevator and rudder functinns are
combined for the two tail surfaces Both elevatar
and rudder travel can be adjusted independently
on each surface.
NOTE:If V—TAlL is active you canntc activate
ELEVON or AILEVATOR functions If one of these
functinns is active an error message will be
displayed and you must deactivate the last function
prior to activating ELEVON.
NOTE:Be sure tu love the elevator and rudder
sticks regularly while checking the serve motions
If a large value of travel is specified when the
sticks are muved at the same time the cantruls
may hind or run out of travel Decrease the travel
until no binding occurs
Press the If! ur DOWM key to select the V’TAIL screen.
Press '+'nr'-' key to change the select V TAIL
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last menut
y runs“,
(he Func-
mu m
Used with delta wings flying wings and other tailless
aircraft that combine aileron and elevator functions
using two servos one on each eleven, The aileron/elevator
responses of each send can he adyusred independently ,
This is also popular for ground model use such as tanks
which drive two motors together for forward and one
motor forward/one backward for turning.
W’ Requires use of Clll and chz
Independently adjustable aileron travel allows
aileron differential.
pr... 'v'nr'-' hay in an"... rn.
when value. l
‘ Independently adjustable elevator travel allows
J} for differential in up vs down travel.
Press the UP ur MWM key to select the ELEV/ON screenr
Press '+'or'-' key to change the select ELEVON
Press the MENU key to return last menur
Press the EXIT key to return last men
Pr-u uwam key has; the new
on menus, and ar s new In]
fur aim ma neat aubaeau.
mu th- up or new m to n
the etavnu amen.
Pr-aa uauu key In: rum n. k n
rmlnrnd rerurn 1m mu. Pro
am rey he not keen and return
last menu.
[Index at. state or the main
vdazurmu-u aauu key fnrlunx.
lcccn the main menu.
rreuuP/uawuhey are“ taeFUNC SNOPROH‘?
smmh manua,nndp umuq This function allows you to execute snap rolls
f" ’h"‘“"‘“’ M" ‘“b"““' by flipping a switch providing the same input
every time It also removes the need to change
dual rates on the achannels prior to performing
Pru: uv/uavuny henna sum: n a snap as SNAPJIOLL always takes the servos to
{gtlshzgg‘y'al'fluffimm'fl k" the same position, regardless of dual rates
‘ _ inputs held during the snap etc
+ Travel: Adjust the amount of elevator ,aileran
Pru-WWI"bu-mmwflflfllb mum and rudder travel automatically applied
Range:-100 to+1000n all 3 channels Default is
m. m mm ”m was of range of all 3 channels
aelertvclue. ' ' Directions :Up to 4 separate snaps may he set
up one for each of the 4direction choices(UP/
right. down/right. up/left )Each snap is fully
adjustable regarding travels and diraatian an
each of the Schannels
Press the UP or Down key to select the SNOFROLL screen.
Press 't'or"J key to change the select SNOPROLL
vo us.
Press the MENU key to save and return last menur
Press the E1“ key to not keep and return last menu.
pre. new key for ahnrt to keen
r. and nanrn u "nu-r.-
am key [a not keen and return
inn uenu.
suture. ere-e uauu key [nxlnlllv
m. the "in lent!
amine pr . mm by
far rhert lmra nert 1 leml.
Preu llP/Wln key 1 act the min
aunt n-numna n am key
far [hurt lntn nut ruteeuu.
Pre" arm: key (or than we hen
reeuiteua return rut uema.Pr=ll
1- hey (a an amp and return
uiotur at“: key miner.
me.- the min need.
l’uu uP/ao'n key . eat the am
§E1Tl§l€ nenul. end vr . new key
er . m inrn nlxr lu mu.
THROTTLE—NEEDLE is a prc- progra-mcd mix that
automatically moves an inrflight mixture servo
(CHBHH response to the THROTTLE STICK inputs
for perfect engine tuning at all throttle set—
tings This Function is particularly pnpuier with
contest pilots who fly in a large variety of
locations needing regular engine tuning adjus—
tments and requiring perfect engine response
at all times and in all maneuvers Also popular
to minimize flu ding at idle of inverted engine
installations th a high tank pasition not
needed for fuel injection engines which dc this
Press the HP or DOWM key to select the THRNEEDL screen.
Press “Hr"! key to change the select THRNEEDL
iress the MENU key to return 1est menu.
Press the 1:er key to return last menul
In helicopter mode the FSlelDX offer three programmable
mixes that allnw stick or mtth inputs to cuntral the
output of twn or more aervns.This function allows mixing
any one channel to any other channel or the ability to mix
a channel to itself.The nil canreuain ON at all times, or
he switched OFF in flight using a number of different
switches. (Refer to chart belov.)llix values are adjustable
from I) to 1001. Each channel is identified by a four-character
name (i.e.,Ailernn-AILE.Elevator-ELEV.etc.).The channel
appearing first is the master channellhe secend channel
is the slave channel.Far eranhle,AlLE-ELEVmu‘_d indicate
ailerau»tn-e1evutnr uixingjach tile the aileron stick
is loved,the elevator will deflect,and the elevatar will
autamatically move in the direction and to the position
based on the value inhut in the prourammable nix screen.
Hiring is proportional,“ small inputs of the master
channel will produce small outputs of the slave channel.
Each programmable mix has a mixing affaet.Tha DHYFOIC of
the airing offset is tn redefine the neutral poaitian uf
the slave channel
Press the UP or now key to select the PROGJHX
Press the MENU key into next submenu.
Press the EXIT key to return last menu.
Ilndnr n. stnu of m. hm.)
mature. men new key m-lnu.
luau tt. u.
1-1nnm.m.., mu, M'Xl’fi:
mu m m um ml ente: the
Min Mix purpose tn accuse af form u: get rid of little
mistake of organism, make it is it can take
the heart conveniently cvun more to have not
‘"""“""""'“M““mm'mm to handle The very wanton one mixes accusing
g, of among the channel.
TN“: disable the function.
um '°""" ACT: enable the function.
" MASTElzselsct intput channel.
run we;—
mm am.
.y n. mu. m
SluAszselect output channel.
§::;;:‘E§§:;z“’:,{,;";;';,t,:,_" Press the m! or Down! key to select the qu1
we: EXIT key {or an L: nut screen.
keep Ind (nun tn lut menu.
Press '*'cr'-' key to change the select value.
Press the MENU key to save and return last
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
rm- UP/Bn'l kuy at the mac
5511le u nd p in law: by
in than u: luhnenu.
w‘r MlX6—7:
rzeonvrlnmluemumuu mu, Mix purpose to accuse of farm tn get rid of little
mutcunazu . .
Ng'm“_|’,lm°“”' " "M " mlstakc of orgmnlsm, make It 1: it can take
' the heart conveniently even more to have not
hmmmnhmmnmlmML to handle. The very untan one mues accusmg
munm-ymummnmmmm of Among the channel.
g, m: disable the function. ALT: enable the function.
pm. up/nam h, n, m... n. MASTEI: select intput channel.
summm mm channel.
CIIlVEwurves have five adjustable pointflow,
2598, 50K, 755 and high.
Press the UP or Down key to select the MIXE screen.
usuu key [orshnrl Luknu , , , ,
“a num- 1m mu- Press + at — key to change the select volue.
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return lust menu
of ta. rem-1
zut' tey furl-ml.
mu. the n. n lemu.
Preu DP/hulll by also the FL'VC
smut men. and u; IINL' key
for men. into nut n. we.
pm. ur/nova kny mm m VlLV
mt mounud I! new key
m men nun nut “en“,
. mm by for mu to
and nturn nu.
sxn h=y re not keep me return
1.“ mm.
Under the . te of the mtni
Dictuzl, pl . rent- by forte-u.
Access the “In man.
em. up/nam key mm the me
ssrm't mm. Ind Dr - arm: by
for lhort me next luhmcnu.
pm. W/nonl key select the man
um menuhuxd p (I new in
far short into next ruhnenu.
n... mlWlIl-y I. than" n. unun urn-m
Pr "'or‘-' my to em“ th-
lclcnt vnluz.
pm. new key for lhart ta keep
mumna nun-n 1m nenuJ’r-ul
exu kcy no net keep and return
lnet loan.
Many models use two elevator servos,plugged
in separate receiver channels. (Flying wings
without a separate aileron control use ELEVON.
V-shapcd tail models usc V—TAIL,p36.)
Benefit '
Ability to adjust each servo' 5 center and end
points for perfectly matched travel.
Ease of assembly. not requiring tornue rode for
a single servo to drive 2 surfaces.
Elevators acting also as ailerons for extreme
stuunt flying or more realistic jet flyindoptional),
Redundancy, for example in case of n servo failure
or midrair collision
Press the UP or DOWM key to select the VILVATOL screen.
Press '+'or'—’ key to change the select VTLVTAOL
Press the MENU key to return last menu.
Press the Em key to return 1
The THROTTLE DELAY function is used to slow the
response of the throttle serve to simulate the
slow response of a turbine engine A 4055 delay
setting corresponds to about a onersecond delay
while a 1001. delay takes short eight seconds
to respond For helicopters sec DELAYS.
This function may also he used to create a “slowed
servo” on a channel other than throttle this
is accomplished by plugging the desired scrvu
(Engear doors )into CH3(THR)throttle into an
auxiliary channel such ass and then using some
creative mixes please see our Frequently Asked
Questions area at " for
this specific example.
Press the U] or DDWM key to select the THRDELAV screen.
Press '*'or'—' key to change the select THRDELAY
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the Exl'l' key to not keep and return lust menu.
hm m mm M m mm]
,,uun.,,mm mm w lurhmu,
m , (we run" 71ch
m w'nmn km m”, vr ”(M
w m pm; u . m
m 5va mm we“, ~,=mb'vt
Pvm e mm m mm m AUX—
m rrmh mu ..»m m, m
m shn'r nvw 1m s‘nmc'u
wvvm' w' ' m m w m um
Press w w m m mm to keen
nu.” MM vx'm
n m m mm to m
H. mm, m M- mu
Defines the relationship between Lhc transmif
nerconuol; and the receiver ouLput for char
nncls 5 9.Also,thc ch9 servo rcvcrsc is usr‘d
m nhanga the ch9 servo d\rcctwon4
Press the UP 0“ DOWM Key to sclnct the AUX CH
Press ”+"0r"
” key to select input channckt
Pr s the MEN: key to savn and return last menu
Pres. the ex" km to noL keep and rcLurn last
Not: that the CM? functions are only visible in the
AUXfCI-I screen when PCM modulation is selected.
The ch!) is net supported in PPM madulation.
.- .K.
of en lnlthl
Pull IlP/Wll key mm m rm
ssmns mum-m px . mm m
for than into um lulllnu. E
The reverse switch function allows electronin
means of reversing the servo's throw .Servo
reversing is available for all 9 channels.
Press the I]? or DOV/M key to select the Reverse screen.
Press '+'or'—' key to reverse the servo direction
for that selected channel.
Press the me key to save and return last menu
Press the ml key tn not keep and return lest menu
'or'-‘ key m raver" m —
dilution for um mm AIL: ”19m"
ELE: Elevator
THE: Thsgttle
RUB: Ru er
”i113 5:1..2‘fi“.'1’;.§.‘3.,“"" GEA: Rettnc tab 1 e landi ng Gear
11:11 key in: llm m not PIT: Ptich (chs)
an mm. to m mm. AUXI : Auxi 1 iaryl
AUXZ: AuxiliaryZ
at In. mum
Pillulny new farlflnlv
ms the main mum, /
Pru- uwamm m "1.“ Lh- mm
sen-1m: luau. ad pr . mm 1."
m mu Into mu mama,
ur/um m 1 cu. m m
new in
mm m 14 mu m m rm ux
m '¢'mr ‘hytanllnltlewb'tnl‘
mum. in um mm“ ehmnel.
Ilndnr m. u n! m mum .
nun. ! . new in farlaal,
mm r. a min man“.
Pull uP/am m mm m PL'NC
sen-m lznus.and pm. new key
to: mm inta next man-nu,
uP/uowu hey mm the m.
n new luv
for mm into next when.
Pun lip/om 1.1 u um. m I. mm mm.
rm. ' or - m n mm m
amm- an ion m um "mm
mm “a
on" “I!
mg m! t on tn 1- menu.
The SUBfTRIII function allows You to electronically
adjust the centering of each servo.Sub trill is
individually adjustable for all B channels,with a
range of torrlZOK.
Press the UP or DOWM key to select the SUB TRIM
Press '+'or'-' key to adjust the sub-trim posi»
tinn far that selected channel.
Press the MENU key to save and return last leuu
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return lest
NOTEzllo not use excessive sub-trim values as
it is possible to overdrive the servo' s maxi-um
The most flexible version of travel adjustment
available It Independently adjusts each end
of each individual servo' s trave1,rather than
one setting for the serve that affects both
directions. Ranges from“ to 12053,
Press the UP ur DOWM key to select the E. POINT
Press '+'nr'-' key to adjust the END POINT pos-
ition for that selected channeli
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the 11m key to not keep and return last
D0 ot use excess ve E POINT values
t s poss hle to overdr ve the servo' s max
nun-k th- kut. n! this mtm
winhltl.wt! new key forlonl,
. th
Frau ur/umm key ml
smma maul. ml u
m shun im next .
rm- ur/unlm key . at; th- u/n
P u...u.,...d urns mm in;
far short lam mt tuba-mm.
vnn ur/mn n, to aim. n; mun strum
Press 't'ur' key to shame the
"1m "in.
EKU k-y to: mm to kelp
a return 1m neau.
“IT ks: m short as nut
The Dual Rats and Exponential function allows
two control rates to be programmed and selected
with a switch. Dual rates and mines are available
on the aileron,elevator and rudder channels.
Changing the dual race value not only affects
the maximum control authority but also affects
the overall sensitivity of control.A higher
rate yields a higher overall sensitiviLy.The
sensitivity around center can he tsilnrsd using
the Exponential function to precisely adjust
control feel.
Press the HP or DOWM key to select the WI! A. EXP
Press "+'cr'-' key ta change the select 13/11 s sin:
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
l'reu vr/nov key mm the TH!
mm. and 9 new kzy m mm
into mt nutmenu.
rm. m/mn tn u rhuau the nu nuts.
m.- '»'u' kc! to chlfllt the
selected "II ulus.
Preu new key m mm to he»
result-lid mum in" unnurxm
is 11 key n m lee: and "tum
last menu
The FS-THQX super has digital trims vhic are
different from conventional mechanical trim
sldersJiach trim lever is actually a two—direction
svitchJiach time the trim lever is pressed,the
trim is changed a selected amount.When you hold
the trim lover.thc trim spccrl increases.Thc
current trim position is graphically displayed
on the start up screen. The trim submenu includes
two functions that are used to manage the trim
Press the HP or DOWM key to select Llle TRIM screen.
Press '+'cr'—' key ta change the selected trim
Press the MENU key to save and return last menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last
Under the n." uf u.- inmu
Pi:lurl.wl- am by [nrlnlllv
w.“ nr/nm hay . w (ho rm
su: nznul,lnd um. new m
for man 1m mt auhuenu.
Inn mm m n n n. nu in mm
u'nru Key in ahnnla m
tcudflml u m).
uanu key m— mm In lu-p
t and mm. 1." menu.
in key m mm tn not.
a trlurn (a 1m luau.
Undnv w. lute n! the mam
autumn". u u kcy lnrlnnl.
pm. nr/num ,
5mm nennnnn pr . 1mm m
m mm «m nut . nun.
Pr. I1P/nnlll h, n m m. mm w
men and am. an key for mu
inns next: luhnslm.
run 1mm in n elem m mm mm. ‘
v as "':r'-' hey tn chmn m
- m vn n..
he" atuu by m lhnrt tn knv
result-ml return I“: new. Pru:
Tm he] [a not keep me mun
nu nun,
Sets responses in case of loss of signal or
low rx batteryfl’CK mode only),
Press the UP or BOWM key to select the FAIL SAF
Press + /— key for shurt and regulate the parameter
(when showing for F/S XX“ fur parameter, Press
MENU key for shut and see that reads the output
of the carresunnding vassway, regard value read
as the establishing value)
Press the MENU key to save And return lust menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return lust
The time-recorder is used calculating comparable
ho stipulated time unexpectedly, or the possible
time uf flight under the state that the fuel fill
it up with.“ is very convenient.The pattern of
the timefrecorder is the cuuntrdnwn.Pnur timer
recorder from set for time is it is it count to surplus time at interface to begin.
The timerrecerder can set: forthe settle-ant time
of 99 minutes and 59 seconds altogether at most.
STAszPress TRN switch.STOP:Press trn switch
REST TlMElzPress EXIT key for long time of the
initial picture
STANTElel-I forbids this function,ACT lunches
the functiunr _ _ _
Warn the mund:AILer establishmg LJme [or less
than 59 secondsmarning sound appears in one
second in every interva1[Bi]:It sets for time
ta finish lung and loud.
Press the HP or DOWM key to select the TIMER screen.
Press. ”+‘or'-’ key to change the select TIMER
vo us
Press the MENU key to save and return lust leuu.
Press the EXIT key to not keep and return last nenu
ry museum“ mnnumir
"no...“ or IBllL' key
pr." Tee” key In my... eh.
.eiett value.
In new key fer lhnrt. to keep
k nines r-(urn int n-ouJ'rnu
s r key ye net keen nod return
lest eenn.
net-en.“ new key ferlunlv
eeem the men.
he“ "P/DHIN ley lelecw the em
sum-t “mm em. new key l
to: than into lull: luhllnu,
' w
Prel lie/homey ieetthe um
um lenu|.ond m it new key
for ehen lite nn
m" the up er unlit by te aim
the AlLDlPF -men.
we,” key te (hlllic is.
no yelne.
rm- usnu hy fer lhnrt te hop
relulwnnd mum Jon ulnuel’ron
sm key ee net he“ nod return
inst llImL
FLAPf‘I’RMassigns the primary flsperon eontralto all“
trimming in flight of the flap action of flsperans ,
(Nate: even if FLAP-TRIM is made active with AIL-DIFF.
it will not have any effect The ONLY function that allows
central of the ailerons ss flops in the AILfDIl’F conff
igurstien is AIRBRAKE lllost modelers use AIRBRAKE.
or programmable mixes, to move the [loss to a specified
position via neyenent of e switch.
FLAPrTRIM may also he used as the primary flop control
in flight by doing so ,you can Assign Clih to s 3>oosition
switch, with A " spoiler on" ,neutrel, end " fleperon "
position And even adjust the percentage traveled as
floperon/speileron by changing the Flap Trio travel
(Note that there is enly one setting not indevendent
settings for up and down travel).
Press the HP or DOWM hey to select the PLAPTRIM screent
Press '+'or'—' key to change the select FLAPTRIM
Press the MENU key to save and return lest menu.
Press the EXIT key to not keen and return last menu.
Aileren differential is primarily used on 3 or
i-servo wings with one servo(s)npersting inboard
flsnis) on CllS or CllS I. Clifi ,snd AIL-DIFF controlling
proper silercn operation of z aileron servos
plugged into Cllland C]l1.The ailerons can not be
moved like flops when using AlL-DlFF,except if
using AlliBRADEOiote thlt even if you make PLAPJRII active
while using ilknlrmt will net heve nny effeet ,0h'LV
AIRBRAKE controls the uilerons us flags in the AIL DIFF
OTE: lhen changing the polarity of a rate ,
change rate dir?" is displayed for a check
Please set um after pressing DIAL for 1 second
and canceling an alarm display
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
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XMP Toolkit                     : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:08:04
Modify Date                     : 2012:05:17 14:02:33+01:00
Create Date                     : 2012:05:17 14:02:33+01:00
Metadata Date                   : 2012:05:17 14:02:33+01:00
Creator Tool                    : CorelDRAW X5
Format                          : application/pdf
Title                           : FS-TH9X 说明书改2
Creator                         : lideping
Document ID                     : uuid:0f62a917-f0f1-4e5b-95b3-8e216ab9303b
Instance ID                     : uuid:584d54d6-fc3e-46d9-b41c-2965175eeaee
Producer                        : Corel PDF Engine Version
Page Count                      : 25
Author                          : lideping
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