FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY UFO01FPV00 FPV wireless video transmission system User Manual

FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD FPV wireless video transmission system

User Manual

Download: FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY UFO01FPV00 FPV wireless video transmission system User Manual
Mirror Download []FLYSKY RC MODEL TECHNOLOGY UFO01FPV00 FPV wireless video transmission system User Manual
Document ID3639679
Application IDWBDtNaL1Pi+P2aMUc6J8WA==
Document DescriptionUser Manual
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize225.92kB (2823947 bits)
Date Submitted2017-11-15 00:00:00
Date Available2017-12-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-11-15 16:20:42
Producing SoftwareAdobe Acrobat 11.0.22 Image Conversion Plug-in
Document Lastmod2017-11-15 16:20:46
Document TitleUser Manual
Document CreatorAdobe Acrobat 11.0.22

KYDSHD 2.4GHz FPVey-tiem
DI“) -EDEI'd man/taf-
Hitwll— FE:9— mm mm
mavfi— FEza—E8Ht\bfb\kfiitufl&5:fm¥fa
fifi-I—filzflllb‘tflslzslwukakmn 50mm!“
t-Jzasfihlzkv-Ha‘liflfll1( .—.._ ‘.
Thankyou for purchasing the KYOSHOONBOARD MONITOR. To use this
product safelyand enjoy its full performance, please read thIs Instruction
manual thoroughly.
rThlo symbol Indlootol when quIon Io ouorttlol to
llloldl u to nil or I‘m-l.
Ill.” :mulmno. ”roommate-us.
"MEN!" rTIlb symbol point: out notions Ihot you lhould NUT
do to avoid .. Ibh “In! - I "add"!!!-
“mannerisms“ airman-m". WISH!
gtfllts mtfi<flbtlfi§NZ7 Flttfziglfifilflmf (
UThIs model Isdagned tothlgh pertorrrlanoe. Ifyouarenotfamllarwtlh
the assembly, phase ask help from an expel! toassernhle eonectiy.
mtfiilflilt. rev—owes?“ ‘J moi-streams I5
ifiaifilbiK 753m
Cliou are resporldhlefordtesafeoperoflonohflsprodllctsopleese
ensure the eatery ordiosearound you In case somedring unespecsed
ozaihrwllmtmmrua ‘J 51“. fil'l‘lit U Stile.
UThIs produn Isdeslgned forpeople aged ”years oroldert It Is not a toy.
ottoman-z ~ mm. Helm-Flay FU—am
{79—19 H mwezawfialt. Mle 11”:
“71' —'\"/Xiw€ t'. th‘flfi‘fl‘wflfl‘i ( 7635‘-
OSIgnsI Interference can attest performance so please wold using In areas
with strong nugnerlcneldsrodiowamotrsdanonsnd wireless
fimmflwfilmlzfiw ( iEfl‘lr‘.
OUse only the halterycharger specified.
09 a — i‘listi’klmsihfilfiflt‘Ui‘flltflUV—I‘WFU
WM Wfiflli Ltt‘lK 753i».
oshort emit nraycause lire oracridentso never disassemble ornrotify
the Lithium Polymer befieryt
QU4'7MU7—K'y'7' U —Efl‘=mm7§h‘fln§3‘e W
T6k$flmf?0wmlifllfkhkh‘r( 76m».
Quthiurn Polinler batteris oontail toxic metals. Ari etpleding battery is
emernetydlngerousso neverput Infie.
2U4'7MU7—K'y'7' U mmmlmfutmixmu E
t. lr‘r
ocbntinualy nwnhordreclorge while charging is in pragr-.
OfiHHM'FQEEfiRtEm muowufieu.
QDoNOTdI-ge in direetsunltginorinpaeeswidr high ternpslturs
mmtemtmoeawxme WNW” Lftlw-T- U
—ItMlTM LN»? < litu-
Qoonotattenpttedr-geadarnaged battey.nrisrrerycauselireor
serious damage
$9 'flEthfiMflN—IiWFU—kmmkhk
rm —
m mmttummnmmn
Masseuse old udiiurn Peiinrtr haderitsia marge-sirens prtser-e
m mtkEfzbflfl - ”mm L
CI» notmrelhu model In hightenperdnlrelhllnliltyalea orlndlrectsllllght.
fizi—H’e it Lit: ‘J . ken-7 s V 7E5itie‘1‘( iEé’L‘.
“void droppilg ltd othershocloto the monitor.
Olil (I' {all maxflomewm U:
UT< 753“.
“volt! using M product In bed welther (run, mounting wind) and In
pootvubillty cont-loans (regret
“Zi—flhfliilz ‘1 I~ molesters“. museum!)
was ewu 75's?“
OMonItor end carnal wilt use unnamed electronlc components. Do
natallawthenttogetwetrsdritcsn nose damage.
maturation ”iii: w I~ lasele‘mll‘cfim LT<
o. It‘-
Quee- powerswflyoflesstmn sfivforthe carrier- ureter hlgner
voihge can cause danoge
“ZQ—Eut— i‘t‘y hm U itin- liv? u—mmsts
ekfiltfl ch‘t EIEBAETIW 7“ U —%liflf( ( 75be
UThIs monitor has no outocut-oitfilncllon. When not using It. plelse be
sure to rerninre the batteryto avoid over discharge
OEtlIW'L'hi 51:1! teamwgumnmus Flu—“Ar:
MLII’l‘l‘FPl/mfi (2M segmental?) renewal: Lk
b‘aTflfiflmanfiHU if.
cwnhin Japan, the lap-rm aviation low roqulm a Iloonu approval for the urn
uf FPIIflight mntrti (Iran i met: "rimmed on the Mel) of“? iirplirrs
heheoptes and drones weighing more than zuog iincluding -nrera term,
momma-1m i‘wmfflmfl:
Uflll: LET. ET; minimum Tfilfifi( 35.“ U ET.
Cinder: transmission range of this produn isup to 60m Video oarsmisiori maybe
intenupted untapped ilused beyond this range. And. there is a usethitthe
distant: boonnos short Irythe entourage.
”W“ (H I Hi. EEQE) Eilr‘TllCEfil'Mflb‘EFIthTL‘ab
oerrrriinn that nc models are allowed in public plots (eernpletrain
ttatlonulrpotts etc)
mfl7544— Mimi-Tm (1521‘-
octonsider the privacy ofother people,
754 I (9—fifll: “7455 Privacy Warning
Mfr-Ir- TAHmuifil-Efl?itkl& iDIlAOJ4i—9t75—i'l (9—
EEETEWGU. lfimtfllbfl‘hitlm ammo/tame
475—29 tsreumaawmmrsmmm mt
RT¥0AM5HEJWT< fit?“ (1—95'77530Mmfim
l'ilr. “Ehflfim'bflfiflfi ( “Ush‘lfi U. “menace
M U it 71: 512-1 twfiflfitfifitfl towels-tame? L?
unauthmaed recording and distribution ofvldeowlth Imlgs ofotler people run
Inirttglng their prl Ind could result In Ilaollly Issues. Please ask prtor
pennin‘on, Wolvl video will be pomdor used on the immune! orotherlnefi,
Do not publish video that is lilreiy to ernaartssr or hurnilate otter people.
Ute ofthls pioduot for sunreilllnoe Mother people Is stnctly piohtbned Ind
moy be punish-ole under Ilw.Mlke sure use of the amet- unltfolwrsthe
laws and regulations governing priracy.
I Fantasi— Fiza— at: Mill livastio OIIBDAIID MONITOR
“17 '— FEZQ—tldmliufimmflfiiilzv hw-
fixilzw PEI? PEI—7s meancufllzletreen 5&0637
Kw Ir WLTL‘éb‘WGMK—fimiza—TmfiEHL
It: U. ”i5m747 DSDt— FGEMT§.M*§T. tk» HEDAV?’
gglbimAVMfiinPVj—flllrlzm L'CmeWifi Lwtflfl
The KVOSHO Onbolrd Monhorhul been designed for use with RC model] with a
general purpose wireless amen unlt. Mountthe umere unit on an RC cor, drone
or tsnlttu recreate the eitperience of riding in the mudel's cockpit and bantrblnng
the model while viewing in first peson on the rnoniwmndeu datacan be recorded
and saved to micro sir card (sold separately). In addition, the monitor can be
connected to rpv goggles equipped with AV input terminal using an AV eable
(sold separately) for a lull rw lrnnrerrion etperience
. 117 I‘VE! Items Induded
Oniilzv P OLCDEZ'i—
0 Camera unit. 0 LCD Monitor
WIW “xi-x 7 I~ mzl W331 P1531 P OfififiF—fiz
0 Attachment for KT-ZSI Pimp/531 P T! o Double-Sided Tape x z
0000 5
. FElfyi/f'fffl7 ‘79 s 77"*7x4
0 Form Cushion'lapeforbrone RecerxA
327m 5
Indudes to “mm:
CEIHIEE;*7 x 5
D Wiring Tape x 5
ouss Charger
0 Battery for Monitor
OMQEIEQJ 277 —ammrm
Q Canvaslon connedoi for N {Emmi
were: zafi—BUmml
meusion conmmtiur Mill-1m)
l more
<17l512‘y l~>
Glossary of min parts
un— F


 neon? comm-z
REC Button DOWN Button
swore? Mammy , t ~
SNAP Button VIEW Bum" Hfifimon
_ icrosnxu-y i-
Lcor47dw '“
LCD 5mm \ mlcm so slat
AVIflhM? g
‘V ”mm“ mm?
Power sw
79 ‘y 7')‘ 7 h/EHIHEEZ
Attadrnrent/triped Screw
l atria-once?» (i FIZI—‘J [4—9—7223 mm
Preparing Your RC Model (car, Drone Racer etc.)
“Timiflwmmmzt‘ s NIfilZL'UJJ'? 2-5 i~
iEIHKZMl—‘(Ofi'é'b‘s hXEJZ-y hummer-or. If/XflJ
please read together with the ilstruction rnarrual otthe model and teem the cornection
inupe then connect the carries unit to the recehrer tcoordingly.
The mmrl unit on be Ilstnlled In either up ordown orientation. Lens tngle can also be
adprsted upand down by hand
1. Fu—yb—V—«m Mounting on Drone liacer
mlalz-y titan”)
Mountihe camera unitmthe i
Drone Ibcer using the
doublesidedtape § Q at
jiafi—tfikca Ply mention totlle orienmfiln!
Insert mnneaon
Fix the winng with the included
iapesodlatdte mble orthe
antenna does not cover the
uhlasonlc sensor.
y‘JU—Xfim Mfllnflngnnlhe MINI-ZSerIfi
K‘_y‘yl W—liMlfiSflfli/wifi: lfirwfl'fflmk‘
xfan notbeinsialied on MINI-ZmiggyAndnotcompethkwlm all bodystyis
iEZ'y‘y-‘Jfolmmi ere-14 osmamw i~
TatfiltbxiflmmURUfla EfiLklflfifilmfiflgfifl
lWhen irmalled an the MINLZ Series, ante the batterifi are insertzd in the
chassis, the pnmerto the camera unit is ON, regardles ofthe receiver switdl.
when not running the model, always remove the Interim or unplug the
mezzo I-Efiifl)
emit—Tc in.
Mount the camels: Imlt m the
Drone Racer using the
double-sided tape,
U7?” <—:I.:-y I-Eln‘fa
Remove rear shock unit.
Secure the immersion connect“
to the battery box terminal with
the lloing screw.
Pay atteritiun tothe polarih/i
1:15:12? rtflifl)
Mount the camera unit to the
Drone Racer using the
double-sided tape
Mounting on other RC cert
W! fifimwfitd'flts
Depending on the stone ofthe
chasdsyou may need to make
yourown mourning stay.
Insert a standard receiverconversion
fimkkGFYl‘. tialz 9 HSSHVJX'FW L1 <
t. L‘-
voltage an uuse dlrrlogl.
I E29 fl!!!“ Preparing the monitor
liza—rertwi-u—wnl chargingthe hatteryrormonitor
0 Usmmfl‘l: zaemsw— Htimit
Insert USB plugi‘ronr tile Usediarger i'ntnUSB MMPC
0 usmmmfi-u—mowmnsfin
Connecnhe batterymnnectnr to the diarglng pIug or use charger.
While charging lamp is an. the battery is charging,
[ED lamp
ray mnlixltmtte ortenuiionl
O LED§77lfiI£flLchfllfii£7sl (w?U~t}tliifl59iLZ¥4 v7 Swltoilng power art and hlndlng
flifllflikfliklflifilfii‘hlit-E:¢—01(4>¥»r “17
(EZB—b‘blstfl-TSZ kIEfiRL‘ET. 71! 5&529—0IE
lzfi‘f'lmkfli EEZQ—l: [Binding news Please w] .
‘é‘hs Wbliviilm') KT. WSNAIQR'B I“!
Anti L1 < 1530. efiifl—fifluiflbkfiitfi5 Efifi
Tikiu. hiikiza—ufiflmmlhf(fifln
Eadifinretltepunerissvritdiedontliesznera uritmd monitorautomatisaliy
bind lnurnimr registers with the amend). when power is switdied on in
am of Camera -0 mm, the messay Timing mwl. Please will-u" MII
be displayed on the nronnor, user a reuseeonds the vision from rheumeru
Mllappearonmernonnnr. Ifdlenntenvuondosrlormonmemlmr,
turn povrerotrsridonegam.lrpowerissunteriedonemieidenue.nrm tsoih
devices ufland then on again iryou wish to oont'mue using.
. 529—403“ Munltor function
Lear/m Function oresch tuition
M screen
up int-rows lncressesoeenisrigritness
WWN Eli“( TS Deere-seam brlgmnss
View 7 a IM’EIIIQQT: nlspllly folder screen
REC m Start/ Stop video
SNAP ”m“ lel mllhl
- THIAGEII raidersnsen
Pay attention to theonematlonl
3. “79 a f} 7 me u or) Athdl'ng TransrnnterAuzclimenr
(KT-m P(+)B3I P/szl n (KT-7.11 P-t-I 33I P1531 P)
Foiipwstepsi tostoinstail
EH! G'Ia'fi)
Tripod (sold separately)
1749 nsnfs— meofik inserting micro so csrd [sold sepmtem
fl flfifitfiéfifitéfifii'fl’ 7 El
tfifiifibffikbf< 753W
To save video and still images, insert a
micro SD Gld (sotd separately) Into the
micro SD (1rd slot (note the dilemma).
u» h—‘ertlm Mow-aimrirp
Down a—vrrrt'Fizim mum-widow"
Jzfii—mfiiifixii DEL ;—9§:im Delete data
PLAY 7am?“ ?—§i§ choose foldewhybadt data
slick mmEa Return to previous screen
2 eza—maasnl Morirmr brightnes adjustment
)‘ 1’ 7IIIII’l' HIP] I'DOWNJ $9 Vifiklllimlfiizfin’l'fit
On memlnsaeermsh main ween "UP'I'DOWN‘ brimmedjln brim
BMGJL‘FEE rlpimsgepriernuupn
E25 le i'UPJ 7155 7&5mifi was tfi!§t‘FEE1‘iET.
Push and hold 'UP’ button on the monltor for 5 seconds to flip the Image
shown on file rmniloL
4- name Record vIdeoilE
Ezfi —tD FREQ $5 wasnmmmasa.
rREG $7 7&5” Lffi!§1?lt Lflb‘tmmthfifl'be
Push the 'REC" button on rhe monlrnrm record video
amount Capturing still lmagsiu
E29 —0) I'SNAI’J 7155 VéfiTtfitfiEmifT.
Capture still images by pushing the “snow button on the moniton
amt-muses Video/soil image pIuybafiK
721U§Efi§fitb WM] Effli rUPJ 65771‘7rlllytflvc
I'PLAVJ $5 71‘7 tlbfi’flflliiiifi LET.
“If I'VIDEDJ 7 all/m”) WIIXIOJ s ”Mill: IPICI'UREJ 7 z-
rme FFlcom 7dlb§ic7 rrluflfifienzuft.
Go (to the Folds 5mm and mixture desired folder using the "UP'ar WWN'
bulmrls. Pidl (he “PLAV' button to men the desired folderyiden dam Is saved
in me ‘VIDEO‘ iolderwlth files named ‘VIDoo’and still image data ls saved In
the ‘PICIUE' foider with the name WW. Use the UP’ lid ‘DWN' buttons
mseiecttredesirednleand push -mv-toplayhacktrevideoorsullnogeon
the monitor.
7.fii§?—9mltmnt Deleting saved darals
7zlbmiE1—1L I'DGWNJ titit IUPJ fRfi ‘11’7rllffi'ilfit
I'PLAVJ $9 717 trWo‘t’Qiar-Ts L512
rulers: lVlDEOJ 7dl|lmm lleoon e ”MR FPlCruliEi 7}:
Wm”) I'PICODJ 7 zlbfl27 7 “batman-tugs.
I'UI’J rDOWNJ ZR? 71‘7 7flb§iv I'DELJ ZR? “JflJELfiVa
(in no the Folder sueen andselectlhe dearer] tolderuslngtrle'UP’ or ‘DWN'
bum-is PM the 'PLAV' button to open the desired foldeereo data Is saved
in the 'VIIIECV' Mrwifli fiI‘ namsi MM' and still image data is saved in
the "PICIURE' foIdEr wlth the name’PICm”. Usefiie UP' Eli 'MWN' humus
flea the dn'ed file and push 'DEL'tn dehtelhe videoorstil inageon
r mnnlmr.
nt4ir57mfltflh’n07'f 7 DSDfJ— Pm’L‘T.
litror functions 4 to 7, a micro so mid (sold separately) is required.
ll Avlth‘r Av output
fiimsmmmv7—7rlzfirtvflmfilmt (‘ks Wiza —it‘5
Data is swimI'Ed In EXEmaI output when an 35mm 4 Pole AV table
(sold separately) is cannectedfmm the AV outputterminal an the monitorto
in mental display
ssnnn 535757 \nvfia
3.5mm 4 pole mlni plug AV plug
. 2&7K—“IUZI‘ SPARE PARTS smmsrfissmlusrmv.
wai— th‘ 2-3 H2
8272401 unheard Camera UnitiZAGHIJHz)
aomm Itflfiwfi—tm MEIEI/Ezw‘ymfil)
327W” 50mm (onverslon connector Set int/Mini-Z) 7°“
WEIATT‘ 15 77‘- 7(MN
“WWWA Cushion rapet4pcs)
Comp ance Information Statement (for EU
Spflfifimfim “darn EIRP
MM m mm mm
RF PM! WEI!!! m _1EEI|| EIRF
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby. Kvosrio Carpal-slim dealer- that the Rafi: Egiiprn-nt type is in
iaimplionoe wilh RED 201NBSIEUJ'he ruli tear! urine EU not: is ml: otit-e
rollovrtng Inbmet lddrus: httpdllwmmoornlenmwfldwimexmml
Hitmk Btu-Br! diu firm. KVOSHO wanfiurl. d“! it Funkllliafl! dun
Mill-n dlf RED MINES/EU ulhpricm. Dll' Vollmdlflt Till dllflr EU
Verscrnrn hann unler mend-in Llnk mariner-en ward-n:
Dlohlarazione dl oonformltit
con I: present: in cm: KYUSHO Carper-Iron diaries: one "ammo a
miniature ella norm REDznwmIEu. II turn mot-h di queer: nflmil EU putt
more viimatn spray-rte lI mgr-onus ilk: http Ilkyustnmmlorvcuppmldmllmuntml
Declaration de conform“
Per Il priumn, KYDSHO cow-lion doom qu- retyp- do mmrhl dl redid m
mflhm a RED ZEN/53! EU. Ll Ml Inmi dl I'UE Doc 01 dIIpnnNI i
l'sdreeee lntamert euivame: Nltpdlitynemmmlengleunmnldmndnmnl
Doclaraclon de Conformldad
unumldsd mRH’ZOMfiS/UE Elmoornpimdeidpoumnlodelsus eel-
dipmibie on is ours-rte emoirn ds line-net: nttpurrryoetnoomrewerppomdocnndeunnrr
The enuresis) used I‘nrtrie runsmiltor mm ha installed to provide e spar-Eon
dist-irrepretle-stmomiiomeil personund muslnot beeo-tooetedor
aperetirgg in mnjunctlon with any otheriranemittar. End-um and inetalers. nut
b. prom-d Mlh lnlflim Inshlllflon Inmcllonl Ind filnlfifllr our-Ilia
narration: rorsarlsrylng RF mesuls oonviianoe.
Dre Amenne(n), die rueroroeen Sender vomeiiriet warden, muoeeen so lnetalllert
wad-i. dale elne Mlndemnz von 20 om zu Panorten peg-bun lot. mdern
dis-tr duu'IEn sie nietn mil oer-rem undrae Muriren pder enoeren Type vervrendet
warden. Amend-r und Emmeisohermu-mn unbodlnqt db
Antenneneinb-uenlemmg und die Sendergeoi-uohumreiwna Watson. d-nt die
i-jnhertlm oer niohihnien zur Hominguenzstrehiung gen-om tel.
La (la) amsma (e) um (e) bequests llasmilteme Mom) case's ildalmale
In menleu tale 1 oer-min IIII diet-tn nitrirne dl 20 om de pencil. o NON
devout: eseue usele per mmillenli di eltre militate n iipi. El uteriti devprro
llwlutlmlm- mature Io Iltmziovli dl mmlflglo def Interim a do“!
trumitanlo. par lilwfllla i requisiti in malaria di ulwlilions dis union-went
L'urnierine (a) irlilisée (s) pour eel Emmet: unit are imilée n une dist-nee d‘ou
mulrl 20 an do hulls. panama! at no ant pl! Gtre llluie all on Hun mac un
um Mun-Ur.
Les ullntnrrr: ilriulrx at he installer-ire dulvnnt disposer dos instructions
d'lnltllllfion de I'llihrine at del oondlflnm de Imlficmemenl de I‘emelteur pal
so oornnrrner e l'expr-ition RF.
Le (a) urn-is (c) minds (c) porn on ornieore dots- (n) oer inmlasll (s) pare
pmpmdorllr unl dlatlndl de sop-melon de el menos 2a em detod-s In
y no u duh ubieer rl operarwnlum-nrenh eon nluunn oh- whore. Lon
usuerbs iinoioc y Ins minimise donors disposseroo lee inetruooionos do
Intuition do is 1mm: y do in oondlelon-t do int-don do is omltoru pen
sorivreora el oumpimienio de lo empsroion a RF.
Elwlrorimwium rrlentily dune-ll
Old electriml nppiinnoeo must not be disposed orrngether wlIh ihe
mldusl M but have to lie disposed creep-mien. The disposal
etth- mmmll-I ailscfrlg poi“ vil private perspi- is furfru. The
own-roleld sppiienm re mspomitsre te anng ir- sppunau to
lheoe consoling points orto slmlllr oollsoton polrne. wrth lhle liltle _
per-mi anon. you mitrihutatn rmld- valuaure raw nut-rials end
rh- Imam-m ottoxh: siltieienoes.
KYOSHO European distribumr I contacting list.
Company Addrossl Teluphum I Web Sim
mt. my???“
in r flu is
Pm“, (+33) to) 154mm
moon hnodewkyodroeurop-ounl
Pit-Fleuri 31. 1225
PIen-lss—Oufitns. amtzertend
zAg. Tnedos str.. eryieere
”Aw. Mb,“ 1ee74 Athens Greeoe
(can) 2198610206
111 Fllllkn Aural. Kanlglwa moose. JAPAN
Phone: (or) 45 229 15"
. um Specifications

94x: Laaxwzssxu 133 mm
ll : iglzg
l msiIg (ltry7u—atr)
Hm : 480x272pix llll utyflruamrznpix
7b—Ab— I~ zanfps lt-yT'J— : 3.7v-rirolrmrth uPo
IIA : 50' lilil7r-rMBit : AVI
not; 2 1404115 FHSTfiE flit-7 rflbmfi : JPG
I! : awjvnc imam : NBC
fill! : 270mA iii}?47 2 nuerosnfl— F
mmmsmmmzmm) illiitzzsornn
(LCD Monimr>
Sill: L‘ITSXWBSJXH 28 mm

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