Faria Instruments Is0246 Users Manual IS0246a_build

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Owner’s Manual
Depth Sounder

with Dual Temperature
(Flush Mounted, Remotely Switched)
• Digital Depth Sounder displays depth
in feet and meters
• Shallow and Deep Water alarms
• Alarms are Audio and Visual
• Programmable Keel Offset


rev. A ecr# 6875 4/2007

Blue (SW Mode)
Green (SW Down)
Grey (SW UP)


Air Temp. Sensor
(Sensor Signal)

(Air Temp Sig)

Black (-)
(Signal ground)

Black & Shield


Water Temp. Sensor
(Sensor Signal)

(Water Temp Sig)
(Signal ground)

Standard Transducer

Black & Shield


(Water Temp Sig)



Air Temp. Sensor
(Sensor Signal)

(Air Temp Sig)

(Sensor Signal)

Blue (SW Mode)
Green (SW Down)
Grey (SW UP)
Black (SW Ground)

(Signal ground)

A - Ground
C - Water Temp
B - Signal

Black & Shield

SN1036 Transducer


WARNING: The depth sounder is not to be
used for navigation or as a device to avoid
grounding which may result in boat damage
or personal injury. Always use caution
operating in shallow areas and maintain a
very slow speed. Be aware that depths may
change too quickly for you to react and avoid
CAUTION: Disconnect the battery during
installation. Tighten nuts on the back-clamp
only slightly more than you can tighten with
your fingers. Six inch-pounds of torque are
sufficient. Over-tightening could result in
damage to the instrument and may void your
1. It is recommended that insulated wire
terminals, preferably ring type, be used on
all connections to the power source.
2. Connect any one of the black wires to the
boat’s electrical ground, usually available at
several locations near the instrument panel.
3. Connect the purple wire to a 12 Volt
DC circuit that is activated by the ignition
4. Connect a second black wire to the water
temperature sensor ground.
5. Connect the white wire to the water
temperature white sensor signal wire.
6. Connect a third black wire to the air
temperature sensor ground
7. Connect the red wire to the air temperature
white sensor signal wire.
8. Follow the enclosed instructions for
installing the transducer with the adhesive
9. Connect the blue wire to the “Mode”
switch positive terminal.
10. Connect the green wire to the “Down”
switch positive terminal.
11. Connect the grey wire to the “Up” switch

positive terminal.
12. Connect a black wire (ground) to each of
the switch negative terminals.
13. Once the transducer is installed and you
have lead the cable to the depth sounder,
connect the three wires (black, blue, and bare)
from the transducer to the corresponding
colored wires of the connector plug using the
butt connectors supplied. (See Illustration)
1.) The bare and black wire from the
transducer will need to be twisted together
and then both connected to the black wire of
the plug.
The butt connectors have a heat activated
waterproofing. When the butt connections
have been crimped, slowly apply heat with
a heat gun until you see sealant coming out
of the connector ends. It is recommended to
wrap the connections together with electrical
tape for further protection. Plug the connector
into the rear of the depth sounder.
2.) If the transducer cable is not connected
properly or not plugged into the depth
sounder, or the boat is not in the water, the
display will blink when the power is applied
to the unit.
3.) (If not part of the Transducer) Mount the
Water temperature sensor as low as possible
on the transom.
4.) Mount the Air temperature sensor
anywhere in the boat other than the engine
compartment. For best results place sensor
away from direct sun light.
General description:
1. The depth sounder will display depth of 3
feet to 199 feet. If the reading is less than 19.9
feet, 1/10th increments will be displayed. If
the reading is more than 19.9 feet, all readings
will be in whole numbers.
2. The depth sounder has an audible and
LCD displayed depth alarm with adjustable

shallow and deep limits and a depth below
keel offset feature. These settings once made
are stored in memory and will remain even if
the battery is disconnected.

zero. Pressing the “Mode” switch temporarily
deactivates the alarm. To reactivate the alarm
press the “Mode” switch until the depth
reading appears.

1. Power on. The depth sounder will activate
automatically when the power to it is initially
turned on. You do not have to press any key.
The LCD will illuminate showing the depth
in the upper display. The lower display will
show a “W” and water temperature.

3. Keel offset. Pressing the “Mode” switch
again displays the “KEEL,” keel offset
setting. This can be set so that the depth
sounder either shows the depth below the
keel or the depth below the transducer.

Press the “Up” switch and the lower display
will change to an “A” and the air temperature
will be displayed.
Press the “Down” switch to return to the
water temperature display.To turn the depth
sounder off, press and hold the “Mode”
switch for 4 seconds. Pressing the “Mode”
switch again will reactivate the unit.
NOTE: The instrument is designed to have
the internal LED lighting remain on as long
as power is supplied even if the unit is turned
“off” by the “Mode” switch.
2. Depth alarm.
Deep mode: Pressing the “Mode” switch
again displays the “DEEP”, deep depth alarm
setting. This is the deepest water that will
activate the alarm. Press and hold the “Up”
or the “Down” switch to adjust the reading to
the desired depth.
Shallow mode: Press the “Mode” switch to
display the “SHAL”, shallow depth alarm
setting. This is the shallowest water that will
activate the alarm. Press and hold the “Up”
or the “Down” switch to adjust the reading
to the desired depth.
When the depth of the water is less than
the shallow depth alarm setting the audible
alarm will sound rapidly. When the depth
of the water is deeper than the deep depth
alarm setting the audible alarm will sound at
2 beeps per second.
NOTE: To fully deactivate an alarm, reset it to

Press the up or down arrow switches to adjust
the reading to the desired depth no more than
19.9 ft.
For example if the bottom of the keel is 2.5
feet below the transducer and you want the
depth sounder to read the depth below the
keel, the display should be adjusted to read
2.5 FT.
NOTE: Once a keel offset is programmed,
the shallow and deep alarms will be activated
by the depth below the keel.
Change the unit of measure. The lower
display will show “UNIT” and the upper
display will show either “US” or “EURO”
for metric units. Pressing the up or down
switches will cycle through the choices.
Pressing the “Mode” switch will save the
units shown in the display and change the
Back to the normal depth mode. There will
be no units shown in the displays. It will be
up to the operator to determine the units from
the temperature reading.

Display Sequence
Depth and
Water Temperature

Press and Hold
the “Mode”
switch for 4
seconds to turn
off the Depth
(The Temperature
will still display until
Power Off.)


Quick Press
the “Mode”
switch to move
between the









Use the “Up” or “Down” switches
to change settings.

Use the “Up” or “Down” switches
to set the Shallow Alarm depth.

Use the “Up” or “Down” switches
to set the Deep Alarm depth.

Use the “Up” or “Down” switches
to adjust the Keel Offset.

US Standard Units.



Depth and
Air Temperature

Metric Units.

Use the “Up” or “Down” switches
to change between unit types.

Copyright 2007 by the Thomas G. Faria Corporation, Uncasville CT No part of this publication may be
reproduced in any form, in an electronic retrieval system or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the company. Faria® is the trademark of the Thomas G. Faria Corporation


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