Faurecia Clarion Electronics QY8350 Car Navigation User Manual 17 32

Clarion Co., Ltd. Car Navigation 17 32


User manual 17-32.pdf

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Document DescriptionUser manual 17-32.pdf
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Date Submitted2016-03-08 00:00:00
Date Available2016-03-09 00:00:00
Creation Date2016-03-03 09:25:46
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Document TitleUser manual 17-32.pdf
Document Author: Stephan Huck

the scroll cursor is
displayed on thewmap.
J ‘
0 [ Slow ] (Slow Scroll)key: Displayed
only on the 2D map. Turn on the
Slow scroll mode. Scroll cursor:
Displayed when scrolling the map.
9 Displays the name of the street
under the cursor.
Indicators displayed during the route
guidance mode
After a destination is set and travel-
ling is started, the guidance route
and various guidance information are
displayed on the map.
Ff /' i (.‘r ' I (’3
0 Small Turn Arrow display:Displays
the turning direction and distance
to the next guidance point.
9 Guidance point:lndicates the
guidance point
9 Distance to the waypoint/
destination:The distance from the
current location to the next way-
point or destination are displayed.
Manipulating the Map Screen
lScrolling the map
Touching the Map screen displays
a cursor at the centre of the screen,
and you can scroll the map. For the
2D map, touch the map to move the
map to the touched position, and
keep touching the map to scroll the
map towards the touched direction.
For the 3D map, touch the upper part
of the map to scroll the map toward
the touched direction, and touch the
left or right part to rotate the map
while touching.
lSlow scroll mode operation
Touch sue: while scrolling the 2D map
to display the following screen:
I am W96TH$Y ‘
Keep touching the desired arrow key
(‘Wllm ' .) moves
the map slowly towards the corre-
sponding direction. To quit the slow
scroll mode, touch fl"-
lZoomirfilN/OUT the map
(D Touch in“ to display the zoom in/
out key.
® Touch ill or to change the
map scale.
lChanging the map appearance
The Map screen can be adjusted
regarding orientation or appearance
of the map.
(D Touch my on the Map screen of
the current vehicle location.
® Touch to enter Map View
,L‘hanqr Vll‘w
View Settinqs
Man Settings
Back to Map
m.“ ism any: um M ML;
0 Touch the corresponding key
to change the map view.
© Touch to display the
View Settings screen.
Chanqe View
VVlEW Setmqs l'ilenmliun ’umh,‘
Map swings
ii in
Back Io Mdv
0 [IntersectionjDuring the route guid-
ance mode, displays the Intersection
Close-up display which displays the
turning direction of the next guidance
junction at the left of the screen.
0 [Turn List]:During the route guidance
mode, displays the list of the name, dis-
tance, and turning direction of the guid-
ance junctions at the left of the screen.
0 [Full Map]:Changes to display
one map using full screen.
Screen examples
- 2D Map
20/30 Map
USB'I Barbie Girl
; 1"
@Touch to enter Map
Settings screen.
Mm (lncntation
Map Color
Man Text Size
North Up when loomed Out
North Up when Zocmed Out
Names Displayed on MaD
Show all Freeway Exits on Route
Auto Show Turn List or! Freeway
0 [Map Orientation] key: Changes
the orientation of the map between
Heading Up and North Up.
I This control is available
when [2D] is selected.
0 [Long Range] key: Changes the
map view to view a wider area in
the direction that the vehicle is
travelling. When this feature is ac-
tivated, the vehicle mark is located
slightly lower than the centre of the
0 This control is available when [2D]
is selected and the Map Orienta-
tion is set to Heading-Up.
0 [Map Colour] key:Selects the
colours(Map Colour 1/2/3/4) of the
0 [Map Text Size] key: Change
the map text size(Large,
O [Birdview Angle] key: Changes the
angle of the 3D map. Touch fat: to
raise the angle, and [Lower to lower
the angle.
0 This control is available
when [3D] is selected.
0 [North Up when Zoomed Out]
key: Turn on or off north up when
0 [Names Displayed on Map] key:
Change the names of place, facili-
tiy and road displayed on map.
I [Left Split Map Settings] key:
Change settings of Map Orienta-
tion, Long Range and Map Scale
of left split map.
0 [Show all Freeway Exits on Route]
key: Turn on to show all freeway
exits on route.
0 [Auto. Show Turn List on Freeway]
key: Turn on to show turn list on
Navigation System
(D Press [MENU]/[MAP] button on the
panel to display the fuction bar.
(2) Touch I, ‘3 “av-am to enter
Navigation Settings Screen.
Addm: Boot
Man View
Man icons
Gmdance Settings
Route Sztlmgs
Trattir Info Settings
Tmllit Irio swim:
Speed Limit Indication on Map
Delete Stored Items
Delete Vrevmus Destinations
Reset All Navigation Settings to Detault
Registering/Editing the
Address Book
From the Address Book, you can
register the home address, address-
es of facilities and places, routes,
and Avoid Areas.You can also edit
the data registered.
Address Book
Home Lrii’nllfin lchnril
Stored Locations
Stored Routes
Avoid Aves
Delete Stored items
Transier Address Book
The registered places or routes can
be set as the destination or as the
current route.
lHome Location
Register your home address.You can
edit the registered home address.
To register the Home Location
The Home Location can be regis-
tered when the
key is displayed.
<9 Touch _
® Search for the location of
your home by a similar way
as for entering destinations.
Move Location
Home Location
© Touch to register it.
To edit the Home Location
(D Touch Edit to enter edit Home
Location screen .
® Touch the desired Item to edit it.
(:9 Touch to adjust the
location by moving the cursor on
the Map screen.
@ Touch to delete the regis-
tered Home location.
@ Touch to register it.
lStored Locations
Registers locations in the Address
Book.You can register up to 200 lo-
cations, and can also edit the regis-
tered locations.
To register Location
@ Touch —.
:2 Touch —.
(:9 Search for the location you wish
to register by a similar way as for
entering destinations.
@ Touch to register it.
© Touch to sort the loca-
tions by number,name, icon and
To edit a Stored Location
® Touch Stored Locations _
® Touch the name of the Stored Lo-
cation you wish to edit.
(:9 Refer to “To edit the Home Loca-
tion" on Page 17 to edit it.
lStored Routes
Registers the current route.You can
register up to 5 routes, and can also
edit the registered routes.
To register the current route
@Touch Stored Routes .
@Touch —.
@Then touch from the
displayed confirmation screen.
To edit the Stored Route
(D Touch _
@Touch the name of the Stored
Route you wish to edit.
©Touch the desired item, then edit it.
0 [Rename] key: Changes the name
of the Stored Route.
0 [Replace] key: Replaces the Stored
Route with the current route.
0 [Delete] key: Deletes the Stored
(4) Touch .to register it.
lAvoid Area
You can register areas you do not
want to pass or areas that often get
congested as an Avoid Area. When
you register the Avoid Areas, you can
set the system to calculate routes
avoiding the registered areas. Up to
10 Avoid Areas can be registered.
You can edit the registered Avoid
To register an Avoid Area
(D Touch _-
® TOUCh --
© Search the area to avoid by a simi-
lar way as for entering a destina-
@Touch to register it.
To edit an Avoid Area
(D Touch _.
@Touch the name of the Avoid Area
you wish to edit.
@ Touch the desired item to edit, and
edit it by similar way as for regis-
tering Avoid Areas.
0 [Rename] key:You can change the
name of the Avoid Area. Enter the
name, then touch 0K.
0 [Move Location] key:You can ad-
just the location of the Avoid Area.
0 [Resize Area] key:You can change
the size of the Avoid Area([Large],
[*], [Medium], [*], or [Small]), then
touch 0K.
O [FWY] key:You can set whether to
avoid freeway passing the Avoid
0 [Delete] key:Deletes the current
Avoid Area.
® Touch to register it.
lDeleting the Stored Items
You can delete various data stored in
the navigation system.
® Touch Delete Stored Items_
(2) Touch the item key to delete.
0 [Delete Home Location] key: De-
letes your home location.
0 [Delete Address Book] key:
0 [Delete All]:Deletes all the stored locations.
0 [Delete 1 Entry]:De|etes only the location
that you specify on the Delete One screen.
0 [Delete Stored Routes] key:
0 [Delete All]:Deletes all the stored routes.
I [Delete 1 Entry]:Deletes only the route that
you specify on the Delete One screen.
0 [Delete Avoid Areas] key:
0 [Delete All]:Deletes all the
stored avoid areas.
0 [Delete 1 Entry]:Deletes only the avoid area
that you specify on the Delete One screen.
0 [Delete Previous Destination] key:
0 [Delete All Previous Destinations]:Deletes
all the registered previous destinations.
0 [Delete Previous Destination]:Deletes only
the previous destination that you specify on
the Delete Previous Destination screen.
0 [Delete Previous Starting Point]:
Deletes the starting point.
@ From the displayed confirmation
screen, touch -.
lTansfer Address Book
You can Tansfer Address Book from
SD card.
® Touch _
0 [Export Data] key:Export data to
SD card.
0 [Import Data] key:|mport data from
SD card.
Navigation Settings
lMap View
Please refer to “Changing the map
appearance”on Page 17 .
lMap Icons
Switches ON or OFF Landmark icon
display for each type.
® Touch -.
® Touch the desired item key you
wish to change the setting.
® The types of icons that can be set
are the following 6 types.
0 [Restaurant] key
0 [Petrol Station] key
0 [Hotel] key
0 [ATM] key
0 [Rest Area] key
lGuidance Settings
You can change settings concerning
the guidance guidance.
(D Touch to enter
Guidance Settings screen.
@Touch the desired menu item to
0 [Guidance Volume] keyzAdjusts the
volume of the voice guidance.
0 [Guidance Voice] key: Sets wheth-
er to activate the voice guidance.
0 [Traffic Announcement] key: Sets
whether to read out the traffic
I [Intersection Guidance Settings]
key: The Intersection Guidance
Settings screen is displayed.You
can set the intersection guidance
for Level1, Level2,Level3 and
0 [Estimated Time] key:Changes the
setting of arrival time indication
displayed on the Map screen.
0 [Destination]:Sets to display the ar-
rival time to the destination.
I [Waypoint]:Sets to display the arrival time
to the next waypoint or destination.
lRoute Settings
You can change settings concerning
the route guidance.
(D Touch Route Settings to enter route
Settings screen.
® Touch the desired item key.
0 [Basic Route Type] key:You can
change the conditions of route
0 [Fastest Route]:Calculates the route of
which the required time is shortest.
I [Minimise MotonNays]:Calculates
the route of which motorways are
not used as much as possible.
0 [Shortest Route]:Calcu|ates the route
of which the distance is shortest.
0 [other Routing Choices] keyzYou
can specify other route calculation
I [Minimise Toll Roads]: Mini-
mises the use of toll roads.
0 [Use Time Restricted Roads]:Uses
roads with restricted usage time.
I [Use Real Time Traffic Information] :Con-
siders the traffic information for routing.
0 [Use Avoid Area Settings]:Takes a de-
tour to avoid the registered Avotd Area.
0 [Use Ferries]:Uses car ferries for routing.
0 [Use Learned Routes]:Considers
the Learned Routes for routing.
I [Use HOV Lanes]:Uses HOV
lanes for routing.
0 [Auto Reroute]:When leaving the suggested
route during the route guidance mode, a
new route is automatically recalculated.
lTraffic Information Settings
You can set the various functions
concerning the traffic information.
@Touch Traffic Info Settings to enter the
Traffic Information Settings screen.
@Touch the desired key on the
screen to set it.
0 [Use Traffic Information] key: Con-
siders the information.
0 [Show Incidents on Map] key:
Switches on or off the traffic infor-
mation display on the map.
0 [Show Traffic Flow on Map] key:
Switches on or off the traffic flow
display on the map.
0 [Traffic Announcement] key:
Switches on or off the traffic an—
nouncement standby mode.
(D Touch to enter the Others
settings screen.
0 [Map Scrolling Information] key:
When you scroll the Map screen
and move the cursor on an icon,
the information on the location can
be displayed.You can set this func-
tion whether to activate or not.
[Address Book Icons] key
[TMC Traffic Icons] key
[Destination/Waypoint Icons] key
[Latitude/Longitude |nfo.] key
0 [Customize nearby POIs] key:You
can customise the five categories
of the Customize nearby POI fea-
0 [Keyboard Type] key: To change
the keyboard type(QWERTY type
and ABC type).
0 [Tracking Dots Displayed on Map]
key: To change the setting of the
tracking dots displayed on map.
0 [Adjust Current Location] key:You
can correct the vehicle position on
the Map screen by Scroll the map.
lResetting All Navigation Settings
to Defaults
You can reset all the Navigation set—
tings to return to the factory settings.
- Though all the settings are reset, the
stored data such as the Address Book,
Stored Routes, and Avoid Area are not
® Touch
Reset All Navigation Settings to Default
® Then touch — from the
displayed confirmation screen.
Outline of Destination
Entering Procedures
To start route guidance, operate the
navigation system with the following
0 Select the method of searching
destination from the Destination
menu screen, then search for
the desired destination.
Select a suitable searching method
according to the place to search.
0 Confirm the position of the
place found with the Set Loca-
tion menu screen, then start the
route guidance.
You can store the place found to
the Address Book, or can confirm
the information according to the
place, as well as set it as destina-
tion.You can also display other
suggested routes, or confirm infor-
mation of the route.
Setting destination by
entering the address
This section explains the basic oper-
ation procedure to set the destination
in detail, using the example to specify
the destination by entering the ad-
dress from the Destination menu.
Read this explanation thoroughly
because this procedure is similar to
other destination entering methods.
For other destination entering meth-
ods, please refer to “Entering the
Destination" on page 24 .
(D Press [MENU]/[MAP]/[AUDIO]
button on the panel to display the
fuction bar.
® Touch to enter Destination
screen when no route exist.
in»! Ait im- ”- changing S‘atiom
Moi-'by For“: at
z i 5
”new“ Point; at "(are t
._ Home :7 Address Book
. Previous
’ Deulnatlw‘
: Intersmion
1 d
m iwl m my (9mm
. Freeway
. Enliunzm’Eut :.‘ Stored Row.
.. i 1H
0 You need to touch m to enter
Destination screen when a route had exist.
Street Address screen.
Silent Adair-Es
House 3
City All (Zulu-s
0 You can omit the state/province name
entry and directly enter a road name.
Proceed to step 9.
Slim)! Address
Change Am Current State
@ Touch to enter the
state/province name you wish to
go to by touching the characters
on the screen.
0 [Change Area] key: To change the
courty area.
0 [Current state] key: Use current
0 [Space] key: Input a space.
0 [List] key:DispIays the city name
list corresponding to the entered
0 [ABC] key:DispIays the alphabetic
input keyboard.
0 [AEB] key:DispIays the accent
characters input keyboard.
0 [12#] key:DispIays the number
input keyboard.
' During the character entry, the system
shows the city name list automatically
when all the matching cities can be
displayed on one page.
©Touch to enter the city name
you wish to go to by touching
characters on the screen. Then,
the system returns to the Street
Address screen. Enter the street
name by the same way.
©Touch to enter the street
name you wish to go.
@Touch to enter the house
number input screen. Then enter
the house number by touching
numbers on the screen, touch OK.
' You can omit the house number entry.
Proceed to step 9.
Confirm the entries, then touch
Route Detail:
Move Lat-anon
save Location
by the “* "on the map as the
destination, and starts the route
0 Route Details] key:The Calculate
Route menu is displayed.You can
or check the route information.
0 Move Location] key:The Map
the location of the destination.
0 Add to Route] key:When the desti-
nation is already set, the specified
location is set as the waypoint.
0 Save Location] key:Save the
0 Details] key:DispIays information
0 Start] key:Sets the location shown
change the route search conditions
screen is displayed.You can adjust
specified location into the Address
about the specified place if it is
included in the map data.
® Touch - the route guidance
will be started.The place found is
shown with “ a ” on the map.
Entering the Destination
Searching Your Destination
from the Destination Menu
You can search for a destination from
the Destination menu by using vari-
ous methods. Use a suitable search-
ing method according to the place
you wish to go to.
Destination menu screen
it“. Am.“ .y I'hmqmg worm
.. Poirtzoflnluost ._ Home
.7 QuichSlOD J Addressflook
Histmy il.l'(linn
“°’ W “m“ ‘ gum-<1 5mm
.. Latitude:
3 r : <2 l“ o
For the operation procedure hereaf-
ter, see the explanation of each sec-
lBy Street Address
For the operation procedure, refer to
“Setting destination by entering the
address" on page 21 .
lBy charging spot
(D Touch
® Touch your desired category.
® Confirm the location of the destina-
tion, then touch Start _
lBy Points of Interest (POI)
Select the category of the place, nar-
row down the data by specifying the
area or entering the name, and then
select the place you wish to go to.
By touching _, you can also
search a place by simply entering the
® Touch your desired category. For
. When a additional
category list is displayed, touch a
category again to select one.
CD Set the narrow down conditions for
the places.
By Name
Select aCity
Near Current Location
Near Destination
0 [By Name] key: Input the facility
name to narrow down the target
0 [Select a City] key: Input the city
name to narrow down the target
0 [Near Current Location] key:
Shows a list of facilities around the
current location.
0 [Near Destination] key: When the
destination is set, shows the list of
facilities around the destination.
An example of specifying By Name is
explained below.
G) Touch _. Enter the facility
name, and then touch List .
PUHHS of Intr'nwt
fly Distant: New (atcgnry
D 5. D PlZZA (GlLRov. (A)
D LI. 05 Bill 5. LlQUOfi lconn, (A)
I [By Distance] key:Sorts the list by
nearby order.
0 [New Category] keyzDisplays the
Category screen so you select a
new category.
(5) Touch the place you wish to go
from the displayed place list.
(9 Confirm the location of the destina-
tion,then touch Start .
lBy Address Book
Specifies a place registered in the
navigation system as the destination.
-To use this function, register places
®Touch the stored location you wish
to go from the displayed Address
Book list.
(3 Confirm the location of the destina-
tion, then touch Start .
lBy Intersection
An intersection of any two streets can
be set as the destination.
® Enter the 1st street and the 2nd
street, then touch
(3) Touch -.
lBy Nearby Points of Interest
® Touch _-
®Touch your desired category.
An example of specifying RESTAU-
RANT is explained below.
Nterby mm of liittmst
rRiMANA ltus ANGLES, (.Al
©Touch the place you wish to go
from the displayed place list.
@ Confirm the location of the destina-
tion, then touch Start _
lGoing Home
When your home address is regis-
tered, you can start route guidance to
your home by a simple operation.
0 When your home address is not
registered, a message is displayed
when touching the [Home] key.
Register it by touching the [Yes] key.
When the list of searching methods
appears, register your home address
by the desired method.
® Touch -.
The route to your home is automati-
cally calculated and the route guid-
ance is started.
lBy Previous Destination
The destinations previously used are
registered in the previous destination
list (up to 100 locations).You can en-
ter a destination by selecting it from
this list. When the previous destina-
tion list exceeds 100 items, the oldest
entries are automatically deleted.
6) Touch _-
® Touch the place you wish to go
from the displayed history list.
(3 Touch -.
lBy Phone number
If the telephone number of the facility
is available, use this to find the facility
by entering the number.
- Telephone numbers that were stored
for stored destinations can also be
- If the area code of the specified
telephone number does not exist in the
map data, the system will not search
for the location.
0 Only the locations included in the
database in the map data can be
searched by the phone number.
I Residential phone numbers cannot be
used to search for a location.
(D Touch _. Enter the
phone number including the area
code, and then touch List .
® Touch the place you wish to go
from the displayed place list.
® Touch -.
lBy City Center
The center of a city can be set as the
the character input screen.
® Enter the name of the city, then
touch .The city center list
@ Touch the place you wish to go
from the displayed place list.
® Touch -.
lBy Stored Routes
Selects a route previously registered,
then set it as the new route.
- To use this function, one or more
registered routes are required.
® Touch the route you wish to go
from the displayed stored route list.
® Touch -.
lBy Freeway Entrance/Exit
The entrance or exit of a freeway can
be set as the destination.
‘ Freeway
the character input screen. .
® Enter the name of the freeway,
then touch. Freeway list dis-
® Touch the place you wish to go
from the displayed freewaylist.
(9 Touch -.
lSearching Your Destination from
the Map Screen
You can search for a place by scroll-
ing the map, and set it as the desti-
(D Scroll the map by touching the
Map screen, and move the cursor
to the place you wish to go to.
Touch my.
® Confirm the location of the destina-
tion, then touch _.
"0 céNrnAtAv'E m:
More Routes
Route lnlo
Add Wdy Pt
q, alum 9,9ml
I [More Routes] key:You can
change to other suggested routes
with a different priority condition.
0 [Route Info] key: Shows the
information of the suggested route
selected on the screen.
0 [Add Waypoint] key: Adds
waypoints to the suggested route
displayed on the map. Up to five
waypoints can be specified.
(:9 Touch -.
- When you search a place far from the
current location, change the map scale
to search more quickly.
Route Guidance
After you have entered the destina-
tion and started the route guidance,
you will be guided along the route by
screen display and by voice.
Route Guidance Screen
As well as the Map screen, various
guidance screens are displayed dur-
ing the route guidance mode accord-
ing to the situation.
Pressing the [MAP] button to switch
the screen between the following
guidance screens and the full map
lJunction Map
When you get near to approx. 300 m
or 300 yd (1 km or 1 mile for a mo-
torway) from the next guidance point,
the screen will be divided into two
displays and the Junction Map will be
displayed on the left display.
You can set to display the Junction
Map screen always in the route guid—
ance mode. The default setting is
I Before the Junction Map is displayed,
a voice guidance will be heard at
approx. 600 m or 0.4 miles (2 km or
1.3 miles for a motorway) from the
next guidance point.You can change
this setting by setting the Junction
Guidance Settings.
Aviriou awn
0 Remaining distance indication:
Indicates the remaining distance
to the next guidance point with the
bar gauge.
9 Guidance route: Indicates the
direction to travel.
6 Guidance point:lndicates the next
guidance point.
lTurn list on Route
The screen is always divided into
two displays and the Turn List on
Route is displayed on the left display
if Turn List is activated. The Turn List
contains the guidance points next to
the vehicle position, and will change
while travelling.
When you get near to the next guid-
ance point, the left display is auto-
matically changed to the Junction
You can set to display the Turn List
screen always in the route guidance
0 Turn List:The list of the guidance
points and turning directions are
displayed from the items near to
the vehicle position, and it will
change while travelling.
9 Scrolling key:Scro|Is the Turn List
on Route screen.
About the Voice Guidance
After starting the route guidance,
not only guidance by screen but also
guidance by voice, such as the turn-
ing direction or the distance to the
guidance point, will be given when
you get near to the guidance point.
You can set whether to use the voice
guidance or not, and set the volume
to be changed according to the vehi-
cle speed.
Changing/Editing the Route
From the Route menu, editing the
current route, confirming the route
information, setting the conditions
of the route calculation, etc. can be
(D Press [MENU] button on the panel.
® Touch to enter Route menu
screen when a route had exist.
ulnar Rude
Edmund M
I 1
Pomp n o m“
Szumgs . Remiculaie
mum Detour omw
lDelete the route guidance
Delete the route guidance/Terminates
the route guidance during the route
guidance mode.
mation message is displayed.
® Touch -, the route guid-
ance will be terminated, and the
destination and route will be de-
lConfirming the route information
Confirm various information of the
current route.
Route Info. screen.
Tum List
Store Rome
. ,- 7lmv mu
0 [Turn List] key: Display the list of
route information. The guidance
points from the current location to
the destination are displayed with
the list format.
0 [Simulation] key: Simulate the
route guidance with moving the
vehicle mark automatically on the
Map screen.
0 [Store Route] key: Store the speci-
fied route. A maximum of 5 routes
can be stored, and they can be
easily retrieved.
0 [Map Scroll] key: Displays the Map
screen where the specified route
can be confirmed.
® Touch the desired item to view the
I Editing the route
You can edit the current route.
Edit/Add to
6) Touch
the Edit Route screen.
to enter
:-.. Add Destinntlon ‘
rm Add Waypomt
/ [u'lEM LlXMan l 10qu
® [Add Destination] key: Touch this
key when you want to set a new
destination. The original destina—
tion will be set as a waypoint in the
I [Add Waypoint] key: Up to 5 way-
points can be set. The specified
waypoints are displayed by marks
with the ordinal number for visiting.
0 [(Current destination/waypoint
name)] key: You can touch the
name of the current destination or
waypoints you wish to edit.
0 [(Route calculation criteria)] key:
You can change the conditions of
route calculation.
0 [ECO Route]
0 [Fastest Route]
I [Minimize Freeway]
0 [Shortest Route]
@ Change settings by touching the
desired setting item.
@Touch - The route is recal-
culated with specified conditions.
lRoute settings
You can change settings concerning
the route guidance. About the details,
please refer to “Guidance Settings”
on page 21 and “Route Calculation
Criteria"on page 21 .
I Recalculating the route
After changing the conditions of
the route calculation or when the
status of the route is changed, you
can recalculate the route if you
is automatically recalculated, and
the Calculate Route screen is
@Touch - the route guidance
will be restarted.
lSetting a diverted route using
traffic information
The route with traffic information
considered is automatically calcu-
lated, and the route guidance will be
diverted route is displayed with
TMC traffic information taken into
account. When no diverted route is
found, a message is displayed.
® Confirm the diverted route, then
touch -.
I Setting the diverting distance
Search for a diverted route where the
section from the current location up
to the specified distance is avoided.
® Touch m to enter
the Detour screen.
® Touch the distance you want to
The route where the section of se-
lected distance is avoided is auto-
matically calculated, and the route
guidance will be restarted.
A bout Information
You can view kinds of information.
® Press [MENU] button on the panel.
® Touch n to enter Info screen.
D Info
Arms 2 SXM new."
n) 3»; mm: ,a: SXM 390'“
gm Slacks
, 5m Weather
‘ Ants
,3 GPS Position
.7 r - -':- l“ A o
O [NissanConnect Apps] keyzYou
can browse the NissanConnect
O [SXM Weather] key:You can
browse the weather information.
0 [SXM Traffic] key:You can browse
the traffic information.
0 [SXM Sports] key:You can browse
the sports information.
I SXM Stocks] key: You can add or
delete the stocks.
0 SXM Movie Listings] keyzYou can
browse the nearby theaters and
current movies.
0 Vehicle] key:You can browse the
energy information of the vehicle.
0 Charging Station Info] key: You
can browse the Charging Station
information of the vehicle.
0 Where am I7] key: You can browse
the information on current location.
0 SXM Weather Alerts] key: You can
browse the weather alerts lists and
set the alerts.
0 Navigation Version] key: You can
browse the Navigation Version of
this unit.
0 GPS Position] key: You can
browse the information on the cur-
rent GPS data.
® Touch the desired item to view the
information, and about some itmes
you can operate as per the infor-
mation prompted.

Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
MIME Type                       : application/pdf
PDF Version                     : 1.4
Linearized                      : No
Page Count                      : 16
Producer                        : PDF Editor 2.0 - Foxit Software
Author                          : Stephan Huck
Create Date                     : 2016:03:03 09:25:46
Modify Date                     : 2016:03:03 09:25:46
EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools
FCC ID Filing: WY2QY8350

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