Fibar Group FGDW002 Fibaro Door/ Window Sensor 2 User Manual

Fibar Group S.A. Fibaro Door/ Window Sensor 2

User Manual

FIBARO DOOR/WINDOW SENSOR 2FGDW-002CONTENTS#1: Description and features  3#2: Basic activation  4#3: Adding/removing the device  5#4: Physical installation  6#5: Operating the device  7#6: Association  9#7: Advanced parameters  10#8: Specications  14#9: Regulations  15OPERATINGMANUAL ENv1.0
2 Important safety informationRead this manual before attempting to install the device! Failure to observe recommendations included in this manual may be dangerous or cause a violation of the law. The manufacturer,  Fibar Group S.A. will not be held responsible for any loss or damage resulting from not following the instructions of operating manual.The alarm functionality of devices is an additional feature increasing the comfort level  of your home automation system. If you want to use professional security service, please contact them to determine what systems can provide a protection of your estate.Compliance with safety standards:The device is designed to be used in Z-wave home automation sys-tems (e.g. FIBARO) and is complaint with IEC/UL/CSA 60950-1. In case of the integration with another system, e.g. alarm system, it is re-quired to verify the compliance with additional standards.!General information about  the FIBARO SystemFIBARO is a wireless smart home automation system, based on the Z-Wave protocol. All of available devices can be controlled through a computer (PC or Mac), smartphone or tablet. Z-Wave devices are not only receivers, but can also repeat the signal, increasing the Z-Wave network’s range. It gives advantage over traditional wireless systems that require direct link between transmitter and receiver, as a result the construction of the building could aect network’s range negatively.Every Z-Wave network has its unique identication number (home ID). Multiple independent networks can exist in the building without interfering. Transmission security of FIBARO System is comparable to wired systems.Z-Wave technology is the leading solution in smart home automation. There is a wide range of Z-Wave devices that are mutually compatible, independently of manufacturer. It gives the system the ability to evolve and expand over time. For more information visit  www.
3DESCRIPTION AND FEATURESMain features of FIBARO Door/Window Sensor 2:•  Compatible with any Z-Wave or Z-Wave+ Controller, •  Supports protected mode (Z-Wave network Security Mode) with AES-128 encryption,•  Door/window opening detected through separation of Sensor’s body and a magnet,•  Built-in temperature sensor,•  Detects tampering, when detached or opened,•  Easily mounted on doors, windows, garage gates and roller blinds,•  Battery powered,•  Visual LED indicator signalling status of the device,•  7 color variations.FIBARO Door/Window Sensor 2 is a wireless, battery powered Hall eect contact sensor, compatible with the Z-Wave Plus standard. Changing the device’s status will automatically send signal to the Z-Wave controller and associated devices. Sensor can be used to trigger scenes and wherever there is a need for information about opening or closing of doors, windows, garage doors, etc. Opening is detected by separating the sensor’s body and the magnet.In  addition  the  FIBARO  Door/Window  Sensor  2  is equipped with  a built-in temperature sensor.#1: Description and featuresFIBARO Door/Window Sensor 2 is a fully compatible Z-Wave PLUS device.NOTEThis device may be used with all devices certied with Z-Wave Plus certicate and should be compatible with such devices pro-duced by other manu-facturers.iNOTEZ-Wave Controller must support Z-Wave Security Mode in  order to fully utilize the product.i
4BASIC ACTIVATION#2: Basic activation1.  Take o the cover.2.  Remove the battery blocker.3.  Close the cover.4.  Add the device (see “Adding/removing the device” on page 5).5.  Install the device (see “Physical installation” on page 6).
5ADDING/REMOVING THE DEVICE#3: Adding/removing the deviceAdding (Inclusion) - Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing to add the device to existing Z-Wave network.To add the device to the Z-Wave network:1.  Close the cover.2.  Place the Door/Window Sensor 2 within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller.3.  Set the main controller in (Security/non-Security Mode) add mode (see the controller’s manual).4.  Quickly, three times press one of the TMP buttons (while the other button is pressed).5.  Wait for the adding process to end.6.  Successful adding will be conrmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.Removing (Exclusion) - Z-Wave device learning mode, allowing to remove the device from existing Z-Wave network.To remove the device from the Z-Wave network:1.  Close the cover.2.  Place the Door/Window Sensor 2 within the direct range of your Z-Wave controller.3.  Set the main controller into remove mode (see the controller’s manual).4.  Quickly, three times press one of the TMP buttons (while the other button is pressed).5.  Wait for the removing process to end.6.  Successful removing will be conrmed by the Z-Wave controller’s message.NOTEAdding in Security Mode must be per-formed up to 2 meters from the controller.iNOTEIn case of problems with adding the de-vice, please reset the device and repeat the adding procedure.iTMP buttonTMP button
6PHYSICAL INSTALLATION#4: Physical installationTo install the Door/Window Sensor:1.  Peel o the protective layer from the sticker on the device.2.  Stick the device onto the door/window frame.3.  Peel o the protective layer from the sticker on the magnet.4.  Stick the magnet onto the moving part of the door/window, no further than 5mm from the sensor.Correct positioning of the magnet in relation to the Sensor:(vertical line marks should align)Positioning of the Sensor and the magnet:max. 5 mm
7OPERATING THE DEVICE#5: Operating the deviceTamper (TMP) button: The Door/Window Sensor 2 is equipped with a tamper switch with two buttons. First TMP button is located inside the device, pressed by the closed cover and is used to detect openning it. Second TMP button is located at bottom of the device, pressed by the surface on which the device is mounted and is used to detect detach-ing the device.For the tamper switch to work one of the buttons must always be pressed! When one of the buttons is released, the tamper alarm will be send to the controller and associated devices. Additionally, tamper button allows to control the device directly.TMP buttonTMP buttonWaking up the Door/Window Sensor 2: The Door/Window Sensor 2 needs to be woken up to receive informa-tion about the new conguration from the controller, like parameters and associations.To wake up the sensor manually, click one of the TMP buttons (while the other button is pressed).Controlling the Door/Window Sensor 2 with FIBARO Home Center controller: After adding the Sensor to the FIBARO System, it will be represented by two or three icons in Home Center interface. First icon informs about the status of magnetic sensor (open/close), second icon displays temperature measured by the built-in sensor. Third icon is assigned to high/low temperature alarm and is visible only if parameter 54 is not equal to 0.
8OPERATING THE DEVICEResetting the Door/Window Sensor 2: Reset procedure allows to restore the device back to its factory set-tings, which means all information about the Z-Wave controller and user conguration will be deleted. In order to reset the device:1.  Open the cover.2.  Remove the battery.3.  Install the battery while holding both TMP buttons.4.  Release the TMP button within 5 seconds.5.  Visual indicator will blink 3 times to conrm launching of reset procedure.6.  Wait around 30s for the resetting process to end, do not remove the battery.7.  Visual LED indicator will blink 6 times to conrm the reset.NOTEResetting the device is not the recommend-ed way of removing the device from the Z-Wave network. Use reset procedure only if the primary con-troller is missing or inoperable. Certain device removal can be achieved by the pro-cedure of removing described in “Adding/removing the device” on page 5.iReplacing the battery: In FIBARO Home Center controller current battery level is displayed in the interface. If a battery icon turns red, it means the battery needs replacement.NOTEOpening the casing may result in trigger-ing an alarm. To avoid it, remove the asso-ciations for the 3rd group.iNotication report: The device uses Notication Command Class to report dierent events.Notication Type Triggering EventHome Security Tampering, product covering removedAccess Control Door/window openedAccess Control Door/window closedPower Management Replace battery nowHeat Alarm Overheat detected, unknown locationHeat Alarm Underheat detected, unknown location
9ASSOCIATION#6: AssociationThe Door/Window Sensor 2 provides the association of three groups:1st Association Group – “Lifeline” reports the device status and al-lows for assigning single device only (main controller by default).2nd Association Group –  “On/O” is assigned to the device status - Hall eect sensor (sends Basic Set command frames).3rd Association Group – “Tamper” is assigned to the TMP switch (sends alarm command frames).To add an association (using the Home Center controller):1.  Go to device options by clicking the icon: 2.  Select the „Advanced” tab.3.  Specify to which group and what devices are to be associated.4.  Save the changes.5.  Wake up the device manually or wait for the next automatic wake up.NOTEAssociation allows transfer of control commands between devices without par-ticipation of the main controller. Direct range between devices is recom-mended.iThe Door/Window Sensor 2 in 2nd and 3rd group allows to control 5 devices (regular or multichannel) per an association group.  “LifeLine” group is reserved solely for the controller and hence only 1 node can  be assigned.Association (linking devices) - direct control of other devices within the Z-Wave system network e.g. Dimmer, Relay Switch, Roller Shutter or scene (may be controlled only through a Z-Wave controller).
10ADVANCED PARAMETERS#7: Advanced parametersThe Door/Window Sensor 2 allows to customize its operation to user’s needs. Settings are available in the FIBARO interface as simple op-tions that may be chosen by selecting the appropriate box.In order to congure the Door/Window Sensor 2 (using  the Home Center controller):1.  Go to the device options by clicking the icon:   2.  Select the „Advanced” tab.1. Door/window stateThis parameter allows to set in what state is door/window when the magnet is close to the sensor.Available settings: 0 - closed when magnet near1 - opened when magnet near Default setting:  0Parameter size: 1 [byte]2. Visual LED indicationsThis parameter denes events indicated by the visual LED indicator. Disabling events might extend battery life.Available settings: 1 - indication of opening/closing status change2 - indication of wake up (1 x click or periodical)4 - indication of device tamperingDefault setting:  6Parameter size: 1 [byte]Wake up intervalAvailable settings: 0 or 3600-64800 (in seconds (1-18h), 3600s (1h) step)Default setting: 21600 (6h)The Door/Window Sensor will wake up after each dened time inter-val and always try to connect with the main controller. After a suc-cessful communication attempt, the sensor will update conguration parameters, associations and settings and will go into standby mode. After failed communication attempt (e.g. lack of Z-Wave range) the device will go into standby mode  and retry to establish connection with the main controller after the next time interval.Setting wake up interval to 0 disables sending Wake Up Notication frame automatically. Wake up may be still performed manually by a clicking one of the TMP buttons (while the other button is pressed).Longer time interval means less frequent communication and thus a longer battery life.NOTEEntering invalid value of parameter will re-sult in response with Application Rejected frame and not setting the value.iNOTEParameter 2 values may be combined, e.g. 1+2=3 means that in-dications for opening/closing and waking up are enabled.i
11ADVANCED PARAMETERS3. Associations in Z-Wave network Security ModeThis parameter denes how commands are sent in specied associa-tion groups: as secure or non-secure. Parameter is active only in Z-Wave network Security Mode. It does not apply to 1st group “Lifeline”.Available settings: 0 - none of the groups sent as secure1 - 2nd group ”On/O” sent as secure2 - 3rd group ”Tamper” sent as secure3 - 2nd and 3rd group sent as secureDefault setting:  3 (all) Parameter size: 1 [byte]11. 2nd association group triggersParameter denes events which result in sending on/o commands to devices added to the 2nd association group. These commands are sent alternately to switch the devices on and o. Available settings: 0 - switch after opening and closing1 - switch after opening (parameter 12)2 - switch after closing (parameter 13)Default setting:  0Parameter size: 1 [byte]12. Association for opening - value sentValue sent to devices in 2nd association group when opening is  detectedThe value of 0 turns OFF the device, 255 turns it ON. In case of associating devices allowing smooth control, values 1-99 allow to set an associated device to a specied level.Available settings: 0-99 or 255Default setting:  255 Parameter size: 2 [bytes]13. Association for closing - value sentValue sent to devices in 2nd association group when closing is  detectedThe value of 0 turns OFF the device, 255 turns it ON. In case of associating devices allowing smooth control, values 1-99 allow to set an associated device to a specied level.Available settings: 0-99 or 255Default setting:  0Parameter size: 2 [bytes]14. Association for opening - time delayTime that must elapse from opening to send the command frame to to devices in 2nd association group.Available settings: 0-32400 - time in secondsDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 2 [bytes]
12ADVANCED PARAMETERS15. Association for closing - time delayTime that must elapse from closing to send the command frame to devices in 2nd association group.Available settings: 0-32400 - time in secondsDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 2 [bytes]30. Tamper - alarm cancellation delayTime period after which a tamper alarm will be cancelled.Available settings: 0-32400 - time in secondsDefault setting:  5Parameter size: 2 [bytes]31. Tamper - reporting alarm cancellationReporting cancellation of tamper alarm to the controller and 3rd as-sociation group.Available settings: 0 - do not send tamper cancellation report1 - send tamper cancellation reportDefault setting:  1Parameter size: 1 [byte]50. Interval of temperature measurementsThis parameter denes how often the temperature will be measured. The shorter the time, the more frequently the temperature will be measured, but the battery life will shorten.Available settings: 0 - temperature measurements disabled5-32400 - time in secondsDefault setting:  300 (5min) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]51. Temperature reports thresholdThis parameter denes the change of temperature in comparison with last reported, resulting in temperature report being sent to the main controller.Available settings: 0 - temperature reports based on threshold  disabled1-300 - temperature threshold (0.1-30°C, 0.1°C step)Default setting:  10 (1°C )Parameter size: 2 [bytes]52. Interval of temperature reportsThis parameter determines how often the temperature reports will be sent to the main controller (regardless of parameters 50 and 51).Available settings: 0 - periodic temperature reports disabled300-32400 - time in secondsDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 2 [bytes]NOTEParameter 51 is active only if parameter 50 is not set to 0.iNOTETemperature meas-urement is performed before sending any report (regardless of parameter no. 50).  Ex-cessive reporting can aect battery lifetime. Reporting on the ba-sis of temperature change (parameter no. 51) is recommend-ed.i
13ADVANCED PARAMETERS53. Temperature osetThe value to be added to the actual temperature, measured by the sen-sor (temperature compensation).Available settings: -1000–1000 (-100–100°C, 0.1°C step)Default setting:  0 (0°C )Parameter size: 2 [bytes]54. Temperature alarm reportsTemperature alarms reported to the Z-Wave controller. Thresholds are set in parameters 55 and 56.Available settings: 0 - temperature alarms disabled1 - high temperature alarm2 - low temperature alarm3 - high and low temperature alarms enabledDefault setting:  0Parameter size: 1 [byte]55. High temperature alarm thresholdIf temperature is higher than set value, overheat notication will be sent and high temperature scene will be triggered (if activated).Available settings: 1-600 (0.1-60°C, 0.1°C step)Default setting:  350 (35°) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]56. Low temperature alarm thresholdIf temperature is lower than the set value, underheat notication will be sent and low temperature scene will be triggered (if activated).Available settings: 0-599 (0-59.9°C, 0.1°C step)Default setting:  100 (10°) Parameter size: 2 [bytes]
14SPECIFICATIONSPower supply:  Battery type:  Battery life:  EU directives compliance:   Radio protocol:  Radio frequency:     Range:     Destined environment:  Operating temperature:  Temperature measuring range:  Temperature measuring accuracy:  Dimensions (L x W x H):3.6V DC battery  ER14250 ½ AA  est. 2 years (default settings)  R&TTE 1999/5/EC RoHS 2011/65/EU  Z-Wave (500 series chip)  868.4 or 869.8 MHz EU; 908.4, 908.42 or 916.0 MHz US; 921.4 or 919.8 MHz ANZ; 869.0 MHz RU;  up to 50m (164ft) outdoors up to 40m (131ft) indoors  (depending on terrain and building structure)  Indoor use only  0-40°C (32-104°F)  0-60°C (32-104°F)   ±0.5°C (±0.9°F)   71 x 18 x 18 mm (2.8 x 0.7 x 0.7 inch)#8: SpecicationsNOTERadio frequency of individual device must be same as your Z-Wave controller. Check information on the box or consult your dealer if you are not sure.iCAUTIONUsing batteries other than specied may result in explosion. Dispose of properly, observing environ-mental protection rules.!NOTEBattery life depends on frequency of us-age, number of associ-ations/scenes, Z-Wave routing and network load.i
15REGULATIONS#9: RegulationsThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules Operation is subject to the following two conditions:1. This device may not cause harmful interference2. This device must accept any interference received, including interfe-rence that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to pro-vide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residen-tial installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a par-ticular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:•  Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.•  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.•  Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dierent from that to which the receiver is connected.•  Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.NoteChanges and modications not expressly approved by the manufactu-rer or registrant of this equipment can void your authority to operate this equipment under Federal Communications Commission’s rules.Industry Canada (IC) Compliance NoticeThis device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSSs. Ope-ration is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interferen-ce, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.Cet appareil est conforme aux normes d’exemption de licence RSS d’In-dustry Canada. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes : (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d’interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférences qui peuvent aecter son fonctionnement.Legal NoticesAll information, including, but not limited to, information regarding the features, functionality, and/or other product specication are subject to change without notice. Fibaro reserves all rights to revise or upda-te its products, software, or documentation without any obligation to notify any individual or entity.FIBARO and Fibar Group logo are trademarks of Fibar Group S.A. All
16REGULATIONSother brands and product names referred to herein are trademarks of their respective holders.DGT Warning StatementArticle 12 Without permission, any company, rm or user shall not alter the frequ-ency,  increase the power, or change the characteristics and functions of the original design of the certied lower power frequency electric machinery. Article 14 The application of low power frequency electric machineries shall not aect the navigation safety nor interfere a legal communication, if an interference is found, the service will be suspended until improvement is made and the interference no longer exists. 第十二條經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機,非經許可,公司、商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率、加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能。 第十四條低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信;經發現有干擾現象時,應立即停用,並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用。 前項合法通信,指依電信法規定作業之無線電通信。低功率射頻電機須忍受合法通信或工業、科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾。Declaration of conformityHereby, Fibar Group S.A. declares that  FIBARO Door/Window Sensor 2 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.

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