Fine Offset Electronics WH2902 Weather Station User Manual 15 WH2902 UserMan

Fine Offset Electronics Co., Ltd. Weather Station 15 WH2902 UserMan

15_WH2902 UserMan

 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 1 Weather Station User Manual  Table of Contents 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................................................... 2 2. Warnings and Cautions.................................................................................................................... 2 3. Quick Start Guide ............................................................................................................................ 2 4. Pre-Installation Checkout and Site Survey ...................................................................................... 3 4.1 Pre Installation Checkout ....................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Site Survey ............................................................................................................................. 3 5. Getting Started ................................................................................................................................ 3 5.1 Parts List ................................................................................................................................. 3 5.2 Recommend Tools .................................................................................................................. 4 5.3 Sensor Array Set Up ............................................................................................................... 4 5.3.1 Install Wind Vane ............................................................................................................... 5 5.3.2 Install Wind Cups ............................................................................................................... 5 5.3.3 Install the Rain Gauge Funnel ............................................................................................ 5 5.3.4 Install Batteries ................................................................................................................... 6 5.3.5 Install Mounting Pole ......................................................................................................... 7 5.5 Best Practices for Wireless Communication ................................................................................. 7 5.6 Display Console ..................................................................................................................... 8 6. Display Console Operation ............................................................................................................. 9 6.1 Screen Display ........................................................................................................................ 9 6.2 Console Initialization ........................................................................................................... 10 6.2.1 Button Operation .............................................................................................................. 11 6.3 Set Mode .............................................................................................................................. 11 6.3.1 Time Zones ....................................................................................................................... 14 6.4 Barometric Pressure Display ................................................................................................ 15 6.4.1 Viewing Absolute vs. Relative Pressure ........................................................................... 15 6.4.2 Rate of Change of Pressure Graph ................................................................................... 15 6.4.3 Viewing Pressure History ................................................................................................. 16 6.4.4 Relative Pressure Calibration Discussion ......................................................................... 16 6.5 Rain Display ......................................................................................................................... 16 6.5.1 Rain Increments of Measure ............................................................................................ 16 6.5.2 Resetting Rain .................................................................................................................. 16 6.5.3 Increments of Rain Definitions ........................................................................................ 17 6.6 Wind Display ........................................................................................................................ 17 6.7 Temperature Display ............................................................................................................ 17 6.7.1 Wind Chill, Dew Point and Heat Index Display .............................................................. 17 6.8 Alarms .................................................................................................................................. 17 6.8.1 Viewing High and Low Alarms ........................................................................................ 17 6.8.2 Setting High and Low Alarms .......................................................................................... 18 6.9 Max/Min Mode .................................................................................................................... 21 6.9.1 Viewing Max/Min Values ................................................................................................. 21 6.10 Calibration ............................................................................................................................ 22 6.10.1 Calibration Settings ...................................................................................................... 22 6.10.2 Calibration Ranges ....................................................................................................... 23 6.10.3 Calibration Discussion ................................................................................................. 24 6.11 Restoring the Console to Factory Default ............................................................................ 26 6.12 Resynchronize Wireless Sensor ............................................................................................ 26 6.13 Backlight Operation ............................................................................................................. 26 6.13.1 With AC Adapter .......................................................................................................... 26 6.13.2 Without AC Adapter ..................................................................................................... 26
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 2 6.14 Tendency Arrows .................................................................................................................. 26 6.15 Wireless Signal Strength Indicator ....................................................................................... 26 6.16 Weather Forecasting ............................................................................................................. 27 6.16.1 Weather Forecasting Description and Limitations ....................................................... 27 7. Live Internet Publishing ................................................................................................................ 28 7.1 Connecting the Weather Station Console to WiFi ................................................................ 28 8. Registering with, and ............... 33 8.1 .................................................................................................... 33 8.2 .................................................................................................................. 35 8.3 WeatherCloud ....................................................................................................................... 36 9. Glossary of Terms ......................................................................................................................... 36 10. Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 38 10.1 Wireless Specifications......................................................................................................... 38 10.2 Measurement Specifications ................................................................................................. 39 10.3 Power Consumption ............................................................................................................. 39 11. Maintenance ............................................................................................................................. 39 12. Troubleshooting Guide ............................................................................................................. 40 13. Liability Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 41 14. FCC Statement .......................................................................................................................... 41   1. Introduction Thank  you  for  your  purchase  of  the  Weather  WH2902  WiFi  OSPREY  Solar  Powered  Wireless Weather Station. The following user guide provides step by step instructions for installation, operation and troubleshooting.     2. Warnings and Cautions  Warning:  Any  metal  object  may  attract  a  lightning  strike,  including  your  weather  station mounting pole.    Never install the weather station in a storm.  Warning:  Installing  your  weather  station  in  a  high  location  may  result  in  injury  or  death. Perform as much of the initial check out and operation on the ground and inside a building or home. Only install the weather station on a clear, dry day. 3. Quick Start Guide Although  the  manual  is  comprehensive,  much  of  the  information  contained  may  be  intuitive.  In addition, the manual does not flow properly because the sections are organized by components.  The  following  Quick Start Guide  provides only  the  necessary  steps to install,  operate the  weather station, and upload to the internet, along with references to the pertinent sections.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 3  Required Step Description Section 1 Assemble and power up the sensor array 5.3 3 Power up the display console and synchronize with sensor array 5.6 6 Mount the sensor array 5.3.5 4 Set date and time on console 6.3 5 Calibrate  the  relative  pressure  to  sea-level  conditions  (local  airport)  on console 6.3 7 Reset the rain to zero on console 6.5.2 Optional 8 Configure WiFi 7.1 9 Register and upload to Weather Servers 7.1 and 8   4. Pre-Installation Checkout and Site Survey 4.1 Pre Installation Checkout Before installing your weather station in the permanent location, we recommend operating the weather station for one week in a temporary location with easy access. This will allow you to check out all of the functions, insure proper operation, and familiarize you with the weather station and calibration procedures. This will also allow you to test the wireless range of the weather station. 4.2 Site Survey Perform a site survey before installing the weather station. Consider the following:  1. You must clean the rain gauge every few months and change the rechargeable batteries every 2-3 years. Provide easy access to the weather station. 2. Avoid radiant heat transfer from buildings and structures. In general, install the sensor array at least 5’ from any building, structure, ground, or roof top. 3. Avoid wind and rain obstructions. The rule of thumb is to install the sensor array at least four times the distance of the height of the tallest obstruction. For example, if the building is 20’ tall, and the mounting pole is 6’ tall, install 4 x (20 – 6)’ = 56’ away. 4. Wireless Range. The radio communication between receiver and transmitter in an open field can reach a distance of up to 330 feet, providing there are no interfering obstacles such as buildings,  trees,  vehicles,  high  voltage  lines.    Wireless  signals  will  not  penetrate  metal buildings.    Under most conditions, the maximum wireless range is 100’. 5. Radio interference such as PCs, radios or TV sets can, in the worst case, entirely cut off radio communication.  Please  take  this  into  consideration  when  choosing  console  or  mounting locations. Make sure your display console is at least five feet away from any electronic device to avoid interference.  5. Getting Started The weather station consists of a display console (receiver), an all in one sensor array, and wireless thermo-hygrometer-barometer. 5.1 Parts List QTY Item
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 4 QTY Item 1 Display Console  Frame Dimensions (LxWxH): 7.50 x 4.50 x 0.75” LCD Dimensions (LxW): 3.00 x 6.75” 1 Sensor Array 1 Wind Vane 1 5V DC Adaptor 2 Pole mounting U-bolts 2 Pole mounting U-bolt nuts 1 User manual 5.2 Recommend Tools  Precision screwdriver (for small Phillips screw on wind vane and wind cups)  Adjustable wrench (for mounting pole)  Compass or GPS (for wind direction calibration)  5.3 Sensor Array Set Up   (a) (b)  Figure 1  No Description No Description 1 Wind Vane (measures wind direction) 7 Solar panel 2 Wind Speed Sensor (measures wind speed) 8 U-Bolt 3 UV sensor/ Light sensor 9 Battery compartment 4 Thermometer-hygrometer  sensor  (measures temperature and humidity) 10 Reset button 5 Rain collector 11 LED transmitter Indicator 6 Bubble level
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 5 5.3.1 Install Wind Vane Reference Figure 2. (a) Locate and align the flat key on the wind vane shaft to the flat key on the wind vane and push the vane on to the shaft. (b) tighten the set screw with a precision screw driver and make sure the wind vane spins freely.   (a) (b) Figure 2  5.3.2 Install Wind Cups Reference Figure 3. (a) push the wind cups on to the shaft. (b) tighten the set screw with a precision screw driver and make sure the wind cups spin freely.     (a) (b)  Figure 3 5.3.3 Install the Rain Gauge Funnel Reference Figure 4.    Install the rain gauge funnel. Rotate clockwise to attach the funnel to the sensor array.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 6  Figure 4 5.3.4 Install Batteries Reference  Figure  5.    Insert  3  x  AA  non-rechargeable  batteries  (not  included)  into  the  battery compartment. The LED indicator on the back of the transmitter will turn on for four seconds, and then flash once every 16 seconds (the sensor transmission update period).    (a) (b)  Figure 5  Note:  If the LED does not light up, or stays on permanently, make sure the battery polarity is correct, or the batteries are fresh. Do not install the batteries backwards. You can permanently damage the thermo-hygrometer.  Note:  We  recommend  lithium  batteries  for  cold  weather  climates,  but  alkaline  batteries  are sufficient for most climates. We do not recommend rechargeable batteries. They have lower voltages, do not operate well at wide temperature ranges, and do not last as long, resulting in poorer reception.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 7 5.3.5 Install Mounting Pole Reference Figure 6.    The mounting assembly includes two U-Bolts and a bracket that tightens around a 1 to 2” diameter pole (not included) using the four U-Bolt nuts.     (a) (b) Figure 6  Use the bubble level next to the rain sensor to make sure the sensor array is completely level. If the sensor array is not level, the rain gauge will not measure properly. Aligning the Wind Direction Locate the four wind vane compass rose indicators of N, E, S, W (representing North, East, South and West) at the base of the wind vane. Align the compass rose direction upon final installation with a compass or GPS. 5.5 Best Practices for Wireless Communication Note:  To insure proper communication, mount the remote sensor(s) upright on a vertical surface, such as a wall. Do not lay the sensor flat.    Wireless  communication  is  susceptible  to  interference,  distance,  walls  and  metal  barriers.  We recommend the following best practices for trouble free wireless communication. 1. Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI). Keep the console several feet away from computer monitors and TVs. 2. Radio  Frequency  Interference  (RFI).  If  you  have  other  915  MHz  devices  and communication  is  intermittent,  try  turning  off  these  other  devices  for  troubleshooting purposes.  You  may  need  to  relocate  the  transmitters  or  receivers  to  avoid  intermittent communication. 3. Line of Sight Rating. This device is rated at 300 feet line of sight (no interference, barriers or walls) but typically you will get 100 feet maximum under most real-world installations, which include passing through barriers or walls. 4. Metal  Barriers.  Radio  frequency  will  not  pass  through  metal  barriers  such  as  aluminum siding. If you have metal siding, align the remote and console through a window to get a clear line of sight.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 8  The following is a table of reception loss vs. the transmission medium. Each “wall” or obstruction decreases the transmission range by the factor shown below.  Medium RF Signal Strength Reduction Glass (untreated) 5-15% Plastics 10-15% Wood 10-40% Brick 10-40% Concrete 40-80% Metal 90-100%  5.6 Display Console The front and back of the display console is shown in Figure 7 and Figure 8.  Figure 7
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 9  Figure 8  Reference Figure 8 (1). Connect the display console power jack to AC power with the power adapter (included), (2) unfold the desk stand, and place 5 to 10 feet from the sensor array, and wait several minutes for the remote sensors to synchronize with the display console. 6. Display Console Operation 6.1 Screen Display The display console home screen layout is shown in Figure 9.     Figure 9
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 10  No Description No Description 1 Time 10 Rainfall 2 Moon phase   11 Outdoor temperature 3 Barometric Pressure     12 Outdoor humidity 4 Weather forecast 13 RF icon 5 UV index 14 Indoor humidity 6 Solar Radiation 15 Indoor temperature     7 Wind speed 16 Date 8 Wind direction 17 WIFI icon 9 MAX/MIN Daily 18 DST 6.2 Console Initialization After the console is connected to AC power, the console will display the software version number two seconds after power up.  Figure 10  The console will display all of the LCD segments for three seconds after power up as shown in Figure 11, the indoor conditions will immediately update, and the outdoor sensor array will register within a few minutes.  Figure 11
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 11 6.2.1 Button Operation   Figure 12  The console has 8 buttons at the bottom for easy operation:  Key Description SET   Press and hold to enter the SET mode. TEMP.  Press to switch between Outdoor Temperature, Wind Chill, Heat Index, Dew Point.  To bypass RF reception, press and hold while powering up the console (connecting the AC adapter with batteries removed). RAIN   Press to switch between Rain Rate (in/hr), Rain Event, Rain Day, Rain Week, Rain Month, and Rain Total. WIND +  Press to switch between average wind speed, wind gust and wind direction.  While in SET mode, press to increase the value. Press and hold for two seconds to increase the value rapidly. PRESSURE -  Press to switch between Relative Pressure (current), and 12hr, 24hr, 48hr and 72hr average Relative Pressure.  While in SET mode, press to decrease the value. Press and hold for two seconds to decrease the value rapidly. ALARM   Press to switch between high and low alarms MAX/MIN Press to switch between minimum and maximum values. LIGHT/SNOOZE  Press to adjust the LCD backlight brightness (high, medium and off).  Press to exit the SET mode at any time.  6.3   Set Mode Press and hold the SET button for two seconds to enter the SET Mode. To proceed to the next setting,
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 12 press (do not hold) the SET button.  To exit the SET mode at any time, press the LIGHT / SNOOZE button.  Figure 13 summarizes the set mode sequence and commands.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 13 Command Mode Settings Image [SET] + 2 seconds Enter Set Mode, Beep On or Off Press [WIND +] to switch OFF and ON.    This will prevent the beep from sounding when pressing any button.  [SET]   Clear Max/Min Press [WIND +] to switch OFF and ON.    When set to ON, the minimum and maximum values reset every day at midnight (00:00).  When set to OFF, the minimum and maximum values must be reset manually.  [SET] Daylight Savings Time (DST) Press [WIND +] to switch DST OFF and ON.  Set to ON (most locations) if you observe daylight savings time, and the clock will automatically adjust twice per year.  Set to OFF (Arizona and Hawaii) if you do not observe DST.  [SET] Time Zone Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust up or down (-12 to 12).  The default time zone is -5 (EST).  To find your time zone settings, please reference Figure 14.   [SET] 12 hour / 24 Hour Format Press [WIND +] to switch hour format between 12 hour and 24 hour format.   [SET] Hour Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust hour up or down.  [SET] Minute Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust minute up or down. [SET] Date Format Press [WIND +] to switch between MM-DD (month-day) and DD-MM (day-month) [SET] Year Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust year up or down [SET] Month Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust month up or down [SET] Day Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust day up or down [SET] Pressure Units of Measure Press [WIND +] to change units of measure between hpa, mmHg or inHg.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 14 [SET] Relative Pressure Calibration Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust relative pressure up or down  Reference Section 6.4.4 for details on calibration of relative pressure.   [SET] Light Units of Measure Press [WIND +] to change light units of measure between lux, fc, or w/m2  [SET] Temperature Units of Measure Press [WIND +] to change temperature units of measure between °F  and °C.    [SET] Wind Units of Measure Press [WIND +] to change wind units of measure between km/h, mph, knots, m/s and bft.  [SET] Rain Units of Measure Press [WIND +] to change rain units of measure between in and mm.  [SET] Hemisphere Press [WIND +] to change hemisphere between NTH (northern) and STH (southern).  This setting effects the moon phase display.  [SET] Exit Set Mode   [SET] + 2 seconds means press and hold the SET button for two seconds. [SET] means press the SET button. Figure 13 6.3.1 Time Zones The following table summarizes time zones around the world.  Hours from GMT Time Zone Cities -12 IDLW: International Date Line West --- -11 NT: Nome Nome, AK -10 AHST: Alaska-Hawaii Standard CAT: Central Alaska HST: Hawaii Standard Honolulu, HI -9 YST:   Yukon Standard Yukon Territory -8 PST: Pacific Standard Los Angeles, CA, USA -7 MST: Mountain Standard Denver, CO, USA -6 CST: Central Standard Chicago, IL, USA -5 EST: Eastern Standard New York, NY, USA -4 AST: Atlantic Standard Caracas -3 --- São Paulo, Brazil -2 AT: Azores Azores, Cape Verde Islands -1 WAT: West Africa ---
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 15 Hours from GMT Time Zone Cities 0 GMT: Greenwich Mean WET: Western European London, England 1 CET: Central European Paris, France 2 EET: Eastern European Athens, Greece 3 BT: Baghdad Moscow, Russia 4 --- Abu Dhabi, UAE 5 --- Tashkent 6 --- Astana 7 --- Bangkok 8 CCT: China Coast Bejing 9 JST: Japan Standard Tokyo 10 GST: Guam Standard Sydney 11 --- Magadan 12 IDLE: International Date Line East NZST: New Zealand Standard Wellington, New Zealand  Figure 14 6.4 Barometric Pressure Display 6.4.1 Viewing Absolute vs. Relative Pressure To switch between absolute and relative pressure, press and hold the [PRESSURE -] button for two seconds.  Absolute pressure is the measured atmospheric pressure, and is a function of altitude, and to a lesser extent, changes in weather conditions.  Absolute pressure is not corrected to sea-level conditions.  Relative pressure is corrected to sea-level conditions.    For further discussion of relative pressure and calibration, reference Section 6.4.4. 6.4.2 Rate of Change of Pressure Graph The rate of change of pressure graphic is shown to the left of the barometric pressure and signifies the difference between the daily average pressure and the 30 day average (in hPa).
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 16  Figure 15 6.4.3 Viewing Pressure History Press the [PRESSURE -] button to view the 12 hour, 24 hour, 48 hour and 72 hour pressure average. 6.4.4 Relative Pressure Calibration Discussion To  compare  pressure  conditions  from  one  location  to  another,  meteorologists  correct  pressure  to sea-level conditions. Because the air pressure decreases as you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected pressure (the pressure your location would be at if located at sea-level) is generally higher than your measured pressure.  Thus, your absolute pressure may read 28.62 inHg (969 mb) at an altitude of 1000 feet (305 m), but the relative pressure is 30.00 inHg (1016 mb).  The  standard  sea-level  pressure  is  29.92  in  Hg  (1013  mb).  This  is  the  average sea-level pressure around  the  world.    Relative  pressure  measurements  greater  than  29.92  inHg  (1013  mb)  are considered high pressure and relative pressure measurements less than 29.92 inHg are considered low pressure.  To determine the relative pressure for your location, locate an official reporting station near you (the internet  is  the  best  source  for  real  time  barometer  conditions,  such  as  or, and set your weather station to match the official reporting station. 6.5   Rain Display 6.5.1 Rain Increments of Measure Press the RAIN button to switch between Rain Rate (in/hr), Rain Event, Rain Day, Rain Week, Rain Month, and Rain Total. 6.5.2 Resetting Rain To reset the rain totals, press and hold the RAIN button for two seconds.  Resetting the weekly rain also resets the daily rain.  Resetting the monthly rain also resets the daily and weekly rain.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 17  Resetting the total rain also resets the monthly, weekly and daily rain. 6.5.3 Increments of Rain Definitions  Rain rate is defined as the last 10 minutes of rainfall, multiplied by six (10 minutes x 6 = 1 hour). This is also referred to as instantaneous rain per hour.  Rain event is defined as continuous rain, and resets to zero if rainfall accumulation is less than 10 mm (0.039 in) in a 24 hour period.  Daily Rain is defined as the rainfall since midnight (00:00).  Weekly Rain is defined as the calendar week total, and resets on Sunday morning at midnight (Sunday thru Saturday).  Monthly Rain is defined as the calendar month total, and resets on the first day of the Month.  Total Rain is defined as the running total since station was powered up. 6.6 Wind Display  Press the [WIND +] button to switch between average wind speed, wind gust and wind direction.  Wind speed is defined as the average wind speed in the 16 second update period.  Wind gust is defined as the peak wind speed in the 16 second update period. 6.7   Temperature Display If temperature is lower than minimum range, the temperature field will display dashes (--.-). If temperature is higher than maximum range, the temperature field will display dashes (--.-). 6.7.1 Wind Chill, Dew Point and Heat Index Display Press the [TEMP] button to switch between Outdoor Temperature, Wind Chill, Heat Index, Dew Point. 6.8 Alarms 6.8.1 Viewing High and Low Alarms To view the high alarm settings, press (do not hold) the ALARM button, and the high alarms will be displayed, as shown in Figure 16 (a).    To view the low alarm settings, press the ALARM button again, and the low alarms will be displayed, as shown in Figure 16 (b).  To return to normal mode, press the ALARM button again.    (a) (b) Figure 16
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 18 Rain Alarm While the High Alarm is displayed (reference Section 6.8.1), press the RAIN button to display the rain rate and daily rain alarm values. Wind Alarm While the High Alarm is displayed (reference Section 6.8.1), press the WIND button to display the wind speed and wind gust alarm values. 6.8.2 Setting High and Low Alarms Press and hold the ALARM button for two  seconds to enter the ALARM Set Mode. To save and proceed to the next alarm setting, press (do not hold) the SET button.  To exit the alarm mode at any time, press the LIGHT / SNOOZE button.  Figure 17Figure 13 summarizes the alarm mode sequence and commands.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 19 Command Mode Settings [ALARM] + 2 seconds Enter Alarm Set Mode, Alarm Hour Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm hour up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the time alarm on or off. When the alarm is on, the alarm time icon   will appear.  [SET] Alarm Minute Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm minute up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the time alarm on. The alarm time icon    will appear.    Press [ALARM] again to turn the time alarm off. The alarm time icon will disappear.   [SET] Alarm High Indoor Temperature Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.    Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm Low Indoor Temperature Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm High Indoor Humidity Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.    Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 20 [SET] Alarm Low Indoor Humidity Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm High Outdoor Temperature Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.    Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm Low Outdoor Temperature Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm High Outdoor Humidity Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.    Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm Low Outdoor Humidity Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 21 [SET] Alarm High Wind Speed Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm High Wind Gust Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm High Rain Rate Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Alarm High Daily Rain Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust alarm value up or down.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm on. The alarm icon    will appear.  Press [ALARM] to turn the alarm off. The alarm icon will disappear. [SET] Exit alarm settings mode.  [ALARM] + 2 seconds means press and hold the ALARM button for two seconds. [ALARM] means press the ALARM button. Figure 17 6.9   Max/Min Mode 6.9.1 Viewing Max/Min Values To  view  the  max  value,  press  (do  not  hold)  the  MAX/MIN  button,  and  the  max  values  will  be displayed, as shown in Figure 18 (a).    To  view  the  low  alarm  settings,  press  the  MAX/MIN  button  again,  and  the  min  values  will  be displayed, as shown in Figure 18 (b).
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 22 To return to normal mode, press the ALARM button again.    (a) (b) Figure 18 Display Wind Chill, Heat Index vs. Dew Point Max/Min Values While the max values are displayed as outlined in Section 6.9.1, press the TEMP button once to view the heat index, twice to view the dew point, and a third time to return to outdoor temperature.  While the min values are displayed as outlined in Section 6.9.1, press the TEMP button once to view the wind chill, twice to view the dew point, and a third time to return to outdoor temperature. Display Wind Speed vs. Wind Gust Max Values While the max values are displayed as outlined in Section 6.9.1, press the WIND + button once to view the max wind gust, and twice to return to wind speed. Display  Rain  Rate,  Daily  Rain,  Weekly  Rain  and  Monthly  Rain Max Values While the max values are displayed as outlined in Section 6.9.1, press the RAIN button once to view the max daily rain, twice to view the max weekly rain, three times to view the max monthly rain, four times to return to the max rain rate. Display Absolute and Relative Pressure Min and Max Values While the  max values are displayed as outlined in Section  6.9.1, press  and hold the  PRESSURE button for two seconds to view the absolute pressure, and press and hold the PRESSURE button for two seconds again to return to relative pressure.  While the min  values are  displayed  as  outlined in  Section  6.9.1, press  and hold  the  PRESSURE button for two seconds to view the absolute pressure, and press and hold the PRESSURE button for two seconds again to return to relative pressure. 6.10 Calibration 6.10.1 Calibration Settings Press and hold the TEMP. and MAX/MIN buttons at the same time for 5 seconds to enter calibration mode. The CAL icon will be displayed.  To save and proceed to the next calibration setting, press (do not hold) the SET button.  To exit the calibration mode at any time, press the LIGHT / SNOOZE button.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 23   Figure 19  Figure 20 summarizes the set mode sequence and commands.  Command Mode Settings TEMP. and MAX/MIN   + 5 seconds Enter Calibration Mode, Indoor Temperature Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the indoor temperature up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM]. [SET] Indoor Humidity Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the indoor humidity up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM]. [SET] Outdoor Temperature Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the outdoor temperature up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM]. [SET] Outdoor Humidity Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the outdoor humidity up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM]. [SET] Absolute Pressure Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the absolute pressure up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM].  Note: The absolute pressure calibration affects the relative pressure by the same amount. It is recommend you calibrate the relative pressure only, per Section 6.3. [SET] Wind Direction Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the wind direction up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM]. [SET] Wind Speed Factor Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the wind speed factor up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM]. [SET] Rain Factor Press [WIND +] or [PRESSURE -] to adjust the rain factor up or down.  To restore to factory default, press [ALARM]. [SET] Exit calibration mode  Figure 20  6.10.2 Calibration Ranges The following table summarizes the permissible calibration ranges.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 24 Parameter Range Indoor Temperature ± 9 °F  Indoor Humidity ± 9% Outdoor Temperature ± 9 °F  Outdoor Humidity ± 9% Absolute Pressure ± 10 hpa (± 2.95 inHg) Wind Direction ± 180 ° Wind Speed Factor 0.5 to 1.5 Rain Factor 0.5 to 1.5 Figure 21 6.10.3 Calibration Discussion  The purpose of calibration is to fine tune or correct for any sensor error associated with the devices margin of  error. Errors can occur due to  electronic variation (example, the temperature sensor is a resistive thermal device or RTD, the humidity sensor is a capacitance device), mechanical variation, or degradation (wearing of moving parts, contamination of sensors).  Calibration is only useful if you have a known calibrated source you can compare it against, and is optional. This section discusses practices, procedures and sources for sensor calibration to reduce manufacturing and degradation errors. Do not compare your readings obtained from sources such as the internet, radio, television or newspapers. The purpose of your weather station is to measure conditions of your surroundings, which vary significantly from location to location.  Parameter Type of Calibration Default Typical Calibration Source Temperature Offset Current Value Red Spirit or Mercury Thermometer (1) Humidity Offset Current Value Sling Psychrometer (2) ABS Barometer Offset Current Value Calibrated laboratory grade barometer REL Barometer Offset Current Value Local airport (3) Wind Direction Offset Current Value GPS, Compass (4) Wind Gain 1.00 Calibrated laboratory grade wind meter (5) Rain Gain 1.00 Sight glass rain gauge with an aperture of at least 4” (6) Figure 22  (1) Temperature errors can occur when a sensor is placed too close to a heat source (such as a building structure, the ground or trees).  To calibrate temperature, we recommend a mercury or red spirit (fluid) thermometer. Bi-metal (dial) and digital thermometers (from other weather stations) are not a good source and have their own margin of error. Using a local weather station in your area is also a poor source due to changes in location, timing (airport weather stations are only updated once per hour) and possible  calibration  errors  (many  official  weather  stations  are  not  properly  installed  and calibrated).  Place the sensor in a shaded, controlled environment next to the fluid thermometer, and allow the sensor to stabilize for 48 hours. Compare this temperature to the fluid thermometer and adjust the console to match the fluid thermometer.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 25  (2) Humidity  is  a  difficult  parameter  to  measure  electronically  and  drifts  over  time  due  to contamination. In addition, location has an adverse affect on humidity readings (installation over dirt vs. lawn for example).    Official  stations  recalibrate  or  replace  humidity  sensors  on  a  yearly  basis.    Due  to manufacturing tolerances, the humidity is accurate to ± 5%. To improve this accuracy, the indoor  and  outdoor  humidity  can  be  calibrated  using  an  accurate  source,  such  as  a  sling psychrometer.  (3) The  display  console  displays  two  different  pressures:  absolute  (measured)  and  relative (corrected to sea-level).  To compare pressure conditions from one location to another, meteorologists correct pressure to sea-level conditions. Because the air pressure decreases as you rise in altitude, the sea-level corrected pressure (the pressure your location would be at if located at sea-level) is generally higher than your measured pressure.  Thus, your absolute pressure may read 28.62 inHg (969 mb) at an altitude of 1000 feet (305 m), but the relative pressure is 30.00 inHg (1016 mb).  The  standard  sea-level  pressure  is  29.92  in  Hg  (1013  mb).  This  is  the  average  sea-level pressure around the world.    Relative pressure measurements greater than 29.92 inHg (1013 mb) are considered high pressure and relative pressure measurements less than 29.92 inHg are considered low pressure.  To determine the relative pressure for your location, locate an official reporting station near you (the internet is the best source for real time barometer conditions, such as or, and set your weather station to match the official reporting station.  (4) Only use this if you improperly installed the weather station sensor array, and did not point the direction reference to true north.  (5) Wind speed is the most sensitive to installation constraints. The rule of thumb for properly installing a wind speed sensor is 4 x the distance of the tallest obstruction. For example, if your house is 20’ tall and you mount the sensor on a 5’ pole:  Distance = 4 x (20 – 5)’ = 60’.  Many installations are not perfect and installing the weather station on a roof can be difficult. Thus, you can calibrate for this error with a wind speed multiplier.  In addition to the installation challenges, wind cup bearings (moving parts) wear over time.  Without a calibrated source, wind speed can be difficult to measure. We recommend using a calibrated wind meter and a constant speed, high speed fan.  (6) The rain collector is calibrated at the factory based on the funnel diameter. The bucket tips every 0.01” of rain (referred to as resolution). The accumulated rainfall can be compared to a sight glass rain gauge with an aperture of at least 4”.    Make sure you periodically clean the rain gauge funnel.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 26 6.11 Restoring the Console to Factory Default To restore the console to factory default, perform the following steps:  1. Remove  the  power  from  the  console by removing the  batteries and  disconnecting  the  AC adapter. 2. Apply power by connecting the AC adapter. 3. Wait for all of the segments to appear on the screen, as shown in Figure 11. 4. Press and hold the WIND/+ and PRESSURE/- buttons at the same time until the console power up sequence is complete (about 5 seconds). 5. Replace the batteries. 6.12   Resynchronize Wireless Sensor Press  and  hold  the  LIGHT  /SNOOZE  button  for  5  seconds,  and  the  console  will  re-register  the wireless sensor. 6.13 Backlight Operation 6.13.1 With AC Adapter The backlight can only be continuously on when the AC adapter is permanently on. When the AC adapter is disconnected, the backlight can be temporarily turned on.  Press the LIGHT SNOOZE button to adjust the brightness between High, Low and Off. 6.13.2 Without AC Adapter To reduce power consumption, the console will sleep on battery power only, and will not send data to the Internet.  To temporarily turn on the back light for 15 seconds, press the LIGHT SNOOZE button. 6.14   Tendency Arrows Tendency arrows allow you to quickly determine of temperature or pressure are rising and falling in a three hour update period, updated every 30 minutes.  Figure 23 defines the conditions for rising and falling pressure every 3 hours.  Tendency indicators Condition Humidity Change per 3 Hours Temperature Change per 3 Hours  Rising Rising > 3% Rising > 1º C / 2 ºF  Steady Change ≤ ±3% Change ≤ ± 1 º C /   2 º F  Falling Falling > 3% Falling > 1º C / 2 ºF Figure 23  6.15 Wireless Signal Strength Indicator The wireless signal strength displays reception quality. If no signal is lost, the signal strength indicator will display 5 bars. If the signal is lost once, four bars will be displayed, a shown in Figure 24.  Five Bars Four Bars
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 27   No signal loss Lost signal once Figure 24  6.16   Weather Forecasting  The five weather icons are Sunny, Partly Cloudy, Cloudy, Rainy and Stormy.  The forecast icon is based on the rate of change of barometric pressure. Please allow at least one month for the weather station to learn the barometric pressure over time.  Sunny Partly Cloudy Cloudy Rainy Stormy Snowy       Pressure increses  for  a sustained period of time Pressure increases slightly,  or initial  power up Pressure decreases slightly Pressure decreases for a sustained period of time Pressure rapidly decreases Pressure decreases for a sustained period of time and temperature is below freezing Figure 25  6.16.1 Weather Forecasting Description and Limitations In general, if the rate of change of pressure increases, the weather is generally improving (sunny to partly cloudy). If the rate of change of pressure decreases, the weather is generally degrading (cloudy, rainy or stormy). If the rate of change is relatively steady, it will read partly cloudy.  The reason the current conditions do not match the forecast icon is because the forecast is a prediction 24-48 hours in advance. In most locations, this prediction is only 70% accurate and it is a good idea to consult the National Weather  Service for more  accurate weather  forecasts. In  some  locations,  this prediction may be less or more accurate. However, it is still an interesting educational tool for learning why the weather changes.  The National Weather Service (and other weather services such  as Accuweather and The  Weather Channel) have many tools  at their disposal to predict  weather conditions, including weather radar, weather models, and detailed mapping of ground conditions.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 28 7.   Live Internet Publishing   The WS-2902 sends data to three free hosting services:  Hosting Service Website Description Weather Undergound Weather Underground is a free weather hosting service that allows you to send and view your weather station data real-time, view graphs and gauges, import text data for more detailed analysis and use iPhone, iPad and Android applications available at Weather Underground is a subsidiary of The Weather Channel and IBM. WeatherBug Community WeatherBug Community is an extension of the WeatherBug community of weather stations. WeatherBug is a brand owned by Earth Networks that provides live weather data and maintains a mesoscale network of over 8,000 weather stations. Weather Cloud Weathercloud  is  a  real-time  weather  social network formed by observers from around the world.   The WS-2902 weather station sends data to the Internet using your WiFi connection.  7.1   Connecting the Weather Station Console to WiFi The WiFi feature only works when plugged into AC power due to higher energy requirements.  To  connect the weather  station  to  WiFi, you must  first  download  the application  from one  of  the following choices:   Apple App Store  Google Play Store  1. From your mobile device, visit the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and search for the “WS Tool” application. Download this application to your mobile device.  2. Run the application, and select Add Device, as shown in Figure 26.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 29  Figure 26  3. Make sure your mobile device is connected to your WiFi network.    Enter the password for your router, and select Save, as shown in Figure 27.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 30  Figure 27  4. Reference Figure 28.    If the WiFi icon is not flashing rapidly, (1) press and hold the RAIN and ALARM buttons at the same time for four seconds. (2) The WiFi icon will begin flashing rapidly, indicating the console is searching for your WiFi network.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 31  Figure 28 5. Once  the  console  has  connected  to  your  WiFi  network,  the  devices  Mac  address  and  IP address will be displayed, as shown in Figure 29.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 32  Figure 29  6. Enter your and Station ID, Password and StationNum (see Section 8).
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 33  Figure 30   8. Registering with, and  8.1 Visit and select the Join link at the top of the page. Select the Free sign up option.   Figure 31 1. Select More | Register Your PWS.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 34 2. Click Send Validation Email. Respond to the validation email from Wunderground (it may take a few minutes).   Figure 32  3. Select More | Register Your PWS again and enter all of the information requested.   Figure 33  4. After registering your station, make a note of the following:  Station ID  Station Key / Password  Enter the Station ID (ID), Station Key (Password) and Station Number (StationNum) into the Tool. Leave the StationNum field blank.  Figure 34 is an example, and your station ID and password will be different.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 35 Figure 34  Note:  Your  station  ID  will  have  the  form:  KSSCCCC###,  where  K  is  for  USA  station  (I  for international), SS is your state, CCCC is your city and ### is the station number in that city.    In the example above, KAZPHOEN424 is in the USA (K), State of Arizona (AZ), City of Phoenix (PHOEN) and #424.  8.2 Visit and Click here to register your station.   Figure 35  After registering your station, make a note of the following:  UserName  Password  Your Publisher ID  Your Station Number
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 36 Enter the Publisher ID (ID), Password and Station Number (StationNum) into the WS Tool.  8.3   WeatherCloud  1. Visit and enter a Username, Email and Password.  Figure 36  2. Respond to the validation email from WeatherCloud (it may take a few minutes).   Figure 37 3. Select  Create  Device  and  enter  your  weather  station  information.  After  registering  your station, make a note of the following:   Weathercloud ID  Key  Enter  the  Weathercloud  ID  (ID),  Key  (password)  into  the  WS  Tool.    Leave  the  Station  Number (StationNum) blank. 9. Glossary of Terms  Term Definition Absolute Barometric Pressure Absolute pressure is the measured atmospheric pressure and is a function of altitude, and to a lesser extent, changes in weather conditions.  Absolute pressure is not corrected to sea-level conditions. Refer to Relative Barometric Pressure.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 37 Term Definition Accuracy Accuracy is defined as the ability of a measurement to match the actual value of the quantity being measured. Barometer A barometer is an instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure. Calibration Calibration is a comparison between measurements – one of known magnitude or correctness of one device (standard) and another measurement made in as similar a way as possible with a second device (instrument). Dew Point The dew point is the temperature at which a given parcel of humid air must be cooled, at constant barometric pressure, for water vapor to condense into water. The condensed water is called dew. The dew point is a saturation temperature.  The dew point is associated with relative humidity. A high relative humidity indicates that the dew point is closer to the current air temperature. Relative humidity of 100% indicates the dew point is equal to the current temperature and the air is maximally saturated with water. When the dew point remains constant and temperature increases, relative humidity will decrease. Heat Index The Heat Index, sometimes referred to as the apparent temperature, is a measure of how hot it really feels when relative humidity is factored with the actual air temperature.  To find the Heat Index temperature, look at the Heat Index chart below. As an example, if the air temperature is 96°F and the relative humidity is 65%, the heat index (how hot it feels) is 121°F.  IMPORTANT: Since heat index values were devised for shady, light wind conditions, exposure to full sunshine can increase heat index values by up to 15°F. Also, strong winds, particularly with very hot, dry air, can be extremely hazardous.  The Heat Index Chart shaded zone above 105°F shows a level that may cause increasingly severe heat disorders with continued exposure or physical activity.  Heat Index is not calculated below 80°F.    HectoPascals (hPa) Pressure units in SI (international system) units of measurement. Same as millibars (1 hPa = 1 mbar)
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 38 Term Definition Hygrometer A hygrometer is a device that measures relative humidity.    Relative humidity is a term used to describe the amount or percentage of water vapor that exists in air. Inches of Mercury (inHg) Pressure in Imperial units of measure. 1 inch of mercury = 33.86 millibars Rain Gauge A rain gauge is a device that measures liquid precipitation (rain), as opposed to solid precipitation (snow gauge) over a set period of time.  All digital rain gauges are self emptying or self dumping (also referred to as tipping rain gauge). The precision of the rain gauge is based on the volume of rain per emptying cycle. Range Range is defined as the amount or extent a value can be measured. Relative Barometric Pressure Measured barometric pressure relative to your location or ambient conditions.   Resolution Resolution is defined as the number of significant digits (decimal places) to which a value is being reliably measured. Solar Radiation A solar radiation sensor measures solar energy from the sun.  Solar radiation is radiant energy emitted by the sun from a nuclear fusion reaction that creates electromagnetic energy. The spectrum of solar radiation is close to that of a black body with a temperature of about 5800 K. About half of the radiation is in the visible short-wave part of the electromagnetic spectrum. The other half is mostly in the near-infrared part, with some in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum.  Thermometer A thermometer is a device that measures temperature. Most digital thermometers are resistive thermal devices (RTD). RTDs predict change in temperature as a function of electrical resistance. Wind Vane A wind vane is a device that measures the direction of the wind. The wind vane is usually combined with the anemometer. Wind direction is the direction from which the wind is blowing. 10. Specifications 10.1 Wireless Specifications  Line of sight wireless transmission (in open air): 330 feet, 100 feet under most conditions  Update Rate: Outdoor Sensor: 16 seconds, Indoor Sensor: 64 seconds  Frequency: 915 MHz
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 39 10.2 Measurement Specifications The following table provides the specifications for the measured parameters.  Measurement Range Accuracy Resolution Indoor Temperature 14 to 140 °F ± 2 °F 0.1 °F Outdoor Temperature -40 to 149 °F (lithium batteries) -23 to 140 °F  (alkaline batteries) ± 2 °F 0.1 °F Indoor Humidity 10 to 99% ± 5% 1 % Outdoor Humidity 10 to 99% ± 5% 1 % Barometric Pressure 8.85 to 32.50 inHg ± 0.08 inHg (within range of 27.13 to 32.50 inHg) 0.01 inHg Light 0 to 200,000 Lux ± 15% 1 Lux Rain 0 to 394 in. ± 5% 0.01 in Wind Direction 0 - 360 º ± 10º 1º Wind Speed 0 to 100 mph (operational) ± 2.2 mph or 10% (whichever is greater) 1.4 mph  10.3 Power Consumption  Base station : 5V DC Adaptor (included), Power Consumption: 0.5 Watts (1.25 Watts during WiFi configuration mode)  Outdoor sensor array: 3xAA batteries (not included) 11. Maintenance 1. Clean the rain gauge once every 3 months. Rotate the funnel counter-clockwise and lift to expose the rain gauge mechanism, and clean with a damp cloth. Remove any dirt, debris and insects. If bug infestation is an issue, spray the array lightly with insecticide.   Figure 38   2. Clean the solar radiation sensor and solar panel every 3 months with damp cloth. 3. Replace  batteries  every  1-2  years.  If  left  in  too  long,  the  batteries  may  leak  due  to
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 40 environmental challenges. 4. In snowy environments, spray the top of the weather station with anti-icing silicon spray to prevent snow build up. 12. Troubleshooting Guide  Problem Solution Outdoor sensor array does not communicate to the display console. The sensor array may have initiated properly and the data is registered by the console as invalid, and the console must be reset.  Press the reset button as described in Figure 1.  With  an  open  ended  paperclip,  press  the  reset  button  for  3  seconds  to completely discharge the voltage.  Take out the batteries and wait one minute, while covering the solar panel to drain the voltage.  Put batteries back in and resync the console (Section 6.12) with the sensor array about 10 feet away.  The LED next to the battery compartment will flash every 16 seconds.    If the LED is not flashing every 16 seconds…  Replace the batteries in the outside sensor array.  If the batteries  were recently replaced, check  the polarity.  If the  sensor is flashing every 16 seconds, proceed to the next step.  There  may  be  a  temporary  loss  of  communication  due  to  reception  loss related to interference or other location factors,    or the batteries may have been changed in the sensor array and the console has not been reset. The solution may be as simple as powering down and up the console (remove AC power and batteries, wait 10 seconds, and reinsert AC power and batteries). Temperature sensor reads too high in the day time. Make certain that the sensor array is not too close to heat generating sources or strictures, such as buildings, pavement, walls or air conditioning units.  Use the calibration feature to offset installation issues related to radiant heat sources. Reference Section 6.10. Relative pressure does not agree with official reporting station You may be viewing the absolute pressure, not the relative pressure.  Select the relative pressure. Make sure you properly calibrate the sensor to an official local weather station. Reference Section 6.4 for details. Rain gauge reports rain when it is not raining An unstable mounting solution (sway in the mounting pole) may result in the tipping bucket incorrectly incrementing rainfall. Make sure you have a stable, level mounting solution. Data not reporting to 1. Confirm your password or key is correct. It is the password you registered on Your password cannot begin with a non-alphanumeric character (a limitation of, not the station). Example, $oewkrf is not a valid password, but oewkrf$ is valid.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 41 Problem Solution  2. Confirm your station ID is correct. The station ID is all caps, and the most common issue is substituting an O for a 0 (or visa versa). Example, KAZPHOEN11, not KAZPH0EN11  3. Make sure the date and time is correct on the console. If incorrect, you may be reporting old data, not real time data.  4. Make sure your time zone is set properly. If incorrect, you may be reporting old data, not real time data.  5. Check your router firewall settings. The console sends data via Port 80. No WiFi connection 1. Check for WiFi symbol on the display.    If wireless connectivity is successful the WiFi icon    will be displayed in the time field.  2. Make sure your modem WiFi settings are correct (network name, and password).   13. Liability Disclaimer Please help in the preservation of the environment and return used batteries to an authorized depot.   The electrical and electronic wastes contain hazardous substances. Disposal of electronic waste in wild country and/or in unauthorized grounds strongly damages the environment.  Reading the “User manual” is highly recommended. The manufacturer and supplier cannot accept any responsibility for any incorrect readings and any consequences that occur should an inaccurate reading take place.  This product is designed for use in the home only as indication of weather conditions. This product is not to be used for medical purposes or for public safety information.  The specifications of this product may change without prior notice.  This product is not a toy. Keep out of the reach of children.  No part of this manual may be reproduced without written authorization of the manufacturer.   14. FCC Statement Statement according to FCC part 15.19:   This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:   1. This device may not cause harmful interference.
 Version 1.0                                                                                                                                  Page 42 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.    Statement according to FCC part 15.21:   Any changes or Modifications not expressly approved by this company could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. Statement according to FCC part 15.105:   NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.   However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:   • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.   • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.   • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.   • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.          This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and it also complies with Part 15 of the FCC RF Rules. This equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with provided instructions and the antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20 cm from all persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provided with antenna installation instructions and consider removing the no-collocation statement.

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