First Computer XTB70L Notebook Computer wih WLAN/Bluetooth User Manual 3

First International Computer Inc Notebook Computer wih WLAN/Bluetooth 3

User Manual 3

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Document TitleUser Manual 3
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Notebook User Guide
To change the display properties ofyout screa‘l under Windows systen'l, just
ughtrdjck on the dsklop area and select Properties or go to the Control Panel
and click on the Display icon. The Display Properties dialog box will appeal on
your screen. Click on the Selfings tab to set your desired configuration Make
sure to follow the configuration table above
+ 1/ you eonn oi can/igum the display properties, change the display drive!
his: as mentioned on Seozion 5 ”Installing the Notebook Devioe Dsiyeis ” of
Chapterz in this manual. Consult your dealer/or she hates: Wndows VGA
Knowing the Power Saving Features
One of the great features in your notebook computer aside from its superior
performance 15 the ability to save eneigy power Your computer is designed to
incorporate intelligent and advanoed power management functions that turn
off power of most componerm when systemis idle or not in use. This feature
not only gives you longer bamery hours but cooler systems and wmpona-its as
well For more information on how to control the power management features
of your computer, refer to Power Options function in Control Panel of
The definitions of Standby Mode, Hibernation Mode, and shunown are
depicted as follows:
Standby Made
Standby Mode is mainly for power saving Man the Standby Mode is
activated, your dJsPlay and hard dnve are shut down and all open applications
Using Your Notebook 3
and documents are stored in RAM (Random Acoess Memory). This allows
your notebook to wake up quickly, but a 1ow1eye1 ofpower is required to
maintain [hJS suspended state. How quiddy your system powers down into
Standby mode is up to you by Seltlng proper times In Power Options of
Control Panel in Window While the notebook 15 m Standby mode> the LED
ofpower indicator flashes. To resume your working again, you can press the
power button to return your work to the screen where you left off.
I‘ll'bemztifln Made
In Hibernation mode, all system devices are powered down and the Donn-trim
ofRAM are stored on your hard drive Hibemate rnode uses less power than
Standby mode, but takes a bit longer time to resume when your notebook
gOS lnlo hlbemsmm Windows saves your enure desktop state before
powen‘ng down your computer You don’t need to save and close each
document before you put your notebook into hibernanon. When you press
power button again, systern win bring your notebook out of hibernation You'll
find your applimtions and documents open on your desktop exaetty as you be
+ Hibernation is enabled by dentult, To vet-mt tbnt Hibernation is ennbledd,
Click Start, point to Settings, and [hen elielr Comm] Pane]. Choose
Power Options icon, tben elielr on tbe Hibernate lab, IF the eboelr box
olEnable Hibernate ia eeleetet; tbe Hibernation mode is enabled.
All power has been tumed off from the nombook. This means that no power
mcluchng external AC Power source and battery Power source will be consume
by the notebook
Notebook User Guide
Working with the Built-in HDD
Your notebook computer is equipped with a built—in large capacity 2.5 inch
IDE hard disk drive where you store or install your wmputer operahng systern
and all apphmhon sottwsre Programs You need to tourist the hard disk
before using The internal hard diskis normally assigned as Drive c after
formatting. sorneu‘rnes divided into two paruuons, adding a Drive D. Since
your computer supports different hard disk mpscms [up to 80 GB), you slso
need to setup the disk type first on your computefs BIOS SETUP program
before formatting the disk drive. Your computer supports Auto—detect hard
dislr type, so you do not need to set it manually Your dealer should already
have done all of this for you You can refer to Chapter 6 on how to run the
BIOS SETUP program
You can increase the system’s storage capacity by replacing the standard hard
disk drive With a dnve of greater storage capacity
+ lfyuu wish It) replaee your hard dislr, centeetyeur local dealer for more
information about this dealehinstallable device.
+ Ahvsys tum olfyour eempuierlirsr before removing the hard dish dn've.
Failure- a; do so will damage the eompu (er and the hsud dislr. A midmring
or moving the computer while the hard disk is still being aeeessed,
How to Access the Optical Drive
Your system Shlps With an optical disk dnye installed on the left side of your
computer You would noimally use the dnve for installing operating system
and software application programs.
To insert and remove a disc on the du've:
Using Your Notebook 3
Nlake sure the computer is tun-led on. Press the qect button found on the
door cover of the combo drive The CD tray mechanism will pop—out
slightly and slowly pull out the whole length of the tray.
place the disc on [up of the CD tray with the label side facing up. Gently
press the compact disc onto the center spindle to secure the disc.
To remove the disc, press on the center spindle and pull up the disc from
the side nnnl the dJsc snaps out of the splndle lock
lflbe s/cet function ls disabled by saftwm‘e at n paws! failure occurs, the
Emelgency Eject Hole allows you to manually remove a CD from [he
To close the combo drive, simply push the CD tray mside. The combo
dnve LED will scuvme when the dJSC IS detected Wall unul the LED has
tumed off and then start to read the disc.
Notebook User Guide
How to care the CD
When you handle CDs, pay attenuon to the following guidehnes-
- Always piclr up the CD by its edges
. Avoid scmlchmg or soiling either side of the CD.
. Do not write With the hard ball—point pen or apply labels on either side of
the CD
. Keep the CD away from direct sunlight or high temperatures
- clean fingerpdne or dust from the CD by wiping it with a soft cloth
The above points also apply to other opncal storage media
+ The Combo drive is a Class 1 Lasel I’mduct.
The ExpressCard is a newly developed PC Card interface, its connector has
just 26 pins and the interface has a potential transfer rate ofup to 500 NIB/sec
(or 250 NIB/sec in each direction) using a singe—lane PCI Express linlr Its
fonn factor 15 up to 40 percent smaller than a PC CarcL Which allows
ExpressCard modules to be includedin smaller host systems. Desigled fol:
both desktop and mobile use, ExpressCard use either USB 2.0 or a single lane
PCI Express technology.
The ExpressCard standard was developed by PCMCIA member oompanies
including technology leaders, system manufacturers, card manufacturers, from
all other parts of the PC Card industry.
Using Your Notebook 3
Dimensions of Express Card
Current CardBus PC cards are 54 milhmeters wide ExpressCard mn divided
into two categories, based on Width Most desigis will use the ExpressCard 34
design, whlch sets the width at 34 millimeters. For some applications, the wider
ExpressCard 54 standard will be used to produce cards that can handle the
higher theimal requirements of those applications.
All ExpressCard medals are 5mm Ll’uck but the standard also allows for and
developers to build longer extended modules
Your computer includes hot swapping capability, that allows you to exchange
cards while the computer is tum on and start using it immediately
Inserting ExpressCard
To insert a ExpressCard into the ExpressCard slot”
1 Locate the ExprSsCsrd slot cover on the night Side of the computer
2. Insert the side of ExpressCard with the Zé—pin socket into the
ExpressCard slot The faae label of the card should also be facing up
3. When the full length of the card is almost. inside the slot, push firmly but
slowly, to ensure full eonneeuon With the cornpuler The Expresscard Will
be automatically detected, and once the needed driver is installed, it will
generate a beep sound to indicate that the and is detected
Notebook User Guide
Removing EXptessCard
To remove a ExpressCaxd from the ExpressCatd slog you should filsl dlsable
the ExpressCard cml semngln the system as descnbed foflomngs-
1. Double click the ExpressCard icon on the light bottom side of the task
2. Select the socket from the fist that you want to remove, and chck Stop
button The system then dlsables the function of ExpressCud card.
3. Then you can remove the inserted ExpressCald. To release the
ExpressCarcL just push the Ex'ptessCard again to the end. Then the
ExpressCud Wlll automatlcally bounce off the ExpressCatd slot.
4 When the ExpressCsrd has moved out a space out of the slot, hold the
edges of the card and slowly shde ll out
Using Your Notebook 3
+ The power consumption oIExpmssCzrd/54 is aboutZJW, While the
mnsumption oIExpressCBni/fl is about 13W: To save enetgy, preys the
button to disconnect the and when it is notin use.
Using Flash Memory Cards
Flash Memory 15 a memory storage media, It is used by most digmal camera,
moreover, it can rephee the traditional floppy disk. Flash memory cud is bout
with different form factor and brand name. Ther size is smallel than PCMCIA
card The computer supports most of the flash memory card, melodmg SD)
MMC, MS (Memory Suck), and MSiI’ro card
The 4 m 1 and slot ts used by the followmg mrds as SD) MS (Memory Suck ),
MMQ and Ms_Pro.
Notebook User Guide
+ For a single moment, only one and can be inserted into the 4 in 1 and slot
Inserting Flash Memory Card
To insert a flash memory card into the slot is similar to ExpressCard. You only
need to pay more attention whenever insert the flash memory card into the slot
with the correct side.
For MC and SD card, you should posihon the copper connector at the
bottom side. For Memory Stick card, you should position the copper
connector at the topside All of these mrds should be located at the center of
the slots in inserting
Slot Card type Copper connector
4 in 1 SD (Secure Digital) Bottom side
MMC (MttltiMedia Card) Bottom
Ms (Memory Stick) Top side
MSipro Top side
Only one correct side can be accepted for the 4 in 1 oard slots. Ifyou cannot
insert the card into the 4 in 1 slot or you had inserted the card but it 15 not
tecogntzed by the computer, please remove the card and mm the and upside
down and insert it again To prevent the damage made both on card and the
slot, never forced an entry into the slot with incorrect side.
Using Your Notebook 3
Rama lingflasb Memory C ard
It is sxrnihnu apzmcm fox (summing a flash memnxy and (mm the slot.
Youshnuld filst disabl: the card sefliflg in the system as dascdb edin the
To move ch; flash memnxy cud, you should only pull out the and by finger.
than is 110 plane button in flash memozy slot.
Fun with Multimedia 4
4 Fun with Multimedia
This chapter lets you make full use chill the
multimedia features of you: computer m having fun
and excitement duung work or leisure You will lean—i
how to mix and match the built—in sound system, use
Combo dive in creating an Exdtlng fun multimedia
Notebook User Guide
Notebook Multimedia Features
Your notebook computer 15 ucb In multimedia features that make your
computing fun, comfortable, exciting and easy Your oornputer is well able to
perform all multimedia tasks through the following:
. AMD TuuonTM 54 x 2 mobile technology
. DVD marrow Combo, DVD Dual or DVD—Super Multi (Optional)
. Integrated Nvldm C51D gmphlcs engine
- Sound Blaster compatible Compliant with Intel HD Audio (Azalia),
Audio Sound System Features
Your computer has a huiltin 16—bit stereo sound controller that allows you to
record, store, and playback voice, music and other sound effccm with built—m
mixer controls. An integrated full—dupler microphone and twm mini—speakers
are also built—in into your computer to allow you to record and playback sound
anytime and anywhere
on the front side of your computer, you will find the audio ports that include
the following
. Exlemal 1/8—inch microphone iaclr that connects external microphone for
rewrding purpose
. Earphone or headphone lack for Personal hslemng
. SPDIF out port for digitized audio signal transmission
Fun with Multimedia 4
. sound volume fld]ust by K/B hot—key
Setting up the Audio Driver
Before you can start using the audio capabilities of your oomputer, you need
first to setup properly the audio driver after insulhng Windows. Ifyou bought
your computer with Windows pte—installed) it is rnost lilrely that your dealer
hove configured the sound dnuer for you lfnot, you must refer to Chaplet 2
on how to setup the sound drivers for Windows
Windows Multimedia Programs
Windows Proyides several multimedia programs that you eon run with the
built—in features of your computer, Pointing the Start button: Programs,
Accessories, then Entertainment, you Will find the Multimedia programs
group (The section below use Window XP os exmnples)
No when]: User Guida
0 mm,
. qn—m
a m...» g-..._.._
4 “bu-“w - a»,
Fig“): 4.1 Enmmimgnl Pup—um Gnu,
nu stand-1d mulfimdix cornpmnh axe n follows:
. Windows Me ch Phyez - fox playing sound, ma 0 md Animation 6h:
- Sound Ragga“ . for m curling sounds ma pllybwk
o Velma Control- fo: ldjusfirg ch Velma of wink
+ Firm")! “main nah-urn sperm tuna-fined“: cumulus, m
flap-gum Amie“ u dump...“-
Recording Sounds
You: compuhex flows you to zecnxdvnice and nthex sounds in nveulwiys
Inditones dumasflhs on you huddlsku flux voice 0: suundfihscmthan
Fun win-Multimedia 4
be phyed'blck uuough tl-g mom-i speeioee ox euphosie jack using en exismei
spalkzgheldphuzu, u: eixpiioiie see Youom iiso use the flies is vuiae
monooi—is on many appliplfion: fox mom (ellpnsentafion, Th's secfionwill
desois'be bnefly howyou cnn mead somds mdzzwindows openfing syshm
To mend sounds, you use d to (m the sound Recuzdgx flaplmfiom fig
Mummdiepiogmgoups, ‘n-ie oonaoi buttons omie Sound Reoozdei are
simple to undeestmd whine c mpzise om-ie Flsk Rewind, Fast Fozwud, Pity,
Stop, and Recoxd buttons Clickthq Help mnu on how to opulbe a». Sound
' win-ii \Ulll\lluet'bll|l“
Fig“! 4-2 Sound Rectifier
The Sound Recozch: dso Allows you to record sound from diffeesiieinpix
sudio some: Like rh following:
o Fxnmfhz extant! nictophme
o Fxomflu Candie dove
Sime yauunuld ucoxd sum-id fzum difl'emfltinput soumes you mist fizst set
doe pzopez audio input mending dame ui-idex use Recording Carmella-ml,
To do this:
1. Double-click onthe Volume Cunkol on flu nskbu at click Stlxt baton,
men pomtto Pzagnns, Aacessozus, Enhxtainmgnt and 111215ch on
Vulwxn Conkol.
No when]: User Gnida
cuk Pu, erfles m m Opfions main mm.
Click thg round button fa: Rec oxd'mg and Se]; offuph c onpomnt tint
listinrlu "Shows r}: {allowing anm Cumuls' bux.
mus-m w.“ EIAgr
9m mum-n; mimm'nuk
3 may
3 mm».
21 mm»:
21 mun-
3 mm"
Figure 45 Audio Plays-ties
Click on ma file Recaxding Carmel adngbnxwiu Appeu. Hem, you
will sekctthn input mm ion the moulding scum If you Wm! to sword
Emma“ Combu an“ my: ludio mule, you mstcfick on CD Player.
Fun whhMuhimel'u 4
- summon.- s “mm
Figure 44 Recording Volume leml
You c ompum snows you to connect m exhaust! fricmphom fox high quality
m otda'ng, nu exhzmlminxophom jwku found omm 1m sidg ofyou
catapult. 11 Se Ody n'licxuphom with 1 18-inch "ins—j“); connector, Follow
ass Em provedun foxxecoxding vme.
You would nomlly un thg Combo chive fox sec «ding wda’o trash: (mum.
Amie CD. Followrlmsg snaps:
1. mums CD Phyez volume on flu Recording Cos-ml ss ds'uussed “as“.
a. Run dss Sound Recozdgx gopsm
3. lnsextthe sudio CD into tin Combo ddve.Un!ess youhsue disnbledthe
c D auto-insedinn nofific alien fox suppom'ng Suspend mock, the CD
Phyex should utomlh'pllly tun ifizx you have insnhd us Audio canpmt
din: mdwill mg: pllying ass Audio CD.
No ubook User Guide
unrul n
Figure 45 Play Audio CD by Windows Media Player
4. Select ch; swung point Whgxe you want to sun xec nxdsng.
5. Sunhchtu the Sound Rec oxdu Ind fate is t}: Rev on! human.
6. smechmasmly to the Windows MediAPhyex lndpzess the Play
button. Youcln Idlust u-g vahm c antral m youcln Ilsa hm thg mam:
whlle mmcrxdug
Playing Audio and Sound
Yaut compuhex has bulbm mm spa aims to playback nucho md sound You
cln 1150 min“ the volurm nunmlly by ldyusfingthe volm a mud hatkeys
found on the kay'boaxd,
Fun with Multimedia 4
For more quality sound output, you can choose to connect an external
amplified speaker or earphone from headphone jack Always minimize the
volume first before placing the phone set to your ear.
The easiest way to playback moldrnedia media files is to run the Windows
Media Player Follow diese steps
1. Click on Siam, point to Programs, Accessories, and (hm
2. Click on Windows Media Player to start program.
3. Click on the File menu and select the file you want to play.
4. When the file is recognized and open, dick on the Play button to start
Playing Video and MPEG Files
Your computer is capable of running video monon files as well as lVfPEG
(Nloljon Picture Expert Group) files on CD, DVD, or CD—RW. By using
sofrware MPEG Program, you can watch real full—motion Picnire on your
computer. You can also run the Windows Media Player under the
Entertainment programs group as well (0 show all media device programs.
No ubook User Guide
v, w..— nu- m...
Figm 4.6 Windows Media Phyer
Using DVD
DVD u the bmdflhxuughin supezb full-motion piptlxe pllyblvk. Om disc cm
cont-m x Lust 4,7(35 of Manhattan, capable ofholdmg om full—length
movie mm suufldkwks, subtitles, and Meant languages. Mushmme, fie
DVD-R0 M dnve of ycvux compum 15 buckmxd c nmpmble watch CD-ROM
drive sf“: lllowsyouto use my CD “well It 1150 wmksrhe mm “the CD-
ao M.
To playbwk DVD hfles, you umuld need , sofiwue MPEG-Z prognm mime
DVD-R0 M dn've at leist. Yam N nmbnok empire: in; installed Windows
XP for opeuu‘on sysmmmdxts Windows Med.“ Player suppoxts DVD’:
plxy'b m k.
Fun viii-Multimedia 4
Youunm Windows Medin Player to wash DVDs unyou: Notebook
catapult. his! . cumenfiufll] DVD phyez, by wingthg Playe1,yuucan skip
to specmc I'lhs ma chapms, phy sequmoes in slaw motion gain wees: to
spend felines, and mesh Audio mdcapfion 131919; In nddifionto than
convemiond DVD phyo: mks, youcm also name infomlfion aboutewh
disc fxomthe Emmet.
Figure 4-7 To play a DVD
On fin my aunt; point to DVD, vcn otcn Audio, lndthgnnfiak the am
thltrmnhinstlu DVD In a. Pllylistpme, click . DVD um, urchlphx
nm, if mpzopmm,
Tn eject . am, omm Phy tram), slink am. To plly . “modem in . DVD
tepelhdly, on the Phy mm slick Rape-t. A chock nuzk We.“ mxt to the
command to indic it: it is turn d on.
Notebook User Guide
Using Rewritable Optical Disk Drive
DVD/CDaRW Combo or DVD+RW combo dn've is a device lhat can wn'le
digital data to (Dali and CD—RW or DVD+R and DVD+RW media With
Ll’us dame, you can backup your own clam to CD—R or CDVRW CLISC for mass
dam storage and safely retaimng. The CD—R disc can be Written several limes
until the CD—R is full, the CDaRW disc, furthermore, can we and erase dam
reputedly Please refer to the related user manual about me CD—RW software
+ Please pay attention to the mpyngmo/lha saftwsre a, data you mm to
backup, Backup or dis tribute the form or data might be lllegal
according the restriction 0mm law,
Connecting to Peripherals 5
5 Connecting to Peripherals
This chapter describes how you attach peripheral
devices to your notebook You can amch a printer
or mouse; connect an external momlot and
keyboard, or any other penphela] device. You will
learn how to use these Penphetal dewces With the
step—by—step meruclions depicted in Lhis chapter.
Notebook User Guide
Using the USB Port
USB (Universal Serial Bus) is abarolware lnterface that enables you to connect
rnulnple deyrces (such as punters, nnce, keyboards, storage deyrces, joyshclqs,
dlgltal cameras, and Video conference cameras, etc.) to your notebook
computer, and up to 127 deyrces can be attacbed. Besrdes, USB’s hot swap
capability allows everything to be plugged in and unpluged Wlthout tuznlng
the system off.
Merosoft, HP, Compaq, Intel, Agere, NEC and l>lnlrp are seven eore
members of USE—IF to have worked on USB 2.0 smndardtzallon. USB 2.0
offers data transfer rate up to 480Mbps (megablts per second) compared to
USB 1.1 denees, wlncb transfer at speeds of 12Mbps. so, you could know that
USB 2.0 can transfer data between the computer and lts penpherals 40 nmes
faster than USB 1.1. However, USB 2.0 15 fully backward compattble, you Will
be able to use a USB 1.1 dewce in a USB 2.0 compliant system.
+ Depending on your operan'orraIreqm’rememn you mayneed to disable
omerporm'n order to release system resoume for the USBpart.
connecting to Peripherals 5
+ The USB bus distributes 9.5 amps (590 mill/snipe) oIPDWer through each
pen, Fur the purpose ufpa wer saving, plesse disconnect ya ur USB device
while not in use,
Using an External DVI-I Port
Your computer has a DVIeI port for supporting my external CRT or LCD
color rncnttor You need a dlsplay signal mble (usually provided unth the
monitor). One end of the cable rnust have a 2¢pin connector fol: the system,
All you have to do is plug the cable from the monitor into the rear of the
system With e DVIeI Socket.
To connect an extemsl monitor
1. Tum off youl computer and make sure the monitor power watch is
turned off.
+ The notebook cpmputermust be powered uiior suspended while the
monitor is being connected. Although you can connect the exaernnl Mun/tor
without power ofirhe computer and the external monitor; however, it is
harmful to both devices and it shortens the life oft/use devices,
2 Connect the connector cable of (he momlor lo the DVI Port at the bad:
ofyour computer (If connector cable is VGA port please malre sure with
using the DVI—VGA Adapter) Secure the cable connection with the
screws proudecl.
+ Mostmonitprs use a VGA cable to connect to a PC. In mis case, you can
connect the VGA cable [mm the monimr m the DVI—I Socketon the back at"
your Notebook via a DVI-VGA Adapter, Or you can connect anew m the
monitor with D VI socket.
Notebook User Guide
Connect the momtor power cable and plug lt mto a properly grouhded
WaJl outlet.
Tum cm the power of the momtor
Tum on your computer. Both the LCD panel and the momtor screen Wlll
show the dlsplay Your computer ls set at default to run at gmultzneous
dlsplay mode.
Ifyou only want to Show the dlsplay on the external momtor and shut off
the LCD dtsplgy, you can use the  +  hot—key to swatch
dlsplay type between LCD and external memtor. Keep pressmg the hot—
key unhl you get the dlsplay to external monltor only.
Connecting to Peripherals 5
+ Refer to Cbzptzni lzgzlding the possible Emma: CRlesolun‘ans and
how a; change the displaypmpern'es.
Using the IEEE 1394 Port
IEEE 1394, also known as Flrerre, ls a kughebandwldth senal bus developed
by Apple and Texas lnstrtnnents IEEE 1394 supports 100, 200, and 400
Mhps (Megablt per second) transfer rates and 13 Wldely used for downlng Vldeo
from dlgltal camcorders to the computer. ln addmon to Its hlgh speed IEEE
1394 enables JSDchanDus (real—Urns) data transfer Thls makes lt deal for
demces that transfer hlgh—bandwldth of data ln real—tune, such as vldeo devlces.
lt supports both Plug—and—Play and hot pluggmg, and also allows for the
connecnon ofup to 63 devlces.
Wlth hulltnn IEEE 1394 port, tlns computer enables the penpheral dewces In
trans-mmng dlgtal Vldeo data or data backup. The Wmdows system wall
autornancally recogmze lt after mstalhnga sutahle dnver for lt please Vlslt
Mlcrosoft‘s Web slte for more mformauun about lt Moreover, you should
mstaJl the dnver ofpenpheral devlce to connect Wlth the IEEE 1394 port, for
detatls please refer to the manual that comes W'lth your peupheral demce
j .
IEEE 1384
Notebook User Guide
+ Please make me that the externnlIEEE1394HDD box you purchmre on
lacs] electronic store should pro vide Edema/power adapter. There are
different 97765 01115557394 HDD box and hard disk from different
manufactures, the pew: consumption has varied nnge. Iftbe power ofthe
external IEEE 1m HDD is eupP/iett from the USE nittn'e notebook, it may
nntmn properly.
Using the TV Port
Also found at the night of you: computel is one TV pct! (widen)
To disphy your computer screen on the TV, please connect the TV port of
this notebook to the Video Input of the TV set. You can press  + 
key cantmuzlly to watch between TFT, exlemzl mumtot-1 TFT + exteuml
monttor and TV only Keep Presetng the hot—key unnl you gel the chsplsy to
external TV only,
Or you can setup the detatl by operate the computer as fouuws.
1. Tum off your computer and plug one end of the s—video note cable to the
6151 to the tnput video jack of your televislon set
2 Tum on your computer and your televmon set
3 Chck the Start button, then pomt to Settings, and chck Comm] Panel
Connecting to Peripherals 5
4. Double—click on the Display iwn end point to Setting tab.
5 Chck Advanced button and pomt to Displays lab You mu see the TV
icon on the screen.
6. Please dick the red button above the TV icon Click OK, Windows now
automsucally detect the TV Port and enable thls funcnon
Using the External Audio System
At the front Side of your computer, you will find the built—in audio ports You
can connect Mcrophcne jacks, emphcne or powered speaker.
To connect to 3 audio jack.
1 Locate the 811le Port (Mnemphone, Headphone) that you want to use to
the target device.
2. Plug the jack into the port on the from Side of the system,
+ Ifyou use exremal speakers and expedence the sound distortion or
feedback, pleeee lower me volume. Some teams is caused by too close
locating the microphone and speakers from each other, mulling away the
exremal audio option fi-om the unit may also help,

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XMP Toolkit                     : 3.1-701
Modify Date                     : 2006:09:30 17:01:14+08:00
Create Date                     : 2006:09:30 17:01:14+08:00
Metadata Date                   : 2006:09:30 17:01:14+08:00
Creator Tool                    : Adobe Acrobat 7.0
Format                          : application/pdf
Document ID                     : uuid:be345fd9-8ff4-4acd-a722-18e35af734d8
Instance ID                     : uuid:2446e8c1-051a-4c27-92d9-b39ad65e1da7
Producer                        : Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Image Conversion Plug-in
Page Count                      : 30
Creator                         : Adobe Acrobat 7.0
EXIF Metadata provided by

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