Fleetwood Group RSPDL800B Audience Response Keypad User Manual

Fleetwood Group Inc Audience Response Keypad Users Manual

Users Manual Document

Fleetwood Group Inc.          FCC ID:  FBR-DL800B      User Manual       Page 1 of 4File Name: DLMAN.DOC           Date: 07/13/01Reply® DL Response KeypadModel CRS10000Users ManualPurpose of the KeypadThe Reply® DL Model CRS10000 Keypad is a wireless portable device that makes it possiblefor a number of people to participate interactively in a class situation or group meeting. Theproduct accomplishes this by sending keypad switch closure information from the keypad to abase unit which employs a wireless transceiver to receive the keypad signal. These signals areprocessed by the base unit and delivered to a host computer which allows the responses to bestored, analyzed and if desired displayed on a video projector for feedback to the groupshowing the results of their participation. As such, the product is very similar to anotherFleetwood product, the CRS1200. The Model CRS10000 adds to the Model CRS1200 byincorporating an 800 MHz wireless microphone circuit that allows a participant at a remotesite to speak into the keypad and communicate with an instructor through a phone lineconnection. This adds the dimension of allowing verbal interaction from a remote site with aninstructor.Description of the KeypadThe Reply Model CRS10000 Keypad is housed in a plastic enclosure similar in appearance toa calculator. It is powered by an internal 9 volt alkaline battery with no external wires orelectrical connections. The keypad uses a membrane switch panel for numeric entry and a 7segment LED display for entry display to the user. The keypad uses a synthesized transceivercompliant with FCC Part 15 Subpart B and C. An integrated microphone and talk requestbutton provide an audio function for use in multiple site applications. The wirelessmicrophone portion of the device is compliant with and approved under Part 74.Using the KeypadTo use a Reply® DL Keypad, a corresponding channel Reply® DL base unit must be activeand under control of an application running on a local or remote host computer. This isusually the responsibility a local facilitator in cooperation with host site staff in a distancelearning environment.A program on a host site computer under control of the instructor or facilitator determineswhen responses from the keypads are to be received and when control of the wirelessmicrophone in the keypads is required. Typically this program will deliver a number ofinformational screens via satellite or other video transmission method on a video projectionsystem and then will present a question screen. The participants with keypads will then beinstructed to respond using the numeric keys on the keypad. A user holding a keypad respondsby pressing one of the keys and the corresponding number will indicate on the 7 segment LED
Fleetwood Group Inc.          FCC ID:  FBR-DL800B      User Manual       Page 2 of 4File Name: DLMAN.DOC           Date: 07/13/01display. When interrogated by the base via the 216 MHz link, the keypad sends the keyinformation to the base in a 10 millisecond duration signal from the 345 MHz transmitter.When the 216 MHz signal responds with an appropriate state of the acknowledge bit for thekeypad, the keypad turns back off and awaits the next key press. This sequence takes on theaverage between one and two seconds.  If the keypad LED winks and comes back on, thesignal was not received by the base and the keypad will retry the next time it is interrogated(typically about 2.5 seconds). The keypad spends most of its time in a sleeping modeconserving the battery and allowing for thousands of transmissions.If a user wishes to talk to the instructor the user presses the “Talking Face” key on the keypad.This transmits the microphone request to the base unit and via a data modem on the base tothe host to notify the instructor. When the instructor is ready to take the request, an activationsignal is sent out via the data modem to the remote site base unit which in turn commands thekeypad to activate the microphone.In Case of DifficultyThe Reply® Model CRS10000 Keypads are built using the latest technology and highreliability components. There are very few things the keypad user can do wrong to cause afailure, but in the unlikely event responses are not being received by the base and passed on tothe personal computer, the next pages detail procedures that can help identify the source of theproblem:
Fleetwood Group Inc.          FCC ID:  FBR-DL800B      User Manual       Page 3 of 4File Name: DLMAN.DOC           Date: 07/13/01CHART 1Keypad Communication CheckoutAre somekeypads beingreceived?Press a number ona non-workingkeypadDoesits display light?Replace badbattery and retry orkeypad defective -return to factoryNoDefective base orPC software problem.See Reply Base ManualDoes itsdisplay flash at arapid rate?YesReplace badbattery and retrykeypadYesDoes itsdisplay stay on solid (never wink)?NoKeypad defectiveReturn to factoryfor serviceDoes displaywink at a regular rate(between .5 and 2.5seconds?YesNoKeypad transmitproblemYesKeypad receiveproblemYesNoNo
Fleetwood Group Inc.          FCC ID:  FBR-DL800B      User Manual       Page 4 of 4File Name: DLMAN.DOC           Date: 07/13/01CHART 2Keypad Audio CheckoutDefective base orPC software problem.See Reply DL ManualDid the"Wait" LED light whenthe "Talk" button waspressed?Keypad defectiveReturn to factoryfor serviceNoDid the"Wait" LED transitionfrom blinkingto solid?YesDid the"Talk" LED come onafter the solid"Wait"?YesDid otherkeypads transistion fromblinking to solid?NoNoNoWasacceptable  keypadaudio received atthe DL host?YesSatisfactoryYesDoes theaudio work properlyon some keypadsNoNo

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