FlightScope PT238 Sports equipment motion measuring sensor User Manual 2

FlightScope (Pty) Ltd Sports equipment motion measuring sensor 2


User Manual 2

FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 52 Ball Comparison  Ball Comparison Ball Comparison follows the same procedure as Club Comparison but allows the performance of different balls to be compared.   Start by selecting “Ball Comparison” on the main screen.  Enter the names of two or more balls to compare. There are two ways of ball entry: Simple and Advanced. Toggle between the two by clicking on the Tab marked Advanced or Simple In the Simple entry mode, add a ball using the  key, type in the ball name and press the Enter key to add.  The Advanced tab provides lists of balls by manufacturer and model. Select and edit balls from these lists. Ball names can be edited after entry if needed.  To delete a ball entry, select the ball name and use the  -  key to delete. To delete all entered balls at once, select Delete All from the  -  drop list.   Press Continue to proceed. Ball Fitting Centre  FlightScope’s Advanced Ball Fitting uses Advanced Golf Solutions1 ball performance data of actual ball performance tests as a subscription feature. A 10-day “free trial” is provided for evaluation.  How to use Ball Fitting Fitting starts by entering the Player and then selecting a reference ball to test from the list provided.  Continue to play several shots (3 to 6 recommended) with the reference ball. Delete wayward shots if needed so that a representative sample is obtained. The “best” ball fit is now evaluated depending on chosen criteria of Distance, Accuracy, and Control. These are set on the Dials provided on a scale of 0% to 100% for each.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 53   Distance is traded off against Accuracy. For example, if the golfer wants the best ball for distance, the dials are set to 100% Distance and 0% Accuracy. If the player wants the best combination of Distance and Accuracy, the dial is set for 50% Distance and 50% Accuracy. Note that the two dials add to 100%.  “Control” represents Accuracy Dispersion. The relative “weight” of between 0% and 100% can be set independently from the other criteria.   The Ball Fitting routine evaluates total distance, carry distance, accuracy dispersion, ball speed, launch angle, and spin for all balls or for a selected sub-range in the database. Measurements from the reference ball are applied to the other balls in the database with consideration of the selected weights.  The best performing balls will be ranked in a list from “best” to “worst”.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 54 Limiting the Ball Range  Use Settings to select the range of balls used for comparison.  Filters can be selected to limit the choice of balls to specific manufacturers (0ne or several) or to a price range (Premium, Performance, or Value).   Modifying Fitting Criteria The user can re-evaluate the ranking for different criterion settings, e.g. by adjusting the relative weight of the Distance dial, and noting the new ranking.  1 “proprietary software and equipment specially designed to conduct golf ball testing” et al.
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 56 Publishing reports What can be published A report can be published from any screen with the Publish icon, or from the Advanced Menu (F10 > Publishing)    A report can be of current session data, or of saved History data (retrieved by Load History). Publish format can be:  Data Table   Trajectory graphs  Screen image: • Current screen • All screens Publish options Reports can be published to a Printer, or to a PDF file, or to the email address associated with the player.  Publish to printer:   Ensure that your printer is connected to the Computer, switched on, and has sufficient paper for printing.  Check that the data on the screen represents the data you wish to print (player name, date, etc.)  Click on the Publish icon   to display the Publish window.  Select “Printer” and paper size (A4 or Letter).  Select “Trajectory” (for graphs) or “Table” (for tabular report) from the “Style” section, and click on the “Ok” button.  Select or confirm the printer from the "Print" dialog and click on the “Ok” button to start the printing.  Wait for the printer to complete printing.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 57             Table Report  Trajectory Report
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 58 Publish to PDF file:  Check that the data on the screen represents the data you wish to print (player name, date, etc.)  Click on the Publish icon  to display the Publish window.  Select “PDF” and paper size (A4 or Letter) from the Publish To section.   Select “Trajectory” (for graphs) or “Table” (for tabular report) from the “Style” section, and click on the “Ok” button.  Select a location and filename where the PDF file should be saved from the "Save as PDF" dialog (see below) and click on the “Save” button.  Wait for the PDF file to be opened by the default PDF program.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 59 Publish to Email:  Check that the data on the screen represents the data you wish to print (player name, date, etc.)  Click on the Publish icon  to display the Publish window.  Select “Email” and paper size (A4 or Letter) from the Publish To section.   Select “Trajectory” (for graphs) or “Table” (for tabular report) from the “Style” section, and click on the “Ok” button.  The default Email program will display a new Email dialog (similar to image below) with the report attached as a PDF file.  Enter the Email address where the report must be sent to. Click on the Send or similar button to send the email.   Wait for Email program to send the email.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 60 Label Printing  There is also a Label printing option.  Before publishing to a Label Printer, the label alignment must be set up.  Use the Advanced Publishing menu under the Advanced Menu (F10 > Publishing > Advanced). Follow the Label Alignment Wizard steps. The Label Alignment Wizard assists in setting up the printing of labels.  Reset Labels Printed resets the last label printed.
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 62 Sensor Status Indicators The status of the Sensor is displayed in the upper right hand corner of the Main screen:   State 1 – Connected, Standby    State 2 – Connected, Ready    State 3 – Disconnected    USB Port Status    This indicates the status of the USB port is “open” or “closed”. If the icon is I/blue the USB port is “open” and usable. If the icon is 0/red, the USB port is closed.  A port will usually be automatically opened unless it is occupied by another program.  If required, use the Re-open Connection function on the Advanced Settings menu to connect to the sensor. If “Re-open Connection” fails after repeated attempts, check that the USB communications cable is plugged into both the PC and the sensor. Also, investigate if another program is running on the computer occupying the USB port.  Connection Status   Connection Status indicates if the sensor is connected to the correct port and responds normally to commands and messages. If true, the icon will be blue.  When the sensor is disconnected the icon will turn red, indicating that the sensor is not responding to messages from the computer.  A gray icon (along with red on the Port Status indicator) indicates that the USB port is not open, and a connection attempt cannot be made.  The indicator will be red when the sensor is not switched on. If this occurs check the power to the sensor or cycle the sensor power off and on to attempt to reconnect the sensor to the computer.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 63 Ready/Idle     The Ready/Idle indicator (right side) indicates if the sensor is active (ready) or inactive (idle).  A green icon indicates that the sensor is active and ready to measure the next shot.  When the sensor is not measuring (idle) the icon is blue. A gray icon indicates that the sensor is not connected.  Battery Level   The Battery Level indicator shows the approximate amount of charge available in the batteries. NOTE –battery level indication is approximate as it is strongly dependent on the way in which the FlightScope is used as well as environmental factors (hot or cold, etc.).  Tooltips Place/Hover the mouse over any of the sensor status indicators to see a short description of the indicator.   Club Type and Roll/Tilt indicator:  Click this indicator to set the club (D: Driver, W: Wedge, I: Iron) you would like to optimize for. The indicator also displays the sensor’s tilt and roll angles. The user is warned when the sensor is not in the optimal tilt range or roll  range. When the roll angle is within an acceptable range, only the tilt angle is displayed.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 64 User Manual    The User Manual button on the Main Screen menu opens a PDF copy of this manual.  Alternately it can be opened from the Advanced Settings Menu  (F10 > Help > User Manual).
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 66 Advanced Settings Enter the Advanced Settings menu by clicking on the button on the Main screen, or alternatively by pressing the F10 key.       Sensor Re-open Connection  Scans all available ports for a connected sensor, and connects if found.   Setup Wizard  Runs the Setup Wizard   Parameters  Advanced technical use only. Parameters used in the sensor can be viewed and modified. The user should never modify these unless specifically instructed by a qualified FlightScope engineer. NOTE – not all parameters displayed are available on all FlightScope systems  Detection Mode       Select Outdoor or Indoor mode, as appropriate. Incorrect selection may affect measurement results.   Enable/Disable/Video Capture  Enables or disables video capture
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 67    mode  System Info The System Info submenu feature, available in the Sensor advanced menu, gives technical information about the tracking sensor and software. This is usually checked when the system is maintained.   Raw Data Download, Processed Data Download These diagnostic functions are for advanced users and service engineers exclusively.      Networking If you wish multiple FlightScope screens, set the application connected to the FlightScope as the Server, and the others as Clients. See also below “extended desktop mode”    Sessions Enables data saved from sessions done with previous versions of FlightScope to be re-integrated with the current software release.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 68    Tour Player Data - Drivers   Tour Player Data - Irons   Display  Handedness  Choose left or right-hand player.  Units  Club Units can be set differently from other measurements to allow flexible data displays Screen & Display settings   Choose to display or not, the Shot Plot, Ball Trajectory, Ball Fitting screen, and Swing Labs club analysis. Face angle can be set relative to either “target line” or “club path” Dynamic Loft set relative to either “Vertical Axis” or to “Attack Angle” For display of averages, choose Normal or Absolute.  Tour Player Data  View FlightScope-measured data of tour players with both drivers and irons. Rank players by different criteria.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 69      Altitude Adjust altitude (height above sea level) to match the location. At locations higher than 1000m (3300ft) above sea level the High setting is recommended.  Depending on the type of sensor, this setting may not be adjustable.     Surface Surface may be adjusted to suit the landing conditions.  Publishing  Publish session data to printer, PDF, email or label printer. The Label Alignment Wizard assists in setting up the printing of labels. Reset Labels Printed resets the last label printed.  Add-ons Click on “Add-ons” to be taken to a web page where add-on download and install instructions are listed Enable the optional SwingViewPro  video analysis function.   Help Click on “User Manual” to view this document or the Swing Labs manual... Start Troubleshooter, engage Remote support, and check for updates of the software.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 70     FlightScope Troubleshooter Click on “FlightScope TroubleShooter” to carry out a troubleshooting session.  Troubleshooter sessions have 5 parts:   1. Collect Configuration settings. This stores the software settings         2. Connect to the sensor, and record its serial number.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 71     3. Measure the electromagnetic environment and the quality of the radar signals in the local environment .      \ All channels are downloaded of the environment       4. Data from a shot is now recorded, so that a file can be sent to the FlightScope Support team for analysis of the client situation.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 72     If the unit does not trigger, use Manual Trigger immediately after the shot is played.   Click finish.       5. Generate the Troubleshooter Report file, which creates an email that can be sent to FlightScope Support.  Send this email.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 73         Remote Support Remote Support is a facility that enables a FlightScope Support Engineer to view your FlightScope screens directly.  To use Remote Support, your PC must be connected to the Internet.  Click on “Remote Support” to activate a Remote Support connection.   Note that the FlightScope Support Engineer will need the ID number of your system to start a remote support session.    The “About” screen states the software version and activation status installed.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 74 Connecting a Video Camera FlightScope can capture a video clip of a shot from a connected video camera. This can be used for visual feedback of the player’s motion during the shot. Prerequisites In addition to the FlightScope radar, software and PC, you require:    Digital Video camera with “Firewire”  (IEEE13894) or USB interface to PC   Tripod for camera   FlightScope Media Player software (supplied) NOTE: Consult your PC and/or camera vendor to ensure that the PC and camera have compatible interfaces and the required interface driver software  Hooking up the camera With the FlightScope set up as usual:   Set up the camera on a tripod to one side of the tee with a good view of the tee and of the player hitting a shot.    Connect the video camera to the PC using the “Firewire” or USB interface port (whichever is applicable)  Switching on the Video Capture mode Configure the FlightScope software by executing the following steps:   Press the F10 button or press the Advanced Settings button on the main screen.  Select Sensor  Enable Video Capture.  This will enable the video capture mode, which will become active only after quitting and restarting the FlightScope program.  Configuring the Video Capturing If or when the video capture mode is enabled, configure the video capture controls under the Advanced Settings menu (or press F10), and selecting: Sensor  Video capture…
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 75  On the “General” Tab:  Set the media files location (Path to capture to..) (It is strongly recommended that you allocate a different folder for each recording session, so that the FlightScope Media player only takes the video files that you are interested in).  Tick “Open video with default media player" to open automatically the last recorded video file with the default media player.  Set capture options  Pre Roll Duration = Recording time before trigger moment (default is 3 sec)  Clip Duration = Total length of recording (default 7 sec)  Tick the “Start capturing on radar trigger” box Set Video Compression  Compressor: compression type used (MJPEG default) Quality: Amount of compression (Default 50%)    Select Video Sources tab: Select Video Source type (default is External Capturing Device) Select Device (default automatically registered by the PC when the video camera is attached). Press Preview button to test if video source is functioning  Do not select the Pause box Press OK to complete setup. The video system is now ready to use.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 76 Operating the video system 1. On the main screen, select the mode (e.g. Club or Player comparison) 2. On the Player Comparison Screen, enter players’ names/clubs/balls. 3. Press Continue to ready the system for shots.  4. FlightScope will now record a video clip with each shot. 5. On the Video screen, the shot data, trajectory plot, and video clip will be displayed. 6. The Next shot can be played as soon as the previous clip is saved (automatic). (The clip is saved with date and time information.)   If “Automatically Open with Default Media Player” is validated, you see
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 77 Playback of video clips Run the FlightScope Media Player to play back (view) stored video clips: START > All Programs > EDH > FlightScope V5.x.y > FlightScope Media Player           Right-click on the screen to open the controls:  LOAD FILE  Loads a single file for replay LOAD DIRECTORY  Selects directory to play (all files in sequence) LOOP DIRECTORY   Will automatically start at the first file after finishing the last, in a continuous loop STOP   Ends the replay SET RESULTS DELAY  Custom settings for replay presentation SET RESULTS DURATION   Custom settings for replay presentation PAUSE UNTIL KEY PRESSED  Manual control for replay presentation
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 78 Setting up “Extended Desktop Mode”  If FlightScope is run on a PC with another software application, it may be desirable to view the FlightScope screen on a secondary monitor connected to the PC. This is called “extended desktop mode”. For example, FlightScope as well as video swing analysis software may be run on a single PC. The video analysis screen can be displayed on the PC while the FlightScope results are displayed on a second monitor.  Connecting a second monitor Connect the second monitor to the “VGA” connector on the PC. This is commonly a D-shaped connector with 15 pins.   Alternately, a DVI connection may be used on PC’s that has a DVI output   Setting FlightScope to display on the second monitor NOTE Display mode must be set to “Extended Desktop” mode   • Select the FlightScope application (which should be running at this time) • Move mouse cursor to desired screen, and press the F11 key FlightScope will now be displayed on the second connected monitor.   Connecting a second monitor  USB cable VGA cable Monitor #2 FlightScope F11 key PC/notebook
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 80 Setting up additional FlightScope Screens If you require FlightScope to display simultaneously on multiple screens, with DIFFERENT data views, you need to install the FlightScope software for each screen, whilst ensuring the monitor(s) is (are) connected to the PC. (see Extended mode above) Setting FlightScope to display on the second monitor(s) • Start the FlightScope application connected to the FlightScope • Set this application in “Server”  mode, in the networking menu  • Move mouse cursor to desired screen, and press the F11 key • Start second installation. • Set second (and any additional screens) application(s) to “Client” , in the networking menu  Default settings are: Server settings  Client settings    Consult FlightScope Support to change these settings if necessary.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 81 The FlightScope software, including real time tracking, will now operate on the additional monitor(s) with status icons showing connectivity status.  Server at rest Client at rest Server waiting connection Server with one connection Client connected         Connecting a second FlightScope screen  Monitor #2 FlightScope PC/notebook
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 82 Software Activation  Whenever there is a new installation of FlightScope software on a PC, a process of activation is required. This ensures that the user is informed of the latest releases, and can operate the FlightScope in optimum conditions.  If your software is not activated, you can continue for a 10-day window period prior to activation.  To activate your software, you must request activation file if you have not already received it. Click on No if you need an activation file.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 83     Ensure that your activation code request is made from the computer that is connected to the FlightScope!   Enter the FlightScope Unit’s serial number, in the space provided, with the software running on the PC to be used. (See below)
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 84     The serial number is marked on the ID plate to the rear of the unit.          Mark if the computer that is connected to the Sensor is also connected to the internet
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 85     Select whether the unit is used Indoors, Outdoors or both.           Also enter your contact details so that you can continue to receive updates.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 86         See screen… for online activation code request        If your PC is connected to the internet, your activation request will have been sent.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 87   If you are not connected to the internet, phone the USA number or Europe/Other number for your activation request. NOTE The Installation ID for your installation must be provided when calling.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 88 OPERATION WITH APPLE TABLETS AND SMART PHONES Running the software Make sure the X2 sensor is switched on and in standby state (Status LED flashing green, Comms LED lit blue) Click the FlightScope icon on the desktop to start the software. The application will communicate wirelessly with the FlightScope X2 sensor. The application will open on the Shot Plot screen, or on the last screen used before (if any).   3D Shot Plot on Apple device  Measurements of each shot will be displayed in numbers and graphically on the current screen. It is possible to scroll back and forth through shots by touching the Shot number display (lower left on the screen). Slide screens sideways or up and down to view other displays of data.   The Screen Map button provides an easy way to navigate between various screen displays. Touch any screen in the map to select.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 89 The graphic display screens available are:  3D Shot Plot   Real time track  Club Analysis (Attack paths, Speed, Acceleration) Additional screens include  Table of shots (To open: Place finger on data bar at bottom and hold. To close select Resume)   Data (of individual shots)  Results (for session) Status Indicators, Display Map and Settings icons are displayed at the top of all screens. Measured data are displayed at the bottom of each screen. Screens Map \ Table View
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 90 Club Analysis Views Several club measurement screens can be selected.   Settings  Press the Settings icon   at the top of the screen to open the Settings menu:   Session New Create a new session - type in a name for the session. Press Continue Select the mode: Club, Ball or Player Comparison: Club Comparison Press + to add a club. Enter the club name, type (driver, iron, wedge), make, model, and other desired data of the club. As a minimum, a name and type must be entered.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 91 Press +Group to add a pre-defined group. This list will be empty when first used. A group can be created by entering several individual clubs and then selecting Save Group. Club entry data can be edited and changed at any time. Press Edit and press the > key next to the club name to change its details. Press Continue to start playing. Ball Comparison Press + to add a ball. Enter the ball name, make, and model. Press +Group to add a pre-defined group of balls. This list will be empty when first used. A group can be created by entering one or more balls and then selecting Save Group. Ball entry data can be edited and changed at any time. Press Edit and press > next to the ball name to change its details. Press Continue to start playing. Player Comparison Press + to add a Player. Enter the player name. For convenience, the software will name successive player entries “Player 1”, “Player 2”, etc. for fast entry.  Press +Group to add a pre-defined group of players. This list will be empty when first used. A group can be created by entering one or more players and then selecting Save Group. Player names can be edited and changed at any time. Press Edit and press > next to the player’s name to edit. Save to complete. Press Continue to start playing. Player Opens the list of Player(s) in the session, allowing adding, deleting, or changing players. Clear Shots This will delete all measurements in the session, for example if you want to clear the display for a fresh start Send to e-mail Opens an email window where a recipient’s email address can be entered, so that a file of the FlightScope “session data” can be sent. Connection Settings (Advanced Technical Users Only) Host and Port FIXED SETTINGS - DO NOT MODIFY IN NORMAL USE
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 92 Host lists the IP address used for wireless connection to the FlightScope. The standard setting is Port specifies the port number used for wireless connection to the FlightScope. The standard setting is 5100 Environment Settings Detection Mode Select Indoor mode when ball flight is below approx. 20 meters (60 ft.). Select Long Indoor mode when ball flight is above 20 meters (60 ft.), but a net or other arresting device is used to restrict ball flight (e.g. at a trade fair hitting area) Select Outdoor mode when ball flight is unrestricted, e.g. on a golf course or driving range with no nets. Sensor to Tee distance Enter the distance from the sensor’s face to the tee/hitting spot. Tee surface height  Enter the height of the tee surface (not the Ball Tee) above the surface on which the FlightScope is placed. Altitude Enter the altitude where FlightScope is used, e.g. coast, etc. Some devices allow “automatic” altitude setting. Set On if available. Personal Settings Handedness Enter Right or Left hand. Measurement System Enter Metric or Imperial units to be displayed. Accept Shot Set how shot measurements will be accepted.  About Displays FlightScope software version information.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 93 Club Select  Press the club icon at the top of the screen to select the next club in the session (if more than one). The club type  (e.g. Driver) is illustrated for type confirmation. Player Select    Press the player icon (only visible in the Player Comparison mode) at the top of the screen to select the next player in the session. Ball Select   Press the ball icon   at the top of the screen to select the next player in the session (if any).
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 94 SENSOR FIRMWARE UPDATING This section describes the procedures to update Sensor firmware. CAUTION Sensor firmware programming is a critical task that requires the power supply and USB connections to be uninterrupted while in process. Do not run this process under battery power.  1. With the sensor connected and switched on, open the Firmware Writer program.  2. After the application has opened click on Configure Devices on the welcome screen.   3. Select the sensor. Only one sensor should be connected when programming firmware, so that a wrong selection is not made.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 95 4. Use the Refresh button to update the list if a sensor is removed and re-connected to the PC.  If no sensors are listed after pressing the refresh button when a sensor is connected then the PC may still be installing software drivers.  5. On the next screen, click Browse to locate the firmware file.   6. From the open dialog box find and select the golf_5_xx.fsf file and click on “Open” .The file will normally be located in the Firmware directory on the CD, or within the program files PC directory:
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 96  7. Press Next to proceed with the selected firmware file.  8. The Product Key dialog box will indicate if a product key is required.   9. If the message “Please contact EDH for a product key to run this firmware”, you will be asked to supply the information provided in the product key window.  Click “OK” and make a note of the information. This information must be supplied to an EDH support engineer by email on The product key to enter will be provided on return. Enter the product key obtained in the Product Key field and click “Next”.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 97 10. The firmware will now be written to the sensor:    11. On completion of writing, cycle the power on the Sensor to reboot, and then click on Finish.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 98  SPIN MEASUREMENT   FlightScope measures the spin of a ball accurately both outdoors as well indoors where ball flight distance/time is limited.  CAUTION Balls in poor condition or of poor quality (for example damaged balls) should not be used when measuring spin because the marks on the ball may cause incorrect spin to be reported.  Spin measurement methods FlightScope directly measures the spin rate of the ball both indoors and outdoors.  Marking and placing a ball for spin measurement NOTE This procedure is only required when measuring spin indoors.  A ball flight distance of at least 14 ft. (4.2 meters) is necessary. A metal foil disk or patch is used to assist FlightScope to detect the spin of the ball reliably in a hitting cage where the flight time is limited:  Stick a single metal foil disk or patch of approximately 5mm (1/4 inch) diameter/dimensions to the surface of the golf ball. Tee the ball up with the metal disk facing forward, away from the sensor.   Spin measurement rule:  Outdoors  Indoors Use unmarked balls in good condition Use with balls marked with metal sticker  Metal sticker order info: Part# 77715A33 Foil    from
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 100 DEFINITION OF PARAMETERS Carry  Distance: Distance in a straight line from the  tee-off spot to where the golf ball touches the ground again.  Roll excluded.  Clubhead Speed: The club speed at the point of impact.  Ball Speed: Speed of the golf ball at the start of flight,  in the direction of flight.  Smash  Factor:  This is a factor of shot efficiency. It provides  a very  good idea of how sweetly the ball was struck.  Even on perfect shots, the Smash depends on factors such as balls used, coefficient of restitution of the club, and loft.  HINT:  The  process  allows  the  fitter  to  wait  for  acknowledgment  from  the client on a good shot on a specific club, before proceeding and accepting following shots that have the same or better Smash results (higher value). When changing to the next club, the process is repeated.  Launch Angle: Also known as vertical angle or elevation angle. The launch angle is the angle at which the ball departs from  the tee position from  the horizontal plane.  Direction: Also known as horizontal angle or azimuth angle, it is the angle at  which  the  ball  travels  from  the  tee  position  relative  to  the  pointing direction  of  sensor  in  the  horizontal  plane.  Positive  angles  are  to  the  right (clockwise) and negative angles are to the left (counter-clockwise).  Vertical  Descent  Angle:  The  angle  at  which  the  ball  hits  the  ground relative to the horizontal plane. Height: The apex (maximum height) that the ball reaches during its flight.  Classification: The classification of the shot is made based on the measured trajectory direction and curvature of the flight path.  Attack Angle: The angle in the vertical plane relative to the horizontal, at which the club head is delivered to the ball. A negative number angle indicates a descending club and a positive angle indicates an ascending club. Face Angle: The horizontal angle of the clubface at ball impact relative to the line of play. The angle is displayed with an R (Right – for club face pointing to the right) and L (Left – for club face pointing to the left).
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 101 Club Path: The direction of the club movement relative to the target line at the position of ball impact. The angle is displayed with an indication R (Right - for in-to-out movement) and L (Left – for out-to-in movement). Dynamic Loft: The vertical angle of the club face relative to the horizontal at ball impact. This angle is made up of the club loft (most dominant) as well as the position and flex of the club shaft at impact. Swing Plane (H+V): The swing plane is the plane in which the club head moves. The horizontal angle (H) is relative to the target line. The vertical angle (V) is relative to the ground) e.g. 90˚ would be upright; 0˚is parallel to the ground). Ball Spin Axis: The spin axis indicates the orientation of the ball spin. A ball with pure backspin only will have a spin axis of 0˚. A positive spin angle will indicate ball movement to the right due to spin.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 102 SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Description  FlightScope is a proprietary golf ball tracking system that provides shot statistics and performance reports for professional golf club comparison and club calibration applications. It is a valuable tool for coaching, club fitting, player evaluation, and golf equipment sales.  System Functions The Startup screen provides navigation buttons for:  Primary Functions   Utilities  • Club Comparison   • Online User Manual  • Player Comparison   • Advanced Settings  • Ball Comparison   • Setup Wizard  • Play mode     Club Comparison  A number of clubs to be compared can be entered. A series of shots played with each club. Ball flight data as well as club swing data are collected and displayed for each shot. The running average performance of each club is calculated. Odd shots can be excluded from statistical calculations. As the player progresses through the list of clubs, the comparative average statistics are provided for the selection of the most suitable club. Player Comparison  As with clubs, a number of players can be entered and their individual results compared. Ball Comparison  As with clubs, a range of balls can be entered into the system. The shot results are analyzed with average value statistics for determination of the most suitable ball.  An optional advanced Ball Fitting feature is available. Play  This function allows free play of shots without the need to set up a session.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 103 Technical capabilities  Specifications below represent typical performance.  Balls and Clubs  All regulation tournament balls and good quality practice range balls. All woods and other clubs.  Measurement zone  The sensor measures ball flight in a spatial volume of approximately 30 degrees vertical by 20 degrees horizontal around its pointing direction.  Launch velocity  Up to 400 km/h (250 mph)  Launch angles  Vertical and horizontal (direction) angles, within the measurement zone. Carry and lateral distances  Landing position of the ball.  Height  The height the ball reaches along its flight path.  Clubhead Speed The club head strike speed.  Spin  Ball spin at launch. This spin rate is directly measured and requires the use of good quality balls. Poor ball quality may affect accurate measurement of spin rate. The ball must be marked when testing indoors (see section on Spin Measurement).  Physical characteristics  Dimensions  Approx.   325 x 300 x 100 mm (12¾  x 117/8  x 4 in)  (W x H x D) Mass Sensor: approx.   3.6/4.9 kg (8/10¾lbs.) without/with battery cells
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 104 Environmental Specifications  Ambient temperature:  Recommended operating range  0ºC to 45ºC (32ºF to 104ºF) Ingress protection:  IP54 / NEMA-4.   Electrical characteristics  Electrical supply:  100-240 V AC @ 0.2 Amp,         50/60Hz single phase    Communications:  USB 2.0 Hi Speed WiFi (IEEE 802.11b/g) Bluetooth Class 1 version 2.0 (Factory Option)  Electromagnetic compatibility:   Meets FCC, Industry Canada, and CE standards Earthing  An earth connection must be provided to the power supply.  Requirements for Outdoor Installations The following are typical requirements for an outdoors installation:  • (Safe) mains supply point (100 - 240 V AC, 0.2A, 50/60 Hz, single phase)   • Tee on grass or hitting mat  • Level surface
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 106 PC AND OTHER DEVICE SPECIFICATIONS PCs and Notebooks Most new PCs or Notebook computers with the following minimum requirements can be used with FlightScope: Processor/speed:   Any Memory (RAM):  1 GByte or more recommended Hard disk storage:  80 GByte or more CD/DVD ROM drive   Display:    1024 x 768 pixels or more 1 Interface ports:  USB 2.0 Hi Speed, DC supply current to 500 mA 2 Operating system:  Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7. 1  A sunlight-readable screen is strongly recommended if used outdoors 2   Consult your PC vendor to determine if your computer’s technical specifications meet the USB port requirements.   Apple Products Mobile devices from Apple Inc. can be used with FlightScope. Current compatible products include iPod, iPhone, and iPad.   Android-based Products3 Mobile devices from various manufacturers operating Android operating software can be used with FlightScope. Compatible products include Samsung Galaxy Tab, and certain smart phones from Google, HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericcson, and other suppliers. Current versions of Android supported by FlightScope: Operating system version  Supported Android 3.0 (Honeycomb)  Yes Android 2.3.3 (Gingerbread)  Yes Android 2.3 (Gingerbread)  Yes Android 2.2 (Froyo)  Yes Android 2.1 (Eclair)   Yes Android 1.6 (Donut)  No Android 1.5 (Cupcake)  No 3   Android devices must use Bluetooth to connect to FlightScope. FlightScope must be custom fitted with Bluetooth at factory. Consult your FlightScope representative at time of purchase if you want to use an Android device.
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 108 MAINTENANCE AND TROUBLESHOOTING FlightScope is designed to operate reliably with a minimum of maintenance for many years. This section tells you how to care for your FlightScope to ensure that you achieve this. Basic Care  1. DIRT AND GREASE: Keep the sensor clean. Clean occasionally with a damp cloth using a light detergent if necessary. WARNING: As a safety precaution, always switch electrical supplies off when working or maintaining electronic equipment. 2. TRANSPORTATION:  Place your FlightScope in its original shipping carton or case, to prevent it from damage when transported in a vehicle or aircraft. Contact your FlightScope distributor for advice on transport packaging options in case your original packaging is not available. 3. ALIGNMENT: The alignment of the sensor is important to ensure good results.  4. AREA: The performance of the system may be affected if used where the ground of floor is not reasonably level. There must also be no obstructions between the sensor and the tee. 5. PARAMETERS:  Do not change the sensor Parameters that are accessible under the Advanced Settings menu, unless instructed by a FlightScope Support engineer. If parameters are changed, the function and performance of the system may be compromised. 6. RAIN:  Although the sensor is sealed and will not allow rain and dust to enter, the mains power supply connection may be unsafe if wet. When it rains, switch the system off and take it undercover or cover the sensor and especially power cables and AC adapter with a waterproof covers as a precaution. 7. MECHANICAL SHOCK: The sensor contains sensitive microelectronic circuits that may be damaged or altered by hard impacts. Therefore, take care not to drop the sensor, hit it with a club or ball, or cause any other impact to it if possible. 8. CABLE DAMAGE:  Check your power supply and communications cables occasionally for damage or wear. Repair or if necessary replace damaged or worn cables.  9. CABLE HANDLING: Take care not to pull, twist or kink cables when handling, to prevent possible damage and ensure long life. When disconnecting cables, coil the cables loosely before packing. Replacement cables are available from your FlightScope distributor.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 109 10. SENSOR DAMAGE:  Regularly check the sensor for signs of damage.  If enclosure is damaged it can be repaired at a FlightScope service location.  11. REPAIRS: The sensor contains no user serviceable parts. If necessary the sensor must be returned to your supplier for repairs. Unauthorized opening and repair actions may invalidate warranty. Rear Panel LED Indicators Three color LED indicators are located on the rear panel of the sensor. The LED’s are:  Status Connected Charging  Status LED This is a multicolor indicator that indicates equipment status as follows Color  State  Description None  OFF  Power is OFF or Sensor defective.  Check power connection/send for servicing. Blue Blinking System switching on After switch on Green flashing (fast) Processor Initialization System is powered ON and the signal processor is running normally. Green flashing (slow) Idle  System is powered ON and signal processor is running normally. System is not armed. Red/Green flashing Armed  System is running and ready to measure a shot. Red/Off  Low Battery  Batteries are run down Connected LED This blue LED blinks when a Wireless data connection (WiFi or optional Bluetooth) is established with the PC.  The LED will be OFF when a USB cable connection has been made with a PC. A broken connection can often be re-established with the “Reopen Connection” function. (Press F10 key on PC keyboard, select Sensor, select Reopen Connection)
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 110  Charging LED This amber LED will blink while the battery is charging. It will be off when  • the battery is fully charged, or  • the AC adapter is not connected.
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 112 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) Q: What is FlightScope?  A: FlightScope is a low-power 3D Doppler tracking radar for Golf and other sports. It accurately measures the launch and flight of balls and clubs and provides quantitative data about player and equipment performance.  Q: How does FlightScope work?  A: FlightScope creates a low level electromagnetic field through which the golf ball and the golf club move. The movement creates a disturbance that is detected and processed to extract position and speed. The measured launch and flight data is displayed on a PC program in various views, and also stored. Measurements include: ball and clubhead speeds, launch angles, spin, carry distance, smash factor, and more.  Q. How is FlightScope different from other golf measurement systems?  A: FlightScope is fundamentally different from most other launch monitors because it measures ball speed, position and direction continuously along the ball’s flight path using Doppler radar technology.  FlightScope is not only a launch monitor, but also measures what the club and ball are actually moving. It is therefore a more accurate and comprehensive measuring instrument for golf than a camera or light beam based system that take only single or at most a few launch data points and estimate what the ball will do after launch.  FlightScope is not dependent on ambient lighting conditions (it can work in complete darkness), it does not create blinding flashes of light. Q: How accurate is it? A: FlightScope represents the state of the art in measuring technology for projectiles in flight. It is in a different class to launch-only monitors, and is able to track speeds extremely accurately and determine ball positions to within single yards. Q: Where must I stand to use the system? Which direction must I hit?  A: The sensor is typically placed approx 2.4-4.2 meters (8-14 feet) behind the tee. The ball is hit away from the sensor along its pointing direction. Q: Can FlightScope help me make the right club selection to play a particular shot?  A: FlightScope measures the performance (launch conditions and launch results) of golf shots and provides data to a player or club fitter to make scientifically justified decisions about the right clubs and balls.
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 113 Q: Is the sensor portable? How must it be mounted?  A: The sensor has been calibrated to be placed or mounted on the floor or ground. To measure accurately, the sensor must be carefully aligned with the tee and the ground. Follow the prescribed setup procedures.  Q: Can FlightScope only be used outside  on a golf course or driving range?  A: No. FlightScope is a versatile instrument that can be used both indoors and outdoors (e.g. at a driving range or golf course).    Q: How much ball flight distance is required by the FlightScope in order to display a result?  A: Typically at least 14 feet of ball flight is required.  Q: How far back must FlightScope be set up behind the tee? A: A good practical distance is between 2.4m and 4.2m (8 to 14ft). There is no perfect distance, although a good rule of thumb is 3m/10ft. Q: How is alignment of FlightScope done?  A: In order to get accurate club and ball measurements, always align the sensor mechanically using a measuring tape and a set square so that the distance and pointing direction are accurate. Also level the sensor. Use the software Setup Wizard to assist or check the alignment.  Q: How long does it take to align the unit? A: A trained user can set up and align the FlightScope within the time it takes to start up his computer.  Q: Must I use special balls?  A: FlightScope measures any ball that is used. Even non-standard balls are measured accurately. To measures the actual flight of every specific ball, making no assumptions about the type or quality of the ball.  However, for accurate measurement of ball spin during a short distance indoor shot, it is recommended that a ball be marked with a small metal foil disk/patch. A marked ball enhances the ability of the system to measure spin accurately.  Q: How does shot classification work?  A: The actual path of the ball is determined by various factors like spin, lift, drag, aerodynamic coefficient, air pressure, humidity, etc. By measuring the actual ball flight, FlightScope can determine the type of shot (fade, draw, slice, etc.)  Q: Will I receive future enhancements of FlightScope?  A: You have a standard 12-month warranty on hardware and software.  In addition though, you can subscribe to an annual support agreement enabling you to receive upgrades for your system when they become available.
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 114 Q: Can FlightScope be used in the rain?  A: Although the FlightScope sensor is sealed and will not suffer ingress of water it is not intended to be used in rain as it is powered from a mains electrical supply. For safety reasons power down and cover the system, or move it indoors when it rains.  Q: Can slow swing speeds be detected?  A: FlightScope discriminates against too low swing speeds, to reject false measurements from other movements in the area. For weak golfers and children who are not able to swing a club powerfully, the system can however be set to “wedge” mode, enabling the detection of shots. Q: What type of lighting can be used with FlightScope?  A: The best lights to use are solid state or incandescent lighting, or certain halogen types. Fluorescent lights for example can influence Doppler measurements. This can however be effectively screened if it occurs. Consult your FlightScope representative for assistance with lighting problems.  Q: Can FlightScope only be used for golf?  A: FlightScope is a brand name for a range of sports tracking technology products and services, but it is currently well known in the golf market. FlightScope technology is also used in cricket, tennis and other sports. The various sports however use different software, and a system for Golf cannot be used directly for example for Tennis.
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FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 116 INDEX 3 3D Club .......................................... 46 3D Shot Plot ............................. 36, 40 A About .............................................. 75 AC supply ............................... 16, 107 Activation ........................................ 85 Activation code ............................... 86 Additional screens .......................... 83 Add-ons .......................................... 70 Advanced Settings 23, 24, 63, 67, 105, 111 Alignment ....................... 29, 111, 116 Altitude ..................................... 28, 70 Animation ....................................... 37 Animation - club .............................. 46 App Store ....................................... 20 Apple ........................................ 20, 91 Apple devices ................................. 21 Apple ID ......................................... 20 Apple software ................................ 20 Attack angle............................ 46, 103 Azimuth ........................................ 103 B Ball comparison ................ 23, 53, 105 Ball Fitting ...................................... 53 Ball marking.................................. 101 Ball origin ................................. 26, 27 Ball roll ........................................... 47 Ball speed ............................ 103, 115 Ball trajectory ............................ 40, 47 Basic care .................................... 111 Batteries ......................................... 16 Battery charging ..................... 17, 112 Battery life ...................................... 16 Battery monitor ............................... 18 Battery removal .............................. 17 C Camera .................................. 76, 115 Carry distance .......... 41, 43, 103, 115 CD ROM ......................................... 19 Charging LED ............................... 113 Classification ........................ 103, 116 Client mode .................................... 83 Club & tilt indicator .......................... 64 Club acceleration ............................ 45 Club analysis ............................ 40, 45 Club comparison .... 23, 33, 40, 51, 53, 105 Club path ................................ 46, 104 Club selection ................................. 37 Club speed ..................................... 45 Club trajectory ................................. 45 Club type ................ 26, 27, 38, 64, 96 Club type selection .................... 34, 51 Clubhead speed ............ 103, 106, 115 Clubs - entry ................................... 34 Communications interface ............. 107 Connected ............ 21, 24, 31, 63, 112 Connected LED ............................ 112 D Daily Start-up .................................. 31 Dashboard ................................ 40, 48 Delete club(s) .................................. 34 Detection mode ......................... 26, 67 Dimensions ........................... 101, 106 Direction ............... 103, 106, 115, 116 Display driving range ...................... 37 Display golf course .......................... 37 Drag .............................................. 116 Driver optimizer ............................... 41 Dynamic loft ............................ 46, 104 E Electrical supply .................... 107, 117 email ......................................... 57, 60 EMC ............................................. 107 Environmental specifications ......... 107 Exit ................................................. 23 Extended desktop mode ........... 68, 81 F Face angle .................................... 103 FAQ .............................................. 115 FCC ........................................... i, 107 Firewire ........................................... 76 Firmware ............................. 97, 98, 99 FlightScope Media Player ......... 76, 80 Frequently asked questions .......... 115
FlightScope User Manual Copyright EDH 2007-2011                                               E19-WA082 Issue A5_7 Page 117 G Getting started ................................ 11 GO button ...................................... 38 Gray icon ........................................ 63 Green icon...................................... 64 Grouping .......................... 40, 44, 115 Grouping View ................................ 44 H Handedness ................................... 69 Handle ...................................... 12, 15 Height................................... 103, 106 Help ............................................... 70 Hooking up cables .......................... 14 I Impact angle ................................. 103 Imperial units .................................. 28 Indoor ................ 26, 67, 101, 116, 117 Ingress protection ......................... 107 Installation .............................. 11, 107 Interference ....................................... i Internet .................... 23, 75, 87, 89, 90 iTunes ............................................ 20 L Label Alignment........................ 61, 70 Label printing .................................. 61 Launch angle ..... 41, 42, 103, 106, 115 LED indicators ........................ 15, 112 Level .............................107, 111, 116 Lift ................................................ 116 Lights ........................................... 117 Load History ................................... 57 Loft ................................................. 46 M Maintenance ................................. 111 Mass ............................................ 106 Metal foil ............................... 101, 116 Metric units ..................................... 28 Microsoft ........................................ 19 N Networking ..................................... 68 Not connected ................................ 64 O Obstructions ................................... 13 Optimizer ........................................ 41 Other sports .................................. 117 Outdoor .. i, 26, 67, 101, 107, 109, 116 P Parameters ..................... 67, 103, 111 PC Operation .................................. 23 PC Software ................................... 19 PC Specifications.......................... 109 PDF .......................................... 57, 59 Play ................................................ 51 Play mode .............................. 23, 105 Playback of video............................ 80 Player comparison ............ 23, 49, 105 Port status ...................................... 24 Power supply .................................. 14 Printer ............................................. 57 Printing ........................................... 57 Product Key .................................... 99 Publish.......................... 57, 59, 60, 70 Publishing reports ........................... 57 R Radiation .......................................... ii Rain .............................................. 111 Rate clubs ...................................... 39 Raw Data download ........................ 67 Real time tracking ........................... 47 Reference ball ................................ 53 Reject shots .................................... 38 Remote Support.............................. 75 Re-open connection .................. 63, 67 Repairs ......................................... 112 Roll ........................................... 26, 64 S Safety ................................ i, 111, 117 Screen map .................................... 91 Sea level ................................... 28, 70 Second monitor .............................. 81 Sensor feet ..................................... 15 Sensor leveling ............................... 12 Sensor position ......................... 12, 13 Sensor status ............................ 24, 63 Sensor to Tee distance ............. 26, 95 Server mode ................................... 83 Session ........................................... 68 Settings .................................... 69, 93 Setup Wizard .............. 23, 24, 67, 105 Shot table ....................................... 40 Slow swing speed ......................... 117 Smash factor .................. 41, 103, 115
FlightScope User Manual E19-WA082 Issue A5_7                                                  Copyright EDH 2007-2011 Page 118 Software ..... 11, 19, 67, 76, 81, 83, 98, 116, 117 Specifications ........ 105, 106, 107, 109 Spin .............................................. 106 Spin axis ....................................... 104 Spin measurement ....................... 106 Spin Measurement ....................... 101 Status LED ............................. 15, 112 Sticker .......................................... 101 Sunlight ........................................ 109 Surface ............................... 12, 47, 70 Swing plane ............................ 46, 104 SwingView ...................................... 70 Switching Off .................................. 15 Switching On .................................. 15 System components ....................... 11 System Info .................................... 67 T Table View ..................................... 37 Target line ...................................... 46 Tee height ...................................... 26 Tee height for drivers ...................... 26 Tee surface height .................... 26, 95 Temperature range ....................... 107 Tilt ............................................ 26, 64 Tooltips ........................................... 64 Total distance ..................... 41, 42, 43 Tour Player Data ............................ 69 Tracking info ................................... 40 Troubleshooter ............................... 71 Troubleshooting ............................ 111 U Units of measurement ............... 26, 28 USB ................ 14, 19, 23, 63, 76, 107 USB port ................................... 23, 63 User manual ..................... 23, 65, 105 V Video camera .................................. 76 Video Capture ................................. 67 Video Capture mode ....................... 76 Video Capturing .............................. 76 Video swing analysis ....................... 81 View all results .......................... 38, 39 Voltage ......................................... 107 W WiFi ................................................ 21 Windows ................................. 21, 109 Y YIELD button .................................. 38 Z Zoom in/out ..................................... 44
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 Inside Rear Cover              - FlightScope® Customer Support -  If you need additional help with your product,  contact FlightScope at +1 407 - 412 - 9400   USA +44  203 - 239 - 4186        EUROPE   or email us at

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