Fluke 373 Application Note


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Inrush current
Energy shortages around the
country, especially in California,
have increased the urgency for
plants to install, or replace with,
high efficiency motors. While
they consume less electricity than
their older, less efficient coun-
terparts, they draw considerably
more at startup than the older
motors. Startup or inrush current
in these high efficiency motors
can run as high as 11 times the
running current as compared to a
multiplier of seven to eight times
for earlier motors. While this is
usually not a serious problem,
the installer must be aware of
changes to over current protec-
tion devices (OCPDs) to support
these inrush current increases.
Since motors make up 40 %
or more of the electrical load in
most plants, it is not surprising
that plant electrical personnel
spend 20 % of their time either
installing or troubleshooting
them. Regardless of the job at
hand, it is useful and often nec-
essary, to know what the value of
the starting or inrush current is.
This can help to identify where a
starting problem is located, either
in the motor or somewhere in
the starting circuit. This measure-
ment may also be recorded in a
preventative maintenance log.
Previously, digital clamp
meters have had various features
that were supposed to capture
and display the starting current of
motors. These features have been
called peak, peak hold, min/
max, min/max hold, etc. While
all of these features provide a
reading that is higher than the
running current, they tend not to
be repeatable over several start
cycles. Part of the reason they
do not give an accurate picture
is that they don’t always start
taking measurements synchro-
nously with the start of the motor
inrush current.
To provide repeatable motor
inrush measurements, the new
Fluke 370 series of clamp meters
utilizes a “triggered” mode that
allows synchronizing of the
measurement with the actual
starting current. The technician
first “arms” the inrush function
of the clamp meter. The meter
is then triggered by the inrush
current. Once triggered, it takes a
large number of samples during a
Running Current
In-Rush Current
Figure 1. Motor starting current.
100 millisecond period and then
digitally filters and processes the
samples to calculate the actual
starting current. The result is
a more accurate, synchronous
indication of the start current not
previously available in a clamp
Peak, min/max, and
It’s important to understand that
different brands of clamp meters
will use different terms to de-
scribe the same measurement. In
addition, the actual operation of
the feature may be significantly
different from what the name
would imply. While there is too
wide a variation across brands to
detail in this space, the following
are the terms Fluke uses:
Application Note
From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library
2 Fluke Corporation Inrush current
Analog peak
The earliest Fluke handheld
instrument to have a highest
value capture feature was the
8024A digital multimeter (DMM).
It had an analog peak hold circuit
(labeled “Peak Hold”), which
captured the highest peak value
that lasted for ten milliseconds
or longer, regardless of when it
happened in time. From a strict
definition point of view, this was
a correctly labeled feature since it
did capture the actual peak value,
but it didn’t necessarily measure
the inrush current.
Digital min/max
Newer generations of Fluke
DMMs, like the Fluke 27, had a
min/max function (more cor-
rectly labeled digital min/max).
It looks at a portion of the a to d
cycle to obtain its value, which
happened at a fixed rate based
on the system clock. However,
it made its measurements when
it wanted to, which in many
cases did not coincide with the
startup event, so it could miss the
event partially or completely. The
Fluke 87 was the first handheld
instrument to have both a one
Breaker Open in
Shaded Areas
1 Second
200 mS
100 mS
20 40 60 80100 300 1000 2000
For 20 amp breaker
Figure 2. Breaker clearing time for 20 amp breaker.
millisecond analog peak and
100 millisecond digital min/
max, allowing for measuring of
relatively short or medium long
events. Again, the 100 millisec-
ond min/max suffered the same
limitations as the earlier model
27; the measurements were not
synchronous with the occurrence
of an event. The first Fluke clamp
meter to have a max hold feature
was the Fluke 36. Although this
was implemented as an analog
track and hold, in ac the Fluke
36 looked at the output of the
ac analog rms converter. That
significantly slowed the response
rate so the 36 was only useful
for events that lasted several
hundred milliseconds or longer.
Unfortunately this was too slow
for short-term events, like inrush
current. Min/max on the Fluke
376 Clamp Meter is a digital min/
max—similar to the one on the
Fluke 27—and it is updated every
time the display updates. Its sam-
pling window opens for about
100 milliseconds every 400 mil-
liseconds and takes a number of
readings, and updates the min or
max registers as appropriate. This
type of min/max is most useful for
longer term events, such as those
occurring on heavily loaded or
long wire run circuits, to record
more regular voltage drops or
load increases, but is not ideal for
inrush measurements.
Inrush on the Fluke 43B vs.
the Fluke 370 Series
Fluke has inrush functions on
other products, such as the Fluke
43B Power Quality Analyzer,
but while they share the same
name, they are different. The 370
Series takes a large number of
samples precisely at the begin-
ning of the starting current for a
100 millisecond period and then
digitally filters and processes the
samples to calculate the actual
starting current. In contrast,
when “inrush” is selected from
the Fluke 43B menu, it digitally
captures the current (amps)
waveform. A cursor can then be
used to pick out the instanta-
neous amps value at any point of
the sampled amps waveform and
the duration of that value. This
capability is ideal for examining
reduced voltage (a two stage)
starter waveform.
Why does the display show a value higher
than the rating of the circuit breaker?
Inrush current can be four-to-eleven
times the normal running current
depending on the type of motor. For
example, if the running current of a
motor is eight amperes and the start-
ing current multiplier is five times the
running current, the Fluke 370 Series
clamp meter displays a reading of
about 40 amperes, even though the
circuit breaker is rated for 20 amperes.
The reason the breaker or overload
unit does not trip is because both
of these devices operate on a time
versus current curve. This indicates
how much current passes through
the breaker and for how long a time
period without opening the circuit.
3 Fluke Corporation Inrush current
The right tool for the job
New high efficiency motors
require better tools to evalu-
ate and fix the consequences of
their high inrush current. The
Fluke 370 Series of clamp meters
is designed to capture inrush
current accurately and, most
importantly, synchronously, pro-
viding readings that accurately
depict what the circuit protector
Using the right tool for the job
allows you to protect your plant’s
equipment investment and avoid
some of the annoying problems
inherent with installing new
Additional resources
Fluke Corporation
Glossary of terms
a to d converter
Analog to digital converter. An electronic hardware device that
converts analog signals to digital signals.
Analog peak
The highest peak value measured that lasted some specified time
period, usually measured in milliseconds.
Circuit breaker
An electrical device configured to supply overload and short circuit
protection to an electrical circuit. They range in complexity from
the common and simple thermal overload/magnetic trip devices
to complex electronic units that allow the adjusting of several trip
Digital min/max
The measurement of the minimum and maximum values (e.g.,
voltage, current or resistance) over a specific period of time.
Inrush current
A transient condition, generally lasting 100 milliseconds or more
that occurs during motor start-up.
Overload units
Devices in motor start control units, such as heater coils, overload
trips, thermals, etc. that protect the motor while its running. There
are a number of different phrases used worldwide to refer to
these devices.
Fluke Corporation
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©2001-2012 Fluke Corporation.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in U.S.A. 7/2012 1629920B_EN
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