Fluke 434 Series Ii Brochure
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With any other power
quality analyzer you’re
just wasting energy.
Fluke 430 Series II
Power Quality and
Energy Analyzers

Fluke 430 Series II Models
434 Series II Energy Analyzer
The Fluke 434 Series II Energy Analyzer is the ideal
tool for energy logging. Utilizing the new Energy
Loss Calculator function, the 434 II measures the
fiscal cost of energy wasted due to poor power
quality. This energy monetization capability identi-
fies the most energy-wasteful areas of your facility,
enabling you to identify energy saving solutions.
Add basic power quality measurements to the pack-
age and you’ve got yourself one powerful trouble-
shooting tool.
435 Series II Power Quality and Energy
Think of the Fluke 435 Series II Power Quality
and Energy Analyzer as your insurance policy.
No matter what goes wrong in your facility, with the
435 II you will always be prepared. Equipped
with advanced power quality functions and energy
monetization capabilities, there is no electrical issue
this model can’t handle.
• PowerWave function captures fast RMS values
and allows you to see every waveform to
determine how the voltage, current and
frequency values are interacting.
• Power Inverter Efficiency function measures both
ac power and dc power, in and out, to monitor
the efficiency of your inverters.
• And, as with the other 430 Series II models, the
435 II features an Energy Loss Calculator that will
monetize energy waste due to poor power quality,
helping you save on the energy bill.
437 Series II Power Quality and Energy
The Fluke 437 Series II Power Quality and Energy
Analyzer is designed specifically for the defense
and avionics industries. Equipped with all the
functionalities of the 435 II including PowerWave,
Power Inverter Efficiency and an Energy Loss
Calculator, the 437 II goes one step further by
measuring up to 400 Hz. The ability to measure
at a higher frequency is necessary for those
working in submarines, aircrafts, and other trans-
port applications.

The new 430 Series II Three-Phase Power Quality
and Energy Analyzers offer the best in power qual-
ity analysis and introduce, for the first time ever,
the ability to monetarily quantify energy losses.
The new Fluke 434, 435 and 437 Series II
models help locate, predict, prevent, and trouble-
shoot power quality problems in three-phase
and single-phase power distribution systems.
Additionally, these models feature revolutionary
power quality and energy measurement functions
that help facilities reduce electrical power consump-
tion, and improve the performance and lifespan of
electro-mechanical equipment. Below you will find
brief descriptions of these new features.
Unified power measurement
Previously, only experts could calculate how much
energy was wasted due to power quality issues;
utilities could calculate the cost, but the required
measurement process was beyond the reach of
average electricians. With the new, patented Unified
Power function of the 430 Series II, you
can use one handheld tool to determine how much
power is being wasted, and calculate exactly what
the extra consumption costs.
Fluke’s patented Unified Power Measurement
System provides the most comprehensive view of
power available, measuring:
• Parameters of Classical Power (Steinmetz 1897)
and IEEE 1459-2000
• Detailed Loss Analysis
• Unbalance Analysis
These UPM calculations are used to quantify the
fiscal cost of energy loss caused by power quality
issues. The calculations are computed, along with
other facility-specific information by an Energy
Loss Calculator that ultimately determines how
much money a facility loses due to wasted energy.
PowerWave data capture
For some users, loads switching is a cause of power
quality problems. When loads switch on, the
current draw sometimes causes the voltage to drop
to a level that causes other equipment to malfunc-
tion. The PowerWave function available in the 435
and 437 Series II models enables users to capture
voltage, current and frequency signals simultane-
ously at a high speed to see which interaction is
potentially causing problems.
PowerWave goes beyond standard power qual-
ity measurements; PowerWave’s fast data capture
mode enables system dynamics to be characterized.
Waveforms for voltage and current are continuously
captured for the specified time, and are displayed
on screen in high detail; the power waveform is
derived from the data. In addition, half-cycle RMS
values for voltage, current, power and frequency
can be stored and retrieved for analysis. This
feature is particularly useful for testing of standby
generation systems and UPS systems where
reliable switch-on can be vital.
Power inverter efficiency
Power inverters take dc current and transform it
into ac current, or vice versa. Solar generation
systems usually include an inverter that takes the
dc energy from the solar cells and converts it to
useful ac power. Inverters can lose performance
over time and need to be checked. By comparing
the input power with the output power you can
determine the system efficiency. All 430 Series II
models can measure the efficiency of such inverters
by simultaneously measuring the dc and ac power
of a system to determine how much power is lost in
the conversion process.
400 Hz
By increasing the power frequency to 400 Hz,
transformers and motors can be much smaller and
lighter than at 50 Hz or 60 Hz, which is an advan-
tage in aircrafts, submarines, space crafts, and other
military equipment and hand-held tools. The
437 II model captures power quality measurements
for these types of avionic and military systems.
Fluke 430 Series II Three-Phase Power
Quality and Energy Analyzers
Energy Loss Calculator
Useful kilowatts (power) available
Reactive (unusable) power
Kilowatts made unusable by unbalance issues
Kilowatts made unusable by harmonics
Neutral current
Total cost of wasted kilowatt hours per year

Measures everything
Measure true-rms, peak voltage and current,
frequency, dips and swells, transients, interruptions,
power and power consumption, peak demand,
harmonics up to the 50th, inter-harmonics, flicker,
mains signaling, inrush and unbalance.
CAT IV 600 V and CAT III 1000 V
safety rating
Designed to help protect you and your equipment,
the Fluke 430 Series II analyzers and accessories
are all certified to meet the stringent standards
for use in CAT IV 600 V and CAT III 1000 V
environments such as power connections and
outlets throughout a low-voltage power distribution
Logger: record the detail you need
User-configurable, long-term recording of MIN, MAX
and AVG readings for up to 150 parameters on all
three phases and nuetral. Enough memory is avail-
able to record 600 parameters for over a year with
10 second resolution, or capture smaller variations
with resolution down to 0.25 seconds. The logger
function is quickly accessed by the LOGGER button,
the simple step-by-step setup makes capturing your
important measurements as easy as can be.
Automatic transient display
When using the 435 and 437 II models, every
time an event or voltage distortion is detected, the
instrument triggers and automatically stores volt-
age and current waveforms on all three phases
and neutral. The analyzer will also trigger when a
certain current level is exceeded. Hundreds of dips,
swells, interruptions and transients can be captured
this way. You can see voltage transients as high as
6 kV and as fast as 5 microseconds.
System-monitor: summary screen of overall
power quality health
The MONITOR mode delivers a dashboard display of
rms voltage, harmonics, flicker, interruptions, rapid
voltage changes, swells, unbalance, frequency and
mains signaling.
The dashboard is updated live, showing compli-
ance of each parameter to EN50160 limits or your
own limits. Color-coded bars clearly show which
parameters are inside (pass) or outside (fail) limits.
During a monitor session, you can easily drill
down to more detail of any parameter to view and
capture its trend for a report.
Extensive data analysis possibilities
The Fluke 430 Series II analyzers provide two ways
to analyze measurements. Cursors and zoom tools
can be used for on-screen analysis of measurement
data. Additionally, the stored measurements can
be transferred to a PC with the included software
to perform custom analysis and create reports.
Measurement data can also be exported to
common spreadsheet programs. Store hundreds of
measurement datasets and screen captures for use
in reports (depending on memory capacity).
Easy to use
Pre-programmed setups and user-friendly screens
make power quality testing as simple as you would
expect from Fluke. The high-resolution color screen
updates every 200 ms and displays waveforms and
wiring diagrams color coded to industry standards.
Handy on-screen wiring diagrams for all commonly
used three-phase and single-phase configurations
guide you through connections.

View recorded
data in simple
graphs and
the report by
selecting time
period and
to include.
Generate reports and view graphs with
Fluke Power Log Software
Designed to quickly view recorded data,
the included Power Log software displays
all recorded parameters on interactive trends.
Generate a professional report with the
‘Report Writer’ function, or copy and paste
images into the report document manually.
reports quickly
and easily.
Fully Class-A compliant
The Fluke 435-II and 437-II are fully compliant
with the new IEC 61000-4-30 Edition 2 Class-A
standard. With this powerful capability, all mea-
surements will be consistent and reliable in accor-
dance with the latest international standard. Fluke’s
Class A compliance, including time
synchronization compliance has been indepen-
dently verified, certification is available on request.
IEC 61000-4-30 Edition 2 Class Compliance
437-II 435-II 434-II
Measurement algorithms •••
Voltage accuracy 0.1 % of
0.1 % of
0.5 % of
Class compliance A A S
Time synchronization Optional with GPS430 accessory
What is Class-A conformity?
Power quality measurement is a relatively new,
and quickly evolving field. There are hundreds of
manufacturers around the world with unique mea-
surement methodologies. Whereas basic single-
and three-phase electrical measurements like rms
voltage and current were defined long ago, many
power quality parameters were not previously
defined, forcing manufacturers to develop their own
algorithms. With so much variation between instru-
ments, electricians tend to waste too much time try-
ing to understand an instrument’s capabilities and
measurement algorithms instead of understanding
the quality of the power itself!
The new IEC 61000-4-30 Edition 2 Class-A
standard takes the guesswork out of selecting
a power quality instrument. The standard IEC
61000-4-30 Edition 2 defines the measurement
methods for each parameter to obtain reliable,
repeatable and comparable results. In addition,
the accuracy, bandwidth and minimum set of
parameters are all clearly defined. The 435 and
437 Series II models include flagging and available
internal clock time-synching to fully comply with
the rigorous requirements of Class A compliance.
The Edition 2 standard includes a new class
of instrument, Class S. While not as accurate as
Class A instruments, Class S instruments such as
the 434 Series II Energy Analyzer produce results
that are consistent with Class A instruments.

Fluke Corporation
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA 98206 U.S.A.
Fluke Europe B.V.
PO Box 1186, 5602 BD
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
For more information call:
In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or
Fax (425) 446-5116
In Europe/M-East/Africa +31 (0) 40 2675 200 or
Fax +31 (0) 40 2675 222
In Canada (800)-36-FLUKE or
Fax (905) 890-6866
From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or
Fax +1 (425) 446-5116
Web access: http://www.fluke.com
©2011-2012 Fluke Corporation.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Printed in U.S.A. 6/2012 4093760C EN
Modification of this document is not permitted
without written permission from Fluke Corporation.
Fluke. The Most Trusted Tools
in the World.
Model Fluke 434-II Fluke 435-II Fluke 437-II
IEC 61000-4-30 compliance Class S Class A Class A
Volt Amp Hz •••
Dips and swells •••
Harmonics •••
Power and energy •••
Energy loss calculator •••
Unbalance •••
Monitor •••
Inrush •••
Event waveform capture • •
Flicker • •
Transients • •
Mains signaling • •
Power wave • •
Power inverter efficiency •••
400 Hz •
C1740 Soft Case • •
C437-II Hard Case with rollers •
SD card (Max 32 GB) 8 GB 8 GB 8 GB
All models include the following accessories TL430 test lead set, 4 x i430 thin flexi current probes, BP290 battery, BC430 power adapter
with international power adapter set, USB cable A-B mini and PowerLog CD.
430 Series II Power Quality and Energy
Analyzer selection chart