Fluke 43B Application Note 2103535_HarmonicResonance


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5th Harmonic

Measuring tools: Fluke 43B Power
Quality Analyzer
Operator: Water plant electrical

Application Note

Problem description

The power to this motor
comes via a 30-mile utility line
A small city gets its water from originating in the city. A power
a mountain lake 30 miles away. factor correction capacitor near
A pumping system at the lake
the backwash pump improves
brings water up a short incline
power factor and reduces voltage
and into a long gravity pipeline loss at the end of that 30-mile
that feeds the city’s water
line. For a long time, this
distribution system.
configuration worked with no
Before entering the pipeline, problems.
the water passes through a
After a small earthquake in
filter that removes debris. When the nearby mountains, questions
the differential pressure across
arose regarding the continuation
the filter gets too high, a large
of the water supply in the event
backwash pump reverses the
of a power interruption. How
flow momentarily to clear the
would the city get its water if
filter. The backwash flow
the utility connection were
carries debris to a settling pond. lost due to an earthquake?
Powering this backwash
The answer was a generator.
pump is a 650 hp, 3-phase
Subsequently, the city added
motor equipped with a soft
a diesel-powered engine
start. A “negative sequence
generator and transfer switch
detector” helps protect this
to the system (see Fig. 1).
important motor by shutting it
off upon the loss of a phase, or
when voltage distortion exceeds
a predetermined level.

Features used: Voltage, harmonic
Transfer Switch
P.F. Correction
Fig. 1 One-line diagram of the water plant

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System testing under generator power revealed a problem.
The backwash pump would
suddenly stop part way through
the start sequence. And it was
stopping because the negative
sequence detector was putting
out a stop signal to the motor
controls. What electrical anomaly was the negative sequence
detector protecting the motor
from? Was it a phase loss?
Excessive voltage distortion?
What were the characteristics
and source of this anomaly?
Unfortunately, the city engineer
was unable to answer these
questions with his existing
test equipment. After some
research to identify a device
that would allow him to see
what was going on, he
purchased a Fluke 43B.

The engineer suspected voltage
distortion, so he connected the
Fluke 43B phase-to-phase
across the input to the soft
start and selected “Harmonics.”
During the start sequence, the

Fluke 43B displayed 5th
harmonic distortion rising to
80 % of the fundamental prior
to the stop signal.

Problems can occur if the
circuit has a source of harmonics near the resonant frequency.
In the case of the backwash
pump, the source of harmonics
was the semiconductor switchTheory and analysis
ing operation of the soft start.
The ideal displacement power
Why did the circuit work fine
factor (DPF) is 1.0. This occurs
when powered by the utility,
when the current and voltage
yet not work when powered by
are “in-phase.” Inductive motor the generator? The difference is
loads cause the current to lag,
the source impedance. The low
thereby lowering the DPF. This
impedance of the utility means
usually results in a penalty
it can absorb harmonic currents
charge from the utility, so many without causing severe voltage
users install a capacitor to
distortion. The impedance of
provide DPF correction.
the generator is much higher
However, the combination of than that of the utility.
inductance and capacitance will Harmonic currents flowing into
form a resonant circuit that may the generator caused enough
result in high circulating current voltage distortion to trigger the
at the resonant frequency. It’s
negative sequence protection
standard practice to size a
circuit to produce a stop signal.
capacitor at a value large
enough to correct the DPF to
at least 0.9, but not so large
that it makes the voltage lag the The city engineer solved the
current. The resulting configura- problem by moving the capacition yields a resonant frequency tor to the utility side of the
between the 5th and 7th
transfer switch. With this
configuration, the generator
never sees the capacitor and
the resonance condition does
not exist when the generator
powers the circuit.

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up and running.

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2 Fluke Corporation

Power Quality Case Study: 5th Harmonic resonance

©2003 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.
Printed in U.S.A. 8/2003 2103535 A-ENG-N Rev A


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Metadata Date                   : 2003:08:24 12:45:51-07:00
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Title                           : 2103535_HarmonicResonance
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