Fluke 43B Application Note


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The power of
a waveform:
Expanded troubleshooting
options with the Fluke 345
Power Quality Clamp Meter

Application Note

Electricians are discovering that the new Fluke
345 goes beyond simply monitoring voltage or
current. It displays waveforms and harmonics,
performs power measurements for power-factor
evaluations, measures inrush current, and logs
data over time for later analysis.
Like other test and measurement equipment from
Fluke Corporation, the Fluke 345 Power Quality
Clamp Meter was designed based on input from
electricians, electrical contractors, maintenance
personnel, and other test tool users.

What customers requested


More capabilities in a single meter. The
Regional Justice Center for King County, Washington, served as a Beta test site for the Fluke
345 Clamp Meter. Before receiving the instrument, Paul Swanson, a lead electrician at the
site, used a digital multimeter (DMM) and a
clamp meter to do his job. He says, “The 345
adds a visual representation of what I’m monitoring. When I use a DMM, I might be able to
detect a little variation in voltage or current, but
there’s no indication of what’s causing it.”
	   By contrast, the Fluke 345 simultaneously displays readings and waveforms for voltage and
current. “You can see things with the 345 you
can’t see with a DMM,” Swanson observes. “I
probably could log the same data with a ScopeMeter® test tool, but it wouldn’t be as easy.
With the 345, I simply clamp on, set the function selector, and read both the current and the
voltage simultaneously. That really helps with


A clearer, more easily read display. According to Frank Healy, marketing manager for Fluke
power quality products, the improved, color display is a direct result of customer feedback. The
clarity and color allow users to distinctly view
multi-channel information. In waveform mode,
for example, current and voltage waveforms
are separate and clearly defined. The color also
improves other current and voltage views, harmonics, and load.


An external power supply. While an external power supply may not seem like a breakthrough, engineering a tool to be both CAT IV
600 V safety rated and externally powered is no
small feat. But why an external power supply?


Long-term logging capability. Strictly batterypowered instruments can’t perform long-term
sampling. The batteries run down. But customers
needed long-term sampling to track intermittent
faults and other hidden power quality problems.
When the Fluke 345 is connected to an external
power source, sampling time is limited only by
the memory capacity of the instrument and the
sampling rate.

From the Fluke Digital Library @ www.fluke.com/library


The ability to monitor both ac and dc loads.
When it comes to long-term data logging, users
of earlier meters said they needed to monitor
single-phase ac and dc loads. Healy notes that
most loggers only read ac. Some are dc-only
loggers. By contrast, the Fluke 345 offers ac
current monitoring up to 1400 A and dc up to
2,000 A.
	   The dual-current capability could only be
engineered into a clamp meter. Healy explains:
“There is no technology available for measuring
dc current using a flexible probe. So, the clamp
itself is a Hall-effect sensor, and it can measure
ac and dc current simultaneously. By contrast, a
Rogowski-type device can only measure ac. We
wanted one self-contained tool that didn’t need
extra leads to measure current.”





Who’s the Fluke 345 designed for?

While the Fluke 345 Power Quality Clamp Meter
was designed with many users in mind, Frank
Healy says utility trouble-shooters and field install/
service techs will find it especially useful.
Utility personnel can use the Fluke 345 to
measure high current on large cables, thanks to
the oversized jaws and current rating to 2,000 A
dc. Most clamp meters are limited to 1,000 A.
Electrical maintenance personnel can use the
Fluke 345 as a predictive maintenance tool. “With
this meter,” says Paul Swanson, “we could regularly measure the secondary on our VFDs, establish
operational bench marks, and watch for conditioning issues and other potential problems. We’d
establish the nominal operating parameters for
each drive’s output, like taking snapshots and storing them. Then, we’d go back every six months or
A large, flexible memory configuration. The
every year to see if there had been any noticeable
Fluke 345 has three distinct memory locations,
deterioration on the drive output waveform.”
where three separate logs can be stored at the
Installers and maintainers of UPSs, VFDs, 	
same time. Using this feature, an electrician can
go into the field and make a log of, say, twenty and other switching loads will appreciate the
meter’s ability to measure both ac and dc, as well
minutes and then hour-long logs in two other
its low-pass filter. With a 345, an electrical
places, all without returning to the office to
technician could go through a UPS checking the
download data.
input currents and inrush and look for harmonics.
  Alternatively, if the electrician needs to samInside the UPS, the tech could check the dc link
ple data for a longer period, the logger can be
left at a single location for an extended period of and see the dc current prior to conversion into ac
time. There, it can store data in all three memory on the opposite side.
Swanson explains that instead of one large,
areas during the sampling period. According to
centralized UPS, the King County Justice Center has
Healy, an electrician could record for hundreds
38 UPS units throughout the facility. They supply
of days, depending upon the averaging period
backup power to the computerized security and
(sample frequency). The data is stored in memory, and, following downloading to a PC via USB, alarm systems and to various computer networks.
“We’ve spread out the UPSs,” Swanson explains.
can be analyzed using the Power Log software
“We have more points of potential failure, but
shipped with the instrument.
when one does fail it takes less out of our system.”
The ability to easily measure inrush. When 	
In monitoring a UPS, Swanson asks questions
a motor starts, some electrical systems may
that the Fluke 345 waveform display can answer:
experience a surge in load demand called
What do my input and output look like? Do I have
inrush. It can be enough to trip breakers, dim
harmonics? Is the UPS deteriorating in any way?
the lights, and cause other anomalies. To log
“Both on the input and the output, I can see if
inrush data on the Fluke 345, says Healy, “just
anything’s being
set the trigger level for current and put the
pushed out onto
instrument in pulse. Then, when the meter sees the lines,” Swana high level of current, it finds it and captures
son says, “and
its characteristics.”
I can determine
  Swanson ties the easy monitoring of powerwhether the UPS
switching events—the rapid adding or 	
is actually doing
removing of loads from a system—to the Fluke
its job. I might be
345’s versatile data storage capabilities. “I was
able to do some of
happy to discover that regardless of the sample that with a DMM,
frequency, the instrument records peak, low,
but the findings
and average readings—all three. If I take the
would be much
time to do the math, I can even figure out the
less clear.”
duration of an event.”

  Fluke Corporation   The power of a waveform: Expanded troubleshooting options with the Fluke 345 Power Quality Clamp Meter

Swanson, who has responsibility for a large
number of VFDs as well as all those UPSs, says
that the Fluke 345 would help him keep the
motor drives performing well and protect against
problems the drives might cause in the rest of the
facility. “The scope function on the 345 gives me
an opportunity to look at waveforms, which can
show me irregularities,” Swanson notes. “I could
detect any kind of distortion that may be coming
in on the power line or harmonics that could be
generated by the drive itself and going back onto
the grid. I need to know if the drive is creating
anything that could be detrimental to other equipment.” With the low-pass filter, the 345 can accurately read VFD output without interference.
The Fluke 345 is also useful for low-power
applications. “I’m often looking at the low-power
end of things,” Swanson acknowledges, “and
asking, ‘What noise is hitting my electronics?’ If
something affects my alarm system or my essential
computer systems, I’ve got problems. That’s my
primary concern.”

Then, while connecting the new equipment, the
electricians can use the Fluke 345 to measure the
loading of the equipment as it is installed. Finally,
they can check post-installation harmonics to see
whether the new equipment is operating as predicted or if it is producing new, possibly harmful
harmonics or contributing to other problems. For
initial installations of new plant and equipment,
plant personnel will want to look at current waveforms and voltage waveforms to how the installed
equipment is affecting supply components and
other equipment.
Power measurements are also essential for
identifying and correcting low power factor, a
cause of high utility bills. In fact, the Fluke 345
offers the ease of use, portability and flexibility
needed to solve most electrical problems in commercial, industrial, and residential settings, when
standard instruments do not provide answers.

Adding new loads
Whenever a facility brings in new pieces of production or process equipment, that adds new loads
to existing electrical supply systems. Because the
Fluke 345 can take power measurements (watts,
VA, VAR, volts, amps, and power factor) in both
single-phase and balanced three-phase power
systems, the instrument allows users to determine
circuit loading and thereby judge whether it is safe
to add more load or if a new circuit is required

Fluke.	Keeping your world
up and running.®
Fluke Corporation	
PO Box 9090, Everett, WA USA 98206
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PO Box 1186, 5602 BD 	
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
For more information call:	
In the U.S.A. (800) 443-5853 or 	
Fax (425) 446-5116	
In Europe/M-East/Africa 	
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Fax (905) 890-6866	
From other countries +1 (425) 446-5500 or 	
Fax +1 (425) 446-5116	
Web access: http://www.fluke.com
©2007 Fluke Corporation. All rights reserved.	
Specifications subject to change without notice.	
Printed in U.S.A. 4/2007 3034574 A-EN-N Rev A

  Fluke Corporation   The power of a waveform: Expanded troubleshooting options with the Fluke 345 Power Quality Clamp Meter


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