Fluke 43B Application Note


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Application Note
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Stepping up to
power quality tools
When electrical problems arise, every electrical profes-
sional knows to grab his digital multimeter and current
clamp and start looking for answers. Some problems
will be found and answered easily. But other issues
will go unanswered without the proper tools and
knowledge to investigate distribution systems contain-
ing electronic (nonlinear) loads. “Poor power quality”
is any deviation in the electrical supply to equipment
that results in its mis-operation or reduces its reliabil-
ity. Such deviations may occur for only milliseconds
or less, are often caused by nonlinear loads, and can
rarely be found with the digital multimeter.
How important are these power quality issues? Exact
dollar estimates vary, but these issues are known to
cost facilities billions of dollars annually. Neutrals and
transformers overheat, medical imaging equipment
locks up and requires a system reboot, employees
complain of headaches due to lighting conditions, and
a PBX loses calls—all of these typical power qual-
ity issues appear in single-phase systems. One utility
study of 112 different sites found power quality prob-
lems occurring from 114 problems per month in one
facility to over 4,000 problems per month in another
facility! It is clear that facility operations and mainte-
nance personnel, and contractors who are attempting
to help solve client needs, must be able to isolate and
solve the causes of power quality disturbances.
The first concept to understand when getting
started in power quality is that single-phase non-
linear loads, from computers to lighting to some
specialized equipment, will cause power quality
problems. These same nonlinear loads are also
susceptible to power quality problems. Fortu-
nately, the Fluke 43B Power Quality Analyzer is
specifically designed for testing and troubleshoot-
ing single-phase power problems. For those who
are looking for an introduction into the world of
power quality while taking the next step beyond
the digital multimeter, a single-phase power qual-
ity analyzer is the logical choice. Easy to set up
and use, the analyzer can give quick and precise
answers to allow for intelligent troubleshooting
By Randy Barnett
Single-phase loads
While it is possible that poor quality power can
be delivered to a facility, estimates are that 65 to
85 percent of power quality problems are cre-
ated by equipment within the facility. Considering
that approximately 95 percent of the loads on
a 208Y/120 volt panel board in a modern com-
mercial facility are single-phase electronic loads
known to cause these problems, it is safe to
assume that troubleshooting these loads and their
branch circuits should be at least as important
to the electrical professional as taking standard
voltage and current readings with the digital
For those who want to break into the field of
power quality, the Fluke 43B Power Quality
Analyzer is a logical choice
2 Fluke Corporation Stepping up to power quality tools
Take a general power survey
Unless you already suspect the cause of the
power quality problem, a good place to start is
by performing a general power quality survey.
Begin as far back toward the service entrance in
the distribution system as possible. For example,
most commercial buildings utilize a 208Y/120 volt
distribution system. So, begin measurements at
the first panel board downstream of the 208Y/120
volt transformers. This is where you will find the
feeders and branch circuits supplying single-
phase loads for the facility. Should possible power
quality issues be identified, it will be necessary to
drill down further into the distribution system to
isolate the problem-causing equipment.
If you know where in the distribution system
the problems occur, then start at that location and
work back upstream in the distribution system.
For example, a programmable logic controller
(PLC) intermittently gives over temperature alarms
for the system it is controlling. However, inves-
tigations reveal no over-temperature problems
exists in the process system. It is reasonable to
expect a power quality issue occurring intermit-
tently at the plc supply as one possible cause of
the false alarms. Therefore, begin measurements
and recordings at the 120 volt supply to the plc,
checking for a power quality issue. If a power
quality problem is found, go back to the panel
board supplying the plc branch circuit and begin
investigating other loads on the panel board. If
one particular load is suspected of causing the
problem, then it will be easy enough to check
values on that specific piece of equipment as it
runs through its operational cycle. The first screen of the power quality analyzer shows how to connect
the test leads to the instrument.
The first screen of the power quality
The first screen to appear when you turn on the
analyzer shows how to connect the test leads to
the instrument. Should any instrument adjust-
ments need to be made, pressing the menu key
and opening the “instrument setup” screen
provides a menu of possible changes. Such
adjustments include changing the specific type
of probes being used, the harmonic values to be
measured, the date and time, and other basic
Connect the red
test lead to the ter-
minal marked “1
Connect the black
test lead to the
terminal marked
Connect the cur-
rent clamp to the
terminal marked
3 Fluke Corporation Stepping up to power quality tools
The Fluke 43B Menu screen provides a quick view of instrument
Both voltage and current waveforms appear on the Volts/Amp/Hertz
The Volts/Amps/Hertz function
Begin use of the Fluke 43B by depressing the
Menu key and observing the instrument menu.
Select the Volts/Amps/Hertz function and press
Enter. Both voltage and current waveforms appear
on the screen. A few quick checks here can deter-
mine whether you are at a location in the system
that may be presenting some power quality con-
cerns. Notice the severity of any distortion on the
voltage and current sine waves. Look for a crest
factor (CF) of 1.4 on the voltage sine wave. Crest
factor is the ratio of peak voltage to rms voltage. A
CF of less than 1.4 indicates the voltage is flatten-
ing out across the top of the sine wave. This may
cause computer lock-ups and other intermittent
problems with electronic loads being supplied.
The Power function
Return to the menu screen and select the
Power function. Notice that the analyzer has
the capability of measuring either single-phase
or three-phase power. If three-phase power is
selected, the instrument shows how to connect
test leads for such measurements. The Power
screen also displays the voltage and current sine
waves in addition to power measurement values
of kilowatts (kW), kilovolt ampere (kVA), kilovolt
ampere reactive (kVAR), power factor (PF), dis-
placement power factor (DPF), and hertz (Hz). The
Power function can be a valuable tool as part of
an energy management program when used to
help determine operational cost of specific pieces
of equipment.
Select the VOLTS/
function and press
Enter for a quick
look at system
voltage and current
sine waves.
RMS voltage value
Crest factors less
than 1.4 indicate
potential problems
Voltage sine wave
Current sine wave
indicates current
being drawn by
nonlinear type
Multiplying this
kW reading by
the number of
hours of opera-
tion can be used to
calculate the cost
of operating this
Power factor in
this single-phase
reading is 1.00 at
60 Hz
Current sine wave
indicates current
is linear and in-
phase with voltage
The Power screen provides voltage and current sine waves in addi-
tion to the power readings for this compressor motor.
4 Fluke Corporation Stepping up to power quality tools
The Harmonics function
Selecting Harmonics from the menu provides the
level of each harmonic current in the system. Har-
monic currents are multiples of the fundamental
60 Hz frequency. Different harmonic levels present
different problems. In a single-phase system,
the presence of the third harmonic is common.
This harmonic current can cause overheating in
neutral conductors and transformers and, as with
all harmonics, it will tend to distort the funda-
mental sine wave. Pay attention to total harmonic
distortion (THD) for voltage. It must be 5 percent
or less at the service entrance, but may be higher
when closer to individual loads. Press the arrow
key to move the cursor and note the level of each
harmonic current as the cursor passes along the
harmonic graph.
Recording voltage over time
As electronic and larger motor loads cycle off
and on in a distribution system, they can present
problems for single-phase equipment. Large
inrush currents can cause voltage to sag. Quite
often it is not one particular power quality event
that causes electronic equipment to malfunction.
It is sometimes a series of two or more events. For
example, the sag in voltage by itself may not be
an issue for certain equipment but other nearby
equipment with less immunity may be severely
affected. Since it is usually impossible to tell
exactly when equipment will start, draw large
inrush currents and create voltage sags, the Fluke
43B allows for recording of these values over time.
The Harmonics screen supplies valuable information on current flows
created in the system by nonlinear loads that add heat and distort
the 60 Hz sine wave.
With the cursor
over the 3rd
harmonic, values
for distortion
created by this
harmonic are
The 3rd harmonic
is measured at
179.9 Hz, which is
1.32 amps and
26.7 % of the
60 Hz amperage
The bars provide
a graphical
representation of
the magnitudes
of the various
harmonic currents
The Fluke 43B has additional
functions to facilitate trouble-
shooting in the field. The
analyzer can measure ohms,
test for continuity and check
capacitor values. Temperature
can be measured in degrees
Celsius or degrees Fahrenheit. A
scope function is also available,
allowing for troubleshooting of
electronic equipment. Addition-
ally, up to twenty screenshots
can be saved in the instrument
and later reviewed or down-
loaded to a computer for analysis
with the FlukeView® software.
In today’s modern electri-
cal environment, problems that
were once overlooked can no
Additional troubleshooting with the Fluke 43B
longer be ignored. Network
communication devices, per-
sonal computers and specialized
single-phase loads from medi-
cal equipment to copy machines
must all function properly. Iden-
tifying and isolating the source
of power quality problems that
prohibit the proper functioning
of this equipment is the job of
the electrical professional. For
those responsible for solving
such power quality issues, the
use of a single-phase power
quality analyzer is invaluable.
For those desiring to break into
the field of power quality, the
Fluke 43B Power Quality Ana-
lyzer is a logical choice.
Recording transient conditions
The single-phase power quality analyzer also
allows for recording of transient conditions. A
transient is a short-duration spike along the volt-
age sine wave. High energy level transients can
occur from lightning strikes and utility switching.
Lower energy level transients can occur within a
facility as different loads cycle. While high energy
level transients can cause immediate failure of
electrical equipment, lower level transients can
cause damage over time—resulting in unexplained
premature failure of equipment.
Fluke Corporation
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