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REMOTE CONTROL AND PROGRAMMING REFERENCE for the FLUKE 43 family Power Quality Analyzers ============================================================= This file contains remote control and programming information for the above-mentioned models with use of the PM9080 Optically Isolated RS232 Adapter/Cable. It consists of the following chapters: 1. INSTALLING THE PM9080 2. INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING 3. COMMAND REFERENCE APPENDIXES APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX APPENDIX A B C D ACKNOWLEDGE DATA STATUS DATA WAVEFORM DATA ASCII CODES Page 1.1 ============================================================= 1. INSTALLATION OF THE PM9080 - Connect the PM9080 to the RS232 port of the computer. If necessary, use a 9-pin to 25-pin adapter and 25-pin gender changer. - Hook the PM9080 cable to the Power Quality Analyzer. - Turn on the computer and the Power Quality Analyzer. - Make sure that the communication settings match for the RS232 port of the computer and the Power Quality Analyzer. After power-on, the default settings of the Power Quality Analyzer are as follows: 1200 baud, No parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit You can modify the baud rate with the PC (Program Communication) command. See chapter 3 COMMAND REFERENCE. Other settings are fixed. You can modify the computer RS232 port settings to match the above settings with the following DOS command: MODE COM1:1200,N,8,1 This command assumes that COM1 is the RS232 port used on the computer. Replace COM1 in the above command with COM2, COM3, or COM4 if one of these ports is used. You can place this command in the computer startup file AUTOEXEC.BAT so that the default settings for the computer are the same as for the Power Quality Analyzer. If you want to use a higher data transfer speed (baud rate), let your QBASIC program change the settings for both the computer and the Power Quality Analyzer. See the example under the PC (Program Communication) command in chapter 3 COMMAND REFERENCE. Page 2.1 ============================================================= 2. INTRODUCTION TO PROGRAMMING ** Basic Programming Information ** When you have installed the PM9080 as described in the previous chapter, you can control the Power Quality Analyzer from the computer with simple communication facilities, such as GWBASIC, QuickBASIC and QBASIC (programming languages from Microsoft Corporation). All examples given in this manual are in the QBASIC language but will also run in QuickBASIC. QuickBASIC allows you to make executable files from programs so you can start such programs directly from DOS. It is assumed that you have knowledge of these programming languages. QBASIC is supplied with Microsoft MS-DOS 5.0 and higher and Windows 95, 98, and NT, including ’on-line’ Help. Features of the syntax and protocol for the Power Quality Analyzer are as follows: - Easy input format with a ’forgiving’ syntax: All commands consist of two characters that can be UPPER or lower case. Parameters that sometimes follow the command may be separated from it by one or more separation characters. - Strict and consistent output format: Alpha character responses are always in UPPERCASE. Parameters are always separated by a comma ("," = ASCII 44, see Appendix D). Responses always end with the carriage return code (ASCII 13). Because the carriage return code is a non-visible character (not visible on the screen or on paper), this character is represented asin the command syntax. - Synchronization between input and output: After receipt of every command, a Power Quality Analyzer returns an acknowledge character (digit) followed by the carriage return code (ASCII 13). This indicates that the command has been successfully received and executed. The computer program must always read this acknowledge response before sending the next command to the Power Quality Analyzer. Page 2.2 ** Commands sent to the Power Quality Analyzer ** All commands for the Power Quality Analyzer consist of a header made up of two alpha characters sometimes followed by parameters. Example: RI This is the Reset Instrument command. It resets the Power Quality Analyzer. Some of the commands are followed by one or more parameters to give the Power Quality Analyzer more information. Example: SS 8 This is the Save Setup command. It saves the present acquisition settings in memory. The SS header is followed by a separator (space), then followed by the parameter "8" to indicate where to store the settings. The meaning of this parameter is described in Chapter 3 COMMAND REFERENCE. Some commands require several parameters. Example: WT 9,50,30 This is the Write Time command. This command requires three parameters. The parameters are separated by a comma, which is called the Program Data Separator. You may use only one comma between the parameters. Also refer to the section ’Data Separators’. A code at the end of each command tells the Power Quality Analyzer that the command is ended. This is the carriage return code (ASCII 13) and is called the Program Message Terminator. This code is needed to indicate to the Power Quality Analyzer that the command is completed so it can start executing the command. Also refer to the section ’Command and Response Terminators’. Page 2.3 ** Responses received from the Power Quality Analyzer ** After each command sent to the Power Quality Analyzer there is an automatic response from it, indicated as (which you MUST input), to let the computer know whether or not the received command has been successfully executed. Refer to the ’Acknowledge’ section below. There are several commands that ask the Power Quality Analyzer for response data. Such commands are called Queries. Example: ID This is the IDentification query, which asks for the model number and the software version of the Power Quality Analyzer. When the Power Quality Analyzer has received a query, it sends the reply as it does after any command, but now it is followed by the queried response data. The format of the response data depends upon which query is sent. When a response consists of different response data portions, these are separated with commas (ASCII code 44). Also refer to the section ’Data Separators’. All response data, as well as following (queried) response data are terminated with the carriage return code ( = ASCII 13). Also refer to the section ’Command and Response Terminators’. Page 2.4 ** Acknowledge ** After receiving of a command, the Power Quality Analyzer automatically returns the response to let the computer know whether or not the received command has been successfully executed. This response is a one-digit number followed by as response terminator. If is 0, it indicates that the Power Quality Analyzer has successfully executed the command. If the command was a query, the response is immediately followed by the queried response data terminated with . If is 1 or higher, it indicates that the Power Quality Analyzer has not executed the command successfully. In that case, if the command was a query, the response is NOT followed by any further response data. There can be several reasons for a non-zero response. For more information see Appendix A. In case of an error you can obtain more detailed status information by using the ST (STATUS) query. Note: YOU MUST ALWAYS INPUT , EVEN WHEN THE COMMAND WAS NOT A QUERY. Page 2.5 ** Data Separators ** Data Separators are used between parameters sent to the instrument and between values and strings received from the instrument. Comma (",") is used as program data separator as well as response data separator: - Program Data Separator Name Character ASCII Value Comments Decimal ---------------------------------------------------------comma , 44 Single comma allowed - Response Data Separator Name Character ASCII Value Comments Decimal ---------------------------------------------------------comma , 44 Page 2.6 ** Command and Response Terminators ** (Message Terminators) - Command (Program Message) Terminators A code is needed at the end of each command to tell the instrument that the command is ended, and that it can start executing the command. This code is called the Program Message Terminator. The code needed for the instrument is carriage return (ASCII code 13 decimal). Notes: 1. The carriage return code is a non-visible ASCII character. Therefore this code is represented as in the Command Syntax and Response Syntax lines given for each command. 2. The QBASIC programming language, which is used for all program examples, automatically adds a carriage return to the end of the command output. (In the QBASIC language, this is the PRINT #.... statement.) After is recognized by the instrument, the entered command is executed. After EACH command the instrument returns to the computer to signal the end of the command processing (also see the section ’Acknowledge’.) - Response (Message) Terminators The response from the instrument ends with a carriage return (ASCII 13). This is indicated as in the Response Syntax for each command. Page 2.7 ** Typical program sequence ** An example A typical program sequence consists of the following user actions: 1. Set the communication parameters for the RS232 port of the computer to match the instrument settings. 2. Output a command or query to the instrument. 3. Input the acknowledge response from the instrument. If the response value is zero, go to step 4. If the response value is non-zero, the instrument did not execute the previous command. Read the error message from the following acknowledge subroutine, recover the error, and repeat the command or query. (This is not shown in the following program example.) 4. If a query was output to the instrument, input its response. 5. The sequence of points 2, 3, and 4 may be repeated for different commands or queries. 6. Close the communication channel. Refer to the program example on the next page. Page 2.8 ’Example of a typical program sequence: ’***************** Begin example program **************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 ’This QBASIC program line sets the parameters for the ’RS232 port (COM1 on the Computer) to match the ’instrument power-on default settings. It also opens a ’communication channel (assigned #1) for input or output ’through the COM1 port. Your instrument must be connected ’to this port. "RB2048" sets the size of the computer ’receive buffer to 2048 bytes to prevent buffer overflow ’during communication with the instrument. PRINT #1, "ID" ’Outputs the IDENTITY command (query) to the instrument. GOSUB Acknowledge ’This subroutine inputs the acknowledge response from ’the instrument and displays an error message if the ’acknowledge value is non-zero. INPUT #1, Response$ ’This inputs the response data from the IDENTITY query. PRINT Response$ ’Displays the queried data. CLOSE #1 ’This closes the communication channel. END ’This ends the program. ’ Page 2.9 ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ***************** Page 3.1 ============================================================= 3. COMMAND REFERENCE CONVENTIONS ** Page layout used for each command ** - Header Each command description starts on a new page with a header for quickly finding the command. This header indicates the command name and the two-character header used for the command syntax. Example: =========================================================== AUTO SETUP AS ----------------------------------------------------------Where AUTO SETUP is a descriptive name for the command (this is no syntax!), and AS are the first two characters used for the command syntax (not the complete syntax). - Purpose: Explains what the command does or what it is used for. - Command Syntax: Shows the syntax for the command. Parameters are separated by commas. Commands are terminated by (carriage return). - Response Syntax: Shows the format of the response from the instrument. Responses are terminated by (carriage return). Each Response Syntax starts with the response, followed by the query response if the syntax relates to a query. - Example: This is an example QBASIC program which shows how you can use the command. The example may also include some other commands to show the relation with these commands. The following two comment lines (start with ’) successively indicate the beginning and the end of an example program. ’***************** Begin example program **************** ’****************** End example program ***************** Page 3.2 Use an MS-DOS Editor and copy the complete program between these two lines to a file name with the .BAS extension. Start QBASIC and open this file from the FILE menu. Long programs (longer than 55 lines) include page breaks. Such page breaks are preceded by the ’ (remark) character to prevent the QBASIC interpreter from interpreting them as an incorrect statement. When you have connected the Power Quality Analyzer as indicated in the PM9080 Instruction Manual, you can start the program from the RUN menu. Page 3.3 ** Syntax conventions ** The Command Syntax and the Response Syntax may contain the following meta symbols and data elements: UPPERCASE These characters are part of the syntax. For commands, lower case is also allowed. <...> An expression between these brackets is a code, such as (carriage return) that can not be expressed in a printable character, or it is a parameter that is further specified. Do not insert the brackets in the command! [...] The item between these brackets is optional. This means that you may omit it for the command, or for a response it may not appear. Do not insert the brackets in the command! | This is a separator between selectable items. This means that you must choose only one of the items (exclusive or). {...} Specifies an element that may be repeated 0 or more instances. (...) Grouping of multiple elements. = 0 to 255 = 0 to 9 = + | - = { } = = = = = Two bytes representing a signed integer value. The first byte is the most significant and contains the sign bit (bit 7). four ’s = Two bytes representing an unsigned integer value. The first byte is the most significant. = four ’s Page 3.4 ============================================================= ** Overview of commands for the Power Quality Analyzer ** COMMAND PAGE COMMAND NAME HEADER NUMBER ------------------------------------------------------AUTO SETUP AS 3.5 ARM TRIGGER AT 3.7 CLEAR MEMORY CM 3.9 CPL VERSION QUERY CV 3.11 DEFAULT SETUP DS 3.13 GET DOWN GD 3.15 GO TO LOCAL GL 3.17 GO TO REMOTE GR 3.20 HOLD HO 3.21 IDENTIFICATION ID 3.23 INSTRUMENT STATUS IS 3.25 PROGRAM COMMUNICATION PC 3.28 PROGRAM SETUP PS 3.30 QUERY HARMONICS QH 3.34 QUERY MEASUREMENT QM 3.36 QUERY PRINT QP 3.40 QUERY SETUP QS 3.44 QUERY WAVEFORM QW 3.45 READ DATE RD 3.62 RESET INSTRUMENT RI 3.64 RECALL SETUP RS 3.66 READ TIME RT 3.69 SWITCH ON SO 3.71 SAVE SETUP SS 3.72 STATUS QUERY ST 3.73 TRIGGER ACQUISITION TA 3.76 WRITE DATE WD 3.78 WRITE TIME WT 3.80 Page 3.5 ============================================================= AUTO SETUP AS ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Invokes an automatic setup for the active mode. The result of this command is the same as pressing the AUTO key on the instrument. Note: You can select the items that are affected by the AUTO SET procedure via the USER OPTIONS key on the instrument. Command Syntax: AS Response Syntax: Example: The following example program sends an AUTO SETUP command to the instrument. Connect a repetitive signal on INPUT 1 to see the effect of AUTO SETUP. ’ ’***************** Page 3.6 Begin example program ***************** CLS ’Clears the PC screen. OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1, "AS" ’Sends AUTO SETUP command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. CLOSE #1 END ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.7 ============================================================= ARM TRIGGER AT ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Resets and arms the trigger system for a new acquisition. This command is used for single shot measurements. When the AT command is given while an acquisition is in progress, this acquisition is aborted and the trigger system is rearmed. Command Syntax: AT Response Syntax: Example: The following example program arms the trigger system of the instrument with the AT command. This means that after this command the instrument starts an acquisition when a trigger occurs from the signal (when exceeding the trigger level) or from a TA (Trigger Acquisition) command. After the AT command it is assumed that the signal amplitude is sufficient to trigger the acquisition. If it is not, you can use the TA (TRIGGER ACQUISITION) command to force the acquisition to be triggered. But this is not useful if you want the acquisition to be started on a signal edge for synchronization purposes. Also see the example program for the IS command, which also uses the AT command for a single shot application. ’***************** Begin example program ***************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1, "AT" ’Sends the ARM TRIGGER command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. CLOSE #1 END ’ ’ Page 3.8 ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.9 ============================================================= CLEAR MEMORY CM ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Clears all saved setups, waveforms, and screens from memory. Command Syntax: CM Response Syntax: Example: ’ ’***************** Page 3.10 Begin example program ***************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1,"CM" ’Sends the Clear Memory command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. CLOSE #1 END ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.11 ============================================================= CPL VERSION QUERY CV ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Queries the CPL interface version. Command Syntax: CV Response Syntax: [ ] where, Example: is an ASCII string representing the year this version has been created. ’ ’***************** Page 3.12 Begin example program ***************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1,"CV" ’Sends CPL VERSION query. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. INPUT #1,VERSION$ ’Inputs queried data. PRINT "CPL Version "; VERSION$ ’Displays version data. END ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.13 ============================================================= DEFAULT SETUP DS ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Resets the instrument to the factory settings at delivery, except for the RS232 communication settings such as baud rate, to keep the communication alive. A Master Reset (refer to the Users Manual) performs the same, but also resets the RS232 communication settings to the default values. Command Syntax: DS Response Syntax: Note: Example: Wait for at least 2 seconds after the reply has been received, to let the instrument settle itself before you send the next command. ’ ’***************** Page 3.14 Begin example program ***************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 CLS PRINT #1, "DS" ’Sends DEFAULT SETUP command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. SLEEP 2 ’Delay (2 s) necessary after "DS". PRINT #1, "ID" ’Sends the IDENTIFICATION query. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. INPUT #1, ID$ ’Inputs identity data from instrument. PRINT ID$ ’Displays identity data. CLOSE #1 END ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.15 ============================================================= GET DOWN GD ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Switches the instrument’s power off. If a power adapter is connected, you can use the SO command to switch power on again. If there is no power adapter connected, the instrument can only be switched on manually by pressing the Power ON/OFF key. Command Syntax: GD Response Syntax: Example: ’ ’***************** Page 3.16 Begin example program ***************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 CLS PRINT #1, "GD" ’Sends the GET DOWN command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. PRINT "The GET DOWN command switched the instrument off." PRINT "Press any key on the PC keyboard to switch " PRINT "the instrument on again." SLEEP PRINT #1, "SO" ’Sends the SWITCH ON command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. CLOSE #1 END ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.17 ============================================================= GO TO LOCAL GL ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Sets the instrument in the local operation mode so the keypad is enabled. Also refer to the GR (Go to Remote) command. Command Syntax: GL Response Syntax: Example: The following example uses the GR (GO TO REMOTE) command (refer to the description for this command) to set the instrument in the REMOTE state so that the keypad is disabled. After that, the GL (GO TO LOCAL) command is sent so that the keypad is enabled again. ’ ’***************** Page 3.18 Begin example program ***************** CLS ’Clears the PC screen. OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1, "GR" ’Sends GO TO REMOTE command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. PRINT "All instrument keys (except the Power ON/OFF key) PRINT "are now disabled by the GR (GO TO REMOTE) command." PRINT "Check this." PRINT PRINT "Press any key on the PC keyboard to continue." SLEEP PRINT PRINT #1, "GL" ’Sends GO TO LOCAL command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. PRINT "The instrument keys are now enabled again by the " PRINT "GL (GO TO LOCAL) command." PRINT "Check this." CLOSE #1 END ’ ’ Page 3.19 ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.20 ============================================================= GO TO REMOTE GR ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Sets the instrument in the remote operation mode so that the keypad is disabled. You can use the following methods to return to the local operation mode so that the keypad is enabled: 1. Sending the GL (Go to Local) command. Command Syntax: GR Response Syntax: See an example for this command under GO TO LOCAL (GL). Page 3.21 ============================================================= HOLD HO ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Sets the instrument in the Hold mode. In other words, the instrument stops sampling the input channels and calculating measurement results. Command Syntax: HO Response Syntax: Example: ’ ’***************** Page 3.22 Begin example program ***************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 CLS PRINT #1, "HO" ’Sends the HOLD command. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. PRINT "The HOLD command has put the instrument in HOLD." PRINT "Check on the instrument screen." PRINT "Press any key on the PC keyboard to continue and" PRINT "enable acquisition again." SLEEP PRINT #1, "AT" ’Sends the ARM TRIGGER command to ’enable acquisition again. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. CLOSE #1 END ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.23 ============================================================= IDENTIFICATION ID ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Returns the instrument model identification information. Command Syntax: ID Response Syntax: [ ] where, is an ASCII string containing the following data elements: ; ; ; Example: The following example program queries the identity data of the instrument and displays this data on the PC screen. ’ ’***************** Page 3.24 Begin example program ***************** CLS ’Clears the PC screen. OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1, "ID" ’Sends IDENTIFICATION query. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. INPUT #1, IDENT$ ’Inputs the queried data. PRINT IDENT$ ’Displays queried data. CLOSE #1 END ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.25 ============================================================= INSTRUMENT STATUS IS ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Queries the contents of the instrument’s status register. The returned value reflects the present operational status of the instrument. This is a 16-bit word, presented as an integer value, where each bit represents the Boolean value of a related event. Command Syntax: IS Response Syntax: [ ] where, = integer value 0 to 65535 Bit Value Status Description ---------------------------------------------------------0 1 Maintenance mode 1 2 Charging 2 4 Recording 3 8 AutoRanging 4 16 Remote 5 32 Battery Connected 6 64 Power (Net) Adapter connected 7 128 Calibration necessary 8 256 Instrument Held (HOLD status) 9 512 Pre Calibration busy 10 1024 Pre Calibration valid 11 2048 12 4096 Triggered 13 8192 Instrument On 14 16384 Instrument Reset occurred 15 32768 Next value available Example: Page 3.26 ’***************** Begin example program ***************** CLS ’Clears the PC screen OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 PRINT #1, "IS" ’Sends the INSTRUMENT STATUS query GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument INPUT #1, Status$ ’Input Instrument Status StV = VAL(Status$) ’Decimal value of Instrument Status PRINT "Instrument Status : "; StV IF (StV AND 1) = 1 THEN PRINT " instrument in Maintenance mode." IF (StV AND 2) = 2 THEN PRINT " instrument charging." IF (StV AND 4) = 4 THEN PRINT " instrument recording." IF (StV AND 8) = 8 THEN PRINT " AutoRanging active" IF (StV AND 16) = 16 THEN PRINT " instrument remote." IF (StV AND 32) = 32 THEN PRINT " Battery connected." IF (StV AND 64) = 64 THEN PRINT " Power Adapter connected." IF (StV AND 128) = 128 THEN PRINT " Calibration necessary." IF (StV AND 256) = 256 THEN PRINT " instrument in HOLD." IF (StV AND 512) = 512 THEN PRINT " Pre-calibration busy." IF (StV AND 1024) = 1024 THEN PRINT " Pre-calibration valid." IF (StV AND 4096) = 4096 THEN PRINT " instrument triggered." IF (StV AND 8192) = 8192 THEN PRINT " instrument On." ELSE PRINT " instrument Off." END IF IF (StV AND 16384) = 16384 THEN PRINT " Reset Instrument occurred." END ’ ’ Page 3.27 ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.28 ============================================================= PROGRAM COMMUNICATION PC ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Programs the baud rate for RS232 communication: Command Syntax: PC where, = 1200|2400|4800|9600|19200 (guaranteed) The default baudrate is 1200. This is set at power-on or after a Reset Instrument command (command "RI") Notes: The Fluke 43(B) supports 1 stopbit, 8 databits and software handshake (X-on X-off protocol). Hardware handshaking is not supported. Page 3.29 Response Syntax: See an example for this command under QUERY PRINT (QP). Page 3.30 ============================================================= PROGRAM SETUP PS ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Restores a complete setup, previously saved with the SS (Save Setup) command and queried with the QS (Query Setup) command and saved in a string variable or to a file. Command Syntax 1: PS [ ] where, = 0 to 10 This is the register number where a setup is stored. Also see the description of the Save Setup (SS) command (0 is actual setup). Response Syntax 1: Command Syntax 2: = The data returned with the QS command. ( response). Response Syntax 2: Note: Wait for at least two seconds after the reply has been received, to let the instrument settle itself before you send the next command. Remarks: The instrument sends the reply after it has executed the setup from the PS command. You must send the string as a whole, exactly as returned from the QS (Query Setup) command. If you do not follow this rule, the instrument may crash. A Reset may then be necessary to recover the instrument. (Refer to the instrument Users Manual.) Example: The following example program demonstrates the use of the QS (QUERY SETUP) and the PS (PROGRAM SETUP) commands. The present setup is queried from instrument and saved to file. The program asks you to change the instrument settings. Then the original setup is read from file and sent back to the instrument. ’ ’***************** Page 3.31 Begin example program ***************** OPEN "COM1:1200,N,8,1,CS,DS,RB2048" FOR RANDOM AS #1 CLS GOSUB ClearPort ’Clears pending data from port. PRINT #1, "QS" ’Queries the actual setup data. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. GOSUB Response ’Writes the setup data to file. PRINT "Present setup data are stored in the file SETUP0" PRINT "This setup will now be retrieved from the file and" PRINT "sent back to the instrument." PRINT "To see if this works, change the present settings and" PRINT "verify if the instrument returns to the previous" PRINT "settings." PRINT PRINT "Press any key on the PC keyboard to continue." SLEEP CLS PRINT #1, "PS" ’Program header for programming ’the setup data to the instrument. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. OPEN "SETUP0" FOR INPUT AS #2 ’Opens file SETUP0 for data retrieval. DO WHILE NOT EOF(2) SUCHR$ = INPUT$(1, #2) ’Reads setup data from file PRINT #1, SUCHR$; ’Programs instrument with the" ’setup data stored in SETUP0$. LOOP PRINT #1, CHR$(13); ’Program message terminator CLOSE #2 ’Close file SETUP0. GOSUB Acknowledge ’Input acknowledge from instrument. END ’ ’ Page 3.32 ’**************** Acknowledge subroutine ****************** ’Use this subroutine after each command or query sent to the ’instrument. This routine inputs the acknowledge ’response from the instrument. If the response is non-zero, ’the previous command was not correct or was not correctly ’received by the instrument. Then an error message is ’displayed and the program is aborted. Acknowledge: INPUT #1, ACK ’Reads acknowledge from instrument. IF ACK <> 0 THEN PRINT "Error "; ACK; ": "; SELECT CASE ACK CASE 1 PRINT "Syntax Error" CASE 2 PRINT "Execution Error" CASE 3 PRINT "Synchronization Error" CASE 4 PRINT "Communication Error" CASE IS < 1 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" CASE IS > 4 PRINT "Unknown Acknowledge" END SELECT PRINT "Program aborted." END END IF RETURN ’******* Clears pending data from the RS232 port ********* ClearPort: WHILE LOC(1) > 0 Dummy$ = INPUT$(1, #1) WEND RETURN ’ ’ Page 3.33 ’****************** Response subroutine ********************* ’This subroutine reads bytes from the RS232 buffer as long ’as they enter. When no bytes enter for 1 second, the program ’assumes that the instrument has terminated its response. ’All bytes that enter the buffer are appended to the string ’Resp$. Response: start! = TIMER ’Wait for bytes (maximum 1 s) to enter RS232 buffer WHILE ((TIMER < (start! + 1)) AND (LOC(1) = 0)) WEND IF LOC(1) > 0 THEN ’If RS232 buffer contains bytes OPEN "Setup0" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 ’File for setup data DO ’ LOC(1) gives the number of bytes waiting: ScopeInput$ = INPUT$(LOC(1), #1) ’Input bytes PRINT #2, ScopeInput$; start! = TIMER WHILE ((TIMER < (start! + 1)) AND (LOC(1) = 0)) WEND LOOP WHILE LOC(1) > 0 ’Repeat as long as bytes enter CLOSE #2 END IF RETURN ’****************** End example program ****************** Page 3.34 ============================================================= QUERY HARMONICS QH ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: (for the Fluke 43B only) Queries the Volt/Amp/Watt harmonics data (administration and sample data) from the instrument. Command Syntax: QH [ ] where, = = ASCII "1" or "2" for channel 1 or 2 ASCII "3" for channel 1 and 2 = ASCII "0"/"1"/"2" for Volt/Ampere/Watt harmonics Possible values are: QH 10 : Volt harmonics using channel 1 QH 21 : Ampere harmonics using channel 2 QH 32 : Watt harmonics using channel 1 and 2 If QH command is sent without arguments, the active is returned. If QH command is sent with , the Response Syntax is: , where, = #0 = Value is 128. = This value gives the number of bytes that are transmitted after the and before the . = 0 = Invalid, 1 = Valid = representing the unit: = None = 0 = 1 = 2 = 4 representing the unit: None = 0 = 11 Page 3.35 = This field contains the scale value for all amplitude samples. = This field contains the scale value for all phase samples (always 1). = Frequency of the first harmonic, which is the first non-DC spectrum component. = = = = = = = = = One binary character which represents the sum of all the ’s sent after the and before the . = #0 = Value is 129. = This (2-bytes) value gives the number of bytes that are transmitted after the and before the . = Total number of harmonics samples that follow. = { } = = = One binary character which represents the sum of all the ’s sent after the and before the . Example: The method for reading and analyzing harmonics data (QH) is similar for reading and analyzing waveforms (QW). Page 3.36 ============================================================= QUERY MEASUREMENT QM ------------------------------------------------------------Purpose: Queries for active readings (see Syntax 1) or measurement results from the instrument (see Syntax 2). Command Syntax 1: QM Command Syntax 2: QM {, } where in VOLTS/AMPS/HERTZ mode: = 11 : Voltage rms (ac + dc) 21 : Ampere rms (ac + dc) 31 : Line Frequency on trigger channel 41 : Crest on channel 1 (Fluke 43B only) 51 : Crest on channel 2 (Fluke 43B only) where in POWER mode: (relative to %r or %f) = 11 : Real power 21 : Apparent power 31 : Reactive power 41 : Total Power Factor (TPF) (Fluke 43B only) 51 : Displacement Power Factor (DPF or cos phi) 61 : Line Frequency where in HARMONICS mode: (Volt/Ampere/Watt mode) = 11 : Total Harmonic Distortion (THD, not Watts mode) 21 : Total rms reading 31 : K-factor (not in Volts mode) 41 : Frequency of selected harmonic component 51 : Absolute rms of selected harmonic component 61 : Relative rms (% of Total rms) of selected harmonic component 71 : Phase of selected harmonic component where in SAGS & SWELLS mode: = 11 : Voltage rms (ac + dc) 21 : Ampere rms (ac + dc) where in TRANSIENTS mode: (at cursor position of the selected transient) = 11 : Maximum Voltage peak 21 : Minimum Voltage peak 31 : Maximum Ampere peak 41 : Minimum Ampere peak where in TRANSIENTS Learn mode: = 11 : Voltage rms (ac + dc) 21 : Line Frequency on Voltage channel where in Motor INRUSH CURRENT mode: = 11 : Ampere amplitude at first cursor position 21 : Ampere amplitude at second cursor position where in Meter OHMS/DIODE/CONTINUITY/CAPACITANCE and TEMPERATURE mode: = 11 : Meter reading where in SCOPE mode: = 11 : Reading of channel 1 (can be switched off) 21 : Reading of channel 2 (can be switched off) Notes: - Maximum 10 readings per command. - If one of the readings is non-valid, no readings will be returned. - Only active (valid) readings will be returned. Page 3.37 Response Syntax 1: [ {, } ] where, = , ,