Fluke 754 Ing Application Note Calibration And Ation For Process Manufacturing


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Automated field calibration for
the oil and gas industry
How to save time and money and reduce risk:
White Paper
Technicians that maintain and
troubleshoot process automa-
tion systems used in refineries,
pipeline custody transfer appli-
cations, or pumping operations
know that there are thou-
sands of sophisticated devices
required to perform countless
critical operations ceaselessly,
accurately, and reliably. Those
devices require regular inspec-
tion, testing, calibration, and
repair to protect the health and
safety of the public. Businesses
and governments require highly
specific documentation of those
maintenance and calibration
tasks performed on these critical
Traditional calibration and
documentation practices are
labor-intensive and in today’s
downsized environment there
simply aren’t the resources to
keep up. However, automated
calibration practices are prov-
ing a practical alternative
because they require smaller
teams, increase productivity and
operational reliability at a lower
overall cost.
Increased safety and
productivity. Reduced costs
Whether you’re installing a
new device, changing the set-
tings of an existing device, or
reinstalling a repaired device,
calibration is the only way to
ensure that the device meets
performance requirements. This
is important for:
Safety. When valves and
gauges are not regularly cali-
brated, they can fail, cause
an unsafe condition possibly
leading to an explosion, loss of
life and cause great damage to
Quality. To perform at the
highest efficiency and quality,
equipment must be well main-
tained and adjusted.
Revenue. Calibration of the
devices that make custody
transfer measurements, are nec-
essary to insure that purchased
products, such as gasoline or
natural gas, are measured and
taxed correctly.
Compliance. Government
regulation and enforcement
agencies often require cali-
bration and documentation to
verify that devices conform
to rules and standards. Poor
calibration documentation can
put the manufacturer at risk of
government fines and loss of
Cost savings. With automated
calibration and documenta-
tion a lean team can complete
twice as many calibrations in
the same amount of time, which
lowers the cost per calibration
significantly. Regular calibra-
tion can also reduce the risk
of lost revenue from accidents;
if a disaster strikes, good cali-
bration records can support a
strong defense against legal
Dispelling myths
In the oil and gas industry there
is a widespread belief that field-
bus (digital) field devices do not
require calibration. This is not
true. A fieldbus signal provides
diagnostic information; it does
not provide information about
the accuracy of the device, nor
does it verify that the device is
reporting the process accurately
and precisely.
For example, a Foundation
fieldbus differential pressure
transmitter can report diagnostic
information about the transmit-
ter, but it cannot report on the
physical condition of the orifice
plate across which it is mea-
suring pressure. Consequently,
even if the electronics are oper-
ating perfectly, the flow reading
transmitted may be inaccurate.
Calibration is required to ensure
the flow reading is accurate.
Addressing documentation
Traditionally, documenting a
calibration has meant hand
writing the results on a clip-
board or in a log book. Pencil-
and-paper documentation both
produces and perpetuates
errors. The data in handwrit-
ten records is often illegible
or insufficient. And, facilities
that use a computerized main-
tenance management system
(CMMS), must allot additional
time to manually enter the
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2 Fluke Corporation Automated field calibration for the oil and gas industry
handwritten data into the sys-
tem, which creates additional
possibilities for errors.
Another challenge is that
many facilities store field data
in more than one database.
Calibration data entered in the
operations database may not
be populated into or accessible
by the maintenance database.
These challenges are being
addressed by:
Installing more digital instru-
ments and valves
Using interconnected asset
management software to help
manage documentation
Using handheld documenting
process calibrators to auto-
mate field calibrations and
upload digital documentation
to a CMMS
Using route-based calibration
Doing more with less
Budget cuts and the retirement
of experienced workers, sub-
stantially reduced engineering,
maintenance, and operations
staffs. Those leaner staffs make
it harder to have a large group
of technicians to do rounds. As
a result, calibration rounds often
fall by the wayside.
Those reductions in team size
also mean that experienced
team members have less time
for mentoring and on-the-
job-training. This means that
equipment and system-specific
knowledge is not being suc-
cessfully transferred from the
individual to the institution. As
older operators and engineers
retire, they take this knowledge
with them.
Automating calibration and
You can mitigate losing the
benefit of that experience and
knowledge by using multi-
function documenting process
calibrators and a new gen-
eration of handheld pressure
calibration tools. Most of these
devices feature recording and
memory functions so you can
log measurements and upload
them to a PC for reporting
and analysis. Multifunction
calibrators consolidate multiple
calibration steps and functions
into a single handheld device
that sources, simulates and
measures pressure, temperature,
and a wide variety of electrical
and electronic signals. Likewise
handheld pressure calibrators
combine pressure and tempera-
ture measurements and in some
cases an integrated electric
pump, which saves hand pump-
ing and extra baggage.
These multifunction tools are
instrumental in:
Reducing the number of tools
you have to carry and learn to
Collecting multiple data sets
with one tool.
Replacing many manual cali-
bration steps with automated
Allowing just one person to
perform calibrations in most
Limiting the calculated error
to a single tool rather than
multiple tools
Isolate a device from the
process, verify that its
depressurized, and apply sig-
nals with an electric pump.
Using calibration routes
The biggest savings from using
a documenting calibrator comes
in the route management tool
built into the device. The tech-
nician can load up a ‘round’
of calibrations that walks the
techs consistently through the
steps of each procedure. Using
a single set of permits and
paperwork for an entire route
of calibrations for maybe 20
instruments reduces the cost
per calibration considerably
compared to performing one-off
Reducing maintenance costs
and risk
Because documenting process
calibrators automatically record
the as-found and as-left state
of each field device, in situ, and
can be operated by a single
technician, route-based docu-
menting calibrators can save as
much as 50% of the time and
cost of traditional manual, sin-
gle-device calibration methods.
Besides saving maintenance
costs, this process can help
companies avoid the legal costs
and lost revenue from accidents.
Good calibration maintenance
practices help reduce the prob-
ability of accidents that can
exceed $100 million per inci-
dent. And, if a disaster strikes,
good calibration records can
be a part of a facilitys legal
The big picture
In summary, implementing
route-based calibration, paper-
less documentation, and CMMS
data management:
Makes it more practical and
affordable for companies to
perform calibrations more
Reduces risk and liability
Supports knowledge transfer
from the individual to the
team and to the institution
Helps to increase both produc-
tivity and quality

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