Fluke 754 Ing Users Manual DPCI_ENG


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PN 639408
January 1997 Rev. 1, 5/98
©1997, 1998 Fluke Corporation, All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A.
All product names are trademarks of their respective companies.
Installing the Software
Successful installation and operation of DPC/TRACK requires the following software and
IBM compatible 486- or higher based computer (586 or higher recommended)
8 MB RAM required (16 MB or more recommended)
Microsoft Windows Version 3.1 or later (or Windows 95)
MS-Windows compatible pointing device
MS-DOS Version 5.0 or later
20 MB hard disk space, plus approximately 3 KB per record
500 KB or larger RAM drive (recommended)
Graphics monitor and card (VGA color or better recommended)
For calibrator communication:
RS-232 serial asynchronous communication port
Compatible calibrator
Suitable communications cable (Fluke PN 943738, supplied)
1. If a demo version of DPC/TRACK is already installed on your system and you are
reinstalling the software, you must delete the DPCTRACK.INI file in the Windows
directory where DPC/TRACK is installed, and all additional files in that directory.
2. If a previous version of DPC/TRACK is installed on your system, and you are
installing the new version, you must delete the DPCTRACK.INI file in the Windows
DO NOT delete the directory where DPC/TRACK is installed, or you will
lose your existing database.
CD-ROM Installation Instructions
The instructions below assume your CD drive to be the D: drive. Substitute
your drive letter as appropriate.
1. Insert the Installation CD into the CD drive and perform either of the following,
depending on the platform you are running:
If you are running Windows 3.1 or Windows 3.11:
Within the Command Line prompt box accessed via the Run command on the File
menu within Windows Program Manager type:
D:\English\Setup - if you want to install English version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Deutsch\Setup - if you want to install German version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Espanol\Setup - if you want to install Spanish version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Francais\Setup - if you want to install French version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Italiano\Setup - if you want to install Italian version of the DPC/TRACK
(Select the OK button to activate your command.)
If you are running Windows 95:
Select the Start button, then choose Run…, then type
D:\English\Setup - if you want to install English version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Deutsch\Setup - if you want to install German version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Espanol\Setup - if you want to install Spanish version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Francais\Setup - if you want to install French version of the DPC/TRACK
D:\ Italiano\Setup - if you want to install Italian version of the DPC/TRACK
(Select the OK button to activate your command.)
2. You will be asked to specify which directory will contain the DPC/TRACK executable
files. The default directory will be C:\DPCTRACK. You may accept the default or
specify a different directory. A subdirectory called DATA (to contain you database
files) is created under the specified executable directory. Another subdirectory called
UPGRADES (to contain firmware upgrades for specific calibrators) is also created.
3. To aid system performance, you may be asked to specify the drive letter of your RAM
drive. If you do not have a RAM drive or do not know the associated drive letter, type
nothing and simply select the Next button.
If a message appears stating that there is not enough disk space, select the
Cancel button to abort installation, delete enough files to free up at least
20MB of disk space, and start over.
As the installation progresses, the status bar dynamically indicates the installation
progress of the entire installation procedure.
4. You can now start your DPC/TRACK program. Go directly to the online help by
clicking on the help icon.
If for any reason your computer “freezes” during the installation of the
DPC/TRACK you will need to remove the following files:
Windows Directory: _delis43.ini
Tmp directory: _ins0433.mp, _inz0433.mp and subdirectory:
DPC/TRACK directory and all subdirectories.
Repeat the installation procedure.
Floppy Disk Installation Instructions
Floppy disks are available only on a special order basis.
The instructions below assume your floppy drive to be the A: drive.
Substitute your drive letter as appropriate.
1. Insert Disk 1 of the desired language (English, French, German, Italian, or Spanish)
into the floppy drive and perform either of the following, depending on the platform
you are running:
If you are running Windows 3.1 or later:
Type A:SETUP within the Command Line prompt box accessed via the Run
command on the File menu within Windows Program Manager.
(Select the OK button to activate your command.)
If you are running Windows 95:
Select the Start button, then choose Run..., then type A:SETUP.
(Select the OK button to activate your command.)
2. You will be asked to specify which directory will hold the DPC/TRACK executable
files. The default directory will be C:\DPCTRACK. You may accept the default or
specify a different directory. A subdirectory called DATA (to contain your database
files) is created under the specified executable directory. Another subdirectory called
UPGRADES (to contain firmware upgrades for specific calibrators) is also created.
3. To aid system performance, you may be asked to specify the drive letter of your RAM
drive. If you do not have a RAM drive or do not know the associated drive letter, type
nothing and simply select the Next button.
If a message appears stating that there is not enough disk space,
select the Cancel button to abort installation, delete enough files to
free up at least 20 MB of disk space, and start over.
4. As the installation progresses, you will be asked to insert the remaining disks. All
languages share the same remaining disks. The status bar dynamically indicates the
installation progress of the entire installation procedure.
You can now start your DPC/TRACK program. Go directly to the online help by clicking
on the help icon.
If for any reason your computer “freezes” during the installation of the
DPC/TRACK, you will need to remove the following files:
Windows Directory: _delis43.ini
Tmp directory: _ins0433.mp, _inz0433.mp and subdirectory:
DPC/TRACK directory and all subdirectories
Repeat the installation procedure
Getting Technical Support
To contact Fluke, call one of the following telephone numbers:
USA and Canada: 1-888-99-FLUKE (1-888-993-5853)
Europe: +31 402-678-200
Japan: +81-3-3434-0181
Singapore: +65-*-276-6196
Anywhere in the world: +1-425-356-5500
Or, visit Flukes Web site at www.fluke.com.
By Mail: Fluke Corporation or Fluke Europe B.V.
P.O. Box 9090 P.O. Box 1186
Everett, WA 5602 B.D.
98206-9090 The Netherlands

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