Fortinet 28166033 Secured Wireless Access Point User Manual FAP S422E QSG update
Fortinet Inc. Secured Wireless Access Point FAP S422E QSG update
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Users Manual_rev
FEZEFITII'IET, FortiAPw S422E Box Includes :n‘ N“ 5%??? Foru'AP S422E Gum Guide Inlormeb'on Supplelmnl Wed Mount Bracket Mount‘ng Screws (8) 8 Bolts (4) Pole Mama Btaekm Box Includes Pde Mom! 5WD Power [Adaptor Surge Plomctor 3 Grounding Canes Box Includes I:JIT_:) (:I(:I '2': SE. 56H: Antenna (4) 2.4GHz Antenna [4) Installation IMPORTANT NOTE: rm; (mm mus! be woltsamully mslalvd and um: um um supplied anlm‘ lhc mvl >3 dtrsngvm k)! ouhkxx use and may be allauluxi lo mm a pull: or wall A walulpvool commute! ls supplwd lo ensue u Wallflvghl mu lov commamg 1m; Lllmnxcl cable to [he duwcc. Note: The device can be mmmlsd either amounts at lndooml Th5 lnClLided PUF W8C!” and stage wolcutm must be momma mdwwa. in; they an: ml \wzdlhuflxoofl. To mount the device on a wall 1 U509 the wall mount tag: wall surface, a a lcnlplalc. mark UK: kXIEllKXl o! lbc muulllng mm mm on a flat \) Dnll the mlmlng mles m the marked locaflons‘ , I asim [ho wall muml haw smurdy lo the back ol “to uni usng lhc piovvdtxl mwulng swims. 4. Attach the unit and base assembly to the waH ustng the provided mountmg botts. 5. Securety tighten the mountmg bolts. 4:3.- . ..-, To mount the FortiAP unit on a pole 1. Fasten the WaHrmount base securetyto the back oithe umt ustng the provtded mounttng screws. 2. Attach the pctermotmt bracket to the WaHrmourt base ustng wtth the provtded screws. The potermount bracket can be attached ettherverttcaHy or hortzcntaHy, as requtred. a . D. 5 I] I] . . . o c: . '3. 0 3. Loop the provided pole strap through the slots on the polenmount bracket and then around the pole. 4. Tighten tne strap with an appropnate sclew driver and ensure that the device is firmly in place. “an: 594. mm 594. Anten nas Tne FomAP SA22E unlt provldes dual concurrent radlo slgnals. Use the 2.4GHz antennas to access Rama 1 (802.11 b/g/n at SOOMbps) slgnals, and the 5GHZ antennas to access Radlo 2 (802.11 a/n/c at 1733Mbps) slgnals. To use both radlo trequencles concurrently. use all elght WlFl antennas. To Install the WiFi antennas 1. Insert the antenna base firmly H’tto the approprlate antenna mount. 2. Securely nand tlgnten tne fastenlng collar. 3. Repeat for the remalnlng antennas. 594. mm 59H: um: Connections Adequate grounding m be prmided to the Fond/m unit, the Poe injector. and me surge protector: groaning lugs and cabfiw are provided [or "is purpose. Consul a oerlifod cloclnciav loeflsurelhal al gourd'ng and Wing is instaled in mm wflfl lhe Iocd elccmcal code. Use an exterior‘gade or diam burial CATS Ethernet cask: fa connecting the outdoor mt to the surge prolecla. Use me suppled WWOOI conneclor lo ensue a light sail a! the POL per! on me um. Now: The POE dnfiector and surge protetstx units are not mamerproof and ms! be rrmmed imam. They 9mm be mounted as close together as possible. Osmium Do not counsel the Pot injoclor lo a Poll mauled Llhumel pen. To wire the surge protector L WlmmdflngeWecmrushgm appropriale mum 2. Cement me gourd wia with the spade Mg counselor to me gunning 9031 between me two Fmemet cmm 3. Comecl the stmigmmnmgh Etherner cable Ihe1 wil connect lo IhufoniAP uni! lo Ihe Ethane! pawn ma nghl Side 04 lbs sage protector. 4. Corneal me suaighlrmmugh tlhemol cams [Ml wil conned lo "I: Pol: “Lulu IN: Ethanol poll on IN loft Side 0‘ the surge proreaor‘ 5. Ensure mat the cables cunlmabcy pass through the pramded stars on the from of the surge protector 6. Replace the cover onlo Ihe surge proloclov using an appropriate «:9de 10 To Connect the FortiAP unit 1. candle: or Inlevnsl II Carmel grouxfing cables Io [he gromudmg lugs on both [he I orIjAP um (bouom middc 01 ulfl). us‘ng Iho pvvvidod yawning screw. and [he POL iwucla. um connect Du,- olhur was 0| the whoa; to appvopriate grmnd comecfions, Cancel the surge pmmclor's groaning came- to an appwplialc grand conmxuion. 3, Carmel the region specific AL) plug adaplct lo the AC powu adapts! by 'nsal’ng flu.- lound &k ’nlo [ho 3(1qu and totaling dockwiso unlil you bum [ho (fisk km m piano. Insert the DC plug of the Inner adapts: IMO the DC IN pm on the POP injecw. men phg the AC Mama moan apprrmviate powev (must. The Pow: I FD wil hgm up. Canned one and vi a cross-wet Lmemel cam: Io [he Nclwxxk pm on the M infieclur. Comm! the other 3nd to [he I-(xKSaIe mvlvdkr I)! an lnlcmel mumlim, Do not connect the PoF Neck)! :0 a PoF mauled Fthamel port. Cameo: me weathetprrxfi, stranghI-mvmgh Fmemel came on the "gin sic» of the surge pvolexmx to one 01 the Pot park; on [he boilun cl "I; l‘orliAP uv‘vl. Carmel the straight lhvough L~Ihcmct cabk: on [he Yell and: ol the :mrgc pwltleof Into the AP! Range pm on me PoF iniacmc 2.4GHz Antagna Mount (4) . Guid :: ’ 56H: Antan'na Mount (4) 81mm Pod (Ed-45) " -- Ll‘n‘r , ‘ - ~ DC In APlBridge Port (Rd-45) HAVE 9123‘ 1 "2E Juipu! Ememel Port (FM-45) Gigabit Flhemet port with Power over Elhcmu‘l (POE) Powered Devficc 1P0) support Console Optional managmvenl oompmev comecfion Paw/ides access to [he Conway: Line Intedace (CU) - (0) Rama-sen: I Cemzmdloismba Ii-Flashing Gram: Trmsmmng & receiving a15G bofinaaodiseuedorm Rum-248m (P) 0 Green: Rado is W idfihshing Gwen: Tvansmiu'ng & reaching a! 2.46 O offinadiodsafledorofl W132 1’;- Graemcormhdanebps '6 ouzuoweswma Powa c) I Gm:fi7welon8ready I AmbazPawerReseNe O mNopomer mama-aw awn-mum- mmmvmmmc wwwmmma—um Wmmwm Wan/um Wihfidlwd-Mpotiafllh mmmma WWI-mum” new r use I“ Inn-u: Wmmmnm MW mummwmnwm mmml'uh-u—r-I. Manmmmwhfm mwmwmwwm mmmwnmmfimw Mummmmw amahmwmlum w‘mmwnr—mu-mwa mf-vflufi’éu mmmu’sm Wmmnwmmm-fim M»memwmw. mummmnmm mw-Wrwmmum mm.w-mmmmw&u mmmmmmmm-mmn mm “mummy.“ mmnmmmmm FIasnIngAtmu: Transmllmg 1mm FIasnIng Green: Transnimng & receiving 631a 1000Mbps mun-m , mmummm wmamammfium mpamzmhmcmam mah-«a-mm ammnhflfimlhmwa‘ WIV-mean'm-mauw 4-mi— mmmammmm anmunmhmum mmunmm mm Wmav-gI-r-um-hmm hmmag—xwwammnm .1... umuum-hhwmn am-mmamzhmmu-m mm.mwnhmam..umaum. am camdomwmwu hmhmlhmmmmnzw mmhlfltmhuamlumu- mwmmmmmm mmwwmmmm nmnnmmmmuam m-wnmwmumwmsm umm\‘Wm-—rulmm awwvua—mmuwa wmmsuummnwm mo :15 Iwmhflhbmthl Mm-Wbmmwaifikkm one mayo...» amnmm-mamm Mme Winona-m7. Mummy—mammayamm mmumr,m.mzam-n mm-fu'w'. roanntr umamuvmmmmmm mwmmwm-m .sxuwma-mw “ImmnI-mumwmum wmummmmlmn smwmawauum mun-mm .v-naMMJumeM-unum mum. mewflnmmlnhmmmfi Wawnmm.m |nm€amnrd mun-Amman. lwwrflmwh‘ mod-mm» nan: mic-mm m- “Imam-um»: vsurocm Wm- mummmu-MW numbwwnummwan wmwamummwmmm w unmea— mmnmhm mummy-Mm: Wm mwmmm mmmfl-mum-un "mum mmnwmnmmma mummnmm mmummmmummu 1“me Iltnmld—un-h—mlmloma wmmomuwmmn demflmhmu'yhu—I wanumMNW-gm ”lawn-mm m mmumnmmm mwmnmwum mmnmmkuwnm mmmmlmmmm 1“.“me MW mummwomm limwmnnu—lflwm mm nun-n... mama—mm"! armour-mm. mmwunmwwhm IKJmIsAnId-nluzm mmmwu WWW-caud- wnsamlmau mmuwwru- Mmmmmu—mass mM-mmnmm mmmhmmmum “wummwnm “Immumwan a... www-muafldm rMm-mumuammwv vwr-un-mnammmvm .rwmwmmmm m. .mn‘mmmu hm mu.“ nnwhwhna—usm-wm-m hmuumhmuwm hmdmflu—Qwflu mmmmnmhmnn munmmnhmmnwmu mummyuah-whmhwnm mwwm-W.“ mwmuume-m nun-mms-mmmy. mmwmnmmmmm mummy-31ml! Wm... «nap-Whammymw m mmwmmww mamumammu “awn-mum"..- mummqmmmu-umw Mimhsvzlssnwmhmh umuuwu.wwIWm-m I'Mmyunm-bnlu lama huh-Mmlh-‘ha- hmnmab—nmmm mmboavmmhmqwh ”mmmlummmm mmdwd-Wuwwfi mmmmmmmm umhmmmimw mnw-flwmmm avmmnmnmm mm-muma-w uW-KDln-mmm mmmc‘mub-m—Im “mmaflmammnwm mum-1mm “Ia—lwmmhmmmm m.mmuusewmuase mm m Imam-MW "mum mus-m ham mmwmrmmmww mmmm—d-Wvfln—mhh—q wwwnlmwflhmwt mmmwwmmw-u mm‘aummuuwm flnmwuphlmmmmmh mm mus-.uwwmmwn mlfllmfimatsaputumu nammu—mmmaw mmmmnmaun twammuawm Wuwd'mmm mum—mmmmmw («mmmwmwwrm "mm-mam-mam mummmlmmhw «m.muau-hp—uw wwwmmap-owmm mum—Imma- mmmp manna/mun mmmwmmumnu umwwmmmmw MMw—w-ml-d‘dmfi-HMI mm-mnmmmmnum numlwuwmlmm np—u-v—n-bn mmmrw Imamnuwn-unpummm hwummmummw nun-m l-w-(vln-mtaam mum-1M hfi-‘Wn’nm mmmmmumn r...“ mm-ummmm lmmm map-um IWIIhMu‘M‘ an” mm-aupr-mummmmm "an “fiWu‘Mvm mnlmw «mum 2mm kxm Thumxhtfl ”Uh Ill“! 1M1! Mm III mingmmunbakw Sin-nix"! xn—‘qmn n “(mi Wuhan-akin um..- may 7‘ mm- mum Ira m won a: both now: rd mm m “minim ‘mmmmummwm‘www .mm mvmxxwwnmqumm Wmcmflmmm mmwmmalmmwnm Luv-u WMMINMKIIWUMUMHU lMquluanMImuts-ulfimwmn mmemo-mummmmmm monks handing mam pmhssimmllo nun-man umacu‘uwmmwam mrmlowmmm omens-mus rummmamy um I'miam mm! pm me- u‘muhv unamcdfirlupum zanmuxrm Enwnmrflahuéwmhm mucous!!!“ YWmuI-IWw-m ummmmmmamwm «Jimmrmmocuma'w mmmmam mewnm (mmmruummmwmhm Umma’mmmmnmmw @WWNWVMWM mmmwlw,wmmm 4W mummum-nrmunucmmu mmmmmlwwhhflm-umx umawwmmnam mm. memmaywa-su Imuamumxzhnmmm mgrmwmmnmmmm mumamwm‘ C€CD Fania Pmdw Liouuefiavmml EULA andWlnxlfy Tums rmwmm m.w.nmuwm «mu‘ummmwuum mamumunmqm nmmmaumm we mnmmlflr‘m man-mum umnm—nm Inhibit-ple— Ilbmm-glrnunqu—undb—rq “mam-mum“ mung-mu .mnuwa- Wfluim mmwm n-un-hlnu-ulnul-um,nmn ammmwmmnm—m hummmlpmwptmmfln mmmmwm-hm a-mwmmmmmmunm mmm-mnrm‘lmmmmmu mmummuummmmmmmm mnemmmmwmm nu: mmmmwmo‘mmmw mnnmm-mmmmm mmmmunmummmm mmmmumnmmww mmwmm nus-on nun—.mmmmmmm murmur .uv—v-nnum—n: mmmmmnmmwwm nmmvfilmn-mmm mhmwwmumammm “mummmumnm hwummnmm-m‘mw nmmwnmuum ummumnmunm mn- nn-mu—w-mnmsrmv umIsmmu—n—umm mmn‘mpflnhuflnhmlmn mmuumuunwmmn num-fltlwmm—mm nmmup-u—awmmm mw-mmpm-nu— anmnmmmum mmmuan-umm manmumhwwnwm—mmndflan mmuna-m mam—um nun-a mun-mmmm-nmn rims-.mmnu-fimnnq- mmmanmmum-m nunnnaummumum “Wuuhflflmmbu muw-m—ummmmu mnwmm—wmmunmm mammauumnmwu wuwwmmnm nom- mn-mnmu-umn-a-nm mulla-y-mmlumm momma-Whnmnhum nun... unity-um- mqumnm-wmmpmm nhmw-mflmmmmh nm‘mmwwmm mnmmmm mumm mum-manna... ”mum-Hunts mummuumum—unqu manna-umnmnmmnm mmbnumnmnmm—m m. num.nw..mnu—x "rm-viva lmmmnlwh-mun mquwn-wmmmmu mmmnhhmmnhamv amumwnmwuqmnm «pm-mmmummm. Wamnm1mmm uncu- “mama—mammalian- mm-nmuwmwn mun—nu. w—muu—nu—u—mn manwnmummnrmw mama-mmnmu-u-mn mumuwm-wumwm awnnmnmnmm mmupm-mumnmunmu munmumummm mnmmnmnmwwnm umunmm-m-m-m. amp—unumm—nmm- mlrmmnlumm s m. upmmmmmmum «mm-mumuwmm sun-mnmnmumm—m mmmmnwmuw-m—u nwmmumumws—uqnm um Mylarvnnncn-mnuq whmumntH—M’I—d—Lm mummmamwmmw nnmnnmwhn—mynmh www—uwmmanM—u uunmm-nw-mw nm-nm-Mh-nrp—I mu Mun—Nnn—rumwnmmu numumuw 1mm amnuqmwnnmw-mu mummumun—nmwmn nmmmnmunwmnmnnn ummnmm—nmum— gnu—wnp-ummu-um nmnawmmwmumn numwmnnmnnu hwwlmmnu-mn-n—Inmm-u mmmumu-Wuwmn nus—um-uum-m-m. nun-hwy! mmunm mmuummnnmu‘i mumumm-mman Elm-"Mn, mmnm—nmmmnnu mumunumm—mwm mums-mm-umnmum mmmuq‘ammnm w-mm—t‘wm mamnmnmnwmm—n- mmmwnnmflmm mwmnmmmbmm mummy-Warns- manmuunmamn u—om—m—unuuuumn mnmmmmmunum thhmuummm—l mnmum—uum l—qmm‘ um-mhmw-Muu-flt manna—«nu mum-mun umnmumnmflnww‘m‘ mm—mqnm-nm unwmmmm—n—nm muummmmmw“ rmwunum—nm-m- mummmunmum nmflW-nmwmm mummmqu-umun mmwnmmum Mann-«mwmmwmm mmmwmnmw Wlmmm-lmmmmm mnmmmnmuwm mmnmnmuummum mqunH-mmm-b anIuI-Imwumnmuq- "mun-mm mum-um: uunwmu-mmm ”hnmwmwnkmuw “mo—ummgm mumuumnIm-Imn nun-"mm mvucMu-m nml-MuflwI-‘m nmmwmm-nmu- mmuww-I—uumhamm Mnhwummhnmmnwn muunmummmnm mn-muumn—mun aha-thin“ Mailman-fly. wmwmmnmmm ummummnmnmm mmmmmzmmm mmmmmmnmmmmmmw mmmmwm mummy-mo mmmwmmmmm mmmmmm wmumum In mummwmflmmm munuummumnm mmmwunummmm mum‘mnmummw mmmmmmm mmmmnmmmm momma-Inn smnmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmuwm mmmmmmmmmm ammm-mummnm mmwwnwwwmm mmmlmflmwmsm‘ Wamuwmmu.w mummumnm umm—uu—mmm mn—aunmnnmuum— mmwnmmnmu mmnmmumw-m ww-mmiwmnu— numuhm-uuu—mmun mum—yunmmn mum—mun: magnum-um mmnw-m-pm-m «mmuwm—m—u- mum-wmmum-n mm-ummnmmm-m m umum-msmu—vu mum-mmmmm— mww-mmm-m mummmmuuumum mummmmmmmw hmmmunmmmnm muvmmm-mw uw-ummu-mmm mmmummuwm nun-mu-u—umnmnmu wmmnmunm-mm Immunwwunmw 'mdmwmlkmmbuum mammmnlnnaluu-mnm mmm-n—vwm—m—unmmu .amumumumm—um qmmmnpmwnmum nmumm-w—umm—a- unm-l-Ilwmnummu mm-mmmmm mknmnumnnww uxmummqlmwmann mIm-I—nmw—Imutwu mnummnw-uu mwmwmun m.- -muwmnmm mmm-mumuu ommmu—mn muummm‘ummmm “miqumnmu—m mwkwuqlnmmml wunm-mm-nn—mnm unsa— Inmm-ukmv-mwm mmtn-rmm—Iwwm hm‘lmmnlwmuu mumnmamu-nm mun—umnmmw—uvnm wwumh—nu-mmun mumm-unMu—m umm-u-w luau-mun mus—um.mumm manual-nu»— raw-an... muum-mwmm' mm—mmnmwm -mnlmmuMn-m mmvm-ml nmmm nuummmnm-pmnm «mm—um—qmmmm uqmmnmm-W—m- —mu—~n~nnmmm Iwummmm mun-w mnmwmun—umm unuwm-q—ummum mummmm-n m. unmnnmum-n-nn mm-Wa-uwwmm _-u~wuh— magnum-mm .mmmummm—mmm—n umbwuumunmmm mm-mnwmm-mm ummmmq-m-«mn nnnm-mn—n—m—u—uu unmwmnpnmn-m autumnal-Immunnuh-u—u—I name-aw.“ mums-m human—unmann- wmm- "mm-a.- w- Mmhmmmmu wmIrnanu-nwm—mm “magnum-Ilium“ mmnnmmm scum-nymumuum-nuu wmnmmmmwumun Wynn—nu: mum m‘b-whnfllmw-uu— lemma-[multim- awn-n.- m;mm~mhmsrm ~,y...m-y.-~——nm.c- tun-ow-w—mmuw— mummm-ummmm nun—mumnmmanm mmmmmm-nmmm dulwfllm rum-«um wmumuwnmmm w-Mumw—IWGWIIOIM wu~mumunmnnmm mummmmmm n. mumuuw—u—hmu w-Mm-nmmwlm Luanda-run“ mmmmmm-msm mmwmum-Iswm mmafimmmmmufl mmmummum mammmsmnmm nouns-sun vmmmmu mnmmmmAmBmmm mummwwumnmm mrmmmnammvmmm “mmmllmm mm.umu~mmamm mmmwmflnmmmu "(m mmmvunfimm mmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmwum mnlfifimwwflummmm mnnmmflmxufiumm mrmmmwmmmml mummmmmmmm mmm mummmnme mmmwummmm mummumnmnm mum mmnmlmunmlum mwnumw‘mmmum .n-«nummwwmuw mu-mummmm nummamnmu—M wqmnmmmumwu wummummwu anmumW-u mvm-«mmummumu "- mummmmummum nwwmuwummum Mmllmn—unmw-m—un nmann— u-uuwnmwnn rmumm-mnmmu muqmw‘m mum mawuumum-mlntm mummumwumn Aim-ut- HWMflunmrmw—v uqmnmmhmmmmm Mummmuwnmm mum—ummm-mum mum-u— .nm-mnunm many-mm: mun-u mm-muu—u-nm—n munum—m-uummm mmpmmummgm nunmltnuu—n um mmwrmmumuuuu— mmu—mmmmmun mun-nummmm-n .s mum mmm‘mnmflnI—I wwanumnwmmw— Isuzu-utmm‘nlln-awm m.wn-mmm1-~um mun—mmmmmn—n— mmumm-n—mnn mmmmmwhnmm wmm-mmmuqms. wmmnmm-m-mna ”hymn-mirth...” uu-uukamsms-mmu-nu. mmmnmu‘hnumumm :qwmwh—m-IM—m m-qma‘mms-umm- nmhhnwn-anfl. ume-uumm m- ‘muimm-“umn mmmmaummm nor-‘uuHm-mmm—nm mum-m-ummmmm mum-mmmw‘mnmu mun-mu nmumnmum mpm‘m‘nmm'h "many—:unsmmmm pmummmmmlm - wmmmnmmum rm... ummm-ummwmn mWMmmmm-u-n- Manna-wini- mun—n! mmmu-ummnu-p- mmnmmm—um much-um-uummm l—mmmmdnm‘mw Ann-ammuwmm mm-mmmmmu mmmwmw-uqmw WIWM mmmmwmwm mzmm wamnmw-mw: amalgam—“mummy nu mmmmmmmw mm www-qmammmm .mmw-mmmn—um mama-mmmwmzm mhnmmrmmr—xb‘mhn m~m~umrnmmmw mhmhnqzmmnMu-ml unma-mmmnm minimum-Myanmar. n-mu, mu—hmu’p‘ mummwnuu—n. m-nnuu-r-Jnmhw mutant-u umnum-umunm- m-ml-mmnmmm-nqfl mummuqmumm mummy—mmunqum vmwm-mmm-nmu muunmlnummnm muwnmumm-W mum-laminar Invmunm flaunmn-l—alnmn' wuwunMIna—mmn nong— hum-hn-mmum .mnwu-mwu—mp—m. mull-u zu-mn—m-wflqnmanmm num-mmm-mum—w mmuamnm-wxm mmmhmummm am-mnmn-mmmm upm-wnu-unn-mm ’nnmmw-flflmnmm nmmmm-amm-n mun-mn-—m umm-numaumn-uw mmmnmnwnmn-wnw ummnn-mm-ummm mun-m lqmummhmmrw-fiq mMJn—uMnmu-fllm u-mnmnuuwrnm I‘MhI-u-Inmhmnv-I-wn mau-mumnw-u-unm mum—nummM-mu mum-my,— mun—mm- I-m- hmm—mm—n numuwmmuwnm mwwuumw-n-nnmn winnnlnqounum—unqmyu mnan-mu—ua— mmumumwu-nmu mmmmuuum u-mn—u-uu-nqm—mum mmnm-wmflm-u— mmmnummnm-u m—u «autumn-m ~unu—xu—mnnum—mu um magnum-un- [multivitam- nmmmmmmmnw— “Inwmlmmmnnmm —nu—--m-n-—m—u-a nmnmnmammmam lulu-Human mum-mm— mammmu‘umwmm- n—nwlmqnhunm—I-II mm-un-nmmnnmm «can lummumuc—w-fl umwnmnwumn-m mum-L Iain—ummunmnnu Wmmmnmmlh nun—um tum-mum." mmhflnmvuhmmu mummy-u wmnumw gums—"mum“.mn. m-nmm-n—umum-um wnuwnnm-umhnmn mum-«nu... a-umuwmmw—um mum—ux—mm-mm— mummy-numu-nu—u-x mmwmmu-m—m—n mmm-u—uuwm-u—mn. mum-mmmmn mum—.mumusn—um—u nm—hllluu-ulx-Inmlfl-n- mmmmmummrwu. mum-u mwmhnmmnt‘ r “noun-mwm-m unmmmlwmwm nmmnm—m-nmamhm m—wmm-mm nun-nu mnmmlmummumm unmnmmuuum-uu Inna-.mmumnu‘mI-o -g-m.....m..‘.._a..n. mum-mauumn-wumw mum—unwm‘lnmnm nmum-mamum-‘s mnnmm‘mwumm mmm-nwmmwmmm—m nMMI—ilwqwmv—wn mn~mmununm 2 ummnmummm—uu mmanwuummmnma mI-zmmuwhnwlnw nun—Innm- m..- ---m mmummnuu mmimu-mmunm Ina-IR nmlnammmulmwmu unmmhammm-mu‘qm ”mm-”may! '- magnum-a... mlununm-u—munn-u mu lehn—mnmainmh «mm-”numu-m-uu mmum-mnnnmm um I) wumtmfiiflfwm smmmmmmmmm nmm mnllmumII—lm mmmmmmmmm m-uu-mwnmnasmmwa. muwolmlflmmnnfim mammmmAI-lm m mmnummmmmm mummy-5mm. mmmmm mmmmumumwm Iva-mm unmmmummmmmm mnmmmmmumm mwmmuumwmu mmmmmmm mum mmmmumwzs mum Mummmumm mmumunmmmmwmm-un wmmmmunuwmm mmmmmmnmmm mum mlmmmmmm mmmlummml—mn mug-mummy um myw mmmmmmw mama: umm—mw-n—mm-m mmm-mmn—mmu «mum-mnmumnmu ut—mmm—uum—mm “nus-w, rnymuunmuw—mmwmw mounhmm‘wflmmm I-i—vdlnuu-Iuflwblim mw.u—mnnm-uumamm umm—uhu- Amt—mum mn—mr-mmwmm nun-mmnmu-m-n- mumm-wu—am-q mum-nu mmumq .mmwmlnw-w- nmmumm-mmm-mn anus-um. mmm-nm-n-umun-nn mun—mu mummy-puma n—I-“n-lm-l-Illulv mau-m—nmmmnw u—n-mnnn-man-um bum-ups: nmnmwmmmmmn :mmauurmmmuw mmm-un-uuflqw. mnwmu-mmm—uu nummmamuuwmu— ymmummnwmmm wwhm-mmmummm .Mn-m‘mmmmnm anynmmnhfldm .ummmmu—umuw unsmmnum mm mummm-mnm- mnnmmy-mm-m— mnmnmmummpu— nmnm—mw—w—n-n-m “mum—an sunmmumnmnmmm w; m,m-mp—mnm um-mxumu—u Mm” mw—nnammnm ml: m-mnmwnmumn mmmwmnnmuun unmmmummumn hwy-mucu- Lmnnmnmum—um- mummmawmnn mw-mm-mnmmam mum nanny-nun“ mnmwunmmmuum mummnmmnnn—u 7n.._uummu-una-— M-uqmmum-mm mannmwmmW-v m-mumu-mmnu u—wmnm-nm— mum-n. mint-gnu mum-Imam ”mummy—nan mm'uumn—nummunmu mun-nu mmma—w-mm unumuumumuw—u mmnmhmmmw nun-mummy Mmmmmmmnu mw-mmnmnm mun-n :mm-mI-mnmlnmn m.mmnu—nm:mumn mmuux-G-Lnlymuuflun mmu—m-mumuumn ”nun-sunny.» Immmnm-vn-a—ulnm-vl-u mmm-mml-nmmnlw Wmmmmmmmm mm—mam—mmum mw-nm—m-hman—‘zm mumammm-nqum unummnam-ufi-wnflm wn—qM-mm- z.um_mm.q.anum-qmu ¢~msn~unmnmmm mm-mmmwuwim mnw-u-n—m alumna-unusual..." n-mna—nuwhmln-Imm un-wn-nn-u-na—p numu-ma-munwumm. lmmmuul‘m nlnnnhmmu—Inmnul nuumnmmw—uunn «mun-«pumnuwn-«m nu-uuynnu-n-uu-nm-u mulmnm-mnmwm um—n—mmm—m—w mmmlummaqm um ummnm-ummnmuuu menw-mnm unmu-m-mmumwm mum-mummy mummy-m» mm.~uu.nmunumum umanmnumn—unu— nun—numu—mn-uumn Mnmflmmv‘uum—unmnum um-nmuumawwmnm mnqumnunmn—u-mu m-mum—ummmun mnm—Wummmu. umnumumnmn—unm- amazw-mmummnm mmnwnnue. smuu-m-u-u—qwmm mwunmn-Mwyanmn oxp-‘munmmnnnm- nuan—nwmmLu-mz wannm nmwmmun mmmmw—mw—hnm Murat-“Irma him-I1“ noun-ma mum-mummn-mum mnumwmmmmhm mmmmnmmmmwn u- mu—nmlmmlua-qunv nnmmnmnm .mum—m-mu-w—am-u xuwanmm-mmmuu :munzumunm-m- m mmmmmm wm—nmummzmmm mun-mum umummu_nnq_umnuu mmmmmmhmhm manna-noun» .wumu. “mu—Wmmu‘uflubwn WWII-“Wm umummmuwmuum max-mum nmwmmlw auammmunw now-u- um-mum—x-nm—mm mama-unm— mmnmumnw—nm mamm-umuumm- mmunW-ntm-mmmu uIY‘II-u-ubn-I—nnnuu-wl mummumm mn—nv-u-nmr-m-mI-a mwmw—u-nnmhnnn “um-mum “.m- Mummy-mun nunnm-nmlytlluukh—um umnmmm.m—u mnumm-m-nnm mun-mum Inca-mum'- malm—‘lhlfllmn ummwuquunm um u A-nu—u—anmmuu-u—I maunm-u—m-ubm-fl minim—nonhuman.“- muwnmanw—yhm mnmumunu— Inlet-1m nulmmnm—Im‘nm umummu-umnm mum-mu,“ maul-mm...“ mmmmunmnmn mmmtm-wlth—IWP- m‘l—l-nw—mnnnmw— Men-my Imminmhmm-u‘n‘mn “mama-m-mum mnmnmnmbmnmm .umn-na—u-u-umw-m." mumMmMuumma-rm mnwu-nmmumumu nummmm-mnm mum mm—mmm- numummn—nmmum .mmummnummm» mun-unnummmwu mmmmmnmmmm maumuauu—uu.—m «um-«m..- mum—mumm-mnm mumps-ammun- mwnmnmw-n-wmun m mun—mumm- .mm-mmnummmu um nnahmmu‘m-l mmnlfiunm nmhunmI—wtm-u-I- .. nulmlnmnmmummnna ”Mink-vm-m-I-ukn mm-n-mwm—nmum w-muln—umun Inn—u. uu-uum—mmwn nmmwnmmmmaum run-mam .m—InmII-unl Mnu-nmmnnuhm-lmv An-umlnhfilm-n‘ m muMmpqu-u-y—uu wwe’wmmmumuum. nun-munmmu-mmnmu mammm-n-umm umummnmmmnmm summanmmnmt-m. n.m~uum¢nnmnm.m mmu-mnmnmmm mnmmnunmmmnn wamwnmwl m mm—memmufiuh mmumhmuuunmu-u mam-u... mmwamimm n- mmmmmmwmm- m—uuummm-w-nm min—human“ nun—am. chi-w nmnnm-mmn ”muu-nmmmm man-mmm-ummu—x flimnlhmlsmmnhm n‘humwmn—nm, .mmmmu‘ noun-unqu- mun-numnmmm nun-1m ”warm-mm:- mumnnumummw‘b ”pawn—numb; nu-mmmmumnum Amman-Olninnaqih w—q—mn—gmmmm mmmmn—m-a—m mmnwwu-mm—m w‘nhI-hu-mi-umm- muumun-m flmhnmammmul—lm unnummmm—ummm —n-m-m-ny—mum- n-un—mm—ummm-m- mm...“ lawman-u... wunw—mmu-wwmzmu nmun—Innuu—u—u-u— uun-n—mwnwmm- .muumym—uu—qa— fimwml’rhmflmm unuwunumnnummu-n. "Hummus-nu“- nmnum-num—n Ina-mu- :Wnnnmm—u-m mm-mumuu o- mummy-nmumunum limdmnmmay—‘unmm u-aM—I-y \s mmmmnmnmmm mum-mum p: nv—hmunmm-m twa-M-muumlm- um "mun—unnumuuam-n William-wwlwwnmm mum-u— «mun—ummnmu—“u mmmmy‘lnwam tun-unl- hmmuh‘l‘mn nur-u-u—uq-aunm-a- mum-NM! mun-um umuummummmu mmp—m-mvuomn— mmvmwum‘nofllumn muwmw—mm-flm um-ummumm- umanmmunu—n ”gunman-manua— mummu-mwuwm Fm lummmmuunnmmnu‘lfl nwmmmhflywnmmm umw-u-mmmm-lu-y muummuu—mmuw nanmmmnmmnm "mam—n: nmnmm—Imuhmm m-nmwm-mmwm uuwm-n-nu—m nmmmnhm—mnuum nunmm-nmnmmnmn mwmlu—m tumnmmm.nmwmn mw-mmmnm nun-u m-qmmlmamn nm-mnm—mmmwmu m- mammmmflmm p_-mnm_n-n—m—-~ rumpus-ulna“ anuuwumnu—nuy—mu max mmnmpn—mh—q «am-um .mnmu—mn mwulnommnm my nun-unmnmn-m—m- Fortinetoom
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