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Users Manual
Fugo ooStylee-SBluetooth hSpeak ker UseerMan nualverrsion1, 29September 2016 Model FSNA7 Contents In the Box B ............................................................................................................................... 2 Speake er controls .................................................................................................................... 2 Chargin ng and batttery charge e status ...................................................................................... 4 Che eckingyourb battery cha argestatus ............................................................................... 4 Cha argingyoursspeaker .................................................................................................. 4 Powering on the sspeaker ....................................................................................................... 5 Conneccting to a ssource device .............................................................................................. 5 Con nnecting through an audio cable e ................................................................................. 5 Pairring and co onnectingw withanother Bluetooth device ..................................................... 5 Discconnecting from another Bluetoo oth device .................................................................. 6 Recconnecting .................................................................................................................... 6 Clea aring all Bluetooth pa airings ......................................................................................... 6 Audio playback ....................................................................................................................... 6 Adju ustingthevo olume .................................................................................................... 6 Playyback ...................................................................................................................... 6 Taking a phone call c - speakerphone mode ........................................................................... 7 Takking a call .............................................................................................................................. 7 Voicce Responsse mode ............................................................................................................ 7 Custom mization /otther functio ons .............................................................................................. 7 Norrmal and Lo oud modes ......................................................................................................... 7 Voicce prompts:normal, low w, off ................................................................................................ 7 Pow wer Save on n / off ................................................................................................................. 9 Ressetting the sspeaker ............................................................................................................. 9 Upd dating the firmware ............................................................................................................. 9 Care an nd mainten nance ........................................................................................................... 10 Specificcations ......................................................................................................................... 11 Optiona al accessories .............................................................................................................. 12 Custom mer supporrt ................................................................................................................... 12 FCC an nd legal no otices ............................................................................................................ 13 nualFugoo Sttyle-SBluetoo oth Speaker Model FSNA A7page 19/3 30/2016 User Man In the e box • • • • Fugoo Style e-SBluetoo oth Speake er Charger Micro USB cable Startup Guide Fugo oo Style e-S Blue etooth Speaker r contro ols Con nnectors 1and2 2 are behiind the port co over. partt description For up pdating the speaker’s fiirmware Micro-USB connector Auxxiliary audio o input jack For co onnection to o audio deviices withoutt Blueto ooth capabillity Microph hone For sp peakerphone and voice e commands Volume down button (–) Action butto on ( {) Vo olume up bu utton ( + ) Power butto on ( Bluetooth buttton ( LED indiccator Decreasesloudne ess For au udio control, voice resp ponse and speakerphone co ontrol Increa asesloudnesss Turns the speake er on / off For pa airing with Bluetooth so ource device es Indicattes status of o the speakker nualFugoo Sttyle-SBluetoo oth Speaker Model FSNA A7page 29/3 30/2016 User Man POWE ERING UP AND CONN NECTIONS SPEAKER SETTINGS Power On / Off .................... Hold ettings on the speaker, hold the following To change se 1 second Batteryy status ...................................... Click Pair witth a device ................ Hold 3 seconds Disconnect device ................................. Click a paired devicces ..... Hold Clear all Reset .......................... Hold buttons while powering on the speaker: 10 seconds Normal / Outd door mode .................. Hold Oand Power Save On O / Off ....................... Hold -and andO 10 seconds Voice promptts level: ............... Hold +and -and BACK CONTR ROL PLAYB Play / Pause ........................................ Click O SPEAKERPH HONE Volume e up ........................................... Click + Answer / end call ...................................... Click O Volume e down ...................................... Click – ........... Double e-click O Reject a call ...................... Previou us track ........................... Click Oand– Mute microph hone in a call .............. Click + and – Next tra ack .................................. Click Oand+ Voice Control .......................Hold O 1 second • CAUTION :Never connect a cable e to any of the connec ctors on th he speaker if they are wett, or are at risk of gettting wet. nualFugoo Sttyle-SBluetoo oth Speaker Model FSNA A7page 39/3 30/2016 User Man Charg ging and d batterry charg ge statu us Checking thebatterrylevel • With the e speaker powered on, clickthe (Power) bu uttonmomen ntarily. The LEDindicator blinks s green one e to six time es to indicatte the charg ge status of the battery. • er responds with "Batte ery is almostt full." or If voice prompts arre enabled, the speake ery’s charge e, per the ta able below. anotherr indication of the state of the batte • If the ba attery charg ge gets veryy low, the LE ED indicato or will blink rred, and afte er several minutess, the speakker will say “Please reccharge the battery. Pow wering off.”, and the speakerr will turn offf. L indicato LED or Voicepromp pt six green blinks Battery is full. five green n blinks Battery is almost full. four green n blinks Battery is three quarrters. three gree en blinks Batteryis half. two green n blinks Battery is one quarte er. one green n blink Battery is low. • While the speaker’s ba attery is being g charged, th he LED will slowly pulse on/off green. • When the speaker’s ba attery has rea ached full ch harge, the LE ED will glow ssolid green. Charging y your spea aker • Connecct supplied USB Cable to the AC adapter and d to the spea aker’s micro o USB jack. • Plug the e AC adapte er into an AC A power ou utlet. nualFugoo Sttyle-SBluetoo oth Speaker Model FSNA A7page 49/3 30/2016 User Man Powe ering on n your speaker • Click the (Power) button momentarily to power the speaker on n. • When the sp peaker runss from batte ery power, it will powe er itself offafftera period d of inactivitty, unle ess the Pow wer Save fe eature is Off. O (See the e Power Sa ave Mode ssection for further deta ail.) • Hold the (Power) bu utton for on ne second to t turn the speaker offf. Conn nectingy your sp peaker to smarttphones s and other dev vices You u can conne ect to your Fugoo Styyle-S Blueto ooth Speakker either th hrough its audio inpu ut jack or th hrough a Bluetooth wiireless link.. Only one of these inputs can be e active at a time. Co onnecting g through an aud dio cable e to the audio inp put jack • Connecct one end of o a 3.5 mm m audio cable to your Fugoo Blueto ooth Speak ker's audio input jacck, then con nnect the otther end to the headph hones jack o of your audio source device. • D glows blu ue and a voice prompt says, “Discconnected. B Bluetooth off. The LED Conneccted”. • Plugging an audio cable into the t speakerr's audio inp put jack turn ns offthe Blu uetooth nd maximizze battery liffe. wirelesss link, to savve power an Pairingand connecting with hanotherr Bluetoo oth devic ce 1. Make sure that a 3.5 3 mm aud dio cable is not conneccted to the sspeaker's au udio input. 2. Place yyour Fugoo Style-S Blu uetooth Spe eaker and your other B Bluetooth de evice within 33 feet (10 meters) of each other. he speaker and a the other device on. 3. Turn th 4. Hold th he (Blueto ooth) button n for three sseconds. Th he LED blin nks blue and d red repeattedly. If voic ce prompts are enabled d, the speakker says, “P Pairing mod de. Use th he Bluetooth h settings off your devicce to connect.” The spe eaker will remain n in pairing mode for th hree minutes, or until it pairs with yyour device e. 5. On you ur other Blue etooth devicce, turn on Bluetooth,w whichwill allow it to disccover the spe eaker. (See e the Blueto ooth settingss informatio onfor your device.) 6. Select 'Fugoo Stylle-S” on you ur Bluetooth h device. e speaker to o discover yyour Bluetoo oth device. If voice prompts 7. Wait brriefly for the are enabled, the speakerwill say,"Pairing successfu ul” and “Connected”. If you hear "Pairin ng is unsucccessful. Ple ease try aga ain."Try pairring again. Phone or an iPad that h has been prreviously pa aired to the If you are using an iP er, and all Bluetooth pa airings have e been clea ared, it may be necessa ary speake to 'Forrget this Devvice', as follows: 1. Tap p Settings. 2. Tap p Bluetooth. 3. Tap p the icon n to the righ ht of 'Fugoo Style-SSpe eaker'. 4. Tap p 'Forget thiss Device'. 5. Tap p 'Forget De evice'. As long as the speaker is in pairing mod de, the iPho one should find the spe eaker again, and pair with it. nualFugoo Sttyle-SBluetoo oth Speaker Model FSNA A7page 59/3 30/2016 User Man Disconnecting fromanother Bluetooth device To disconnectyour Fugoo Style-S Bluetooth Speaker from a Bluetooth sourcedevice, you can: • Click the (Bluetooth) button on your speaker. • Move your speaker and the Bluetooth source device apart until they disconnect. • Turn off your speaker. • Turn off the Bluetooth source device. • Turn off Bluetooth on your Bluetooth source device. • Plug an audio cable into the speaker’s audio input jack. • Disconnecting temporarily interrupts the Bluetooth wireless link between the speaker and the currently paired source device, which permits the speaker to re-connect with another source device to which it has been previously paired. The disconnected device will still be paired with the speaker, allowing them to automatically reconnect at another time. Reconnecting • To reconnect to a Bluetooth source device to which you have previously paired, just turn on the speaker and the source device, and place them within 33 feet (10 meters) of each other. It’s also necessary that no cable be plugged into the audio input jack. Typically, speaker and the source device will reconnect automatically. • If voice prompts are enabled, the speaker says "Connected". Clearing all Bluetooth source device pairings • To clear all of the Bluetooth pairings with source devices, turn the speaker on, and then hold the (Bluetooth) button for ten seconds, until the speaker says "All Bluetooth pairings cleared. Pairing mode. Please use the Bluetooth settings of your device to connect.” Audio playback Adjusting the volume • Click the + (Volume up) or –(Volume down) buttons to raise or lower the volume. Playback • Play / pause – Click O(Action Button) to toggle playingand pausing your audio. • Next track: clickO and + to skip to the next track of the recording you're listening to. • Previous track: O and – toskip to the previous track of the recording you're listening to. User ManualFugoo Style-SBluetooth Speaker Model FSNA7page 69/30/2016 Takin ng a pho one call – Spea akerpho onemod de You ur Fugoo Bluetooth Sp peakercan act as a sp peakerphon ne for your cell phone e or sma artphone. Y You can recceive and end e callsan nd manage a call on h hold. Tak king a ca all If yo ou take a call c on your phone whe en it is connected to the t speaker, you'll hea ar it ringing thro ough the sp peaker. • Clickthe e{(Action) buttonto recceive (pick up) the call. • Talk and listen thro ough during g the call. • o –to raise or o lower the e volume. Click+or • Click+ a and –simulttaneously to o mute / un--mute the microphone. • Click{ to end (han ng up) the call. • o hold, press { to switch back an nd forth betw ween the tw wo calls. If you have a call on • nd the active call and switch to the e call on hold. Double--click{to en • Use you ur phone’sccontrolsif yo ou would like e to transfer the call fro om the spea aker back to your phone. Voice e Respo onse mo ode • While yo our phone or o other devvice is paire ed to the speaker (and a call is not in progresss) hold { (A Action)for one o second.. A tone sou unds throug gh the speaker to activate e a voice ressponse servvice, such as a Siri, Goo ogle Now, orr Cortana. • Speak vvoice response comma ands throug gh the speaker’s microp phone. • Click + or –to raise e or lower th he volume. • e{(Action) button) to cancel voice e response mode. Clickthe Custo omization / oth her func ctions No ormal and d Loud modes • There a are two loud dness mode es for your Fugoo Style e-SBluetooth h Speaker. Normal modeis the default,, and is des signed for be est overall sound with most types s of music. Outdoorr modeboos sts the maximum loudn ness level, and a isideal ffor playing music outdoorrs, and in large rooms. Both mode es employ dynamic rea al-time equa alization to boost th he loudnesss of songs th hat have be een recorde ed at lower vvolume leve els. • To switcch from one e mode to th he other, sta art with the speaker off ff, then presss and hold the Action (O) butto on and presss the powe er button.Th he speaker w will turn on,, and it's in. announce which mode Voice prom mpts leve el • There a are three vo oice prompt levels: Norm mal, Low an nd Off. Norm mal is the default volume level – the level for vo oice promptss you will he ear when yo ou first turn on your Bluetooth Speaker. The Low levell is about 20 0% lower th han the Normal level. Fugoo B • To chan nge the voicce prompt le evel from Normal to Lo ow, start with the speakker off, then pre ess and hold the –(volu ume down) and + (volu ume up) butttons, then also press the (Power) buttton for one second. Th he speaker will turn on,, and annou unce that voice prrompts have e been set to Low. nualFugoo Sttyle-SBluetoo oth Speaker Model FSNA A7page 79/3 30/2016 User Man • Follow the same steps as above tochange the voice prompt level from Low to Off. • Follow the same steps again tochange the voice prompt level from Off to Normal. User ManualFugoo Style-SBluetooth Speaker Model FSNA7page 89/30/2016 Power Save e mode On O / Off The e speaker ccan shut itself off to co onserve pow wer, after a period of inactivity. Power Save mod de can be toggled on and off by holding the e –(volume e down) buttton while turning the spe eaker on witth the (P Power) buttton. If Po ower Save mode is on, then the e speaker will w shut itse elf off as folllows… • • • • If the e speaker iss not conneccted to a so ource device and is not charg ging, the spe eaker turns off after 15 5 minutes o of inactivity. If the e speaker iss not conneccted to a so ource device and is charging,the speake er turns off after 30 min nutes of ina activity. If the e speaker iss connected to a source e device and is notcharging,the spea aker turns off o after 1 ho our of inacttivity. If the e speaker iss connected to a source e device and is charging,the speake er will not sh hut off autom matically. If Po ower Save mode is offf, then the speaker will w remain on o until you u turn it off by pressing the (Power) buttonfor one o second d. Resetting the t speaker • It the sp peaker beco omes unressponsive, orr behaves differently th han you believe it should, try resetting it. Hold th he (Blueto ooth) and { (Action) b buttons for te en the sp peaker, with hout clearing g its pairing g list. secondss. This will reset • The spe eaker can be b reset whe ether it's on or off. Up pdating y your Fugo oo Bluettooth Speaker's firmware Fug goo posts n new version ns of the sp peaker firmw ware from time to time to add fe eatures, imp prove the so ound qualitty and loudness, and enhance th he user inte erface. The e firmware updates arre installed by an Update Utility that is comp patible with h Windows 8, Windows 7,, Windows Vista, Wind dows XP, and a Mac OSX 10.6 an nd higher. ase visit the e Start pag ge on our website to download th he Update U Utility and the t latest Plea speaker firmwa are. nualFugoo Sttyle-SBluetoo oth Speaker Model FSNA A7page 99/3 30/2016 User Man Care and maintenance Cleaning the unit • After a day at the sandy beach or the muddy trail, rinse your speaker off with warm water from a sink faucet. Don't use soap, detergents, or any chemical cleaning products. Don't use a garden hose, compressed air, or any other highpressure stream to clean it, as this may damage the speaker drivers. Don't use a brush of any kind, for the same reason. User ManualFugoo Style-SBluetooth Speaker Model FSNA7page 109/30/2016 Specifications Audio • Four proprietary, custom-designed acoustic drivers: • Two54 mm tweeters • Two 105mm x 66mm passive radiators • 20W (10W per channel) • Full-range frequency response: 50Hz - 20KHz • Supports AAC and SBC codecs for high-quality Bluetooth stereo sound • Supports CVC codec for improved speaker phone performance Connectivity • Bluetooth 4.2 for wireless connectivity up to 33 feet • Bluetooth Low Energy for link to Fugoo remote control • Bluetooth Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (AVRCP 1.5) enables control from your audio device and the optional Remote Control. • Other Bluetooth profiles: Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (A2DP) 1.3, HandsFree Profile (HFP) 1.6, Headset Profile (HSP) 1.2 • 3.5mm stereo input for wired connection • Micro USB for firmware updates and power Microphone • Omnidirectional microphone • Full-duplex capable in speakerphone mode • Digital signal processor for echo cancellation and noise reduction Power • Built-in lithium-Ion rechargeable battery • Charged by 5VDCAC adapter (included) • Battery life displayed on devices running iOS 6 and higher Environmental • Operating Temp, connected to AC adapter: 14° to 104° F (-10° to 40° C) • Operating Temp, not connected to AC adapter: 32° to10-4° F (0° to 40° C) • Storage Temp: -4° to 140° F (-20° to 60° C) • IP67 rated: Dustproof and waterproof to 1 meter for 30 minutes User ManualFugoo Style-SBluetooth Speaker Model FSNA7page 119/30/2016 Optional accessories For more information, visit Fugoo's Accessories webpage. Remote Control Please see the separate Fugoo Remote Control User Manual. Product support • Visit Fugoo's Support page at support.fugoo.com for help with connecting, to view our FAQs, or to ask us a question. • Visit Fugoo's downloads page at fugoo.com/downloads, for firmware updates, alternative voice prompts, and mobile wallpaper images, • Send us a support request at mailto:support@fugoo.com. User ManualFugoo Style-SBluetooth Speaker Model FSNA7page 129/30/2016 Legal notices FCC Statement This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. This device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Caution! Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction. IC Statement This device complies with Industry Canadalicence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement. The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction. Le présentappareilestconformeaudio CNR d'IndustrieCanadaapplicablesaudioappareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitationestautoriséeaudiodeux conditions suivantes : (1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur de l'appareildoit accepter tout brouillage radioélectriquesubi, mêmesi le brouillageest susceptible d'encompromettre le fonctionnement. le dispositif a été évalué à satisfaire l'exigence générale de l'exposition aux rf. l'appareil peut être utilisé dans des conditions d'exposition portatif sans restriction. The device meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 of RSS 102 and compliance with RSS-102 RF exposure, users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance. Le dispositif rencontre l'exemption des limitescourantesd'évaluationdans la section 2.5 de RSS 102 et la conformité à l'exposition de RSS-102 rf, utilisateurspeutobtenirl'informationcanadienne sur l'exposition et la conformité de rf. COFETEL Laoperacióndeesteequipoestásujetaalassiguientesdoscondiciones: (1)esposiblequeesteequipoodispositivonocauseinterferencia perjudicialy(2)esteequipoodispositivodebeaceptarcualquierinterferencia,incluyendolaquepuedacausarsuoperaciónnodeseada. User ManualFugoo Style-SBluetooth Speaker Model FSNA7page 139/30/2016 Safety Instruction for CB and CE-LVD 1. Do not install this equipment in a confined or building-in space such as a book case or similar unit, and remain a well ventilation conditions. The ventilation should not be impeded by covering the ventilation openings with items such as newspaper, table-cloths, curtains etc 2. WARNING:To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock; do not expose this apparatus to rain or moisture. The apparatus shall not be exposed to dripping or splashing and that objects filled with liquids, such as vases, shall not be placed on apparatus. 3.CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or equivalent type. 4.The battery (battery or batteries of battery pack)shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like. 5. Correct Disposal of this product. This marking indicates that this product should not be disposed with other household wastes throughout the EU. To prevent possible harm to the environment or human health from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources. To return your used device, please use the return and collection systems or contact the retailer where the product was purchased. They can take this product for environmental safe recycling. Frequency: 2.402GHz-2.48GHz The Max.transmit power: 4 mW User ManualFugoo Style-SBluetooth Speaker Model FSNA7page 149/30/2016
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