Fuji Film 01000004 Flat Panel Sensor User Manual Short Term Confidential 1 2

Fuji Film Corporation Flat Panel Sensor Short Term Confidential 1 2

(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual_1-2

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Mirror Download [FCC.gov]Fuji Film 01000004 Flat Panel Sensor User Manual  Short Term Confidential   1 2
Document ID2716513
Application IDeuJedyA24pJIQShrT4mnkA==
Document Description(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual_1-2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize208.11kB (2601347 bits)
Date Submitted2015-08-17 00:00:00
Date Available2015-09-24 00:00:00
Creation Date2015-07-24 09:29:39
Document Lastmod2015-07-24 09:30:01
Document Title(Short-Term Confidential) User Manual_1-2

I 1.6 Locations of Labels and Signs
Locations of labels and slgns affixed to the FDR D-EVO. and the relevant safety signs are shown below.
1.6.1 Locations of Labels
Flat panel sensor (DR-ID 601SE) Flat panel sensor (DR-ID GUZSE)
' | Color Label
Color Label
DR-ID SDZSE Carillon Label
/ DR~ID BUZSE Identificallorl Label
DR~lD 6!)st
DR-ID 6M SE Caution Label
DR-ID 601 SE CE Mark Label
DR-ID 601SE Idenlilicallcln Label
DR-ID eolsE .
Radlo Law Cerllflcallon Label Radio LEW Cemflcallon Label
Battery Cover Label Battery CWBI‘ Label
Flat panel sensor (DR-ID 611SE) Flat panel sensor (DR-ID 61ZSE)
Color Label ll; Culor Label
DR-ID 611SE Caulion Label DR-ID 81255 Giulio" Label
DR-ID 61135 CE Mark Label DR-ID 51st CE Mark Label
_ DR-ID 612$E Identification Label
32:3 31:2: Identificatlon Label DR-ID ‘31st
Radlo Law Cenmoatlon Label Radi° Lew Certifibelian Label
Eellery Cover Label Battery Cover Label
Flat panel sensor (DR-ID 61SSE) Flat panel sensor (DR-ID GOOSE)
Idenllflcatlon Label
DR-ID e135:
Radlo‘Law Cenificallun Label I
/Bettery Cover Label DR-ID sooss Caullon Label
/DR-ID 61385 salmon Label 1 DR-ID GOOSE CE Mark Label
———DR-ID erase Caullon Label 2 [- DR-ID eoose Identification Label
Control cablnet (DR-ID GOOMC)
Identification Label
If the control cabinet is not included in the system, the DR-ID 600MC Identification label is placed on the CD
case of the software for the control oeblnet.
FDR DEVO Operation Manual leamaR l 1.23
uonuado ales “H W
"onuado meme min
Power supply unit (DR-ID BOOMP)
DR—ID souMP Cautlen Label 1
Caution Label 2
Caution Label 3
For the types at
connectahle cables.
consult a FUJIFILM dealen
DR-ID BDOMP System Libel
DR-ID BDOPU Rating Label

Battery charger
Battery charger Retlng Label
Ac d ,3 (a n h ) Battery pack
a in r a eryc arger .
Rating Label (Optlonal)
Battery pack
Raang Label
AC adapter for cradle
AC ednpter for cradle
Retlng Label
1.6.2 DR-ID 600
m at FullrlLMcur marten magnum
l , FUJIFlLl‘rlCmpalatch
m rlll m. H, ,. we.“ ll
r: m
FwIFILM lenm DIGITAL nwmmpm
nlumL Mbloenwv EC Emu l: :d‘ MODEL DR-ID sou
MUDEL nk— ID 600 __ Sample year of Associated equipment
we "mum-"t l. he re WSE manufacture DR—ID wow
DR-ID 601SE CE Mark Label $13 $35
Altllilnflu warren-w ,y mm mm
filldlrlLHM'car mmtlan mm: W .W'
c em
nlaluL RADIDGRAPNV v . . .
MODEL DR-ID sou — Sample year of ms equlpmenz ls DH-ID GDOMP
m: aqulpment ls hR-ID we: manufacture MANUFACTURED: fl®
flfige‘flfifilfefié'é‘m ' DR~ID soomp System Label
m5 EnulpmenllnDR-IB 511$! Sample year of
DR-ID G11SE CE Mark Label manufwure
1 .24 I FDR D—EVO Opiuflm Mlnull wmlamaa
ulmmn" FUJlFILMCorflmannn mun mm
, H w “MW.” W mm Mm, FUJIFILMC oration muuuwm
mlw mm mm: M
uIGInL nAnInunAvw
MODEL u mean
I'm: an!» 1: min 51st
DR-ID 6125E CE Mark Label omJuL mmusnnuv
MODEL mun m
Sample year 0' rm. aqu'wmlnt k un-Insizsi
{Elfilliluftfid'E'H-‘w 5“,! twgiimt'uaalfj,"51::
Thll equlymmll DR—ID GOOSE _ W
DR-ID GOOSE CE Mark Label Sample year of DR-ID 61385 Identification Label
MODEL DMD sun Mona nn—In sou
can» cem-
Thls equpmml ls DR—tD eaoMc This Warner“ is DR-ID ammo
" D
was...” M. mm W. M- Q“
DR»|D SOOMC Identification Label DR-ID GODMC ldenliflcaflon Label Battery Cover Label
(lor the system without the DR—ID SOOMC)
um mu , u m Bauer lmrurr F“ “FILM
7 Cnmadm
Izavtonnm Ammnunusr 125VIDJn57
HIPUI qua-2mm» WPUT lun-zuuv’ 15A
snran; 50-5qu
ampm 16V 5.5/\ ouwm 16V 6.5A
Fumwwumm mm
mmml mm
s z u
m: WWW,
A" mill...“
Battery Pack Rating Label AC Adapter (Battery Charger) Rating Label
FDR D-EVO Opudlton Mlnual mmamsa ' 1 .25
uogubdo 9’95 10! mlflm
uoguado ans :0;
Access Point Raling Label“
' The access polnl model is subject to change.
swncmma POWER sumv
MODEL umMPueoA-ms
4mm: 1.5mm]
@E] 0%
CAUTION no unvoml
elliNTIOll fifim
1-26 | FDR nave Over-Alon Mlnunl 997N101413R
AC adapter for cradle Raling Label
lllleIM-MW-MASO-mk LP
mm...“ mun-mm
:99 lfil-d
mm mmm
rm m we...
Mm» W
54...... ..
AC Adapter (Access Palm) Rallng Label‘
1.6.3 DR-ID 600PU
‘fwlflytjlwgqx flan?" mm; H} «fr
MODEL nn—m ems:
This symbol Indicates that this product Is not to be disposed oi with your household waste.
aocording to the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) and your national law. This product should
be handed over to a designated collection point.
Improper handling of this type of waste could have a possible negative impact on the
environment and human health due to potentially hazardous substances that are generally
associated with EEE.
At the same time. your cooperation in the correct disposal of this product will contribute to
the elfectlve usage of natural resources.
For more information aboutwaste, please oontad FUJIFILM dealers.
Vear oi manulacture
Environmentally Friendly Use Period (EFUP)
Caution for local load (See “1.5.3 During Exposure‘ (page 1-21).)
EnIire surtaoe load
This symbol indicates that the ilat panel sensor supports the automatic X-ray detection
No stepping on suriaoe
Refer to Instruction manual/booklet
Do not drop the flat panel sensor to the user/patient.
1—28 I FDR oavo opmiim Manual commune
I 1.7 Installation Conditions
1.7.1 Installation Space When Setting the Control Cabinet in
the X-ray Room
In case that the control cablnet ls Installed in the X-ray room, ensure a certain distance between
the control cabinet and the upright-type or bed-type radiographlc examination stand, See the figure
below for reference.
For the products that can be installed in pailent environment, see “2.1 .1 System Configuration"
(page 2-1 ).
CK , gauuous '7)
Do not Install the power supply unlt, control cabinet, image processing unlt, Battery charger
(optlonal) and Access point In an area of the X-ray room, where the user can easily trip over.
Falls could result In Injury.
l Upright type
N .
(8:2 ft)
FDR D-EVO Operation Manual swmounk I 1.29
“09"“0 ails mg m
unnuado was 10s m
1.30 I FDR nave Dperafim Mum-I wmmmn
Chapter 2 , System Configuration
(Product Overview)
| 2.1 FDR o-evo
2.1.1 System Configuration
For the us. For other countries
Flat panel mm Flat plnei sensor Flat panel mum
Flltpenei censor Flat panel mm Fm panel censor
Flat pone! sensor 1 Flat panel sensor
Flat panel umd l IFm panel cannot
i i
Power nappy unlt
Power supply unit
Processing unlt
DR-ID :ancL
Control cabinet magi; unlt
DR-ID sooMo DR.|D spool
Onnlmt cabinet Blllely
DR—tD scone dumer
Hub Hub
Image prowling unnor otherdlgitll radiography system Access lime pmmlinu minor emeralplul radiography mum
DR-lD (WOOL palm DR-ID soncL
- The products i ,. can be installed In patient environment.
- The FDR D-EVO conslsts of the DR-ID BOORU and the image processing unlt DR-ID SOOCL.
. An access polnt Is used only in wireless communication mode.
* The configuration of the system varies depending on the country.
~ Up to five flat panel sensors can be connected. Up to two flat panel sensors can be connected to one
power supply unit in wired communication mode. Up to two power supply units can be used.
' When the flat panel sensors are used with three to four different techniques, two power supply units
are required.
- Depending on the configuration, the control cabinet (DR-ID BOOMC) may not be included in the system.
If not Included. the software for the oontrol whinet can be installed on the Image processing unit (DR-
ID soocu.
For detail specification of image processing unit, please referto "DR-ID SOOCL Operation Manual".
FDR D-EVO Openlim Mlnual awmoman I 2.1
(Marmara unpaid) uouunfiuuoo mate‘s
(maiuano mama) unwnfiuuoa "law‘s whim
2.1.2 Features of the FDR D-EVO
This section describes the main features of the FDR D-EVO.
The external dimensions and the weight of the flat panel sensor are the same as those
of the conventional cassette used for general exposure. Due to this feature, the flat panel
sensor can be Inserted Into the radiographic examination stand that has been used.
allowing the user to avoid cassette replacement.
The flat panel sensor can be connected/disconnected with the relay connector of the
connection cable. This allows the user to carry the flat panel sensor and insert/remove It
into/from the upright-type or bed-type radiographic examination stand more easily.
The light weight and the thin and round design increase the operability of the flat panel
sensor. making it possible to place it under a lying patlent.
An Image can be displayed on the Image processing unit in as fast as approximately 1
second after X-ray exposure processing is completed. (However. the required time varies
depending on the mode setting.) ‘
Owing to the highly sensitive flat panel sensor. X-ray exposure dose can be reduced
Due to the effects of digital image processing. the system produces X-ray Images that have
a high diagnostic value and are easy to observe.
The system has a wide latitude for Incident X—rays so that a large amount of X-ray
diagnostic Infonnatlon ls obtained.
As the system has a wide latitude and an automatic sensltlvlty adjustment function, its
X-ray Images are not affected by small changes In X-ray exposure conditions. Therefore.
consistent Image density Is obtained for all images.
Image processing parameters are automatically selected through an anatomical region
selection system from the image processing unit.
10 Multi-objective Frequency Processing (MFP). a newly Introduced image processing
function. not only Improves the Image quality also achieves high-speed image processing.
11 A DICOM-conformed open network can be supported by connecting the Image processing
12 VWh the flat panel sensor (DR-ID 601 SE, DR-ID GOZSE. DR-ID 611SE. DR-ID 6128E
and DR-ID 6138E). wireless communication mode orwired communication mode can
be selected. In wireless communication mode. exposures can be performed without
connecting the cable.
13 The SmartSwitch ls built In the flat panel sensorwith the following logo.
With the SmartSwitch technology. operations for making an exposure start when the flat
panel sensor detects X-rays. For this reason. It Is not necessary to connect a cable to the
flat panel sensor.
2.2 | FDR D-EVO Over-Ito" Mum commune
I 2.2 Unit Names and the Functions
Unit names and the functions of the FDR D-EVO are described below.
2.2.1 DR-ID 600
Applied pan
‘ Exposure plane Is shown In this figure.
‘\ Applied part
\ shock sensor display (2 places)
: ngms red when lhe shock
sensor detects I severe Impact.
Status lamp
Flat panel sensor (DR-ID GOOSE)
- Exposure plane ls shown In Ihls figure.
Status lamp
Flat panel sensor Flat panel sensor (DR-ID 6135E)
(DR-ID 601SE, DR-ID GOZSE. DR-ID 611$E and DR-ID 61ZSE) ‘ Exposure plane is shown ln this figure.
Applied pan
status LED
Main switch
(“WHO IOHPOJd) “ODNI‘EHUOO ”919‘s mmm
Power supply unlt (DR-ID BOOMP)
Name Descrlptlon
Flat panel sensor The DR-lD GOOSE, DR-ID 601SE and DR-ID (50st Incorporate e 605 indirect panel.
The DR—ID 611SE, DR-ID B128E and DR-ID 6135E incorporate 3 Cal indirect panel.
There are slx types offlat panel sensors: DR~ID 601SE, DR-ID BOZSE
.DR-ID 61iSE,
DR~ID 61st and DR-lD 61SSE (wireless/wired communicatlon mode) and DR-ID BOUSE
(wired communication mode).
Status lamp lndlcates the equipment status by LEDs.
_ On Exposure possible
READY 0 (Green) Blinks tor 1.0 During exposure
second. sequence
on Ready
© Vlfireless Vlnred
POWER (Green) on OK (Power 0N) Power 0N
i (In wireless communication ___—__
READY mode. the status of the battery Blinks (or 1.0 Less than 10 mln _
POWER pack is indlcated. ln wlred second.
ERROR °°"‘"“!"i,°9”°" '"W‘B- ”‘9 Pw’e' on Empty (Power OFF) Power OFF
status Is Indicated).
0n Communication not possible.
# ERROR 0 (Orange) Blinks (or 1.0 Error occurred
Otf Normal
’All LEDs are of when the equipment ls 0".
Power supply unit Supplies the power to the flat panel sensor and connects the flat panel sensor and the
(DR-ID SOOMF) control cablnet.
Main switch Supplies the power to the flat panel sensor and the inside of the power supply unit.
Remote switch Turns on/otf the power to the flat panel sensor.
Power status LED Displays ONIOFF of the power supply unit.
FDR Deva Dpemlon Mlmal os‘rNtm473R l 2.3
(marina/«o mama) unnunfiuuoa masks mm
Main switch]
power status LED
Control cabinet (DR-1D GDDMC)
Name . Description
Control cabinet A personal computer used for oonlrolling the flat panel sensor and
(DR-iD GUOMC) performing Image processing.
Main switch Supplies the power to the control cabinet.
Power status LED Displays ONIOFF of the control cabinet.
Depending on the configuration, the control cabinet (DR-ID SODMC) may not be included in the system It not
Included. the software for the control cabinet can be installed on the Image processing unit (DR-ID SODOL).
For detail specification of image processing unit, please refer to "DR-ID SOOCL Operation Manual".
I Battery charger (Optional)
Battery charger
Name Description
Battery charger Charges the battery pack (optional) for the flat panel sensor (DR-ID 60132,
packs can be charged at the same time.
Charge status Indicator LED Indicates charge status.
I Access point
' Product compliant with IECSOSSO. UL60950, PSE or JIS
- Compliant with IEEE802.11n [W52] (In the 5.26Hz band) I36. 40, 44, 48ch
‘ WLAN interface: 1000BASE-T/1OOBASE-TX (minimum requirements)
~ LAN Interface: 1ODOBASE-T/1OOBASE-TX (minimum requirements)
- Available 08: Linux
- Compliant with UL
- Compliant with FCC part15
o For the unit names and functions oi the DR-ID 3000L. see the ‘DR-ID (30ch Operation Manual".
2.4 | FDR D-EVO Ovcmllnn Mum! esmmmm
I AC adapter for cradle (optional)
Cradle (optional)
SE cable
for charging Supplied cable
AC adapter
Ac adapter for cradle
Name Description
AC adapter for cradle Charge the flat panel sensor (DR-ID 601 SE, DR-lD BOZSE. DR-ID 611 SE,
DR-ID 6128E and DR-ID 613$E) by combining ltwlth the separately sold
cradle or Cradle tor 24,
(A: ,,,cAUT,I9N.s ,)
c Do not connect directly to the flat panel sensor when the Ac adapter for cradle Is not
connected to the cradle.
a Do not use a flat panel sensor that Is being charged wlth the Ac adapter for cradle for an
exposure. The Image being exposed may not be acquired correctly.
FDRD-EVO DpemlmM-null 997N10141CIR I 2.5
(Miluano Janna“) "onunfiuuoo masks U
(Maiuano would) "mummies waists mm
2.3 Image Processing Unit’s Display
When the self-initialization process ends, the Patient information input Screen will appear on the Image
processing unit’s dlsplay
0 For details. see ”DR-ID SDOCL Operation Manual'fl
I Patient Information Input Screen
Patient Information Input Ileld
Input peusni Inlormatlon.
Tool bulton
openers. ins Psuenr inionneuon
Database iunotion to input patient
Clears puient inronnsiion
(exoeptlor technologist).
Screen keyboard
Used in Input characters in the
pelienunrenneuon inpurneid.
Reserves 1 study.
Termlnltas yutlenl imormsuon
npm. and proceeds to exposure
menu sesecuon.
Diwieyfi he‘sw Hannah'- Connected devices status
Connected deuioes statue disoiey iieid. oispiays me mm oreonuecaed devices
I Study Screen
Patient inlormetion ' Ieylield
Exposure menu list
rnis iisi shwll expoeuie menus
selected on the 'Exposuie
Menu Selection screen'.
Selected exposure menu
number display field
Exposure unit display field
The Tube, Technique. Ind
int-inn punch can be uniquely
urmiged and displayed
Technologist display field
Displays ins nuns oriogued-in
tedimlaulsk (user).
Image display field Shot Ready (exposure ready status indicator)
The lead iniege eppeen. Exposure nnsue resdin gun he eiionned when the indiomr is In green,
Exoosurs iineue Medi osnnot penonned when me indicator is not IIL
2.6 I FDR D-Evo Gwalior: Menu-I mntnu‘nn
I Connected Devices Status
Detalls on each icon and its display area are described below.
‘cator Icons display area
Other Indicator Icons display area
The status of the flat panel sensor and that of the image processing unit are displayed as‘lconsr
The status of each connected devlce Is shown in three categorles.
Device information dlsplayed in each category Is as follows.
Category Devlce Information
status of exposure unit (1) Exposure unit communication Indlcator
(2) Exposure unit battery Indlcator
Status of the image processan unit (3) Console event indicator
other (Status of output unit) (4) Output status indicator
The information Is dlsplayed in each category as shown below.
Device information of the category
Locations of category Information can be customlzed in the user utlllty. For details. see "DR-ID
aoOCL Reference Guide'r
FDR uEvo Operation Manual commune I 2.7
(1) Exposure Unit Communication Indicator
The following icons display communication status of the flat panel sensor corresponding to the
selector selected in the exposure unit display field of the “Study screen".
If the flat panel sensor has a wired connection, the following Icons are displayed
ES: 2 Connected
its : Disconnected
If the flat panel sensor is connects wirelessly, the following icons are displayed.
MI] I W] I m] : Connected. Displays the signal strength in three levels.
3 1 fl : Disconnected
w : Unknown
(2) Exposure Unit Battery Indicator
When the exposure unit Is connected to the Image processing unit, the battery status ls Indicated
with the following icons,
: Ready for exposure (battery charge: fully charged)
: Ready for exposure (exposure time available: less than one hour)
: Ready for exposure (battery charge: recharge needed)
: Ready for exposure (charging)
(Mowenopnpord)uogemfiguoa wants :3; E
: Not ready for exposure <
When an exposure Is ready to he made (the READY status lamp on the flat panel sensor Is
lit green), the power consumption of the flat panel sensor Increases. Although the Indicator
Icon of the remaining battery level changes to low and the value of the operable time display
decreases temporarily, these are not failures.
(3) Console Event Indicator
The following icons display the status of the image processing unit.
: : Normal
3 : Warning—level event ongoing
S : Error-level event ongoing
(4) Output Status Indicator
The following icons display the output status.
E : Waiting for Image output
E : Processing image output
[3 : Output error
2.8 I FDR DEVD Operation Manual awniaunk
I 2.4 Routine Operation Diagram
The system configuration and the routine operation diagram for the FDR D-EVO is as follows,
. X-ray exposure ' Patient information entry
Image data
. Image reading - Exposure region I study menu selectlon
- Image processlng, etc.
Image data
Image data
Image Management Workstation
- DICOM-confonned
open network supported
FDR DEVD Openllon Mlnull mmmnek I 2.9
(Malmno unpaid) nonunfiuuoo masks mm
(Magnolia unpmd) uogunfiguoo umsfis
[2.5 Wireless Specifications
Technical Specification : IEEE802,11,n (protocol) . W52 (frequency)
Intended environment : Room size of 10m x10m x 3m (32.8 ft x 32.8 ft x 9.8 fl) (height) or
less (general X-ray room)
(The electric shield does not exist excluding the Installation stand or
Installation : DR-ID 601 SEIDR-ID GOZSE/DR-ID 611SEIDR-ID 61ZSE/DR-ID 6138B and
Access Point must be installed in the same room.
Do not place Access Point within the reach of patients.
Do not Place more than one Access point in the same room.
Do not place devices generating electromagnetic wave (CT.MRI. diathermy,
RFID etc.) near this equipment.
We recommend not to use any other wireless devices such as cellular/smart
phones. portable phones. microwave ovens, WAPs. etc. within 2m (66 ft) of
the wireless D-EVO system.
When other wireless devices are used within 2m (6.6 ft), wireless data
communication may be delayed.
(Data communication is guaranteed. If timeout occured. retry can be done.)
Do not change the position of the aocess polnt once installed.
Do not cover the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-iD 601SE/DR-lD GOZSEIDR-ID
6118EIDR-ID 61ZSE/DR-ID 6138E) with a shield such as a metallic plate as
this will Interfere with a wireless communication
Information being transmitted :
X-ray Control Signal (Prep-SW. Shot-SW)
System Control Signal. (|mg_req_CMD. etc.)
image Data(Raw data Before Image processing)(Note: Patient Information
is not transmitted by wireless Interface.)
Vifireless range : max, 10m (32.8 ft) from the Access point as tested. Actual range may vary.
Data transfer rate : 35Mbps
(T his value ls FUJIFILM measuring result of wireless module. and
actual data rate may vaiy.)
Transfer Power : 12.26 dBm or less (13.89 dBm or less for the DR-ID 6138E) (According to
FCC part15 test report)
Modulation : OFDM (Provided by IEEE802.11,n standard)
“RADIO TEST" is executed to this product according to FCC part15 subpart
E: 2010 standard.
All the test Items are passed.
Vinreless Data Security : Vifireiess D-EVO system (DR-IDGOO with DR—ID 601SE/DR-ID GOZSE/
DR-ID 611SE/DR-ID 6128ElDR-ID 613SE) will be utilizing the IEEE
standard 802.11.n at the 5.26Hz frequency. which will allow us
a maximum wireless signal rate of up to 35Mbps. The Vlnreiess
Access Point (\AAP) has a feature that limits the maximum number
of users perAccess Point to ensure data integrity. Further the
WAP has MAC Address Filtering (unique iP address) and Vtflreless
LAN Segmentation to ensure handshaking with only the registered
wireless D-EVO Flat Panel Sensors (DR-ID 601SE/DR-ID SDZSE/
In addition to the MAC address filtering. the wireless communication
between DR-ID 601SEIDR-ID 6028EIDR-ID 611 SE/DR-ID 61ZSE/
DR-ID 6138E (Flat Panel Sensor) and the wireless access point is
secured by WPA2-PSK encryption with AES (Advanced Encryption
Data security feature will be enabled during installation by
a FUJIFILM field service engineer, No patient information is
transmitted between DR-ID 601 SE/DR-ID SOZSE/DR-ID 611SE/
DR-ID 61ZSE/DR-iD 61SSE (Flat Panel Sensor) and Wireless
Access Point.
2.10 l FDR osvo Operation Mum mmmmn
10 Handshaking/Pairing : The \Mreless Access Point and DR—lD 601SEIDR-ID SOZSEIDR-ID
611SEDR-ID 61ZSE/DR-ID 6138E (Flat Panel Sensor) will be paired
during Installation by a FUJIFILM field service engineer to ensure
one-to-one wireless connection FUJIFILM field service engineer will
measure the wireless transmission speed during Installation to find
the best position of the wireless access point and the wireless D-EVO
11 Frequency Tolerance : :20ppm
Quality of Service (005) (For DR—lD 601 SEIDR-ID 6OZSEIDR-ID 611SE/DR-ID 61ZSE)
Item I standard Unit Remarks
Farm Dielectric Spectrum dlfiuelon - 2
Wave F1
Center Irequency H120 5130mm MHz BBDhADChAMABch ‘
H140 5190-5230 MHz clement "’
W52 E»
Channel Interval IEEE802.11.n 20(HTZO) 14004140) MHz 5
Transmlsaion rate |EEE502.11.n 1tn H120 ; mos 015 - 8’
11n HT40:MCS 0—15 2.
Modulation OFDM lsaoAMnsoAMpPSKsPSKI - ‘2
Output power H120 Mex 11.52- dBm g
HTAD Max 1225- dEm g
Frequency ~20 - +20 ppm MAX q
Tolerance 3
Reception M050, 3 422 dBm H120 2
sensitivity Mcs1, 9 -79 diam 3
(PER (Packet Error Mcsz. 10 .77 dam 9
Rm)‘1w‘) Mesa, 3 .79 dBm Hm 5
M051. 9 -76 dBm g
Mcsz. 10 .74 dBm v
Current 1x50 550 (Tye) "IA Thiuput test mode
wnsumpfion RXGG 450 (Wm mA rnruput test mode
“The value is based on the FCC report of the Flat Panel Sensor.
Quality of Service (QoS) (For DR—ID 613$E)
Item standard [ Unit Remarks
Form atelewio Spectnlm diliusion -
oenlertrequency H120 5180-5240 MHz seen,40dr.44on,4scn
HT40 51905230 MHz 3Bdw$6di
Channel interval IEEanz.1I.n 20(HT20) I 40(HT40) MHz
Transmission late IEEEeozAIn 1in H120 : M03 015 »
11n H140 : Mos 015
Modulation OFDM(MOAM160AM,OPSK,BPSKi -
output power H120 Max 13.34. dEm
HT40 Max 1339* dBIn
Frequency -20 - ~20 ppm MAX
Reception r mcso. a s2 dBrll H120
sensitivity Mcs1. s -79 dEm
(PER (Packet Error M33; 10 _7-, dEm
R“‘°"‘°%) M050. 5 .79 «am Hm
M031, 9 ~76 dBiri
Mcsz. 10 .74 dBm
Current TXSG 550 (Typ) nIA Thruputtest made
consumption RXSG 050 mm) m Thrupunesl mode
'The value ls based on the FCC report of the Flat Panel Sensor
FDR D-EVD Opemllvri Mum-I ImmomoR 2.11
EH 9685 025235.. .1355 052me
2.12 l rmnsvo Opulflm M-null ae'rmmmn
Chapters Basic Operation
I 3.1 Preparing the Flat Panel Sensor
This section describes how to prepare the flat panel sensor.
3.1.1 Type of Flat Panel Sensor
DR-ID 601 SE, DR-ID 6028E. DR-ID 611 SE, DR-ID 612SE and DR-ID 6138E:
Vlflreless communication mode or wired communication mode ls available. When used in wireless
communication mode, an access point". battery pack (optional) and battery charger (optional) are
required. ‘
'1 in the countries otherthan the US, an access point Is not included as a component of the system. For
details including installation. consult our official dealer.
- Product compliant with IECGDQSO. UL60950, PSE or JIS
- Compliant with IEEE802,11n [W52] (in the 5.2(3Hz band) /36. 40, 44, 480h
- WLAN interface: toooBASE-TliooBASE-TX (minimum requirements)
- LAN interface. DOOBASE—leoBASE—TX (minimum requirements)
- Available 08: Linux
' Compliant with UL
- Compliant with FCC pan15
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Use only one access point. A communication error may occur If two units or more are used.
DR-ID SOOSE : Vlnred communication mode
3.1.2 Number of the Connectable Flat Panel Sensors
To enable the flat panel sensor. its ID needs to be registered in advance by a FUJIFILM dealer.
Up to a hundred flat panel sensors can be registered.
Up to five flat panel sensors can be connected. Up to two flat panel sensors can be connected to
one power supply unit in wired communication mode. Up to two power supply units can be used.
Dependan on the configuration, the control cabinet (DR-ID 600MC) may not be included in the system. If not
Included. the soflware tor the control cabinet can be Installed on the image processing unit (DR-ID aoocu.
For detail specification of image processing unit, please refer to "DR—ID SOOCL Operation Manual".
FDR DEVO cpmuon Mllwil 397N1M473R I 3.1
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3.1.3 Connecting/Disconnecting the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 601SE, DR-
lD GOZSE, DR-ID 611SE, DR-lD 61ZSE and DR-lD 613$E) Connector
\M'ien used In wireless communication mode, disconnect the connector.
Dlsconnect the connector. 5 a Connect the connector.
Press the latches on both sides of the connector. 1 Press the connector into the insertion section.
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Make sure that the latches on both sldes ans
properly engaged when connecting the connector.
If the flat panel sensor is used with the connector
inserted incompletely, the flat panel sensor may turn
Connect/Disconnect the connector straight to the flat panel sensor. ll connected/disconnected at an angle. the
connector may be damaged.
3.2 l FDR D»EVD Operation Manual IWNOMJ‘IGR
3.1.4 Connecting/Disconnecting the Sensor Cable Relay
Connector for the Flat Panel Sensor (DR-ID 6OOSE)
Follow the procedure below to connect/disconnect the sensor cable relay connector:
- Do not connect the flat panel sensor to the power supply unit otherthan of the FDR D-EVO, OthenIi/iseI the
connector may be damaged.
~ Do not connect the flat panel sensor unregistered to the system. otherwise. the power to the flat panel sensor
will be disconneaed automatically. For details on the registration. contact a FUJIFILM dealer.
- When connecting/disconnecting the sensor cable relay connector, always hold the grip of the connector.
The wire Inside may be broken, if you connectldlsconnect by holding the cable.
if you turn the outer bushing of the grip, the cable lock becomes loose, causing a short-circuit of the cable.
. Do not drop the sensor cable relay connemor when connecting/disconnecting It. Otherwise. personal injury may
result. or properties or the connector may be damaged.
~ Do not connect an a.5m(27.9 ft)—long cable for the power supply unit and that for the flat panel sensor of the same
length. If the total length of the connected cables exceeds 10m (32.8 it), the flat panel sensor may malfunction.
I Make sure that the READY lamp of the flat
panel sensor Is not blinking, and press “i i 1
the OFF side of the power supply unit. If you skip Step and perform step E, w
Alternatively, turn off the flat panel sensor a communication error occurs. In such a E.
by pressing the operatlon button on the case, turn the power back on to the power 0
optional remote switch, and make sure that supply unit. Note, however, that repeating '3
the POWER lamp of the flat panel sensor this action may result In damage to the g:
tu me off. equipment.
0 For the external view of the optional remote
switch, see “0.2 Using the Remote Switch“ To connect, align the positioning marks,
(page 0-3). , and then push the connectors in.
The remote switch can be simultaneously connected
to both the upright type and the bed type.
The relay connector can be connected/disconnected
by turning otf either of the remote switches.
You can proceed to the next step even If an error
message appears after turning off the powersupply
Align the positioning mark on the connector of the
power supply unit with that of the flat panel sensorI
and then Insert the connectors by slightly turning
Follllonlng mark
Griv Locking latch rIP
Push In until you feel a click.
:mmmoe In.) to amm(a.12 in.)
Push further in to the position shown in the figure in
, Step El until you feel a click again to lock them Into
i place.
a To disconnect, hold the grips A and B of
both the connectors, and then pull the grip
A of the flat panel sensor to unlock.
Flat panel sensor Power supply unit
- a Press the ON side of the main switch of the
power supply unit, or press the operation
button on the optional remote switch.
FDRDEVD opmltouM-mut 397NtM473R I 3.3
3.1.5 Connecting/Disconnecting the AC adapter for cradle
(optional) Relay Connector
Follow the procedure below to connect/dlsconnect the AC adapter for cradle relay connector.
' When connecting/disconnecting relay connector, always hold the grip of the connector.
The wire inside may be broken, if you connect/disconnect by holding the cable.
. Do not drop relay connectorwhen connecting/disconnecting It. Otherwise, personal Injury may result, or
properties or the connector may be damaged.
n Remove the Ac adapter for cradle power
cable from the power outlet, and check that
the AC adapter LED has turned off.
a To disconnect the adapter, pull the grip
on the side of the flat panel sensor while
pressing the lock button.
Flat panel Sensor Sld. AC adapter sldc
Lock button
a To connect the adapter, align both sides
of the relay connector wlth’the terminal
position, and insert it until it makes a
cllcklng sound.
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Flat panel sensor Ac adapter
slde terminal side terminal
a Connect the AC adapter for cradle power
cable to the power outlet, and check that the
AC adapter LED has turned on.
3.4 ' roan—Eva opmm Mlnull BB7N1|3|473R
3.1.6 Inserting/Removing the Flat Panel Sensor into/from the
Radiographic Examination Stand
Follow the procedure below to Insert/remove the llat panel sensor into/from the radiographic
examination stand.
0 For details. see the Operation Manual for the radiographic examination stand.
For the positionln at the time of Insertinglremovlng the flat panel sensor, see the Operation
Manual for the ra Iographic examination stand.
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Be careful not to have your fingers caught when Inserting/removing the flat panel sensor Intol
from the radiographlc examination stand.
When pulling out/pushing In the tray of the radiographlc examination stand after setting the flat
panel sensor on It, be careful not to drop the flat panel sensor or damage the tray.
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Before insertinglremovlng the flat panel sensor Into/from the radiographlc examination stand,
pull out the tray completely. Othenivise, the [lat panel sensor may be damaged. '
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For the eltective area of the flat panel sensor. see page A-7.
FDRD-EVO UnumilenM-nuet ae7N1aM1aR I 3.5
uopuado ngsea
[1] Upright type
When Inserting from the right-hand slde
When Insertan the flat panel sensor Into
the radlographlc examlnatlon stand, direct
the exposure plane toward the X-ray tube.
a Push the tray hack Into place after settlng
the flat panel sensor.
Pull out the tray.
. When lnsertlng the flat panel sensor from the left-
/Tmy 3 hand slda, direct the connectorto the lower left.
5 Insert the flat panel sensor Into the cassette
recelve whlle the connector directed to the
upper‘rlght, and then move It downwards. a Remove the ilat panel sensor after use.
, : Pull out the tray. push the cassette receive
. : downwards. and then remove the flat panel sensor
, COMM” f Push the tray back into place.
Cassette receive
Set the flat panel sensor to the upper part of the tray.
3.6 l FDRD—EVO Opemfion Manual ammmnR
[2] Bed type
When inserting the flat panel sensor
to the radiographlc examination stand,
direct the exposure plane upwards.
Pull out the tray by using the handle.
When setting the flat panel sensor
horizontally, position the connector as
shown in the figure below.
a Pull the cassette stopper, and set the flat
panel sensor so that Its center mark is
allgned with the center of the stopper.
Push the tray back Into place by using the
Position the connector of the flat panel sensor as handle after 59“an the flat panel sensor.
shown in the figure below
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Remove the flat panel sensor after use.
Hold the handle and pull out the tray. Remove the
flat panel sensorwhlle pulling the cassette stopper,
g and then push the tray back into place.
3.1.7 Changing the Direction of the Flat Panel Sensor
The direction of the connector of the ilat panel sensor can be changed, depending on how it is
Inserted into the radiographic examination stand.
To change the direction, contact a FUJIFILM dealer.
When shipped After changing the dlrectlon
mnoevo Overallon Manual EI1Nlnt413R l 3.7
3.1.8 Charging the Battery Pack (Optional) for the Flat Panel
Sensor (DR-ID 601SE, DR-ID GOZSE, DR-ID 611SE, DR-ID
612$E and DR-ID 613SE)
When used In wireless communication mode, charge the battery pack (optlonal) uslng the battery
charger (optional).
Do not charge the battery pack other than those designated by FUJIFILM Corporation. It the
battery pack is charged under the charging conditions (voltage, current and charging method)
different from those specified by FUJlFlLM Corporation, the battery pack may emlt smoke. ignite,
explode or leak fluid.
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When setting the battery pack Into the battery charger, make sure that the orientation of the
battery pack Is correct as shown In the figure in Step I]. if the battery pack Is forcibly set in the
wrong orientation, both the battery pack and the battery charger may be damaged and emlt
smoke, ignite, leak fluid or cause electric shock.
When a new battery pack ls fully charged. It Is possible to perform exposures (or a maximum of approximately
750 Images for DR-ID 6018E, approximately 500 images for DR-ID BOZSE/DR-ID 611SEIDR-ID 612$E and
approximately 700 images (or DR-ID s1ase. HoweverI the number varies depending on the usage conditions.
The capacity of the battery ls displayed on the POWER status lamp and in the Image processing unit‘s display.
When the remaining capaclty oi the battery pack becomes less than 10 minutes. apop-up window appears on the
Image processing unit. and exposures cannot be perfonnedt If this happens, perform the following operations.
' Replace or charge the battery pack.
- Connect the connector to the Ilat panel sensor.
When the connector is connected to the flat panel sensor, exposures in wired oommunlcation mode and charging
the battery pack can be periormed.
charge the battery pack using the battery charger.
In wireless communication mode, when the remaining capacity of the battery pack becomes insulflclent.
exposures are prohibited and the POWER status lamp blinks every one second. lithe flat panel sensor is used in
wireless communication mode for another 10 minutes or so, the battery pack is not charged even if the SE cable
is oonnected. If this happens. remove the battery pack and charge It using the battery charger. When the battery
pack is charged using the battery charger tor about one minute, charging the battery pack by connecting the SE
cable become available.
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3.3 ‘ FDRD-EVO Opium Minuet an7N1n1t13R
I Set the battery pack in the battery charger. ; a When battery charge ls completed. remove
When the battery pack is set, a buzzer sound is 1 the battery pack.
generated and the charge status indicator LED 3 When battery charge Is completed the charge status
lights. 3 indicator LED changes trom bllnking to lighting.
Three battery packs can be charged at the same ‘
3.1.9 Installing/Removing the Battery Pack (Optional) for the Flat
Panel Sensor (DR-ID 601SE, DR-ID 602$E, DR-ID 611SE,
DR-ID 6128E and DR-ID 613SE) g1
Follow the procedure below to install/remove the battery pack (optional) for the flat panel sensor. 3
When installing/removing the battery pack. place the flat panel sensor on a flat place. I;-
I Remove the battery cover. 5 Slide the battery pack along the dent of the battery
: section ot the tlat panel sensor toward the connector
Place the flat panel sensorwith the back side facing terminal. Align the guide mark of the battery pack
upward, and than simultaneously slide both the with that of the fla‘ panel sensor, and push the
battery lock release latches outward to remove the : battery pack in to install it.
battery oover. Make sure that battery pack Is securely Installed.
\Q E Pushing the battery pack in with the guide marks
misaligned may damage the connector terminal.
When the battery pack Is Installed. the power is
automatically turned on.
Battery cover
Guide mark:
E Install the battery pack.
Make sure that the battery lock release latches are
When the battery lock release latches are
- To remove the battery pack, pertorm the same
procedure as Step (removlng the battery cover).
- To Install the battery cover, perform the same
procedure as Step a (installing the battery pack).
Battery lock release latches
FoRoEVo opanllnn Mum-I mummy? I 3.9

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