Fujian LANDI Commercial Equipment E820RFWDWF Wireless POS Terminal User Manual User Guide
Fujian Landi Commercial Equipment Co., Ltd. Wireless POS Terminal User Guide
- 1. Users Manual
- 2. User Manual
User Manual
Mode el:E E820 User Guide P Paym POS ent Termin nal This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. Con ntents 1. Introductio on ....................................................................................................................... 3 2. Unpacking g ........................................................................................................................... 3 3. Appearancce of E820 ........................................................................................................... 3 3..1 4. 5. Keypad function .......................................................................................................... 5 Use of the terminal ............................................................................................................ 6 4.1 Powerr on/Power off o the terminal ............................................................................. 6 4.2 Readin ng cards .............................................................................................................. 7 4.3 Installiing Moduless ....................................................................................................... 7 4.4 Batterry ......................................................................................................................... 9 4.5 Paper roll.................................................................................................................... 10 4.6 Base In nstallation ........................................................................................................ 10 Recommen ndations ........................................................................................................... 11 5..1 Safetyy ......................................................................................................................... 11 5..2 Securitty of your te erminal .......................................................................................... 12 5..3 Cleanin ng of the terrminal ........................................................................................... 13 5..4 Transp port and storrage .............................................................................................. 13 6. Standard ............................................................................................................................ 13 7. Troublesho ooting .............................................................................................................. 15 This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. 1. Introducction Thank you for choosing a Laandi paymen nt terminal. carefu ully this use er guide: Itt gives you u the necesssary We recommend you to read info ormation abo out safety precautions, , unpacking,, installation n, and mainttenance of your term minal. WARRANTY/SEC CURITY from m the guarantee‐related product, and to respectt the securitty, we ask yo ou to To benefit use only the po ower supplyy delivered in box with h the product, entrustin ng maintenaance operations onlyy to an autho orized perso on. ure to comp ply with thesse instruction ns will avoid d the manufaacturer’s ressponsibility. Failu 2. Unpackiing ADV VICE Care efully preserrve the packkaging of the e E820. It mu ust be re‐use ed wheneve er the termin nal is ship pped. ording to th he model, the t followin ng items are e included in the E820 0 box (inclu uding Acco optiional accessories): The E8 820 terminall The main power su upply with itts cord (acco ording to the national n needs) A battery pack disconnected This usser guide UTION CAU The power supp ply unit provvided with your equipment is speciaally designed d for Landi E820 term minals. Do no ot use any other powerr supply. The e use of a po ower supply with appare ently simiilar voltage/ccurrent charracteristics may m damage e your terminal. 3. Appearaance of E820 This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. To op cover, LCD displayy, LED disp play, Keyp pad IC C card slot, Back cover, Magnettic card swip ping slot Paper block board, Pap per entry, Paper exit, Manual paaper feed knoob nication porrt, power kkey, Power indicattion lights, Base infrared commun Automatic aliigning paperr button ⑧A Base infrared d communicaation port, SAM1 card d socket, MicroSD card d socket, USB U port, Battery covver SAM2 card ssocket This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. COM1 port, COM2 portt, Power supply socke et, Ethernet Link RJ455 Port U port, E USB Extension te elephone connection, Telephone connection, Base: Pow wer Supply 50~60Hz/1.2A Input:AC 110V~240V Output:24 4VDC,1.8A Haandset: 50~60Hz/0.2A Input:AC 110V~240V Ou utput:5VDC,1.0A Weight Dim mension (L x W x H) Elecctrical mains network Haandset:265g g(with the baattery) Baase: 559g Haandset: 145.5mm x 80.6mm x 35.5m mm Baase: 293.6mm m×129.3mm m×84.5mm 110 0‐240VAC/50 0‐60Hz Ope erating cond ditions Amb bient tempe erature Max x relative humidity 0℃~40℃ ℃ 5%~90℅, Non‐conden nsing Storrage conditions Storrage temperrature Max x relative humidity ‐20℃~70℃ ℃ 5%~90℅, Non‐conden nsing 3.1 Keypad fu unction The Reserve ed function Keys/Navig gation Keys can have otther functio ons accordin ng to the applicattion that are e in the term minal. This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. Reserved Function Keys & Navvigation Keys Men nu Key: to be e used alone e or with oth her keys, depending on customer ne eeds. Pow wer Key: to switch power or scre een display. Details re efer to "Sw witch Operattion" instrruction. Cancel Key (Red d): to cancell the currentt operation or o return to the parent m menu. ow): to delette the latest input. Cleaar Key (Yello Ente er Key (Gree en): to confirrm current operation an nd information 0~9 Keys: to inp put number from 0 to 9. PHA: to switcch alphanum meric ALP Character (* #.): to switch h character 4. Use of the terminal 4.1 Power on n/Power off o the terrminal To power on: Prressbutton for about 1s un ntil the display shows th he Landi logo. To power off: Press button fo or more than n 2s until the e display sho ow the follow wing figure, select using navigaation keys, then press vaalidation keyy (green). If th he battery is empty, the terminal auttomatically shuts off. Abn normal powe er off: Whe en the deviice works abnormally, for examplle, it is crasshed and no o actions menu This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. pop pped out wh hile pressing the power button, pleaase long‐pre ess the powe er button fo or 6s, the device will be b automatically powere ed off. Scre een switch operation: Short‐press the power buttton for abou ut 0.5s, the terminal disp play will be tturned on orr off. 4.2 Reading cards Mag gnetic stripe e card The card can be read bi‐directionallly, with the e stripe faccing the term minal. Use a regular mo ovement in order to en nsure a reliable card read ding. Smaart card Inse ert the card horizontallyy with the metal chip faacing upw ward and leave in position throughout the tran nsaction. ntactless card (optional)) Con Brin ng the card firmly up to t the activve zone. Keep the card closse to the reader during the t transaction. On the scree en virtual LEDs are displayed to indicate tran nsaction processing. 4.3Installing g Moduless This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. 4.3.1 SAM1//SAM2/SIM CAU UTION: Swittch off the terminal befo ore opening g the trapdoor. onnectors are located in nside the terrminal, in a closed comp partment. The SAM/SIM co Turn the te erminal and remove the e trapdoor after using screwdriver r to unscrew w the screw. SAM1, SAM M2 and SIM are a identified d by the eng graved markks on the low wer housing.. Remove baattery pack (disconnecti ing is not ne ecessary) . Install the SA AM/SIM card d into the co onnector slot as show on n the figure.. When intro oducing a SA AM/SIM in its slot, be su ure to put the cut cornerr as indicate ed on the picture e. Close the trapdoor and d tighten the e screw. SAM card SIM card TICE NOT The appearance e of the sockets of SIM card and SA AM is same.. Please do p pay attentio on to the SIM card socket position. Only ce ertain config gurable pro oducts contaaining SIM card, pleaase consult the t custome er Manager. This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. 4.3.2 MicroS SD Memo ory Card CAU UTION: Swittch off the terminal befo ore opening g the trapdoor. MicrroSD connector is lo ocated inside the te erminal, in a closed com mpartment. Turn the te erminal and remove the e trapdoor after using screwdriver to unscrew w the screw. MicroSD arre identified by the engrraved markss on the lowe er housing. Remove baattery pack (disconnecti ing is not ne ecessary). over backwaards and open it. Insert MicroSD card and then Push the co close the cover and pull forwarrds. Be sure e to put th he MicroSD contacts do ownside and d the cut corrner as indiccated on the e figure. d screw it. Close the trapdoor and The terminal supports MicrroSD up to 32GB. 4.4 4 Battery 4.4 4.1 Installing the baattery CAU UTION: Check that the terminal is not conneccted to the main electriic work. netw Turn your terminal an nd unclip th he battery trapdoor by pushing the e clips as sho own with th he arrow on the picture. Take the baattery pack included in the t box. Locate the e battery pack connecctor beside the batterry compartme ent. Plug the baattery pack connector according to the connecctor locating sysstem. Place the battery pack in its compaartment. Close the battery trapd door. 4.4 4.2 Charging the baattery When doess the batteryy need to be e charged? When used daily, the t terminall recharges its battery each time the e power adaapter is conn nected. Charrging is auto omatic. This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. How can th he battery be e charged? ng the powe er adapter Usin Connect the powe er adapter to o the termin nal micro US SB type A co onnector loccated e left side of the terminaal. on the Connect the powe er adapter to o the powerr supply main ns network. he display is lighted. (It means batte ery charging)) Check if the Red LED under th 4.5Paper roll 4.5.1 Installing paperr roll Put the priint paper intto the pape er bucket an nd keep the top of the printt paper in th he paper enttry. w counter clockwise to o put in pap per. Rotate a paaper knob with utton to maake the head d of Press automatic aligning paper bu w the pape er exit. the print paaper flush with 4.5.2 Autom matic align ning pape er button instructio ons Insert the paper head d into paperr entry, rotaate the man nual paper feed kno ob counter‐‐clockwise for f a short distance, then O key for abo out 1s, term minal will auttomatically level presss the AUTO the paper head and exit. 4.6 6 Base Insttallation Please conn nect the socket as show wn with the arrow on the e picture. This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. 5. Recomm mendatio ons 5.1 Safety hium cell battery Lith The E820 is fittted with lith hium cell wh hich is not accessible to o the user. Only a quallified tech hnician may be authorized to open the t unit and d change thiss componen nt. Lith hium‐ion battery E820 is fitted with battery specially dessigned for th his terminal. per operation of batte ery may leaad to explo osion and fire. Contactt the Improp qualifie ed service person to chaange the battery if in ne eed. Do nott disassemble or modifyy the batteryy. Do nott put the batttery into a liquid or exp posed to rain n or snow. Do nott short‐circuit the batterry Do nott beat and drop Keep the t battery far f away from the fire Keep the t battery out o of the re each of child dren Batterries must be disposed off at appropriate collectio on points. The lifespan of battery depends on: Featurres Cycle number of charge and discharge Use temperature Electrical po ower supp ply networrk Provvide an electtrical outlet:: - Located near the equipm ment and easily accessib ble - Which meetss the standaards and regulations in the country of o use. This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. SAM M1/SAM2//SIM Read ders comp partmentt The trapdoor for f battery, SAM1/SAM M2/SIM, read ders located d underneatth the term minal, musst be in place e during the e normal ope eration of th he terminal. On airplaness Your terminal must be switched off by removing the batteryy pack. Rem move the batttery m the termin nal when on an airplane. from Non n‐compliance e with these e safety rule es may resu ult in legal action and/or a ban on later acce ess to cellulaar network services. Exp plosion arreas Som me regulations restrict the use of raadio equipm ment in chem mical plants, fuel depotss and any site where blasting is carried out.. You are urrged to com mply with these regulations. The terminal sh hall be prote ected by a specially fittted and certtified cover enabling usse in prox ximity to a fuel pump. Thu understorrm weather Acco ording to so ome relevan nt reports, the mobile phone elecctromagnetiic wave is good conductor of lightning. Itt is much easier to su uffer lightning strike w when the damp mosphere forrm a magne etic conductivity, especiially in open n areas. Do n not use wire eless atm term minals underr thundersto orm weatherr. Electronic he ealth appliances Your terminal iss a radio traansmitter which may intterfere with h health app pliances, succh as ospital equip pment, etc. hearing aids, paacemaker, ho b able to prrovide you w with appropriate Your doctor or the equipment manufacturer will be adviice. 5.2 Security of o your te erminal Upo on receipt off your terminal you shou uld check fo or signs of taampering off the equipm ment. It is strongly ad dvised that these checkss are performed regularrly after receipt. You sh hould checck, for exam mple: that the keypad is firmly in place; that there is no evid dence of unu usual wire es that have e been connected to any ports on your terminaal or associaated equipm ment, the chip card reader, or any a other part of your terminal. Such checkss would pro ovide warrning of any unauthorrized modifications to your terminal, and o other suspiccious behavior of ind dividuals thaat have acccess to you ur terminal. Your terminal detects any mpered statte”. In this state the terrminal will repeatedly flash the me essage “Warrning “tam Dete ected” and further use of the te erminal will not be po ossible. If you observe e the “Waarning Deteccted” messaage, you sho ould contact the terminaal helpdesk immediatelyy. You are strongly advised to o ensure thaat privileged access to your terminaal is only granted ependently verified as being trustw worthy. to sttaff that havve been inde This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. CAU UTION Nevver ask the customer to divulge their PIN Code. Customers should be ad dvised to en nsure thatt they are no ot being ove erlooked when entering their PIN Co ode. The terminal must never be put in or o left at a location where it cou uld be stole en or replaced with another devicce. 5.3 Cleaning of the terrminal Firstt of all, unplug all the wiires from terrminal. Goo od rules for proper clean ning of the te erminal are: Use a soft cloth that is veryy slightly so oaked with soapy watter to clean n the outside of terminaal. con nnections. Do nott clean the electrical Do no ot use in any case, so olvents, dettergents or abrasive p products: Th hose materiials might daamage the plastic or ele ectrical contaacts. Avoid exposing the terminal to the direct rays of the sun. Do nott put anythin ng into the slot s of the sm mart card re eader. 5.4Transportt and storrage Ado opt general transportati on mode, an nd prevent the t goods frrom sunlightt, snow, show wer and mechanicall impact. Traansport the devices with h care, do no ot throw it fo orcibly. Prevvent the packaging from extrusion during trransportatio on, to avoid breakage. The product sho ould be storred in the oriiginal packin ng box. The warehouse is not allowe ed to have all sortss of harmful gases, inflam mmable, exp plosive, corrrosive chem mical goods, stro ong mechaniical vibration n and strong g magnetic field. Packing g box should d be at leastt 15cm m above the e ground, and be away frrom heat, co old, window w or air inlet ssource at leaast 50cm m. 6. Standarrd CE Marking The CE marking g indicates E820 complies with th he requirements of Eurropean Direcctive 19955/5/EC of 9 March 1990 on o Radio and Telecomm munications Terminal Equ uipment forr: The prrotection of the health and a the safetty of the use er and any o other person n. The prrotection req quirements with w respectt to electrom magnetic compatibility. And d complies with w harmoniised standarrds. E820 involved standards are: 950‐1 EN609 EN301 489 EN301 511 EN300 0 328 EN 300 0 330 EN505566 This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. FCC C Stateme ent FCC standard co ompliance marking certiifies that the e product stipulated bellow: E820 conform ms to the following harm monized stan ndards : – part 15 subp part B of the e FCC rules ormation to users: Info Anyy Changes or o modificattions not expressly ap pproved by the party responsible e for com mpliance cou uld void the user’s autho ority to operrate the equipment. TE: This equipment has been tested d and found d to comply with the lim mits for a Claass B NOT digittal device, pursuant to part 15 of th he FCC Rule es. These lim mits are designed to pro ovide reassonable pro otection agaainst harmfful interfere ence in a residential in nstallation. This equipment gen nerates usess and can raadiate radio frequency energy and,, if not instaalled the insttruction, maay cause harmful interfference to radio and used in accordance with com mmunication ns. Howeverr, there is no n guarantee e that interrference will not occur in a partticular installation. If th his equipme ent does caause harmfu ul interferen nce to radio or television recep ption which can be dete ermined by turning the equipmentt off and on, the nce by one or more o of the follow wing userr is encouraaged to tryy to correctt interferen meaasures: ‐ Reorient or rellocate the re eceiving antenna. eparation be etween the equipment and a receiverr. ‐ Inccrease the se ‐ Co onnect the equipment into an ou utlet on circcuit differen nt from thaat to which h the rece eiver is conn nected. ‐ Consult the de ealer or an ex xperienced radio/TV tecchnician for help. mplies with FCC F exposurre limits set forth for an n uncontrolle ed environm ment. Thiss device com Thiss transmitte er must nott be co‐locaated or ope erating in conjunction with any other ante enna or tran nsmitter. Non n‐compliance e with the above resttrictions maay result in violation o of RF expo osure guid delines. mplies with Part 15 of th he FCC Ruless. Operation n is subject tto the follow wing Thiss device com two o conditions: (1) this de evice may no ot cause haarmful interfference, and d (2) this de evice musst accept an ny interferen nce received d, including interference e that may ccause undessired operation. Envvironment (WEEE, Batteries and packkaging) Thiss product is labeled in accordance with Europ pean Directiives 2002/96 6/EC concerrning Wasste Electricaal and Electrronic Equipm ment (WEEE E) and 2006//66/EC concerning Batte eries and Accumulattors. Those provisions are requirring produccers and manufacturerrs to beco ome liable for f take‐back, treatmen nt and recycling upon en nd of life off equipmentt and battteries. This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. BAT TTERIES If yo our productt contains batteries, they must be e disposed of o at approp priate collecction poin nts. THE E PRODUCT The crossed‐outt waste bin stuck on the product or its accesso ories means that the product bellongs to the e family of electrical and d electronic equipment,, and wasste batteries must nott be thrown away butt collected separately and recyycles. Pleaase contactt your retailers for more detailed informatiion about the compliaance solu ution in place e for disposiing of your old o product and used baatteries. Packkaging waste must alsso be colleccted separaately to assure a proper disposal and recyycling. In this way you u can participate in the e re‐use and upgrading of Electricaal and Electrronic on the e environme ent and human health. Equipment Wasste, which caan have an effect 7. Troubleshooting Q: The termiinal cannot be b started. A The devicce might be A: e under low w energy staatus or the program maay be damaaged. Please make sure th he power is enough and d then restarrt your devicce. If it still fails, please co ontact our customer serrvice departtment for he elp. Q: The batte ery cannot be charged. A Please usse only the power A: supp ply provided d by Landi. Using wrong g type of po ower supply will w probablyy damage th he battery or o lead to malfunction. . Make sure e the power caable, specified power arre well connected with terminal. If the terrminal still caannot work,, the batteryy may be end of life or d damaged. Please contact our o custome er service ce enter. Q: Transacttion Processsing Failure A: Followin ng reasons are a likely to cause transsaction failure: damaged d magnetic card or smart card SAM card, damage ed card read der, imprope er operation n of card swiiping, d or unconnected, unco onnected phone line, etcc. damaged Try to use more th han one mag gnetic card to t test the transaction, to confirm m the failure is not cause ed by magne etic card. card sw wiping is ope erated correctly. Make sure Manuaally process the transacction instead d of card re eader. If man nual transacction works,, the failure may be caussed by magn netic card re eader. Use more than on ne smart carrd to test th he transactio on, to confirm the failu ure is not caused by smaart card. Maake sure the SAM card is correctly inserted into o the card slot. This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduceed or divulged without the com mpany’s written n approval. Check if the SIM card is insttalled correctly and loccal wireless communica ation netwo ork functionss or nor. If there is still problem, please con ntact our cusstomer service center. al Equipmennt Co., Ltd. Thiss Document is Copyrightt © 2015 by FFujian LANDI Commercia Fujiaan LANDI retains full cop pyright own nership, rights and prote ection in all m material conttained in thiis documentt. The recipieent can rece eive this document on thhe condition thatt he will keep p the docum ment confideential and will not use its contents inn any form or o by any means, except as agree ed beforeha nd, without the prior written permiission of Fujian LAN NDI. Moreover, nobody is i authorized d to place th his documen nt at the dispposal of any third d party with hout the prio or written peermission off Fujian LAND DI. If such peermission is gran nted, it will be b subject to o the condittion that the e recipient en nsures that aany other recip pient of thiss document, or informattion contained therein, is i held respoonsible to Fu ujian LAN NDI for the confidentialitty of that infformation. e has been taken to ensure that the conten nt of this document iss as accuratte as Care posssible. Fujian Landi howe ever declinees any respo onsibility for inaccuratee, incomplette or outd dated inform mation. The e contents o of this docu ument may change froom time to time with hout prior notice, and do not creeate, specifyy, modify orr replace anny new or prior conttractual obliigations agreed upon in writing between Fujian n LANDI and the user. Fujiaan LANDI is not responssible for anyy use of this device, which would bee non‐consisstent with h the presen nt documentt. in this document reemain the property of their rightfull owners. All ttrademarks used Fujiaan LANDI Co ommercial Eq quipment Co o., Ltd ou District, Add:No.68, Ho ong Shan Yua an Road, Gulo Fuzzhou Municip pality, Fujian Province, P..R. China. Tel: +86‐591‐88077077 077085 Fax:: +86‐591‐880 ZIP: 350003 http p://www.land dicorp.com This document is the property of o LANDI. Its content canno ot be reproduce ed or divulged w without the com mpany’s written n approval.
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