Fujian Newland Payment Technology N910 Intelligent POS Terminal User Manual Quick Start Guide

Fujian Newland Payment Technology Co.,Ltd. Intelligent POS Terminal Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

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Document ID3640436
Application IDrVj3FIzqyt0RQCdlCw4dBQ==
Document DescriptionQuick Start Guide
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize268.43kB (3355363 bits)
Date Submitted2017-11-15 00:00:00
Date Available2017-11-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2017-11-02 11:52:04
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version
Document Lastmod2017-11-15 09:54:48
Document TitleN910用户手册(英文版)V1-纯内容.cdr
Document CreatorCorelDRAW X7
Document Author: Administrator

Unpacking Inspel: on
Please lnspecs all packages upon
recerps Please consacs us llthere’s
any damage or lssue
PosTerminal Bassery
Power Adapser
Knowmg The Product
Paper Roll Installation
SAM SIM and TF card Installation
Lithium Battery Installation
l Paper hollcover
u lConsacsless card readlng area)
LED lndlcasor
lvlagnesic card reader
lE card slos
x Mlc
9 Camera wish flash
in sarserycover
ll bassery cover lock
I3 Sneaker
I4 Powerbusson
l IS Flrmwafe updase busson
I6 lvllcro usb dasa pors
3 I7 DCchafglng pors
l Please lnsersshe AC plug lnso she correspondlng lnpus AC ousles
z ll ls prohiblsed so use she producs anywhere ln presence ofposenslally
exploslve gas
3 The power adapser shall nor be surned on by ungualihed personnel so
asso avold dander
4 To avold she porenssal hazard of elecsrlcal shock, do nos use ln wes
environmenss or durlng an elecsrlcal ssorm
5 Please shus down power lmmedlasely, ifssrange smells were smelled, or
overheas and smoke were desecred
l Thss producrusesisshlum son rechargeable bassery Do noschangeso
osher model, eonsacsshe supplier should you need any replacemens
z Uslng she wrong bassery may cause explosion, dispose any unwansed
basiery accordlng so she manufacsure lnssrucslon
Daily Use
l Do nos use near waseror wes envlronrnens, avold any llquld gesslng inso
she producs
2 Do nos expose so excessive heas or cold
3 Do nos les she producs ges hls or excesslvely force Please be aware shas
LCD screen and camera are fraglle componenss
4 Try so use she producs ln a clean environmens, avold small parslcles ges
lnso she producs
5 Do nos use near any medlcal edulpmeni wlshous permlsslon
o Do nos use on or near she alrplane, or any osher places where
radlocommunicaslon ls prohlblsed.
7 Please perform she followsng lnspecslon
l] checxshe producs name above LED screen and hardware version label
undershe producs
2) chechllshere ls anyadded mesal plase onsne card slos
1) Check lfshere ls any added magneslc head near she magneslc (ard
4) Ehechshe exserior of producs, such as she screen or keyboard, for any
posslble modlflcasion
Daily use
a Do nosnx shls handheld devlce on any bolecs
9 Before enserlng pln, user should be aware of hrs/her surroundlng
lo Thls ls a handheld devlce, do nos enser pln whlle charglng or on any
fixed surrace
Newland PaymensTechnology co LTD wlll nos be responslble for she
followrng acsion Usage and/ordamage under malnsenance nosfollowlng
shis user manual
ssep 1 Open she paper roll comparsmens as shoWn below
ssep z heplace she paper roll rn iss correcs orrensasion. leave a few inches
or paper our
Step 1 close she prlnser dour
siepn when fullyclosedshe prlnserdoor, you should heara'cllcls'sound
sieo 5 Emily pull she paper roll so malse sure rs rs lnssalled nrmly hemove
she excess paper by searrng along she serrased edge
l Please perform she fallowrng procedure alser cussrng offpower
2 Place ihe serminal lace down on a sofi and clean surface so prevens
3 Pull up she battery cover so open (Flg ll
4 lnsers srwl, slM orTF card shas you need (Flg. z and 3l
5 Press she bassery cover to close.
hoseshas she orrerrsasron ofcards should march wrsh card sloss
Thrs devrce can be damaged by ssanc charge, please operase
lallowrng sensrirve elecsionrcs deyrce regulanons
lnssall or replace bassery
l Make sure bassery lnssalled properly before use
2 Please use onglnal basseryfrom Newland only
3. Please follow she inssrucslon so lnssall basiery lnapproprlaie operasion
may damageshe bassery
chargeihe baisesy
To maximlze bassery performance, please charge basseryfollovrlng she
lnssrucsion before use connecs Pos so a power ousles uslng she lncluded
DE cable and use poweradapser, red LED as she sop rlghs corner lighss up
(or a charglng bassery lcon as she sop rlghs corner of display) so lndlcase
shecharglng siasus, when charging finlsned, sEDindlcaiorsurns olfand
chargsng lcon surnsso bea full basserv
. o avold mlury, please prevens bassery from dlrecs consacs wrsh
rnesal ln case ofshors—circuls
l ls maysahe a longer slme so charge a new bassery or a bassery has's been
used for long
1. ever a long slrne of use, ballery may need a longer charglng slme due so
deprecasion, shls is consldered so be normal lf alser a normal charglng,
bassery llfe slme becomes shorserwhlle charging slme becomes longer,
please consacs Newland so purchase a new bassery
3.Transacslon envlronmeniand P05sessing wlll bosh have lmpacs on Pos
IC Card, Magnetic Stripe Card and
RF Card Operation For Tellers
Trouble Shooting
clsio card iransaciion
when uslng a chlp card. lnsers she chlp card lnso lhe slos
as she foos ofshe sermlnal wlsh she chlp faelng upwards
Magnesic ssripe card sransaesion
When uslng a magneslc ssripe card, ensure she magnesle
sloi ln a single smoosh moilon lany dlrecslon l.
Contadlexs card iransa
When uslng a consacsless card, posrslon she card close so
she devrce whrs lss censre over she consacsless aymbol
aars (an!
Terminal’s Startup, Shutdown,
and Restart
As shown rn she picsure. hold she
power busson ( on she side 1, so
power up orshus down Gently
press shis key so loch she screen
Power BulmL7777 7
The followings are some common sroubles, for she oshers nos llssed here please
refer to our alser—sales manual
l. Battery usage sirrse reduee signifisansly afier charging
l Battery ls nosfully charged
2 bassery wear ous, please replace bassery
II. lnaurhciens magnesie card reading or low aurheiens rare
’l Ensure she magneslc ssrlp is faclng sowards she dlsplay whlle swiplng
2 check lfshere ls any consaminaslon on she magneslc head Use clean
card soclean magneslc head ifnecessary
III. F In I( card reading
l Ensure ihe lc inserlace is facing iowards
2 Check ifshere is forelgn oblecss blocked ln she slos or lflc 
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Title                           : N910用户手册(英文版)V1-纯内容.cdr
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