Fujitsu Technology Solutions SCENICD701 User Manual 82592

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Date Submitted2000-01-21 00:00:00
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Attachment A: User Manual
For FCC statement please refer to user manual page 74
Date: Apr. 29, 1996
SI E M E N S Slemens ledorl Informanonssysleme AG
Parsonal Computer Scenic Pro D7
FCC Idenmier:
FCC/"Maui? MAY 1 5 “395
Operating Manual
March 1998 edition
Microsoft. ms. MS-Dos, Windows and Mndows NT are Trademarks or Micrusofl
VESA and DPMS are trademavks at Video Electronics Standards Association,
PS/2 ts a registered trademark ot Internatrunsl Busmess Machines, Inc.
Pentium is a regvstered trademark 07 Inlet Corporation, USA
AH other trademarks reterencsd are trademarks or registered trademarks at their respective
Dwnels, whose protected rights are acknowledged.
Copyright © Siemens Nixdofl Intormaticnssysleme AG 1999.
All rights, Including fights ot tvanstalion, reproduction by prrnnng, cepyrng u! srmnar melhcds.
even or pans are reserved.
onenuers thI be tiable «or damages.
All rights, includtng rigms created by patent grant or registration at a urimy model or design.
are reserved.
Delwery subject to avaltabiltty, Right 0! 1echnical moditicalion reserved.
This Operating Manual tells you how to put your PC into operation and how to
operate it in daily use It applies for all configuration levels. Depending on the
configuration level chosen some 01 the hardware components described may not
be available on your PC Please observe the notes on your operating system.
Your SCENIC Pro D is a powerful PC which is suitable for both professional and
private use
Your PC is available in various conliguration levels, which differ in hardware and
software equipment. Depending on the configuration level, the PC is equipped with
an audio port, a chipcard reader and an infrared port Systems, which do not offer
one of these functions. can be upgraded at any lime according to your
Depending on the configuration level chosen, your PC is supplied with Windows
for Workgroups. Windows 95 or Windows NT as the operating system.
Your PC has a number of security features to ensure that no unauthorized persons
can access your data. For example, you can activate a screen saver with
password protection The security functions in the BIOS Selup also allow you to
protect your data by means of passwords In addition, you can also look your PC
mechanically using the cover lockt Systems with a drive cover and a chipcard
reader offer additional protection.
Further information on this PC is provided
in the manual "Safety and Ergonomics"
in the Operating Manual for the monitor
in the Technical Manual for the system board
in the manual “BIOS Setup"
in the documentation of your operating system
in the information files (e. g. *,TXT, *.WRI, *.DUC, ” HLP)
in the installation Gwde "Windows NT Setup' (for Windows NT systems only)
Some of the manuals listed can be found on the CD “Drivers & Utilities"
provided with your computer. These manuals can be read and printed
with the Acrobat Reader contained on the CD,
A2636HK6441|02~3~76|9 1
Introduction Notational conventions
Notational conventions
The meanings of the symbols and fonts used in this manual are as follows:
6 Pay particular attention to texts marked with this symbol. Failure to
observe this warning endangers your lite. destroys the system. or may
lead to loss of data.
This symbol is followed by supplementary intormation. remarks and tips.
> Texts which tollow this symbol describe activities that must be performed in the
order shown.
_ This symbol means that you must enter a blank space at this point.
J This symbol means that you must press the Enter key.
Texts m thls typeface are screen outputs tram the PC.
Texts in this bold typeface are the entries you make via the keyboard.
Texts m ilalics indicate commands or menu item.
"Quotation marks" indicate names of chapters and terms that are being
2 M6361-KM4-2102-3-7619
Important notes
In this chapter you will find information regarding salety which it is essential to take
note of when working with your PC The manulacturer's notes contain heip‘iul
inlormation on your PC
Pay attention to the information provided in the manuai "Salety and
0 During installation and belore operating the device, observe the instructions
on environmentai conditions in the chapter entitled "Technical data" as well as
the instructions in the chapter tiregarationfllor use and operation“.
0 Please check whether the devtoe is set to the Iocai power supply (see chapter
"Prepa r,use and opera} ).
. The main switch and the ON/OFF switch do not disconnect the system unit
trom the line voltage. To disconnect the line voltage compietely, remove the
power plug from the grounded power outlet.
0 When cleaning the devtce, observe the relevant notes in the paragraph
“Cleaning the PC“,
0 When connecting and disconnecting cables. observe the relevant notes in the
chapter “Preparation tor LlSejiflSLDQeVEUON'.
n Repiace the lithium battery on the system board in accordance with the
inslmctions in the chapter ‘Qstemgxpansions - Replacmg the whim
- Caution: components on the system board can get very hot.
- Keep this Operating Manual together with your device. it you pass on the
device to third parties. you should also pass on the Operating Manual.
A26361~K444-th12-3-7619 3
Important notes Safety
Notes on installing and removing boards
Boards with electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) may be identified by labels.
When you handle boards filled with ESDs, you must observe the lollowing points
under all circumstances
You must always discharge yoursell (e.g. by touchan a grounded object)
before working,
The equipment and tools you use must be free ol static charges
Pull out the power plug before inserting or pulling out boards containing
Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges
Never touch pins or conductors on boards fitted wnh ESDst
Manufacturer's notes Important notes
Manufacturer's notes
Energy saving
When the PC is delivered. some energy-saving functions are already set (see
Technical Manual tor the system board or in the manual ”BIOS Setup")
- |r you are not using your PC. swrtch it ott,
- In the BIOS Setup you may set iurther energy—saving tunctions tor the PC (see
the Technical Manual of the system board or in the manual “BIOS Setup“),
Energy saving under Windows NT
lithe attached monitor and screen controller support power management in
accordance with VESA (DPMS), the screen saver Fowermver can be used to
switch the monitor into power management mode.
Energy saving under Windows 95
Using the Deskwck program you can lock the mouse and keyboard so that no
input can be made. It the attached monitor supports power management in
accordance With VESA (DPMS), l| can be switched into powerrsaving mode at the
same time.
in addition the Srrpen Saver tab allows you to set energy-saving functions for your
screen Select the following item in the start menu: Set/mg: - Control Panel . Display
- Dupruy Prapmie: . Screen Saver — Energy wring/"(111111701 ofmonimr.
With the deiault setting Cunrml Punel — Power — Advanced additional energy Saving
teatures 01 Windows 95 are available.
Energy saving under Windows for Workgroups
Windows tor Workgroups) enables you to lock entry at your mouse and keyboard.
It the attached monitor supports power management in accordance with VESA
(DPMS), it can be switched into power-saving mode at the same time.
A2635|>KM~Z|02~3~7N9 5
Important notes Manufacturer‘s notes
Disposal and recycling
This device has been manufactured to the greatest possible degree from materials
which can be recycled or disposed of in a manner that is not environmentally
damaging. The devtce is taken back after use, so that it can be recycled provided
that it is returned in a condition which is the result at normal use Any components
not recuperaled will be disposed 01 in an environmentally acceptable manner.
For devices marked with this symbol Siemens Nixdorl
Intormationssysleme AG (SNI) pliers a guarantee for 36
months with a Bring-in-Service. The guarantee starts on the
day oi delivery (sale date) by SNI or an SNI partner
We herewith declare that it will be possible to repair any
device marked with the eco-label lor at least 5 years alter
production of that device has discontinued.
Inlorrnaticn on power management and energy saving mode
can be found in chapter "mhnical data",
Do not throw I|th|urn batteries or accumulators mm the trashcan. They must be
disposed of in accordance with local regulations concerning special waste.
Il you have any questions on disposal, please conlact your local olllce, our service
department, or, directly
Siemens Nixdort Informalionssysteme AG
Recycling Center
D-33094 Paderborn
Tel, .,49 (05251) 818013
Fax: ..49 (05251) 518 015
CE certificate
This device complies with the requirements of the EEC directive
c E BS/SSG/EEC “Electromagnetic compatibility" and 73/23/EEC "Low
voltage d|rective' with amending directive 93/SE/EEC
6 A253617K444—21027377519
Manufacturer's notes Important notes
FlFI suppression
All other devices connected to or integrated in this product must have RFI
suppression in accordance with EC directive 69/336/EEC, Products meeting these
requirements are accompanied by a certificate issued by the manulacturer and
carry Ihe CE symbol.
FCC Class B Compliance Statement
If there is an FCC statement on the device. then:
The following statement appiies to the products covered in this manuai, unless
otherwise specified herein. The statement for other products will appear in the
accompanying documentation.
This equipment has been tested and tound to comply with the limits for a "Ciass B"
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC rules and meets all requirements of
the Canadian Interlerence-Causing Equipment Regulations. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmlul interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, it not installed and used in strict accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interlerence to radio communications. However,
there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If
this equipment does cause harmful interierence to radio or television reception,
which can be determined by turning the equipment oil and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interlerence by one or more ot the following
Heorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
increase the separation between equipment and the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit dillerent lrom that to which
the receiver is connected,
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor help.
Siemens Nixdorf Inlormationssystame AG is not responsible for any radio or
television intenerence caused by unauthorized modifications oi this equipment or
the substitution or attachment of connecting cables and equipment other than
those specified by Siemens Nixdorl Informalionssysterne AG. The correction cl
interferences caused by such unauthorized modification, substitution or
attachment will be the responsibility of the user.
A26251'KM2102—377619 7
Important notes Manufacturer's notes
The use oi shielded l/O cabtes is required when connecting this equipment to any
and all optional peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC rules.
Power cord selection
The power cord tor this unit has been packed separately and has been selected
according to the country of destination. It must be used to prevent electric shock.
Use the following guidelines lf it is necessary to replace the original cord set
” ’7 ' T 7 The iemale receptacle of the cord set
must meet GEE-22 requirements (see
Figure 1).
4 T
Flgure 1
For the United States and Canada
Use a UL listed and CSA labeled cord set consisting of a three conductor cord with
a maximum length of 15 test
For units which stand on a desk or table type SVT or SJT cord sets shall be used.
For units Wthh stand on item, only SJT type cord sets shall be used
The cord set must be selected according to the current rating for your unit. Please
consult Table A tor the selection criteria for power cords used in the United States
and Canada.
a Azeaet «Au-2102444519
Manulacturers notes
Important notes
Table A:
Cord Type Size 01 Conductors Maximum Current
in Cord Rating 01 Unit
SJT 18 AWG 10 Amps
16 AWG 12 Amps
14 AWG 12 Amps
SVT 18 AWG 10 Amps
17 AWG 12 Amps
For units 39131115 V:
use a parallel blade, grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A, 125 v (Figure 2),
For units set at 230 V (domestic use):
use a Iandem blade, grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A. 250 V
(Figure 3),
Flgure 2
Figure 3
For units set at 230 V (outside of the United States and Canada):
use a cord set consisting of a minimum AWG according to Table A and a
grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A. 250 V. The card set should have the
appropriate salety approvals lor the country in which the squrpment will be
installed and should be marked HAR.
Important notes Manufacturer‘s notes
For the United Kingdom
Should the plug on the flexible cord not be oi the type for your socket outlets. do
not use an adapter but remove the plug from the cord and discard Caretully
prepare the end ol the supply cord and fit a suitable plug.
The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the followmg code
Green and Yellow: Earth
Blue: Neutral
Brown: Live
As the colours of the wires in the mains lead ol this appliance may not correspond
with the coloured markings identifying the terminals in your plug, proceed as
The wire which is coloured Green and Yellow must be connected to the
terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter E or by the earth symbol or
coloured Green or Green and Yellow.
The wire which 1s coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal which is
marked with the letter N or coloured Black.
The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the terminal which is
marked wmr the letter L or coloured Reds
10 Azsasi-Kw-zwz-wsie
Transporting the PC Important notes
Transporting the PC
Transport all parts separately. and in their original packaging or in a
packaging wmcn protects them from knocks and tolls, to the new site. Do
not unpack them until all transport maneuvers are compleled.
Never drop the monitor (danger of implosion)!
Cleaning the PC
Turn oft all power and equipment switches and pull the power plug out of
the grounded power outlets
Do not clean any interior parts yourself, leave this job to a service
Do not use any cleaning agents that contain abrasives or may corrode
Ensure Ihal no liquid enlers the system,
Ensure that the ventilation areas at the system unit and the monitor are
A2636l-K4441102-3-7519 11
Important notes Cleaning the PC
Cleaning the system unlt amt the monitor
Wipe the system unit and monitor casing with a dry cloth. "particularly dirty‘ use a
cloth which has been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then carefully
wrung out.
Cleaning the keyboard and the mouse
Use a cloth for disinfection to clean the keyboard and the mouse.
Remove the retaining ring on the underside oi the mouse and then clean the
mouse mechanism and the rotating bail,
> Using both thumbs exert downward pressure on the notches ol the retaining
ring and turn the ring counter—clockwise (1).
> Remove the retaining ring and the rotating ball from the mouse (2),
> clean the three small wheels in the mouse and the ball With a Iinl~free cloth.
> Replace the bail and the retaining ring 13),
> Using both thumbs exert downward pressure on the notches of the retaining
ring (4) and turn the ring clockwise, You must feel the ring engage.
12 Azeast~K444»ztoz-e7ate
Preparation for use and operation
9 Please take note of the safety |nforrriation in the chapter “imporm
Unpacking and checking the delivery
It is recommended not to throw away the original packaging material! It may be
required for reshipment at some later date.
Unpack all the individual parts.
Check the delivery for damage incurred during transport.
Check whether the delivery agrees with the details in the delivery note.
Check whether all necessary details have been entered on the first page of
the guarantee coupon booklet.
Should you discover that the delivery does not correspond to the delivery note,
notify your local sales office immediately.
If you have received drives or boards with your PC. please do not install
them until after first-time setup The chapter ' nstalling and removing a
boar " will tell you how to do this.
Maser ~K¢44-Zt DZ»3»75|9
Preparation for use and operation Preparing the PC for use
Preparing the PC for use
First-time setup includes the connection of the devices (monitor, mouse, keyboard
etc.) and the setup oi the supplied software
When you set up the PC for the first time, you should carry out the following steps
tn the order shown
Decide where you are going to use the PC.
Connect the external devices to the system unit.
Check the rated voltage at the system unit and connect it to the line voltage
Switch the PC on and follow the instructions on the screen.
Setting up the PC
When installing your PC. give consideration to the recommendations on
video workstation ergonomics in the manual ‘Satety and Ergonomics“.
Set up the PC only in its correct orientation, The polnts to observe are
illustrated on the loltowing pages
We recommend that you place your equipment on a surface with good
anti-slip qualities. In view of the multitude ol diflerent llnlshes and
varnishes used on lumiture, it is possible that the rubber feet 01 the
devices will mark the surface they stand on
Do not expose the PC to extreme environmental conditions (see chapter
”Technical dat '). Protect lt from dust, humidity and heat.
Provrde at least 200 mm oi clearance on the left in front of and behind
the ventilator area of the system unit to ensure adequate ventilation. Do
not cover the ventilation areas ol the monltor and the tan.
Do not place several system units one above the other,
Connecting devices Preparation tor use and operation
Connecting devices
The power plug must be disconnected!
Read the documentation about the extemat device before connecting it.
Do not connect or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm,
Always take hold of the actual plug body Never unplug a cable by pulling
the cable itself!
Connect and disconnect the cables in the order described below.
Connecting cables
Turn off all power and equipment switches.
Unplug all power plugs from the grounded power outlets.
Connect all cables at the system unit and peripherals Vou must observe the
information provided in the chapter "Important notes“.
Plug all data communication cables into the utility sockets.
Plug all power cables into the grounded power outlets.
Disconnecting cables
Turn on all power and equipment switches.
Unplug all power plugs trorn the grounded power outlets.
Unplug all data communication cables (rum the utility sockets.
Disconnect all cables lrom the system unit and peripherals.
A2636t~l<4441mz~a~75|9 l5
Preparation lor use and operation Connecting devices
Ports for external devices
The ports ior external devices are on the rear and on the front of the system unit.
The ports available on your PC depend on the configuration level you have
selected. The standard ports are marked with symbols like those below or similar
symbols. Exact details of the position of the ports are supplied in the Technical
Manuals lor the boards.
fi Keyboard pan 11 Serial port 1
E PS/2 mouse port T Serial port 2
D Monitor port g Parallel port
5 USE — Universal Serlal Bus @ Game port
Audio output (Line out) fit Microphone jack
Audio input (Line in) LAN LAN-pun
Some oi the devices that you connect require special drivers (see |ha
documentation tor the connected device and for the operating systemi
16 Azsasi -KA44-2102-3-7Gt9
Connecting devices Preparatlcln for use and operation
5 c D E ,
0 Q l
O 0 '
1 lg '
O | V3
®l |§
Example ol‘ the mulliluncllonal lranl panel
A) From panel wllh audlo ports 1 = Audio oulpul (Line cull
Bl Fm": panel mm cmpcam reader 2 = Audio input (Line in)
C) Frompanelwllhinlrared port 3: Mlcvophofle lack
D) From panel Wl'h lock only
El Emmy lrun! panel without drive cover
' The audio pans may be a! the rear 0! the PC.
Connecting the keyboard
Use only lhe keyboard cable supplledl
» Plug Ihe round plug ol the keyboard cable inlo (he keyboard pan on the
syslem unit.
> Plug the other connector 01 the keyboard cable into the socket on (he
underSlde ol the keyboard,
Azsam «444—21 02737761 9 17
Preparation for use and operation Connecting devices
Connecting the mouse
Plug the connector of the mouse cable into the mouse port,
If you attach a serial mouse, you can disable the mouse controller in the
HIDSVSz-mp in order to free the lRQt2 for a ditterent application. If the
mouse controller is disabled. you will not be able to operate a mouse
connected to the PS/2 mouse port
Connecting devices with serial or parallel port
Connect the data cable to the external device
Connect the data cable at the external device to the appropriate port on the
system unit.
Most devices that you connect to the serial or parallel port require special
drivers Vour operating system already includes many drivers But it the
driver you need is not on the hard disk please install it lrorn the tloppy
disk supplied with the device or with the application program
If you need to change the delault settings of the serial or parallel port
(eg address. interrupt)‘ you can do so in the BIOS Setup. The default
setting tor the interfaces are descrmed in the Technical Manual for the
system board or in the "BIOS Setup" manual.
Connecting devices Preparation for use and operation
Connecting the monitor to the line voltage
> Prepare the monitor as described in the Operating Manual tor the monitor.
> Plug the data cable ol the monitor into the monitor port oi the system unit.
> Depending on the connector. plug the monitor power cable into either the
system unit (1) or the grounded power outlet (2).
Q You may only plug the monitor power cable into the monitor connector it
the rated current of the monitor is less than 15 A (230 V) or3 A (115 V).
The rated current for the monitor is also given on the monitor itself and in
the Operating Manual tor the monitor,
usasi-KMZioz-eme 19
Preparation for use and operation Connecting the PC to the line voltage
Connecting the PC to the line voltage
100V-l25V 200V-240V
* fl fl
1 |E 1
100V-125V 200V-240V
1/79 114
f/ /
I : Nolch lor insening me screwdriver
> Check the rated voltage.
The value marked with an arrow must agree wilh Ihe local line voltage:
115=100Vl0125V 230:200V10240V
ll lhe rated vollage does not agree with the local line voltage, lift out the
plug-in unit with a screwdriver (1). turn it and replace it.
20 M5361~K¢4472l027377619
Connectwng the PC to the line voltage Preparation for use and operation
> Plug the system unit's power came into the sys‘em um! (1) and than imothe
grounded power ou|let (2).
Azsaa1-KM2102~3»761 9 21
Preparation for use and operation Unlocking/locking the system unit
Unlocking/locking the system unit
You can use the lock on the cover to lock the system unit mechanically, Ii your
syslem is equipped with a drive cover, yuu can also iock access to me ON/OFF
swnch and drives.
Unlocking the system unit
> Turn the key counierciockwise (1)
> Siide he drive cover in direciion oi the arrow (2).
Locking the system unil
> Siideme drive cover in direction oi the arrow (1) arid turn the key
clockwise (2).
22 A26351~K444~21 02-3-7er9
Switching the PC on and OH Preparation for use and operation
Switching the PC on and off
1 Main switch 0 : System unit IS switched on
2 ONIOFF swltch I = System unit is ready-to-operate
3 = Power-on indicator
System unlt Is on
The main switch (1) is in position 0 and the power—on indicator (3) does not light,
The ON/OFF switch (2) is disabled.
Azesei -K4w2|02-3»7619 23
Preparation for use and operation Swrtching the PC on and oil
System unlt Is ready-to-operale
The main switch (1) is in position I and the power—on (3) indicator lights up orange.
in this mode, you can switch the system unit on with the ONIOFF switch (2). The
“ready-to»operate' status corresponds to the "stand-by" status at a TV set.
System unit is on
The main switch (1) is in position I and the power-on indicator (51) lights up green.
The system unit can be switched ready—temperate at the ON/OFF switch (2).
Switching on the PC for the first time
When you swrtch on your PC tor the lirst time the supplied software is set up and
9 Notes on Windows NT
If your unit has been supplied with Windows NT, first read the manual
"Windows NT Setup. First Steps". and obtain the data for your system
environment requested there.
> Switch on the monitor and. it necessary, adjust the brightness (see the
Operating Manual for the monitor.
> Switch the system unit on with the main swrtch at the rear oi the system unit.
It the power-on indicator lights orange. the system unit is ready-tor
operate. Press the ON/OFF switch at the lront oi the system unit.
The power-on indicator lights green and the PC is started.
> Please ioliow the instructions on the screen.
During these operations the PC must not he switched oft nor rebooted by
means at a warm start.
24 M5361 -KA44-Zl 02-3-7519
Switching the PC on and oft Preparation for use and operation
Notes on Windows 95
The license number tor Windows 95 is printed on the tront cover at the
Windows 95 manual supplied.
It your system is not equipped with a cD-ROM drive. you should create a backup
copy alter installing Windows 95 so that you can restore the hard disk contents in
an emergency.
You need about 40 diskettes tor this.
> Create Windows 95 diskettes with the MSCSD backup program (create system
diskettes) and label them using the labels supplied
> Create the utility and driver diskettes for your system using the batch tiles in
the \PROGS\DISKS directory and label them.
Notes on Windows for Workgroups
The contents oi the utility and driver diskettes of your system are located in the
C:\DRIVER directory. You can create the corresponding diskettes by means of the
relevant batch programs,
To enable the contents ol the hard disk to be restored in an emergency‘ you
should create a bootable system disk and a backup tor DOS and Windows for
Workgroups (see the documentation for the operating system), You may as well
purchase a corresponding set of backup diskettes Contact your sales otfice or
your service
Switching on the PC
it after switching on the PC you see nothing but flickering stripes on the
screen. switch the PC oft immediately (see TQubtos noting mug -
Flickering or driftingtslrtpcs, onthe monitor screen“).
> Swrtcn the monitor on (see the Operating Manual tor the monitor).
> Swrtch the system unit on with the main switch at the rear ot the system unit.
The PC switches to the mode which was active when it was last switched oft'
> It the power-on indicator lights orange, press the ONIOFF switch at the front
of the system unit.
Preparation for use and operation Switching the PC on and off
The power—on indicator lights green and the PC is started.
If you have assigned the system password. you must enter this when
requested to do so, in order to start the operating system.
Switching off the PC
> Shut down the operating system properly.
> SWitch the system unit to ready-to~operate (with the ON/OFF swrtch) or switch
it off (with the main switch).
It the system unit is ready»to-operate. the power-on indicator lights up orange. The
system unit consumes a minimum of energy and can be switched on by an
external device (provided that the remote-on tunctionality is enabled in BIOS
When the system unit is switched oft with the main switch the power-on indicator is
dark after approx. is seconds The system unit no longer uses any power,
The main switch and the ON/OFF SWitch do not disconnect the system
1 unit from the line voltage. To disconnect the line voltage completely,
remove the power plug trom the grounded power outlet,
Switching the PC ready-to-oparate by means at sortwars
You can switch your PC ready-ta-operale via software:
- Windows 95 and Windows NT via Slur! » Shul Dawn » Shur down the cor/wale] or
using the Damp“ program
- Windows for Workgroups using the SWOFF program
Prerequisite: Your system must support switching off with software and this
functionality must be enabled in BIOS Selup (So/lPiJwer OFF . Enabled). In addition,
the sort ofl software must be installed on Windows NT systems. Opening
26 Azsasi «44411024461 9
Indicators on the system unit Preparation tor use and operation
Indicators on the system unit
CDVROM lndlcator 4 = Powerfln indicator
Chipcard reader indicator 5 = Hard disk indicator
3 = Floppy disk indicator
1 - CD-FIDM indicator
The indicator Iighls up when the CD»ROM drive of the system unit is accessed.
You may only remove the CD when the indicator is dark
2 - Chipcard reader indicator
The indicator lights up when the chipcard reader is accessed. You may only
remove the chipcard when the indicator is dark.
3 » Floppy disk indicator
The indicator lights up when the floppy disk drive of the system unit is accessed.
Vou may only remove the Happy disk when the indicator is dark
Azsasier—Zmz—xmis 27
Preparatlon for use and operetlon Indicators on the system unit
4 - Power-on Indicator
The indicator lights up green when the system unit is switched on,
The indicator lights up orange when the system unit is reedy-lo»uperate.
In this mode the PC consumes very little power and can be switched on at the
ON/OFF switch. If the remotevon function is Enabled in the BIOS Setup, the system
unit can be switched on by an incoming message (e, 9, tax, telephone call).
The indicator does not light when the system unit is switched aft.
5 - Hard disk indicator
The indicator tights up when the hard disk drive of the system unit is accessed.
28 mast-Kmimz—aqfiis
Working with floppy disks Preparation tor use and operation
Working with floppy disks
Follow lhe instruclions supplied by lhe vendor of the floppy disks.
Never clean the floppy disk drives with cleaning disks. Even just one
attempt would destroy the read/writs head in the disk drive within 20
Insemuh direction
Label area
Write protection lab for a 720 Kbyte or a MA Mbyte lloppy disk
Identification ol‘ a nu Mbyte floppy disk or write protect tab on a 120 Mbyle floppy disk
Elect button tor inserted floppy disks
Floppy disk is write protected
Floppy disk is not write-protected
> To insert a floppy disk, push it into the drive in the insenlon direction (1) until it
engages. The label should be lacing upward.
> To remove the floppy disk, press the elect button (5)
The write—protect slider enables you to prolect the data on the floppy disk lrom
inadvertent overwriting or deletion
> To protect the dale on the lloppy disk lrom being overwrillenl push the write-
protect slider to position (6). The hole is now visiblet
> To remove write-protection, push the slider to position (7). The hole is now
Azsaet -K44bZl02~3-7619 29
Preparation for use and operation Keyboard
2 3
i : Function keys 3 = Cursor ccnlrol keys
2 = Alphanumeric keypad 4 : Calculalcr keypad {numeric keypad)
Important keys and key combinations
The following description oi keys and key combrnalions relers Io MS Windows
Details oi oiher keys and key combrnations can be round in the documentation 0!
lhe relevant applicaiion program
Enter key
confirms or starls the marked selection, The enter key is also
J referred to as the “Return“ key or "Carriage Return".
Start key
rnvokes the START menu of Windows 95 and Windows NT.
Menu key
rnvnkes the menu for the marked ilem (Windows 95) and
Windows NT.
shift key
enables upper-case letters and the upper key symbols to be
All Gr
produces a character shown on the right-hand side ol a key (e. g. the
character I‘\" on the key Er
30 106361 «MA-210244519
Keyboard Preparation for use and operation
Euro key
produces the Euro character (Windows 98 and Windows NT5.0).
Num Lock key
By pressing the Nurn Lock key you switch between the upper‘ and
lower-case levels at the calculator keypad
At uppercase level (Num Lock indicator lit) the digit and comma keys
are active,
At lower-case level (Num Lock indicator not lit) the cursor control
functions are active in the calculator keypad.
Ctrl key
starts key combination actions.
Warm boot
+ restarts your PC. First hold down the El and
Alt key. and then press the Dal keyl With
Windows 95 the Task Manager appears first. The
warm start is then carried out the second time.
M6351 «mime-$7519 31
Settings in BIOS Setup
The BIOS Setup menu allows you to set your hardware configuration and system
lunctlons. When the PC is delivered. the default entnes are valid (see Technical
Manual tor the system board or in the manual “BIOS Setup"). You can customize
these settings to your requirements in BIOS Kemp.
If you want to change settings in BIOS Syrup, you must:
- call BIOS Serup
select the relevant menu
select the lield tor the entry you want to change
change the entry
make other settings, it required
save the settings and exit BIOS Setup
Th|s chapter shows you how to call and operate BIOS Setup, The menus and
setting options provided by BIOS Setup are described in detail in the Technical
Manual tor the system board or in the manual “BIOS Setup".
Calling BIOS Setup
r Reboot the PC.
One of the following messages Will be displayed at the bottom oi the screen:
Press  to enter Setup
Press  to resume,  to Setup
> Press iunction key @
It you have assigned a setup password. you must now enter this
password and confirm it mm the Enter key.
The Mum menu oi BIOS Se/up is displayed on the screen
Masai-szruz-a-mre 33
Settings in BIOS Setup Calling BIOS Setup
MK nu ma
1 m. m hm“, m.“ m:
sum 11mg rammsr 1m 5 “m H“
Syszm mm nonrmn PE F'
mm“ A r, m
but“! 5 Wane]
sum Disk A: ;:1\ "byte
> am Disk 2: None
, um M 1 None 3
. Hard Disk . Nun:
> Mot opus";
”m mm, ”mm.
as“ mm 5m
fiznded on", AM
u m, u 1.1.“ m. «(a m... m... 19 um, Mum
4 m an; H m.“ a... max sum > nun-mu r! "who“. v-
Example o' the Main menu of the BIOS Setup
l : Menu bar 3 = Information area
2 = Working area 4 Operations bar
The BIOS Serup screen is divided into lhe following areas:
. Menu bar (1)
In the menu bar, you can select the diflsrent BIOS Setup menus,
- Working area (2)
The working area displays the setting options (fields) 0! the selected menus,
You can set the entries m the displayed lields according in your requirements,
> indicates fields which open further submenus, You can change entries in
these submenus
- Inlormatlon area (3)
The inlormation area displays briel information on the selected lield.
o Operations bar (4)
The operations bar rndloales which keys you can use to operate BIOS Serup.
You can display more inldrmatron on the functions ol the keys by
pressing F1 .
34 A26361-K444~2102-3-7519
Operating BIOS Setup Settings in BIOS Setup
Operating BIOS Setup
ll you want to exit BIOS Setup without saving the new settings:
v Press the Esc key to enterthe Eu“: menu
0 Select the option Discard Change: & Exit.
. Press the Enter key.
Changing settings
To select the required menu in the menu bar, use the cursor — or - . To select
the required field use the cursor keys t or t . The lleld selected is highlighted
To display a submenu, select the corresponding lield (marked with >). and press
the Enter key Press the Esc key to return irom the submenu to its superior
To change Ihel entry lor the selected held, use the e or E| keys on the numerical
To set the deiault entries tor the selected menu, press the lunction key Q.
To revert the fields of the selected menu to the entries that were in effect when
BIDS Se/up was called. press the tunction key F7 A
Saving settings
To save changed settings without exiting BIOS Setup. select Save Change: in the
EX" menu.
Ii you change entries in BIOS Szrup‘ make a note of the changed entries
(eg. in the technical manual for the system board or in the "BIOS Setup'
manual), or print out the changed screen page
You can print the current screen page using the key combination
Shitt + Print it a printer is connected to the parallel port of the device.
M6361-KM4-Ztm~3»7519 35
Settings in BIOS Setup Exiting BIOS Setup
Exiting BIOS Setup
To exit BIOS Setup, select the Exll menu from the menu bar Vou can then decide
which settings you want tu save. The Exit menu alters the following options.
You must mark the required option and activate it with the Enter key.
save Changes & Exit
Seiect Save Chungm & Exit to save the curtent settings and exit the BIOS Setup.
The PC ts rebooted and the new settings come into ettect,
& Exlt
Seiecl Discard Change: & Em to discard the changes you have made, The settings
which were in force when BIOS Setup was caliett remain ettective. 8105 Setup is
terminated and the PC is rebooted.
Get Default Values
To revert ail the menus 078103 SP/up to the delaull entries, select
Gel Default Valuer, Ifyau want to exit 5105 Setup with these settings, select Save
Changes «1 Exit.
Load Previous Values
To load the values at ail the menus of 5105 Setup that were in eftect when BIDS
Setup was nailed, select Land Previous Values. ll you want to exit BIOS Setup with
these settings, select Save Chungex & Ext:
Save Changes
To save settings without exiting BIOS Setup, select Save Changes.
35 new «444-21 uz-zqs t 9
Property and data protection
The software functions and mechanical lock on your PC enables you to protect
your system and personal data in a number at ways against unauthorized access,
By combining these options, you can achieve optimum protection tor your system.
Locking the system unit mechanically
You can mechanically lock the casing by means 01 the lock on the front at the
system unit.
It your syslem is equipped with a drive cover you can additionally lock the drives
and the ON/OFF switch
Access authorization via chipcard
In systems that are equipped with a chipcard reader. access can be restn‘cted to
users who have a corresponding chipcard.
Anti-theft protection
The system unit is equipped Wl|i’| an eye on the back oi the housing which can be
used to secure the system with a chain
To prevent unauthorized persons from opening the system uh|t, the housing can
be lead-sealed. To do this, use the eye on the back at the housing and the hole in
the upper housing section.
M6361-KM41102—3-7519 37
Property and data protection Security functions under MS Windows
Security functions under MS Windows
Under MS Windows you can activate a screen saver and protect it with a
password. Only those users who know the password can deactivate the screen
saver and access any open files Detailed inlormalion on screen savers under MS
Windows is provided by the associated help function.
Security tunclions under Windows NT
You can use the SSMUNCH program to start the screen saver inermm
immediately. These programs are located on the ‘Drivers & Utilities" CDr
Information on ineuaver and SSLAUNCH can be found in the POWERSAV.HLP
and SSLA UNCH.EXE files
Security lunctions under Windows 95
The Dexklflrk program enables you to activate the screen saver using a short-cut.
Detailed inlormatlon on this program is provided by the associated help function,
Security lunctions under Windows for Workgroups
Using the Desklock program you can lock the mouse and keyboard so that no
input can be made, Vou can use QLOCK EXE or QLOCKWIN EXE under Windows
for Workgroups and QLOCKCOM under MS-DOS,
Intormation on QLOCKJSXE or QLOCKWINEXE can be obtained using the menu
Kern Help. it you have called the program under Windows tor Workgmups
Inlormation on QLOCK.COM is provided in the Windows lor Workgroups ln/n
Window or in the QLOCK mfile in the C \DRIVER directory.
38 Azsaar «444,21 oszsrs
BIOS Setup security functions Property and data protection
BIOS Setup security functions
The Security menu in BIOS Setup offers you various options tor protecting your
system and personal data against unauthonzsd access. By combining these
options. you can achieve optimum protection for your system.
A detailed description at the Security menu is provided in the Technical
1 Manual for the system board or in the "BIOS Setup" manual, The section
"Setting the Sewn/System passwor ' describes how you set up
Preventing unauthorized BIOS Setup calls
You can activate this protection by setting a setup password in the Security menu.
In addition, you can suppress the Pm:  fur Setup message in the Security
menu. This message is then no longer displayed while the PC is booting.
Preventing unauthorlzed system access
You can activate this protection by setting a system password in the Security menu.
Preventing unauthorized access to the settings of boards with their own
You can activate this protection by selecting the value Extended for Selup Parsword
Lock field in the Secunry menu,
Preventing system booting trom the diskette drive
You can activate this protection by selecting the value Diskette Lock for the
Sys/L'm Loud tield in the Security menu.
Activating virus warnings
You can have a warning output it the boot sector has been modified. To activate
this warning, select the value Enabled for the Virus Warning field in the Securin
mast-M4421 0247519 39
Property and data protection BIOS Setup security functions
Preventing unauthorized writing of diskettes
To activate this protection‘ select the value Drmbled for the Diskelle Write field in
the Security menu.
Protecting BIDS from overwriting
To activate this prutection‘ select the value Disabled far the Dix/cane Wri'le field in
the Security menu,
Protecting PC lrom being switched on by an external device
To activate this protection make the required settings in the Power-on/Ojf sub
40 Azfiast «mime-34519
BIOS Setup securlty functions Properly and data protection
Setting the Setup/System password
The Setup password prevents unauthorized calling of BIOS Setup, BIOS Setup can
be called only by those who know the Setup password.
The system password prevents unauthorized access to your device. With the
system password you can prevent booting of the operating system. The system
can be accessed only by those who know the system password.
You must also set 8 Setup password to make the system password effective
The password must be tour to eight characters in length AII
alphanumerical characters can be used; no diflerenti ion is made
between upper-case and lower-case.
Passwords are not displayed as they are entered.
If you have forgotten your passwords, please contact your technical
customer servtce.
To set or change the setup/system password. proceed as Ioilows:
> Call BIOS Selup and select the Serurt’ry menu
> Mark the Set Setup Password or Set System Pnuwold field and press the Enter
Vou are asked to enter a password:
Enter new Password:
> Enter the password and press the Enter key.
You are asked to confirm the password:
lie—enter new Password:
> Enter the password again and press the Enter key
The new password ls saved.
Changes have been saved [Continue]
For the setup password:
Vou can now choose whether you want the Setup password to prevent calling of
the BIOS Setup only or in addition lock the settings of installed boards wlth their
own BlOS.
> To prevent calllng of the BIOS Setup only. mark the Setup Punwurd Lark field
and select the value Standard
A263€l -K44A-Ztt)2~3~76t9 41
Property and data protection BIOS Setup security functions
> To lock the settings of installed boards With their own BIOS in addition to
preventing calling at the BIOS Setup, mark the Setup Password Lock field and
select the value Extended.
For the system password:
> To prevent booting oi the operating system, mark the System anword Mode
field and select the value System.
To lock the keyboard and the mouse. use the security functions oi your
operating system instead oi the Keyboard entry.
It you do not want to make any other settings, you can exit BIOS Szmp.
> Select the option Save Changer & Exit in the Exit menu.
The device is rebooted and the new setup/system password is ettective.
Canceling the setup/system password
. It you cancel the Setup password, you automatically deactivate the
1 system password.
To cancel the setup/system password without setting a new password:
> Cell BIOS Setup and select the Security menu.
> Mark the Set Setup Paxxwmd or Sm System Pfluward field and press the Enter
Vou are asked to enter a password:
Enter new Password:
> Press the Enter key Mice.
> Select the option Saw Change: & Exit in the Exit menu,
The device is rebooted and the new setup/system password is canceled.
42 A2636|-K444-Zlaz~3-75| 9
Troubleshooting and tips
Take note ol the safety hints in the manual "Safety and Ergonomics" and
in the chapter "Ergpamtion for use and ogerargn', when you connect or
disconnect cables
it a fault occurs try to correct it as described
- in this chapter
- in the documentation 0! the connected devices
a in the help systems 0! the software used.
If you tail to correct the problem, proceed as follows.
> Switch the PC oil.
> Make a note ol the steps and the circumstances that led to the fault. Also
make a note oi any error messages displayed and the Ident-Nor of your
> Contact your sales office or customer service,
Installing new software
When installing programs or drivers, imponant files may be overwritten and
modified. To be able to access the original data in the case of any problems
following installation you should make a backup ol the your hard disk prior to
mew -K444-Z 1 02-375 1 9 43
Troubleshooting and lips
Power-on indicator remains dark after you have
switched on your device
This may have the followmg causes:
There is a defect in the ac power supply
> Check that me power cable is plugged properly into the system unit and
grounded power outlet.
> Switch the PC on at the main switch,
Internal power supply overloaded
> Disconnect Ihe power plug ol the system unit from the grounded power outlet.
v Plug the power plug imo lhe grounded power outlet again
> Switch the PC on at the main swxlch
The screen stays blank
If your screen remains blank thrs may have the following causest
Monitor is switched of!
> Switch your monitor on,
Screen has been blanked
> Press any key on ma keyboard,
v Deactivate screen blanking (screen saver). Enter the appropriate password.
44 A25361-K4442102»3-7619
Troubleshooting and tlps
Brightness control is set to dark
n- Set the brightness control to light. For detailed information. please refer to the
Operating Manual supplied with your monitor.
Power cable or monitor cable not connected
> Switch oil the monitor and the system unit.
> Check that the power cable is properly connected to the monitor and system
unit or to the grounded power outlet
> Check that the monitor cable is properly connected to the system unit or
monitor (it not permanently attached),
> Switch on the monitor and the system unit.
Wrong monitor has been set under Windows NT
> Restart the PC in standard VGA made
> Set the desired resolution in the Caniml Panel window using the Dix/71a)
program, and adiust the monitor display as described in the Operating
Wrong monitor has been set under Windows 95
b Reboot the PC.
> It the message Smmng Windows 95 appears, press function key E.
The Windows 95 start menu appears.
> Select the option Safe nwdc or Sale mnde with rte/work suppurl.
> Set the correct values tor the attached monitor by selecting Sum - Swings -
nap/u)- — Skllmgr.
A2636| -K444-Zt 02-3-751 a 45
Troubleshooting and tips
Wrong monitor has been set under Windows tor Workgroups
> Insert the system disk.
> Reboot the PC.
ll your systems is equipped with a GDS4XG screen controller:
> Use the 51:7»ch program (under MS»DOS) to set the correct values for the
attached monitor
it your system is equipped with a screen controller irorn Matrox:
> Change into the Windows directory.
> Start the Selllp program.
> Change the display type to VGA.
> Restart Windows and set the correct values for the connected monitor with the
program MGA Munimr Sela-lion and MGA Control Panel Irom the
MGA PuwerDexk program group
> Change the display type back to Mam“ MGA again.
Flickering or drifting stripes on the monitor
é Switch off the PC immediately!
The flickering stripes are caused either by an old-type screen that does not
support the horizontal frequency oi 47 kHz, or by an incorrect monitor selection
under MS»Windows.
The drifting screen display is caused when the selected lrequency arid/or
resolution is wrong,
The default screen values are 800x500 pixels at 75 Hz and for 64K colors
> Find out which horizontal frequency your monitor screen supports.
You will lino the horizontal frequency (also known as line frequency or
horizontal deflection lrequency) in the documentation at your monitor.
46 Azsaai -K444-Zt ez-Wsie
Troubleshooting and tips
No mouse pointer displayed on the screen
Shutdown the operating system properly.
Switch the PC on
Check that the mouse cable is properly connected to the system unit.
If you use an adapter or extension lead with the mouse cablel check the
Make sure that only one mouse IS connected.
Switch the PC on.
The mouse controller must be enabled. if you use a PS/2 mouse check in the
BIOS Selup that the mouse controller is enabled
Check that the mouse driver is properly installed and is present when the
application program is staned. Detailed information can be lound in the User
Guide of the mouse or application program.
The floppy disk cannot be read or written
Check that the write-protection oi the floppy disk or the floppy disk drive is
activated (reler also to the Technical Manual of the system board or in the
manual BIOS).
Check the relevant entries for Diskette A: or B: in the Main menu of the 5105
Check that the lloppy disk drive controller is enabled (rater also to the
Technical Manual ol the system board or in the manual "BIOS Setup").
Check that the cables of the floppy disk drive are properly connected (refer to
chapter “ ystem expansrons‘i
AZESSl-KMA-2102~3—7Bl9 47
Troubleshooting and lips
Time and/or date is not correct
> Set the time and/or date. You can set the time and date in the BIOS Selup or in
the operating system
It the time and date are repeatedly wrong when you swrtch on your PC,
the battery is flat. Change the lithium battery as described in the Chapter
Error messages on the screen
Error messages and their descriptions are listed in the Technical Manual of the
system board or in the ‘BIOS Setup" manual and in the documentation at the
installed software.
Restoring the hard disk contents
All data on the hard disk will be deleted. Operating system. drivers and sofiware
utilities will be reinstalled. For this reason you should try to save important data
betore you restore the hard disk contents.
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows NT
If you need to restore the hard disk contents you have to reinstall Windows NT.
Proceed as described m the “Windows NT Setup" installation guide,
45 Azsast -K444~ZlGZ-3-761 e
Troubleshooting and tips
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows 95
Using the backup diskettes or Windows 95 CD. you can restore your PC to the
state in which it was originally delivered from the factory.
Restoring hard disk contents with a Windows 95 CD
> Proceed as described in the reiated documentation
Restoring the hard disk contents using the backup diskettes
> Insert the lirst backup disk and follow the instructions on the screen,
b Install the drivers and utiiities in the C:\PROG§\DISKS directory.
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows for
The contents ol the utility and driver diskettes of your system are located in the
C'\DRIVER directory Vou can create the corresponding diskettes by means oi the
relevant batch programs.
To restore the hard disk contents you aiso need MS-DOS and Windows lor
Workgroups disks. I! you do not have these disks available. you can purchase a
set at backup disks for MS—DOS and Windows for Workgroups. Contact your sales
office or customer service.
Mew «AM-2102444519 49
Troubleshooting and tips
The PC cannot be switched on with Ihe ONIOFF swilch
> Press the ONIOFF switch again
Cause: The PC has not been switched on with the ON/OFF switch.
Out at system resources
it you have too many applications ninning at once, you may experience problems
due to a lack oi system resources. It this happens. you should close applications
you do not require or call the applicalions in a ditierent order.
BIOS settings in power management do not become active
The Auto insert notification setting may be active (or the CD-ROM drive. This setting
causes Windows 95 to inquire about any modifications on the drive at regular
intervals, Because oi this the timer tor the idle time cannot time out.
To activate power management, proceed as lollows:
> In Windows 95. select Start - Settings“ - Contml Panel - 53mm - Device Manager -
> Select the installed CD-ROM drive trom the list.
> Select Settings.
> Deactivate the Auto insert notification box.
CD-ROM drive
Information on the CD-ROM drive can be found in the manual of the CD-FIOM
drive or on the "Drivers and Utilities" CD.
other manuals
Other manuals are contained on the "Drivers & Utilities“ CD.
50 Azsaei -K444-zt 024-7619
System expansions
It may be necessary to update the BIOS when carrying out a system
expansion or hardware upgrade. In this instance, please contact our
This chapter describes all the activities required to modify your PC hardware (eg.
installing boards or drives).
Memory and processor upgrading are described in the Technical Manual [or the
system board.
Read the supplied documentation belore installing new drives arid/or boards.
Refer to the Technical Manual for the system board beiore making any extensions
on the system board.
Opening the system unit
Pay attention to the relevant safety notes provided in chapter "Important
Due to the design, a number ol steps are omitted lor systems with an
ATX system board. Observe the notes tor these steps
> Swilch the PC off.
® Pull the power plug out ol the power outlet!
> If any cables attached to the system unit are obstmcling you, pull out the
connectors on the system unit
> Place the system unit in a convenient working position.
A2536\»K44A-2102-3-7619 51
System expansions Opening the system unit
> Unlock the system unit (1) and slide lhe drive cover to the left (2).
> Lilt up the top cover slightly at the rear edge (1).
> Push the lop cover forcefully (with a jolt) in the divsction ol the arrow (2).
> Llft 071 the top cover completely in the direction 01 the arrow (3),
. Dependlng on the equipment level 01 your uni\. a damaged film cable may
1 be mounted in the PC housing. The damage is intentional.
52 M6361-K4M1102-37619
Assembiing the system unit System expansions
Assembling the system unit
D Position the top cover on the system unit in the direction 01 the arrow (1).
Ensure that the locating pins on the inside oi the top cover engage in the
corresponding guides on the system unlt.
> Push the top cover in the direction at the arrow (2) until it engages.
> Return the system unit to its original position.
b If you have disconnected cables, reconnect them at the rear.
A2536|~K444~2102377619 53
System expanslons Installing and removing a board
Installing and removing a board
Observe the notes on installing and removing boards in the chapter
“Imgofianl notes".
Slol board
. Systems with an ATX syslem board have no slol board. The number,
1 position and constellation ol the board slots on the ATX system board
can be found in the lecnnlcal manual lor lhe system board.
Example ol slol boards
1 = ISA slol ! = A screen controller must he lnslalled here,
2= PCI slol werden
Boards may be installed when the device is shipped,
For slol board I). a screen ccnlroller board has to be inslalled in lhe
uppermost PCI slot (1).
54 M53617KW721027377619
Installing and removing a board System expanslnns
Installing a board
> Press on the clip in the dlrection ol the arrow (1) and remove it (2).
> Remove the rear slot cover plate trom the slot (3).
Q Do not dispose ol the rear slot cover plals. For cooling, protection agalnsl
lira and in order to comply with EMC regul ons‘ you must rent the rear
slot cover plate it you remove the board.
> Take the new board out 01 its packaging.
> Make the required settings for the board
For slot board I: (see slot board), a screen controller board has Io be
installed in the uppermost F‘Cl slot.
The lower location is only lor short boards (up to 180 mm)
mam/344110234519 55
System expanslons Installing and removing a board
> Push the board into the slot (1).
Ensure that the and of a long board without angle bracket tits mm the
corresponding guide at the system unit Ensure also that the point of the angle
bracket slots inln guide (a).
> Press the board into the slot so that it engages,
> Replace the clip (2) which fixes the board Ensure that the clip engages.
> If necessary, plug the lines on the board,
56 usasw -K44¢Z|02727761 9
Installing and removrng a board System expansions
Removing a board
> Open the system unil (see "Qafliflgihisysiem unil“).
> Remove the lines connected to the board
> Press an the dip rn the dlrsction ol (he arrow (1) and remove it (2).
> Remove the board lrom the system unil (3).
> Place the board into an appropriate packaging.
A2E361~KMZWO2—3—7619 57
System expansions Installing and removing a board
For cooling, protection against fire and in order to comply with EMC
regulations you must refil the rear slot cover plate il you remove the
> Push the rear slot cover plale into the slot (1). Ensure thal the palm ol the
cover engages into the guide (a).
> Replace the Cllp (2) which fixes the board Ensure thal the cltp engages.
> Close the system unit (see "Assembling the system unil”).
I! you have lnstalled or removed a PCI board, please check in the BIOS
Setup the settlngs tor the relevant FCl slot. ll necessary change the
settings Further information is provided tn the documentation lorlhe PCl
58 426351 «444110237619
Installing and removing drives System expansions
Installing and removing drives
The system unit houses a total at Ihree accessible drives (two 5 1/4-inch drives
and one 3 1/2-lnch drive) and two non-accessible half-height (Slimline) drives,
IDE drives
Four IDE drives are supported in the delault configuration, whereby ideally hard
disks should be connected to IDE intertacel and slower lDE drives (e.g. CD-
FIOM) to IDE interlace 2 (also see Technical Manual of system board). The two
existing IDE cables of the channels can be used tor this purpose.
SCSI drives
If you want to install an SCSl dnve, you require an SCSI controller and an SCSI
cable. Note that.
e not every SCSI controller is suitable for operating SCSI hard disks
- each SCSI device musl be assigned its own SCSl-ID
- a device with activaled or connected terminating resistors must always be
connected at the end at an SCSI cable. The terminating resistors of all other
SCSI devices attached must not be activated or connected.
n to connect SCSI drives wilh a 50-pln connector an adapter IS required that
adapts to the 68—pin SCSl cable.
a only a wide SCSI drive with a ee-pin connector may be connected to the end
at the SCSI cable so that the SCSI bus ls correctly terminated.
M6361 -K444~2102-3-75 l 9 59
System expansions Installing and removing drives
Removing an accessible drive
> Open the system unit (see "Ogeriirig the system unil").
A = Posxflon ofthe knuried screw ior lhe uppeimcst diive
Position of (he knurled screw hr the middie drive
C = Position oi the knuried screw iur the lowest drive
> Remove lhe relevanl knurled screw (1) and take the drive out of the system
unit (2) You can also use a coin to loosen the knurled screw.
60 A25361-KM4~Z|02«3«761 9
Installing and removing drives System expansions
> Insert the metal cover on the right-hand side and snap il into place on the left
hand side of Ihe metal casing (1),
> Press the plastic cover into the bay in the top cover from the inside (2).
Ensure that Ihe cover engages.
> Close the system unit (see “7555 the §1§|em unit“)
N necessary. you must adapt the entry (or the drive in the Selup menu.
Azszstrkwrzmzws‘g 61
System expansions Installing and removing drives
Installing an accessible drive
5 Remove (he metal cover by pulling the left-hand lab forward (1),
> Lever the plastic cover away from the desired bay in the top cover (2).
Do not throw away the covers If you remove the drive again later, you
will have to reinslall the covers.
> Take the new drive out oi llS packaging.
> Make lhe required settings on Ihe drive (if necessary. on inslalied drives as
62 mew-szmz-wsie
Installing and removing drives System expansions
A Posilion ol the knurled screw [or the uppermost dnve
Position 01 the knurled screw lorlhe middle drive
0 = Posilion of the knurled screw for the lowest drive
> Push the drive into the system unit (1). and lix it wllh lhe knurled screw (2).
If the controls cl 5 drive slick am too lar, you can install the drive set
lurlher back in the middle bay. so that it is possible to close the drive
> Plug the data and the power supply connectors into the drive.
> Close the system unit (see "As Embliflgjhisyétfimm')
If necessary. you must adapt the entry for the drive in the Semp menu
A25361-Kw-2mz-3-7519 63
System expansions Installing and removmg drives
Installing or removing the hard disk drive
> Open the syslem unit (see “Opening me gyslem unit").
Removing the hard disk carrier
> Put the drive carrier on its slde.
Make sure mat short cables or film plugs are not pulled cm of their plug
64 A253E1 «mane-$751 9
lnstalling and removing drives System expansions
Inslalllng a hard disk drive
> Take the new hard disk drive out of its packaging.
> Make the required settings (eg. master-slave senmgs) on the drive.
> Slide the hard disk drive into the drive carrier (1).
> Secure the drive in bay A using the screws 2a. or secure the drive in bay B
using the screws 2b
r Plug the dale and me power supply conneclors inlo lhe hard disk drive
M6351»K444~2102-3-76l9 65
System expansions Installing and removing drives
Removing a hard disk drive
> Pull the conneclors of the data and the power line irom the hard disk drive,
> Remove Ihe screws 1a ior the drive in bay A or ihe screws 1b ior lhe drive in
bay E.
b Puil (he hard disk drive oul cl (he carrier (2L
66 M5361 «444-21 D2~3~7S|9
Installing and removing drives System expansions
Installing the hard disk carrier
> Place lhe hard disk carrier into the system unit a! a slanling angle (l) and iii! it
downward (2), When you (ill the hard disk carrier‘ ensure that it locks in place
properly on the slol board (il there is a slot board).
During removal, plug in any cables or film plugs which may have been
pulled out.
b Close lhe syslem unit lsee ”Assembling lhe systemunjl')
Il necessary, you musl adapt lhe entry for the drive in the 521141) menu.
A2636l-KMA-Zl02-3-76l9 67
System expansions Extensions on the system board
Extensions on the system board
Details at how and it you can upgrade the main memory or video memory for an
on»board screen controller, or retrofit the secondvlovet cache or the processor of
your PC are provided in the Technical Manual tor the system board. Below the
necessary steps are described to enable you to work on the system board.
> Open the system unit (see " gening the system unit‘l
Upgrading main memory
> Remove the carrier (see "lnstalling or removing the hard disrkrgrive“). You do
not need to pull the lines lrom the drive.
You have free access to the memory banks.
> Upgrade the memory as it is described in the Technical Manual tor the system
> Install the carrier (see "L@gfl&0l remoflng the herd
l. KQU
> Close the system unit (see "Assembling the system uni "l.
Upgrade the video memory, second level cache and processor
> Open the system unit (see “Opening the system,,uflit')-
b In systems with an ATX system boardr remove the carrier (see "installing or
removing the haird7gisk drive") Vou do not need to pull the lines trom the
> It a board is installed above the system board. you may have to remove it
(see "lnstallrng and removingab 7 ).
You have tree access to the locations
> Make the deslred expansions (see the Technical Manual for the system
> It you have removed a board, install it now (see “installing and re
> in systems with an ATX system board install the carrier (see "lnstalling or
removing the hard dggdnve")
> Close the system unit (see "As g the system unit“),
68 Azesst 4044721024146] 9
Replacing the lithium battery System expansions
Replacing the lithium battery
Incorrect replacement ol the lithium battery may lead to a risk of
The lithium battery must be replaced with an identical battery or a battery
type recommended by the manulacturer.
Do not throw lithium batteries into the trashcan, it must be disposed of in
accordance wtth local regulations concerning special waste.
Make sure that you insert the battery the right way round. The plus pole
must he on the top!
> Lift the contact (1) a law millimeters and remove the battery lrom its
socket (2).
> Insert a new lithium battery oi the same type in the socket (3),
Azsastxm-zmz-a-mw 69
Technical data
Electrical data
Regulations complied with:
Protection class:
Rated voltage range‘ (selectable)
Max. rated current:
0 System unit with monitor socket:
- Monitor socket (output)
Maximum power draw in operation:
Minimum power draw in operation-
reduced by Windows 95
Power managemem advanced,
Power draw in energy saving mode:
Power draw in the 'ready' status
EN 60950 / VDE 0805
UL 1950
CSA 22.2 No.950
<59w ')
5 GW
’) These values only apply for a SCENIC Pro D with the configuration below
when additional components are incorporated, the power consumplion in
energy saving mode may exceed the requirements [or the enwronment
symbol ("Blue Angel“) (30 W)
Processor ( 256 Kber cacho)‘
Main memory.
Floppy disk drive:
Hard disk drive:
CD-ROM drive:
Pentium Processor II at 233 MHZ
32 Mbytes
1.44 Mbytes
3,2 Gbyte
Windows 95
Pan 0 rlmrmgemenl 7 Advnnrzd
436 mat/418 mm/l 57 mm
ca. 9 kg (88 3 N) in basic configuration
Technical data
Environmental conditions
Environment ciass (SKZ) DIN IEC 721 part 3-3
Environmenl ciass (2K2) DIN IEC 721 part 3-2
0 Operating (3K2) 15 “C , . 35 “C
0 Transport (2K2) -25 “C 60 “C
Condensation in operating must be avoided.
Ciearance required to ensure adequate ventilation:
- leflvhand side min. 200 mm
- lront min. 200 mm
a rear min 200 mm
Q Do not place several system units one above the other,
Noise level
Sound power level me (ISO 9296), s 4.8 B
Sound pressure level
at byslander position Lam (ISO 9296)‘ S 36 dB
Surface-average sound pressure level 5 33 dB
72 Agassi «444-21 OZ-ZI-75l 9
Interrupt table
Technical data
Interrupt table
Please ncle Ihal an interrupt cannot be used by we applications ai the same time
Address Inlermpis assigned as possible
shipped lnlerrupis
Keyboard lRQ1
Serial interface COM1 OEFB lRQA
Serial intedaoe COM 2 02FB lRQS
Fax/modem 0353 I mos
Floppy disk drive conlroller IRQG
Parallel interface LPT1 0378 IHQ7
Audio controller assigned by me BIOS IRQS,
Mouse controller IRQ12
Numeric processor IRQ13
IDE controller 1 IR014
IDE controller 2 IRQ15
DMA channels
DMAs assigned as shipped
Floppy disk drive controller DMA2
Free/ESP mode DMAS
cascaded DMA channels DMA4
M6381—K444721027377519 73
A 2 “J
> 2
Accessible dnve
‘mslalling 62
removing 60
Accumulalor, disposal 6
Amivating, security measures 37
Address 73
Alphanumeric keypad 30
AltGrksy 30
Anti—Ihefl proleclion 37
Assemb‘ing‘PC 53
DMAchannels 73
V0 address 73
interrupt 73
Audio mput 16‘ 17
Audio outpul 16.17
Baflery 69
disposal 6
callmg 33
changing 35
securilyiunctions 39
BIOS Setup 33
exwing 36
operating 35
ins|a|\ing 54
removing 54
safety 4
Azsam-Kmm 02-15—7619
connecting 15
disconnecting 15
Cabling, PC 15
Cache. installing 68
Calculator keypad 30
Calling, BlOSSetup 33
CD, Windows 95 49
CD-ROM drive
Indicator 2?
installing 62
manual 50
removing 6D
CE certificate 6
BIOS-Setup 35
hard diskdrive 64
lithium battery 69
Checking. rated voltage 20
Chipcard reader
indicator 27
Class 5 Compliance Statement 7
Cleaning 11
Clearance 72
Configuration BIOS-Setup 33
cables 15
devices 15
keyboard 17
monitor 19
mouse 18
parallelpon 18
powervohage 20
serialporl 18
Contents oldelivery 13
Control key 31
Courier 2
Girl key 31
Ctrl+AIt+DeI 31
Cursorcontrol keys ED
76 A25361~K444»2102-3~7s|9
Dark screen 44
protection 37
technical 71
Date‘ not correct 48
connecting 15
interface 16
Dimensions 71
Diskette 25
cannotberead or written 47
write-protection 29
Disposai 5
DMA 73
Drifting screen dispiay 46
Drive 59
Electrical dala 71
Electromagneiic compatibilily G
Energysaving 5
Enterkey 30
conditions 72
data 72
Ergonomic, video workstation 14
dale 45
Iloppy 47
message 48
mouse 47
screen 44,46
Systsmunit 44
Time A8
Eum key 31
Exiting,BlOS Setup 36
Expansion 51
External devices
connecting 15
ports 16
FCC statement 7
Floppy disk drive
indicaior 27
installing G2
removing 60
Fronfpanel 17
audio ports 17
chipcard reader 17
infrared port 17
Function keys 30
Game port 16
Green, powervon indicator 28
Guarantee coupon booklet 13
Hard disk
delect 48
drive, replacing 64
indicator 28
I/O address 73
IDEdriveS 59
lmponam notes 3
power-on indicator fails to light 44
remains blank 44
Indicators on the PC 27
Installation, new Software 43
accessible drive 62
board 54
hard disk drive 65
Insufficient memory 50
Interfaces 16
|n|errupllable 7S
Italics 2
Key combination 30, 31
Keyboard 30
cleaning 12
cunnecling 17
part 15
Keys 30
LAN-port 16
Lead-sealing 37
Li" up‘ lop cover 51
Line in 16,17
Line out 16, 17
Lithiumbanery 68
rep1acing 59
Locking. PC 22
Main memory 68
Main swilch 23
Manuals 50
Manmaclurer'sncles 5
Memory‘ upgrading 68
Menu key 30
Microphonejack 16,17
cleaning 12
connecting 19
port 16
lransponing 11
MounlingJopcoven 53
cleaning 12
connecling 18
error 47
pad 16
New Installation Software 43
ND screen display 44, 46
Nuise level 72
Nolsnough memory 50
Nolalional mnvenlions 2
board 4
CE cenilicai 6
disposal 6
Energy saving 5
important 3
manufaclurer 5
power cord selecclion 8
HFIression 7
Safety 3
Num Lock key 31
Numeric keypad 30
ON/OFstilch 23
Opening, PC 51
Operaling, BiOS Sslup 35
Operation 13
Orange, power-on indicator 28
other manuals 50
Overview, PC 1
Overview, preparing ior use 14
Packlng material 13
Paralleiinleriace 16
Parallel pen, connecting devices 18
Setup password 41.42
Syslempassword 41,42
cabling 15
cannoibooi 44
cleaning 12
conneming 15
connecting lo power vcliage 20
indicators 27
locking 22
opening 51
ports 16
selling up 14
swilching 011 23,26
swriching on 23,25
transponing 11
M6361 rKA-MVZI 027377519
unlocking 22
PC,essembiing 53
Pans, external devices 16
Power cord seleccfion 5
Power voltage. connecting to 20
Powarmanagemenl 50
Power»ori indicalor 23, 28
dark 44
Preparationloruse 13
overview 1A
Problems 43
processor 68
replacing 68
upgrading 68
Property pratection 37
P812 mouse port 16
Rated voltage
setting 20
Ready-lo-operale 23
Recycling 6
Reinsiailing. hard disk contents 48
accessible dlIVS 80
board 54
hard disk drive 66
board 54
hard diskdrive 64
Iilhium ballery 69
processor 68
Fiesloring, hard disk contenis 48
Returnkey 30
RFI suppression 7
Salary 3
blanking 5
drihingdisplay 46
SCSIdrives 59
Azsasi -Km~21m717sr9
SecontHeveI cache, upgrading 58
Securityfunction 39
Security functions
Chipcard 37
lock 37
MS-Wlndows 38
Security measures 37
powercord 8
Serial interface 16
Serial port
connecting devlces 18
Setting, rated voltage 20
Settings, BIOS Setup 33‘ 35
Selup password 41
canceiing 42
Setup. see BIOS Setup
Shift key 30
Slutboard 54
SohPowerOfl 26
Software. New Instaliation 43
Start key 30
Starting, BIOS Setup 33
instailing 52
removmg 60
Summertime 48
Surtace 71
Switchingoff,PC 23, 26
Switchingon, PC 23,25
Symbols, explanatlon of 2
System board, extensions 68
System expansion 51
System password 41
canceiing 42
System settings‘ BIOS Setup 33
System unit. see PC
Techmcai data 71
Timemotcorrect 48
Tips 43,50
Source Exif Data:
File Type                       : PDF
File Type Extension             : pdf
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PDF Version                     : 1.3
Linearized                      : Yes
Create Date                     : 2001:04:25 00:13:36
Producer                        : Acrobat Distiller 4.0 for Windows
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Title                           : 82592.pdf
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Page Count                      : 88
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