Fujitsu Technology Solutions SCENICM604 User Manual 8

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Date Submitted1999-12-09 00:00:00
Date Available1998-10-21 00:00:00
Creation Date2001-05-11 05:57:29
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Document Title8

SCENIC Edition Mi
Operating Manual
August 1998 edition
Mlcrosolt, MS, MS-DOS‘ Windows and Windows NT are Trademarks Di Micrmlt Corporanon.
VESA and DPMS are trademarks of Vidso Electmnics Standards Assoclallon.
PS/E is a registered trademark cl internatlonal Business Machines, inc
Peritlum Is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation, USA
All other trademarks reiereneed are trademarks or registered trademarks oi their respective owners,
whose protected rigms are acknowledged.
Copyright Sismens AG 1998
All rrgms. including rights ol translation reproduction by priming. copying or similar methods, even of
pens are reserved.
Oftenders Will be liable for damages.
All rigms, including rights Created by patent gram or registration ei a utility model or deslgn. are
Deirvery subject to availability Righl ei technical modification reserved.
A26361»K5|5—Z\GD-l-761 9
This Operating Manual tells you how to put your PC into operation and how to operate it in daily use.
it applies tor all configuration levels. Depending on the oontrguratien level chosen some or the
hardware components described may not oe availabie on your PC Please observe the notes on
your operating system
Your SCENIC Edition Mi ls a powerlul FC winch is suiiable do! both prolessional and private use.
You can incorporate operable drives llor exarnpte CD-HOM drive, DAT drive, streamer) as well as
other boards.
Depending on the oonhguraeon level chosen. your PC is supplied with Windows 9x or Windows NT
as the operating system.
Your PC has a number or security features to ensure that no unauthorized persons can access your
data. For example, you can activate a screen saver with password protection. The secumy funcllons
in the was 5am,» also allow you to protect your data by means ot passwords.
Flume! lnlclmfltlon aft this PC is provided:
- in the manual ,.Satety and Ergonomics“
. in the Operating Manual tor the monitor
. I" the Technical Manual tor the system board
- In the manual “BIOS Selup"
- in the documentation of your operating system
- in the rntorrnation files to. g. *.TXT, aw“. * noc. * HLP)
cumpuler. These manuals can be read and prlnlsd with the Acrobat Reader contained on
Some oi the manuals listed can be found on the CD "Drivers & Utilities" provided wllh your
the CD
A2535i~K5|5-Z|wl~7615 l
Introduction Notational conventions
Notational conventions
The meanings o! Ihe symbols and ioms used in "HS manual are as foliows:
Pay panicuiar anemia" «0 texts marked mm «m symboir Failure to observe thls warning
endangers your Mei desiroys (he system, or may lead 10 loss 04 data.
[I] This symbol is lullowed by supplemsnlary inlcrmahon‘ remarks and lips,
b Texts which loilow this symbui describe activities that must be peflovmed in Ihe order Shawn.
Tun in Hahn indicals commands or menu Hem.
"Quolafinn marks" indicate names oi chapters and terms mm are belng emphasized
2 Azsasi—Ksis—zmm-mw
|mportant notes
In Ihls chapter you will find lrthrmation regarding salety which lt is sssenn‘al to take note 0! when
warklrlg wlth your PC. The manulaclulsr‘s notes contain helplul lnlormatiah of! your PC
C Pay anentlon lo the irl’ormatlnn plovlded In the manual “Salety and Ergonomics".
- Duflng installatloh and belore operating the device observe the instructions on environmental
condthons in the chapter entitled ‘Tertlnrcal data" as well as the instructlcrts in the chapter
'F’!"l laminar use and operano
- Please check whether the device is set to the local pnwer supply (see chapter "9
u mt Qvfllalfllt'L
. The Orr/cm svvttch does not separate lhe system uhit completely from the Ilne voltage. To
dlscortrlect the the voltage completely, remove the power plug tram the grounded power ounet,
. When cleaning the device. observe the relevant notes in the paragraph ‘Qealm thejC'
' when connectlng and dlsccrlnecling cablest Observe the relevant notes in the chapter
"Prgpa ltoh lat use tint) Qperelt‘c'l'
- Replace the Mhlum battery on the system board in accordance wlth the instructions in the
chapter 'System extn r on; , lrlernmy p-e rt lttntlrn hazthry'n
- Cauficn' components on the system board can get very hot
- Keep lhls Operetmg Manual together with your devlce. lt you pass on the device to third
pames, you should also pass on this manual,
(ALMQU far
Azsasl 461 51100477le
Important notes Manuiacturev‘s notes
Notes on installing and removing boards
Boards with eleclloslallc sensitive devices (ESD) may be idenlllisd by labels.
When you handle boards filled wllh ESDS, you must observe me Following points under all
- You must always discharge yourselt (9.9 by touching a grounded objecl) before working.
The equipment and tools you use rnusl he tree oi static charges.
Pull out the power plug belore inserting or pulling out boards containing ESDs.
Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges.
Never touch pins or conductors on boards titted with ESDs,
Manufacturer's notes
Energy saving
When the PC is dellvered, some Energy—saving lunctions are already set (see Technical Manual tor
the system heard or the manual 'BIOS Setup“)
- ll you are not usmg your Pci swttch it on.
- ln the BIOS Suit/i you may set lurther energy-saving functions tor the PC (see the Technical
Manual oi the system ooard or in the manual "BlOS Setup”).
Energy savlng under Windows NT
it the attached monitor and screen controller support power management in aocordanee with VESA
(DPMS), a screen saver can be used to switch the monitor into power management mode This
lunction is dependent on the screen controller and screen driver used.
Energy savlng under windows 9x
Using the DeikLutL program you can lock the mouse and keyboard so that no input can he made lt
the attached monitor supports power management in accordance wtlh VESA (DPMS). ll can be
switched into power-saving mode at the same time.
in addition the Stmri your tao allows you to set energy-saving iunotions ior your screen. Select the
tollowtng item in the Atari menu Sellingl - Ctrlllml Pantl , vim/m , Dix/71:1) Prnrimm - 5mm Surpr—
Erierrri ioiirrrtr kullilel ii/ murmur
With the deiault setting ciriimil l’tule , rum , Adm/lad additional energy saving ioatures oi
Windows 9x are available
4 Azesst—KSleriw-woig
Manufaciurer's noies Important nnies
posal and recycling
This device has been manuiaciuied io ihe gieaiesi pcss‘ibie degree from maieiiais which can be
recycled or disposed oi in a manner men is noi environmsnially damaging The device is iakan back
aner user so inai ii can be recycled. provided man it is reiurned in a condition which is ihe result oi
nnrmal use Any components rim recuperaied will be disposed oi in an envimnmenwlly accepiable
For devices marked with this symml Siemens AG oiiers a guaranise
for 35 months Wiih a Bring-In-Service. The guarantee siaris on the
day oi delivery (saie dale) by Siemens or 3 Siemens partner.
We herewith declare that ii wili be possible id repair any device
marked wiih the ecu-label 00! al ieasi 5 years she! production of that
device has discontinuedr
iniormalion on power in nagemerii and energy savmg mode can be
inund in chapier Torr” Vdflia“.
Do not throw lithium batteries or accumulators inin the irashcan. They musi be disposed oi In
accordance with ioca| regulations Conceming special waste.
Ii you have any questions on disposal, please Contact your locai oflice‘ our service departmeni. or,
Siemens AG
Recyciirig Comer
0733094 Paderbom
Tei” 49 5251518 010
Fax. 49 5251818 015
CE certificate
The shipped version oi inis device complies With me requirements oi me EEC directives
c E 89/336/EEC "Eiectromagneiic compatibiiity" arid 73/23/EEC 'L0w voliage direciive'.
AZGGSi—Ksis—Ziou-iJGIQ 5
Impnnanl notes Manufacturer‘s notes
FCC Class B Compliance Statement
ii there is an FCC statement on the device. then
The lolleirving statement applies to the products covered in this manual, unless otherwise specified
herein. The smlemenl tor other products will appear in the accompanying documentation.
This equipment has oeen tested and iound to comply With the limits tor a 'Class E" digital device.
pursuant to Part 15 oi the FCC rules and meets all requirements of the Canadian lnterlerence-
Causing Equipment Regulations. These limits are designed to provide reesonaple protection against
harmlul lnlerference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate
radio lrequency energy and, it not installed and used in stncl accordance with the instructions may
cause nannlul interlerence to radio communications. However. there is no guarantee that
interierence wlll not occur in a particular installan'on it this equipment does cause harmtul
rnterierence to radio or television reception, which can he determined by turning the equipment all
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interierence by one or more oi the lollovving
- Hecrlerll or relocate the receiving antenna.
- increase the separation between equipment and the receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit ditlerent lrorri that to which the receiver is
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor help
Siemens AG is not responsible tor any radio or television lnlerference caused by unauthorized
moditications oi this equipment or the substitution or attachment ol connecting copies and
equipment other than those specilied py Siemens AG. The correction oi inletlerenoes caused by
such unauthorized modification. subsillullon or attachment will be the responsioility or the user
The use at shielded l/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any and all optional
peripheral or host devices. Failure to do so may violate FCC nites.
Power cord selection
The puwsr cord for his unlt has been packed
separately and has been selected according to
lhe cuurllry a! destinallon. It must be used to
prevent sleclrlc shock. Use the following
guidelines it it is necessary to replace the
original cord set.
The lemale receptacle cl the 00rd sel must meet
055722 requirements (see Figure).
6 Azecist-itstseztoo-tqote
Manufacturel‘s notes Important notes
For the United States and Canada
Use a UL listed and CSA labeled cord set consisfing 07301159 conductor card with a maxtmum
length of 15 teat.
For umls which stand on a desk or table, Iype SVT or SJT cord sets shall be used.
For umls which stand on Hear, only SJT type com sets shall be used
The cord sat must be selemed according tome current ranng 101 your unit, Ptsase consult Table A
flol (he selection Crtlsria to! power cords used in the Uniled States and Canada
mm. A:
com Type Size et conductors Maximum Current “I
in Com Rating 0! Unll
SJT ts AWG 10 Amps
15 AWG 12 Amps
14 AWG 12 Amps
SW 15 AWG 10 Amps
J 17 AWG 12 Amps
For unlts set at 115 V: For unlts Set at 230 V (domestic use):
use a pavauet etede, grounding type attachment use a tandem blade, grounding type attachment
ptug rated 15 A. 125 v. etug valed 15 A. 250 v.
For unlts set a! 230 V (outside of the Unllsd States and Canada):
use a cord set eonststing et a mtnimum AWG according to Tame A and a gruundmg type attachment
plug rated 15 A125!) v. The card 59! should have the approprlale sa1ety approvals lor the country in
which the equipment will be msteued and should be marked HAR
Azsast-Ksts-zwovwsle 7
Important notes Transportlng the PC
For the United Kingdom
Should the plug on me flexible cord not be or the type lor your socket outlels, do not use an adapter
cur remnve lne plug lrom me cord and dlscardl Carefully prepare lhe end or lhe supply cord and m a
sulrable plug,
The er55 ln Ihls mains lead are Colored ln accordance with me {allowmg code,
Green and Yellow: Eam
Blue Neulral
Blown: Live
As me colors or the wires in me mains lead of this appliance may nol correspond with me celored
markings identiiylng me Iermlnals ln your plug. proceed as lellpwe:
l The wire winch is colored Green and Yellow must be Donrlscted iD (he lermlnal in me plug
which is marked wllh (he lener E (Jr by the earth symbol or colored Green or Green and Yellow
' The er9 Much is colored Blue musl be connected iO ihe terminal whlch Is marked with the
letter N or colored Black
' The wire whlcl’l is calmed Brown mus‘ be connected to (he (Brmlnal which ls marked with the
letter l. or calmed Redv
Transporting the PC
Trensperr all pads separately, and rn lhalr urlginal packflglng er in a packaging which
prulecls (hem lrom knocks and jails, lo the new slre Do nol unpack mem unlll all transport
maneuvers are completed.
Never drop me monitor (danger cr implosrcnll
Cleaning the PC Important noles
Cleaning the PC
Turn 0" all power and equipment swttches and pull the power plug out of the grounded
power outlets.
Do not clean any interior parts yourself leave this lob to a service technician.
Do not use any cleaning agents that contain abrasives or may corrode plastic.
Ensure that no itqurd enters the system
Ensure that the ventilelimr areas cf the system unit and the monitor are tree
Cleanlng the system unit and the monitor
Wipe the system unit and monttur Casing with a dry cloth. it particularly dirty, use a cloth which has
been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then caretully wrung out.
Cleaning the klyboard end the mouse
Use a cloth loi disinfection to clean the keyboard and the mouse
Remove the Vetalntng ring on the underSIde OI lhe mouse and then clear! the mouse mechanism arid
the mlating hall,
a 3
Using both thumbs exerl downward pressure on [he notches 0! the retaining ring and mm the
nng anliclockwlse ttl,
Remove the reterning ring and the rotating ball from the mouse (2).
Clean the three small wheels in the mouse and the ball with a Ieree cloth
Replace the ball and the retaining [mg (3).
Using both thumbs exerl downward pressure on the notches of the retaining ring (4) and turn
the ring nlnckwise Vou must leel the ring engage.
A26361rK515-Zlofl—l—7619 9
Preparation for use and operation
C Please take note ol tne satety inlormailan in the chapter 'lrnr utrutee'.
Unpacking and checking the delivery
it is recommended not to ttrrow away the original packaging materrall it may be required lctr
reshrpment at some later date.
b Unpack all the individual parts.
> Check Ihs delivery for damage incurred during "anspofl
> Check whether the delivery agrees With me details m the delivery note.
cneck whether all necessary details have been entered on (he first page ol the guarantee
coupon booklsl.
Should you discover tnatttre delivery times not correspond te the delivery note. notrly your local
sales olfioe immediately.
after flrsHlme setup How (0 insiall dnves and boards is described in me chapter
it you have received drives or boards With your PC, please do not inslall them until
”Swan 0
Preparing the PC for use
First-time setup includes tne connection at the devices tmomter. mouse, keyboard etc.) end the
setup of the supplied sottware.
When you set up the PC for the first trme. you should carry out tne tollowrng steps In the order
t. Decide wnere you are going lo use me PC.
2 Connect the external devrces to tire system umt
3. Check the rated voltage at the system umr and connect it to the line voltage.
4 Switch the PC on and totlow tne rnstructtgns on the screen.
A26351—K5l5-2l004-7615 ll
Preparation for use and operation Setting up the PC
Setting up the PC
Q When installing your Pc, give consideration te the recommendations on video workstatlcn
ergonomics in the manual ~5alety and Ergonomics'.
Set up the PC only in its correct onentatlen. The points to nbservs are illustrated on the
following pages.
We recommend that you place your equipment on a sunace with good and-slip qualllles.
In view oi the multitude a! different llnisnes and varnishes used on lurnllure. It is possible
that the rubber lest Ul lhs devices will mark the surlace they sland 077,
Do not expose the PC to extreme environmental conditions (see chapter “Technical
(laia"l, Protect ll lrom dust, numidity and neat
Provide at least 200 mm of clearance on the left in Front of and behind ins ventilator area
0! the system unit to ensure adequals ventilation Do nol cover the ventilation areas ol the
monitor and the lan.
Do not place several system units one above the other
Connecting devices
2 The power plug must be dlsccrnnectedl
Read the documentation on the enernal device belore connecting it.
Do not connect or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm
Always take hold oi the actual plug nutty. Never unplug a cable by pulling the cable ltselfl
Connect and disconnect the cables in the older descn'bed beIDW.
Connecting cablcs
Turn on all power and equipment switches.
Unplug all power plugs lrorrl the grounded power outlels
Connect all cables at the system unit and peripherals. You must observe the inlormatlon
provided m the chapter "Important notes“.
Plug all data communication cables into the utility sockets.
Plug all power cables into the grounded power outlets.
Discunnecting cables
Turn on all power and equipment switches
Unplug all power plugs tram the grounded power outlets.
Unplug all data communication cables rrorn the ulility sockets.
Disconnect all cables from the system lmit and penpharals.
A263€l ~K5|5-Z|00-l-76l 9
Conneclmg devices Praparslinn for use and operation
Ports for external devices
Tha ports luv external devwces are on me rear 0! Ihe system unit. The parts avawlab‘e on your PC
depend on me canhguraflon level you have selected, The standard pans are marked wum symbols
‘ike those below of slml‘ar symbols, Exact details ol the posflion of the pens are Supphed m the
Technical Manuals [or “15 boards.
Examma 70! me location of connectlons
Kaylmard pan 7 Serial pan 1
PS/2 mouse pon _
£3 2_
Video connector é Parauel pen
Senal pan 2
USE , Universal Senal Bus Game port
Audio output mne out) Microphone jack
Audio mpufi (Lme m) N LAN-port
Some 0! the devices mm you connecl requwe special dnvels (see the documentaman for
the connemed devlce and an the operating system)
B 9:3th
A2638|—K5|5—Z|OD~|»7619 13
Preparation tor use and operation Connecting devices
Connecting the mouse
> Plug the connector ol the mouse Cable into the mouse port
Order to lree [he iH012 In! a dillerent application, If the mouse controller is disabled, ynu
. I! you attach a serial mouse, you can disable the mouse controller in the BIOSaSrmp in
mil not be able to operate a mouse connected to the FS/2 mouse port.
Connecting the keyboard
> Plug the round plug ol the keyboard cable
into the keyboard port on the system unit
_ Use only the keyboard cable supplied,
> Plug the other connector oi me keyboard
@ Cable mm the socket on the underside ol
lna keyboard
Connecting devices with serial or parallel port
> Connect the data cable to the external device
b Connect the dam Cable 0! the External device (0 the appropriate port on the system unit.
Operating system already includes many drivers But if lne driver you need is not on the
hard disk please install it lrorn the floppy disk supplied With the device or with Ihe
application program
ll you need to change the delaull settings oi the serial or parallel pod (e.g. address,
interrupt), you can do so in the arm Srlup The delault setting lor the lnterlaces are
described in lhe Technical Manual tor the system board or in the ~lalos Selup' manual
III Most devices lhat you connect to the serial or parallel pen require special drivers. Vour
Connecting the monitor to the line voltage
> Prepare the monitor as described In the Operatrng Manual lortna monitor
> Plug the data cable ol the monltor into the monitor port oi the system unit
> Plug the power cable ol the monrlor into the grounded power outlet (2)
14 Azsssl —K5|5-Z|0D~|—76i 9
Connechng the PC to the line voltage Preparation for use and operation
Connecting the PC to the line voltage
> Check the rated voltage.
if 115=100V10125V 230:200V10240V
w the med voltage does nnl agree wrm ms loser line voltage, you must move me wiper
switch Io me correct pcsmun.
> Hug me synem unrrs power cable into the system unit(1)andlhen unto the grounded power
ouflat (2)
A2686|—K515~2100~|-7G|9 15
Preparation lor use and operation indicators and switches
Indicators and switches
Power-on indicator
ON/OFF swilch
CDVROM indicator
Floppy disk indicaior
= Hard disk indicaior
1 - CD-ROM indicaiur
The indicaici iighis up when (he cunom drive of ms system unii is accessed, You may only
remove me on when me indicaiw is dark
2 - Floppy disk indicator
The indicaior iigms up when the floppy disk drive of Ihe sysiem uhii is accessed You may only
iemove me floppy disk when ihe indicator is dark,
3 » Hard dlsk indlcamr
The indica‘or hghis up when the hard disk drive ml the system unit is accessedi
4 - Puwemn indicator
The Indlcatcr iigms up green when me sysism Unlt is switched on.
The Indlcaml iigms up orange when ihe syslem unii I5 switched on
5 - ONIOFF swllch
SWilches the PC on or mi.
16 A2536i~K5|5-Zinu~i»7si9
Indicators and switches Preparation tor use and operation
Switching on the PC for the first time
When you sWiich on your PC for the tusi time the supplied settware is set up and configured.
> Switch your monitor on.
> Switch the system unit on with the ON/OFF switch.
The power-on indicator lights green and the PC is started.
> Adjust the onghtness ii neoessary (see the Operating Manual lorme monitor),
2 Some variants require you to start the software installation by pressing the function key
Once the installation has been started the PC must not be switched off.
You should only reboot the PC during installation it you are requested to do so. Otherwise
the installation will be not be perinrmed correctly. ll a fault occurs in the installation the
contents of the hard disk must be completely restoredi
> During installation toiiow the instructions on the screen.
Consult the operating system manual it there is anything unclear about the requested input data.
it the PC is integrated into a network, the user and server details as well as the network prctflcnl are
required. Contact your network administratcir it you have any questions about these details
The license number for Windows is printed on the iront cover at the Windows rnenuoi supplied,
Some system configurations do not include a Windows CD in the delivery package in this case you
should create a backup copy after installing windows so that you can restore the hard disk contents
in an emergency.
Vou need about 40 diskettes lor this.
> Create Windows diskettes im'th the MSCSD backup program (create system diskettes) and label
them using the iaoeis supplied
You will find lurther intormalion about the system drlver‘ utilities, Updates, and manuals
etc. on the "Drivers 3. Utilities" CD supplied.
A253El-K5t5-ZtDO4—76t9 17
Preparation for use and operation Indicators and switches
Switching on the PC
C lt after switching on the PC you see nothing but muttering stripes on the ssreen, swrtch the
PC 0" immediately (see "Insulin tutu em bps” — "5 ~ enhg qr q-tttrhg strip n
> Switch the munrtur on (see the Operating Manual ler the monitor).
> Switch the system umt on with the ON/OFF swrtch
The power-on Indicator lights green and the PC is stansd.
Ii you have assigned the system password, you must enter this when requested to do so.
in order to start the operating system.
Switching off the PC
> Shut down the operating system properly. Windows in the Star! menu via the Qull function
> it the operating system does not automatically switch the system unit afl. turn the system umt
ett when requested (a do so by presslng the On/ott swrtch ii the system unit is swrtched ott,
the power-on indicator lights up orange.
The GNU“ swrlch does not separate the system unit tram the line voltage. To disconnect
1 the line vollage completely. remove the power plug truth the grounded power outlet.
It the system unit is on. the system board consumes very little power.
1B Azsastskst Slim—LEE
Working with floppy disks Preparation for use and operation
Working with floppy disks
Foilow the instmetiens supplied by the vendor of the floppy disks.
Never clean the floppy disk drives with cleaning disks. Even rust one attempt would
desiluy the read/write head in the disk drive within 20 seconds.
Insenicn direction
Label area
a = Write proteelion lab ior a 720 Kbyie or a 1.44 Mbyte floppy disk
4 = identification at a 1.44 Mpyte floppy disk or write protect [an on a t20 Mpyte iloppy disk
5 = Eject tiutturi lot inserted lloppy disks
5 : Fioppy disk is write protected
7 = Fioppy disk is riol write—protecled
ii ii
> To insert a iteppy disk, push it into Ihe drive in the insenien dlreciiun (1) wild ll engages. The
Iabsl should be lacing upward
D To remove \hs floppy dlsk, press the eject bum)" (5).
The writeprotect slider enables you to protect the data on the floppy disk lrorri inadvertent
overwnllng or deletion.
> To protect the data on the floppy disk tram being oyerwntten, push the writeprelect slider to
position (is) The hole is now visible.
> To remove write protection push the slider tp position (7). The hole is now covered.
A26351-K515~Zi00-|-75|9 is
Preparation for use anfl operation Keyboard
2 a
t : function keys 3 : cursor control keys
2 = alphanumeric keypad 4 = numeric keypad {calculator keypad)
Important keys and key combinations
The Iuilowmg description at keys and key combinations relers to MS Windows Details cl other keys
and key combinallnns can be lound tn the documenlaiicn at the relevant application program.
Enter key
confirms or starts the marked selection The enlel key is aiso relerrea la as the
"Return" key or 'Calriags Relum'.
Slur! key
invokes the START menu.
Menu key
invokes the menu tor the marked item.
snill key
enaples upper-case letters and the upper key symbols to be displayed,
All Gr
produces a character shown on me right-hand slde at a key (e, g the character ”\" on
the key El)
Euro key
prcduces (he Euro character lWirldDws 93 and Windows NT5.D).
20 Azeasl «sis-2100477619
Settings in BIOS Setup Preparation for use and operation
Num Lock key
by pressing the Num Lock key you switch between the upper- and lower-case levels
at the calculator keypad.
At uppercase level (Num Lock indicator litt the digll and comma keys are active.
M iower-cflss levei (Num Lock Indicator not “01778 Cursor Cuntlol “motions are aCtIVE
in the calculator keypad.
Ctrl ksy
sans key combination actions
Warm boot
+ restarts your PC, First hold down the and key, and
then press the key,
Settings in BIOS Setup
The was Selllp menu allows you to set your hardware configuration and system functions When the
notebook is delivered the detault entries are valid Vou can customize these settings to your
requirements in £11055"th
The Technical Manual lor the system ooard shows you now to call and operate BIDS Selup. The
menus and setting options provided by BIOS-Setup are also described in detail,
Property and data protection
Your PC enable you to protect your system and personal data in a number at ways against
unauthorized access.
Security functions under Windows 9x
Under Windows 9x you can activate a screen saver and protect it With a password. Only those users
who know the password can deaclivats the screen saver and access any open files Detailed
inlormation on screen savers under his Windows is provided by the associated help function,
BIOS Setup security functions
The Set-unit menu in BIOS Setup otters you various options for protecting your system and personal
data against unauthorized access By combining these options, you can achieve optimum protection
tor your system You will ltnd a detailed description oi the YPt’uril)‘ menus and how to assign
passwords in lne Technical Manual for the system board,
A2635|-K515~2100>1~7619 21
Troubleshooting and tips
Take note oi the salely hrnts in the manual "Safety and Ergonomics” and lrl the chapter
7318143 ' lf-r usedmwperalrm". when you connect pr disconnect cables.
it a vault occurs, try to correct it as described:
' ll’l tnrs chapler
- rn tire documefllallcri oi the connected devices
- in the help systems at tire soflware used
If you Vail In correct lhe problem. proceed as lollows-
P Switch lhe PC 077.
> Make a note ol the steps and the circumstances that led to tire leult. Also make a note of any
error messages displayed and the Idenero. (Identnr) or the type label or your device
> Contact your sales cities or customer service.
installing new software
wnen installing programs or drrvers. rmpenant tiles may be overwritten and modified. To be able lo
access the original data in the case oi any problems loildwing installation, you should make a
backup or the your nerd disk prlor to rnslallation.
Power-on indicator remains dark after you have
switched on your device
This may have the lolluwlng causes.
The line voltage supply is laulty
> Check that the power cable is plugged properly into the system unil and grounded power outlet.
Internal power supply overloaded
> Disconnect the power plug cl tne system unll lrom the grounded power outlet.
> Plug ltre power plug into tne grounded power outlet again.
A2635l-K5151100—l 7519 23
Troubleshooting and tips
The screen stays blank
Ii your screen remalns blank Ihis may have (he iollowirlg causes:
Monitor Is swllcned o"
> Switch your monitor on.
Screen has been blanked
> Press any key on the keyboard.
> Deacllvale screen blanking (screen saver). Erller the approprlaie password,
Brightness control is set lo dark
> Set the brightness oonlrol io Ilghl. For detailed inlormalion. please reler lo the Operating
Manual supplied Wllh your monitor.
Power cable or monitor cable not connected
V Swl'cl’i D" the monitor and the system unit
> Check met me power cable is properly connecled lo lhe manner and system unil or to me
grounded power olmet.
> Check manna monllor cable ls properly connecled lo lne syslem uan or monllur [ii nol
permanenlly anacnea).
P Swilcn on the Murillo! and (he system unit.
Wrong monitor has been set under windows NT
> Restart lne PC in standard VGA made.
> Sal the desired resolullon ln the Crlnrr‘nl r’lmrl window using me anlny program, and adjusl
the monllor display as oescrloed ml the Operaling Manual
Wrong monllor has been set under windows 9x
> Reslarl the PC.
> ll me message slum Wrmlml l 91 appears, press luncllon Key
The Windows 9x start menu appears
> Selecl lne upllon my mitt/t or Sir/e mm]? mm nennrrl mppnrr
> Sel lne correcl values lor ills anacned menllor by seiecllng Sum - surrnrur , mum: Fill!!! ,
unplrn -5e(riny.\‘.
Tile wrong RAM memory modules have been inserted
> See the Technloal Manual for the syslem board for lnlormalion on which memory modules can
be used
24 AzsaeI-KSls-Zlaowsw
Troubleshooting and tips
Flickering or drifting stripes on the monitor screen
6 Switch oil the PC immediately!
The flickering stripes are caused either by an oldatype screen that does not suppori the horizonlal
frequency ol 47 kHz, or by an incorrect monitor selection under MS-Wrnduws.
The uniting screen display is caused when \he selected irequency arid/or resolution is wrong.
The deiauit screen values are 500x600 ptxels at 75 Hz and lor 64K colors,
> Find out which horizontal lrequency your monitor screen supports,
You will tind the horizontal trequency (also known as line frequency or horizontal deflection
irequencyt in the documentation or your monitor.
No mouse pointer displayed on the screen
> Shutdown the operating system properly
a Switch the PC ell.
> Check that the mouse cable is properly connected to the system unit.
ll you use an adapter or extension lead With the mouse cable, check the connector
> Make sure that only one mouse is connected
b Switch the PC on.
P The mouse controller must be enabled, it you use a F‘s/2 mouse. Check in the IMO-Y Szlup that
the mouse controller is enabled
> Check that the mouse driver is properly installed and is present when the application program
is started. Detailed iniormatipn can be round in the User Guide or the mouse or application
The floppy disk cannot be read or written
> Check that the write protection oi the floppy disk or the iicppy disk drive is activated treier also
to the Technical Manual ol the system board or in the manual BIOS).
> Check the relevant entries tor Dlrkene/l. or B: In the Mum menu of the fill). S'zlup.
> Check that the floppy dlsk drive controller ls enabled lreier also to the Technical Manual of the
system poem or in the menuai "BlOS Setup').
> Check that the cables ol the floppy disk drive are properly connected (reler to chapter "Systltirii
AQGSElaKsl s-Zico-Hslg 25
Troubleshooting and tips
Time and/or date is not correct
> Set the time and/or data. iron can set the runs and date in the BIOS Setup or in the operating
Change the irtnrurn battery as described In the Chapter "Me
ii the time and date are repeatedly wrong when you switch on your For the battery is flat,
I ' ,,
Error messages on the screen
Error messages and their descrlpuons are listed In the Technical Manual 01 the system board Or in
the “BIOS Setup" manual and in the documentation of the installed sottwsre,
Resto ng the hard disk contents
Vour PC rs supprred with drflerent software components, These software components are usually
already preinstailed on the hard disk and is either ready tor use immediately after initial stanup or
initialized tor setup or installation.
It your hard disk is however damaged. or programs or parts thereof have been accidentally deleted.
then recovery or the relevant programs or the entire contents or the trard disk is necessary.
The PC can be put rnto operetron again with the backup diskettes, the Windows CD provided. the
drivers provided on iluppy disks or CD and the CD wim the applications program,
will be reinstalled Forthis reason you should try to save important data betore you restore
All data on the hard disk Will be deleted. Operating system, drivers and sottware utilities
the hard disk contents
Restnring hard disk contents with a Windows CD
> Proceed as described in the related documentation.
Restoring the hard disk contents using the backup diskettes
> Insert the first backup disk and follow the instmciions on the screen.
i Install ttie drivers and uti ies in the C \PR()GS\DISKS directory
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows NT
it ycu need to restore me hard disk Contents you have to reinstali Windows NT.
P Proceed as described in the related documentation.
25 Azsaet-Ks1szmu-1-7519
Troubleshooting and lips
The PC cannot be swllched on with the ONIOFF swllch
Cause1The PC has not been swilchsd on with the ON/OFF switch.
> Press the ON/OFF switch again
Cause: System crash
> Press the ON/OFF switch for at least Four seconds, until (he dEVlce switches Off.
Out at system resources
it you have too many applicalions running at once, you may experience problems due to a lack at
system resources, ll this happens. you should close appllcaticns you do not require or call We
applicallons lrl a dinerent order,
BIOS settlngs ln pnwer management do nol become active
The Arrrr. "um min/n rmml setting may be active ldr tne CD-ROM drive. This setting causes
Wlndows ax to inquire about any modrllcatlans on the drive at regular intervals. Because cl this the
timer lor the idle trme cannot time out.
To activate power management, proceed as follows:
> ln Windows 9x. select sum - Sfrlt'nyr , Crlnrml Fluid! , sine". , an“ Mtlrltlktr- CD-RoM.
> Select the lnslalled cwtowl drive item the list.
> Select SHr‘lngr
V Deactivale the Aum Hltl'll Ilflll/H ill/rm box.
(DD—ROM drive
Iniormatiorr on (he CD'ROM drlve can be found in the manual of the CDROM drive or on (he
"Drivers & Ulllllies' CD.
other manuals
other manuals are contained on 012 "Drivers 8x Ulrlllles“ CD.
A2696|—K5|5—Z|DD—l—7619 27
System expansions
It may be necessary lo update ms BIOS when carrying out a system expansmn or
hardware upgrade. ln lms instance please eontael oul service.
Thls chapter describes all the acllvltles required to modify your PC hardware (eg. installing beards
or drlves)
Memory and processor upgradlng are dascnbsd in the Technical Manual lor the system board
Read the supplied documenlation beiore Installing new drives and/01 boards
Rater to lhe Technical Manual lor line system board belere making any extensions on lhe system
Opening the system unit
Please take nets oi the safety mlormalron in the chapter "ilvpgflallt l‘Qgs‘
z A 5 Pull the power plug out olthe power cullell
> ll any cables anachsd to me system unli
are nbslrucling you. pull out the connectors
on the syslem unll.
> Place the system unit in a convenient
working posmon,
. Loosen the screws (ll
> Pull the caslng ln the directlon ol the
arrow (2) until ihe drslance la) ls
apprexrmatsly 10 mm
> Lllt tne caslng in an upward dlrecllon.
Azeasl-xsls-Zlmwsw 29
System expansions
Assembling the system unit
> Place the housing on the system unit (1)
mm above so lhat the dlstarlca la) ls
applox, 10 mm wtule doing so, make sure
that the hnusmg ls hooked lnlo lhe syslem
unit at lhe buttom.
> Push the caSlng in me dlrsction ol the
arrow (2).
> Fasten lhe screws (a)
> Return the system unit to its original
> ll you have dlsccrlnected cables, reconnect
them at the rears
installing and removing drives
The system unll houses a telal 0’ three accessible dlives (two 5 l/4-inch drives and one 3 llZ-Inch
drive) and one nonraocesslbls hallrhelghl (Slimline) drive
IDE drives
By default lour IDE drlves are supporled. ideally hard disks are connected to IDE port l. and
accessible dlives. lo! example CD-ROM5,10 iDE port 2 (see also the Technical Manual lor ll’le
system board),
SCSI drives
ll you wanl to lnsvall an SCSI dnve. you lequtle an SCSI controller and an SCSI cable Note that:
- not every SCSl controller is sullable lor cperaltng SCSl hard disks
- each SCSI devlce must be asslgncd its own SCSI-ID
- a devlce wlth acllvaled or connected termmalmg leslstors musl always be connected al the
end at an SCSl cable, The terminating resistors all all other SCSI devlces attached musl not be
acllvated or connected.
30 Azsasl—Ksl 5110047619
System expansions
Installing an accessible drive
> Open the system unit (see Opening] ihe sysmm wit“)
> Lever out me plastic drive cave! off the casing (i)
> Puli me mscal cover iomam (2)
C If you remove the drive again ialei. you wiil have to leinstali the Covers.
> Make (he required settings DH “15 dn’ve (il necessary, on instalied drlves as weli),
> Slide the dime mm the syslem unit (1).
> Fasien me diive with me screws (2)
> Piug the connectors oi (he data cable and ma powev suppiy cab|e into the drive iai
System expansions
> muse me sysiem uml (see "A em mm").
mbh’rg m ~
Ir necessaryr you must adam the entry tor the dnvs m the Swap menu‘
Replacing the hard disk or floppy disk drive
> Open the system unit (see "Opervngihe sy§tgmurw:“).
Removing the drive carrler
> Press the unwnckmg device m (he direction 0! the arrow (I).
P Swivel the drive Gamer m dwrecilon of ihe arrow (2)
> Remove the drive carrier in direchon oi the arrow (3).
32 new «5157210047761 9
System expanslons
Replaclng a hard dlsk drlvu
Remove tne fouv screws (1 >
Pu” the hard disk drive oul of the carrier (2).
Take the new hard disk drive out ants packaging.
Make the reqtnrsd settings (a g master-slave settings) on the dnve,
Suds the hard disk drive into the dnvs earner (1),
Fasten me nam disk drive with me screws (2).
Mg the data and the power supply Connectors mic the hard disk drive.
Close the system unit (see "A,,5‘,§t¥il‘bh'lg we syssem wt“).
I: u necessary, you must adapt me entry ior the drive in the Setup menu.
A25351~K5t 51100446“; 33
System expanslons
changing the floppy dlsk drive
> Remove the four screws (I).
> Pull the floppy dlsk drive out m the carrier (2)
> Take me new floppy disk dnvs out no its packagmg,
Slide the floppy dwsk drive into me dnve came! (1).
Fasten the hard dwsk dnve wnh the screws (2).
Plug the data and the power supp‘y connscwls lnlo the hard disk drive
muse the system um (see “ mm m: syskam wt“)
{II n necessary, you must adapt me entry for me dnve in the Kemp menu,
34 A2636‘-K5|5-Z\00~|~76|9
System expansions
Installing me hard dlsk carvler
> Slide we drive carrier m mrecn’cn of the arrow (1).
> Swlvel Ihe drive tamer in dwsction 0! the arrow (2) Hease ensure (hal (he guwde rail is in the
> Class Ihe system uni! (sse “Asaernbk'tg m symm umr)
u necessary, you must adapt the entry im me drwe in me leup menu.
A2636LK515—Zv004-75‘9 35
System expanslons
Installing a board
Observe the notes on installing and removing boards rn the chapter 'lmeorranr notes
ore ISA boards wnreh require a 5 v power supply are not supporled
Vou can install boards which are up to 300 mm long.
The number, positson and arrangement ot the board slots on system board can be fauna in the
technical manual tor the system ooero. Boards may he installed when the device is shrppoo
a,“ “e/
r z
> Remove-the screw“)
> Remove the rear slot cover plate irom the slot (2).
Do not dispose or the rear slot cover plate. For coallng‘ protection against fire and in order
to comply wrth EMc regulations, you must relrt the rear slot cover plate rt you remove the
> Take the new board out at rls packaglrlg.
> Maks the required settings tor the board.
Put the board tn the reourreo slot and push ll carelully in place (3). Ensure that the and at o long
hoard without angle bracket «is into the corresponding guide at the system unrtr
> press the board rnto the slot so that il engages,
> Fix the board wrth the screw (4).
> it necessary, plug the lrnss on the board
36 A26351~K515~Z|00+7El 9
Syslem expansions
senings in BIOS Setup
lr you have rnslalleo or removed a PCI board, please check in lhe BIOS Selim lhe selfings for the
relevanl PCI slol. ll necessary. change lhe senrngs. Funher inlormatien is provided in lhe
documentation ior ma PCl board.
Memory, processor, lithium battery
Details oi how and ii you can upgrade me main memory or rem: lhe second-levei cache cl your
PC are provided in (he Technical Manuai for the Syslem board. Below the necessary steps are
described in enable you to work on me syslem board,
> Open lhe syslern unil (see peering lhe syslem; nil"),
b Ila board is installed on the system board, you may have to remove ll (see ‘lnslallivig a
> Make desired exisnsrons as ii is described in fire Technical Manual lol me syslem board.
> ll you have removed a mere lnstali il now (see ”4513ng sown-y
> Close the syslem unil lsee "Assembling the sys,
Replacing (he lilhium hungry
2 incorrect replacement ol the lithium ballery may lead lo a risk 01 explosion
The lilhlum hahery may be replaced only wllh an identical battery or with a iype
recommended by me manulaclursr.
Dc nol mrcw Ilthlum batteries into Ihe lrashDal’iv It musi be disposed oi in accordance with
local regulations concerning special wasle.
Make sure lhal you insen me ballery the fight way round The plus pole must be on the
b Lift (he conlacl l!) a law millimeters and remove the ballery llom lls socket (2).
> Insert a new lithium ballery ol (he same lype in lhe socket (3).
”5351va 51100—1761 9 37
Technical data
Eleotllcsl data
Regulatlons complied mm: EN 50950 / VDE 0805
UL 1950
GSA 22.2 No 950
Protection class“ I
Rated voltage range: (selectable) 100 v to 125 v 1200 v to 240 v
Frequency. 50 Hz , 60 Hz
Max. rated current loo v - 125 v / 2 o A
Maxlmum power draw ln operanon: < 40 w ')
Minlmum power draw In operanon. < 30 w n
reduced by Wlndows 9x
leer rmlrlugmmr! advanced,
Power draw in energy saving mode: < 25 w ')
Power draw in the ‘ready' stalus- < 3 W ')
Widm/Depth/Hsight: 190 mm/SSD mm/355 mm
Welgnr ca. 5 kg (78 5 N; ln basic oonliguratlon
Environmental conditions
Enwonrnenl class axz DIN IEC 721 pan 3-3
Envlronment class 2K2 DIN IEC 721 pan 32
- Operatlng (3K2) 15 “c 35 “C
. Transport (2K2) -25 no on “c
Condensan‘crl m operatmg must be avoided.
Clearance required to ensure adequate yennlation-
. rim-hand side mm. 200 mm
0 front mm. 200 mm
l rear mm. 200 mm
') These values only apply for a SCENlC Edition Mi wl\h the conllguranen below. wnen addillonal
components are incorporated, the power oonsumptlon In energy saving mode may exceed the
requirements (or the anwronment symbol ("Blue Angel“) (30 W]
Processor ( 512 Kbyte cache): Pentium N MMX at 333 MHZ
Mam memory. 54 Mbytes
Floppy dlSK duvet 1.44 Mbytes
Hard disk drive at Gbyte
Soltware: Wlndows 95 Punt” mumwmml - Adtwk ed.
CD-ROM drlvs 24lotd
A2536l-K5151l004-76l9 39
Technical dala
Interrupt labia
Interrupt table
Fiease Hols mai an imerrupi cannot be ussd by we appiicaiioris a! the same time.
Address lnlsrmpls Esslgned as possible
shipped inienupis
Keyboard iRoi
Seriai inler'ace com an8 mm
Seriai port com 2 can mos
Fax/modem We "24:5
Floppy disk drive oontrollev IRQG I '|
Faraiiei interiace Lia-n "F379 |FKO7
RTC I'm—08 _| j|
Audio coniroiier assigned by ihe BIOS mos,
"2107. mos
Mouse centroller moi 2
Numeric processor iR013
IDE oommller1 mom
was controller 2 inm 5
DMA channels
DMAs assigned as shipped
floppy disk drive conlrollsr DMAZ
Free/EDP mode DMAa
cascaded DMA channels DMM
A2636i»K5|5»Z|00-| 4519
A 2
II 2
Accessible drive
instaning 31
Accumumwndwspusal 5
Amivafing‘ secumy measures 2\
Address to
Alphanumericksypad 20
AnGrkey 20
Assemblmg.PC 30
DMAchannsls 40
l/Daduress 40
intervupl 40
Audiainpm 13
Audio output ‘3
Banery rs?
replacing 47
BIOS Setup 21
securilyluncllons 2s
ins1allwng 36
safety A
connecting ‘2
dwsocvnnecling w
Cablmg,PC 12
instaHing 37
Calculatorkeypad 23
CD.Windows Zb
mdicator It.
mslauing 31
manual 27
CE cemllcale 5
floppy dwskdrive 32
Iimmm battery 37
Checklng, raved valtage 15
Class E Compliance Statement 6
Cleamng 9
Clearance 39
Closingmecasmg so
Configuration, mos-Setup 2
cables ‘2
devices ‘
mouse 14
parallelpon 14
powervonage 15
senalpon m
In power voltage
Contents cfdellvery 11
Control key 21
Cm key 21
CthlnDew 2!
Cursorcunivmkeys as
Darkscresn 24
protecuun 2‘
Iechnical 7
Dave,no(correct 26
conneming 12
lnterlace \3
Dimensions 39
Diskette H)
cannat be read or wnnen 25
wnlerprolecnon 15
cleaning 9
Disposal 5
Dnlung screen display 25
Drive 30
Electncahjata 39
Elecncmagnelic companblllty 6
Energy saving a
Emerkey 20
Environmental commons 39
Environmenlaldata 3&3
Ergonomic, video workstatlon w?
new 26
Happy 25
mouse 25
screen ?A,2.’4
A25351-K515-Z1004-76! 9
syslem uniq 23
me 26
Errnrmessage 25
ESD z.
Eum key 20
Expansmn 29
External devices
connecllng 12
ports 13
FCC smsmsnl 6
Floppy disk drive
changing 32
Indicator 16
Funcuon keys 20
Game pen 13
Green‘ power—on indicator 15
Guaramss coupon bookwet m
Hard disk
defecl 25
indicator Yr’i
Hard dwsk drive
replacing 3?
I/Oaddress 4!)
IDEdrives 317
|mpor1an| noxes 3
vowel-en indicator 15
power-on indicator vails (0 light 23
accessible drvve 3‘
board 35
nawSoflware 23
Insufficient memory 2;
Inlefiaces ta
«merrupnable 40
Ha‘ics 2
Keyccmbmauon 20.21
Keyboard 20
cleaning 9
connechng m:
Keyboard pun w
Keys 20
A26351 -K5\ 5-21004‘76‘9
LAN-pen 13
Lmein 53
Lineou' 13
anum battery 37
replacmg 37
Mam memory Bf
Manulamurer‘s notes 4
Memory, upgvaumg 37
Menu Key 10
chrcphonelack 13
connecting 14
transporf g 8
cleaning 9
connecting M
error 25
Mouse part ‘3
New Insmllatifm, Software 23
Noscreen dismay 24 as
Notenoughmemory z
Notanonal convenhuns
board 4
CE cemficat 5
disposal 5
enargysaving a
imponant 3
manulacturer 4
powerccrd selecchon e;
salsty 3
Num Lock key 21
Numericksypad 20
ON/OFstilch 36
Opening, PC 2G
Operamn 11
Orangs‘ power»
Olhsvmanuals a
PC 1
preparmgfor use 11
Packing matenal 11
Para‘lellmer‘ace 13
eonnecimg devices 1-1
cabling zz
cannotboot 23
cleaning 9
ciosing 30
connecting 12
connecting 10 power voltage is
opening 29
parts i:;
semng up i2
switchingo" 16,18
switching on 16,123
transporting 8
Ports, external devices 13
Powsrcold selecction 6
Powermanagemerit 2/
Powemn indicator 16
dark 23
Preparation loruse 1‘i
overwew ti
Problems 23
Processor 37
replacing 37
Flopeny proiection 21
PSI? mouse port i3
Raied voltage
setting 15,
Recycling 5
Relnslaillng, hard disk contents 26
hard disk drive 32
lithium battery 37
processor 37
Restoring, nard disk contents 26
Return key 2/3
Saieiy 3
dnmngdispiey 25
stays blank 24
Screen blanking 4
SCSidrivss 30
Secuiiiylunmion 2~
Security measures 21
Seiectipoweroord f}
Sevlalinlelface 13
connecting devices m
A2636|—K5|5 Z|Ou~|~7619
raled vunage 15
mos Setup 2&37
Setup‘ see BIOS Setup
Smft key 2!)
Software, New Installation 23
51m key 20
Streamer, instauing 31
Summartime 26
Sudace 39
Switching on. PC 16‘ Hi
Switching on, PC ‘6‘ 15
Symbols, explananon or 2
System expansion 2»
Syslem semngs Bwos Setup 21
System unit, see PC
Technicaldala 39
Time,notoorrscl 28
Tips 2327
Transport 3
floppy 2.3
mouse 25
screen 24,25
system uml 23
Troubleshooting 23
Unpacking v
memory 37
Secend Levew-Cache 37
Upgradmg (he Second-level cache 37
usa, Universal Senal Bus u
Venhlaticn area Sf!
Vldeowovkstanon -2
Warm boot aw
Windows CD 25
wintertime 25
Write protecllon‘ floppy 19
Nommna‘ convem Dr‘s
lmpunam noles
Senetv . ~ ,
Nf) om skflmg m'd removing 5‘
am! {Clu' ”(nag
Energy 53 ng
Dwsposa! and fecyd- ng
>om in m , ,
FCC mass 5 Cr-ww- m , Stax-xr m
Pa «fer rCrdS LG" ,
For me Umted es Wm cmada
For me ummd ngdom, ; H
9 pc
Preparation mr use and operation
vpaok-nq and checking we dehvew
amps the PC w um
mm mm
mm; on the PC m
3 mg or‘ the PC
Wovkmg ~ m Nopmy ~
myrmm . ,
rkeys and key wmuma
as Setup ‘
Pwverty m1} 4 upmmmn ‘
, uwm ons hl‘fle Wmnowg 9x
808 Setup ecuvfi)‘ nmons
Tmubleshcctmg and nps.
ms‘mmg new sonware . .
er you haze «mm so a" vow device
F1 mermg or umfwvg 5 ‘p
\o muse p
'¥‘c roppy x
Lrvm m
PESlOrmg the hard (“Ski
Fiesta! m) Inc ham 6
m ma momto
7 the 5:19,
’ e‘ M
Azsael-sz-sz-Hm 9
System expanslons.
m 4m“
. g n mu!
msxaqu and vemcwg (muss
at -ng an ac \ me (- e ,
Roma ng rm: mm (1qu m hoppv disk m are
mszemrg I; J
Mefi‘ory, pvocessor, “mun battery
Technical data .
surgnupz pm e
lndex ,
A2535|7K5| 5210047619

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