Fujitsu Technology Solutions SCENICM701 User Manual 44391

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Date Submitted1999-06-28 00:00:00
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Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

A26361 -K446-Z102-1-7619
Operating Manual
Edition November 1997
Micfosofl, MS MS~DOS, Windows and Windows NT are Trademarks 0! Microsoft
VESA and DPMS are iredemarks uf Video Electronics Slandaids Association
PM is a regisiereu trademark oi Imemalional Business Machines, inc
Pemium IS a regrsiereu irauemark o! Imel Corporairon, USA.
Aii ether lrademarks reierenced are trademarks or registered irademarks oirneir respective
owners, whose protecled rigms are acknowiedgea.
Copyrighi © Siemens Nixdori iniormaiionssysieme AG 1997.
All rigms, inciuding ngms o'lranslalion,ieproduc1lon by printing, copying or Similar methods,
even 0! parts are reserved.
onenders win be liable iur damages
All rights including righis creaied by paiem gram or rsgislraiion oi a unity made] or design,
are reserved
Deiiveiy subiecl lo avaiiability, Right of Iechnical modificali’on leserved.
A26351-K44611 02477519
This Operating Manual tells you how to put your PC into operation and how to
operate rt in daily use. it applies tor all configuration levels. Depending on the
configuration level chosen some oi the hardware components described may not
be available on your PC. Please observe the notes on your operating system.
Your SCENIC Pro M is a powevtul PC whrch is suitable tor both prolessional and
private use.
Depending on the configuration level of your PC. it is equipped wrtn audio ports, a
chipcard reader and an inlrared port (IrDA) operated via the front panel. A
chipcard reader and an inlrared port can be installed at any time. In addition, you
can incorporate operable drives (for example DAT drive. streamer) and a second
hard disk, as well as other boards
Depending on the configuration level chosen, your PC is supplied with Windows
tor Workgroups. Windows 95 or Windows NT as the operating system
Your PC has a number of security ieatures to ensure that no unauthorized persons
can access your data For example, you can activate a screen saver Wllh
password protection The security functions in the BIOS Setup also allow you to
protect your data by means of passwords. In addilron. you can also lock your PC
mechanically using the cover lockr Systems with a drive cover and a chipcard
reader offer additional protection
Further intormation on this PC is provided:
in the manual "Salety and Ergonomics“
in the Operating Manual for the monitor
in the Technical Manual tor the system board
in the manual "BIOS Setup"
in the documentation oi your operating system
in the information tiles (e g fTXT, " WRI, *.DOC‘, *,HLP)
in the Installation Guide "Wrndows NT Setup" (for Windows NT systems only)
Some of the manuals listed can be found on the CD “Drrvers & Utrlilies"
provided with your computer. These manuals can be read and printed
with the Acrobat Reader contained on the CD.
mast-WS-ZmZMJSTQ 1
Introduction Notational conventions
Notational conventions
The meanings of the symbols and lonts used in this manual are as follows
2 Pay particular attention to lexts marked with this symbol. Failure to
observe this warning endangers your life, destroys the system, or may
lead to loss at data.
This symbol rs followed by supplementary information. remarks and tips.
> Texts which lollow this symbol describe activities that must be performed in the
order shown.
_ This symbol means that you must enter a blank space at "US point.
E This symbol means that you must press the Enter key.
Texts in this typeface are screen outputs lrom the PC
Texts in this bold typeface are the entries you make via the keyboard.
Text; in italics indicate commands or menu item.
“Quotation marks" indicale names at chapters and terms that are being
2 A25361—K445-Z102-1-7619
Important notes
In this chapter you will tind information regarding safety which it is essential to take
note cl when working with your PC. The manufacturers notes contain helplul
information on your PC
Pay attention to the inlormalion provided in the manual 'Sa1ety and
- During installation and oelore operating the device, observe the instructions
on environmental conditions in the chapter entitled “Technicaioata“ as well as
the instructions in the chapter “ reparation for use and operation".
- Please check whether the device is set to the local power supply (see chapter
'Emrationtqt.eflean¢oyec ‘ ).
- The main switch and the ON/OFF switch do not disconnect the system unit
lrom the iine voltage To disconnect the line voltage completely, remove the
power plug from the grounded power outlet.
- When cleaning the device. observe the relevant notes in the paragraph
'cr 11mg thePQ".
- When connecting and disconnecting cables, observe the relevant notes in the
Chapter "Pregfltion for use and operation“,
- Replace the lithium battery on the system board in accordance with the
instructions in the chapter 'Sy§tem,expansions - Rem ingtheiilh'
- Caution components on the system board can get very hot
- Keep this Operating Manual together With your device. If you pass on the
device to third parties, you should also pass on the Operating Manual,
AZSGEi-KMG-Zl 02477519 3
Important notes Safety
The lithium battery of the devrce may only be replaced by one that is
Z t 5 identical or by a type recommended by the vehdor it the lithium battery
is not replaced in the proper manner, there is a danger of explosion (see
the Operating Manual {or your device).
Explosionsfara vid ielakhgt baheribyte Anvénd samma batterityp eller en
ekvivalent typ sum rekommenderas av apparattiilverkareniabrikanten.
Kassera anvfint batteri eniigt tabrikantsns instruklmn.
Lilhiumbaneri - Eksplosionsiare ved iejiagtig handlering, Udskifthing mé
kun ske med balleri al samme fabrikat og type. Lever det brugte batteri
tilbage tii leverandnren.
Eksplosjansfare ved leilaktig skifle av balteri, Benytt samme batteritype
eller an tilsvarende type anbelalt av apparatiabrlkahten. Brukte balterier
kasseres i henhoid til iabrikantens instruksioner.
Parislo voi ‘os se on virheellisesti asennetlu. Vaihda paristo
ainoastaan Iaitevalmislajan suosinelemaan tyyppiin. Havita kéytetty
paristo vaimistajan ohjeiden mukaisesli,
Safety Imporlant notes
Nuts on me laser
Ii your device is equipped with a CD-ROM drive, the ioliowing condilion applies:
The CD-ROM drive contains a light-emitting diode (LEDL classified according to
IEC 5254 1993:LASER CLASS 1; it musi not be opened
Om din apparai ar ulrusiad med an CD—ROM-enhei géller foijande‘
CD-HOM-enhelen innhaiier en Ijusemillerande diod (LED), klassiilcsraci eniigt
IEC 825411993: KLASS 1 LASER APPARAT‘ och fév dérf'or inie tippnas.
Skal enheden iorsynes mad at CD-FlOM drev gmlder icigende,
CD»HOM drevei indeholder en Iysdiode (LED), klassificering iflg. IEC 825-
1:19933LASER KLASSE 1 09 mé deflor ikke ébnes.
Fclgende gjeldsr hws maskinen er uis|yr| med en CD-ROM slasjon:
CD-ROM slasjunen inneholder en Iysuiviklende diode (LED), sum er klassiiisen
efler IEC 825—1z1993:LASER KLASSE 1, cg skai deflorikke apnes,
Jos Iaineeseen on kytkelty CD-ROM-assma:
C OM-asema sisalléé valoa saleilevén diodin (LED). joka on Iuokiialtu
m yksen IEC 825-111993:LA5ER LUOKKA1 mukaisesliv Tami-in vuoksi
asemaa ei sea avala.
A26361-KM511024'7619 5
Important notes Safety
Notes on installing and removing boards
Boards with electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) may be identifisd by labels.
When you handle boards fitted with ESDs. you must observe lhe following points
under all circumstances:
Vou must always discharge yourself (eg. by touching a grounded obiect)
balore working.
The equipment and tools you use must be lree of static charges,
Pull out the power plug belore inserting or pulling out boards containing
Always hold boards with ESDs by their edges
Never louch pins Oi conductors on boards filled wilh ESDs,
Manufacturers notes Important notes
Manufacturer's notes
Energy saving
When the PC is delivered, some energyrsaving tunctions are already set (see
Technical Manual tor the system board or in the manual "BtOS Setup").
- It you are not using your PC, switch it off,
- In the BIOS Selup you may set further energy—saving functions for the PC (see
the Technical Manual of the system board or in the manual “BIOS Setup“),
Energy savlng under Windows NY
If the attached monitor and screen controller support power management in
accordance with VESA (DPMS), the screen saver Fmtersllver can be used to
switch the monitor into power management mode,
Energy savlng under Windows 95
Using the Der/(Lock program you can lock the mouse and keyboard so that no
input can be made It the attached monitor supports power management in
accordance with VESA (DPMS), it can be swrtched into power-saving mode at the
same time
in addition the Screen Saver tab allows you to set energy-saving iunctions for your
screen, Select the following item in the start menu: Kerri/lg: - Cnnrml Panel ~ Display
, Display Prapemts - Screen Saver - Energy saving features afnumz'mr.
With the default setting Comm! PLUM" , Power - Advanced additional energy saving
leatures of Windows 95 are available
Energy saving under Windows for Workgroups
The QLOCK COM (under MS-DOS)‘ the QLUCK. EXE or QLOFKWIN EXE (under
Windows for Workgroups) enables you to look entry at your mouse and keyboard.
It the attached monitor supports power management in accordance with VESA
tDPMS). it can be switched into power—saving mode at the same time.
Azsast-Kuszmz-wste 7
Important notes Manufacturer's notes
Disposal and recycling
This device has been manuiactured to the greatest DOSSibis degree tram materials
which can be recycled or disposed of in a manner that is not environmentaily
damaging, The device is taken back after use. so that it can be recycled. provided
that it is returned in a condition which is the result ol normal use Any components
not recuperated will be disposed at in an environmentaily acceptable manner.
For devices marked with this symboi Siemens Nixdori
Intormationssysteme AG (SNI) otters a guarantee for 36
months with a Bring-in-Service. The guarantee starts on the
day of delivery (sale date) by SNI or an SNI partner.
We herewith deciare that it will be possible to repair any
device marked with the ecu-label lor at least 5 years after
production of that device has discontinued
information on power management and energy saving mode
can be iound in chapter ITechnical data'.
Do not throw lithium batteries or accumulators into the Irashcan They must be
disposed at in accordance with local regulations concerning special waste.
It you have any questions on disposai. please contact your local office. our service
department, on directty‘
Siemens Nixdort Informationssysteme AG
Recycling Center
D-33094 Paderbom
Tel 490515013
Fax, .149(05251)818015
CE certificate
This device complies mm the requirements oi the EEC directive
( E BS/BSG/EEC “Electromagnetic compatibiiity" and 73/23/EEC "Low
voltage directive" with amending directive salsa/EEO
8 M5351 «44511 1124-7619
Manufacturer's notes Important notes
FlFl suppression
Ali other devices connected to or integrated in this product must have RFI
suppression in accordance With EC directive 89/336/EEC. Products meeting these
requirements are accompanied by a certificate issued by the manuiacturer and
carry the CE symbol.
Fcc Class B Compliance Statement
If there is an FCC statement on the device, then:
The following statement applies to the products covered in this manual. unless
otherwise specified herein, The statement for other products will appear in the
accompanying documentation.
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a "Class 5"
digital device, pursuant to Fan 15 of the FCC rules and meets all requirements of
the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. These iimits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmfut interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
lrequency energy and. it not installed and used in strict accordance with the
instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications However,
there is no guarantee that interlerence will not occur in a particular installation, If
this equipment does cause harmful interterence to radio or teievision reception.
which can be determined by turning the equipment oil and on, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the followmg
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna
- Increase the separation between equipment and the receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outiet on a circuit diiierent from that to which
the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician tor help.
Siemens Nixdorf Iniormationssysteme AG is not responsible tor any radio or
television interference caused by unauthorized modifications oi this equipment or
the substitution or attachment 0! connecting cables and equipment other than
those specified by Siemens Nixdort lnlorrriationssysteme AG. The correction of
interferences caused by such unauthorized modification. substitution or
attachment will be the responsibility at the user
AZSGGl-KMEth Beware 9
Important notes Manufacturer's notes
The use of shielded l/O cables is required when connecting this equipment to any
and all optional peripheral or host devices Failure to do so may violate FCC rules.
Power cord selection
The power cord for this unit has been packed separately and has been selected
according to the country of destination. It must be used to prevent eleclric shock,
Use the lollowing guidelines il it is necessary to replace the original cord set
The lemale receptacle oi the cord set
musl meet GEE-22 requirements (see
‘ Figure 1).
Figure 1
For the United States and Canada
Use a UL listed and CSA labeled cord set conSisting of a three conductor cord with
a maximum length cl 15 leet.
For units which stand on a desk ur table, type SVT or SJT cord sets shall be used.
For units which stand on floor, only SJT type cord sets shall be used.
The cord set musl be selected according to the current rating tor your unit, Please
consult Table A for the selection criteria for power cords used in the United States
and Canada.
Table A:
10 A2635|~KM61102~177819
Manuiacturers notes Important notes
Cord Type SlZe oi Conductors Maximum Current
in Cord Rating oi Unit
SJT 18 AWG to Amps
16 AWG 12 Amps
14 AWG 12 Amps
SVT 18 AWG 10 Amps
‘l7 AWG 12 Amps
For units set at 115 V:
use a parallel blade, grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A, 125 v (Figure 2).
For units set at 230 V (domestic use)-
use a tandem blade, grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A, 250 V
(Figure 3).
Figure 2 Figure 3
For units set at 230 V (outside of the United States and Canada):
use a cord set consisting at a minimum AWG according to Table A and a
grounding type attachment plug rated 15 A, 250 V The card set should have the
appropriate saleiy approvals for the country in which the equipment will be
installed and should be marked HAFL
A26861-KMS-ZiDZ-1-7619 11
Important notes Manufacturer's notes
For the United Kingdom
Should the plug on the flexible card not be of the type for your socks! outlets, do
not use an adapter but remove the plug from the 00rd and discard Carefully
prepare the end or the supply cord and iii a suitabls plug.
The wires in this mains lead are coloured in accordance with the following code:
Green and Yellow Earth
Blue: Neutral
Brown: Live
As the colours of the wires in lhe mains lead oi this appliance may noi correspond
with the coloured markings identifying lhe terminals in your plug, proceed as
0 The wire which is coloured Green and Yellow must be connected to the
terminal in the plug which is marked with the letter E or by the eanh symbol or
coloured Green or Green and Yellow
- The wire which is coloured Blue must be connected to the terminal which is
marked wnh the letter N or coloured Black.
- The wire which is coloured Brown must be connected to the ierminal which is
marked with the letter L or coloured Pied,
12 A2536|>K445-Zl02-|-7619
Transporting the PC Important notes
Transporting the PC
Transport all parts separately. and in their original packaging or in a
packaging which protects them from knocks and jolts. to the new site Do
not unpack them until all transport maneuvers are completed.
Never drop the monitor (danger oi implosion)!
Cleaning the PC
Turn off all power and equipment switches and pull the power plug out of
the grounded power outlets.
Do not clean any interior parts yourselt. leave this job to a service
Do not use any cleaning agenls that contain abrasives or may corrode
Ensure that no liquid enters the system.
Ensure that the ventilation areas ol the system unit and the monitor are
Important notes Cleaning the PC
Cleaning the system unit and the monltor
Wipe the system unit and monitor casing With a dry cloth. If particularly dirty, use a
cloth which has been moistened in mild domestic detergent and then carefully
wrung out
Cleaning the keyboard and the mouse
Use a cloth tor disintection to clean the keyboard and the mouse
Remove the retaining ring on the underside ol the mouse and then clean the
mouse mechanism and the rotating ball.
> Using both thumbs exert downward pressure on the notches of the retaining
ring and turn the ring anticlockwise (1).
> Remove the retaining ring and the rotating ball lrorn the mouse (2)
> Clean the three small wheels in the mouse and the ball with a lint—tree cloth,
> Replace the ball and the retaining ring (3).
> Using both thumbs exert downward pressure on the notches of the retaining
ring (4) and turn the ring clockwise You must Ieel the ring engage
14 A253€t -K448-21027177619
Preparation for use and operation
é Please take note of the safety iniormation in the chapter “Important
Unpacking and checking the delivery
is recommended not to throw away the original packaging materiall It may be
required for reshipment at some later date.
Unpack all the individual parts.
Check the delivery for damage incurred durrng transport.
Check whether the delrvery agrees with the details in the delivery note.
Check whether all necessary details have been entered on the first page of
the guarantee coupon booklet.
Should you discover that the delivery does not correspond to the delivery note,
notify your local sales otirce immediately.
1 It you have received drives or boards with your PC, please do not install
them until alter IlrsHime setup. The chapter “System expansions" will tell
you how to do thrs.
Preparation for use and operation Preparing the PC for use
Preparing the PC for use
Firstvtirne setup includes the connection of the devices (monitor. mouse, keyboard
etc.) and the setup of the supplied software.
When you set up the PC for the first time. you should carry out the following steps
in the order shown:
Decide where you are going to use the PC
Connect the external devices to the system unit.
Check the rated voltage of the system unit and connect i| to the line voltage.
Switch the PC on and follow the instructions on the screen.
Setting up the PC
{2 When installing your PC. give consideration to the recommendations on
video workstation ergonomics in the manual 'Safety and Ergonomics“.
Set up the PC only in its correct orientation The points to observe are
illustrated on the following pages,
We recommend that you place your equipment on a surface with good
anti-slip qualities. in view of the multitude at different finishes and
varnishes used on furniture, it is possible that the rubber feet ot the
devices writ mark the surface they stand on.
Do not expose the PC to extreme environmental conditions (see chapter
"T§ghnicaL§Lm"), Protect it from dust. humidity and heat.
Provide at least 200 mm of clearance on the left, in front of and behind
the ventilator area of the system unit to ensure adequate ventilation. Do
not cover the ventilation areas of the monitor and the fan.
Do not place several system units one above the other.
Connecting devices Preparatlon for use and operation
Connecting devices
@ The power plug must be disconnectedl
C Read the documentation about the external device before connecting it.
Do not connect or disconnect cables during a thunderstorm.
Always take hold at the actual plug body. Never unplug a cable by pulling
the cable itseil!
Connect and disconnect the cables in the order described below,
Connecting cables
Turn oft all power and equipment switches.
Unplug all power plugs from the grounded power outlets.
Connect all cables at the system unit and peripherals. You must observe the
information provided in the chapter “Important notes".
Plug all data communication cables into the utility sockets
Plug all power cables into the grounded power outlets.
Disconnecling cables
Turn on all power and equipment swttches.
Unplug all power plugs lrom the grounded power outlets.
Unplug all data communication cables lrcm the utility sockets.
Disconnect all cables trorn the system unit and peripherals.
Azsset -K446~Zt 024-7519 17
Preparation lor use and operation Connecting devices
Ports for external devices
The parts for external devices are on the rear and on the tram ol the system unit.
The ports available on your PC depend on the configuration level you have
selected. The standard ports are marked with symbols like those below or similar
symbols Exact details of the position at the ports are supplied in the Technical
Manuals lor the boards.
Keyboard port 0 Serial port 1
1 0
P512 mouse port 0 Serial port 2
Monitor port Parallel port
USB - universal Serial Bus Game pen
Audio output (Line out) Microphone jack
Audio input (Line in) LAN-port
Some of the devtces that you connect require special drivers (see the
documentation tor the connected device and lor the operating system).
E1 9:9th GE
15 M635wuezruz-t-7519
Connecting devices Preparatlon for use and operation
Example 0! lhs multllunmional from panel
A) Chlpcard reader i = Audio outpul (Line out)
Bl Audio ports llor sys|ems wilh audio on Audio input (Line in)
board only) 3 = Microphone jack
C) erA port
' The audio ports may be at the rear oi the PC.
Connecting the mouse
> Plug the connector oi the mouse cable into the mouse port,
If you attach a serial mouse you can disable the mouse controller in the
BIDS-Setup in order to free the |R012 tor a diflerem applicalloni If the
mouse controller is disabled, you will not be able to operate a mouse
connecled lo the P512 mouse port.
Manama-11027177519 19
Preparation for use and operation Connecting devices
Connecting the keyboard
I Use only the keyboard cable supplied
> Plug the round plug of the keyboard cable into the keyboard port on the
system unit
> Plug the other connector of the keyboard cable into the socket on the
unders|de of the keyboard.
Connecting devices with serial or parallel port
b Connect the data cable to the external device.
> Connect the data cable 01 the external device to the appropriate port on the
system unit
drivers. Your operating system already includes many drivers . But it the
driver you need is not on the hard disk please instail it lrom the lloppy
disk supplied with the device or with the application program,
5 Most devices that you connect to the serial or parallel port require speclal
If you need to change the delauit settings at the serial or parallei port
(9 9, address interrupt). you can do so in the BIOS snap. The oelault
Setting for the interfaces are described in the Technical Manual lor lhe
system board or in the "BIOS Setup" manual,
20 A25381~K4w2|n2~l~75|9
Connecting devices Preparation for use and operation
Connecting the monitor to the line voltage
> Prepare the monltor as described in the Operating Manual (or me monitor
> Plug the data cable oi the monitor into the monitor port of the system unit,
> Depending on Ina connector, plug the monitor power cable into either the
system unit (1) or the grounded power outlet (2).
Q You may only plug the monitor power cable into the monitor connector it
the mted current of the monltor ls less than 1.5 A (230 V) Or 3 A (115 V)
The rated current for the monitor is also given on the monitor itself and in
the Operating Manual tor the monitor.
Azsaat «Ms-210247619 21
Preparation [or use and operation Connecting the PC In the line voltage
Connecting the PC to the line voltage
l = Notch lor insemng (he screwdriver
> Check me rated voltage.
The value marked wrlh an arrow must agree wnh the local line voltage:
115:100Vl0125V 230:200Vl024DV
ll the rated voltage does nol agree with me local line voltage. Iifi out the
plug-in unit will] a screwdriver (1), lum il and replace it,
22 A2635|7619
Connecting the PC to the line voltage Preparation for use and operation
> Plug Ihe sysiem unit's power cable mto the system uml (1) and then into the
grounded power outlet (2)
usaswue-zmzt-vsis 23
Preparation for use and operation Unlocking/locking the system unit
Unlocking/locking the system unit
You can use the lock on lhe cover to lock lhe system unil mechanically. ii your
system is equipped with a drive cover, you can also look access lo the ON/OFF
switch and drives‘
Unlocking the syslem unit
> Turn lhe key counterclockwise (1)
> Slide he drive cover in direction of lhe arrow (2).
Locking lhe system unil
v Slide lhe drive cover in direction oi lhe arrow (1) and lurn the key clockwise
24 usaai-KMMrozwaw
Switching lhe PC on and off Preparation for use and operation
Switching the PC on and off
1 = Main swwch o : Syslem unil is swwcnea off
2 : ON/OFF switch I = Syslem unn .s readyrianperale
3 = inemn indicator
System unit is of!
The main switch (1) is in pasiiion 0 and me poweern indicator (3) does not light,
The ON/OFF swvtcn (2) is disabled,
A25351-KM6~Z|02»|~75|9 25
Preparation for use and operation Switching the PC on and off
System unit is ready-to—operate
The main switch (1) is in position 1 and the power-on (3) indicator lights up orange.
In this mode. you can switch the system unit on with the ON/OFF switch (2). The
"readyrto—operate' status corresponds to the "standby" status of a TV set.
system unlt Is on
The main switch (1) is in position I and the power—on indicator (3) lights up green.
The system unit can be switched ready-to-operate at the ON/OFF switch (2).
Switching on the PC for the first time
When you switch on your PC for the first time the supplied software is set up and
6 Notes on windows NT
Il your unit has been supplied with Windows NT. first read the manual
“Windows NT Setup‘ First Steps“, and obtain the data for your system
environment requested there
> Switch your monitor on,
> Switch the system unit on with the main switch at the rear or the on/ofl switch
at the lront of the unit.
If the powemn indicator lights oranger the system unit is ready-to»
operate. Press the ON/OFF switch at the front oi the system unit.
The power-on indicator lights green and the PC is started
> Adjust the brightness it necessary (see the Operating Manual lor the monitor).
> Please loliow the instructions on the screen
During these operations the PC must not be swttched ott nor rebooted by
means 01 a warm start.
26 Azssst-Kusztoz-t-mts
Switching the PC on and off Preparation tor use and operation
Notes on Windows for Workgruups
The contents ol the utility and driver diskettes at your system are located in the
C.\DRIVER directory Vou can create the corresponding diskettes by means at the
relevant batch programs.
To enable the contents of the hard disk to be restored in an emergency, you
should create a bootahle system disk and a backup tor DOS and Windows for
Workgroups (see the documentation lor the operating system). You may as well
purchase a corresponding set of backup diskettes Contact your sales office or
your service.
Notes on Windows 95
The license number for Windows 95 is printed on the front cover of the
Windows 95 manual supplied
Ii your system is not equipped with a CD-ROM drive, you should create a backup
copy after installing Windows 95 so that you can restore the hard disk contents in
an emergency.
You need about 40 diskettes lor this.
> Create Windows 95 diskettes with the MSCSD backup program (create system
diskettes) and label them using the labels supplied
> Create the utility and driver diskettes for your system using the batch tiles in
the VRDGMISKS directory and iabel them.
Switching on the PC
If after switching on the PC you see nothing but flickering stripes on the
screen. swttch the PC oft immediately (see “troubleshooting and tips »
Flickering or drifting stripes pflli’le,f!lQ[1ll0r screen"),
it you have assigned the system password. you must enter this when
requested to do so, in order to start the operating system.
> Switch the monitor on (see the Operating Manuai tor the monitor)
> Switch the system unit on with the main switch at the rear of the system unit,
The PC switches to the mode which was active when it was last switched ofl:
A2536|~K445-Ztt12-l-75|9 27
Preparation for use and operation Switching the PC on and on
> If the power-on indicator lights orange. press the ON/OFF switch at the front
of the system unit.
The power-on indicator lights green and the PC is started,
Switching off the PC
When the system unit is switched oft the power—on indicator is dark after approx.
15 seconds. The system unit no longer uses any power
The mam switch and the ON/OFF switch do not disconnect the system
unit from the line voltage. To disconnect the line voltage completely.
remove the power plug Irom the grounded power outlet,
> Shut down the operating system properly.
> Switch the system unit to ready-to-operate with the ON/OFF switch or switch it
off With the main switch.
If the system unit is ready-temperate, the poweron indicator lights up orange. The
system unit consumes a minimum at energy and can be switched on by an
external device (provided that the remote»on tunctionality is enabled in BIOS
Placing a PC (with son power oft function) in a ready-temperate state by
means of sohware
Prerequisite: Your system must support switching ott with software and this
tunctionality must be enabled in BIOS Setup (Sufi Power OFF ~ Enabled). In addition,
the soft oft software must be installed on Windows NT systems. Opening
in this way you can switch your PC ready-to-operate via software"
- Windows 95 and Windows NT via the Shim/awn Cnmpuler menu or using the
[JeskOff program
. Windows tor Workgroups using the SWOFF program
28 usest-KMsZtuzwsts
Indicators on the system unit Preparation for use and operation
Indicators on the system unit
1 = Floppy disk indicator 4= Powervon indicator
CD-HOM Indicator 5 : Hard disk indicator
3 = Chlpcard reader lndlcator
1 - Floppy disk indicator
The indicator lights up when the floppy disk drive oi the system unit 5 accessed
You may onty remove the Happy disk when the indicator is dark
2 - CD-RDM indicator
The indicator lights up when the CD-HOM drive of the system unit is accessed.
You may only remove the CD when the indicator is dark
3 - chipcard reader indicator
The indicator lights up when the chipcard reader is accessed You may only
remove the chipcard when the mdicalor is dark.
masr-Kus-Zioz-i Jere 29
Preparation for use and operation Indicators on the system unit
4 - Power—on Indicator
The indicator lights up green when the system unit is switched on.
The indicator lights up orange when the system unit is ready-to-operate.
in this mode the PC consumes very iitlie power and can be swtlched an at the
ON/OFF switch. It the remote-on function is Enabled in the BIOS Setup, the system
unit can be switched on by an incoming message (9. 9. tax, telephone cali).
The indicator does not light when the system unit is switched oft,
5 - Hard disk indicator
This indicator lights up when the hard disk drive of the system unit is accessed.
Working with floppy disks Preparation for use and operation
Working with floppy disks
é Foilciw the instructions supplied by the vendor of the floppy disks,
Never clean the lioppy disk drives With cleaning disks. Even just one
attempt would destroy the read/write head in the disk drive within 20
: insertion direction
Lahei area
Write protection tab la! a 720 Kbyte or 3 1,44 Mbyts floppy disk
identification at 3 1,44 Mbyte floppy disk or write protect lab on a 120 Mbyte floppy disk
Eject button lor inserted floppy disks
Floppy disk is write protected
Floppy disk is not write-protected
> To insert a floppy disk. push it into the drive in the insertion direction (1) until it
engages. The label should be lacing upward.
> To remove the floppy disk, press the elect button (5).
The write»protecl siider enables you to protect the data on the lioppy disk lrorn
inadvertent overwriting or deietion.
> To protect the data on the floppy disk from being overwritten. push the write»
protect slider to position (6), The hole is now visible.
> To remove write-protection. push the siider to position (7). The hole is now
A2636|~KM$Z|02~1~75|9 31
Preparation for use and operation Keyboard
1 : Function keys 3 : Cursor control keys
2 = Alphanumeric keypad 4 = Calculator keypad (numenc keypad}
Important keys and key combinations
The following description of keys and key combinations refers Io MS Windows.
Details of other keys and key combinations can be iound ll’| the documentation oi
the relevant application program.
Enter key
confirms or starts the marked selection. The enter key is also
J relerred to as the “Return“ key or ”Carriage Return'fl
Start key
invokes the START menu at Windows 95 and Windows NT.
_ Menu key
55> invokes the menu tor the marked item (Windows 95) and
Windows NT.
shin key
i} enables upper-case letters and the upper key symbols to be
32 AZGSEVKMs—Ztozrirmis
Keyboard Preparation tor use and operatlon
All Gr
Alt Gr produces a character shown on the right-hand side at a key (e. g the
character “V on the key I3 ),
Num Num Lock key
{5 By pressing the Num Lock key you wish between the upper— and
lower-case levels at the calculator keypad.
At upper-case Ieve| (Num Lock indicator lit) the digit and comma keys
are active.
At lower-case level (Num Lock indicator not lit) the cursor control
functions are active in the calculator keypad,
CIrI key
C‘” stans key combination actions
Warm heat
C‘" + A" *" De' restarts your PC First hold down the cm and
E key, and then press the Del key, With
Windows 95 the Task Manager appears first. The
warm start is then carried out the second time.
Measl-KMBVZIOZ4-7619 33
Settings in BIOS Setup
The BIOS Semp menu allows you to set your hardware configuration and system
functions, When the PC ls delivered the deiault entries are valid (see Technical
Manual tor the system board or in the manual ”BIOS Setup“). You can customize
these settings to your requirements in BIOS Se/up,
it you want to change settings in BIOS Setup, you must:
- call BIOS Setup
select the relevant menu
select the field for the entry you went to change
change the entry
make other settings, it required
save the settings and exit BIOS Selup
This chapter shows you how to call and operate BIOS Setup, The menus and
setting options provided by BIDS Selup are described in detail in the Technical
Manual tor the system board
Calling BIOS Setup
> Reboot the PC.
One of the following messages Will be displayed at the bottom oi the screen
Press  to enter Setup
Pxess  to resume  to Setup
> Press Iunctlon key F2
It you have assigned a setup password, you must now enter this
password and confirm it with the Enter key.
The Mam menu of BIDS Setup is displayed on the screen
M5361 »K446-Zl02-1-7519 35
Settings in BIOS Setup Calling BlOS Setup
Mun mu.
M why m an
m in”; ms . ,
new Date 17 A) 199‘1 I be H N In
. u n.
. WM,
, H... m .
. m m 3.
. N... L... 1. 3
. u... . w .
. 5... mm...
m.“ mm,
5... a...“ 5...
mm... m. m
4 n his; Ti nun “— -/~ cnun nun u um. menu!"
m m: H m.“ ..... h... m... . ......... 71 mm... m...
Example oi ms Main menu 01 me BIOS Setup
i : Menu bar 3 = Information area
2 = Working area 4 = Operations her
The BIOS Strllp screen is divided into the iollowing areas:
. Menu bar (1)
In the menu bar, you can seleci ihe diflerem BIOS Semy menus.
- Working area (2)
The working area displays the setting options (Yields) of the selecied menus.
You can set ihe entries in the displayed fields according to your requirements,
b indicates fields which open iunher submenus Vou can change enines in
these submenus.
0 information area (3)
The inicrrnailen area displays brief information on the selected field.
- Operations bar (4)
The operallons bar indicales which Keys you can use lo operale BIOS Serup.
You can display more inlormaiion on the functions of the keys by
pressing E.
36 Azsser-KMe-zioe-wsie
Operating BIOS Setup Settings in BIOS Setup
Operating BIOS Setup
Ii yau want to exit BIOS Semp without saving the new settings:
- Press the E55 key to enter the Exit menu.
a Select the opllorr Din-uni Change: & Exit
0 Press the Enter key.
Changing settings
To select the required menu in the menu bar. use the cursor To select
the required lield, use the cursor keys t or "n. The field selected is highlighted.
To dlsplay a submenu, select the corresponding field (marked with >), and press
the Enter key. Press the ESC key to return from the submenu to rts superior
To change the entry tor the selected field. use the or [3 keys on the numerical
To set the delaull entries lor the selected menur press the function key Fe .
To revert the fields at the selected menu to the entries that were in effect when
BIOS Serup was celled‘ press the lunction key F7 .
Saving settings
To save changed settings without exiting BIOS Setup, select Save Change: in the
Ex” menu.
(eg. in the technical manual tor the system board or in the “BIOS Setupll
manual), or print out the changed screen page.
Yuu can print the current screen page using the key combinatiun
Shilt + @ if a printer is connected to the parallel port of the device
It you change entries in BIOS Syrup. make a note at the changed entries
usurkuezwzwfiw 37
Settings in BIOS Setup Exiting BIOS Setup
Exiting BIOS Setup
To exit BIOS Semp, select the En“: menu from the menu bar. You can then decide
which settings you want to save. The Brit menu offers the lollowing options.
Yuu must mark the required option and activate it with the Enter key.
save Changes at Exit
Select Save Changzx a? Eu'rtc save the current settings and 5in the BIOS Selup.
The PC is rebooted and the new settings come into effect
at Exit
Select Discard Changer & Ext! to discard the changes you have made. The settings
which were in force when BIOS Szlup was called remain effective. BIOS Setup is
terminated and the PC is rebooted.
Get Default Values
To revert all the menus of SIDS Setup to the default entries, select
Gel Default Valuer lfyou wait! to 1'in BIOS Selup with these settings. select Save
Change: & Em
Load Previous Values
To load the values of all the menus oi BIOS Swap that were in effect when BIOS
Setup was called. select load Prevl'nut Values. If you want to exit BIOS Swap with
these settings, select Save Chzlngex & Exil-
Save Changes
To save settings without exiting BIOS Setup, select Save Change:
38 Azsast rKMSth 0271—7619
Property and data protection
The software functions and mechanical lock on your PC enables you to protect
your system and personal data in a number of ways against unauthorized access.
By combining these options, you can achieve optimum protection for your system.
Locking the system unit mechanically
You can mechanically lock the casing by means at the lock on the lront of the
system unit.
If your system is equipped With a drive cover you can additionally lock the drives
and the ON/OFF switch,
Access authorization via chipcard
In systems that are equipped with a chipcard readerr access can be restricted to
users who have a corresponding chipoard.
Anti-theft protection
The system unit is equipped with an eye on the back oi the housing which can be
used to secure the system with a chain
To prevent unauthorized persons lrom opening the system unit, the housing can
be lead-sealed. To do this, use the eye on the back of the housing and the hole in
the upper housing sectionv
A25361l~75|9 39
Property and data protection Security functions under MS Windows
Security functions under MS Windows
Under MS Windows you can activate a screen saver and protect it with a
password. Oniy those users who know the password can deactivate the screen
saver and access any open files. Detailed inlormation on screen savers under MS
Windows is prowded by the associated heip function.
Security functions under Windows NT
You can use the SSLA UNCH program to start the screen saver Puwmaver
immediateiy. These programs are located on the “Drivers & Utilities" CD.
Inlormation on vaersave'r and SSLA UNCH can be lound in the POWERSAVHLP
and SSLAUNCH EXE tries
Security functions under Windows 95
The Desklmk program enables you to activate the screen saver using a short-cut.
Detailed intormation on this program is provided by the associated help function.
Security functions under Windows tor Workgroups
Using the Dekaack program you can lock the mouse and keyboard so that no
input can be made. You can use QLOCK.EXE or QLOCKWINJEXE under Windows
for Workgroups and QLUCKL‘OM under MS-DOS.
Inlormation on QLOCK,EXE or QLOCKWIN‘EXE can be obtained using the menu
item Help if you have caiied the program under Windows tor Workgroups.
Intormation on QLOCK.COM |s prov|ded m the Windows tor Workgroups Info
window or in the QLOCKJXTtiIe in the C-\DRIVER directory
40 A26351»K44&Zt02-1-7619
BIOS Setup security functions Property and data protection
BIOS Setup security functions
The Sammy menu in BIOS Seiup otters you various options tor protecting your
system and personal data against unauthorized access By combining these
options. you can achieve optimum protection (or your system.
A detailed description of the Securil) menu is provided in the Technical
1 Manual for the system board or in the “BIOS Setup" manual. The section
Settingtje Setwfiystempasswoyg" describes how you set up
Preventing unauthorized BIOS Setup calls
You can activate this protection by setting a setup password in the Security menu.
In addition, you can suppress the Frau fnr Seirip message in the Secriri/y
menu. This message is then no longer displayed while the PC is booting.
Preventlng unauthorlzad system access
You can activate this protection by setting a system password in the scan/i) menu.
Preventing unauthorized access to the settings ot boards with their own
You can activate this protection by selecting the value Evcnded tor Setup Password
Lock field in the Set'llrll) menu.
Preventing system booting from the diskette drive
You can activate this protection by selecting the value Diskette Lad. tor the
System Load field in the Security menu.
Actlvatlng vlrus warnings
You can have a warning output it the boot sector has been modified. To activate
this warning, select the value Enabled for the Virm Warning field in the Sa’urfl)’
A26361-K446-ZtOZ-t -75t9 41
Property and data protection BIOS Setup security functions
Preventing unauthorized writing at diskettes
To activate this protection, select the value Dtmhled for the Diskette Write field in
the Security menu
Protecting BIOS from overwriting
To activate this prolection, select Ihe value Dt’vablzd for the Dixkeue Write field in
the Szcurir) menu.
Protecting PC trem being switched on by an external device
To activate this protection make the required seltlngs in the Puwerron/Ofi sub
42 A26361-K4452l02—t-76l 9
BIOS Setup security lunctions Property and data protection
Setting the Setup/System password
The Setup password prevents unauthorized calling of BIOS Setup. BIOS Setup can
be called only by those who know the Setup password.
The system password prevents unauthorized access to your device. With the
system password you can prevent booting oi the operating system. The system
can be accessed only by those who know the system password.
You must aiso set a Setup password to make the system password effective
alphanumerical characters can be used: no differentiation is made
m The password must be Iour to eight characters in length. All
between upper-case and lower-case
Passwords are not displayed as they are entered.
If you have lorgotten your passwords. please contact your technical
customer service.
To set or change the setup/system password, proceed as follows:
> Call BIOS Setup and select the Security menu.
> Mark the Set Sfllup Password or Sel Syflzm Password tield and press the Enter
You are asked to enter a password-
Enter new Password:
> Enter the password and press the Enter key.
You are asked to confirm the password:
tie—enter new Password;
> Enter the password again and press the Enter key
The new password is saved.
Changes have been saved [Contlnue]
For the setup password:
You can now choose whether you want the Setup password to prevent calling 0!
the BIOS Setup only or in addition lock the settings or installed boards with their
own BIOS.
b To prevent calling at the BIOS Semp only. mark the Setup Password Lock field
and select the value Slandurd.
Msastkuszwuztmre 43
Property and data protection BIOS Setup security functions
> To look the settings of installed boards with their own BIOS in addition to
preventing calling of the BIOS Selup. mark the Setup Pastword Lock field and
select the value Extended.
For the system password:
> To prevent booting of the operating system. mark the Smart Pasxwmd Mode
iield and select the value System.
To look the keyboard and the mouse. use the security functions 01 your
operating system instead ol the Keyboard entry.
If you do not want to make any other settings, you can exit BIOS Setup.
> Select the option Save Change: & Exit in the Em menu.
The device is rebooted and the new setup/system password is effective.
Canceling the setup/system password
It you cancel the Setup password. you automatically deactivate the
system password
To cancel the setup/system password without setting a new password:
> Call BIOS Setup and select the Security menu
> Mark the SF! Setup Password or Set System Pasxttor/l field and press the Enter
You are asked to enter a password:
Enter new Password:
> Press the Enter key twice.
> Select the option Save Changer & Exr'l in the Exit menu.
The device is rebooted and the new setup/system password is canceled.
44 AZSJSt-KMG-ZmZ-l -7E19
Troubleshooting and tips
Take note at the safety hlnts in the manual “Safety and Ergonomics“ and
in the chapter Tamaration lor use and operation“, when you connect or
disconnect cables.
If a fault occurs. try to correct it as described;
. in this chapter
0 in the documentation ol the connected devices
- in the help systems at the software used,
It you tail to correct the problem‘ proceed as follows:
b Switch the PC 011,
> Make a note ol the steps and the circumstances that led to the lault Also
make a note at any error messages displayed and the Ident-No, of your
> Contact your sales office or customer service,
Power-on indicator remains dark after you have
switched on your device
This may have the following causes:
There Is a defect in the ac power supply
D Check that the power cable is plugged properly into the system unit and
grounded power outlet,
> Switch the PC on at the main switch.
Internal power supply overloaded
> Disconnect the power plug of the system unit lrom the grounded power outlet.
> Plug the power plug into the grounded power outlet again.
> Switch the PC on at the main swttch.
AZSEGt-KM-ZmZ-t -75l9 45
Troubleshooting and tips
The screen stays blank
If your screen remains blank this may have the tollowing causes:
Monitor is switched off
> Switch your monitor on.
Screen has been blanked
> Press any key on the keyboard
> Deactivate screen blanking (screen saver). Enter the appropnate password.
Brightness control Is set to dark
> Set the brightness control to light. For detailed information. please reler to the
Operating Manual supplied with your monitor.
Power cable or monitor cable not connected
> Switch off the monitor and the system unit.
> Check that the power cable is properly connected to the monitor and system
unit or to the grounded power outlet.
> Check that the monitor cable is properly connected to the system unit or
monitor (it not permanently attached}
> Switch on the monitor and the system unit
Wrong monitor has been set under Windows NT
> Restart the PC in standard VGA made.
> Set the desired resolution in the Can/ml Panel wmdow using the Display
program. and adjust the monitor display as described in the Operating
46 A2636HKMSVZt024—7filg
Troubleshooting and tips
Wrong monitor has been set under Windows 95
> Reboot the PC
> lithe message Starring Window: 95 appears, press function key FB .
The Windows 95 start menu appears.
> Select the option Safe made or Safe mode with lzelwnrk suppurl.
> Set the correct values for the attached monitor by selecting Slarl . Selling: —
Display - Selling;
Wrong monitor has been set under Windows for Workgroups
r insert the system disk.
> Reboot the PC.
If your systems is equipped with a GD54X6 screen controller-
» Use the SET-VGA program (under MS—DOS) to set the correct values for the
attached monitor.
If your system is equipped with a screen controller from Matrox: Malrox arbeilet.
> Change into the Windows directory.
> Start the Setup program
> Change the display type to VGA
> Restart Windows and set the correct vaiues for the connected monitor with the
program MAG Mlmimr Sclerrr'an and MAG Control Panel from the
MAG vaerDeJk program group.
> Change the dtsplay type back lo Mnrrax MGA again.
new «446110244519 47
Troubleshooting and lips
Flickering or drifting stripes on the monitor
é Switch oh the PC immediately!
The flickering stripes are caused either by an old-type screen that does not
support the horizontal frequency of 47 kHz. or by an incorrect monitor selection
under MS-Windows
The drifting screen display is caused when the selected frequency and/or
resolution is wrong.
The default screen values are 800x600 pixels at 75 Hz and for 64K colors.
> Find out which horizontal frequency your monitor screen supports,
Vou will find the horizontal frequency (also known as line irequency or
horizontal deflection frequency) in the documentation oi your monitor
No mouse pointer displayed on the screen
> Shut down the operating system properly,
> Switch the PC off.
> Check that the mouse cable is properly connected to the system unit.
it you use an adapter or extension lead with the mouse cable, check the
> Make sure that only one mouse ls connected.
> Switch the PC on
> The mouse controller must be enabled. if you use 3 PS/2 mouse. Check in the
BIOS Setup that the mouse controller is enabled.
> Check that the mouse driver rs properly installed and is present when the
application program is started. Detailed inlormation can be found in the User
Guide of the mouse or application program
48 Meant -me~2t02~t»7ste
Troubleshooting and tips
The floppy disk cannot be read or written
> Check that the write-protection oi the floppy disk or the lloppy disk drive is
activated (reler also to the Technical Manual of the system board or in the
manual BIOS).
> Check the relevant entries 10rDt’JAt'lIt’At or B: in the Main menu at the BIOS
> Check that the lloppy disk drive controller is enabled (rater also to the
Technical Manual of the system board or in the manual "BIOS Setup'y
> Check that the cables of the floppy disk drive are properly connected (refer to
Chapter "System expansions").
Time and/or date is not correct
> Set the time and/or date. You can set the time and date in the BIOS Setup or in
the operating system
It the time and date are repeatedly wrong when you switch on your PC,
the battery is fla Change the lithium battery as described in the Chapter
”figmwtfiel '
Error messages on the screen
Error messages and their descriptions are listed in the Technical Manual of the
system board or in the “BIOS Setup" manual and in the documentation of the
installed software.
A2635|>K¢46-Zi02~1-76|S 49
Troubleshootlng and tlps
Restoring the hard disk contents
All data on the hard disk will be deleted Operating system‘ drivers and software
utilities will be reinstalled. For this reason you should try to save important data
belore you restore the hard disk contents.
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows NT
It you need to restore the hard disk contents you have to reinstall Windows NT.
Proceed as described in the "Windows NT Setup tailation guide,
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows 95
Using the backup diskettes or Windows 95 CD, you can restore your PC to the
state in which ll was originally delivered from the factory
Restoring hard disk contents with a Windows 95 CD
> Proceed as described in the related documentation
Restoring the hard disk contents using the backup diskettes
> lnsen the first backup disk and follow the instructions on the screen.
> install the drivers and utilities m the C.-\PROG.S\DISKS directory.
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows for
The contents of the utility and driver diskettes of your system are located in the
C.\DRIVER directory, You can create the corresponding diskettes by means of the
relevant batch programs.
To restore the hard disk contents you also need MS»DOS and Windows for
Workgroups disks. If you do not have these disks availabie, you can purchase a
set of backup disks for MS-DOS and Windows for Workgroups Contact your sales
Office Of customer service
50 mat-Km-zmz-wste
Troubleshooting and tlps
The PC cannot be switched off with the ONIOFF swltch
> Press the ON/OFF switch again.
Cause. The PC has not been switched on with the ON/OFF switch.
Out at system resources
it you have too many applications running at once, you may experience problems
due to a lack oi system resources. It this happens. you should close applications
you do not require or call the applications in a diflerent order.
BIOS settings in power management do not become actlve
The Auto ruserr nonfimrwn setting may be active tor the CD-ROM drive. This setting
causes Windows 95 to inquire about any modifications on the drive at regular
intervals. Because at this the timer for the idle time cannot time out.
To activate power management, proceed as loliows.
> In Windows 95, selecl Start A Seam/4: - Control Panel - System - Device Manager .
> Select the installed CD-ROM drive lrorn the |iS|.
> Select Sem‘ngt.
> Deactivate the Aura 1mm norifrmrian box
CD»ROM drive
information on the CD-ROM drive can be found in the manual of the CDROM drive
or on the "Drivers and Utilities“ CD,
Other manuals
Other manuals are contained on the "Drivers 8. Utilities" CD.
AZEBGI -K446~Zt02~1~7619 51
System expansions
It may be necessary to update the BIOS when carrying out a system
expansion or hardware upgrade, In this instance. please contact our
This chapter describes all the activities required to modify your PC hardware (eg.
installing boards or drives)
Memory and processor upgrading are deSCfled in the Technical Manual tor the
system board.
Read the supplied documentation belore installing new drives and/or boards
Reter to the Technical Manual tor the system board betore making any extensions
on the system board,
Opening the system unit
Vou obtain access to most ot the system components, if you remove the left—hand
side cover and the hard disk carrier.
lt ls not necessary to open the right-hand srde cover in order to make the
hardware modifications described in this chapter It should be opened
only in emergencies, e.g. it you have inadvertently dlSCOnI’tEClEd lines on
the system board.
Beiore opening the right-hand side cover, you must remove the leIt-hand
side cover and the hard disk carrier.
Due to the design, a number at steps are omitted for systems with an
ATX system board, Observe the notes tor these steps.
When you open the system unit, proceed as tollows:
u Switch the PC oil.
a Pull the power plug out of the power outletl
> ll any cables attached to the system unit are obstructmg you, pull out the
connectors on the system unit,
A263E1-K446-ZIDZ-1-7619 53
System expansions Opening the system unit
> Place the system unit in a convenient working posilion
Removing the left-hand side cover
v Unlock the system uni1(1)
> Unlock the Iefl-hand side cover with the locking side al the rear of the casmg
by sliding it upwards (2).
> Push the side cover a little bit towards the rear oi the system unit (3).
> Til! the side cover (4) and lift it out of the unit (5).
. Depending on the equipment level at your unit. a damaged film cable may
1 be mounted m the PC housing The damage is intentional,
54 A2635|-K445-Z|U2-|-7519
Opening the system unit System expansions
Removing the hard disk carrier
> Pull the connectors of the data and the power line from the hard disk drive.
fl fifli
> Press on the locking lever of the hard disk carrier (1).
> Swing me drive carrier out of the casing (2).
> Raise the hard disk carrier (3) and remove it in the direction of the arrow (4),
mswufizwz-wsw 55
System expansions Opening the system unit
Opening the right-hand side cover
> Unlock the syslem unit.
> Remove the left-hand side cover (see "Rflovmg ihe ieMarM|de 09315).
> Remove the hard disk carrier to unlock the system board cavrier (see
"Rimovrngmhard Qfigwer‘i
> Unlock the right-hand side cover with the locking siide at the rear oi the casing
by sliding it dawn (1 )v
Push ihe vigm-hand side cover a little oil towards the rear of lhe casing (2).
Till the side cover and Iin it ou| oi the casing (3, 4).
56 A26361-K446v2102-1-7619
Assembling the system unit System expansions
> Tin the system board carrier oul oi the casing (at an angle of approx. 30“).
der Slackvermndung gezogen wevden.
i Achien Sie beim Schwenken dsraul. dal’i z. B‘ kurze Leitungen nicht aus
Assembling the system unit
To ciuse (he syslem unit, you must refit the hard disk carrier and (he left-hand side
refining the hard disk carrier and the iefl—hand side cover. Otherwise you
mighi inadvertently bend parts oi the cover,
C If you have opened the right-hand Side cover, you musi close it baiore
AZBSGLKMGZI 024-751 5 57
System expansions Assembling the system unit
Replacing the right-hand side cover
v Swmg the system board carrier completely back into (he casing (1),
Ensure that:
0 any cables that have been pulled out are plugged in again
- the coilel is in place in its guide (2)
o the system board carrier snaps inlo place (3)
> Bring the side cover up against lhe casing at a downward angle (1).
> Swmg the side cover vertically up to the casing (2) and push it towards me
lronl panel (3).
v Lock the side cover using the locking slide al the rear (4),
58 A253m-K445-21024-7519
Assembling the system unit System expansions
Installing the hard disk carrier
> Insert the hard disk carrier in Ihe guide rail provided for this purpose on the
casmg (ll 2)
> Swing the hard disk carrier into the system unit until Ihe locking mechanism
engages (3)
In the case at systems with a slot board, ensure that the slot board is attached
to the hack on the underside of the hard disk carrier (a).
b Plug the data and power supply connectors into the hard disk drive (or the
hard disk drives).
Amst-KMS-Zlofi~i-7Bt9 59
System expansions Assembling the system unit
Replacing the left-hand side cover
> Bring the side cover up against the casing at a downward angle (1).
> Swing the side cover in a vertical direction as far as the casing (2).
> Push lhe side cover towards the iront of the system unit (3)
> Lock the side cover using the locking slide at the rear (4)
60 Azsam-Kue-zwz-wsig
Installing and removing drives System expansions
Installing and removing drives
The system unil houses a total at tour accessible drives (three 5 1/4»inch drives
and one 3 1/2-inch drive) and two nonfaccessihle hail-height (Slimline) drives .
IDE drives
By default four IDE drives are supported. Ideally hard disks are connected to IDE
port 1. and accessible drives. tor example CD-ROMs. Io IDE port 2 (see also the
Technical Manual tor the system board), The two existing IDE cables of the
channels can be used for this purpose,
SCSI drives
II you want to install an SCSI drive, you require an SCSI controller and an SCSI
cable. Note that:
0 not every SCSI controller is suitable for operating SCSI hard disks
0 each SCSI device must be assigned its own SCSI-ID
v a device with activated or connected terminating resistors must always be
connected at the end at an SCSI cable. The terminating resistors of all other
SCSI devices attached must not be activated or connected.
0 To connect SCSI drives with a 50-pin connector an adapter is required that
adapts to the (is-pin SCSI cable.
0 Only a wide SCSi drive with a GE-pin connector may be connected to the end
of the SCSI cable so that the SCSI bus is correctly terminated.
Installing or removing the hard disk drive
> Remove the left-hand side cover (see {Hemmmm cover).
> Remove the hard disk carrier (see ”Removing the hard disk carrier“),
Opening the hard disk carrier
i This step is omitted for systems With an ATX system board.
A26351~K446-2102-1-7619 61
Syslem expanslons Installing and removing drives
> Push the tab (1) back in order to unlock bolh parts of the hard disk earner.
> Press on the retarner in the direcfion or the arrow (2), and Irft it up (3)‘
Installing a hard disk drive
> Make the required seflings (e.g. master-slave sailings) on bolh hard disk
drives when you install a second hard disk
> Slrde the new hard disk drive into the empty bay (I)
> Fasten the drive with the {our screws (2).
62 A283517K446~21024~7E19
installing and removing drives Syslem expansions
Removing a hard disk drive
Remove the four screws trom the drive you want to remove (1)
Pull the hard disk drive out of the carrier (2).
v v
disk drive.
Make lhe required settings (5.9, masher-slave sellings) on the remaining hard
Azeséi «44511024 4519
System expansions Instatling and removing drives
Closing the hard disk carrier
This step is omifled for syslems with an ATX system hoard,
> Ptace the upper part a! lhe hard disk carrier onto the lower pan (1).
Be sure that the guide lugs oi the tower part are located tn the corresponding
slots (a and b), The tab (0) musl engage
Closlng the casing
> Replace the hard disk carrier (see ”lusIaULflg tngflal
5 Replace the left-hand side cover (see “&eplac|ngj, Ieft~hand side,<;9y,e!")t
Installing and removing drives System expansions
Installing an accessible drlve
> Remove the left-hand side cover (see 'Bmgnggihe,lg
> Lever lhe cover our of lhe desired bay (1 )‘
> Make the required settings on the drive (il necessary, on installed drives as
Do not throw away the cover. If you remove the drive again later, you will
have to remslall the cover,
Azaasw «446-21 024 451 s 65
System expansions Installing and removing drives
> Sllde the drive Inio Ihe desired bay (1).
r Plug the dale and power supply connectors into the drive (2).
> Fasten the drive wiih the lwo screws (3).
> Replace the left-hand side cover (see “Beulagjgg the lel‘lrhand side covei‘),
Removing an accessible drive
> Remove the left-hand side cover (see “Remlirgmejeii-jiafid side eovei“).
> Pull the conneciors oi lhe data and me power line from the drive (1).
as AZESEl~KMG-Zl02-1»7619
Installing and removing drives System expansions
r Remove the two screws that fix the drive to the carrier (2).
> S‘ids the drive out at its bay (3).
> Close the emply slot wnh the panelt Ensure that the cover engages,
> Replace the left—hand side cover (see "Beulacjhgthe,left-handflsifiegoygft
M6361-K446-Z‘02-1-7619 67
System expansions Inslalling and removing drives
Changing the floppy disk drive
> Remove the IeH-hand side cover (see "R_emgymmg,l,en-hand sue, weer")
> Pull the conneclors of the data and the power line from the drive (1).
> Remove 1he two screws (2)
> Slide the drive completely out 0! us bay (3)
68 Azfissmm-zmzq-ms
Installing and removing boards System expansions
> Slide the new drive inlo its bay (1).
> Plug lhe connecturs o! the dale: and the power supply cables into the drive (2).
> Fasten the drive wilh the two screws (3).
Installing and removing boards
Observe the notes on lnslalling and removing boards in Ihe chapler
' mgorlanl Holes".
Azsasl-KMG-Zmz-wals 69
System expansions Instamng and removing boards
Removing the bottom cover
1 This step is omitted for systems with an ATX system board
> Lay the system unit carefutly on its right side (1).
> Unlock the boltnm cover by pressing on the locking spring on the inside 0! the
bottom cover (2).
> Push the bottom cover to the Iett (3), and remove it from the casmg (4)
70 A26361-KM51102-1-7St9
Installing and removing boards System expansions
Slot board
Syslerns with an ATX syslem board have no slol board. The numberi
position and constellalion of the board slots on the ATX system board
can be found in the technical manual lor the system board.
The slot board has place lor three lSA and three PCI boards
Example ol a slot board
a = ISA sluts b = F'Cl slols
Depending on the configuration level ol your PC one or more boards may be
installed when the PC is shipped.
Azssel 4046210244619 71
System expansions Instaliing and removing boards
Installing a board
> Press on lhe clip of the desired slot in the direction of me arrow (1) and
remove it (2).
v Remove the rear sioi cover plate from (he siot (3).
Do not dispose of the rear slot cover plate. For cooling, proiemion againsi
lire and in order lo comply wilh EMC regulaiions‘ you must refii the rear
sloi cover plale if you remove the board.
> Take your board out of its packaging
> Make the required settings forms board.
72 new «us-210244519
Installing and removing boards Sys1em expanslons
> Put Ihe board in the required slot and push it carefully in place (1 ), Hold the
slot board firmly at the rear.
Ensure thal the contact springs in the slot are not damaged and that the board
is than lully in place The cllp must engage (2).
> If necessary, plug the Imes on the board.
If you have lnslalled a PCI board, please check in the BIOS Sclup the
settings for the relevanl PCI slot. ll necessan change Ihe sellingsl
Funher inlormallon is provided in the documentation lor the PC! boardv
> Replace the base of the casing and close lhe syslem unit (see ‘Inslalllngjhe
Azsasl -K446-Z102-l-75l9 73
System expanslons Instamng and removing boards
Removlng a board
> Remove the lines connected to the board.
> Press on the clip in the direction ofthe arrow (1). and remove it (2).
> Remove the board lrom the slol (3), holding on In the s‘ot board.
> Place the board into an appropriate packaging.
For cooling, protection against me and m order to comply wrm EMC
regulations. you must re!" the rear slot cover plate.
Installing and removing boards System expansions
> Put the rear slol cover plale carefully into place (1) Ensure that the contact
springs in the slot are not damaged and that the board is man fully in
place (2),
> Replace the base 0! the casing and close the syslem unit (see "installing the
botmm cover“).
Azsam-KMG-Zmz-wsie 75
System expansions Installing and removing boards
Installing the bottom cover
This step is omitted tor systems with an ATX system board.
> Place the bottom cover on the system unit (i) and push it to the right (2) until
the locking mechanism engages
> Place the system unit in an upright position.
> Replace the hard disk carvier (see "inisigiltngtmg d
> Replace the Ion-hand side cover (see ”, eplecing the left—hand side covet“).
Settings in BIOS Setup
If you have installed or removed a PC! boavdi please check in the BIOS Setup the
settings tor the relevant PCI slot. ll necessary, change the settings Further
information is provided in the documentation tor the PCI boardl
76 A25351-K44611024-7519
Extensions on the system board System expansions
Extensions on the system board
Detalls of how and if you can upgrade the main memory or video memory for an
art-board screen controller. or retrofit the second—level cache or the processor cl
your PC are provided in the Technical Manual lot the system board. Below the
necessary steps are described to enable yuu to work on the system board.
> Remove the left-hand side cover (see " emcving the left—hand side cover“),
> Remove the hard disk carrier (see "kmaving theihardglsk carrier“).
> Lay the system unit on lts right slde.
You have tree access to the locations.
> Make the desired expansions (see the Technical Manual for the system
> Place the system unit in an Iupright position
> Replace the Iett- hand side cover (see "Replacing the left hand Side cover")
mast-mezwz-r-rew 77
System expansions Replacing the lithium battery
Replacing the lithium battery
Incorrect replacement of the lithium battery may lead to a risk oi
The lithium battery must be replaced with an identical battery or a battery
type recommended by the manulacturer (CH2032).
Do not throw lithium batteries into the treshcan. it must be disposed of in
accordance with local regulations concerning special waste.
Make sure that you insert the battery the right way round. The plus pole
must be on the top!
> Lilt the Contact (1) a law millimeters and remove the battery irom its
socket (2)
> Insert a new lithium battery of the same type in the socket (3).
78 Azezei-KMeZinz-wate
Technical data
Electrical dala
Regulalions complied wilh:
Protection class:
Rated vollage range: (selectable)
Max. rated currenl
. System unit with monitor socket:
- Monitor socket (output)
Maximum power draw in operauon:
Minimum power draw in operation:
reduced by Windows 95
Power management advanced,
Power draw in energy saving mode:
Power draw in the 'ready' status
UL i950
CSA 222 No.950
100 V — 127 V / 5,5 A(D5)/6 A(DG)
200 V-240V/3,0A
<59w ')
<35w ')
<25w ')
< 3W
') These values only apply tor a SCENIC Pro M with the configuration below.
When additional componenls are incorporated lhe power consumption in
energy saving mode may exceed the requirements for the environment
symbol (“Blue Angel“) (30 W).
Processor ( 256 KByle cachet
Main memory:
Floppy disk drive:
Hard disk dnvez
CD-ROM drive
Pentium ll MMX at 233 MHz
32 Mbyles
1 A4 Mbytes
3,2 GByle
Windows 95 Power management -
Advanced. .
204 rum/460 nun/427.5 mm
ca. i3 kg (127.53 N) in basic
Azsasr -K445~Zl oz-r -7st 9
Technical data
Environmsnlal conditions
Environment ciass 3K2 DIN IEC 721 pan 3—3
Environment ciass 2K2 DIN IEC 721 Dari 3-2
0 Operating (3K2) 15 0C .. . 35 “C
0 Transporl (2K2) -25 “C 60 “C
Cundsnsaiion in operaiing must be avoided
Clearance required to ensure adequate ventilation:
a front min. 200 mm
- rear min. 200 mm
80 Azsasi-KM-Zioz-1-7619
Interrupt table Technical data
Interrupt table
Please note that an interrupt cannot be used by two applications at the same lime.
Address Interrupts assigned as possible
shipped Inlerrupls
Keyboard IROl
Serial interface COM1 OGFS |FlQ4
i_ |_
Serial port COM 2 MPH IRQS
Fax/modem 0358 IRQS
Floppy disk drive controller IFtQS
Parallel interface LPT1 0378 iRQ7
Audio controller assigned by the BIOS IRO5,
Mouse controller IRQ12
Numeric processor "2013
IDE controller 1 IH014
IDE controller 2 lIFiO15
DMA channels
DMAs assigned as shipped
Floppy disk drive controller DMA2
Free/ECP mode DMA3
Cascaded DMA channels DMA4
A263i5i-K446-Zl02-l-7619 B1
p 2
Accesswble drive
installing 65
removing 66
Accumulator, disposal B
Activaling‘ security measures 39
Address 51
Alphanumerickeypad 32
AIlGrkey 38
Anll-ihefl proiecnon 39
Assembling,PC 57
DMAchannels 81
HO address 81
inierrupl 51
Audio input 18.19
Audio output 18,15
Base ufcasing
mounling 76
removing 70
Baneri 1:
Battery 4,78
disposal B
BIOS Setup
calling as
changing 37
security functions 41
BIOS Setup 35
exiting 38
operalmg 37
Azsass «44511 024-7619
installing 69.72
removing 69,74
safety 6
connecting 17
disconnecting 17
Cabling PC 17
Calculatorkeypad 32
Calling. BIOS Setup 35
CD,Windows95 50
CD-ROM drive
Indicator: 29
manual 51
CE certificate 8
BIOS-Setup 37
floppydiskdrive 68
lithium battery 75
Checking, rated voltage 22
Chipcard reader
indicator 29
Class B Compliance Statement 9
Cleaning 13
Clearance 80
hard drive carrier 64
system board carrier 58
system beard carrier carrier 58
Configuration. BIOS-Setup 35
cables 17
devices 17
keyboard 20
monitor 21
mouse 19
parallelpon 20
powervoltage 22
serialport 20
Contentsoideiivery 15
Control key 33
Courier 2
Ctrl key 33
ClrI+AIt+Del 33
Cursorcontrol keys 32
Dark screen 46
protection 39
technical 79
not correct 49
connecting (7
interface 18
Dimensions 79
Diskefle 31
canncthoreadorwritten 49
write-protection 31
Disposal 8
Drifting screen display 48
Drive 61
Electricaldala 79
Electromagnetic compatibility 8
Energysaving 7
Enlerkey 32
Environmental condiiions 80
Environmental data an
Ergonomic, VIdeO workstation 16
daie 49
floppy 49
message 49
mouse 45
screen 46.48
System unit 45
Time 49
Exillng,BlOS Setup 38
Expansion 53
External devices
connecting 17
pens ls
FCC statement 9
Floppy disk drive
changing 68
indicator 29
Frontpanel 19
audiopons 19
chipcardreader 19
infraredpon 19
Funcllon keys 32
Game port 18
Green‘ power-on lndicalor 30
Guaranlee coupon booklet 15
Hard disk carrier
opening 61
Hard disk drlve
indicator 30
installing 61, 62
removing all 63
Hard disk, delem 50
Hard drive carrierl closing 64
I/O address 51
IDE drives 61
Imporlant noles 3
power-on indlcaior fails to lighl 45
remalns blank 45
Indicators. system unit 29
accessible drive 65
board 69, 72
hard disk carrier 59
hard disk drive 61‘ 62
Insufiicienl memory 51
Azscisl -KAAs-Zl02~|»76|e
Interlaces 18
Intermptlable 81
Italics 2
Keycombination 32,33
Keyboard 32
cleaning 14
connecting 20
pan 18
Keys 32
LAN-pan 18
Laser 5
Laserhénvisning 5
Laserinformalion 5
Laser-ohie 5
Lead-sealing 39
Line 1" 18,19
Line am 18,19
Lithium ballery 4, 77
replacing 78
Locking,F'C 24
Main memory 77
Mainswmch 25
Manufadurer's notes 7
Menu key 32
Microphonejack 16,19
cleaning 14
connecllng 21
purl 18
transportan 13
baseolcasing 76
sidscover 60
cleaning 14
conneclmg 19
error 45
port 18
No screen display 46,48
Nolenuugh memory 51
Nolalional convenlicns 2
board 6
CE certificat E
disposal B
Energysaving 7
|mpcnani 3
laser 5
manulactuisr 7
powercord selecctlori 10
HFIression 9
Saisiy 3
Num Lockkey 33
Numerickeypad 32
ON/OFF switch 25
hard disk carrier 61
PC 53
system board carrier 56
Operating BIOS Setup 37
Operation 15
Orange, power-on indicator 30
Othermanuals 51
PC 1
preparing for use is
Packing material 15
Parallel port 18
Parallel port, connecting devices 20
Setup password 43,44
System password 43,44
cabling 17
cannot boat 45
cleaning 14
connecting 17
connecting to power voltage 22
indicators 29
locking 24
opening 53
porls 18
setting up 16
switchingolf 25‘25
switchingon 25‘ 27
lranspunlng 13
unlocking 24
Paris, external devices 18
Powercord selsccticn 10
Power voltage. connecting to 22
Power management 51
Powervon indicator 25.30
dark 45
Preparationfor use 15
overview 16
Problems 45
processor 77
Properly protection 39
PS/2 mouse port ta
Rated voltage
setting 22
Rsady-Io—operate 25
Recycling 5
Reinstalling‘ hard disk oonienls 50
accessible drive 66
base at casing 70
board 69, 74
hare disk carrier 55
hard disk drive 61. 63
fight-hand side cover 56
side cover 54
lithium battery 78
106361 -K446-Z|02-| ~7519
right-hand side cover 58
hard disk contents 50
Return key 32
RFI suppression 9
Right-hand side cover
closing 58
opening 56
Safety 3
blanking 7
drifting display 48
SCSIdrives 61
Securitylunction 41
Security iunclions
Chipcard 39
lock 39
MS-Windows 40
Security measures 39
Select, powercord 10
Serial port 18
connecting devices 20
Setting. rated voltage 22
BIOS Setup 35.37
in BIOS Setup 76
Selup password 43
canceling M
Setup, see BIOSSelup
Shifi key 32
Side cover
removing 54
Side panel
mounting 60
Slotboard 71
SDI'lPewerOfl 28
Start key 32
Starting, BIOS Setup 35
Summertime 49
Surlace 79
Switching off. F0 25. 2B
Switching on, PC 25, 27
Symbols. explanation of 2
System board carrier. upening 56
System board‘ extensions 77
System expansion 53
System password 43
canceling 44
System settings, BIOS Setup 35
System unity see PC
Technical daia 79
Tims,notc0rrect 439
Tips 45,51
Transport is
Floppy 49
mouse 48
screen 46,48
System unit 45
Troubleshooting 45
Unlocking, PC 24
Unpacking 15
USB, Universal Serial Bus 18
Ventilation area 80
Videoworkstation 16
Warm boot 33
Windows 95, CD 50
Wmterlime 49
Write protection. lloppy 31
Introduction ..
Notationai convenIions
Important notes 444444
Notes on installing and removing boards.
Manuiaciurer‘s notes" ..
Energy saving.
Disposai and recycling
CE certificate.
RFI suppression...
FCC Class B Compliance Statement
Power cord selection
For Ihe United States and Canada
Fm the Umted Kingdom,
Transponing the PO. .
Cleaning the PC
Preparation ior use and operation .
Unpacking and checking the deiiven/
Preparing the PC Ior use ...............
Setting up Ihe PC ..
Connecting devices
Parts for external devices
Connecting the mouse.
Connecimg the keyboam
Connecting devices with serial or paraltel port I.
Connecting the monitur to the line leIage
Connecting the PC to the Iine voltage
Unlocking/locking the system unit"
SWItchIng the PC on and off ,. v
Swnching an the PC ior the first time.
watching onme PC. ,.
SWItchIng of! the POW,
Indicators on the system unit,
kaing wnh floppy disks
impurlani keys and key combinations
AzsssI-KMe-Ziuz-I ~75|9
Settings in Bios Setup
Carling BIOS Setup
Operating BIOS Seiu
Exiting BiOS Setup. ,.
Property and data protection.
Locking the system unit mechanicaiiy 39
Access authorization via chipcard 39
Antitheit protection 39
Lead-sealing . .. 39
Security tunctions under MS Windows 40
BIOS Setup security functions ........ 41
Setting the Setup/System password . 43
Troubleshooting and tips
Power-on indicator remains er a er you have switched on your device ,.
The screen stays blank .........
Fiickering or drifting stripes on the monitor screen.
Ne mouse pointer dispiayed on the screen
The floppy disk cannot be read or written
Time arid/or date is not correc
Error messages on the screen
Restoring the hard disk contents .....
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows NT
Restoring the hard disk contents under WindUWS 95.“
Restoring the hard disk contents under Windows tor Workgroups .
Tips .
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