Fujitsu WB0011 LifeBook T Series w/ WLAN Calexico2 (11abg) & BT User Manual T Series

Fujitsu Limited LifeBook T Series w/ WLAN Calexico2 (11abg) & BT T Series

User manual part3

LifeBook T Series Tablet PC - Section Two
Figure 2-14. Rotating the display
Figure 2-15. Display rotated completely
Figure 2-16. System in tablet configuration
Once you have turned on your Tablet PC, you may want
to adjust the brightness level of the screen to a more
comfortable viewing level. There are two ways to adjust
the brightness, keyboard and power management utility.
Using Keyboard to Adjust Brightness
Adjusting the brightness using the keyboard changes the
system setting (i.e., the settings you make via the func-
tion keys automatically changes the brightness settings
in the systems Pen and Tablet Settings).
[Fn+F6]: Pressing repeatedly will lower the brightness
of your display.
[Fn+F7]: Pressing repeatedly will increase the
brightness of the display.
Using Power Management to Adjust Brightness
To adjust brightness with the power management utility,
click Start -> Control Panel -> Tablet and Pen Settings.
Select the Display tab and set the screen brightness slider
for battery and AC power scenarios.
Using the Fujitsu Menu to Adjust Brightness
To adjust brightness using the Fujitsu menu, click on the
Fujitsu Menu icon in the system tray in the lower right
corner of the screen. From the menu that appears, select
Brightness Control. The Tablet and Pen Settings window
will open. Select the Display tab and set the screen
brightness slider for battery and AC power scenarios.
If using AC power your brightness setting
is set to its highest level by default. If using
battery power your brightness settings is
set to approximately mid-level by default.
The higher the brightness level, the more
power the LifeBook T Series Tablet PC will
consume and the faster your batteries will
discharge. For maximum battery life, make
sure that the brightness is set as low as
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Getting to Know Your Tablet PC
Figure 2-17. Keyboard
Your LifeBook T Series Tablet PC has an integral 83-key
keyboard. The keys perform all the standard functions
of a 101-key keyboard, including the Windows keys and
other special function keys. This section describes the
following keys. (Figure 2-17)
Numeric keypad: Your Tablet PC allows certain keys to
serve dual purposes, both as standard characters and
as numeric and mathematical keys. The ability to tog-
gle between the standard character and numerical keys
is controlled through the [NumLk] key.
Cursor keys: Your keyboard contains four arrow
keys for moving the cursor or insertion point to the
right, left, up, or down within windows, applications
and documents.
Function keys: The keys labeled [F1] through [F12],
are used in conjunction with the [Fn] key to produce
special actions that vary depending on what program
is running.
Windows keys: These keys work with your Windows
operating system and function the same as the
onscreen Start menu button, or the right button on
your pointing device.
Certain keys on the keyboard perform dual functions as
both standard character keys and numeric keypad keys.
NumLk can be activated by pressing the [NumLk] key.
Turning off the NumLk feature is done the same way.
Once this feature is activated you can enter numerals 0
through 9, perform addition ( + ), subtraction ( - ),
multiplication ( * ), or division ( / ), and enter decimal
points ( . ) using the keys designated as ten-key function
keys. The keys in the numeric keypad are marked on the
front edge of the key to indicate their secondary func-
tions. (Figure 2-17)
Your LifeBook T Series Tablet PC has two Windows
keys: a Start key and an Application key. The Start key
displays the Start menu. This button functions the same
as your onscreen Start menu button. The Application
key functions the same as your right mouse button and
displays shortcut menus for the selected item. (Please
refer to your Windows documentation for additional
information regarding the Windows keys.) (Figure 2-17)
Fn Key Start Key
Function Keys
Numeric Keypad
Application Key
Cursor Keys
(outlined with thick
black line)
If you are using the optional external
numerical keypad, pressing the [NumLk]
key will activate the external keypad. The
indicator will come on, however it will not
change any of the functionality of your
keyboard keys.
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LifeBook T Series Tablet PC - Section Two
The cursor keys are the four arrow keys on the keyboard
which allow you to move the cursor up, down, left, and
right in applications. In programs such as Windows
Explorer, it moves the “focus” (selects the next item up,
down, left, or right). (Figure 2-17)
Your Tablet PC has 12 function keys, F1 through F12.
The functions assigned to these keys differ for each
application. You should refer to your software documen-
tation to find out how these keys are used.
(Figure 2-17)
[Fn] Key
The [Fn] key provides extended functions for the
Tablet PC and is always used in conjunction with
another key.
[Fn+F3]: Pressing [F3] while holding [Fn] will toggle
the Audio Mute on and off.
[Fn+F4]: Pressing [F4] while holding [Fn] will toggle
the built-in pointing device on and off. Note that the
[Fn+F4] combination only works if Manual Setting is
selected in the BIOS. (See “Entering the BIOS Setup
Utility” on page 34)
[Fn +F5]: Pressing [F5] while holding [Fn] allows
you to toggle between video compensation and no
compensation. (Video compensation controls spacing
on the display. When it is enabled, displays with less
than 1024 x 768 or 800 x 600 pixel resolution will still
cover the entire screen.)
[Fn+F6]: Pressing [F6] repeatedly while holding [Fn]
will lower the brightness of your display. Note that
adjusting the brightness using the keyboard changes
the system setting.
[Fn+F7]: Pressing [F7] repeatedly while holding [Fn]
will increase the brightness of the display.
[Fn+F8]: Pressing [F8] repeatedly while holding [Fn]
will decrease the volume of your Tablet PC.
[Fn+F9]: Pressing [F9] repeatedly while holding [Fn]
will increase the volume of your Tablet PC.
[Fn+F10]: Pressing [F10] while holding [Fn] allows
you to change your selection of where to send your
display video. Each time you press the combination
of keys you will step to the next choice. The choices,
in order, are: built-in display panel only, both built-in
display panel, and external monitor or external moni-
tor only.
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Getting to Know Your Tablet PC
Figure 2-18. LifeBook T Series Tablet PC Security/Tablet PC Buttons
LifeBook Security/
Tablet PC Buttons
A unique feature of your LifeBook T Series Tablet PC is
the array of Security and Tablet PC buttons. These
buttons allow you to secure your Tablet PC from
unauthorized use and to launch specific applications
with the touch of a button.
If the security system is activated, upon starting your
Tablet PC or resuming from Standby, Hibernate, or shut-
down mode the security system will require you to enter
a password code using the security buttons. After you
enter the correct password, your Tablet PC will resume
The five security/Tablet PC buttons are located on the
bottom right-hand side of the display when it is config-
ured to be used as a notebook. (Figure 2-18)
Security functions: All five buttons are used when
implementing security functions. Four of the buttons
are used to enter the password, and the fifth is used as an
Enter button. See the right-hand column of Table 2-3.
Tablet PC functions: All five of the buttons have
primary functions. Four of the buttons have secondary
functions when used as application buttons. The
secondary functions are activated by pressing the Func-
tion (Fn) button while pressing the application button.
See Table 2-3 for specific functions. The secondary func-
tions of the Application A and B buttons can be changed
to launch any application. See “Changing Tablet PC
Button Functions” on page 22
Table 2-3. Security/Tablet PC Button Functions
(1) Application A Button
(3) Button 3
(2) Application B Button
(4) Button 4
Enter Button
When the system is logging on or when it is
locked (i.e., when you have the Logon or
Computer Locked window showing on your
desktop), the A and B buttons act as [Tab]
and [Enter] keys, respectively.
Button Icon Primary Function Secondary Function
(Fn + Button)
Security Panel Function
(Pre-boot and resuming
from suspend)
Page Down User-defined Application A
(Default = Calculator) Security Button 1
Page Up User-Defined Application B
(Default = MS Journal) Security Button 2
Screen Rotation VGA-Out Security Button 3
Secondary Function
Selection Fujitsu Menu Utility Security Button 4
Ctl+Alt+Del Button None Security Enter Button
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LifeBook T Series Tablet PC - Section Two
Page Down / Application A Button
When you press the Page Down button when the system
is running, each press of the button will scroll the screen
down one frame. This allows you to navigate quickly
through large documents.
When you press the Fn button while you press then
release the Page Down/Application A button, you will
automatically start whichever program is assigned to the
button. The default application for this button is Calcu-
See “Changing Tablet PC Button Functions” on page 22
to select a different application for this button.
Page Up / Application B Button
When you press the Page Up button when the system is
running, each press of the button will scroll the screen
up one frame. This allows you to navigate quickly
through large documents.
When you press the Fn button while you press then
release the Page Up/Application A button, you will auto-
matically start whichever program is assigned to the
button. The default application for this button is
Microsoft Journal.
See “Changing Tablet PC Button Functions” on page 22
to select a different application for this button.
Screen Rotation / VGA-Out Button
The screen rotation feature would normally be used only
when the system is configured as a tablet. When you
would like to use the tablet as an eBook, for example,
you would use the portrait orientation; when accessing
spreadsheets or using the system as a notebook, you
would more typically use landscape orientation.
When the system is changed to tablet configuration, the
orientation automatically changes to portrait mode by
When you press the Screen Rotation / VGA-Out button,
the system screen orientation changes from portrait
(vertical) to landscape (horizontal) or from landscape to
Function / Fujitsu Menu Utility Button
The Function button works in conjunction with the
other application buttons to provide additional func-
tionality for the buttons. Refer to specific details above.
Pressing the Fn button twice in succession causes the
Fujitsu Menu Utility to appear on your screen, allowing
you to modify certain system settings.
Ctl+Alt+Del Button
Pressing and holding the Ctl-Alt-Del button for up to
750 msecs launches the Logon screen or the Windows
Task Manager (if the system hasn’t yet been configured).
The Application A and B buttons can be changed to
launch a program or perform an action you select. By
default, the Application A button launches the Calcu-
lator, and the Application B button launches MS
To launch different applications or cause the Application
A or B buttons to perform a specific action:
1. Double-click on the Tablet and Pen Settings icon in
the Control Panel.
2. Select the Tablet Buttons tab and select the button
you would like to change from the list.
3. Click [Change] and open the drop down list in the
Action: field.
4. Select the action you would like the button to
perform. If you want to launch a program, click on
Launch an Application then browse to the location
of the program.
5. Click [OK], then click [OK] again. The buttons will
now perform the actions you have assigned to them.
When you receive your Tablet PC, the security panel
application is pre-installed without any passwords. The
following sections provide detailed information on your
security panel, how to set, change or remove passwords.
Numbered Buttons
Use these buttons to enter your password.(Figure 2-18)
Enter Button
After entering the button strokes, push this button to
enter the password into the Tablet PC. (Figure 2-18)
The user and supervisor password may be set on this
Tablet PC. A supervisor password is typically the same
for all Tablet PC’s and notebooks in a work group, office,
or company to allow for system management. Individual
computers in a group environment should not use a
common password. A password consists of one to five
button strokes plus the enter button. A valid stroke
consists of pushing one or up to four buttons simulta-
The screen orientation default can be
changed by going to the Control Panel and
double-clicking on the Fujitsu Display
Control icon and selecting the desired
defaults from the Display Orientation
section. After changing the defaults, click
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Getting to Know Your Tablet PC
The following are valid button strokes:
Pushing [4] by itself
Pushing [2] and [3] at the same time
Pushing [1], [2], and [4] at the same time
Pushing [1], [2], [3], and [4] at the same time
The following are valid passwords. The numbers within
braces ({ }) are button strokes using more than one
{[2]+[3]}, [1], [Enter]
[4], [enter]
{[1]+[3]}, {[2]+[3]+[4]}, [1], [4], [2], [Enter]
Setting Passwords
When shipped from the factory, no passwords are set.
You have a choice of having no password or setting a
supervisor and user password. You must set the super-
visor password before the user password.
Setting Supervisor Password
You must have set a supervisor password before setting
any user passwords. The supervisor password can bypass
the user password.
1. Go to the Start menu.
2. Click on Run.
3. Type in:
C:\Program Files\Fujitsu\Security
Panel Application\Supervisor\
FJSECS.EXE, then press [Enter]
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the
Supervisor password.
Setting User Password
1 Go to the Start menu.
2. Click on All Programs.
3. Click on Security Panel Application -> Security
Panel Application.
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to set the
user password.
The security lock feature is in effect both when the system
resumes from Off, Standby, or Hibernation state. You
always need to push the Security Panel buttons to input
the user password. Your system will not begin the boot
sequence until you enter your supervisor/user password.
From Off State
1. Turn on your system.
2. When the Security Indicator flashes, enter the pass-
word and press Enter button.
For example, if the password is 22222, first press
Button 2 five times and press the Enter button. The
Tablet PC will boot to normal operation.
From Standby/Hibernation State
1. Press your Suspend/Resume button.
2. When the Security Indicator flashes, enter the pass-
word and press Enter button.
The Tablet PC should resume normal operation.
Incorrect Password Entry
If an invalid supervisor or user password is entered three
times in succession, the system will “beep” for about one
minute. If a valid password is entered within a minute
(while system beeps), the beeping will stop and the
Tablet PC will resume normal operation. If no password
is entered or an invalid password is entered while the
system beeps, the system will return to its previous
locked state (standby or off) and the Security Indicator
will go off. To reactivate the Tablet PC after a password
failure, you must press the Suspend/Resume button,
then enter a correct password.
Opening and Closing the Cover
By default, closing the cover automatically places your
system into Standby mode. (You can change the action
the system takes when the cover is closed by opening the
Power Options Properties icon in the Control Panel, and
selecting the Advanced tab. Make a choice from the drop
down menu for “When I close the lid of my portable
computer:” and click the [OK] button.) Opening the
cover does not automatically place the Tablet PC into
normal operation. Instead, you must enter the proper
security password after pushing the Suspend/Resume
The purpose of supervisor password is to
be able to bypass the user password in
case the user password is forgotten. The
supervisor password alone will not lock
the system.
You must set the supervisor and user
passwords for the security panel to work.
You may change or remove the supervisor
or user password by repeating the steps
defined above.
Remember the user password you specified
on the Security Panel Application. If you
forget the password you will not be able to
use your computer. The supervisor pass-
word can override the user password.
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LifeBook T Series Tablet PC - Section Two
Low Battery Operations
If your Tablet PC has a low battery, pushing the suspend/
resume button only turns on the Security
Indicator. Your Tablet PC does not unlock, the Security
Indicator turns off after one minute. To resume normal
operation, first attach a power supply to the Tablet PC.
Then you may unlock the Tablet PC.
You have two options when uninstalling the security
panel application:
Remove passwords and uninstall the security panel
application software. This will disable all security
Uninstall the security panel application with password
still active. This will not allow any changes to the
Uninstalling the Security Panel
Application Software
Remove passwords when User wants no password
protection whatsoever and doesn’t want to give anybody
the utility to set a password on their computer. In this
case, if passwords (supervisor, user, or both) are set, the
passwords must first be cleared BEFORE removing the
application. To clear passwords, follow same procedure
in SETTING PASSWORD CODES except this time,
select REMOVE, enter current password then click Next.
When asked to confirm select Yes.
Removing Security Panel Application with
Passwords Still Active
Using this feature will not allow any changes to
the password.
1. Go to Start -> Control Panel.
2. Open Add or Remove Programs Properties in the
Control Panel.
3. Select the Security Panel Application in the list, and
click Change/Remove.
4. When the Confirm File Deletion box appears,
click Yes.
1. Go to Start -> Control Panel.
2. Open Add or Remove Programs Properties in the
Control Panel.
3. Select the Security Panel Application for
Supervisor in the list, and click Change/Remove.
4. When the Confirm File Deletion box appears,
click Yes.
Reinstalling the Security Panel Application
To reinstall supervisor or user security application, you
will need your Drivers and Applications CD. The
Utilities\Security Panel Application folder contains two
separate folders: Supervisor and User. The setup files for
supervisor and user security applications are contained
in those folders.
1. Go to the Utilities\Security Panel Applica-
tion\Supervisor folder on the CD and double-click
the setup.exe file. The Installing Security Panel
Application window will appear. Follow the instruc-
tions on the screen.
2. Go to the Utilities\Security Panel Application\User
folder on the CD and double-click the setup.exe file.
The Installing Security Panel Application window
will appear. Follow the instructions on the screen.
Supervisor and user passwords can be set via Windows
software using the FJSECS.exe and FJSECU.exe files,
respectively. FJSECU.exe for the user password cannot
run without first setting a supervisor password. You
need to run FJSECS.exe first to set the supervisor pass-
word. Follow instructions under Setting Passwords on
page 23.
If you forget both passwords, please contact Fujitsu
Computer Systems Corporation Service and Support at
1-800-8FUJITSU (1-800-838-5487). Fujitsu Computer
Systems Corporation charges a service fee for unlocking
a password-restricted Tablet PC. When calling please
have a valid credit card and provide proof of ownership.
You will then be given instructions on where to ship
your Tablet PC.
Removing the applications does not remove
the password. It simply removes the utility
to change/add/remove passwords. To
change your password you must reinstall
the application.
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Getting to Know Your Tablet PC
Figure 2-19. Touchpad pointing device
Touchpad Pointing
The Touchpad pointing device built into your Tablet PC
is used to control the movement of the cursor to select
items on your display panel. The Touchpad is composed
of a cursor control, left and right buttons, and a scroll
button. The cursor control works the same way a mouse
does, and moves the cursor around the display. It only
requires light pressure with the tip of your finger. The
left and right buttons function the same as left and right
mouse buttons. The scroll button allows you to navigate
through pages quickly without using the scroll bars. The
actual functionality of the buttons may vary depending
on the application that is being used. (Figure 2-19)
Clicking means pushing and releasing a button. To left-
click, move the cursor to the item you wish to select,
press the left button once, and then immediately release
it. To right-click, move the cursor to the item you wish
to select, press the right button once, and then immedi-
ately release it. (Figure 2-20)
Figure 2-20. Clicking
Double-clicking means pushing and releasing the left
button twice in rapid succession. This procedure does
not function with the right button. To double-click,
move the cursor to the item you wish to select, press
and release the left button twice. (Figure 2-21)
Figure 2-21. Double-clicking
Left Button
Right Button
Scroll Button
Cursor Control
If the interval between clicks is too long,
the double-click will not be executed.
Parameters for the Touchpad can be
adjusted from the Mouse dialog box
located in the Windows Control Panel.
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LifeBook T Series Tablet PC - Section Two
Dragging means pressing and holding the left button
while moving the cursor. To drag, move the cursor to
the item you wish to move. Press and hold the left
button while moving the item to its new location
and then release it. (Figure 2-22)
Figure 2-22. Dragging
Using the scroll button allows you to navigate through a
document quickly without having to use the scroll bars.
This is particularly useful when you are navigating
through online pages. To use the scroll button, press the
raised horizontal line at the top or bottom of the button
to scroll up or down a page. When you have reached the
desired section of the page, release the button.
(Figure 2-23)
Figure 2-23. Scrolling
The Windows Control Panel allows you to customize
your Touchpad with selections made from within the
Mouse Properties dialog box. There are several aspects of
Touchpad operation, which you can adjust.
To access the Mouse Properties window, open the
Control Panel and double-click the Mouse icon. In the
window that appears, you will see a variety of different
mouse functions that you can change.
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Getting to Know Your Tablet PC
Volume Control
Your Fujitsu Tablet PC has multiple volume controls
which interact with each other.
The volume can be controlled in several different ways:
Volume can be set from within the Volume Control on
the Taskbar.
Volume can be controlled with the [F8] and [F9] func-
tions keys. Pressing [F8] repeatedly while holding [Fn]
will decrease the volume of your Tablet PC. Pressing
[F9] repeatedly while holding [Fn] will increase the
volume of your Tablet PC.
Volume can be controlled by many volume controls
that are set within individual applications.
Certain external audio devices you might connect to
your system may have hardware volume controls.
Each source discussed above puts an upper limit on
the volume level that must then be followed by the
other sources.
We recommend that you experiment with the various
volume controls to discover the optimal sound level.
Any software that contains audio files will
also contain a volume control of its own. If
you install an external audio device that has
an independent volume control, the
hardware volume control and the software
volume control will interact with each other.
It should be noted that if you set your
software volume to Off, you will override
the external volume control setting.
There are twenty-six levels through which
the function keys cycle.
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LifeBook T Series Tablet PC - Section Two
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Getting to Know Your Tablet PC
Pen and Active Digitizer
You can use the LifeBook T Series Tablet PC pen to
generate and create electronic “ink, to select items, and
to navigate through programs on the Tablet PC.
Programs that support handwriting recognition also
allow you to write characters directly on the screen with
the pen. You can also use the pen as a drawing tool.
Figure 2-24. LifeBook T Series Pen
The screen reacts when the pen tip is approximately 1/8
inch (3-5 mm) from the screen. The pen has three
switches: a tip switch and a barrel button toggle switch
with switches at both ends. By default, the tip switch
corresponds to the left mouse button, and the front
toggle (closest to the pen tip) barrel button switch corre-
sponds to the right mouse button (when used in combi-
nation with the tip switch). The rear toggle of the barrel
button switch acts as an electronic ink "eraser".
The functions of the rear toggle and the tip click pres-
sure can be changed by clicking [Start] -> Control
Panel, and double-clicking the Fujitsu Pen Settings icon.
To change the rear toggle function, select the drop-down
list to select a new function, then click [Apply]. If you
don’t want the rear toggle to have any function, select
Ignore from the list.
Adjusting the click pressure determines how much pres-
sure must be put on the pen tip in order for the screen to
react. The softer it is set, less pressure is required; the
harder it is set, more pressure is required. To change the
click pressure, use the slider bar to make the click pres-
sure harder or softer, then click [Apply].
Here are some hints that may help you use the pen more
To activate the tip switch, tap or hold the pen tip
against the screen.
To activate the barrel button switch, press and hold
the end of the button you wish to use (front toggle is
the right mouse button switch; the rear toggle acts as
an electronic “eraser”).
To move the cursor, hold the pen tip within 1/8 inch
(3 - 5 mm) from the screen and move the pen.
To start a program, double-tap the pen tip (tap the
pen tip twice rapidly) on the program icon as you
would double-click a mouse.
To select an object, tap the pen tip on the object
To double-click an object, quickly tap the object
In order to ensure accurate tracking between the pen
and cursor, you must run the Touch Screen Calibration
Utility before you use the active digitizer for the first
time, or after you change the display resolution.
To run the calibration utility:
1. Go to Start -> Control Panel and double-click on
the Tablet and Pen Se ttings icon.
2. Click Calibrate.
3. Adjust the display of your Tablet PC to a comfort-
able angle.
You are advised to use a screen protector
on your system display to minimize the
chance of its being scratched. Screen
protectors are available from the Fujitsu
Web site at
The LifeBook T Series Tablet PC pen is a
high-quality electronic instrument that can
be damaged if used improperly. Treat the
pen as you would any precision device.
Observe the following guidelines:
Do not gesture with the pen, use it as a
pointer, or tap it on surfaces other than
the Tablet PC screen.
Do not try to turn the thumb grip on
the pen; it is designed for inserting and
removing the pen from the pen holder.
Never store the pen with the tip bearing
the weight of the pen (e.g., sitting tip
down in a pencil cup). Storing the pen
tip down could distort the internal
mechanism over a period of time
(especially in higher temperatures),
causing the tip to act as if it is always
depressed. The pen should be stored in
the pen holder when not in use.
Tip Switch
Barrel Switch
Use only the pen provided with your
Tablet PC. Do not use substitutes that
were not designed for the LifeBook T
Series Tablet PC.
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LifeBook T Series Tablet PC - Section Two
4. Using the pen, firmly touch the screen directly on
the (+) symbol; the (+) symbol will move to the
next location.
5. Repeat step 4 in the four corners, then click OK.
With use, the pen tip may become worn or may pick up
foreign particles that can scratch the screen. A damaged
or worn tip may not move freely, causing unpredictable
results when using the pen. If your pen exhibits these
problems, you should replace the pen tip. To do so, use
the pen tip removal tool included with your pen.
Figure 2-25. Tip Removal Tool
To remove the tip, position the tip in the gap between
the two ends of the tool (Figure 2-25). Pinch the tool
together so the tip is firmly clasped, then pull it from the
barrel. If the tip is worn or damaged, discard it.
To replace the tip, retrieve one of the new tips that
accompanied your pen. Insert the flat end of the tip into
the barrel and push it in firmly until it is seated.
If you need more tips, they can be ordered from the
Fujitsu Web site at:
The integrated active digitizer allows you to use the
included pen as a pointing device. You can use the pen
to click, double-click, drag items and icons, or to draw
like a pen or pencil in applications that support this
behavior, such as drawing or painting programs. See the
documentation that came with your application for
details. (Figure 2-26)
Figure 2-26. Using the pen with the screen
To left-click, touch the object you wish to select and then
lift the pen tip immediately. (Figure 2-27)
To right-click, press the front button on the barrel
switch or touch the pen to the screen for a couple of
seconds until the right mouse icon appears at the tip.
Figure 2-27. Clicking the screen
To double-click, touch the item twice, and then immedi-
ately remove the pen tip. (Figure 2-28)
Figure 2-28. Double-clicking the screen
To avoid potential scratching and damage,
never use anything but the included pen
with the display.
To purchase additional or replacement
pens, visit the Fujitsu accessories Web site
If the interval between taps is too long,
the double-click will not be executed.
Parameters for the screen can be
adjusted from the Mouse Properties dia-
log box located in the Windows Control
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Getting Started
Figure 3-1. Connecting the AC Adapter
Power Sources
Your LifeBook T Series Tablet PC has three possible
power sources: a primary Lithium ion battery, an AC
adapter or an optional Auto/Airline adapter.
The AC adapter or optional Auto/Airline adapter
provides power for operating your Tablet PC and
charging the battery.
Connecting the AC Adapter
1. Plug the DC output cable into the DC power jack
of your Tablet PC.
2. Plug the AC adapter into an AC electrical outlet.
(Figure 3-1)
Connecting the Optional Auto/Airline Adapter
1. Plug the DC output cable into the DC power jack
on your Tablet PC.
2. Plug the Auto/Airline adapter into the cigarette
lighter of an automobile with the ignition key in
the On or Accessories position.
3. Plug the Auto/Airline adapter into the DC power
jack on an airplane seat.
Switching from AC Adapter Power or the
Auto/Airline Adapter to Battery Power
1. Be sure that you have a charged battery installed.
2. Remove the AC adapter or the Auto/Airline adapter.
DC Power Plug
DC Output Cable
AC Adapter
AC Cable
The Lithium ion battery is not charged
upon purchase. Initially, you will need to
connect either the AC adapter or the
Auto/Airline adapter to use your Tablet
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