Furuno USA 9ZWFR1510M3 User Manual 8
Furuno USA Inc 8
KB SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS & WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the transmitting antenna at a close distance. Distances at whim RF radiation levels ol 100 and 10 W/m? exist are given in the table below. Note: If the antenna unit is installed at a close distance in front of the wheel house. your administration may require halt of transmission within a certain sector of antenna revolution. This Is possible. Ask your FUFtUNO representative or dealer to provide this feature. Distance to Distance to 100 Wlm‘ 10 WIm’ point point Fri-1505 MARK-3 XN12AF (4') None 2.1 75 W/cmz (X-band, 6 kW) XNZOAF (6.5') None 1.0 55 W/cmi FFl-1510 MARK-3 XN12AF (4') 0,1 m worst (X-band, 12 kW) case 150 Want2 FFl—1525 MARK-3 XN2°AF (650 1.1 m worst (X-band, 25 kW) case RF power density on antenna aperture RMC - Recommended specific GPSITRANSIT data $——RMC,hhmmss.ss.A.lIll.lll.ayyyyy.yyy,a,x.x.x-X.xxxxxx,X-X.a*hhI I I I I I I | I I I I + +_ 4. I I I l I I I I I I I I I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I +-—- I I | I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I + ...... in use not used output 1. Not used * 2. Receive status * (A = dam valid V = Navigation receiver warning) Latitude (N/S) and longitude (E/W) * 7. Speed over ground (knots) ‘ 81 Course over ground (degrees) ‘ 91 Not sued ‘ IO. Magnetic variation (000.0 - degrees) I]. Degrees WW ' 12. Checksum 4‘ TLL - Target latitude and longitude Target number. name. position and time tag for use in systems tracking targets. $—TLL, xx, 1111.11, 3, yyyyy.yy, a, c—c. hhmmss.ss, a, a‘hh I I I | I I I I I I | I | I | | I I I I I | I + ...._,. 1. Target number (00—99) 2. 3. Latitude (N/S) ' Longitude (FJW) get name “ of data status (see note) te target (R, null otherwise) * slams: L = lost, tracked target has been lost Q = query, target in the process of acquisition T = tracking TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... vi SPECIFICATIONS OF FR-1505 MARK-3 SERIES SHIPBORNE RADAR .. viii CONFIGURATION OF FR-1505 MARK-3 SERIES RADARS .. ..x 1. OPERATlONAL OVERVIEW 1.1 Turning on the Power 1.2 Transmitter ON 1.3 Control Description. 1.4 CRT Brilliance 1.5 Control Panel Backlighting 1.6 Tuning the Receiver ...... 1.7 Degaussing the Screen. 1.8 Initializing the Compass Readout ................................ 1.9 Entering Own Ship's Speed . 1.10 On-screen Legends and Markers . 1.11 Presentation Modes 1.12 Selecting the Range 5 . 1.13 Selecting the Pulselength .. 1.14 Adjusting the Sensitivity . 1.15 Suppressing Sea Clutter 1.16 Suppressing Precipitation Clutter. 1.17 Interterence Rejector . 1.18 Measurlng the Range. 1.19 Measuring Bearing ..... 1.20 Collision Assessment by the set 1.21 Measuring Range and Bearing Between 1.22 Setting a Target Alarm Zone.. 1.23 Oil-centering (shift) 1.24 Echo Averaging 125 Electronic Plotting (EPA) . 1 26 Target Trails (Echo Trails) . 1.27 Parallel Index Lines 1.28 Origin Mark.. 1.29 Zoom 1.30 Markers 1.31 Suppressing Second-trace Echoes. 1.32 [F2] Key 1.33 [F1] Key... 1.34 FUNCTION Key . 1.35 Adjusting Brilliance 01 Screen Data. 1.36 Echo Stretch, Enhanced Video 1.37 Watch Timer 1.38 Noise Rejector. ~Two Targets . GGA - GPS position Time, position and fix related data for a GPS receiver. $—GGA,hhmmss.ss.IIll.lll,a,yyyyy.yyy.a.x,xx,x.x.x.x,M,xtx,M,x.x,xxxx*hh I I I I | I I | I I I I I I I I I I I I | I I I + | + +_ +__________ I I I I | I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + + ....... I. UTC of position Latitude (NIS) and longitude (EfW) ‘ 6. Status (12.3 = data valid 0 = data invalid) “ 7.8.9410.II.IZAI3..14 Not used 15. Checksum * * :in use GLL - GPS Position Latitude and longitude of present vessel position, time of position fix and status. $—GLLJlll.IIl,a,yyyyy.yyy.ahhmmss.ss,A*hh I I I I I I I inuse notused output 12.3.4. Latitude (NIS) and Longitude (EIW) “‘ 5. Not used " 6. Status (A = data valid V = data invalid) " 7. Checksum ' HDT - Heading true $—HDT. x.x, T‘hh I I I + + ..... 1. Heading, degree tnie 2. Checksum MENU OVERVIEW ............................................................................ 7-1 APPENDIX A OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS LOCATION A.1 Performance Monitor (Option) A.2 Interswitch Unit RJ-7 (Option) A.3 Parts Location ...... AA Antenna Unit Circu .A-1 .A-1 APPENDIX B DIGITAL INTERFACE (IE06162-1) Sentence description Input sentences BWC - Bearing and distance to wcypoint - great circle $—BWC,hhmmss.ss,11ll.|ll,a,yyyyy.yyy,n,x.x.T.x.x,M,x,x.N,c—c‘hh II IIIIII II II II II II II II I+ I I I | I I I I I I I I I I | I I I | + I + - 1. Not used 6.7. Bearing (degrees true) 8.9. Bearing (degrees magnetic) 1011. Distance (n. miles) 12, Not used 13. Checksum BWR - Bearing and distance to waypoint - thumb line inuse notused output ii-{ii Time (UTC) and distance and bearing to, location of. a specified Wflypuinl from present position. $— BWR data is calculated along the rhumb line from present position rather than along the great circle path. S—BWR,hhmmssslell.lll,a,yyyyy.yyy,a,x.x.T,x.x,M.x.x.N,c—c‘hh I | IIIII | I I I I I I I I I | I | I I I I I | I + I + I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I + +_. l. Not used 6.7. Bearing (degrees true) 89. Bearing (degrees magnetic) l0.1l. Distance (n. miles) 12. Waypoint ID 13. Checksum -- 13 12 11 inuse notused output **ii Madd' MM FFl-1505 MARK-3 X-band 6 kW FFl-1510 MARK-3 X-band 12 kW FH-1525 MARK-3 X-band 25 kW All come with the EPA (Electronic Planing Aid) fitted standard. An option is available to provide the lull functionality of ATA (Automatic Tracking Aid). A Video Plotter (Chart Plotter), which provides Radar Map functions, and Performance Monitor are also optionally available. The FR-1505 MARK-3 Series is available in the Regular type (Fl-type) and IMO type. The lMO type is designed as a primary radar under the 1974 SOLAS Convention on ships below 1,600 GT. The R-type satisfies the MO and IEC standards but includes more flexibility of functionality. The table below shows the differences between R-type and IMO-type radars. Other functions and specifications are common. The operator cannot navigate between the two types. Differences between IMO-type and R-rype radars Item IMO type | R-type (Regular type) _] Range 0.125, 0.25 0.5, 0.75, 1.5, 3, 6. 12, 24, 0.125, 0.25, 05, 0.75. 1.5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 4B scales 48, 96 nm 72, 96 nm (sm, km adjustable on menu) Radar Target Alarm Zone: 1st and 2nd TAZs anywhere. Alarm can be selected for inside (as TAZ) or outside (as Anchor Watch) mode. Target Alarm Zone (T A2) Radar Target Alarm Zone: 1st TAZ between 3 and 6 nm, 2nd TAZ anywhere provided the 1st TAZ is valid. Not available Available on menu Monochrome yellow or green in 16 tones Choice of monochrome in 16 tones or 3 Echo colors colors according to echo strengths FR—1505 MARK—3 series serial interface llo clrcult FR-1505 Mark-3 SERIES SERIAL INTERFACE IIO CIRCUIT TALKER (so mA max) E R 2 V . LISTENE ( mAatZ ) |J202 BSB-XH-A F“ ‘3 : CHANNEL1 OUTPUT 065°” - E 050, RSD, TLL («33W ; FL5 . | : I m “5 47 on P0400 infirm“ RD1-A (3, ; ch. BWR, RDFB <1 ”3 : DBS,etc. 1 CHANNEL 2 INPUT VBW, VHW 012 SN75|l7BNS .......... TALKER (6!) mA max) I J2 BSB-XH-A l TXI-H CHANNEL 2 AFIPATXDA (1 OUTPUT 4 mo ARPATXDB ( <— . . ”mm | : . <3< ' (‘.< COAflNG COLOR Display Unit: Panel: N31) (Dark any) Chasm: 2.56Y5/145 (Light grey) Samar Unli: No.5 (While) COMPASS SAFE DISTANCE ' Provisional until the measurement data is uvaihbie lrom BSH. X-RADIAHON None 04 the equipment or any device used in it will not give rise in does rate lqu/kgi (0.5 mremlh) at 50 mm. ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIOFREQUENCV RADlA‘HON HF power density on Mod-l ”3:4” 1mm" antenna aperture FIR-1505 MARK-3 . 75 W/cmz (X-band. 8 kW) 58 W/cm2 ., {XE-ml: nAmB 150 W/chlz FR-1525 MARK—3 200 W/cm’ (X—band. 25 kW) APPENDIX B DIGITAL INTERFACE (IEC6162-1) 1. IIO Sentences for Channel 1 Input BWC, BWR, DBS, DBT, DPT, GGA, GLL, HDT, MTW (’), MWV, FtMA, RMB, RMC, RTE, VDR, VTG('), VWR, VWT, WPL, ZDA, ‘ not recommended in IMO type Output 080 (every 3.5 s), FlSD (3 s), TTL (When A/C RAIN control is pressed.» 2. IIO Sentences of Channel 2 Input VBW, VHW Output Tl'M ' 3. Serial Signal IIO Circuit See page AP-2‘ 4. Sentence Descriptlon See page AP-4 and after. Sentences without checksum will rial be accepted as a proper date. 1.4 CRT Brilliance Operate the BRILL control on the control panel of the display unit to adjust the entire screen brightness. Note that the optimum point of adjustment varies with ambient light- ing conditions, especially between daytime and nighttime. 1.5 Control Panel Backlighting Operate the [DlMMEFI] key to adjust control panel backlighting. 1.6 Tuning the Receiver The radar is set for automatic tuning at the factory. Automatic tuning The radar receiver is tuned automatically each time the power is turned on. The tuning indicator and the label AUTO at the top right comer ot the display unit shows the tuning circuit is working. The receiver may become detuned, in automatic tuning, it own ship’s radar receives the radar signal of another shipbome radar. To retune. press the [STBY/ TX] key twice. Manual tuning 1. Set up for manual tuning following the procedure shown below. 2. While observing the picture on the 48 mile scale, slowly adjust the WM rotary con- trol to find the best tuning point while pressing and holding down the HL OFF control. Make sure that the radar has been set to the best tuning point. This condi- tion is where the tuning indicator lights to about 60% of its total length. Note that the tuning indication will never extend to full length. Selection of manual or automatic tuning 1. Press the [MENU] key. MENU VIDEO PLOT‘ TGT TRAIL TGT ALARM WATCH TIM ECHO SIG FUNC PLOT MARK BRILL OTHER ' Requires optional RP Board. QSDPNP'P'PSA’N.“ Figure 1-3 Main menu 2. Press the [0] key twice to display the OTHER menu. OTHER HDG SET SPD MODE MAN SPD SET/DRIFT DISPLAY MARK DISP TUNE NAV DATA EBLNRM OTHER -|-°G' 9P9fl99‘9WNr‘ ‘ NAV appears on R-type radar. Figure 1-4 OTHER menu 3. Press the [7] key to display the TUNE menu. TUNE MAN 1.T 2. MODE 3. TUNE SET Figure 1-5 TUNE menu 4. Press the [2] key to select the option AUTO or MAN from the MODE field as required. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 6. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. Fan Motor Assy. 03-1 900 Pulse Transformer RT-9025 (For RTE-062, m'R-osn, RT-9023 (For RTR~063) Magnetron E3550. MGSSEQ (For FITR-067), M652“ (For RTE-062), MG5436 (For RTE-063) Figure A-7 RF module, near View 1.11 Presentation Modes Loss or compass Signal when the compass signal is lost, the presen- tation mode automan‘cally becomes head-up and the compass readout at the screen top shows asterisks ("'."). Also HEADING FAIL appears in red characters at the lower-right comer oi the screen. The message SET HEADlNG appears at the loweriett corner at the screen. This alert stays on when the head- ing signal is restored, to warn the operator that the readOUt may be unreliable. When the com- pass signal is restored, HEADING FAIL disco pears and SET HEADING prompts you to readjust heading indication. Press the MODE This radar has the following presentation modes: Head-up, Head-up/TB, Course-up, North-up, and True Motion. Selecting presentation mode Press the [lVlODE] key on the panel at the right side of the display unit. Each time the [MODE] key is pressed, the presentation mode and mode indication at the upper-left comer of the screen change cyclically. Note: When a failure occurs in the gyrocom- pass, the radar will automatically be switched to unstabilized presentation mode. All com- pass related date will read Relative values. reading (see paragraph 1.8) and press the CANCEL/CLEAR key to erase the message SET HEADlNG. Presentation mode, representative display Head-up Mode A display without azimuth stabilization in which the line connecting the center with the top of the display indicates own ship's heading. The target pips are painted at their measured dis- tances and in their directions relative to own ship’s A short line on the bearing scale is the north marker ‘ndicating compass north. A leilure oi the compass input will cause the north marker to disappear and the HDG readout to show asterisks (""'.") and the message SET HEADING appears at the lower- Iel‘t corner of the screen. ~up mode. The difference from normal head-up presentation lies in the orientation of the bearing scale. The bearing scale is compass stabilized, that is, it rotates in accordance with the compass signal, enabling you to know own ship's heading at a glance. Minamoto“? This mode is available only when the radar is inter- faced with a compass. f” if the compass leils. the bearing scale returns to the state of head-up mode. or a, I I. no The bearing scale rotates with a compass signal. RGB—BUFF Board (Option) CRT 03P9229 SPU Board 03P9230 GYRO CONVERTER Board (Option) G4P1 106A PM-IN Board (Option) 03P9225 Figure A-4 Display unit, rear View Description Presentation mode, representative display fixer Fleadin one mo “9 Heading m an '“ “Molina marker an: m m |,—- ‘ m m t ‘ um s... Sin ‘ a no i it im ‘» i so 0 r", are in an m m m an» arms?» "“ True Motlon Mode Own ship and other moving objects move in accord- ance with their true courses and speeds. In ground stablized TM, all fixed targets, such as landmasses. appear as stationary echoes. In the sea stablized TM without set and driit input, the landmass can move on the screen. When own ship reaches a point corresponding to 75% of the radius of the display, the own ship is automatically reset to a point oi 75% radius opposite to the extension of the heading line passing through the display center. Resetting can be made at any moment before the ship reaches the limit by pressing the [SHIFT] key. Automatic resetting is preceded by a beep sound. ll the compass fails, the presentation mode is changed to the head-up mode and the north marker disappears. The HDG readout at the top at the screen shows asterisks ("'.’) and the message SET HEADING appears at the lower-left corner of the screen. " aka-mf- (a) Tme motion is eeleaed (b) Own ship has reached a poinl 75% of display radius -! \. if! ‘t’i ii if: Ax n- in at x. “hm.“ .. w.“ — (ram- w (c) Own ship is automatically reset to 7553 at radius Automatic resetting of own ship position in tme motion mode APPENDIX A OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT, PARTS LOCATION A.1 Performance Monitor (Option) A performance monitor is required for a ra- dar installed on vessels of 300 GT and up- ward engaged in international voyages. The FURUNO PM-3O satisfies the requirement covering 9410 t 50 MHz. The following de— scribes how to use these performance moni- tors. The performance monitor is an independent unit, namely, it is not interconnected with any unit 01 the radar system except for the 100 VAC powercable. in some radars the power cable is not routed via the power switch or other control of the radar and the monitor is operated as completely a separate device. Operating the performance monitor When Radar Interswitch RJ-7 is connected, set it to the “straight” mode. Select PM ON by pressing [MENU], [0]. [0], [0], [0], [5], [5], [3], and the range scale is automatically set to 24 nm. The radar screen will show sev- eral arcs, opposite to the heading marker (provided that the performance monitor is in- stalled behind the radar antenna as is nor- mally the case). It the radar transmitter and receiver are in good working conditions in as much as the original state when the moni- tor was turned up, the innermost are should appear at 12 nm and there should be a total of 4 arcs. The range of the innermost arc reduces 3 nm with every 3 dB loss of transmitted power. Meanwhile the receiver sensitivity can be evaluated from the number 01 visible arcs; one are is lost every 3 dB deterioration ol the sensitivity. perfomlnnoo Mom-lance 3 nm or less or none TRANSMITTER: normaI RECEIVER: normal TRANSMITTER: 3 db loss (T rensmitter system has lost half initial power. Suspect magnetron and feeder system.) RECEIVER: 3 (b lose (Receiver has lost hall 0! normal sensitivity. Susped receiver front and, water ingress to feeder system. etc) THANSMI'ITER: 3 db lose (Transmitter system has lost hall of initial power. Suspect magnetron and feeder system. RECEIVER: normal A.2 Interswitch Unit RJ-7 (Option) The interswitching unit RJ-7 permits inde- pendent or coordinated operation of two ra- dar systems among FR-t 505 MARK-3 series. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 6. Press the [MENU] key. 1.14 Adjusting the Sensitivity The GAIN control adjusts the sensitivity ofthe receiver. it works in precisely the same man- ner as the volume control of a broadcast re- ceiver, amplifying the signals received. The proper setting is such that the back- ground noise is just visible on the screen. If you set up for too little sensitivity, weak ech- oes may be missed. On the other hand ex- cessive sensitivity yields too much background noise; strong targets may be missed because of the poor contrast between desired echoes and the background noise on the display. To adjust receiver sensitivity, transmit on long range, and adjust the GAIN control so back- ground noise is just visible on the screen. 1.15 Suppressing Sea Clutter Echoes from waves cover the central part of the display with random signals known as sea clutter. The higher the waves, and the higher the scanner above the water, the further the clutter will extend. When sea clutter masks the picture, suppress it by the A/C SEA con- trol. rotate for manual adjustment, push tor automatic adjustment. Manual adjustment by the NC SEA control The NC SEA control reduces the amplifica- tion of echoes at short ranges (where clutter is the greatest) and progressively increases amplification as the range increases, so am- plification will be normal at those ranges where there is no sea clutter. The proper setting 01 the A/C SEA control should be such that the clutter is broken up into small dots, and small targets become dis~ tinguishable. It the control is set too low, targets will be hidden in the clutter, while it it is set too high, both sea clutter and targets will disappear from the display. in most cases adjust the control until clutter has disappeared to lee- ward. but a little is still visible windward. 1 . Confirm that the sensitivity is properly ad- justed, and then transmit on short range. 2. Adjust the A/C SEA control so small tar- gets are distinguishable but some clutter remains on the display. A/C SEA control NC SEA control ott adjusted Figure 1-11 How to adjust the A/C SEA control Automatic adjustment by the A10 AUTO control The NC AUTO control automatically sup- presses sea clutter as well as rain clutter. Push the A/C SEA control to turn on the au- tomatic NC circuit. A/C appears at the bot- tom left comer when the A/C circuit is on. Turn oft the A/c AUTO ieature when its use is not required: it can erase weak target echoes. [MENU] key + [BRILL MENU] 1. TGT TRAIL , CHARACTER . HDG LINE . EBLNRM . CURSOR . MARK . PLOT , os svma . ¢ OTHER . HDG SET (0.0—359.9°) . SPD MODE (MAN/LOG/NAV") . MAN SPD . SET/DRIP!" . DISPLAY . MARK DISP , TUNE . NAV DATA , EB/NRM . OTHER ocmqmmJ-um-n — [9] ' NAV on FI-type only [41— 1 T SET/DRIFT (OFF/ON) SET 000.0 z: 3. 4. DRIFT 049.9 KT [51—I I. T 2. NAV DATA (OFF/ON) a. PM MODE 4. SAHT MODE (OFF/ON) 5. DISPLAY (MAIN/SUE) 6. DISP MODE (CIR/OVAL') ' OVAL on H-Iype only [G] 1. T 2, mnsx LINE (2/5) a. STERN MK [714 [8] 2. a. XT WP (OFF/ON 4. my TD) 5. DEPTH (M/FA/n) s. TEMP (mm 7. DATA (OFF/ON) 5. TIME DIFF (—00:00—13:00) cuns ERG (REL/TRUE) sen (REL/TRUE) 4. EBL2 (REL/TRUE) 5. c URS RNG 5. mm mmmm- 7. VRM2 (nm/kmlsm)" ' an only an IMO type 1 . 2. 3. 1. DEFAULT 2. TEST 8. DEGAUSS 4. INSTALLATION SET UP (lor (musicians) [0] z' EGSNTVmFFnEIIOm'n) 3. uses DEG (mus-wavy can discriminate them from the fixed range rings. The two VFtMs can be distinguished from each other by different lengths of dashes. 1. Press the [VRM ON] key to display either 01 the VRMs. Successive presses of the [VFtM ON] key toggles the active VRM be- tween No.1 and No.2 and the currently active VRM readout is circumscribed. 2. Rotate the VHM rotary control clockwise or counterclockwise to align the active VRM with the inner edge of the target of interest and read its distance (unit: nm) at the lower-right corner of the screen. Each VRM remains at the same geo- graphical distance when you operate the [RANGE+] or [RANGE-1 key. This means that the apparent radius of the VRM ring changes in proportion to the selected range scale. 3. Press the [WM OFF] key to erase each VRM ”memo," at No.1 m” PM“ w” m 0, Target VRM "Kr /// “\\ m blip Ste 5 / gin-n no . / ,' \ "5 , ,r n m; i ' mi. \ x in, ’ ‘ ‘ kaNoz is circumscribed. Figure 1-15 How to measure range by VHM 1.19 Measuring Bearing Use the Electronic Bearing Lines (EBLs) to find bearing of a target. There are two EBLs, No.1 and No.2, which are toggled by suc- cessive presses of the [EBL ON] key. Each EBL is a straight dashed line extending out from the own ship position up to the circum- ference of the radar picture. The fine dashed line is the No.1 EBL and the coarse dashed one is the No.2 EBL. 1. Press the [EBL ON] key to display either of the EBLs. Successive presses of the [EBL ON] key toggles the active EBL be- tween No.1, N02 and index lines (it dis- played) and the currently active EBL readout is circumscribed. 2. Rotate the EBL rotary control clockwise or counterclockwise until the active EBL bisects the target of interest, and read its bearing at the lower-left corner of the screen. 3. Press the [EBL OFF] key to erase each EBL. The EBL readout is affixed by “R" (relative) if it is relative to own ship’s heading, or“? (true) it it is referenced to the North, as determined by the item CURS/EBLNFtM on the OTHER menu. Note: Bearing reference cannot be selected ‘ ' for NO type (no menu selection). For the IMO type, relative bearing is selected in the HU mode, and tme bearing in HUTB, CU. NU and TM modes. Each EBL carries a range marker, a short line crossing the EBL at right angles, and its dis- tance from the EBL origin is indicated at the WM readout whether or not the correspond- ing VRM ls displayed. The range marker changes its position along the EBL with the rotation of the WM rotary control. vnu Wt ‘“ a, 32.5 M in -' - fl\ ‘°" "° "’ Hiamn Active EBL is circumscribed. Figure 1-16 Measuring bearing by EBL MENU OVERVIEW [MENU] key __ 3. TGT ALARM 4. WATCH TIM 5. ECHO SIG 6. FUNC 74 PLOT 8. MARK 9, BRILL 0. OTHER [3] [41 [TGT nun. uENU] 1. T|ME (15sl305/1l8130mirVCONT) 2. MODE (REL/TRUE) 3. SHADE (MONO/MULTI) 4. TRAIL cow (OFF/ON) 5. THIN TRAIL (OFF/ON) [TARGET Aunu MENU] 1. AREA NO. (um/Noe) 2. MODE1 (Noun- 3. MODEZ (nu/oun- [WATCH 11" MENU] 1. ALM INTVL (0FF/3/6/1Z/15/20min) Miamuires Video Planer RP—17 (option) 2. TGT TRAIL 'OUT" not available on IMO Iype. I5] (Comin [ECHO SIG MENU] 1. come (YELIGFINI') 2. can SWEEP (OFF/ON(LINK)/0N(FIX)) 3A SWEEP LVL (OFF/1m) 4. ENHANCE (OFF/ON) 5. END ECHO (OFF/ON) s. PULSE1 7. PULSEZ use! on next page) ' MULTI appears on FI-Iype‘ [6], I7] 1. T 2. 0mm (51/82) a. 0.751 NM (suszmn) 4. |.5NM(S1/32/M1) 5. sum (sz/m/Mz) 6. 6m (MI/leMz/L) 7. 124mm (WW/L) and fourth'targee (targets 3 and 4) by using the No.2 EBL and No.2 VFtM. Bearing is shown relative to own ship with suffix "R" or as a true bearing with suffix “T" depending on EBL relative/true settings on the OTHER menu. No.2 Range m . M m ‘fl'nlmmru'fl 5“ a” m ..‘.. m. "0 Rance/bearing Demon targets 1 and 2 Range/bearing between targets 3 and 4 Figure 1-18 Measuring range and bearing between two targets 1.22 Setting a Target Alarm Zone The target alarm feature should never be relied upon as the sole means tor detecting the risk of potential collision. The operator of a ship is not relieved of the responsibility to keep lookout for avoiding collisions, whether or not the radar is in use. The target alarm serves to alert the naviga- tor to targets (ships, landmassss, etc.) en- tering a certain area, with visual and audible alarms. The zone has a fixed width of 0.5 nm in the radial direction (depth) and Is adjustable only within 3.0 to 6.0 nm from own ship. On the R-type, the outer and inner boundaries can be set at any distance. On any radar type, the sector of the zone can be set anywhere between 0 and 360 degrees in any direction. To set target alarm zones: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [3] key twice to show the TGT ALARM menu. TGT ALARM N01 N02 lN OUT E OUT ‘1 MODE (IN/OUT) shown on Ft-type. Figure 1-19 TGTALARM menu 2. Press the [1] key to select guard zone to use: No 1 or NO 2. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 4. Press the [MENU] key. 5. Place the cursor (+) at point “A" (see fig- ure below) using the trackball. Press the [TGTALAFIM ] key. SETTAZt (2) appears. When both alarms are prepared the ac- tive alarm is circumscribed. 1. AREA N0. 2. MODE1 3. MODE2 6. Move the cursor (+) to point “B" and press the [T GT ALARM] key again. Then, an echo watch zone as illustrated is created and the label TAZ1 (or 2) appears instead of SET TAZt (or 2) at the lower-right cor- ner ot the screen. w Target alarm n 3tw~“"”‘“%wm mne m f flTargel alarm zone can no; / \ be set between 3 and “J /A 6 nm on IMO type: at any ,,, 3“ / \ distance irom own ship m j i . . on R-type. m2 \ \ \/ ’ Ail a, a \ 5m 6 nm no \- h / m ”a. xi EM Wm M mm", "on m 3 nm Figure 1-20 Target alarm Figure 6-3 Test pattern 1.24 Echo Averaging The echo average feature effectively sup- presses sea clutter. Echoes received from stable targets such as ships appear on the screen at almost the same position every ro- tation of the scanner. On the other hand, un- stable echoes such as sea clutter appear at random positions. To distinguish real target echoes from sea clutter, echo average performs scan-tc-scan correlation. Correlation is made by storing and averaging echo signals over successive picture frames. If an echo is solid and stable, it is presented in its normal intensity. Sea clut- ter is averaged over suwessive scans result- ing in the reduced brilliance, making it easier to discriminate real targets from sea clutter. To properly use the echo average function, it is recommended to first suppress sea clutter with the A/C SEA control and then do the lol- lowing: 1. Press the [F1] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to select ECHO SIG. 1. VECTREF REUTRUE 2. PULSE 3. INT REA 4. STRETCH 5. ECHO AVG 8. VIDEO SLOPE 7. N RE.) 3. DISP SE. 9. PM 0. SART Figure 1-23 F1 menu 3. Press the [5] key to select echo averag- ing level desired from the ECHO AVG field. OFF: No averaging effect 0.5: Distinguishes small targets from sea clutter. 1: Helps distinguish targets from sea clutter and suppresses brilliance of unstable echoes 2: Distinguishes small stationary targets such as navigation buoys. 3: Stably displays distant targets. (a) Echo average OFF (b) Echo average ON Figure 1-24 Echo averaging Echo averaging uses scan-to-scan signal cor- relation technique based on the true motion over the ground of each target. Thus, small stationary targets such as buoys will be shown while suppressing random echoes such as sea clutter. Tme echo average is not however effective lor picking up small targets running at high speeds over the ground. Echo average is inoperable when a compass signal is not available. it you wish to use this feature without a compass signal, consult a FUHUNO representative. Manual speed entry is done at the menu item MAN SPD on the OTHER menu, which is ac- cessed by pressing the [MENU] key followed by the [0] key. Do not use the Echo Average feature under heavy pitching and rolling; loss of targets can result. 6.3 Diagnostic Test A diagnostic test program is provided to en- able testing of major circuit boards in the ra- dar display unit. Note that the normal radar picture is lost during this test. Proceed as iollows to execute the diagnos- tic test: 1. 2. Press [MENU] [0] [0] to show the OTHER main. Press the [0] key twice to select the OTHER sub menu. Press the [2] key twice to select TEST. The diagnostic test is executed and the screen shows test results as shown on the next page. OKs appear for normal operation. ARP TEST results appear only when optional ARP Board is mounted. It NG (No Good) appears, corresponding components may be detective. Consult your dealer. Small squares displayed on the test re- sults screen are ior testing the controls and keys (except POWER and [ENTER/ SELECT] keys). As you operate these controls and keys, corresponding squares are highlighted, indicating that your con- trol/key operations are properly recog- nized. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to check the display circuit. See the illustration page 6-7. To terminate the diagnostic test, press the [MENU] key. [MENU] hey MENU 1. VIDEO PLOTTER 2. TGT TRAIL 3. TGT ALARM 4. WATCH TIM 5. ECHO SIG 6. FUNC 7. PLOT 8. MARK 9. BRILL 0. OTHER [01 key TWICE OTHER 1. HDG SET 2. SPD MODE 3. MAN SPD 4. SET/DRIFT 5. DISPLAY 6. MARK DISP 7. TUNE 8. NAV DATA 9. EELNRM O. OTHER [01 key TWICE OTHER 1. DEFAULT 2. TEST 3. DEGAUSS 4. OUTPUT ALM 5. INSTALLATION SET UP [2] key TWICE to start test Figure 6-1 Sequence for diagnostic test Vector time (or the length at vectors) can be set to 30 seconds, 1, 2, 3, 6, 12, 15 or 30 minutes and the selected vector time is indi- cated at the upper-right comer ot the screen. 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [7] key twice to select PLOT. PLOT MENU 1 oer-[E REL TRUE Egg 1M 3M 6M 5. CPASET OFF 2NM 3NM ANM sum BNM @1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 12M 7. HISTORY on: on 3.1mm. [3—0—5 1M 2M 3M 6M 9. REFTGT 0. L 1. MARKDlSP 2. ERASE 3. VECT REF 4. VECTTIME 6. TCPA SET Figure 1-26 PLOT menu 2. Press the [3] key select REL orTFIUE from the VECT REF field as appropriate. 3. Press the [4] to select appropriate vector time from the VECT TIME field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- firm your selection. 5. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. The vector tip shows an estimated position of the target after the selected vector time elapsee. It can be valuable to extend the vec- tor Iength to evaluate the risk of collision with any target. Target data The radar calculates motion trends (range, bearing, course, speed, CPA and TCPA) of all plotted targets. In the head~up and head-up true bearing modes, target bearing. course and speed shown ln the upper-right target data field be- come tnie (T) relative to north or relative (Ft) relative to own ship in accordance with true/ relative vector setting. in the north-up, course- up, and true motion modes. the target data field always displays true bearing, true course and speed over the ground. Readlng the target data Press the [PLOT SYMBOL] key and the cor- responding plot symbol key. Then, the fol- lowing target date is displayed at the left side at the CRT. Three target data can be dis- played. RNG/BRG (Range/Bearing): Range and bearing from own ship to last-plotted target with suffix "1“ (True) or “Ft” (Relative) plot symbol. CSEISPD (Course/Speed): Course and speed are displayed for the last-plotted tar- get with sufiix “T" (True) or “Ft” (Flelative) plot symbol. CPA/TCPA: CPA (Closest Point of Approach) is the closest range the target will approach to own ship. TCPA is the time to CPA. Both CPA and TCPA are automatically calculated. TCPA is counted up to 99.9 min and beyond that it is indicated as TCPA > ‘99.9 MIN. Termlnatlng target plotting With EPA you can plot up to 10 targets. You may wish to terminate plotting of less impor- tant targets to newly plot other threatening targets. Wlth Trackball: Place the cursor (+) on a target which you do not want to be tracked any longer by operating the trackball and press the [CANCEL/CLEAR] key. All Targets: To terminate planing of all tar- gets at once: 1. Press the [MENU] key tollowed by the [7] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select OFF from the ERASE field. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. Problem Cheek point and Remedy Probable cause Adjust GAIN control with NC 1. IF amplifier 1. Replace lF amplifier. SEA control set at minimum. Marks and legends appear but no noise or echo. 2. Signal cable between antenna and display 3. Video Amplifier Board 2. Check continuity and isolation at coaxial cable. (Note: Disconnect the plug and lugs at both ends ot coaxial cable before checking It by ohmmelar.) 3. Check vldeo coax line for secure connection. It connection is good, replace SPU Board. Marks, legends and noise appear but no echo. (Transmission leak. representing own ship position, is absent.) Picture not updated Incorrect orientation of picture 1. Magnetron 2. Modulator Board 3. SPU Board 1. Bearing Signal Generator Board (scanner unit) 2. SPU Board 3. Video lockup 2. Gyro Interlaoe 1. Check magnetron current. 2. Replace Modulator Board. 3. Replace SPU Board. 1. Check the connection or signal cable. 2. Replace SPU Board. 3. Turn 011 and on radar. 1. The message “HD SIG MiSSING" appears when the heading pulse is not received during stand-by. 2. Replace gyro Interface. Tuning manually adjusted but poor sensitivity 1. Deteriorated magnetron 2. Detuned MIC 3. Dirt on radiatorlace 4. Second trace reiection is ON. Range changed but radar picture does not change 1. Detective RANGE key 2. SPU Board 3. Mother Board 4. Video lockup 1. With radar transmitting on 48 nm range. check magnetron current. It current is below normal value. magnetron may be defective. Replace magnetron. 2. Check MIC detecting current. If it is below non-hat value, MIC may have become deluned. MIC must be tuned. 3. Clean radiator surlace. 4. Disable the second-trace rejeotor referring to paragraph 1.30. 1. Try to hit [+1and [-] RANGE keys several times. It unsuccess- ful, replacement ol keypad may be required. 2. Replace SPU Board. 3. Replace Mother Board. 4. Turn all and on radar. PLOT MENU 1 1. MARK orsp OFF 2. ERASE s. VECT REF TRUE 4. VECT TIME 1M 3M 6M 15M SOM 5. CPASET 0.5NM mm 2NM aNM mm 5NM mm s. TCPA SET 7. Hrs‘ronv - a. INTVAL 1M 2M 3M 6M 9, REF TGT 0. l Figure 1-28 PLOT menu 3. Press the [7] keyto select OFF orON from the HISTORY field as appropriate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection iollowed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.26 Target Trails (Echo Trails) It is possible to display the trails oi the radar echoes of targets In the form of synthetic af- terglow. Target trails are selected either rela- tive or true and may be sea or ground stabilized. The simulated afterglow can be se- lected in a single tone or gradual shading de- pending on asettlng on the TGTTRAIL menu. True or relative tralls You may display target trails relative to north or own ship's heading on Relative Motion. True motion trails require a compass signal and own ship speed input to cancel out own ship’s movement and present true target movements in accordance with their over-the- ground speeds and courses. a) True target trails-no smearing oi stationary targets a) Relative target trails-all targets moving relative to own ship Figure 1-29 Target trails Note: When true trail is selected on the RM mode, the legend TRUE TRAIL appears in red. To select true or relative target trail presen- tation: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to show the TGT TRAIL menu. TGT TRAlL 155 Ehm an em com TRUE 1,T|ME 2. MODE 3. SHADE mono mum 4. TRAIL cow El ON 5. THIN TRAlL E| ON Figure 1-30 TGT TRAIL menu 3. Press the [2] key several times to select REL or TRUE from the MODE field as appropriate. 6. TROUBLESHOOTING & WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK "mpg ATTENTION TECHNICIANS: Turn oft the Do not open the equipment. Switch (52) on sets designed to operate on Ac power before servicing the equip- Only qualified personnel ment. should work inside the equipment. (Circuits still remain alive when the power switch on the front panel is turned Turn ott the radar power oft.) switch betore servicing the scanner unit Post a warn- Ing sign near the switch indicating it should not be turned on while the scanner unit Is being serviced. Prevent the potential risk of being struck by the rotating scanner and exposure to RF radiation hazard. Wear a satety belt and herd hat when working on the scanner unit. Serious injury or death can result it someone falls from the radar scanner mast. 6.1 Easy Troubleshooting This paragraph describes how to cure operational problems, which can be made by observing the radar picture and using operator controls and keys without opening "is display unit. en- tenna unit or other equipment units. The table below shows user-level troubleshooting procedures. Check that OS MARK ON is selected at the MARK/LINE submenu in the OTHER menu. Also, own ship intormation (length, width, etc.) should have been entered in initial settings. Consult a FUFIUNO representative or dealer tor details. No own ship marker Resetting target trails To reset (or clear) the target trail memory, hold the [TGT TRAlL] key depressed for about 3 seconds. Target trails are cleared and the trailing process restarts from time count zero at current target trail plot interval. Trail brilliance The brilliance of target trails can be adjusted on the BRILL menu as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [9] key twice to display the BRILL menu. BRlLL TGT TRAIL CHARACTER HDG LINE EBUVRM CURSOR MARK PLOT OS SYMB l. ' Requires RP Board. Figure 1-34 BRILL menu 3. Press the [1] key to select TGT TRAIL. 4. Operate the VRM rotary control to adjust brilliance. Currant brilliance is shown by the bar graph. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.27 Parallel index Lines Parallel index lines are useful for keeping a constant distance between own ship and a coastline or a partner ship when navigating. The orientation of the index lines is controlled with the ESL rotary control without and the intervals between the lines adjusted with the VRM rotary control (provided that No.2 VRM is active). Figure 1-35 Parallel index lines Displaying/erasing the index lines Press the [INDEX LINE] key to display/erase the index lines. Selecting number of index lines to display Maximum number of the index lines can be set for 2 or 6 on the MARK DISP sub menu in the OTHER menu. 1.28 Origin Mark You can mark any reference points, promi- nent target or a point of particular interest us- ing the origin mark feature. This mark is geographically fixed, namely, ground stabi- Iized. Twenty such origin marks can be en- tered. To use the origin mark: 1. Place the cursor (+) at a point where you want to place a reference mark by oper- ating the trackball. 2. Press the [MARK] key. The origin mark appears at the cursor position. of which range and bearing are indicated at the upper-right section of the screen. 5. MAINTENANCE & WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Turn off the radar power switch before servicing the («D scanner unit. Post a warn- A ing sign near the switch Indicating it should not be turned on while the scanner unit is bean serviced. Prevent the potential risk of being struck by the rotating scanner and exposure to RF radiation hazard. Wear a safety belt and hard hat when working on the scanner unit. Serious injury or death can result it someone falls from the radar scanner mast. ATTENTION TECHNICIANS: Tum off the Switch (52) on sets designed to operate on Ac power before servicing the equip- ment. (Circuits still remain alive when the power switch on the front panel is turned off.) a 050 Switch 82 5.1 Periodic Maintenance Schedule Periodic checks and maintenance are important for proper operation of any electronic sys- tems. This chapter contains maintenance instructions to be followed to obtain optimum per- formance and the longest possible liie of the equipment. mmMeem-wm Display unit Use of commercially available CRT cleaner (spray) having antistatic effect is recommended. Periodically clean the exterior of display unit with a dry soft cloth. A CRT screen produces static charge which attracts dust. DO NOT use strong solvents like paint thinner or abrasive cleaners for cleaning Dust and dirt on CFIT creates symptoms similar to poor sensitivity. (Continued on next page) Stern marker The stem marker (a dot-and—dash line) ap- pears opposite to the heading line. It can be displayed/erased on the MARK DlSP sub menu In the OTHER menu. Own ship marker The own ship marker (0) can be displayed! erased on the MARK DISP sub menu in the OTHER menu. 1.31 Suppressing Second-trace Echoes In certain situations. echoes from very dis- tant targets may appear as false echoes (sec- ond-trace echoes) on the screen. This occurs when the return echo is received one trans- mission cycle Iater, that is, after a next radar pulse has been transmitted. To activate or deactivate the second-trace echo rejector: 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [5] key twice to displaythe ECHO SIG menu. ECHO SIG . COLOR . CLTR SWEEP . SWEEP LVL . ENHANCE . 2ND ECHO . PULSEt . PULSE 2 ’ MULTI appears on Fi-type. Figure 1-38 ECHO SIG menu 2. Press the [5] key to select OFF or ON. I 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.32 [F2] Key The [F2] key provides programmed param- eters by the user. For example, you can pro- gram the [F2] key as below. Presetting the [F2] key 1, Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [6] key twice to display the FUNC menu. FUNC FUNCt E ON FUch IE ON FUNCS ON FUNC1 SET FUNC? SET FUNCS ssr F-2 SET Spp'figlv.“ Figure 1-39 FUNC menu. 3. Press the [7] key twice to select F-2 SET. The following display appears: [5.2 MENU] 1. TRAIL TIME as, HUTE MODE 2. TRAlL MODE 27. TUNE AIM 3. TRAIL SHADE 25. EXT wpr 4. mm LEVEL as. as FOSN s. ALAFIM AREA 30. cuRs ERG s. ALARM MODE 31. Eeu rm 1. PANEL olMMER 32. EELZ T/Fl e. TGT COLOR 33. CURS RNG 9. ECHO AVG 34. VRM1 RNG 10. INT REJ as. van me 11. ECHO STRETCH as. CLTFl SWEEP 12. NOSE REJ is. ECHO ENHANCE 14. 2ND ECHO 15. on0 own is. PLOT MENU 17. MARK MooE 18. emu. MENU 19. DRIFT MENu 20, NAV DATA 21. DISPLAY 22. sm-r m. TIMER ALM MENU 24. STERN MK 25, as MARK saw by vRM control and m ENTER kw. Figure 7-40 User key setup menu 4. Select function desired with the VRM ro- tary control. 4. OPERATION OF VIDEO PLOTI'ER RP-17 (OPTION) The Video Plotter FiP-17 is an optional circuit board which is accommodated in the display unit of the FR-1505 MARK-3 series radars. It permits use at two memory cards: a memory card(FlAM) for storing the operator-created radar maps, and the other is a chart card(ROM) storing FURUNO made digital charts. The memory card enables the operator to create radar maps more precisely than the stan- dard supplied radar map card (150 points per map). The radar map can hold a maxium of 3,000 points. The card permanently retains the data you have entered from the radar display or by Lat/Long positions. Own ship and other ship tracks may be stored at a selected interval. To display Nav line, RTE and WPL sentences are necessary. WPL lD sentence received in figure only, The data can be copied for other ships of the same shipping company. Charts are superimposed on the radar picture without disturbing the radar observation. The chart area is dependent on the radar range in use. The drive for the ROM card can also drive the Electronic Fleierence Chart (ERG). The ERC is a digital chart published bythe Japanese Hydrographic Bureau. Note it is not an ENC used Ior ECDIS. For details, reler to the separate manual Ior the Video Plotter PIP-17. 4. Pressthe [2] several times to select func- tion desired. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. The set- tings of items 3~9 automatically change according to selection made at step 4. You 6. Press the [MENU] key. Activating/deactivating a function Press the [FUNCTION] key. Each time the key is pressed a preset iunction the preset functions enabled on the FUNC menu are turned on or ott cyclically. You may enable/disable presettunctions from the menu as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [6] key twice to display the FUNC menu. 2. Press the [1], [2] or [3] key to enable or disable a preset tunction as appropriate. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection and the [MENU] key to close the menu. Table 1-3 Function description Optimum setting lor short range detection using a range scale between 1.5 and e nm on calm seas. Optimum setting tor long range detection using a range scale between 6 and 24 nm. Optimum setting for heavy seas usng a range scaie between 3 and 12 nm. Optinum setting for detection of fishing floats on a range scale oi 1.5 nm or lower. Optimum setting for detection of buoys (nav, radio, etc.) on a range scale at 1.5 nm or lower. Optimum setting for short range detection in a harbor using a range scale on. 5 nm or lower. Optimum setting for long range detection usmg along range scale. Optimum setting for heavy rain conditions using a range scale between 6 and 24 nm. Ldnl COAST OCEAN R-SEA L(ONG) Table 1-4 FUNCTION key default settings NNQNNNN Alc SEA' control For optimum range SART detection, this con- trol should be set to the minimum. Care should be exercised as wanted target in sea clutter may be obscured. Note also that in clutter conditions the first few dots of the SART response may not be detectable, irre- spective of the setting of the anti-clutter sea control. In this case, the position of the SART may be estimated by measuring 9.5 nautical miles from the furthest dot back towards own ship. Some sets have automatic/manual anti-clut- ter sea control facilities in which case the op- erator should switch to manual. Alc RAIN control This should be used normally (to break up areas of rain) when trying to detect a SAFiT response which, being a series of clots, is not affected by the action of the anti-clutter rain circuitry, Note that Racon responses, which are often in the form of a long flash. will be affected by the use of this control. Some sets have automatic/manual anti-clut- ter rain control facilities in which case the op- erator should switch to manual. Note: This SART information is excerpted from IMO SN/Circ 197 Operation of Marine Radar for SART Detection 3.4 RACON (Radar Beacon) A racon is a radar transponder which emits a characteristic signal when triggered by a ship's radar (usually only the 3 centimeter band). The signal may be emitted on the same frequency as that of the triggering ra- dar, in which case it is superimposed on the ship's radar display automatically. The recon signal appears on the PM as a radial line originating at a point just beyond the position of the radar beacon or as a Morse code signal (figure below) displayed radially from just beyond the beacon. so m we a. we...” .....i.,,mm m m H y/ “aw acon an m an; gym as: g . Em mg gm ”5,1 5... ”i o ’ w Figure 3-8 Appearance of RACON signal on the radar display Notes: 1) If the 1.5 nm range is preset for pulselength of S1 or 82, and the 3 nm scale for $2, the echo stretch is not avail- able on those range scales. 2) The echo stretch magnifies not only small target pips but also returns (clutter) from sea surface. rain and radar interference. For this reason make sure these types of interference have been sufficiently sup- pressed before activating this function Enhanced video The enhanced video function works similar to the echo stretch function, enlarging target echoes in bearing and range direction on 1.5- 6 nm scales. 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [5] key twice to show the ECHO SIG menu. ECHO SIG COLOR YEL GRN " . CLTR SWEEP OFF ON(LINK) ON(FIX) l. 3. SWEEP LVL 4. ENHANCE i123 -°N OFF ON . 2ND ECHO . PULSE1 . PULSE 2 ’ MULTI appears on R-type. Figure 1-47 ECHO SIG menu 2. Press the [4] key to select OFF or ON from the ENHANCE field as appropriate 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key, and then press the [MENU] key. Echo enlarged in bearing and range directions Figure 1-48 How the enhance function works 1.37 Watch Timer The watch timer works like an alarm clock, sounding visual (“WATCH") and audible alarms at a predetermined interval. To silence the alarm, press the [AUDIO OFF] key. The label WATCH turns to normal color and the alarm timer is reset to the initial value and starts the count-down sequence again. To activate the timer. 1. Press the [MENU] key followed by the [4] key twice to select WATCH TIM. WATCH TIM 1.ALMINTVL OFF 3M 6M 12M 15M 20M Figure 1-49 WATCH TIM menu 2. Press the [1] key to select desired inter- val (3, 6, 12, 15, 20 min) from the ALM INTVL field. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- clude your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.38 Noise Rejector The noise rejector suppresses white noise, which appears on as many dots scattered randomly over the display. To suppress white noise: 1. Press the [F1] key. 1. VECT REF REL/TRUE 2. PULSE 3. INT REJ 4. STRETCH 5. ECHO AVG 6. VIDEO SLOPE 7. N RE] 5. DISP SEL 9. PM 0. SAFiT Figure 1-50 F1 menu 2. Press the [7] key to turn the noise rejec- tor on or off as appropriate. NR appears at lower left-hand position when the noise rejector is on. Figure 3-3 Side/obe- echoes Virtual image A relatively large target close to your ship may be represented at two positions on the screen. One of them is the true echo directly reflected by the target and the other is a false echo which is caused by the mirror effect of a large object on or close to your ship as shown in the figure below. If your ship comes close to a large metal bridge. tor example, such a false echo may temporarily be seen on the screen. Target True echo THIN OW" Ship Multiple echo Figure 3-4 Wrtual image Shadow sectors Funnels, stacks, masts, or derricks in the path of the scanner block the radar beam. It the angle subtended at the scanner is more than a few degrees, a non-detecting sector may be produced. Within this sector targets can not be detected. Radar antenna Radar Blind zone Figure 3-5 Shadow sectors 3.3 SART (Search and Rescue Transponder) A Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) may be triggered by any X-Band (3 cm) ra- dar within a range of approximately 8 nm. Each radar pulse received causes itto trans- mit a response which is swept repetitively across the complete radar frequency band. When interrogated, it first sweeps rapidly (0.4 118) through the band before beginning a rela- tively slow sweep (7.5 us) through the band back to the starting frequency. This process is repeated for a total of twelve complete cycles. At some point in each sweep. the SART frequency will match that of the inter- rogating radar and be within the pass band of the radar receiver. If the SART is within range, the frequency match during each of the 12 slow sweeps will produce a response on the radar display, thus a line of 12 dots equally spaced by about 0.64 nautical miles will be shown. 6. Press the [3] key to select desired de- gaussing degree (45°, 90°, 180“) from the DEGS DEG field. For example, selecting 45° will automatically degauss the screen when the ship makes a tum which is be- tween 45° and 89°. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. 1.43 Background Color The [BKGND COLOR] key selects the color of the background, characters, menu. mark- ers and indications from the color combina- tions shown below. Each press of the key selects one of live color combinations. mmmwm WH 1.44 Clutter Sweep The clutter sweep feature suppresses sea and rain clutters within the trackball-selected area, to discriminate specific targets from noise. The user may select the area to pro cess and the level of suppression to apply as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to select the ECHO SIG menu. a. Press the [2] key to tum on/olt the clutter sweep function: Turns off clutter wiper feature. Sweep area moves with trackball operation. Sweep cursor shown by dashed lines. Sweep area is fixed on the screen. Sweep cursor shown by solid lines. 4. Press the [3] key (SWEEP LVL) several times to select level of suppression to use; "3" provides the highest level of noise sup- pression. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection and the [MENU] key to finish. OFF: 0N(LlNK): 0N(FIX): G. Operate the trackball to select area to pro- cess. Select area to process with square cursor. Figure 1-54 Selection of area to process with clutter sweep The clutter sweep feature may also be acti- vated by the [F2] key. 1.45 Day. Night Brilliance The secondary lunction ol the BRILL control is to provide instant bright or dim brilliance. Push the control to select bright or dim bril- liance. 3. RADAR OBSERVATION 3.1 General Mlnlmum and maximum ranges Minimum range The minimum range is defined by the short- est distance at which, using a scale 01 1.5 or 0.75 nm, a target having an echoing area of 10 m2 is still shown separate from the point representing the scanner position. It is mainly dependent on the pulselength, scanner height, and signal processing such as main bang suppression and digital quan- tization. it is a good practice to use a shorter range scale as far as it gives favorable deli- nition or clarity of picture. The IMO Resolu- tion A. 477 (Xll) and IEC 936 require the minimum range to be less than 50 m. All FURUNO radars satisly this requirement. Maximum range The maximum detecting range of the radar, Hmax, varies considerably depending on sev- eral factors such as the height of the scan- ner above the waterline, the height of the target above the sea, the size, shape and material at the target, and the atmospheric conditions. Under normal atmospheric conditions. the maximum range is equal to the radar hori- zon or a little shorter. The radar horizon is longer than the optical one by about 6% be- cause at the dlflraction property of the radar signal. The thax is given in the following equation. RW- 22 x (mi—din?) where Hmax: radar horizon (nautical miles) M: scanner height (m) i121 target height (m) Radar horizon Optical horizon Figure 3-1 Radar horizon For example, if the height of the scanner above the waterline is 9 meters and the height of the target is 16 meters, the maximum ra- dar range is; RmF2.2x(/§+Vfi)=2.2x(3+4)=15.4nm It should be noted that the detection range Is reduced by precipitation (which absorbs the radar signal). x-band and S-band ln lair weather, the above equation does not give a signilicant difference between X- and S-band radars. However, in heavy precipita- tion condition, an S-band radar would have better detection than an X-band radar. Radar resolution There are two important factors in radar resolution (discrimination): bearing resolution and range resolution. Bearing resolution Bearing resolution is the ability of the radar to display as separate pips the echoes re- ceived from two targets which are at the same range and close together. it is proportional to the scanner length and reciprocally pro- portional to the wavelength. The length of the scanner radiatorshould be chosen lora bear- ing resolution better than 2.5” (IMO Resolu- tion). This condition is normally satisfied with a radiator of 1.2 m (4 it) or longer in the X- band. The S-band radar requires a radiator of nominal 12 feet (3.6 m) in our product range. Pressthe [1] key and key in mark to enter with the ten keys. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 6. Press the [MARK] key to enter mark. 7. Repeat step 6 to continue entering the same mark with the same entry method. To enter a different mark or change mark entry method, repeat above procedure. The map is automatically stored in the radar’s memory. 1. Press the [MENU] key and the [8] key twice to display the MARK menu. Press [1] [1] [7] (for coastline mark) and press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. Press the [4] key to select CURS and press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. Press the [MENU] key. 5. Place the cursor mark on a required po- 7. sition and press the [MARK] key. Place the cursor at a next position and press the [MARK] key. One line appears connecting designated two points. Repeat step 6 to establish the coastline. Position, bearing correction There may be some instances where the chart latitude and longitude are by some sec- onds. You can compensate this error as fol- lows: 1. 2. 3. Press the [MENU] key. Press the [8] key twice to display the MARK menu. Press the [5] key. The following display appears: MARK ON 00.00’N 00.00'E MAN 000.0“ 1. POSN CORR 2. POSN SET 3. ERG OORR 4. ERG SET Figure 1-56 Display for position, bearing correction 4. For position correction, press the [1] key to select ON irorn the POSN CORR field and press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. Press the [2] key twice, and then operate the trackball to show adjust amount of po- sition correction. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 7. For bearing correction, press the [3] key to select MAN [rpm the BRG CORR field, and then press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. Press the [4] key twice, and then operate the EBL control to adjust amount of beer- ing correction. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. Displaying the radar map 1. Press the [MENU] key to display the Main menu. Press the [8] key twice to display the MARK menu. Press the [2] key to select ON from the DISP lield. Press the [ENTE Fi/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. Erasing contents of the radar map 1. Press the [MENU] key. Press the [3] key twice to select method of erasure: CANCEL KEY (individual marks). DISPLAY (marks currently dis- played), or ALL (all marks). Press the [ENTE R/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. The CPA/T CPA alarm feature should never be relied upon as a sole means for detecting the risk of collision. The navigator is not re- lieved of the responsibilityto keep visual look- out for avoiding collisions, whether or not the radar or other plotting aid is in use. Follow the steps shown below to set the CPN TCPA alarm ranges: 1. Press [MENU], [7], [7] to display the PLOT menu. 2. Press [5] (CPA SET) to select CPA limit desired from the CPA SET line. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 4. Press [6] (T CPA SET) to select a TCPA limit desired. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 6. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. Silencing CPA/TCPA audlble alarm Press the [AUDIO OFF] key to acknowledge and silence the CPA/T CPA audible alarm. The flashing of the triangle plot symbol and vector remain on the screen until the dan- gerous situation is no longer present or you intentionally terminate tracking of the target by using the [CANCEL/CLEAR] key. Lost target alarm When the system detects a lost target, track- ing on the target is discontinued and the tar- get symbol becomes a flashing diamond ( ). The normal plotting symbol is restored tot e target when the target is manually acquired. Confirming Lost Target 1. Place cursor on target. 2. Press the [CANCEL/CLEAR] key. Guard zone alarm When a target comes in the guard zone, the buzzer sounds and the indication “GUARD ZONE” appears. The intmding target is de- noted by an inverted triangle mark. You can set the guard zone as lollows: 1. Press the [MENU], [7], [7] to display the PLOT menu. 2. Press the [0] key twice. 3. Press the [2] key to select GUARD ZONE. 4. Press the [2] key again to select SET and press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Set the cursor on one boundary of the guard ring and press the [ENTER/SE- LECT] key. Set the cursor on the other boundary and press the [ENTER/SE- LECT] key. To disable the guard ring. select OFF at step 4 in the above procedure and press the [EN- TEE/SELECT] key. 2.12 Track Test (Simulation Display) The simulation display tests the ATA proces- sor tor proper operation. The figure below shows the starting picture of the simulation display. Each mark moves as time passes. Check that each target’s data is reasonable. Do this test when the radar is not being used. Figure 2-97'rack test display 1 .47 Alarms The table below shows the alarm indications which appear on the display screen. Table 7-5 Alarms MISSING' appears. red. Display is automatically switched to Head-up mode within 1 min. (IEC 60936-1/ Target alarm Beeps Target "ashes. SYSTEM FAIL HEADING in Then, press the CANCEL key Fault Audible alarm Visual alarm To quit alarm status Heading failure beeps Heading label reads ""." Match the on-screen Heading and the message ‘HDG SIG readout with the actual compass reading. it necessary. to erase the message SET HEADING. To stop audible alarm press the AUDIO OFF key. J_ Press TGT ALARM key. (Section 1.20). Beeps WATCH 0:00 _i Watch alarm Press the AUDIO OFF key. (Label ‘WATCH‘ turns red The label WATCH turns to and time count ireezes at normal video and the timer is |_ 'o:oo.'). reset (Section 1.37). Own ship lat/Ion None ""'."' in own ship position Make sure that own ship Cursor lat/Ion lield position data is led from ""'."' In cursor position field external radionav equipment. System failure None Message "ERG SIG l MlSSING" appears. No radar echoes. ,__ incorrect Double beep lone None Correct keystroke is responded keystroke by a single beep provided that KEY BEEP ON is selected at I* L _| installation. Log failure 2 beeps LOG ".' and “SYSTEM It the log has tailed, use the FAIL LOG" appear, if no log signal Is input tor 30 sec while the ship speed has been more than 5.0 kt for 3 1— min at below 0 kt. Manual Speed mode, or other appropriate sensor. Vector start time Whenever the range is changed the vectors for tracked targets is reestablished. You can select when to start reestablishment of the vectors with VECT START on the PLOT menu. The operator has the choices at 1 min or 20 scans. 2.8 Displaying Target Date The ATA calculates motion trends (range, bearing, course, speed, CPA and TCPA) of all targets under tracking, and displays data oi selected target at the top right corner at the screen. Note:At the speed under 5 kts the target data is displayed with a delay because of filtra- tion. \ Approx. position ‘ \ ol target alter f a I elapse of vector time yector Time Vector Plot Symbol RNG XXXNM ERG XXX.X° T CSE XXX.X°T SPD XX.XKT CPA XXXNM4—Range at CPA TCPA 4—11meto CPA Figure 2-6 Target data example Displaying data Place the cursor on ewanted target and press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. Data on the see Iected target Is displayed on the screen. The data includes the follows; BRGIRNG (Bearing/Range): RNG/BRG (Range/Bearing): Range and bearing from own ship to the selected target with suffix “T” (True) or “R” (Relative). CSE/SPD (Course/Speed): Course and speed are displayed for the selected target with suffix “T" (True) or “R" (relative). CPA (Closest Point of Approach) is the clos- est range a target will approach to own ship. Do not mix it with the operator preset CPA alarm limit. TCPA is the time to CPA measured with present speeds of own ship and the targets. Both CPA and TCPA are automatically cal- culated. When a target ship has passed clear at own ship, the CPA is displayed and the TCPA appears as “"."'. TCPA is counted up to 99.9 min. and beyond this it is indicated as TCPA>99.9 min. Note 1: MARK DISP on the PLOT menu must be tumed on to display target data. Note 2: Target data may be displayed with reierence to North (True) or own ship head- ing (Relative). The desired reference may be selected with TARGET DATA on the PLOT menu. 2.9 Fast Position Display The ATA displays equally time-spaced dots (maximum 10 dots) marking the past posi- tions of any targets being tracked. It a target changes its speed, the spacing will be uneven. If it changes the course, its plot- ted course will not be a straight line in TM mode. To turn the past position display cn/off: 1. Press [MENU], [7], [7] to display the PLOT menu. 2. Press the [7] key to select ON or OFFfrom the HISTORY lield. Selecting plotting interval On the PLOT menu, select desired past po- sition display plotting interval lrom the 8. INTVALlieId. 2. OPERATION OF AUTOMATIC TRACKING AID (ATA)ARP-17 2.1 Introduction The FFl-1505 MARK-3 series radar can accomodate an optional ATA (Automatic Tracking Aid) module complying with IMO MSC.64(89) Annex 4 and IEC 60872-2. With the optional ATA circuit board (ARP -1 7) Fitted in the display unit, the radar will automatically acquire 10 targets coming into the acquisition area. Once a target is acquired automatically or manually it is automatically tracked within 0.2 to 32 nm, whether inside or outside the acquisition area. Menu tree [MENU] key 1. VlDEO PLOT 2. TGTTRAiL 3. TGT ALARM 4. PANEL DIM 5. ECHO SIG s. FUNC 7. PLOT 1. MARK DlSP (OFF/ON) 5. MARK E 2. ERASE 9. BRILL — a. VECT REF (RELfl'FtUE) 0. OTHER ; 4. VECT TIME (305/1/3/6/15130MIN) 5. CPA SET (OFF/0.51112I3/4l5l6NM) s. TCPA SET (303/1/2/3/4/5/6/12NM) — 7. HISTORY (ON/OFF) I: a. INTVAL (ace/1121316M1N) 9. REF TGT — 0. I I4!— 1. T —— 2. AUTO Aco (OFF/ON/SET) —- a. GUARD ZONE (OFFION/SET) -— 4. TRACK TEST L— 5. LAND DISCRIM (0/1/2/3/4) — 6.TI'M (REL/TRUE) l:- 7. VEcT START (1MIN/ZOSCAN) s. REF TGT VECT (OFF/ON) Figure 2—1 Menu tree 3) SPEED "'." and SIGNAL MISSING ' LOG” appears it no log signal is present for 30 5 while the ship speed has been more than 5.0 kt or for 3 min below 5.0 kt. 4) With the serial speed inputs and SOG selection, if the type of data is changed from SOG to STW, the label SOG appears in red at the upper right corner on the screen. Manual speed input Select MAN at step 2 above, press the [3] key twice, and enter speed by operating the VFW control. Target-based speed input This mode is used when the ship's SDME (log) is not operating properly, ship’s speed is changed minutely (in case of no log), or the vessel has no device which detects ship’s leeward movement (doppler sonar 2-axis speed log, etc.) and leeward movement is not disregarded. Nate 1:The ATA calculates own ship’s speed relative to a fixed target. Therefore, when selecting a target, a larger ground mass or a long coast line is not suitable as a reference target because of obscure reference point. Note 2: Avector can be displayed forthe rel- erence target. This can be done with REF TGT VECT on the PLOT menu. 1. Select a small ground mass target (small island, lighthouse) 0.2 to 24 nautical miles from own ship. 2. Place the cursor on the target. 3. Press [MENU], [7]. [7]. [0], [0]. [9]. [9]- 4. Place the cursor on the target and press the [PLOT SYMBOL] key. 5. Press the [MENU] key. Reference targets are marked with a square symbol with a reference number (R1 , R2, R3). 2.5 Acquiring Targets The ATA permits automatic acquisition (10 targets) plus manual acquisition (1 0 targets), or fully manual acquisition (20 targets) within a range of 0.2 to 32 miles. The targets are automatically numbered and the same num- bers are not used more than one until the maximum capacity is reached. Before starting the ATA, check that heading and speed readouts at the top 01 the screen are reasonable. Manual acquisition 1. Place the cursor (+) on a target of inter- est by operating the trackball. 2. Press the [PLOT SYMBOL] key. The plot symbol changes its shape accord- ing to the status as below. A vector appears in about 20 antenna scans after acquisition indicating the target’s motion trend. it the tar- get is consistently detected for three minutes, the plot symbol changes to a solid mark. It acquisition fails, the target symbol blinks and disappears shortly. PLOT SYMBOLS Fl l__| Relerence Immediately Target Alter (Received Acquisition reliable referencing) l__ i__| O 20 scans after 80 scans alter acquisition acquisition (Steady tracklng) Target Dangerous Figure 2-4 Plot symbols ing is achieved when the target is clearly dis- tinguishable on the display for 5 consecutive or alternate paints out oi 10 consecutive scans whether acquired automatically or manually. Targets not detected in 5 consecutive scans become “lost targets." Quantization The entire picture is convened to a digital from called “Quantified Video." Asweep range is divided into small segments and each range element is “1" if there is radar echo return above a threshold level, or “0“ it there is no return. The digital radar signal is then analyzed by a ship-sized echo discriminator. As the antenna scans, itthere are 5 consecutive radar pulses with 1’s indicating an echo presence at the exact same range, a target “start" is initiated Since receiver noise is random, It is not three bang correlated. and it is filtered out and not classified as an echo. The same is true of radar interference. Elec- tronic circuits track both the closet and most distant edges of the echo. At the end oi the scanning of the echo, the discriminator indi- cates the measured maximum range extent and total angular extent subtended by the echo. If the echo is larger than a ship-sized echo in range extent and/or angular width, adjusted as a function of range, it is declared to be a coastline and the closet edge is put into memory as a map of the area. This land outline is used to inhibit further ac- quisition and tracking of ship sized echoes beyond the closest coast outlinet 5 consecu- tive scans oi coastal outline are retained in memory to allow for signal variation. All smaller echoes are declared to be shlp sized and the middle of the leading edge is used to provide precise range and bearing coordi- nates of each echo on every scan. This range/bearing data is matched to previous data and analyzed from scan-to-scan for con- sistency. When it is determined to be as con- sistent as a real target, automatic acquisition occurs and tracking is initiated. Continued tracking and subsequent calcula- tion develop the relative course and speed of the target iust as a man would do when plotting the relative course and speed of the target on the scope with a grease pencil. The true course and speed of own ship are computed from own ship’s gyro and speed inputs, and the resulting course and speed at each tracked target is easily computed by vector summing ot the relative motion with own ship's course and speed. The resulting true or relative vector is displayed for each of the tracked targets. This process is up- dated continually for each target on every scan of the radar. Automatic acquisition areas and suppression lines Performance of auto-acquisition is enhanced by controlling the limit lines (suppression lines) in the former series of FURUNO AFlPAs. In the ATA, the automatic acquisi- tion rings are used instead of the limit Ilnes. Auto acquisition rings work as suppression lines when viewed irom the opposite direc- tion. The should be placed clear of a land- mass or shoreline. The acquisition areas may be a full 360 degree circle or sector of any angles. They are gyro stabilized. Qualitative description of tracking error The FURUNO ARPA accuracy complies with or exceed IMO standards. Own ship maneuvers For slow turns there is no effect. For very high turning rates (greater than 150°! minute, de- pending on gyro), there is some influence on all tracked targets which last for a minute or two and then all tracked targets revert to full accuracy. VHW - Water speed and heading $—VHW,x.x,T,x.x,M,x.x,N,x.x.K*hh I I lIIII v-Nw-bllrgqfisp + _ 1.2. Longitudinal h 5 true bearing) " 3.4. Longitudinal heading (M = magnetic bearing) 5.6. Water speed (knots) 7.8. Not used 9. Checksum * ‘: in use VTG - Course over ground and ground speed $——VTG,x,x,T,x.x.M,x.x,N.x.x.K‘hh I I I I | I +. +_—___.______ +_._._____ in use not used output 12. Longitudinal heading (T = true bearing) 3.4. Longitudinal heading (M = magnetic bearing) 5.6. Warer speed (knots) 7.8. Not used 9. Checksum * ZDA - Time, Date $-DDA,hhi-nmss.ss.xx,xx,xxxx,xx.xx‘hh I I I I I I I I —- 7 I 6 I - 5 I 4 I - 3 I —— 2 + ------ - 1 in use not used output 1. UTC * 2. Day. 0 to 31 “ 3. Month, 01 to 12 ‘ 4. Year ' 5. Local zone description (hour) * 6. Local zone description (minule) “ 7. Checksum MTW - Water temperature $——MTW,x.x,C"hh -—-1 inuse notused output 12. Water temperature (C) 3. Checksum RMA - Recommended minimum specific wRAN-C data $——RMA,A,1III.lll,a,yyyyy.yy,a,x.x,x.x,x‘x,x.x,x.x,n*hh I | I I I | I l I I I I | I | I I I I I I I + I +- +. not used output 1. Status (A = data valid, V = Blink, cycle or SNR warning) ‘ Latitude (N15) and longitude (FJW) * 6.7. Time difference A, Time difference B " (000000 - 999999 microseconds) 8. Speed over ground (knots) * 9. Bearing (degrees) 10.11. Magnetic variation (000.0 - 179.9 degrees). Degrees (FJW) " 12. Checksum ’ RMB - Recommended minimum navigation data 5—RMBA.LXAC—-C,C-—CJ“I~III,B.yyyyy.yyy,a,xvx.x.x,x.x,A*hh I I I I I I I I I I I I I in use not used output 23 10. Range to destinmion (in. miles) 11. Bearing to destination (degrees true) 12. 13. Not used 14. Checksum. mandatory for RMC ‘ DDS - Depth below sea surface $——DBS.x.x.f'x.x.M,x.x.F“hh l l not used output 1.2. Depth (feet) 3.4 Depth (meters) 5.6. Depth (fadmms) 7. Checksum DPT - Depth IMO Resolution A224 (Vll). Water depth relative to the transducer and offset of the measuring transducer. Positive offset numbers provide the distance from the transducer to the waterline. Negative offset num- bers provide the distance tram the transducer to the part at the keel of interest. $—DPT,x.x.x.x*hh in use not used output 1 . Water depth relative to transducer (meters) 2. Offset from transducer (meters) = distance from transducer to water-line 3. Checksum * FIR-1505 MARK-3 series simplified Interconnection III-gram FFI-1505 MARK-3 SERIES SIMPLIFIED INTERCONNECTION DIAGRAM ' 03P9230 : pnocesson BOARD I DJ1 (ma meam CHANNEL 1 PORT I our: own SHIP DATA INPUT: POSITION (PLUS PM ANTENNA SCANNER WIND. new”, srcI VIA |(Channel 1) MULTIPLExER IF-mo), I CHANNEL 2 PORT INPUT: SDME 1 OF! 2-AXIS SPEED LOG J203 (VBW. V :(Charmel 2) CHANNELZ OUTPUT for «——I “54 ARPA (TTM) EXT ALARM | J21I DISPLAY UNIT EDP-119 SHIP’S MAINS . ,- — — — - Pang Gym oWI I |64Pt1os j: GYROCOMFASS | I _ _ ._ PM I GYRO CONVERTER J210 Jewry—f— SPEED LOG (Pulse) Radar Video. Tflggar. Azimuth, HDG Irom | olher RADAR I ————— 3 | . | I Raflar Video. Tnggar, le InlarIeoe : J?“ h‘F’ Azimmn, HDG Ior van (HGB video) om , l Slave Radar Display, | l omiunal I I ECDIS | L _____ : J209 NU I r— — — — SPARE J212 l ‘ 4213 ' Iogflssflzsl I “2: P. MONITOR : I If f'_ fLr——— IIolzzovm '| I I J106 J107 I I _ _ _ _______ _ 19105 P107 P4 P1107 I__—- ___|r—_‘ __—_| I VIDEO PLOTTEFI, , Au‘ro PLOTTER I | RP-17 | , ARP-17 , Lemon OPTION | 5. Priority Nev data sentences below are read left to right, and in case of timeout the sentence right of last read sentence is read. In case of multiple high priority sameness the sentences having the highest priority is read. "' is read regardless oi talker. Timeout is 90 seconds unless speci- fied otherwise. Differem timeouts for data sentences are required by German authorities. Position data GPGGA > GPRMC > GPGLL > LCRMA > LCGLL > ”GLL Timeout: 30 seconds Date, time data GPZDA Timeout: 10 seconds Course heading, speed over ground 1.1mm VDVBW > “VBVBW Midget-Qt GPVTG > GPRMC Course heading, speed over water VDVBW > "VBW >VD VHW Relative wind angle and speed " MWV > “VWT > "VWFt 1169 data "VDFi Water depth data SDDPT > SDDBT > SDDBS > "DBT > "DBS Water temperature data "MTW Waypoint range and bearing data GPBWR > GPBWC > GPRBM > "BWR > “ch > "RMB Route date (WPL, RTE) 'WPL ' RTE Ship‘s heading “HDT MP9?“ (RFC) 0399244 (MD) A: 12 M A: 8112 kW 5: 25 kW 5; 25 kw ospsesz an zupm 0mm nsuxm 42 m men 1558-an can on Figure A-B Antenna circuit diagram NF Moduln FUR-087: 6 kW RF Module RTE-062: 12 kw RF Module RTE-083: 25 kW TO RADIATOR $901 MP-3795 Board HF Module TB 5°“ 0399242 (Bow View) Figure A-5 Scanner uni1 MIC Ass . RU-9099 (For RTE-067). 1 RU-9253 (For “TR-063)v ‘ i tau-9371 (For RTE-082) Diode Limiter IF Board 03P9232 Figure A-6 RF module A.3 Parts Location ATA Board ARP-17 (Option) 1 8P9004A Figure A-1 Display unit, right side View Cooling Fan MMS-06024DS-Fl01 RP-17 Board (Option) 03P9259A HVBoard DO—PTU Board MP9017A(FR-150511510 MARK-3) 03P92230/D (DC spec.) _ _ AC-PTU Board 03P9017B (FR 1525 MARK 3) 03P92230/D (AC spec.) Figure A-2 Display unit, left side View [MENU] key + [81 [4]. [5]. [5] _m_l [81 1. DISP (OFF/ON) 2. ERASE (OFF/ON) 3. VECT REF (RELI'mUE) 4. VECT TIME (SOS/1135! I SBDMIN) 5. CPA SET (OFF/0.511 [213/4/5/6/1 2M|N) 6. TCPA SET (308/112/3/4/5/6/12NM) 7. HISTORY (OFF/ON) B. INTVAL(3OSl1/213/6M|N) 9. REF TGT' 0. l' ' Requires Amn Plotter ARP-17 (Quinn). [MARK MENU] 1. ERASE 2. MODE (REL/TRUE) (Continued on next page) OR“ [FUNC MENU] [F.z MENU] " FUN“ {OFF/ON) 1 TRAIL TIME 25 Hu'I'E MODE 2. FUch (OFF/ON) ~ ' 2. TRAIL MODE 27. TUNE AIM 3- FUN03 10FF/0Ni a. TRAIL SHADE za. EXT WPT 4, FuNc1 SET 4. TRAIL LEVEL 29. as POSN 5 Fuch SE]. 5. ALARM AREA 30. CUHS ERG ~ 5. ALARM MODE 31. EBL! TIR 6. Emma SET 7. PANEL DIMMEH 32. EBL2 Tm 7] p.2 a, TGT coma as. (was ENG 9. ECHO Ave 34. vnm RNG 10. m7 REJ as. VRMZ ENG 11. ECHO sms'rcu 36. cm] SWEEP 12. NOSE RE) 13. ECHO ENHANCE m T;-5.~.°.5°."3m 2. FUNC SEL (CST, OCEAN, R—SEA, FLT. BY » HER L-HAIN) :§- P, {305}ng 3. ECHO AVG (oan/a/a) ‘ a' BRILL MENU 4. INT REJ (OFF/wan) 19; umrr MENU 5. STRETCH (OFF/HZ) 20, NAV DATA s. No AUTO (OFF/ON) 21. DISFLAY 7' N “a (WWW) 55 WETR ALM MENU a. ENHANCE (OFF/ON) ~ 9, vao com ("z/3) 2‘- STERN MK 0. PULSE it 25» 05 WK 1 , T M 2. 0.5NM (31/52) a. u.7s-mM (51/52an 4. 1,5NM (SIISZIDM) 5. am (521M1MZ) a. sun (M1 mama/L) 7, 12-24NM (MIME/MGM [0] [PLOT MENU] [PLOT MENU] 1. T 2. AUTO AGO (OF FIONISET) 3. GUARD ZONE (OFF/ONISET) 4. TRACK TEST 5. LAND D|SCHIM (011121314) 6. TIM (OFF/REUTRUE) 7. VECT START (1MlNIZDSCANS) B. REF TGT VECT {OFF/ON) ' Esau?“ View PM!" HP—17 (option) [MARK MENU] |. MARK SEL (Avalable marks displayed) 2. DISP (OFF/ON) 3. ERASE (CANCEL KEY/DISPIALL) 4. ENTRY {CURS LIL/OS POSN) 5. POSN CORR 1. POSN coan (OFF/ON) 2, POSN sET (00.00'N 00.00‘E) a. BHG CORR (MAN/AUTO) 4. BHG SET (000,03 FFl-1500 SERIES TEST Program No. 03591521" ROM Check 0K x FIAM Check 0K ROM Test Antenna Rotation ampN Tx Trigger Frequency 300on RAM Test Wdeo Level 000 Video Signal 0K C AFIP TEST = 1. Program No. 18590411" 18590421" " Program No. 2. ROM Check OK OK = 3. RAM Check 0K _ 4. Speed Log OK 0.0 KT — 5. Course 0K — 6. Trigger OK 7. Video Signal OK ‘- a. Bearing Pulse OK 3 9A Heading Pulse OK 3 10. Minimum 0003 11. Sean Tlme 0274 C 15 mm? A“ % Press MENU key to H 14: $3353} 0000 return to radar pictura.\5 15' F503" 2 0000 Press ENTER/SELECT C Press MENU key to escape. 5:53.90 picture Check \ Press ENTER to check CRT. -— Control Check Bar in length increases with clockwise rotation: decreases with counterclockwise rotation. [3900030 0 o 0:01, ODDDDDDDO Trackball Confirmation Figure Increments upward with up. right rotation; downward with down, Ielt rotation. EBL Control Confirmation (Figure Increments upward with clockwise rotation; downward with counterclockwise , . rotation.) VRM Control Confirmation (Figure Increments upward with clockwise rotation; downward with counterclockwise rotation.) Figure 6-2 Test results screen Problem lnterterence reieclor inoperable (interference rejection level not displayed) Echo stretch inetlective (Neither “581“ nor "E82" is displayed.) Check polnt and probable cause 1. SPU Board 2. Mother Board 1. SPU Board 1. Replace SPU Board. 2. Replace Mother Board. 1. Replace SPU Board. Only 2 parallel index lines t. Incorrect setting at index 1. Set index line interval referring to (6 lines wanted) line imerval paragraph 1.26. Range rings are not 1. Adjust the brilliance of 1. Replace associated circuit board it displayed. range rings with the Unsuccessful. intenslty is increased. 2. SPU Board 2. Replace SPU Board. Poor discrimination at range 1. See clutter control not 1. Improper setting of NC SEA functioning property. control. it NC SEA is seen only at very close range. suspect inaccurate lrequency ol working correctly. True motion presentation not F . Poor contact of MODE key. 2. Selection is not accessed. 3. Speed entry is incorrect. 4. TM display inaccurate Target not tracked correctly 1. Poor definition of targets in sea clutter Q— crystal oscillator. 1. Try to press MODE keya little harder. 2. Press MODE key until "TM‘ appears. 3. Enter correct own ship speed referring to paragraph 1.24. 4. Make sure that speed and compass inputs are accurate. 1. Adjust A/C SEA and NC RAIN controls relerring to paragraphs 1.14 and 1.15. 6.2 Advanced-level Troubleshooting This paragraph describes how to cure hard- ware and software troubles which should be carried out by qualified service personnel. Note: This radar equipment contains corn- piex modules in which fault diagnosis and repair down to component level are not prac- ticable by users. Serviceman qualification Ail adjustments ot radio transmitter during or coinciding with the installation, servicing, or maintenance which may affect the proper op- eration must be periorrned by or under the immediate supervision and responsibility at a person holding an operator certificate con- taining a ship radar endorsement. This is whatthe U.S. Codes ol Federal Regu- lations part 80.169 implies (not exact extract). As such, every administration sets iorth its own rule; service personnel must be aware 01 this kind at competency requirements. Service call When making a service call to your service agent, check SIN and symptom belorehand. Problem Check point and probable cause 1. Blown luse F1 or F2 Power tumed on but radar does not operate at all. Control panel is not Illuminated either. CRT brilliance adjusted but no picture 3. Power Supply Board 4. illumination lamps 2. GET voltage 3. SPU Board [— Scanner not rotating in stand-by.) rotate on menu. 1. SPU Board Alphanumeric data and mitts are not displayed In Transmit status. 2. Mains voltage/polarity 1. DISPLAY submenu settings 1. Scanner drive mechanism (Note that the message BRG SIG MISSING appears 2. Conllrm that scanner ls set to Remedy 1. Replace blown luse. 2. Correct wirings and input voltage. 3. Replace Power Supply Board. 4. Replace detective lamps. 1. In case oi single display Install- ation (without radar inter- switching). make sure MAIN is selected on the DISPLAY submenu (OTHER menu). 2. Check high voltage supply with utmost care. 3. Replace SPU Board. 1. Check scanner drive mechanism. 2. Contact a FURUNO agent. 1. Replace SPU Board. Check point Check and manure: Remarks Sealing compound may be used instead of paint. Apply a small amount of grease between nuts and bolts lor easy removal In future. Do not use plastic solvent (acetone) for cleaning. ll you need to remove ice from scanner unit, use a wooden hammer or plastic head hammer. Crack on the unit may cause water ingress, causing serious damages to ———l Terminal strips, sockets, earth terminal 3 to s Exposed nuts Check tor corroded or loosened months and bolts on nuts and bolts. Il necessary, clean (for quali- scanner unit and repaint them thickly. Rephce tied tech- them it heavily corroded. nrcrans _ only) Scanner Check for drn and cracks on radletor radiator surlace. Thick dlrt should be wiped off with soft cloth dampened with fresh water. if a crack is found, apply a slight amount of sealing compound or adhesive as a temporary remedy. internal clrcults. then call for repair. 3 to 6 Terminal Open antenna cover to check months strips and terminal strip and plug (tor quali- plugs in connections inside. Also check lied tech- scanner unit the rubber gasket of antenna nicians covers lor deterioration. only) 6 months CRT and High voltage at CRT and to one surrounding surrounding components attract year componems dust in environment which will (tor quali— cause poor Insulation. Ask your tied tech- nearest FURUNO represematlve nicians or dealer to clean intamai high- only) voltage convonents. Check for loose connections. check contacts and plugs for proper seating. etc. When closing scanner covers In position. be careful not to catch loose wires between covers and unit. ll CRT anode rubber cap or wire sheath is cracked, ask your dealer to replace it. For service technician: Wait at least 3 minutes umil high voltage components (CRT and HV capacitors) discharge their residual charges before accessing them. 5.2 Life Expectancy of Major Parts m“- About 000 hrs aAbout 5.3 Replacement of Batteries The GYRO CONVERTER Board (option) and the RP Board have a battery. The battery for the HP Board presenres data when the power is turned oft, and its lite is about five years. When the battery voltage is low, NG (No Good) appears at the diagnostic test for the RP board. When this happens, contact your dealer to request replacement of the battery. PCB Battery Code Name Type number .. to... m GC Board CR 112 8.L 127 759 103 769 000 It When the range to the SART is reduced to about 1 nm, the radar display may show also the 12 responses generated during the fast sweeps. These additional dot responses, which also are equally spaced by 0.64 nm will be interspersed with the original line of 12 dots. They will appear slightly weaker and smaller than the original dots. Screen B: When SAHT ls clcu Saran A: When SAHT is distant Ftadar antenna beamwidm Figure 3-6 Appearance of SART signal on the radar display Showing SART marks on the radar display Range scale of 6 or 12 nm with normal radar settings should display SART signals. How- ever, this radar has a special feature which enhances SART signals. This is done as be- low: Summary to detect SART response 1. Press the [F1] key. 1. VECT REF REL/TRUE 2. PULSE 3. INT RE] 4. STRETCH 5. ECHO AVG 6. VIDEO SLOPE 7. N REJ E. DISP SEL 9. PM 0. SART Figure 3-7 F1 menu 2. Press the [0] key to turn SART on or off as appropriate. General remarks on receiving SART SART range errors When responses from only the 12 low tre- quency sweeps are visible (when the SART is at a range greater than about 1 rim), the position at which the first dot Is displayed may be as much as 0.64 nm beyond the true po- sition of the SART. When the range closes so that the fast sweep responses are seen also, the first of these will be no more than 150 meters beyond the true position. Radar bandwidth This is normally matched to the radar pulselength and is usually switched with the range scale and the associated pulselength. Narrow bandwidths of 3-5 MHz are used with long pulses on long range and wide band- widths oi 10-25 MHz with short pulses on short ranges. Any radar bandwidth of less than 5 MHz will attenuate the SAFiT signal slightly, so it is preferable to use a medium bandwidth to ensure optimum detection oi the SART. Radar side lobes As the SART is approached, side lobes from the radar scanner may show the SART re- sponses as a series of arcs or concentric rings. These can be removed by the use of the anti-clutter sea control although it may be operationally useful to observe the side lobes as they may be easierto detect in clut- ter conditions and also they will confirm that the SAFtT is near to the ship. Gain For maximum range SART detection the nor- mal gain setting tor long range detection should be used, that is, with background noise speckle visible. Range resolution Range resolution Is the ability to display as separate pips the echoes received from two targets which are on the same bearing and close to each other. This is determined by pulselength only. Practically, a 0.08 microsec- ond pulse offers the discrimination betterthan 35 m as do so with all FURUNO radars. Test targets for determining the range and bearing resolution are radar reflectors hav- ing an echoing area of 10 mf. Bearing accuracy One of the most important features of the ra- dar is how accurately the bearing of a target can be measured. The accuracy of bearing measurement basically depends on the nar- rowness ot the radar beam. However, the bearing is usually taken relative to the ship's heading, and thus, proper adjustment oi the heading line at installation is an important fac- tor in ensuring bearing accuracy. To minimize error when measuring the bearing of a tar- get, out the target echo at the extreme posi- tion on the screen by selecting a suitable range. Range measurement Measurement of the range to a target is also a very important function of the radar. Gen- erally, there are two means of measuring range: the fixed range rings and the variable range marker (VRM). The fixed range rings appear on the screen with a predetermined interval and provide a rough estimate of the range to atarget. The variable range marker’s diameter is increased or decreased so that the markertouches the inner edge of the tar- get, allowing the operator to obtain more ac- curate range measurements. 3.2 False Echoes Occasionally echo signals appear on the screen at positions where there is no target or disappear even it there are targets. They are, however, recognized if you understand the reason why they are displayed. Typical talse echoes are shown below. Multiple echoes Multiple echoes occur when a transmitted pulse returns from a solid object like a large ship, bridge, or breakwater. A second, a third or more echoes may be observed on the dis- play at double, triple or other multiples of the actual range 01 the target as shown below. Multiple reflection echoes can be reduced and often removed by decreasing the gain (sensitivity) or properly adjusting the NC SEA control. Tme echo Multhe echo 3 5 fl Figure 3—2 Multiple echoes Target Own sh‘p Sidelobe echoes Every time the radar pulse is transmitted, some radiation escapes on each side of the beam, called ‘sidelobes.’ It a target exists where it can be detected by the side lobes as well as the main lobe. the side echoes may be represented on both sides 01 the true echo at the same range. Side lobes show usually only on short ranges and from strong targets. They can be reduced through care- ful reduction of the gain or proper adjustment of the A/C SEA control. 1. Press [MENU], [7]. [7]. [o]. [0], [4]. [41- 2. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to start the test. 3. It takes approximately three minutes for all vectors to be displayed completely on the screen. The simulation display does not need radar, gyrocompass nor speed log input; seven targets on various courses and speeds are provided. 216.5” Fl Target 5 Target 5 Target 7 ' Inilial data 4. The simulation continues forfive minutes and then repeats. To quit the test se- quence. turn the power off. 2.13 Outputting Target Date Target data may be output to external equip- ment as tollows: 1. Press [MENU], [7], [7], [0], [0]. 2. Press the [7] key to select OFF, REL, TRUE from the TGT DATA OUT field as appropriate. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key followed by the [MENU] key. 2.14 Diagnostic Sequence You can Check the ATA Board for proper op- eration as follows. The seH test does not require operator intervention. It runs auto- matically when the power is placed on at regular intervals or on operator demand. 1. Press [MENU], [0], [0], [O], [O]. 2. Press the [2] key twice to start the diag- nosis sequence. The results of the test appear as shown below. FR-1505 SERIES TEST Program No. 03591521 " ROM Check OK RAM Check OK Antenna Rotalion 24RPM Tx Trigger FrequencyaOOOHz Wdeo Level 000 Video Signal 0K ARP TEST 1. Program No. 18590411"18590421" 2. ROM Check 0K 0K 3. RAM Check OK 4. Speed Log OK 0.0 KT 5. Course 0K 6. Trigger OK 7. Vldeo signal OK 8. Bearing Pulse 0K 9. Hearing Pulse OK 10. Minimum 0003 11. Sean Time 0274 12. Manuel Aoq. 00 13. Auto Mo. 00 14. FE-Dam 1 0000 15. FE-Data 2 0000 Press MENU key to escape. Press ENTER to check CRT. " Program No. Figure 2-10 Diagnosltic test results 3. If NG appears for any ATA-related item, call for sen/ice. 2.10 Set and Drift Set, the direction of ocean current, can be manually entered in the nearest degree. Drift, the speed cl current, can also be entered manually, in 0.1 knot increments. Set and drift corrections are beneficial for increasing the accuracy of the vector data. The correction is best made on relative motion with true vec- tor, watching Iandmasses, buoys, or station~ ary targets. Thus, the speed and course 01 own ship over the ground are reciprocally calculated and compared with the relative bearing and range to the reference target to produce a Set and Drift. These values are applied to all targets. If stationary objects have vectors, the set and drift should be cor- rected until they lose their vectors. If own ship is equipped with a device to indi- cate ocean current movements, the values shown on it may be used. 1. Press [MENU], [0], [0] to display the OTHER menu. OTHER -Loe- HDG SET SPD MODE MAN SPD SET DRIFT DISPLAY MARK/LINE TUNE NAV DATA EBLNHM OTHER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. 7. B. 9. 0. ' NAV appears on R-type radar. Figure 2—7 OTHER menu 3. Press the [4] key twice to select SET/ DRIFT. SET/DH IFI' 1. T 2. SET/DRIFT ON 3. SET 000.0 4. DRIFT 0—19.QKT Figure 2-8 SE T/DRIFI' menu 4, Press the [2] key to select ON from the SET/DRlF‘rtield, and then press the [EN- TER/SELECT] key. 5. Press the [3] key twice, enter SET value, and then press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 6. Press the [4] key twice, enter DRIFT value, and then press the [ENTER/SE- LECT] key. 7. Press the [MENU] key. 2.11 Alarms CPA/TCPA alarm Visual and audible alarms are generated when the predicted CPA and TCPA of any target become less than their preset limits. Press the [AUDIO OFF] key to acknowledge and silence the CPA/T CPA audible alarm. The ATA continuously monitors the predicted range at the Closest Point oprproach (CPA) and predicted time to CPA (T CPA) of each tracked target to own ship. When the predicted GPA of any target be- comes smaller than a preset CPA alarm range and its predicted TCPA less than a preset TCPA alarm limit, the ATA releases an au- dible alarm. in addition, the target plot sym- bol changes to a triangle and flashes together with its vector. Provided that this feature Is used correctly, it will help prevent the risk 01 collision by alan- ing you to threatening targets. It is important that GAIN, A/C SEA, A/C RAIN and other radar controls are properly adjusted and the ATA is set up so that it can track targets at- fectlvely. CPA/TCPA alarm ranges must be set up prop- erly taking into consideration the size, ton- nage, speed. turning performance and other characteristics of own ship. TAHG ET SWAP When a tracked target near another tracked target, the targets may be 'swapped.' When two targets come close to each other, one of the two can become a "lost target." Should this happen, reacquisiticn ol the "lost target“ is required after the two targets have separated. Automatic acquisition 1. Press [MENU], m, [7] to display the PLOT menu. 2. Press the [0] key twice. 3. Press the [2] key to select SET from the AUTO ACQ field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Place the cursor at upper (lower) left edge of area and press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 6. Place the cursor at the lower (upper) right edge of the area and press the [ENTEFl/ SELECT] key. Figure 2—5 Automatic acquisition area 2.6 Terminating Tracking of Targets When the ATA has acquired to targets, no more acquisition occurs unless targets are lost. Should this happen. cancel tracking of individual targets or all targets by the proce- dure described below. Indlvldual targets Place the cursor (+) on a target which you do not want to be tracked any longer by operat- ing the trackball and press the [CANCEL/ CLEAR] key. AII targets All targets can be canceled from PLOT menu as follows. 1. Press [MENU]. [7], [7] to show the PLOT menu. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select ERASE. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 4. Press the [MENU] key. 2.7 Vectors True or relative vector Target vectors are displayed in relative ortrue mode. Own ship does not have a vector in relative mode. You may select true or rela- tive vector with VECT REF on the PLOT menu. Vector tlme From the PLOT menu. VECT TlME (or the length of vectors) can be set to 30 seconds. 1, 3, G, 15 or 30 minutes and the selected vector time is indicated on the screen. The vector tip shows an estimated position of the target after the selected vector tlme elapses. It can be valuable to extend the vec- tor Iength to evaluate the risk of collision with any target. Other ship maneuvers Target ship courses. lag 15 to 30 seconds at high relative speed, or 3 to 6 seconds at low (near 0) relative speed. It is less accurate during a turn due to leg, but accuracy recov- ers quickly. 2.3 Activating, Deactivating the ATA The ATA is activated/deactivated through the menu. Acquired targets are tracked internally when the ATA is deactivated. 1. Adjust the A/C RAIN, NC SEA and GAIN controls for proper radar picture. 2. Press [MENU], [7], [7] to show the PLOT menu. PLOTMENU1 . MARKDlsP OFF . ERASE . VECT REF REL TRUE .VECTTIME 308 1M 3M 6M 15M SOM . CPASET OFF 0.5NM 1NM 2NM 3NM 4NM 5NM SNM .TCPASET 308 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M SM 12M . HISTORY OFF ON . INTVAL . REFTGT . L,“ -1M2M SMSM Figure 2-2 PLOT menu 3. Press the [1] key to select ON or OFFtrom the MARK DISP field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. 2.4 Entering Own Ship’s Speed The ATA requires own ship’s speed and heading data. 01‘ these. the speed data can be entered automatically from a speed log. navaid or manually through the menu. Note: it is customary to use a speed rela- tive to water for collision avoidance and a speed over the ground for navigation pur- pose. Automatlc speed Input 1. Press [MENU], [0], [0] to display the OTHER menu. SPD MODE MAN SPD SET DHIFT DISPLAY MARK/LINE TUNE NAV DATA EBLNFIM OTHER perusing-gases: ' NAV appears on R-type radar. Figure 2—3 OTHER menu 2. Press the [2] key to select LOG or NAV from the SPD MODE field. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 4. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. Notes: 1) IMO Resolution A823<19) forARPA rec- ommends that a speed log to be inter- faced with an AFIPA should be capable of providing through-the-water speed. 2) Be sure not to select LOG when a speed log is not connected. if the log signal is not provided, the ship’s speed readout at the screen top will be blank. Menu description 5. LAND DISCRIM is '2'. 8.1'I'M 7. VECT START 8. REF TGT VECT 2.2 Criteria of Tracking A target measuring 800 m or more in the ra- dial or circumferential direction is regarded as a Iandmass and not acquired or tracked. Echoes smaller than 800 m are regarded as targets to be tracked. The FUFIUNO AFIPA ATA video processor detects targets in midst of noise and discrimi- nates radar echoes on the basis ottheir size. Target whose echo measurements are greater than those of the largest ship in range or tangential extent are usually land and are displayed only as normal radar video. All smaller ship-sized echoes which are less than this dimension are further analyzed and re- garded as ships and displayed as small circles superimposed over the video echo. When a target is first displayed, it is shown as having zero true speed but develops a course vector as more information is col- Menu item Function 1. MARK DISP JEms target data display onion. 2. ERASE Erasea all plot symbols. 3. VECT REF Selects vector tolerance; true or relative. 4. VECT TIME Sets vector time. 5. CPA SEI‘ Sets CPA alarm range. 6. TCPA SET Sets TCPA alarm range 7. HISTORY Turns past position display onloif. 8. INTVAL Selects pest position dsplay plotting interval. 9. TGT BASED SPD Selects number oi reference targets to use. 0. l- Automatic Tracking Aid. 2. AUTO AGO Sets an automatic acquisition area. 3. GUARD ZONE Sets a guard zone. 4. TRACK TEST Test ATA processor tor proper operation. Sets size of echo to be recognized as Iandnass. The larger the figure the larger the lendmass. Detault setting Turns target data output onloII. Start dispiaying a vector atter 20 scans. Tums vector display onlott tor reterence target. Iected. in accordance with the International Marine Organization Automatic Radar Plot- ting Aid (IMO ARPA) requirements, an indi- cation of the motion trend should be available within 20 scans of antenna and full vector accuracy within 60 scans. The FURUNO ARPA s/ATAs comply with these require- ments. Acquisition and tracking A target which is hit by 5 consecutive radar pulses is detected as a radar echo. Auto acquisition is not defined in paints but in time, which should be less than 3 s of ini- tial stage. Manual acquisition is done by designating a detected echo with the trackball. Automatic acquisition is done in the acquisition areas when a target is detected 5-7 times continu- ously depending upon the congestion. Track- Norlh marker Heading marker Separation zone Target being tracked Waypoini Navllns Own ship sale comour Heading line Planned route Own ship vector Approximate coastline Waypoint Pasl position ATA: Equally time-spaced positions of any targets being tracked. Note—not equally geographically spaced. EPA: Pas1 plot posiiions may not be equally timaaspacsd, depending on operator prslsrence. Figure 1-57 Concept of radar map, ground stabilized 1.46 Radar Map (RP-17 required) A radar map is a combination of map lines and symbols whereby the user can define and input the navigation, route planning and monitoring data on the radar equipment. Map lines are navigational facility whereby the observer can define lines to indicate chan- nels or traffic separation schemes. Also called nav lines. these lines can be ground stabi- lized to stop them from drifting. (Definition In lEC 609364 and IEC 60872-1) In this series oi radar, a radar map may con- tain 3,000 points of mark and line data on one map. One map can be memorized to te- cilitate the repeated use on the routine navi- gation area. The user can create a radar map on-real time base while using the radar lor navigation or at leisure time at anchor or while the radar is not being used. Place of a map can be made for any watenlvays apart from the actual own ship location. The map data is stored on EEROM card which is mounted on the main processor board socket. When the optional RP board RP-17 and RAM card are installed in the display unit, much more data can be created and copied to another card. Preparation Selecting navaid 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Pressthe[0]keytwice. 2. Press the [0] key twice again to display the NAV DATA menu. 3. Press [2] key to select navigation data input device. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection and the [MENU] key to close the menu. Notes: 1) Own ship position display requires an in- put trom radionavlgational equipment such as a GPS receiver in accordance with the data format as defined by IEC 61162-1. 2) Wind, water current, depth, water tem~ perature are not displayed when relevant sensors are not fitted and the text are for these is used for displaying another tar- get data. Diaplaylng external waypolnt Waypoint defined on another navaid can be displayed by setting EXT WP to ON on the NAV DATA menu. This can be done by the keying sequence of MENU, [0]. [0], [0], [0], [3]. Note: When the waypoint is more than 5000 nm away irom own ship, the data shows 5.5000 nm". Making a radar map Mark entry Marks can be entered in 3 different ways. 1. Press the [MENU] key and the [8] key twice to display the MARK menu. 1. MARK SEL 01 A 12 . 02 tit 13 03 14 -- 04 15 ., 05 1 ifiNAVLINEm 06 G) ”COASTLINE— 07 - 18CONTOURUNE— 19PROH|BITEDAREAS ZOCABLE W 21 LINE ERASE 22 MARK CANCEL 2. DISP ig‘FEI ON — sense DISP ALL 4.ENTFIY cuns LIL 5. POSN cone 08x use): 100 113, Figure 1-55 MARK menu 2. Press the [4] key to select the entry mode: CURS, LIL or OS POSN (Own Ship Posi- tion). For L/L, key in position with the ten keys. 3. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 1.39 Navigation Data Various navigation data can be displayed (and their format selected) with connection of appropriate external sensors. You can se- lect which navigation data to display as fol- lows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. and then the [0] key twice to show the OTHER menu. 2. Press the [8] key twice to select display the NAV DATA menu. 3. Press appropriate numeric key to turn data on/off, select tonnet. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key, and then press the [MENU] key. 1 .40 Alarm Output Alarm signal can be output. Select the alarm(s) to output as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [0] key twice. 3. Press the [0] key twice again to select the sub menu OTHER. 4. Press the [4] key to select OUTPUT ALM. OUTPUTALM 1.1mm El ON 2.TAZ E ON 3.ATA BE] ON 4. EPA ON Figure 1-51 OUTPUTALM menu 5. Press appropriate numeric key to select the alarm you want to output. 6. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key fol- lowed by the [MENU] key. 1.41 Outputting Target Position Target position can be output (in IEC 61162- 1 format) to a video plotter and marked on its screen with a symbol. Select target with the trackball and push the A/C RAIN con- trol. Target position is output to the video plot- ter connected to the NAV connector on the SPU Board inside the radar display unit. This function requires position data and compass signal. 1.42 Degaussing Interval The screen is degaussed automatically at certain time intervals, as well as each time the radar is turned on. to demagnetize the CRT screen to eliminate color contamination caused by earth’s magnetism or magnetized ship structure. You can select the degauss- ing interval and the degaussing degree as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key toliowed by the [0] key twice to select OTHER. 3. Press the [0] key twice again to select the sub menu OTHER. OTHER 1. DEFAULT 2. TEST 3. DEGAUSS 4. INSTALLATION SET UP Figure 1-52 OTHER sub menu 4. Press the [3] key to display the DE- GAUSS menu. DEGAUSS 1. T abecsmw OFF [imam 10M moses DEG 90° 130° Figure 1-53 DEGAUSS menu 5. Press the [2] key to select desired de- gaussing interval (OFF, 1, 5, 10 min) from the DEGS INTV field. 1.35 Adiusting Brilliance of Screen Data You can adjust relative brilliance levels of various marks and alphanumeric readouts displayed on the screen as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [9] key twice to show the BRILL menu. BRILL TGT TRAIL CHARACTER HDG LINE EBIJVRM CURSOFI MARK PLOT OS SYMB l- 1 , 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ' Requires HP Board. Figure 1-44 BRILL menu 3. Select a desired menu item by pressing the corresponding numeric key. As an ex- ample, press the [1] key it you want to change the brilliance of target trails. 4. Operate the WM rotary control to adjust brilliance. Current brilliance level ls dis- played by the bar-graph to the right of each menu item. 5. Press the [ENTER [SELECT] key con- clude your selection lollowed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.36 Echo Stretch, Enhanced Video Echo stretch on long ranges target emoes tend to shrink in the bearing direction, making them diffi- cult to see. On short and medium ranges such as 1.5, 3 and 8 nm scales, the same size targets get smaller on screen as they ap- proach the own ship. These are due to the inherent property of the radiation pattern at the antenna. To enhance target video. use the echo stretch function. There are two types: echo stretch 1 (E81 ) to enlarge in bear- ing direction lor long range detection, and echo stretch 2 (E82) to enlarge in range di- rection on 1.5-6 nm scales. To activate the echo stretch: 1. Press the [F1] key. 2. Press the [4] key twice to display the ECHO SIG menu. 1. VECT REF REL/TRUE 2. PULSE 3. INT RE] 4. STRETCH 5. ECHO AVG 6. VIDEO SLOPE 7. N REJ B. DISP SEL 9. PM 0. SART Figure 1-45 F1 menu 3. Press the [4] key to select echo stretch lunction desired. Select level appears at the lower left-hand position. Each one lunctions as in the figure below. Enlarged In bearing (circumferential) Kimcfion with E81 It a distant target is hard to see, use ES 1. Enlarged with E82 Figure 1-46 Echo stretch 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection, and then press the [MENU] key to finish. Then, with a single press of the [F2] you can turn on the function preprogrammed in the procedure above. 1.33 [F1] Key The [F1] key allows instant access to often- used menu items. 1. Press the [F1] key. The following menu appears. LVECT REF REL/TRUE 2. PULSE 3. INT RE! 4. STRETCH 5. ECHO AVG 6. VIDEO SLOPE 7. N RE] 5. DISP SEL 9. PM 0. SART Figure 1-41 F1 menu 2. Press appropriate numeric key. For ex- ample, press the [4] key to select desired echo stretch level. 1.34 FUNCTION Key The FUNCTION key works similar to the au- tomatic dialing feature on a telephone, play- ing back control settings just as they were registered. Instead of manually adjusting con- trols to set up for a particular condition. for example, navigation in a harbor. you can have the [FUNCTION] key to do it for you. Presetting the FUNCTION key The radai’s internal computer otters several navigation condition setups as outlined in the table below. For instance, you might want to select HBR (Harbor) as objective “FUNC1' of the [FUNCTION] key. Then. when you se- lect F1 with this key the radar will be instemly set to magnify target echoes on the 1.5 nm range or lower. The navigation condition setup options as- signable to the [FUNCTION] key are shown in the table below. Each setup option defines a combination of several radar settings for achieving optimum setup for a particular navigating situation. Those involved are echo average, interfer- ence rejector, echo stretch, noise rejector, enhanced video, video contrast. automatic anti-clutter. Adjusting these features on a function key menu changes the original function key set- tings. To restore the original settings for a particular function key, it is necessary to dis- play the relevant function key menu and se- lect appropriate menu options. 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [6] key twice to display the FUNC menu. FUNC FUNCt on FUNCZ on FUNCS ON FUNCt SET FUNCZ SET Funca SET F-z sar T‘QP‘PWNT‘ Figure 1-42 FUNC menu 3. Press [4], [5] or [6] twice to select which lunction number to preset. For example, press the [4] key to select FUNC1. FUNC 1 COAST H-SEA FLT BY HBR L RAIN OFF 0.5 2 3 . i . FUNC SEL ECHO AVG INT REJ STRETCH NC AUTO N FIEJ ENHANCE VIDEO CONT PULSE 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 0. Figure 1-43 FUNC 1 menu Origln mark reference The origin mark can be set relative to own ship, or referenced to land (sea or ground stabilized). 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [8] key twice to select MAFlK. MARK 1. ERASE 2. MODE REL TRUE Figure 1-36 MARK menu 3. Press the [2] to select the REL or TRUE as required. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECfl key. 5. Press the [MENU] key. Erasing origin marks Erasing Individual orlgln marks Select the origin mark with the cursor and then press the [CANCEL/CLEAR] key. Erasing all origin marks 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [8] key twice to select MARK. 3. Press the [1] to select the ON option from the ERASE field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Press the [MENU] key. 1 .29 Zoom The zoom function is available on the R-type radar only, and it enlarges an area of interest as large as twice the normal viewing. 1. Place the cursor (+) close to the point of interest by operating the trackball. 2. Press and hold down the [SHIFT/ZOOM] key lor about two seconds. The area around the cursor and own ship is en- larged twice as large as the original size. 4. To cancel zoom, press and hold down the [SHIFT/ZOOM] key about two seconds. Note: The zoom feature is inoperative when the display is off cemered. l. in \ \ Cursor Cursor (a) Cursor placed at (b) Zoom In point of interest (R-type only) Figure 1-37 Zoom 1.30 Markers Heading line and headlng marker The heading line indicate the ship’s heading in all presentation modes. The heading line is a line from the own ship position to the outer edge of the radar display area and ap- pears at zero degrees on the bearing scale in head-up mode, it changes the orientation depending on the ship orientation in the north- up and true motion modes. The heading marker appears as a small circle on the bear- ing scale to indicate the heading when the display is shifted or is in the north-up or TM mode. Temporarily erasing heading line To temporarily extinguish the heading line to look at targets existing deed ahead of own shlp, press the GAIN control. The heading line reappears when the control Is released. North marker The north marker appears as a short dashed line. In the head-up mode, the north marker moves around the bearing scale in accor- dance with the compass signal. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- firm your selection, than the [MENU] key to close the menu. Trall gradation Target trails may be shown in monotone or multitone. Gradual shading palms the trails getting thinner with time just like the after- glow on an analog PPl radar. — mm: Monotone Gradual shading (Single) (Mum) Figure 1-31 Monotone and multitone target trails 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [21 key twice to select TGT TRAIL. TGT TRAIL 15s film am am com mus MONO 4.7mm copv ON 5.THINTRAIL E on 1.11ME 2. MODE 3. SHADE Figure 1-32 TGT TRAIL menu 3. Press the [3] key to select SINGLE or MULTI lrom the SHADE field as appro- priate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key and the [MENU] key in order. Displaying and eraslng target trails Press the [TGT TRAIL] key to activate or de- activate the target trails leature. Ead'i press of the D‘GT TRAIL] key within 5 seconds cyclically changes target trail length (time) to 30 seconds, 1, 3,6, 15, 30 minutes, continuous target trail, and OFF. The current target trail setting is displayed at the upper right-and comer of the screen. oFF——305ec<»1 min—~3 min —' 6 min 1neontinumis ‘- 30 min <~15 min J Suppose that “3 MIN“ hasjust been selected. It the FI'GT TRAIL] key is pressed more than 5 seconds later, target trails are removed from the display (memory still alive with target trail timer count going on). Next hitting of the key calls out the target trails on the screen. To proceed to a longer plot interval, suwessively push the [TGT TRAIL] key with a hit-and-re- lease action. The largerthe targettrail length, the larger the target trail plot interval. Note: Holding the [TGT TRAlL] key de- pressed for about 3 seconds will cause a loss of target trail data solar stored in an memory. Restoring trails Trails are cancelled and restarted whenever the range is changed. However, you can con- tinue trails on the same range, without re- starting, when the range is changed to a next larger or smaller range scale. Note however that when the range is changed, only those target trails within the previous range are continued; no trails are generated for targets outside of the previous range. 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [2] key twice to select TGT TRAIL. 3. Press the [4] key to select ON from the TFlAIL COPY field. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key and [MENU] key in order. No trail generated tor target not within previous (b) New range (a) Previous range Figure 1-33 How trail copy works Setting CPA/T CPA alarm ranges When the predicted GPA of any target be- comes smaller than a preset CPA alarm range and its predicted TCPA less than a preset TCPA alarm limit, the EPA releases an au- dible alarm and displays the warning label COLLISION appears on the screen. In addi- tion, the EPA symbol changes to a triangle and flashes together with its vector. Provided that this feature is used correctly, it will help prevent the risk of collision by alert- ing you to threatening targets. It is important that GAIN, A/C SEA, AIC RAIN and other radar controls are properly adjusted. CPA/TCPA alarm ranges must be set up prop- erly taking into consideration the size, ton- nage, speed, turning performance and other characteristics of own ship. CPA/TCPA Alarm The CPA/TCPA alarm leature should never be relied upon as the sole means for detect- ing the risk of collision. The navigator is not relieved of the respon- sibillity to keep visual lookout for avoiding collisions, whether or not the radar or other plotting aid is in use, To set the CPA/T CPA alarm ranges: 1. Press the [MENU] key‘ 2. Press the [7] key twice to display the PLOT menu. PLOT MENU 1 OFF REL TRUE 305 1M 8M 6M 15M 30M E 0.5NM 1NM 2m SNM ANM sum SNM [E 1M 2M 3M 4M 5M 6M 12m . HISTORV OFF on .INTVAL -1M 2M 3M 6M . FIEFTGT . l . MARK DISP . ERASE . VECT HEF . VECT TIME . CPA SET . TCPA SET Figure 1-27 PLOT menu 3. Press the [5] key tor CPA SET or [6] key for TCPA set. 4. Press the [5] key or [6] key again to se- lect CPA or TCPA range desired. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to reg- ister your selection. 6. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. Silencing CPA/TCPA audible alarm Press the [AUDIO OFF] key to acknowledge and silence the CPA/TCPA audible alarm. The warning label COLLISION and the flash- ing of the triangle plot symbol and vector re- main on the screen until the dangerous situation Is gone or you intentionally tenni- nate tracking of the target by using the trackball. Past plot points Past plot points may be marked on the dis- play by dots. Up to nine dots can be displayed as follows: 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [7] keytwioe to select PLOT. 1.25 Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) 10 operator-selected targets can be plotted electronically to assess their motion trend. Five past positions can be displayed ioreach of the plotted targets. If you enter a 6th plot on a certain target, the oldest plot (past posi- tion) will be erased. A vector appears when you enter a second plot for the target and is updated each time a new plot is entered. The vector shows the target motion trend based on its latest two plots. Target data is shown in the data display area which shows range, bearing, course, speed, CPA and TCPA of the last-plotted or selected target. Plotting time EPA symbols 0: Target plotted El: Target plotted and data indcated. A: Target on e colllslon course Note: Target 2 is on a collision course as the extension at its vector goes through the own ship position. Placing the offset EBL will help tor assessment. TCPA is counted up to 99.9 min and beyond that it is indicated as TCPA > 99.9 MIN. Figure 1-25 EPA display Note: EPA requires speed input (automatic or manual) and a compass signal. The vec- tor and data are updated on real time be- tween plot entries, but do not neglect to plot a new position over a long period of time. Otherwise, the accuracy will be reduced. Note that the plots will be lost when the compass tails; start the plotting exercise again. Plotting a target 1. Place the cursor on a target of interest by operating the trackball. 2. Press the [PLOT SYMBOL] key. An un- used plot symbol is marked at the cursor position. 3. Watching the EPA time shown at the right side at the screen, wait for at least 30 seconds. Place the cursor (+) on the tar- get at its new location. press the [PLOT SYMBOL] key. The plot symbol moves to the new target position and previous position is marked by a small dot. 4. To acquire other targets, repeat the above steps selecting ditferent plot symbols. Note: if a target once plotted is not plotted again within 12 minutes, the waming “UP- DATE PLOT“ will appear on the upper right margin of the screen and the plot symbol oi the target flashes. Plotting of a target will be ceased if the time between consecutive plots exceeds 12 minutes. If you want to continue plotting this target, reacquire it within one minute. Otherwise. thetarget will be regarded as a “Iosttarget” and its plot symbol and tar- get data will be erased. The larger the plot- ting interval, the Iess accurate the plotted target data. Plotting of each target should nor- mally be made every 3 or 6 minutes as far as possible. You can use a Watch Alarm to warn yourself every 3 or 6 minutes. Within 30 seconds. you can cancel a last plot by the [CANCEL/CLEAR] key and make a re-emry at a different position. After 30 sec- onds, the last entry is processed to produce a vector. True or relative vector, vector time Vectors can be displayed relative to own ship's heading (Relative) or with reference to the North (True). This feature is available in all presentation modes (compass must be working correctly). The current vector mode is indicated at the upper-right comer of the screen. Note: If you wish to create a target alarm zone having a 360-degree coverage around own ship, set point “B” in almost the same direction (approx. 13°) as point “A' and press the [T GT ALARM] key. Two alarm zones can be set as described above. To change the active alarm zones, do steps 1 thru 4 in the above procedure. (When both alarms are prepared the active alarm is circumscribed.) Acknowledging alarm A target entering the ALARM zone produces both visual (Ilashing) and audible (beeping) alarms. To silence the audible alarm, press the [TGTALARM] key shortly. ACKN replaces IN (orOUT). This will deactivate the audible alarm but will not stop the flashing of the target In the tar- get alarm zone. To reactivate the audible alarm, press the [TGT ALARM] key again. To silence the audible alarm, you may press the [TGT ALARM] key. However, In this case, the label ACKN does not appear. Deactivatlng target alarm Hold the [TGT ALARM] key depressed for at least 5 seconds. Note: The target alarm is given to targets hav- ing a certain level 01 echo strength. This level doesnot always imply a landmass. reef, ships or other surface objects but can mean returns from the sea surface or precipitation. Prop- erly adjust the GAIN, AIC SEA, and NC RAIN controls to reduce noise to avoid generation of the guard alarm against false targets. Inward and outward target alarms On the R-type, an inward or outward target alarm can be selected on the TGT ALARM menu. On the IMO type, only the inward guard alarm is available. The inward guard alarm generates visual and audible warnings when a target enters the target alarm zone lrcm any direction. The outward target alarm is produced when a target leaves the target alarm zone. (This is not a target alarm by defi- nition but some users line this feature valu- able.) Dashed the: No alarm. , ~ Alarm mums when large! , ~_ violates alarm uttlng. .' \ Tame! alarm ‘/ “t" ’ zone WARD ALARM ourmtno ALARM Figure 141 Inward and outward alarms 1.23 Off-centering (shift) Own ship position, or sweep origin, can be displaced to expand the view field without switching to a larger range scale. The sweep origin can be off-centered to a point speci- fied by the cursor, up to 75% of the range in use in any direction. This feature is not available on the longest range scale or in the true motion mode. The number of range rings increases keeping the original range intervals unchanged. To oft center the radar picture: 1. Place the cursor at a position where you wish to move the sweep origin by operat- ing the trackball. 2. Press the [SHIFT/ZOOM] key with a touch-and-release action. Then, the sweep origin is olf-oemered to the cursor position. However, the heading line is left in the same position. 3. To camel oil-centering, press the [SHIFI’I ZOOM] key again. (b) Press SHIFT key to ottcenler. (a) Select location with cursor. Figure 1-22 Off-centered display 1.20 Collision Assessment by the Offset EBL The origin of the EBL can be placed any- where with the trackball to enable measure- ment of range and bearing between any targets. This lunction Is also useful for as- sessment of the potential risk at collision. To assess possibility ol collision: 1. Press the [EBL ON] key to display or ac- tivate an EBL (No.1 or No. 2). 2. Place the cursor (+) on a target of inter- est (A in the illustrated example) by oper- ating the trackball. 3. Press the [EBL OFFSET] key, and the ori- gin of the active EBL shifts to the cursor position. Press the (EBL OFFSET] key again to anchor the EBL origin. 4. After waiting for a few minutes (at least 3 minutes), operate the EBL rotary oontrol until the EBL bisects the target at the new position (A’). The EBL readout shows the target ship's course, which may be true or relative depending on the settings on the OTHER menu. it relative motion is selected, it is also pos- sible to read CPA (Closest Point at Ap- proach) by using a VRM as shown below (Figure (a)). It the EBL passes through the sweep origin (awn ship) as illustrated (Figure (b)), the target ship is on a colli~ sion course. 5. To return the EBL origin to the own ship position. press the [EBL OFFSET] key again. (8) Evaluating target shb‘s course and GPA in relative motion mode “flu-nan "mum“ mfi (h) Target sh'p on collision course Figure 1-17 How to assess risk of coll/sion 1.21 Measuring Range and Bearing Between TWO Targets . Press the [EBL OFFSET] key, and place the origin of the No.1 EBL on a target of interest (target 1 in the illustrated ex- ample) by operating the trackball. 2. Tum the EBL rotary control until the EBL passes through another target oi interest (target 2). 3. Turn the WM rotary control until the range marker on the No. 1 EBL aligns with target 2. The active VFlM readout at the lower-right comer oi the screen indicates the distance between the two targets. 4. To return the EBL origin to the own ship position, press the [EBL OFFSET] key again. You can repeat the same procedure on third 1.16 Suppressing Precipitation Clutter The vertical beamwidth of the scanner is de- signed to sea surface targets even when the ship is rolling. However, by this design the unit will also detect rain clutter (rain, snow, or hail) in the same manner as normal tar- gets. Figure 1-11 shows the appearance of rain clutter on the display. The NC RAIN control adjusts the receiver sensitivity as the A/C SEA control does but rather in a Icngertime period (longer range). Clockwise rotation of this control increases the anti-clutter effect. A/C RAIN control A/C RAIN control OFF adjusted Figure 1-12 Effect oIA/C RAIN control 1 .17 Interference Rejector Mutual radar interference may occur in the vicinity of another shipbome radar operating in the same frequency band (9 GHz). It is seen on the screen as a number of bright spikes either in irregular patterns or in the form of usually curved spoke-like dotted lines extending from the center to the edge of the picture. This type of interference can be re- duced by activating the interference reiector circuit. The interference reiector is a kind of signal correlation circuit. It compares the received signals over successive transmissions and suppresses randomly occurring signals. There are three levels of interference rejec- tion depending on the number ol transmis- alone that are correlated. These are indicated by the legends IFI1, IR2 and IRS at the up- per-left position of the screen Figure 1-13 Interference To activate the interference rejector; 1. Press the [F1] key. The following display appears. 1. VECT REF REL/TRUE 2. PULSE 3. INT RE! 4. STRETCH 5. ECHO AVG 8. VIDEO SLOPE 7. N REJ 8. DISP SEL 9, PM 0. SART Figure 1-14 F1 key menu 2. Press the [3] key to select interference reiecticn level (OFF. 1, 2, or 3) from the INT FlEJ field. Select level is shown as IR1, IFt2 or IFt3 at the bottom left-hand corner on the display. 1.18 Measuring the Range Measuring range by the fixed range rings Use the fixed range rings to obtain a rough estimate of the range to a target. They are concentric solid circles about own ship, orthe sweep origin. The number 01 rings is auto- matically detennlned by the selected range scale and their interval is displayed at the up- per-left position of the screen. Measuring range by the varlable range marker (VRM) Use the Variable Range Markers (VRMs) for more accurate measurement of the range to atarget. There are two VFIMs, No.1 and No.2. which appear as dashed rings so that you 1.12 Selecting the Range Scale The range selected automatically determines the range ring interval, the number of range rings and pulse repetition rate. tor optimal detection capability in short to long ranges. You can select pulselength on the ranges trom 0.75 to 24 nautical miles, and two sets of pulselengths are preset at installation, on the ECHO SIG menu. For how to select pulselengths see the paragraph below. Press the [RANGE] key to select range. The range, range ring Mental and pulselength ap- pear at the top left corner ot the display. 1.13 Selecting the Pulselength The pulselength in use is displayed at the upper-Ielt position otthe screen using the ab- breviations shown in the table below. Appropriate pulselengths are preset to indi- vidual range scales and function keys. There- tore. you are not usually required to select them. If you are not satisfied with the current pulselength settings. however, it is possible to change them by the ECHO SIG menu as below. You can choose the pulselength 1 or 2 on the scales 0.75 to 24 nm ranges. Selecting pulselength 1 or 2 1. Press the [MENU] key to display the Main menu. 2. Press the [5] key twice to select ECHO SIG. ECHO sue . coma ya. can - . can sweep EFF—omunk) omnxi sweep LVL 1 2 3 Eon ‘ MULTI appears on Fl-lype. Figure 1-9 ECHO SIG menu . ENHANCE . ZND ECHO . PULSE1 . PULSE2 3. Press the [6] key or [7] key to select PULSE 1 or PULSE 2 as appropriate. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 5. Press the [MENU] key. Indication of PULSE 1 or PULSE 2 alternates at the upper left comer of the display. Table 1-1 Available pulseiengths Leg Pulselength 51 (Short pulse) 32 (Short pulse) M1 (Medium pulse 1) 0.3 us M2 (Medium pulse 2) 0.5 us M3 (Medium pulse 3) 0.7 ps L (Long pulse) Presettlng pulselengths 1 and 2 Pulselength 1 and 2 can be preset on the PULSE 1 and PULSE 2 In the ECHO SIG menu. A longer pulse provides an Increased detection range, but with reduced discrimi- nation. It you need discrimination in prefer- ence to detection, choose a shorter pulse However short the radar satisfies the detect- ing requirements of the IMO. 1. Press the [MENU] key. 2. Press the [5] key twice to display the ECHO SIG menu. 3. Press the [6] or [7] key as appropriate to select PULSE 1 or PULSE 2. PULSEt 1. T 2. 0.5-1NM IE 52 a. 0.75NM 81 (El Mt St IE] M1 sz WEI M1 M2 IE L 4. 1 .5NM 5. sum esnm 7.12-24NM M1 WIE L Figure 1-10 PULSE menus 4. Press appropriate numeric key among 2- 7 to select pulselength and range. Presentation mode, representative display Heedi martre’r‘9 Description course-up Mode Heading , . . . line An azimuth stabilized display in which a line connect- 4? m?” g 5 review... ing the center with the top of the display indicates own ship's intended course (namely. own ship’s previous heading just belore this mode has been selected). Target pips are painted at their measured distances and in their directions relative to the intended course which is maintained at the top of screen while the heading line moves In accordance with ship‘s yawing and course changes. This mode is useful to avoid smearing of picture during course change. After a course change. press the [SHIFT] key to reset the picture orientation it you wish to continue using the courseup mode. The heading line gets back to perpendicular. gag; fl new? m, m: ran we run North-up Mode In the north-up mode, target pips are painted at their measured distances and in their true (compass) directions irom own ship, north being maintained up of the screen. The heading line changes its direction according to the ship's heading. It the compass fails, the presentation mode changes to head-up and the north marker disappears. Also, the HDG readout shows asterisks ("'.') and the message SET HEADING appears at the lower-left corner oi the screen. 1.10 On-screen Legends and Markers ”Ismael-mm». ‘rargm val senIngs Range scale Ring interval Putselsngm ---------------- 891. Presenlalion NW m mm (See below.) AVPOINT 123.5°R OJEIIH TEMP cursor . TR VECTOR N01 EBL “E ans ATA raw data (opuan) N02 EL 1215“: (See below) IR: Interim: ES 2310 St: an "R m 2 0 1 NR: Noise Reismr 253?" 22° m‘g'fw A/c; Mm chm»: “mm EAV1EmoAvpraqing mo! vao CONTRAST mum "9 6.10 nm No.1 EaLowev) North No.1 VHM (upper) Nn,2 EBL (vaer) marker N02 VRM (lower) Anive EBL ls Active VRM is gm cirrumbscrihed. Fixed No.2 range rings VRM : HDG 155.0°<——— Heating 1 Mm 30.0k1 4—— Speed and its source (LOG, NAV, or MAN) ;, ____________________ (NAV not available on IMO radar) ; cunsoa 155.0°R<—— Bearing (Fl: Relative, T: True) and range 1rorn Or123nm own ship 10 cursor ‘ “T was" 4—— Cursor position in lafitude and Ionaiiuda ; Lou averse! : css 123.4‘R1———— Ship‘s course (Relafive on Head—up; Rel/True on War modes) ' WAVPO'NT ”35°“ 4—— Range and bearing (r: True. F1: Relative) from own ship 5 DEPTH “mm“ 10 waypoim 123 m Tfl‘ih Depth: meters, reel. fathoms, Waxer temperature, =c or “F E El REL VECTOR <— Vector beam reference 1 305 REL; Relative '; RNG 0.123rlm TRUE: True ERG 1231912 4—- Flanga' bearing. course, speed, CPA. ' ens 123.4? TCPA, Two to TCPA tor target .SPEED GPA m M i 12.“ rum-1254 12:34 Figure 1-8 On-screen legends and markers 1.7 Degaussing the Screen Each time the radar is turned on, the de- gaussing circuit automatically demagnetizes the CRT screen to eliminate color contami- nation caused by earth‘s magnetism or mag- netized ship structure. The screen is also degaussed automatically at certain time intervals, which may be se- lected on the menu. While being dagaussed, the screen may be disturbed momentarily with vertical lines. it you wish to degauss by manual operation, push the EBL rotary con- trol. 1.8 Initializing the Compass Readout With a compass interfaced with the radar, ship's heading is displayed at the top of the screen. Upon tuming on the radar, match the on-screen HDG readout with the compass reading by the procedure shown below. Once you have set the initial heading correctly, ne- setting is not usually required. However, it the HDG readout goes wrong for some reason, repeat the procedure to correct it. 1. Press the [MENU] key to display the main menu. 2. Press the [0] key twice to display the OTHER menu. SPD MODE MAN SPD SET/DRIFT D|SPLAY MARK DiSP TUNE NAV DATA EBL/VRM OTHER “1. 2. a. 4. 5. s. 7. a. 9. 0. ' NAV appears on R-type radar. Figure 1-6 OTHER menu 3. Press the [1] key to select HDG SET. 4. Operate the WM rotary control to dupli- cate the compass readout on the radar menu display. 5. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key. 6. Press the [MENU] key to close the menu. 1.9 Entering Own Ship’s Speed EPA requires an own ship speed input and compass signal. The speed can be entered from a speed log (automatic) or through the plotting keypad (manual). Automatic speed Input 1. Press the [MENU] key and the [0] key twice to show the OTHER menu. SPD MODE MAN SPD SET/DRIFT DISPLAY MARK DISP TUNE NAV DATA EBLNFIM OTHER 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 0. ' NAV appears on Ft—type radar. Figure 1-7 OTHER menu 2. Press the [2] key to select the menu item SPD MODE. 3. Press the [2] key again to select the LOG option. 4. Press the [ENTER/SELECT] key to con- firm your selection followed by the [MENU] key to close the menu. The ship’s speed readout at the right-hand side of the screen shows own ship’s speed fed from the speed log with the label "LOG.” 1.3 Control Description Selects display mode among Head-up. Heed-up Tme Bearing, Course—up. North-up, True Motion. Starts/stop target trails, Sets/disables target alarm zone; silences target alarm. Shiite picture: turns on/oll zoom: manually resets display in true motion. Tums parallel Index lines on/olf. Measures range and bearing between two targets: assesses posibilily of collision Manual (electronic) plotting. ATA (option): Manually acquires target. RAM card drive (Used with Wdeo Plotter RP-17 (optimu- Selects radar slate; Adlusts display transmit or standby. brilliance. PUSH: Day. Suppresses rain clutter. PUSH: Outputs PUSH: Auto Suppresses sea dutler. lnscribes mark. Video Plotter (option): Radar map function. Executes lunction assigned. Executes function assigned. Opens/doses menu. Erases marks; restores previous condition. ATA (option): Stops tracking target selected. Registers options on menus; enters numeric dale ATA (option): Displays data tor selected target. Adjusts receiver sensitivity. PUSH: Temporarily night brilliance. target position. clutter suppression erases treading Iina. Tums power Adiusts brilliance oi on/otl. . range rings in tour levels including all. Adjusts panel Silences timer, ATA Provides one-touch backligtlling. and SIP alarms. Measures hearing to a target. PUSH: Degausaes screen. Figure 1-2 Control description Selects Measures radar range to a scale target udiustment of controls. CONFlGURATION OF FR-1505 MARK-3 mm XN12AF-RSBM74—067 (24 rpm) XNZOAF-RSBOO74-OS7 (24 rpm) xN12AF-RSBDO75-OG7 (42 rpm) XN20AF-HSBO075—OG7 (42 rpm) FR-1510 MAEK-S XN12AF-HSBOO74-062 (24 rpm) XN20AF-HSEDO74-062 (24 rpm) XN'IZAF-RSBWS-OSZ (42 rpm) XNZOAF-HSBOWS-OBZ (42 rpm) FR-1525 MARK-3 XN20AFvRSBOO74-063 (24 rpm) XN24AF-Rseoo74-oea (24 rpm) XN20AF-RSBOO75—063 (42 rpm) xn24AF-Rsaoo75-osa (42 rpm) IEC 61162-1' InlOul eps < ----------------- (. ----- ) Speed Log .............. Gyrocompass ---------------- SERIES RADARS ANTENNA UNlT Perlormanoe Monitor PM-30 DISPLAY UNIT . EDP-119 ' . For 42 rpm antenna with FR—15051 1510 MARK-3. or FR-1525 MARK-3. SHIP’S MAINS AC 1224-32 voc = or . 10011 15 VAC 10, some Hz No1e; Display unit available in AC and DC specification. 12 V power supply canno' be used with FR-1525 MARK-3 or 42 rpm with FIR-150511510 MARK-3. SPECIFICATIONS OF FR-1505 MARK-3 SERIES SHIPBORNE RADAR ANTENNA RADIATORS 1. Type: Slotted waveguide array 2. Beamwidth: Radiator type: XN12AF XNZOAF XNZAAF Length: 4 it 6.5 it a n Beamwidth(H): 15° 123° 035° BeamwidthlV): 20° 20" 20° Sidelobe 110°: -28 dB (all radiators) Polarization: Horizontal (all radiators) 3. Relation: 24 rpm or 42 rpm Note: 42 rpm ins not available in 12 VDC system RF TRANSCEIVER 1. Frequency: 9410 MHz 1:30 MHz (vaand) 2. Output power: FR-1505 MARK 6 kw FR-15l0 MARK 12 kW FR-1525 MARK 25 kW -—m —_ra- m_rzo- m... 30m... _—.m.m m—- F: 60 MHz, Logarithmic. 4.I BW 28/3 MHz 5. Noise figure: 6 dB 6. Duplexen Ferrite circulate! with diode limiter DISPLAY UNIT 1. Picture tube: 15“ color CRT. eilective diameter: 185 mm. Yellow or green echoes In 16 levels. Rastersoan nan- inlerlaoe at 18.3 kHz her, 60 Hz V911. 2. Minimum range and discrimination: 85 m 3. Flange scales: 0.125 0.25 0.5 0.75 1.5 3 6 12, 24. 48, 72 (Ii-UPC). 96 nm 4. Range accuracw 1“ 01 range in use or 15 m whichever is the greater 5. Bearing discrimination: Better than 2.5“ 6. Bearing accuracy: 11° 7. Presentation: Heart-up, Head—up TB. North-up, Course-up, TM sea or ground stabilization s. Plotting tacililies: EPA: to targets in diiterent symbols (standard) ATA: Automatic plotting lor up to to targets manually acquired. Complies with IMO MSG.“(69) Annex 4 and EC 60572-2 Common leature: Sea and ground stabilized Vectors and target trails Nav lines. coastlines. buoys. etc. produoed by operator. 3000 pts. 10. Target Alarm Zone: Default 3-15 nm. 0.5 nm deep, £30“ at heading line 11. Parallel index Line: Choice 01 2 or 6 lines 9. Radar map: INTERFACE 1. IEC 811624: 050, R50, etc. 2. Gyrooompass: Built—in imertace (option) lor sync signal (20-135 VAC. 50400 Hz), or stepper signal (20-135 VDC). any polarity 3. Speed log: rec 61162-1, contact cloeure or 200/400/500 pulses/nm POWER SUPPLY & POWER CONSUMPTION 1. DC or AC mains FR-1505 MARK-3: FFl-151O MARK-3: 12/2b-32 VDC,15.4 A max at 24 V 12124-32 VDC, 17.5 A max. at 24 V FR-1525 MARK-3: 2432 VDC, 9.2 A max. at 24 V FR~1505 MARK-3: 115/230 VAC. I0. 50-60 Hz. 270 VA FR-1510 MARK-3: 115/230 VAC, IQ, 50-60 Hz, 310 VA Fri-1525 MARKx’i: 115/230 VAC. to. 50-60 Hz. 340 VA ENVIRONMENTAL CONDIflONs 1. Ambient temperature (Complies with IEC 60945) Display unit: -15 to + 55°C Antenna unit: -25 to + 70°C (storage) 2. Relative humidity: 93% at W0 3. Category ol Equipment Units Display unit: To be installed in a protected area Antenna unit: To be installed in an exposed area Perlorrrlance Monitor: To be installed in an exposed area COATING COLOR INTRODUCTION A Word to the Owner of FURUNO Radar Thank you for purchasing this FURUNO radar. We are confident you will discover why FURUNO has become synonymous with quality and reliability. Dedicated in the design and manufacture of marine electronics equipment for half a century. FURUNO Electric Company has gained an unrivaled reputation as a world leader in the in- dustry. This is the result of our technical excellence as well as our worldwide distribution and service network. Please carefully read and follow the safety information and operating and maintenance in- structions set forth in this manual before attempting to operate the equipment and conduct any maintenance. Your radar set will pertorm to the utmost of its ability only if it is operated and maintained in accordance with the correct procedures. Features of This Series of Radars and ATAs - Daylight-bright rasterscan 15-inch muIti-color, high-resolution display 0 New microprocessing technology with high-speed high—density gate array and software expertise - New cast aluminum scanner gearbox and new series of radiators - Easy operation by combination of discrete keys, rotary controls, and menu operation. all logically arranged and configured - Electronic Plotting Aid (EPA) fitted standard, Automatic Tracking Aid (ATA) option exceed- ing IMO and EC standards - Reliable CPA and TCPA warning in any plotting mode, accurate target data ~ Stand-alone or integrated configuration - Meets the current and future MO and lEC standards as a shipbome radar. New radar standard M3054 (67) Annex 4 must be met for new installation on and after January 1, 1999 FR-1505 MARK—3 Series of Radars The FURUNO FR-1505 MARK-3 Series of radars are designed to meet various customer‘s needs and the exacting requirements of international and national standards and regulations including: -IMO A.477 (XII): Performance Standards for Radar Equipment (up to 31.12.1998) —lMO Msc.64(67) Annex 4: Performance Standards for Radar Equipment (1.1.1999 and after) —IEC 60872-2: ATA -lEC 60936—1: Shipbome Radar Operational and Performance Requirement (1.1.1999 and after) —lEC 60945: 1996-11(3rd Ed) Marine Navigational Equipment General Requirements There is a choice of several models in the FR-1505 MARK-3 Series to suite your particular navigational needs and different types of vessels. 1-30 1-30 1-30 1-30 1-31 1-31 1-31 1-32 1.39 Navigation Data 1.40 Alarm Output 1.41 Outputting Target Position .. 1.42 Degaussing interval 1.43 Background Color 1. 44 Clutter Sweep ...... 1. 45 Day, Night Brilliance 1.46 Radar Map (RP-17 requrrecl) 1.47 Alarms ................................... 2. OPERATION OF AUTOMATIC TRACKING AID (ATA) ARP-17 2.1 Introduction .................. 2.2 Before Acquiring Targets .. 2.3 Activating, Deactivating the ATA.. 2. 4 Entering Own Ship‘ 5 Speed 2.5 Acquiring Targets.... 2.6 Terminating Tracking of Targets. 2. 7 Vectors ......................... 2.8 Displaying Target Data. 29 Past Position Display 2.10 Set and Drift 2.11 Alarms ...... 2.12 Track Test (Simulation Display) 2.13 Outputting Target Data .. 2.14 Diagnostic Sequence 3. RADAR OBSERVATION 3.1 General 3.2 False Echoes 3.3 SART (Search an ansponder) 3.4 RACON (Radar Beacon) .......................... 3-1 3-2 3-3 3-5 4. OPERATION OF VIDEO PLO'ITER RP-17 (OPTION) .. 5. MAINTENANCE 5.1 Periodic Maintenance Schedule 5.2 Life Expectancy at Major Parts . 5.3 Replacement oi Batteries ....... 6. TROUBLESHOOTING 6.1 Easy Troubleshooting ............... 6.2 Advanced—level Troubleshooting 6.3 Diagnostic Test .......................... LL WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. Turn on the radar power switch betore servicing the scanner unit. Post a warn- Ing sign near the switch indicating It should not be turned on while the scanner unit is being serviced. Prevent the potential risk at being struck by the rotating scanner and exposure to RF radiation hazard. Wear a safety belt and hard hat when working on the scanner unit. Serious iniury or death can result if someone ialls from the radar scanner mast. Do not disassemble or modify the equipment. Fire, electrical shock or serious iniury can result. Turn oft the power immediately it water leaks into the equipment or the equip- ment le emitting smoke or lire. Continued use of the equipment can cause fire or electrical shock. Use the proper tuee. Fuse rating is shown on the equipment. Use of a wrong fuse can result in equipment damage. Keep heater away from equipment. Heat can alter equipment shape and melt the power cord, which can cause fire or electrical shock. L\ WARNING Do not place liquid-tilled containers on the top oi the equipment. Fire or electrical shock can result if a liquid spills into the equipment. Do not operate the equipment with wet hands. Electrical shock can result Keep heater away trom equipment. Heat can alter equipment shape and melt the power cord, which can cause tire or electrical shock. A warning label ls attached to the equipment. Do not remove the label. lithe label Is missing or Illeglbie, contact a FURUNO agent or dealer. _ "m: We Law in A WARNING A T zmlofl-O Emakwwfl?%"u"°$$£fi Code No.: 100-238-230 - MIMI“. A i E A l , Esau. s-exvnflmwanu-tun ku‘t’Tet‘. annuals-Mt ”( All. fi—E b5tflflTY.
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