Futaba T4PV-24G Radio Control User Manual 4PV Eng 01 P2 3 indd

Futaba Corporation Radio Control 4PV Eng 01 P2 3 indd

User Manual

2Thank you for purchasing a Futaba 4PV-2.4GHz system.Before use, read this manual carefully in order to use it safely.After reading this manual, store it in a safe place.IN NORT  AMERICAPlease feel free to contact the Futaba Service Center for assistance with operation and pro-gramming. Please be sure to regularly visit the 4PV Frequently Asked  uestions web site at www.futaba-rc.com/faq/. This page includes extensive programming, use, set up and safety information on the 4PV radio system and is updated regularly. Any technical updates and 86PDQXDOFRUUHFWLRQVZLOOEHDYDLODEOHRQWKLVZHESDJH,I\RXGRQRW¿QGWKHDQVZHUVWRyour questions there, please see the end of our F.A. . area for information on contacting us via e-mail for the most rapid and convenient response.Don’t you have Internet access  Internet access is available at no charge at most public li-EUDULHVVFKRROVDQGRWKHUSXEOLFUHVRXUFHV:H¿QGLQWHUQHWVXSSRUWWREHDIDEXORXVUHIHU-ence for many modelers as items can be printed and saved for future reference, and can be accessed at any hour of the day, night, weekend or holiday. If you do not wish to access the internet for information, however, don’t worry. Our support teams are available Monday through Friday 8-5 Central time to assist you.$SSOLFDWLRQ([SRUWDQG0RGL¿FDWLRQ1. This product may be used for models only. It is not intended for use in any application other than the control of models for hobby and recreational purposes.2. Exportation precautions:(a) When this product is exported from the country of manufacture, its use is to be approved by the laws governing the country of destination for devices that emit radio frequencies. If this product is then re-exported to other countries, it may be subject to restrictions on such export. Prior approval of the appropriate government authorities may be required. If you OUTSIDE NORT  AMERICAPlease contact the Futaba importer in your region of the world to assist you with any ques-tions, problems or service needs.Please recognize that all information in this manual, and all support availability, is based upon the systems sold in North America only. Products purchased elsewhere may vary. Al-ways contact your region’s support center for assistance.FOR SER ICE ON :Futaba Service Center3002 N. Apollo Drive, Suite 1Champaign, IL 61822Phone: 217-398-0007www.futaba-rc.com/service.htmlE-mail: service futaba-rc.comFOR SUPPORT :(PROGRAMMING AND USER  UESTIONS)Please start here for answers to most questions:www.futaba-rc.com/faq/Fax: 217-398-7721Phone: 217-398-8970 option 2E-mail: support futaba-rc.com4PV-Eng-01-P2-3.indd   2 2016/07/28   9:27:37
3 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior permission. The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.7KLVPDQXDOKDVEHHQFDUHIXOO\ZULWWHQ3OHDVHZULWHWR)XWDEDLI\RXIHHOWKDWDQ\FRUUHFWLRQVRUFODUL¿FDWLRQVshould be made. Futaba is not responsible for the use of this product.have purchased this product from an exporter outside your country, and not the authorized Futaba distributor in your country, please contact the seller immediately to determine if such export regulations have been met.(b) Use of this product with other than models may be restricted by Export and Trade Con-trol Regulations, and an application for export approval must be submitted.3. Modification, adjustment, and replacement of parts: Futaba is not responsible for un-DXWKRUL]HG PRGL¿FDWLRQ DGMXVWPHQW DQG UHSODFHPHQW RI SDUWV RQ WKLV SURGXFW $Q\ VXFKchanges may void the warranty.Compliance Information Statement (for U.S.A.)This device, trade name Futaba Corporation, model number R304SB, complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) This device must accept any in-terference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. (3)RF Exposure Information (SAR)This device meets the government’s requirements for exposure to radio waves.This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits forexposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government.7KHH[SRVXUHVWDQGDUGHPSOR\VDXQLWRIPHDVXUHPHQWNQRZQDVWKH6SHFL¿FAbsorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the EUT transmit-WLQJDWWKHVSHFL¿HGSRZHUOHYHOLQGLIIHUHQWFKDQQHOVThe FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information RQWKLVGHYLFHLVRQ¿OHZLWKWKH)&&DQGFDQEHIRXQGXQGHUWKH'LVSOD\*UDQWVHFWLRQRIwww.fcc.gov/eot/ea/fccid after searching on FCC ID: A PT4PV-24GThe responsible party for the compliance of this device is:Futaba Service Center3002 N Apollo Drive Suite 1, Champaign, IL 61822 U.S.ATEL (217)398-8970 or E-mail: support futaba-rc.com (Support) 4PV-Eng-01-P2-3.indd   3 2016/07/28   9:27:37
4Table Of ContentsFor Your Safety As Well As That Of Others.........................8Explanation Of Symbols ...............................................................82.4GHz System Precautions.........................................................8Receiver Mode Precautions .........................................................8Operation Precautions..................................................................9NiMH/NiCd/LiFe Battery Handling Precautions ........................10Storage And Disposal Precautions ...........................................10Other Precautions .......................................................................11Installation ..........................................................................29Receiver And Servo Connections .............................................29Installation Safety Precautions ..................................................30Before Using  ......................................................................12Features ......................................................................................12Set Contents  ...............................................................................14Transmitter T4PV .........................................................................15Nomenclature...........................................................................15Battery Replacement Method (4 AA Size Batteries) ................16Low Battery Alarm....................................................................16When Using The Optional Battery............................................17When Exchanging The Optional Battery ..................................18Power & Display Switch............................................................19Display When Power Switch Is Turned On ...............................20LCD Screen Contrast ..............................................................20Power Off Forgotten Alarm.......................................................20Steering Wheel And Throttle Trigger Operation........................21Digital Trim & Grip Lever Operation..........................................21Mechanical ATL Adjustment.....................................................22Wheel & Trigger Tension Adjustment........................................22Trigger Slide Adjustment ..........................................................23Changing Wheel Position (optional parts) ................................24Installing the accessory APA steering wheel offset adapter.....24Using the optional angle spacer ................................................26Non-telemetry LED (telemetry OFF sign) ..................................27About Transmitter Antenna And Receiver.................................27About The Transmitter Antenna................................................27Receiver Terminology...............................................................28Receiver Installation.................................................................284PV-Eng-02-Table-P4-7.indd   4 2016/07/29   11:21:16
5BeforeUsingFunctionMapFunctionsFor Your  SafetyAs Well AsThat Of OthersInstallationReferenceInitialSet-UpFunction Map  .....................................................................39Operation Of Screen ...................................................................39Calling The Menu Screen.........................................................39Selecting Items On The Menu Screen .....................................40Value Of Each Function And Changing The Set Value  ...........40Basic Menu Japanese Katakana Character Display ................41Custom Menu...............................................................................42Custom Menu Displaying the custom menu screens ...............42Function List.............................................................................43Direct Model Call .........................................................................44Functions ...........................................................................45Model "MODEL"...........................................................................45Model Menu Display.................................................................45Model Selection "SELECT"  .....................................................46     Model memory callModel Copy "COPY" ................................................................47     Model memory copy.Model Reset "RESET" .............................................................48     Model memory resetModel Name "MDL NAME" .........................................................49     Model memory name & User name, set/modifyServo Reverse "REVERSE" ........................................................50Servo operation reversingSubtrim "SUBTRIM" ....................................................................51Servo center position fine adjustmentEnd Point Adjuster "END POINT" ..............................................52End point adjustmentFail Safe Function "FAIL SAFE"..................................................55Fail safe, battery fail safe functionExponential Adjustment "EXP"...................................................57Steering operation curve / Throttle curve adjustment.Servo Speed "SPEED" ................................................................60Steering/ Throttle servo delay adjustmentThrottle Acceleration "TH ACCEL" ............................................63Function which adjusts the movement characteristic from the throttle neutral positionInitial Set-Up .......................................................................33Preparations (Transmitter)..........................................................33Receiver Type Check  (RX MODE) ..........................................33Receiver Type Change & How To Link  ....................................34Throttle Mode Check................................................................37Trims Initial Set-Up...................................................................374PV-Eng-02-Table-P4-7.indd   5 2016/07/29   11:21:16
6A.B.S. Function "TH A.B.S" ........................................................65Pulse brakeSteering Dual Rate/ Throttle ATL "D/R ATL"..............................69Steering D/R, Throttle ATL RateSelect Trim Dial Function "TRIM DIAL"......................................70Selection of functions operated by digital trim and dialSelect Switch Function "SWITCH".............................................72Selection of functions operated by switch  Steering Mixing "STR MIX"..........................................................74Twin servo steering systemBrake Mixing "BRAKE MIX"........................................................76Front and rear independent brake control for 1/5 GP car, etc.Programmable Mixing "PROG MIX"...........................................78Programmable mixing between arbitrary channels4WS Mixing "4WS".......................................................................80Special mixing used with Crawler and other 4WS type vehiclesDual ESC Mixing "DUAL ESC"....................................................82Special mixing used with Crawler and other 4WD type vehiclesGyro Mixing "GYRO MIX"............................................................84Use to set the Futaba car rate gyroCPS Mixing "CPS MIX"................................................................86Controls the Futaba CPS-1 channel power switchThrottle Mode "TH MODE"..........................................................88Throttle Servo Neutral Position "SXNT" ...................................88Throttle servo forward and brake operation proportion settingIdle-Up "IDLUP" .......................................................................89     Idle up at engine startNeutral Brake "NTBRK"............................................................90     Neutral brake functionThrottle Off (Engine Cut) "THOFF" ..........................................91     Engine cut off by switchChannel 3/4 "CH3/CH4"...............................................................92Channel 3/4 PositionS.BUS Link Function "SX LINK".................................................93Special function, Futaba S.BUS/S.BUS2 servo parameter setupESC Link Function "MC LINK"....................................................97Special function, Futaba ESC (MC940CR, MC960CR, MC950CR, MC851C, MC602C, MC402CR, etc.)Data Transfer "MDL TRANS".....................................................105The T4PV model memory data to another T4PVTimer Function "TIMER"...........................................................107Up, Fuel down, or lap timer4PV-Eng-02-Table-P4-7.indd   6 2016/07/29   11:21:16
7BeforeUsingFunctionMapFunctionsFor Your  SafetyAs Well AsThat Of OthersInstallationReferenceInitialSet-UpReference .........................................................................129Ratings ......................................................................................129Warning Displays  .....................................................................130Optional Parts  ...........................................................................131When requesting repair ............................................................133Lap List "LAP LIST" ..................................................................113Lap timer data checkTelemetry "TELEMETRY"..........................................................114Connection diagram ...............................................................115Telemetry Function ON/OFF ..................................................115Telemetry Sensor Setting.......................................................117Telemetry Sensor Setting.......................................................119Log Setting, Start/ Stop..........................................................120Log Data List ..........................................................................122System Functions "SYSTEM"  .................................................123Liquid crystal screen contrast adjustmentLiquid crystal screen backlighting display mode setupBacklight display time setupBacklight brightness setupBattery type setting Buzzer sound tone adjustmentThe power off forgotten alarm settingItem which displays the basic menu screen in katakana characters for Japanese useHOME screen display mode settingAdjuster "ADJUSTER"...............................................................127Steering wheel and throttle trigger correction4PV-Eng-02-Table-P4-7.indd   7 2016/07/29   11:21:16
WarningCaution When using the T4PV in the T-FHSS (HIGH) and S-FHSS (HIGH) mode, always use it under the following conditions:Servos :Futaba digital servo (including BLS Series brushless servos) Receiver’s battery :Matched to the ratings of the receiver and connected digital servo (dry cell battery cannot be used).Transmitter mode :RX MODE (See p.33-34 for setting method.)Under other conditions, the set will not operate, or the specified performance will not be displayed even if it operates. In addition, it may cause servo trouble. Futaba will not be responsible for damage, etc. caused by combination with the prod-ucts of other companies. In addition, the FSU Fail Safe Unit cannot be used because the system is different. Use the fail safe function of the trans-mitter. When using analog servos, always switch the T4PV servo response to the "NORM" mode.Transmitter mode:"T-FHSS (NORM)" and "S-FHSS (NORM)" mode (See p.33-34 for setting method.)Receiver’s battery :Matched to the ratings of the receiver and connected servo (dry cell battery cannot be used).The set cannot operate in the "HIGH" mode. Operation in this mode will cause trouble with the servo and other equipment.Digital servos (including BLS Series brushless servos) can also be used in the "NORM" mode.8For Your Safety As Well As That Of OthersFor Your Safety As Well As That Of OthersUse this product in a safe manner. Please observe the following safety precautions at all times.Explanation Of SymbolsFor safety’s sake, pay special attention whenever you see the marks shown here.DangerIndicates procedures which may lead to dangerous situations and could cause death or serious injury as well as superficial injury and physical damage.Indicates procedures that may not cause serious injury, but could lead to physical damage.Symbols:  : Prohibited  : MandatoryIndicates a procedure which could lead to a dangerous situation and may cause death or serious injury if ignored and not performed properly.WarningCaution       Symbols Explanation2.4GHz System Precautions Special attention should be paid before turning on the system while other cars are running or oth-er airplanes are flying because the 2.4GHz RC system could potentially affect them. Be sure to set the Fail Safe function.Receiver Mode Precautions4PV-Eng-03-Safety-P8-11.indd   8 2016/07/28   10:05:15
9For Your Safety As Well As That Of OthersWarning Do not operate outdoors on rainy days, run through puddles of water or use when visibility is limited.Should any type of moisture (water or snow) enter any component of the system, erratic operation and loss of control may occur. Do not operate in the following places.-Near other sites where other radio control activity may occur.-Near people or roads.-On any pond when passenger boats are present.-Near high tension power lines or communication broadcasting antennas.Interference could cause loss of control. Improper installation of your Radio Control System in your model could result in serious injury. Do not operate this R/C system when you are tired, not feeling well or under the influence of alco-hol or drugs.Your judgment is impaired and could result in a dangerous situation that may cause serious injury to yourself as well as others.  Do not touch the engine, motor, speed control or any part of the model that will generate heat while the model is operating or immediately after its use.These parts may be very hot and can cause serious burns. Always perform an operating range check prior to use.Problems with the radio control system as well as improper installation in a model could cause loss of control. (Simple range test method)Have a friend hold the model, or clamp it down or place it where the wheels or prop cannot come in contact with any ob-ject. Walk away and check to see if the servos follow the movement of the controls on the transmitter. Should you notice any abnormal operation, do not operate the model. Also check to be sure the model memory matches the model in use. Turning on the power switches.     Always check the throttle trigger on the transmitter to be sure it is at the neutral position.1. Turn on the transmitter power switch.2. Turn on the receiver or speed control power switch.      Turning off the power switches      Always be sure the engine is not running or the motor is stopped.1. Turn off the receiver or speed control power switch.2. Then turn off the transmitter power switch.If the power switches are turned off in the opposite order, the model may unexpectedly run out of control and cause a very dangerous situation. When making adjustments to the model, do so with the engine not running or the motor discon-nected.You may unexpectedly lose control and create a dangerous situation. Before running (cruising), check the fail safe function.Check Method;  Before starting the engine, check the fail safe function as follows:1) Turn on the transmitter and receiver power switches.2) Wait at least one minute, then turn off the transmitter power switch. (The transmitter automatically transfers the fail safe data to the receiver every minute.)3) Check if the fail safe function moves the servos to the preset position when reception fails.The fail safe function is a safety feature that minimizes set damage by moving the servos to a preset position when reception fails. However, if set to a dangerous position, it has the opposite effect. When the reverse function was used to change the operating direction of a servo, the fail safe function must be reset.Setting example: Throttle idle or brake position Operation Precautions4PV-Eng-03-Safety-P8-11.indd   9 2016/07/28   10:05:16
CautionWarning10For Your Safety As Well As That Of Others (Only when NiMH/NiCd /LiFe batteries are used)NiMH / NiCd / LiFe Battery Handling Precautions Never plug the charger into an outlet of other than the indicated voltage.Plugging the charger into the wrong outlet could result in an explosion or fire. Never insert or remove the charger while your hands are wet.You may get an electric shock. Do not use the T4PV transmitter's battery as the receiver's battery.Since the transmitter's battery has an overload protection circuit, the output power will be shut down when the high current load is applied. This may result in runaway or fatal crash. Always check to be sure your batteries have been charged prior to operating the model.Should the battery go dead while the model is operating, loss of control will occur and create a very dangerous situation. To recharge the transmitter battery, use the special charger made for this purpose.Overcharging could cause the battery to overheat, leak or explode. This may lead to fire, burns,  loss of sight and many other types of injuries. Do not use commercial AA size NiCd and NiMH batteries.Quick charging may cause the battery contacts to overheat and damage the battery holder. Do not short circuit the battery terminals.A short circuit across the battery terminals may cause abnormal heating, fire and burns. Do not drop the battery or expose it to strong shocks or vibrations.The battery may short circuit and overheat; electrolyte may leak out and cause burns or chemical damage. When the model is not being used, always remove or disconnect the battery.Leaving the battery connected could create a dangerous situation if someone accidentally turns on the receiver power switch. Loss of control could occur. Always keep the charger disconnected from the outlet while it is not in use.Storage And Disposal PrecautionsWarning Do not leave the radio system or models within the reach of small children.A small child may accidentally operate the system. This could cause a dangerous situation and injuries. NiCd batteries can be very dangerous when mishandled and cause chemical damage. Do not throw NiMH/NiCd/LiFe batteries into a fire. Do not expose batteries to extreme heat. Also do not disassemble or modify a battery pack.Overheating and breakage will cause the electrolyte to leak from the cells and cause skin burns, loss of sight, and other in-juries.4PV-Eng-03-Safety-P8-11.indd   10 2016/07/28   10:05:16
Warning11For Your Safety As Well As That Of Others When the system will not be used for any length of time, store the system with NiMH/NiCd batteries in a discharged state. Be sure to recharge the batteries prior to the next time the system is used. If the batteries are repeatedly recharged in a slightly discharged state, the memory effect of the NiMH/NiCd battery may considerably reduce the capacity . A reduction in operating time will occur even when the batteries are charged for the rec-ommended time. (After discharge to 1cell E.V.=1V) When a LiFe battery pack will not be used for a long time, to prevent it from deteriorating we rec-ommend that it be kept in about the half capacity state instead of fully charged. Also be careful that the battery does not enter the over-discharged state due to self-discharge.Periodically (about every 3 months) charge the battery.<NiMH/NiCd Battery Electrolyte>The electrolyte in NiCd/NiMH batteries is a strong alkali. Should you get even the smallest amount of the electrolyte in your eyes, DO NOT RUB. Wash immediately with water, and seek medical attention at once. The electrolyte can cause blindness. If electrolyte comes in contact with your skin or clothes, wash with water immediately.  Do not store your R/C system in the following  places.- Where it is extremely hot or cold.- Where the system will be exposed to direct sunlight.- Where the humidity is high.- Where vibration is prevalent.- Where dust is prevalent.- Where the system would be exposed to steam and condensation.Storing your R/C system under adverse conditions could cause deformation and numerous problems with operation. If the system will not be used for a long period of time, remove the batteries from the transmitter and model and store in a cool, dry place.If the batteries are left in the transmitter, electrolyte may leak and damage the transmitter. This applies to the model also. Remove the batteries from it also to prevent damage.Caution Do not expose plastic parts to fuel, motor spray, waste oil or exhaust.The fuel, motor spray, waste oil and exhaust will penetrate and damage the plastic. Always use only genuine Futaba transmitters, receivers, servos, ESCs (electronic speed controls), NiMH/NiCd/LiFe batteries and other optional accessories.Futaba will not be responsible for problems caused by the use of other than genuine Futaba parts. Use the parts specified in the instruction manual and catalog.Other Precautions<NiMH/NiCd/LiFe Battery  Recycling>A used battery is a valuable resource. Insulate the battery terminals and dispose of the battery by taking it to a battery recycling center. 4PV-Eng-03-Safety-P8-11.indd   11 2016/07/28   10:05:16
12Before Using-Telemetry systemThe T4PV transmitter has adopted the newly developed bidirectional communication system "T-FHSS".-2.4GHzSS (Spread Spectrum) radio communication systemFrequency channel setting is unnecessary: Channel shifting takes place within the 2.4GHz band automatically. This system minimizes the interference from other 2.4GHz systems.-Display switchDisplay switch allows function setup without transmitting.-Model memory for 40 modelsModel names can use up to 10 letters, numbers, and symbols, so that logical names may be used. A model memory with different setups can be created by using the model copy function.-4  axis Jog button.The (JOG) button can be operated in 4 directions: up, down, left, and right.-ESC-Link function (MC-LINK)This dedicated function allows you set up the Link software so that your T4PV can control vari-able frequency and other data changes in Futaba speed controllers (ESCs): MC950CR, MC850C, MC851C, MC602C, MC402CR, etc.-S.BUS servoThis is a special function that allows setting of the parameters of our S.BUS servo whose set-tings are changed by using PC Link software.-Steering mixingSmooth cornering is possible by independent left and right steering servo setting.-Brake mixing for large cars (BRAKE)Brake mixing of the front and rear wheels of 1/5 GP and other large cars can be adjusted inde-pendently.-Gyro mixing (GYRO MIX)The sensitivity of Futaba car rate gyros can be adjusted from the T4PV.-4WS mixing for crawlers and other 4WS type (4WS)This function can be used with crawlers and other 4WS type vehicles.Before UsingFeatures4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   12 2016/08/02   9:06:07
13Before Using-Dual ESCs mixing for crawlers cars (DUAL ESC)ESCs at the front and rear are controlled independently.-CPS-1 mixing (CPS MIX)/('OLJKWLQJDQGÀDVKLQJFRQWUROXVLQJRXU&36FKDQQHOSRZHUVZLWFKFDQEHPDWFKHGWRsteering and throttle operation by switch only.-Anti-skid braking system (TH A.B.S)This function applies the brakes so that the tires of GP cars, etc. do not lose their grip on the road even when braking at corners.-Throttle acceleration (ACCEL)GP cars have a time lag before the clutch and brakes become effective. The throttle acceleration function reduces this time lag.-Throttle speed (SPEED)Sudden trigger operation on a slippery road surface will only cause the tires to spin and the model to not accelerate smoothly. By setting the throttle speed function, operation can be per-formed smoothly and easily. It also suppresses battery consumption.-Steering speed (SPEED)When you sense that the steering servo is too fast, etc., the servo operating speed (direction that suppresses the maximum speed) can be adjusted.-Racing timer (TIMER)The lap timer can record 100 lap times and total time. The timer can also be started automati-cally by trigger operation. The race time and audible alarm can be set.Re-/fueling time are indicated by an audible alarm. An up timer is also provided.-Function select switch (SWITCH)/ dial function (TRIM DIAL)This assigns functions to 2 switches and dials (digital trim, digital dial). The step amount and operating direction can also be adjusted. Trim positioning at each model call is unnecessary because all the dials are digital.-Trigger position can be changedThe position of the throttle trigger can be moved forward and backward.-Tension adjustment functionThe tension of the steering wheel   throttle trigger springs can be adjusted from the outside.-Mechanical ATL AdjustmentMake this adjustment when you want to decrease the total travel of the brake (push) side of the throttle trigger. 4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   13 2016/08/02   9:06:07
14Before Using$IWHURSHQLQJWKHER[¿UVWFKHFNLIWKHFRQWHQWVFRQIRUPWRWKHIROORZLQJ7KHFRQWHQWVGH-pend on the set as shown below. Set Contents Transmitter T4PVReceiver R304SBMiscellaneousDry battery holder*Installed in transmitter.Mini screwdriver* It is used for R304SB.Instruction manual - If any of the set contents are missing, or you have any questions, please contact your dealer. Caution When using the T4PV in the T-FHSS (HIGH) and S-FHSS (HIGH) mode, always use it under the following conditions:Servos :Futaba digital servo (including BLS Series brushless servos) Receiver’s battery :Matched to the ratings of the receiver and connected digital servo (dry cell battery cannot be used).Transmitter mode :RX MODE (See page 33-34 for setting method.)Under other conditions, the set will not operate, or the specified performance will not be displayed even if it operates. In addition, it may cause servo trouble. Futaba will not be responsible for damage, etc. caused by combination with the products of other companies. In addition, the FSU Fail Safe Unit cannot be used because the system is different. Use the fail safe function of the trans-mitter. When using analog servos, always switch the T4PV servo response to the "NORM" mode.Transmitter mode:"T-FHSS (NORM)" and "S-FHSS (NORM)" mode (See page 33-34 for setting method.)Receiver’s battery :Matched to the ratings of the receiver and connected servo (dry cell battery cannot be used).The set cannot operate in the "HIGH" mode. Operation in this mode will cause trouble with the servo and other equipment.Digital servos (including BLS Series brushless servos) can also be used in the "NORM" mode. Always use only genuine Futaba transmitters, receivers, servos, ESCs (electronic speed con-trols), NiMH, NiCd, LiFe batteries and other optional accessories.Futaba will not be responsible for problems caused by the use of other than Futaba genuine parts. Use the parts speci-fied in the instruction manual and catalog.4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   14 2016/08/02   9:06:07
15Before Using7KHVZLWFKHVGLDODQGWULPPHUVLQWKH¿JXUHDUHVKRZQLQWKHLQLWLDOVHWWLQJSRVLWLRQAntennaDigital Dial  (DL)(default OFF)Mechanical ATL adjusting screwCommunication portEarphone Jack(3.5mm stereo jack plug)Telemetry data can be listened to with com-mercial earphones.Non-telematry LED(Lights when the telemetry function is off.)Charging jackThrottle triggerPower&Display switch Digital Trim 2 (DT2)(default throttle trim)Digital Trim 6 (D6)(default ATL)Digital Trim 5 (DT5)(default dual rate)Digital Trim 3 (DT3)(default CH3)Digital Trim 4 (DT4)(default CH4)Grip HandleDigital Trim1 (DT1)(default steering trim) Steering wheelPush switch  (PS1)(default OFF) Push switch  (PS2)(default OFF)LCD screenEdit buttonsLEDNomenclature Transmitter T4PVWheel tensionadjusting screwTrigger tension adjusting screwTrigger slide adjusting screwBattery cover4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   15 2016/08/02   9:06:07
Slide battery cover while pressing here.Battery cover16Before UsingBattery Replacement Method1Remove the battery cover from the transmitter by slid-ing it in the direction of the arrow in the figure. 2Remove the used batteries.  CautionIf you remove the dry cell battery box from the trans-mitter, replace it carefully with the wiring on the same side as before. Reinstalling the battery box in the opposite direction could cause the wires to be disconnected.3Load the new AA size batteries. Pay very close atten-tion to the polarity markings and reinsert accordingly. 4Slide the battery cover back onto the case.Battery Replacement Method (4 AA Size Batteries)Load the four batteries in accordance with the polarity markings on the battery holder. Check:Turn the power switch on the transmitter to the ON po-sition. Check the battery voltage display on the LCD screen. If the voltage is low, check the batteries for insuf-¿FLHQWFRQWDFWLQWKHFDVHRULQFRUUHFWEDWWHU\SRODULW\Disposal of the Dry Cell Batteries:The method to dispose of used dry cell batteries de-pends on the area in which you reside. Dispose of the batteries in accordance with the regulations for your area. Caution Never try to recharge a dry cell battery.The transmitter may be damaged or the battery electrolyte may leak or the battery may break.  Insert the batteries in the correct polarity.If the polarity is incorrect, the transmitter may be damaged.  When the transmitter is not in use, remove the batteries.If the battery electrolyte leaks, wipe off the case and contacts.  Do not use commercial AA size NiCd and NiMH batteries.Quick charging may cause the battery contacts to overheat and damage the battery holder.Low Battery AlarmIf the transmitter battery voltage drops below the usable range, an audible alarm will sound and "" mark will be displayed on the LCD screen. (For details, see page 130.) Because the low battery alarm voltage of a dry cell battery is different from that of a rechargeable battery pack (genuine Futaba option), the type of power source used must be selected using the system setting (page 123).Warning When a low battery alarm is generated, cease operation immediately and retrieve the model. If the battery goes dead while in operation, you will lose control of the model. 4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   16 2016/08/02   9:06:08
Caution When closing the battery cover, be careful that the battery cover does not pinch the battery lead wires.Shorting of the battery lead wires may lead to fire and abnormal heating and cause burns or fire disaster.Slide battery cover while pressing here.Battery cover17Before UsingBattery Replacement Method1Refer to the previous description and remove the transmitter battery cover.When Using The Optional BatteryWhen using an optional rechargeable battery, replace the battery as described below.-Always use the optional FT2F1700B , FT2F2100B or HT5F-1800B rechargeable battery.-The type of power source used must be selected through the system setting (page 123).-When the transmitter will not be used for a long time, remove the battery.2After removing the dry cell battery box from the transmitter, disconnect the connector. CautionIf you remove the dry cell battery box from the trans-mitter, replace it carefully with the wiring on the same side as before. Reinstalling the battery box in the op-posite direction could cause the wires to be discon-nected.3Insert the connector of the new battery and load the new battery into the transmitter.4Finish by installing the battery cover.4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   17 2016/08/02   9:06:09
AC outletChargerTransmitter charging LED To transmitter charging jack  To receiver NiCd batteryWarning18Before UsingCharging A LiFe Battery (Example: When using the FT2F1700B/2100B with the special charger)1Remove the battery cover. 2Disconnect the battery from the T4PV.3Balance charging cannot be done through the transmitter. You must remove the LiFe battery to do this charge.Charge the optional FT2F1700B/2100B (LiFe) battery with the special charger in accordance with the instruction manual supplied.When the LiFe battery will not be used for a long time, to prevent it from deteriorating we recom-mend that it be kept in about the half capacity state instead of fully charged. Also be careful that the battery does not enter the overdischarged state due to self-discharge. Periodically (about every 3 months) charge the battery. In addition, always remove the battery from the model and store it in a dry, cool place (15°C 25°C).Over current protection Charging jackThe transmitter charging circuit is equipped with an over cur-rent protection circuit (1.0A). If the battery is charged with a quick charger for other than digital proportional R/C sets, it may not be fully charged. The charging time when charging the HT5F1800B battery with the optional special charger is approximately 15 hours. However, when the battery has not been used for some time, repeat charging 2 or 3 times to activate the battery. Charging A NiMH Battery (Example: When using the HT5F1800B with the special charger)1Plug the transmitter cord of the special charger into the charging jack on the rear of the transmitter. 2Plug the charger into an AC outlet. 3Check that the charging LED lights. When Using An Optional BatteryBalance charging connector for LiFe battery charger.LiFe battery is removed from transmitter. Make sure not to peel off the battery fi lm, or make any scratch by a cutter knife or the sharp edges of metal components.  Make sure not to soak or get the battery wet with water or seawater.  Make sure not to use a deformed or swollen battery.There is a risk of explosion or fi re, which is very dangerous.4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   18 2016/08/02   9:06:09
WarningCautionOFFWhen you do not run, turn OFFIt cannot operate.  It can operate. 19Before Using Never plug it into an outlet having other than the indicated voltage.Plugging the charger into the wrong outlet could result in an explosion or fi re. Do not insert and remove the charger when your hands are wet.It may cause an electric shock.  Always use the special charger or a quick charger for digital proportional R/C sets to charge a digital proportional R/C set battery.Overcharging a NiMH battery can result in burns, fi re, injuries, or loss of sight due to overheating, breakage, or electrolyte leakage.  Do not plug the charger to the charging jack, if the battery is not connected to the transmitter.The transmitter may be damaged. When the charger is not in use, disconnect it from the AC outlet.Do this to prevent accidents and to avoid overheating. Power & Display SwitchThe power switch and display switch are push switches.When the power switch (PWR) is held down, operation starts by transmitting radio waves. When the display switch is held down, the transmitter side data can be checked and set. Power & Display SwitchDSP PWR  When the power is turned off, if the power switch or display switch is held down, the power is turned off. If both switches are pressed simultaneously, the power is turned off quickly.  Radio waves are not beingtransmitted.  Blinking at the same time the LED fl ashes "DISP MODE". The transmitter beeps in the Display mode.  Radio waves are be-ing transmitted.4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   19 2016/08/02   9:06:10
TimerST  :Steering trim displayTH  :Throttle trim displayD/R  :Steering D/R displayATL  :Throttle ATL displayPower switch turned onModel name (10 characters)  The current receiver mode is displayed. Telemetry function :ON/OFFReceiver -> Transmitter:   The reception strength is shown.Battery voltage  Servo operation of each channel can be checked.Model numberTelemetry data%HHS FRQ¿UPDWLRQ VRXQG LV JHQHUDWHG DQG WKHHOME screen shown below appears.20Before UsingLCD Screen Contrast The LCD screen contrast can be adjusted. (For more information, see page 123.) CautionDo not adjust the contrast so that the LCD is too bright or too dark.When the display cannot be read due to a temperature change, data cannot be set. Power Off Forgotten Alarm & Auto Power OffWhen the steering wheel, throttle trigger, push switch, or edit button are not operated for 10 minutes (default), an alarm sounds and "NOT OPERATED FOR A LONG TIME" is displayed on the LCD screen.When the steering wheel, throttle trigger, push switch, or edit button are op-erated, the alarm is reset. If the alarm is not reset, the auto power off func-tion will automatically turn off the power after 5 minutes. If the system is not to be used, turn off the power.The function can be deactivated at the system menu (p.123).Display When Power Switch Is Turned On4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   20 2016/08/02   9:06:10
Throttle trigger function Steering wheel functionLeftPullPushLeft turnForwardbrake or  back Right turnRightDT3 DT6DT4DT2 DT1 DT5ATL displaySteering D/R displaySteering trim displayThrottle trim display21Before UsingSteering And Throttle Trim OperationDigital Trim Operation(Initial settings: DT1: Steering trim, DT2: Throttle trim, DT3: Channel 3, DT4: Channel 4, DT5: Steering D/R, DT6: ATL-Brake rate)Operating by the trim: Push the trim lever to the left or right (up or down). The current po-sition is displayed on the LCD screen.  Steering Wheel And Throttle Trigger Operation(CH1: Steering wheel, CH2: Throttle trigger)Steering Wheel Function:  Turns the model right or left.Throttle Trigger Function:  Controls the speed of the model as well as the direction of travel - forward or reverse.• Each step is indicated by a tone.• When the trim exceeds the maximum trim adjustment range, the beep will change and the servo will not move any farther. • Steering D/R :The steering left and right servo travels are ad-justed simultaneously. • ATL: Decreases the set value when the braking effect is strong and increases the set value when the braking effect is weak.  With the center trim feature, trim adjustments have no effect on the maximum servo travel. This prevents the linkages from binding when adjustments are made. 4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   21 2016/08/02   9:06:10
Mechanical ATL adjusting screw22Before UsingAdjustment1Using a 1.5mm hex wrench, adjust the trigger brake (reverse) stroke. (The screw moves the throttle trig-ger stopper.) When the screw is turned clockwise, the stroke becomes narrow-er. Adjust the stroke while watching the screw.Note:Mechanical ATL AdjustmentMake this adjustment when you want to decrease the stroke of the brake (back) side of the throttle trigger to your preferences.Wheel & Trigger Tension AdjustmentMake this adjustment when you want to change the wheel or trigger spring’s tension.Adjustment1Using a 1.5mm hex wrench, adjust the spring ten-sion of the wheel or throttle by turning the screw shown in the figure. The wheel side is inside the adjustment hole.• The spring is set to the weakest tension at the factory.• When the adjusting screw is turned clockwise, the spring tension increases.Note:Wheel tensionadjusting screwOnce you have changed the mechanical stroke on the brake side, be sure to adjust the scale of the throttle channel accordingly by using the "Adjuster Function" (page 127).  Due to this change, you also need to adjust in most cases the travel of the throttle servo by using "End Point Adjuster".The adjustment range is up to 7 to 8 turns from the fully tightened (strongest) po-sition. If turned farther than this, the adjusting screw may fall out.Trigger tensionadjusting screw4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   22 2016/08/02   9:06:10
23Before UsingTrigger Slide AdjustmentThe throttle trigger position can be moved forward and backward.Adjustment1Using a 2.0mm hex wrench, loosen the trigger slide mounting screw by turning it slightly counter-clockwise.Always loosen this screw.Note:Adjust so that the bottom  mark does not exceed the top marking line.Trigger slide mounting screw If the trigger slide screw is turned too much, the screw may fall out.2Using a 2.5mm hex wrench, turn the trigger slide adjusting screw, and adjust the trigger slide posi-tion within the marked range. When the adjusting screw is turned clockwise, the trigger slide moves away from the grip handle.3Retighten the mounting screw loosened at step 1 and fasten the trigger slide.4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   23 2016/08/02   9:06:10
24Before UsingChanging Wheel Position (optional parts)The wheel position can be offset by using the optional APA wheel position offset adapter. Three 2.6x10mm and 2.6 x 19 mm tapping screws are supplied with  the adapter APA. Obtain 2.5mm hex wrench./ Remove the battery. 7KH OHQJWK RI WKH VFUHZV XVHG DW HDFK SDUW GLIIHUV :KHQ UHDVVHPEOLQJ WKH VWHHULQJ ZKHHO XQLW DOZD\V XVH WKH VSHFL¿HGscrews.Installing the accessory APA steering wheel offset adapter1Remove the 2 steering wheel unit mounting screws.(Using a 2.5 mm hex wrench.) -Remove the 2 mounting screws completely from the transmitter body.2Gently remove the steering unit, without pull-ing excessively on the wiring.-Remove the steering wheel unit slowly so that the inter-nal wiring is not pulled unreasonably.Remove the connector from the PC board.-Remove from the PC board while pressing both sides of the connector.3Using a Phillips screwdriver, remove the 4 screws (2.6x15mm tapping screw) mounting the wheel unit and base parts.Steering wheel unitUnit mounting screwsWheel unitConnectorConnectorPress PressBase parts4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   24 2016/08/02   9:06:11
25Before Using4Pass the wiring from the steering wheel unit through the hole in the APA as shown in the fi g-ure.Adapter APAMarkingAPA rear coverWheel unit and APA mounting screws (2.6x19mm tapping screws)Base parts and APA mounting screws (2.6x10mm tapping screws)5Using a Phillips screwdriver fasten the wheel unit and APA at the desired angle using the 2.6x19mm  tapping screws. Be careful that the screw length is correct. Be careful that the wir-ing does not get pinched. The angle can be adjusted, but check the marking point on the wheel unit and install the screws.-Four 2.6x19 mm tapping screws are supplied with the APA.-Screws can be installed at 4 places, but installation at 4 places may be impossible due to the wheel unit mounting angle.6Using a Phillips screwdriver fasten the base parts and APA. Use the 2.6x10mm tapping screws. Next, install the APA rear cover. Be careful that the length of the screws is correct.  -Three 2.6x10 mm tapping screws are supplied with the APA.4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   25 2016/08/02   9:06:11
2.6x10mmtapping screws 2.6x10mmtapping screws Mount the angle spacer and wheel unit with 2.6x15mm tapping screws.2.6x10mmtapping screws2.6x10mmtapping screws Mount the APA adapter and wheel unit with 2.6x19mm tapping screws.2.6x10mmtapping screws 2.6x15mmtapping screws Angle spacer26Before Using7Install the assembled steering wheel unit to the transmitter body.-Install slowly so that the wiring is not pinched.8Install the assembled steering wheel unit and APA to the transmitter using the screw (3.0x12mm cap screw) supplied. (Using a 2.5 mm hex wrench.)Steering wheel unit mounting screwsThe wheel mounting angle can be changed by using the optional angle spacer. Three 2.6x10mm tapping screws are supplied with the angle spacer. When using and not using the APA, refer to the following installation. Obtain a Phillips screwdriver. Be careful of the length of the screws used. The wheel is assembled by passing the screws through each part.Using the optional angle spacer4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   26 2016/08/02   9:06:11
27Before UsingWarningCannot rotate more than 90˚. If rotated forcibly, the antenna will be damaged. Antenna AntennaAbout The Transmitter Antenna Please do not grasp the transmitter's antenna while driving.Doing so may degrade the quality of the RF transmission to the model.  The antenna position can be changed in the range as shown in fi gure. However, please do not ap-ply unnecessary force or shock.The internal cable may be damaged; thus transmitting distance decreases and it may cause malfunction.About Transmitter Antenna and ReceiverA small glitch may occur if the transmitter antenna is brought close to servos, ESCs or other peripheral devices. This is not a serious issue, but keep it in mind (especially dur-ing setup). If the antenna is set to the 90˚ vertical position, the range of the radio waves may be great-er than in the horizontal posi-tion. (Different depending on the conditions.)Antenna Moving RangeNon-telemetry LED(Lit when telemetry function is OFF)When the telemetry function is inhibited by race regulations, a special LED lights when the WHOHPHWU\IXQFWLRQLV2))WRFRQ¿UPWKDWWKHWHOHPHWU\IXQFWLRQLVQRWRSHUDWLQJNon-telemetry LED (telemetry OFF sign)4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   27 2016/08/02   9:06:12
WARNINGCautionAntennatubeAntennaCoaxialcableR304SBR304SB28Before Using Always use R304SB under the following conditions:Battery :Power requirement Rated voltage 4.8~7.4V (dry cell battery cannot be used) / 3.5 to 8.4V useableMatched to the ratings of the receiver and connected servo.RX MODE:"T-FHSS(HIGH)" or "T-FHSS(NORM)" (See p.33-34 for setting method.)   Transmitter mode-"T-FHSS(HIGH)" mode   :Futaba digital servoTransmitter mode-"T-FHSS(NORM)" mode :Futaba all servoUnder other conditions, the set will not operate, or the specified performance will not be displayed even if it operates. In ad-dition, it may cause trouble with servos and other equipment. Futaba will not be responsible for damage, etc. caused by combination with the products of other companies. Receiver InstallationInstall the R304SB receiver on the car as follows:The operating range may become shorter, depending on where the receiver and the antenna are mounted. Do not cut or bundle the receiver antenna wire. Do not bend the coaxial cable. It causes damage. Install the antenna in the higher place as shown in the figure. Put the antenna in the antenna tube to protect it. Keep the antenna as far away from the motor, ESC and other noise sources as you possibly can. Wrap the receiver with something soft, such as foam rubber, to avoid vibration. If there is a chance of getting wet, put the receiver in a wa-terproof bag or balloon.Transmitter mode settingSet the transmitter to the "T-FHSS(HIGH)" mode or "T-FHSS(NORM)" mode. See page 33-34 for a description of the setting method.Note: However, digital servos (including BLS Series brushless servo) can only be used in the T-FHSS(HIGH) mode.Receiver TerminologyAntennaThe receiver power supply can be connected to the S.BUS2 connector or each of CH1-4.Coaxial cable Tactile switch /LEDConnectors4 :CH4 servo(CH4)3 :CH3 servo(CH3)2 :Throttle servo(CH2)1:Steering servo(CH1)S.BUS2:Power /S.BUS2  connector4PV-Eng-04-Before-P12-28.indd   28 2016/08/02   9:06:12
S.BUS2CH3CH2CH1CH4ReceiverSwitchTo BatteryCH4 servoCH3 servoThrottle servoSteering servo29InstallationConnect the receiver and servos as shown below. Connect and install the receiver and ser-vos in accordance with "Installation Safety Precautions" on the next page.7KH¿JXUHVKRZQEHORZLVDQH[DPSOH7KHPHWKRGRIFRQQHFWLQJWKHPRWRUFRQWUROOHUWRWKHPRWRUDQGEDWWHU\GHSHQGVRQWKHPRWRUFRQWUROOHUXVHG3XUFKDVHWKHPRWRUFRQWUROOHUand servos separately. The receiver also depends on the set.Installation When An Electronic Speed Control Is Used Installation For Gas Powered Models InstallationReceiver and Servo Connections4PV-Eng-05-Instllation-P29-32.indd   29 2016/08/05   8:52:03
Installation Safety PrecautionsWarning30InstallationReceiver (receiver antenna)Receiver vibration-proofing / waterproofing Do not cut or bundle the receiver antenna wire. Do not bundle the receiver antenna wire together with the motor controller lead wire. Keep the receiver antenna wire at least 1cm away from motor, battery, and other wiring carrying heavy current. Install the receiver antenna holder as closely as possible to the receiver.If the antenna wire is cut, bundled, or routed near a noise source, the receiving sensitivity will drop, the running (sailing) range will decrease, and you may lose control of the model.1RLVHLVWUDQVPLWWHGWKURXJKPHWDOFDUERQDQGRWKHUFRQGXFWLYHPDWHULDOVRNHHSWKHUHFHLYHUDQWHQQDZLUHDZD\IURPVXFKSDUWV(Car) Vibration-proof the receiver by wrapping it in foam rubber or other vibration-absorbing material and mount it with thick double-sided tape. When using the receiver holder supplied with the model kit, mount the holder to the chassis through a rubber grommet.(Boat) Vibration-proof the receiver by wrapping it in foam rubber or other vibration-absorbing material. Also waterproof the receiver by sealing it in a plastic bag.If the receiver is exposed to strong vibration and shock, it will operate erroneously due to the invasion of water drops and you may lose control of the model.ScrewMechanical plateNut (as required)Receiver holderDamperWhen using the receiver holder sup-SOLHGZLWKWKHNLWLQVWDOOWKHUHFHLYHUWKURXJKDUXEEHUJURPPHWFoam rubber, etc.:UDSWKHUHFHLYHULQIRDPUXEEHURURWK-HUYLEUDWLRQDEVRUELQJPDWHULDO'R QRWXVHKDUGPDWHULDO+DUGPDWHULDOGRHVQRWKDYHDYLEUDWLRQSURR¿QJHIIHFWMechanical plate Thick double-sided tape:KHQ PRXQWLQJ WKH UHFHLYHU ZLWK GRXEOHVLGHG WDSHdo not use a stiff tape. Stiff tape does not have a vibra-WLRQSURR¿QJHIIHFW#%$Antenna,QVWDOOWKHUHFHLYHUDVIDUDZD\DVSRVVLEOHIURPWKHEDWWHU\PRWRUFRQWUROOHU PRWRUVLOLFRQFRUGDQGRWKHUQRLVHVRXUFHV.HHSLWDZD\IURPWKHDQWHQQDZLUHLQSDUWLFXODUBattery4PV-Eng-05-Instllation-P29-32.indd   30 2016/08/05   8:52:04
Warning31InstallationConnector ConnectionsServo Installation Be sure the receiver, servo, battery and connectors are fully and firmly connected.If vibration from the model causes a connector to work loose while the model is in operation, you may lose control. When you install the servos, always use the rubber grommets provided in servo hardware bags. Mount the servos so they do not come in contact directly with the mount.If the servo case comes in direct contact with the mount, vibration will be directly transmitted to the servo.If this condition continues for a long time, the servo may be damaged and control will be lost.Servo Throw Operate each servo over its full stroke and be sure the linkage does not bind or is not loose.The continuous application of unreasonable force to a servo may cause damage and excessive battery drain.ScrewMechanical plateNut (as required)EyeletDamper(or):KHQLQVWDOOLQJWKHVHUYRDOZD\VLQVWDOOWKHDFFHVVRU\UXEEHUJURPPHWDQGJURPPHWÀXVKDJDLQVWWKHVHUYR$YLEUDWLRQGDPSLQJHIIHFWLVQRWREWDLQHGHYHQLIWKHUXEEHUJURPPHWDQGJURPPHWDUHQRWLQ-stalled correctly.Adjust the throttle servo so that unreasonable force is QRWDSSOLHGZKHQWKH HQJLQH FDUEXUHWRULVIXOO\RSHQIXOO\FORVHGDQGWKHEUDNHVDUHDSSOLHGIXOO\,IWKHEUDNHVRYHUKHDWZKLOHUXQQLQJWKHLUDELOLW\WRIXQFWLRQ SURSHUO\ GHFUHDVHV %HIRUH UXQQLQJ DGMXVW WKHVXLWDEOHPD[LPXPVHUYRWUDYHOVRWKDWXQUHDVRQDEOHforce is not applied even when the servo travel is in-creased while running.Adjust the steering servo so that unreason-able force is not applied to the servo by the FKDVVLVDWPD[LPXPVHUYRWUDYHODecide the EPA value at the contact point.Caution!A whining noise indicates that the steering servo is improperly set.4PV-Eng-05-Instllation-P29-32.indd   31 2016/08/05   8:52:04
Warning32InstallationElectronic Speed ControlMotor Noise Suppression Install the heat sinks where they will not come in contact with aluminum, carbon fiber or other parts that conduct electricity.If the ESC (Electronic speed control) heat sinks touch other materials that conduct electricity a short circuit could occur. This could result in loss of control and damage to the system. Always install capacitors to suppress noise when electric motors are used.If capacitors are not properly installed you could experience erratic operation and reduced range as well as loss of con-trol.Other Noise Suppression Methods Be sure there are no metal parts in your model which under vibration can come in contact with other metal parts.Metal to metal contacts under vibration will emit a high frequency noise that will affect the receiver's performance.  You could experience erratic operation and reduced range as well as loss of control.0RWRUV ZLWK QR VXSSUHVVRU FDSDFLWRUV RU LQDGH-TXDWHVXSSUHVVLRQPD\FDXVHWKHUHFHLYHUWRPDO-function. Always solder the capacitors supplied to \RXUPRWRU7KH6FKRWWN\GLRGHLPSURYHVWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKHVSHHG FRQWURO  PRWRU FRPELQDWLRQ DQG SURYLGHVH[WUDSURWHFWLRQWRWKHEUDNH)(7V7KHZKLWHULQJPXVWDOZD\VIDFHWKHSRVLWLYHVLGHSchottky diode"-" side"+" side1234PV-Eng-05-Instllation-P29-32.indd   32 2016/08/05   8:52:04
33Initial Set-UpBefore setting the Transmitter functions, check and set these items next.(Display when power switch turned on)When the power switch is turned on, the currently selected model number is displayed. Check if this number is the model number you want to set-up. To change the model number, use the Model Select function (page 46).Initial Set-UpPreparations (Transmitter)(HOME screen)Turn on the transmitter power.The model number is displayed.  The telemetry ON/OFF and communication status checked.Receiver type checkVoltage checkReceiver Type Check (RX MODE)This mode sets the RX type of the transmitter to match the receiver and servos used.The T4PV transmitter uses the telemetry type T-FHSS ("TFH") system. It can also use the conventional S-FHSS ("SFH") system. Because the R304SB receiver sup-plied with the T4PV uses the telemetry type T-FHSS ("TFH") system, its RX type must be set to the T-FHSS high speed mode ("TFH-HI") or the T-FHSS normal mode ("TFH-NR"). Never use analog servos when the RX type was set to the T-FHSS ("TFH") 2.4GHz system high speed mode "TFH-HI" or the S-FHSS ("SFH") high speed mode "SFH-HI". The servos may be damaged. For example, if analog servos are used with a telemetry type T-FHSS re-ceiver (R304SB, etc.), the RX type must be set to "TFH-NR", and if analog servos are used with an S-FHSS receiver (R2104GF, R204FG-E, etc.), the RX type must be set to S-FHSS ("SFH-NR") system normal mode system. When using digital servos (including BLS Series brushless servos), any RX type can be used.4PV-Eng-06-Initl_set-P33-38.indd   33 2016/08/05   9:00:38
 T-FHSS Normal speedT-FH (NORM) S-FHSS Normal speedS-FH (NORM) T-FHSS High speedT-FH (HIGH)Push  Select "RX MODE" by (JOG) button.Push Select TYPE with the (JOG) button.  Select RX type  with the (+) or (-) button.  Press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second.  S-FHSS High speedS-FH (HIGH)34Initial Set-UpIf the receiver used and the RX type settings are different, change the RX type using the "RX MODE" function. Which RX type is set can be checked at the HOME screen.Receiver Type Change & How To Link7KH¿UVWRSHUDWLRQGHVFULEHGEHORZVHWVWKH5;W\SH1H[WWKHWUDQVPLWWHUDQGUHFHLYHUDUHlinked and the transmitter ID number is memorized at the receiver so that signals from oth-er transmitters will not be received. The telemetry type T-FHSS also simultaneously memorizes the ID number of the receiver at the transmitter so that data from other re-ceivers will not be received.The RX type setting and transmitter and receiver linking PHWKRGVDUHGHVFULEHGKHUH5HIHUWRWKH¿JXUHDWWKHULJKWfor the edit buttons used.1Call the MENU 1 screen from the HOME screen by moving the (JOG) button up, down, left or right. Select "RECEIVER" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and display the "RX MODE" screen by pressing the (JOG) button.2Move the cursor to "TYPE: ----" by the (JOG) button up or down operation, and select the RX type with the (+) button or (-) button.When the (JOG) button is pressed for approximately 1 second, an electronic sound is gen-erated and setting ends.4PV-Eng-06-Initl_set-P33-38.indd   34 2016/08/05   9:00:39
R304SB(Error screen)35Initial Set-Up*When using an S-FHSS(SFH) system (R2104GF, R204GF-E, etc.) receiver, after reach-ing this point set the transmitter power switch to OFF and go to "Receivers other than T-FHSS" on page 36.3Bring the transmitter and receiver to within 50cm of each other (do not allow the antennae to touch) and turn on the receiver power.4Press the T4PV transmitter’s (JOG) button up or down to move the cursor to "LINK: EXE". When the (JOG) button is pressed for approximately 1 second, "PUSH RX LINK SW" ap-pears on the screen and a 20 second countdown begins. Countdown can be canceled at any time pressing the (JOG) button up/down or left/right.5During the 20 second countdown, push up the receiver side tact switch for approximately 2 seconds. The LED will begin to blink red. After the receiver LED switches from blinking red to green - red - green steady light, the T4PV generates an electronic beeping sound, and "LINK:OK" and "COMPLETE!" appear on the screen. Reading of the mu-tual IDs ends and the memorized receiver ID number appears on T4PV screen. If an error screen appears, linking failed. Retry linking. If the transmitter and receiver are linked normally, set the power switch to the OFF position and then return it to the PWR ON position. If the re-ceiver LED lights green, linking was successful. Now check servo operation.*The T4PV and a telemetry type T-FHSS receiver (R304SB, etc.) mutually memorize the combined ID linked last at each model memory.Since the T4PV can memorize only 1 receiver ID at each model memory, multiple T-FHSS receivers cannot be used with the same model memory. When changing the receiver at the same model memory, re-link the previously linked receiver.When using multiple telemetry type T-FHSS receivers, link and combine them with each T4PV model memory.However, multiple receivers cannot be linked to multiple model memories.The telemetry function communications status can be checked at the HOME screen.4PV-Eng-06-Initl_set-P33-38.indd   35 2016/08/05   9:00:40
Telemetry function :OFF- Telemetry function :ON- Receiver ID before setting or ID mis-match.- When the receiver ID is set, before ID check in the receiver power OFF stat.- Telemetry function :ON- Receiver ID setting complete- Data receiving sensitivity display-shows that data cannot be re-ceived because it is outside the data re-ceiving range or because of the effects of an obstruction or the receiver power is OFF after receiver ID check.The reception strengthNo signal receptionHighLow Receiver -> Transmitter:   The reception strength is shown.36Initial Set-UpReceivers Other Than T-FHSS 1Bring the transmitter and the receiver close to each other, within 20 inches (half meter).2Turn on the transmitter.3Turn on the receiver.4Push the tactile switch of the receiver.When the link is complete, the LED in the receiver changes to solid green.Precaution:If there are many Futaba 2.4GHz systems (T-FHSS/ S-FHSS) turned on in close proximity to your receiver might not link to your transmitter. In this case, even if the receiver’s LED stays solid green, unfortunately the receiver might have established a link to one of other transmitters. This is very dangerous if you do not notice this situation. In order to avoid the problem, we strongly recommend you to double-check whether your receiver is really under control by your transmitter by giving the stick input and then checking the servo response.  *Please refer to the table below for LED status vs receiver's condition.  LED status vs receiver’s condition:Warning After the linking is done, please cycle receiver power and check if the receiver to be linked is re-ally under the control of your transmitter. Do not perform the linking procedure with motor’s main wire connected or the engine operating as it may result in serious injury. The telemetry ON/OFF and communication status can be checked at the HOME screen.No signal reception Red : OnReceiving signals Green: OnReceiving signals, but ID is unmatched.  Green: Blink *1 (T-FHSS ,Red : On)Unrecoverable failure (EEPROM,etc.) LED: Red and Green turn on alternately  *1: LED could be change to red during intermittently during data processing.4PV-Eng-06-Initl_set-P33-38.indd   36 2016/08/05   9:00:40
Throttle trim (DT2) Steering trim (DT1)Steering trimThrottle trimF5/B5 or F7/B35:5 7:3F5/B5 F7/B3Forward side Brake side Forward side Brake side37Initial Set-UpTrims Initial Set-Up - Steering trim (DT1) checkOn the initial set-up, steering trim is assigned to the DT1 trim lever upper right side of the steering wheel. Operate the DT1 and make sure the marker moves on the ST graph. If de-fault has been changed, test steering trim in its new location. After checking the trim, set the trim display to the center (N) position. - Throttle trim (DT2) check On the initial set-up, throttle trim is assigned to the DT2 trim lever upper left side of the steering wheel. Operate the DT2 and make sure the marker moves on the TH graph. If the default has been changed, test the throttle trim in its new location. After checking the trim, set the trim display to the center (N) position. Throttle Mode CheckThe throttle servo travel can be set to 5:5 or 7:3 for throttle trigger operation as required by the throttle mode function (page 88).4PV-Eng-06-Initl_set-P33-38.indd   37 2016/08/05   9:00:40
Throttle ATLSteering dual rateSteering dual rate trim (DT5)Throttle ATL trim (DT6)38Initial Set-Up(Set-Up Procedure When Installed In a Car) When installing the servos in a car, performing function set-up in the following order is rec-ommended. 1Perform step 1 to Trims Initial Set-Up of Preparations on the preceding page.  2Set the servo direction of operation using the Reverse function. (p.50) - The servo installation method and linkage direction depend on the kit. Therefore, the servo operation direction may have to be reversed relative to transmitter operation. Before install-ing the servo, check the operating direction and set it using the Reverse function. 3Set the subtrim and adjust the servo neutral point. (p.51) 4Set the trigger travel by adjusting the throttle trigger mechanical ATL to your liking. (p.22) - When the stroke was adjusted, compensate the throttle by adjuster function. (p.127)5Set EPA of each channel and adjust the servo throw (travel). (p.52)- Steering dual rate (DT5) check At initial set-up, steering dual rate (D/R) is assigned to the DT5 trim lever, at the grip of the transmitter. Operate the DT5 and check if the D/R value displayed on the screen changes. After checking D/R, set the steering dual rate to 100 . - Throttle ATL (DT6) check At initial set-up, throttle ATL (ATL) is assigned to the DT6 trim lever, below the DT5. Op-erate the DT6 and check if the ATL value displayed on the screen changes. After checking ATL, set throttle ATL to 100 . 4PV-Eng-06-Initl_set-P33-38.indd   38 2016/08/05   9:00:40
(+) button is press(-) button is press(END) button is press(DIR) button is press (JOG) button is press(+) button(-) button(JOG) button(JOG) button up(JOG) button down(JOG) button left(JOG) button right(JOG) button up, down, left or right PressPressPressPressPress (DISP HOME screen) (PWR HOME screen) PressPress39Function MapFunction MapOperation Of ScreenIn this instruction manual, Edit Buttons are represented by the symbols shown below.The (JOG) button can be operated in 4 directions: up, down, left, and right.Calling The Menu ScreenRefer to the map below for the method of displaying the function setting menu screen from the PWR HOME screen or DISP HOME screen and the method of returning from the menu screen to the PWR HOME screen or DISP HOME screen.4PV-Eng-07-Menu-P39-44.indd   39 2016/08/05   9:11:32
Example: Select the channel to be changed at the REVERSE screen by (JOG) button up or down operation, and set the servo direction by selecting "NOR" or "REV" with the (+) button or (-) button.Example: When changing the left side travel of the steering servo at the END POINT screen, select LFT of the STR setting item by (JOG) button up, down, left, or right operation, and set the steering servo coun-terclockwise travel with the (+) or (-) button.Pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously will default to 100.On the MENU 1 screen, move the cursor to "END POINT"    (END POINT screen)Press(JOG) button down operation(JOG) button up operationMove the cursorWhen this is displayed, the setting can also be changed by (JOG) button left or right operation.40Function MapValue Of Each Function And Changing The Set ValueValues, settings, and other data on all the function setting screens are changed with the (+) and (-) buttons.Selecting Items On The Menu ScreenThe item indicated by the reverse displayed cursor on the screen is selected.7KHFXUVRULVPRYHGE\-2*EXWWRQLQXSRUGRZQPRYHPHQWV7KHFXUVRUPRYHPHQW¿Jure shown below is an example of the MENU 1 screen. However, movement of the cursor is the same in all of the screens.For instance, if the (JOG) button is pressed when the cursor is at the end point (EPA) on the MENU 1 screen, the end point (END POINT) function setting screen appears.4PV-Eng-07-Menu-P39-44.indd   40 2016/08/05   9:11:32
On the SYSTEM screen, select MENU by scrolling the (JOG) button and select "ENG" or "" by pressing the (+) or (-) button.Call the MENU 3 screen from the HOME screen by the (JOG) but-ton up, down, left or right opera-tion and press the (+) button.On the MENU 3  screen, move the cursor to "SYSTEM" by the (JOG) button up or down opera-tion and press the button.(MENU 2 screen) (MENU 3 screen)(MENU 1 screen)(HOME screen) (MENU 3 screen) (SYSTEM screen)PressAfter changing the setting, return to the MENU 3 screen by pressing the (END) button, and return to the HOME screen by  pressing the (END) button twice.ENG(katakna)41Function MapBasic Menu Japanese Katakana Character DisplayOn the system menu, the basic menu screen shown below can be displayed in Japanese katakana characters.Changing the character 4PV-Eng-07-Menu-P39-44.indd   41 2016/08/05   9:11:32
PushPushPushPush   (EXP screen)   (Custom menu screen)   (HOME screen)42Function MapCustom MenuWith the T4PV, setting items often used can be registered as up to 8 menus. A different cus-tom menu can be created for each model memory. The custom menus can also be copied to other models by model copy function (page 47).Displaying the custom menu screensThe custom menu screens can be displayed by pressing the (DIR) button from any screen.1Call the custom menu screen by pressing the (DIR) button.2Select the setting item "MODIFY" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) and set the function to the "ACT" state.3Move the cursor and select the location to be assigned a func-tion by moving the (JOG) button up or down.Select the function to be assigned by (+) or (-) button.4When assignment is complete, return to the HOME screen by pressing the (END) or (DIR) button.Menu assignmentAll screens, including the home screenSelect the setting item "MOD-IFY" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) and set the function to the "ACT" state.4PV-Eng-07-Menu-P39-44.indd   42 2016/08/05   9:11:33
43Function MapFunction Abbreviation Description Of Function Page NoEXPSteering curve adjustment/ Throttle curve adjustment P-57SPEEDSteering servo delay/ Throttle servo delay P-60TH A.B.SPumping brake P-65TH ACCELReduces the "lag time" of the throttle from the neutral position.  P-63END POINTEnd point adjustment P-52SUBTRIM6HUYRFHQWHUSRVLWLRQ¿QHDGMXVWPHQW P-51REVERSEServo operation reversing P-50D/R ATLSteering angle adjustment while running/ Brake side adjustment P-69FAIL SAFEFail safe, battery fail safe P-55MODELModel memory call/ Model memory copy/ Model memory reset P-45RECEIVERReceiver type selection/linking with telemetry type T-FHSS system receiver P-33STR MIX Uses 2 servos to individually control the left and right steering. P-74BRAKE MIXFront and rear independent brake control for 1/5 GP car, etc. P-76GYRO MIXThe sensitivity of Futaba car rate gyros can be adjusted. P-84PROG MIXProgrammable mixing between arbitrary channels P-78DUAL ESCFront and rear ESCs mixing  P-824WS MIX4WS mixing  P-80CPS MIXThe CPS-1 of Futaba LED controller can be adjusted. P-86TH MODEThrottle servo neutral position/ Idle-Up/ Neutral brake/ Engine cut P-88CH3/CH4Channel 3 4 servos operation position set/check P-92TRIM DIALSelection of the function to be performed by digital trim (DT1-DT6) dial (DL1) P-70SWITCHSelection of the function to be performed by push switch (PS1, PS2)  P-72TELEMETRYDisplays the status during operation of each sensor unit and records the status in a data log.  P-114TLM VOICEThe Speech function. (telemetry) P-119LOGLog Setting, Start/ Stop P-120SX LINKFutaba S.BUS/S.BUS2 servo parameter setup P-93MC LINKMC851C/602C/402CR/950CR/940CR/960CR Link software setting function P-97MDL TRANSData copy from T4PV to another T4PV P-105TIMERUp, down, or lap timer P-107LAP LISTLap timer data (lap time, total time) check P-113ADJUSTRSteering wheel and throttle trigger correction P-127DIREC MDLDirect Model memory call P-44SYSTEMLCD contrast/backlight/Battery type/buzzer/power off forgotten alarm/Basic menu character display /HOME screen display modeP-123MDL SELEModel memory call P-46MDL NAMEModel memory name set/modify, user name set/modify P-49Function List4PV-Eng-07-Menu-P39-44.indd   43 2016/08/05   9:11:33
DT5LDT6LDT5RDT6R44Function MapDirect Model CallThis function enables the registered model memory to be called when you turn on the pow-er while operating DT5 or DT6, which are located on the T4PV grips.  With this function, you can call the model memory which is different from the memory at the end of the previ-ous operation without having to use the model selection function. DT5 and DT6 can be reg-istered for right and left respectively for 4 models.Press and hold digital trim(s) 5 or 6 while powering on the transmitter to select the optional models.PressPressPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 2)(CH3/CH4 screen)(MENU 3)Select"DIRC MDL"1Select the setting item "DT5L", "DT5R", "DT6L", or "DT6R" by the (JOG) button up or down operation."DT5L" :Push the DT5 trim lever to the left"DT5R" :Push the DT5 trim lever to the right"DT6L" :Push the DT6 rrim lever to the left"DT6R" :Push the DT6 trim lever to the right2Select the model memory number to be assigned by (+) or (-) button.3When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Registration method of model memory Select the setting item DT5L/DT5R, DT6L/DT6R"by the (JOG) button operation. Use the (+) or (-) and set the func-tion to the appropriate model number you wish to have pro-grammed to the switch.Display "DIRC MDL" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-07-Menu-P39-44.indd   44 2016/08/05   9:11:33
Current model # and model nameModel copy function.Model name function.ID of T-FHSS receiver linked last at this modelModel reset function.Model selection function.When a T-FHSS receiver is not linked with a model whose RX type is set to T-FHSS, (NO LINK) is displayed. When RX type is set to S-FHSS, nothing is displayed here Setting item SELECT :Model selection COPY  :Model copy RESET  :Model reset(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(MODEL screen)(MENU 1 )Select"MODEL"PressPressPress45FunctionFunctionModel  "MODEL"Model  "MODEL"Forty model data (data for 40 R/C cars) can be saved in the T4PV transmitter. This menu se-lects the model and copies data between models. Model Menu DisplayThe MENU 1 screen is displayed by moving the (JOG) button up, down, left or right at the HOME screen.Select "MODEL" by moving the (JOG) button up or down on the MENU 1 screen and press the (JOG) button to display the MODEL screen.When the (END) button is pressed from the MODEL screen, the display switches to the MENU 1 screen and can then be switched to the HOME screen by pressing the (END) but-ton from the MENU 1 screen.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   45 2016/08/05   9:35:31
  Select "MDL SELE" by (JOG) button operation and pressing the (JOG) button. Model #. 01~40   Move the cursor to select model # with the (JOG) button.    Modified model # and model name46FunctionModel Selection  "SELECT"Forty model data (model data for 40 R/C cars) can be saved in the T4PV transmitter and used when the relevant model data is called.Model  "MODEL"- Display the MODEL screen by referring to page 45.1(Display the "MDL SELE" screen)Select "MDL SELE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Press the (JOG) button to display the model select screen.Using the model select function2(Model #. selection)Select the model number by moving the (JOG) button up/down or left/right. "01" ~ "40" are dis-played.3(Model select execution)Press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. A beeping sound is generated and the model is selected.  - Model change is complete when the model number and model   name on the screen change.4When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   46 2016/08/05   9:35:31
  Model name is also copied.  "COMPLETE!" is displayed.  Move the cursor to "COPY" with the (JOG) button.Model #. 01~40  The copy destination model # with the (+) or (-) button.47FunctionModel  "MODEL"Model Copy  "COPY"The contents of the currently selected model data can be copied to another model.- Display the MODEL screen by referring to page 45.1(Selection of model copy)Select "COPY" by moving the (JOG) button up or down.Using the model copy function2(Model #. selection)Select the copy destination model number with the (+) or (-) button. "01" ~ "40" are displayed.3(Model copy execution)Press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. A beeping sound is generated and the model is selected.  -Copying is complete when "COMPLETE!" is displayed on the screen.4When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   47 2016/08/05   9:35:31
  Move the cursor to "RESET" with the (JOG) button.  "COMPLETE!" is displayed.The set RX type and T-FHSS receiver ID remain even if the model is reset. The same receiver can be used as is without re-linking.48FunctionModel  "MODEL"Using the model reset functionModel Reset  "RESET"This function resets and initializes the contents of the currently selected model data.However, the adjuster function (ADJUSTER), system setting (SYSTEM), and type of re-ceiver mode (TYPE) are not initialized.  - Display the MODEL screen by referring to page 45.1(Selection of model reset)Select "RESET" by moving the (JOG) button up or down.  2(Model reset execution)Press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. A beeping sound is generated and the model is selected.  -Resetting is complete when "COMPLETE!" is displayed on  the screen.3When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   48 2016/08/05   9:35:31
  Move the cursor to the char-acter you want to change by (+) or (-) button.  Select the character by (JOG) button.  Move the cursor to "RE-SET" by the (JOG) button up or down operation. Model nameUser nameCharacter(MDL NAME screen)  When (JOG) button left or right operation is performed from both the left and right ends of the character list, the page (all 3 pages) is changed and the character set is selected.  (KATAKANA of the 3rd page is displayed when "KANA" is set by the "SYSTEM" function "MENU".)  Move the cursor to "MDL NAME" with the (JOG) button.49FunctionModel Name "MDL NAME"Setting the model name and user nameModel Name  "MDL NAME"This function allows you to assign a ten character name to each model memory and user name.   - Display the MODEL screen by referring to page 45.1(Display the "MDL NAME" screen)Select "MDL NAME" by moving the (JOG) but-ton up or down. To display the model name screen, press the (JOG) button.2(Move the cursor to the character you want to change.)Select the model name character you want to set or change by moving the cursor by the (+) or (-) button. The selected charac-ter blinks.3(Selecting the character to be used)Move the (JOG) button up, down, left or right to select the character you want to use from the list at the bottom of the screen. The selected character blinks. Now, press the (JOG) button. The character is entered and the model name or user name character. The cursor will automatically move to the right for the next characters.Use the (JOG) button also to move the cursor to "RESET". Press the button approximately 1 second. You'll hear a beep-ing sound, which indicates that the model name has been ini-tialized into the factory settings. A beeping sound is generated and the model name is initialized to the factory setting.4When finished with setting, return to the MODEL screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   49 2016/08/05   9:35:32
Setting itemSTR  :Steering (1st channel)THR  :Throttle (2nd channel)CH3 :3rd channelCH4 :4th channel  Move the cursor to "STR, THR, CH3 and CH4" with the (JOG) button.PressPressPress(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(REVERSE screen)(MENU 1 )Select"REVERSE"Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.  Or use the jog dial left or right to set the normal, reverse op-erations.50FunctionServo Reverse "REV"However, when the position set by trim or subtrim shifts from the center, the center becomes the opposite side. Servo Reverse  "REVERSE"  (All channel)This function reverses the direction of operation of the servos related to transmitter steer-ing, throttle, and channels 3/4 operation.(Preparation)- Select the channel to be set by moving the (JOG) button up or down.1(Servo reverse setting)Use the (+) or (-) button to reverse the servo op-eration direction.NOR/REV can also be set by moving the (JOG) button left or right.  (Each channel can be set similar.)Servo reverse function settingDisplay to "REVERSE" screen using the following method:2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   50 2016/08/05   9:35:32
90°Use to adjust the neutral position   Move the cursor to "STR, THR, CH3 and CH4" with the (JOG) button.Setting itemSTR  :Steering (1st channel)THR  :Throttle (2nd channel)CH3 :3rd channelCH4 :4th channel(SUBTRIM screen)(MENU 2 ) (MENU 1 )SubtrimPress(HOME screen)(MENU 3 )PressPressSelect"SUBTRIM "Steering and throttle center trimWhen assigning DT1, DT2, or other digital trims to another function, make adjustments at this screen.51FunctionSubtrim  "SUBTRIM"Use this function to adjust the neutral position of the steering, throttle, channel 3 and channel 4 servos.(Preparation)- Set the steering and throttle digital trims to the neutral "0" posi-tion. Set CH3 and CH4 to the center "0" position. 1(Subtrim adjustment)Use the (+) or (-) button to adjust the center.  (Each channel can be set similar.)Subtrim adjustment*Subtrim adjusts the entire range of the servo in the set direction.Subtrim  "SUBTRIM"  (All channel)Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Subtrim Values STR  :L100~R100 THR  :B100~F100 CH3  :-100~+100 CH4  :-100~+100  Initial value : 0Trim Values STR  :L100~R100 THR  :B100~F100  Initial value : 0Display to "SUBTRIM" screen using the following method:2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   51 2016/08/05   9:35:33
52FunctionWarningEnd Point Adjuster  "END POINT" (All channel)Use this when performing left and right end point adjustments, throttle high side/brake side operation amount adjustment, or channel 3 and channel 4 servo up side/down side operation amount adjustment during linkage.- Correct the maximum steering angle for left and right steering angles when there is a difference in the turning radius due to the characteristics of the vehicle.The EPA function basically determines the maximum steering angle of each channel. The functions shown below may have been adjusted or the operating range set by EPA function may be exceeded. Check the linkage each time the following functions are adjust-ed.- Sub trim (all channels).................................. P51- Program mixing slave side (all channels) .....P78- Idle up (throttle) ............................................P89- Throttle off, Engine Cut (throttle)................. P91- Throttle acceleration (throttle) ......................P63Maximum steering angleATL trim allows adjustment of the brake side operation amount during operation. Therefore, when the operating angle is adjusted with throttle EPA, ATL trim must also be taken into account.ATL trimEnd Point Adjuster  "END POINT" Operate each servo over its full stroke and be sure the linkage does not bind or is not loose.The continuous application of unreasonable force to a servo may cause damage and excessive battery drain.Adjust the throttle servo so that unreasonable force is not applied when the engine carburetor is ful-ly open, fully closed, and the brakes are applied fully.If the brakes overheat while running, their ability to function properly decreases. Before running, adjust the suitable maximum servo travel so that unreasonable force is not applied even when the servo travel is increased while running.Adjust the steering servo so that unreason-able force is not applied to the servo by the chassis at maximum servo travel.Decide the EPA value at the contact point.Caution!A whining noise indicates that the steering servo is improperly set.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   52 2016/08/05   9:35:33
Setting item selection  (Steering and Throttle direction) - The direction (STR LFT and STR RGT) linked with the steering wheel is switched.- The direction (THR FWD and THR BRK) linked with the throttle trigger is switched.  Setting item (channel and direction)  STR LFT  :Steering (left side)  STR RGT  :Steering (right side)  THR FWD  :Throttle (foward side)  THR BRK  :Throttle (brake side)  CH3/CH4 UP  :3rd or 4th channel (up side)  CH3/CH4 DWN  :3rd or 4th channel (down side)(HOME screen)100(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(END POINT screen)(MENU 1 )PressPressPressSelect"END POINT"53FunctionEnd Point Adjuster  "END POINT"(Preparation)- Before setup of the steering end point adjustment (END POINT), set the steering D/R trim (initial setup: DT5) to the maximum steering angle position 100%.- Use the (JOG) button to select the setting item "RGT" and make the following adjustments: and make the following ad-justments: Or turn the steering wheel to select LFT or RGT.1Steering (left side) adjustmentTurn the steering wheel fully to the left and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the steering an-gle.2Steering (right side) adjustmentTurn the steering wheel fully to the right and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the steering angle.Steering (END POINT) adjustmentAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Steering EPA STR LFT  :0~120 STR RGT  :0~120 Initial value :100Display to "END POINT" screen using the following method:3When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   53 2016/08/05   9:35:33
(HOME screen)10054FunctionEnd Point Adjuster  "END POINT"(Preparation)- Before setting the throttle end point adjustment (END POINT), set the throttle ATL trim (initial setup: DT6) to the maximum throttle angle position 100%.- Select the setting item "FWD" by moving up or down on the (JOG) button and make the following adjustments: Or move the throttle trigger fore or aft to select FWD or REV.1Throttle (forward side) adjustmentPull the throttle trigger fully to the high side and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the throttle angle. However, when using an electronic motor speed controller (ESC), set to 100%.2Throttle (brake side/reverse side) adjustmentMove the throttle trigger fully to the brake side and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the throt-tle angle. However, when using an electronic mo-tor speed controller (ESC), set to 100%.3When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Throttle (END POINT) adjustment13rd/4th channel servo (up side) adjustmentSelect the setting item "CH3 or CH4 UP" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the 3rd or 4th channel dial fully to the up side (+ side) and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the ser-vo angle.23rd/4th channel servo (down side) adjustmentSelect the setting item "CH3 or CH4 DWN" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the 3rd or 4th channel dial fully to the up side (- side) and use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the ser-vo angle.3When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.3rd & 4th channel servo (END POINT) adjustmentAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Throttle EPA THR FWD :0~120 THR BRK  :0~120  Initial value  :100Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).3rd & 4th channel EPA CH3/CH4 UP  :0~120 CH3/CH4 DWN :0~120  Initial value   :1004PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   54 2016/08/05   9:35:34
Setting itemMODE :F/S mode selectionPOSI  :F/S positon set B-FS  :B-FS set (throttle only)VOLT  :B-FS voltage set (throttle only)(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(FAIL SAFE screen)(MENU 1 )PressPressPressSelect"FAIL SAFE"55FunctionFail Safe Function  "FAIL SAFE"Fail Safe Function  "FAIL SAFE"  (All channel)Fail Safe Mode (F/S)This function moves each servo to a preset position when the receiver cannot receive the signals from the transmitter for some reason.-The fail safe data is transferred from the transmitter to the receiver 10 seconds after the transmitter power was turned on. The GDWDLVWUDQVIHUUHGHYHU\VHFRQGVDIWHUWKDW%HFDUHIXOEHFDXVHQRUPDOO\WKHWUDQVPLWWHUSRZHULVWXUQHGRQ¿UVWDQGWKHUHceiver power is turned on next and the data is transferred for approximately 10 seconds after the receiver power is turned on.-For GP cars, for safety we recommend that this fail safe function be used to set the throttle channel in the direction in which the brakes are applied.Hold mode (HOLD)This function holds the receiver in its position immediately before reception was lost. It is the T-FHSS type (R304SB...etc) and the S-FHSS type (R2104GF...etc) receiver only func-tion. Off mode (OFF)This function stops output of signals to the servos and places the servos into the free state when the receiver cannot receive.The F/S, HOLD, and OFF modes are automatically reset when signals from the transmitter can be received again.Battery fail safe function (B-FS)If the receiver battery voltage drops below a certain value when this function is enabled, the throttle servo moves to the position set by fail safe function. When the battery voltage re-covers, the battery fail safe function is automatically reset.-This function cannot be used when the throttle (TH) is not set to fail safe (F/S).Display to "FAIL SAFE" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   55 2016/08/05   9:35:34
FAIL SAFE screenBattery fail safe function OFF, ACT  Initial value: OFFSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.B-F/S Voltage  3.8, 4.0, 4.2, 4.4, 4.6, 4.8, 5.0, 5.3, 5.6, 5.9, 6.2, 6.5, 6.8, 7.1, 7.4(V)  Initial value 3.8vSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Example:Ni-MH /Ni-Cd 4cell---3.8VNi-MH /Ni-Cd 6cell---4.4VLiFe 2cell---4.8VLi-Po 2cell---5.6V56FunctionFail Safe Function  "FAIL SAFE"(Preparation)- Select the channels "MODE" to be set by moving the (JOG) button up, down, left or right. 1(Mode selection)Select the mode by (+) or (-) button.(Each channel can be individually set.)2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.When setting fail safe, set the servo position by the following method.Fail safe mode selection(Preparation)- Select the setting item by moving the (JOG) button up or down. For Battery F/S function select "OFF" or "ACT" of "B-FS".   For voltage setting, select VOLT. (This applies to the T-FHSS system only. )  The S-FHSS system is fi xed at 3.8v.1(Battery fail safe function ACT/OFF)The battery fail safe function ACT/OFF and volt-age setting which activates the B-FS function can be switched by (+) or (-) button.Battery fail safe function ON/OFF1(Servo position setup)When the fail safe function operates, select the setting item "POSI" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. The steer-ing wheel, the throttle trigger or 3rd, 4th channel dial remains in the desired operation position. When the (JOG) button is pressed for approximately 1 second, the servo position is dis-played and you can confi rm that the function was set.  (Each channel can be set similar.)2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Fail safe function setupF/S position setup button- The (JOG) button is pressed for approximately 1 second.F/S mode selection- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.F/S mode  OFF, HOLD, F/S2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   56 2016/08/05   9:35:34
+1 ~ +100-1 ~ -100Wheel operationMild(Negative side)Quick(Positive side)Wheel operationServo travel  Vertical cursor moves in step with steering wheel operation.Select"EXP"(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(EXP screen)(MENU 1 )PressPressPress57FunctionExponential Adjustment  "EXP"Exponential Adjustment  "EXP"  (Steering/ Throttle system)This function is used to change the sensitivity of the servo around the neutral position.Display to "EXP" screen using the following method:(Preparation)- On the EXP screen, select the setting item "STR" by moving the (JOG) button up or down.1When you want to quicker steering operation, use the (+) button to adjust the + side. When you want to make steering operation milder, use the (-) button to adjust the - side.Steering EXP adjustmentWhen the setting is not determined, or the characteristics of the model are unknown, start with 0 . (When EXP is set to 0 , servo movement is linear.) STR (Steering EXP)This function is used to change the sensitivity of the steer-ing servo and around the neutral position. It has no effect on the maximum servo travel. Racers Tip Adjustment range -100~0~+100Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Setting itemSTR :Steering FWD  :Throttle forward sideBRK  :Throttle brake/ reverse side4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   57 2016/08/05   9:35:34
0Normal+1 ~ +100Trigger operationQuick-1 ~ -100MildServo travelVertical cursor moves in step with throttle trigger operation.58FunctionExponential Adjustment  "EXP"FWD (Throttle Forward Side EXP)/ BRK (Throttle Brake Side EXP)This function makes the throttle forward side and brake side direction servo operation quicker or milder. It has no effect on the servo maximum operation amount.When the course conditions are good and the surface has good grip, set each curve to the + side (quick side). When the road surface is slippery and the drive wheels do not grip it, set each curve to the - minus (mild) side.AdviceAdjustment range-100 ~ 0 ~ +100%Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).(Preparation)- On the EXP screen make the following adjustments:1Select the setting item "FWD" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) button to adjust for a faster throttle response or use the (-) button for a slower or milder throttle response.Throttle forward side EXP adjustment2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   58 2016/08/05   9:35:34
0Normal+1 ~ +100Trigger operationQuick-1 ~ -100MildServo travelVertical cursor moves in step with throttle trigger operation.59FunctionExponential Adjustment  "EXP"(Preparation)- On the EXP screen make the following adjustments:1Select the setting item "BRK" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) button to adjust for a faster brake response or use the (-) button for a slower or milder brake response.Throttle brake side EXP adjustmentAdjustment range-100 ~ 0 ~ +100%Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).The steering and throttle EXP adjustment (RATE) can be controlled with digital dial or digital trim. With the function select trim dial function (See page 70). Dial / Trim Setting 2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   59 2016/08/05   9:35:34
Without "SPEED" With "SPEED"UndersteeringSmooth corneringSpinSelect"SPEED"(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(SPEED screen)(MENU 1 )PressPressPressTURNTURNRETNRETN60FunctionServo Speed "SPEED"- The steering speed when the steering wheel is operated (TURN direction) and returned (RETN direction) can be inde-pendently set. - If the steering wheel is turned slower than the set speed, the steering servo is not affected. OperationServo Speed "SPEED"  (Steering system)This function limits the maximum speed of the steering servo (Delay function). Display to "SPEED" screen using the following method:STR (Steering Speed)uick steering operation will cause momentary understeering, loss of speed, or spin-ning. This function is effective in such cases. Setting itemSTR TURN  :Steering turn side STR RETN  :Steering return sideTHR TURN  :Throttle turn side4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   60 2016/08/05   9:35:35
TURNTURNRETNRETN61Function(Preparation)- On the SPEED screen make the following adjustments:1"TURN" direction adjustmentOn the SPEED screen, select the setting item STR "TURN" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the delay amount. Steering Speed adjustment100%1%Servo operation is delayed.100%1%Servo operation is delayed.- On road TURN side: Approx. 50 80  RETURN side: Approx. 60 100  - Off road TURN side: Approx. 70 100  RETURN side: Approx. 80 100  Setting example (Steering servo: BLS451 / BLS351) . . . (Setting criteria) Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Adjustment  range  1~100% (each direction)  At 100%, there is no delay. Adjustment  range  1~100% (each direction)  At 100%, there is no delay. Servo Speed "SPEED"2"RETN" direction adjustmentSelect the setting item STR "RETN" by moving the (JOG) but-ton up or down. Use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the delay amount.3When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.The steering speed adjustment "TURN" and "RETN" can be controlled with digital dial or digital trim. With the function select trim dial function (See page 70).Dial / Trim Setting 4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   61 2016/08/05   9:35:35
high neutralWith "SPEED": Quick start without skiddingWithout  "SPEED": Slow start due to skidding62FunctionServo Speed "SPEED"(Preparation)- On the SPEED screen make the following adjustments:1 (Delay adjustment)On the SPEED screen, select the setting item THR "TURN" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) buttons to adjust the de-lay amount.Throttle Speed adjustmentAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).The throttle speed adjustment can be controlled with digital dial or digital trim. With the function select trim dial function (See page 70).Dial / Trim Setting -Throttle servo (ESC) operation is delayed so that the drive wheels will not spin even if the throttle trigger is operated more than necessary. This delay function is not performed when the throttle trigger is returned and at brake operation.OperationTHR (Throttle Speed)Sudden throttle trigger operation on a slippery road causes the wheels to spin and the vehicle cannot accelerate smoothly. Setting the throttle speed function reduces wasteful battery consump-tion while at the same time permitting smooth, enjoyable operation.100%1%Servo operation is delayed.Adjustment  range 1~100%   At 100%, there is no delay. 2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   62 2016/08/05   9:35:35
(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(TH ACCEL screen)(MENU 1 )PressPressPressSelect"TH ACCEL"63FunctionThrottle Acceleration  "TH ACCEL"FWRD BRAKEServo travel0%50%100%0%50%100%- Operation near the throt-tle trigger neutral position becomes a sharp rise.- The forward and brake sides can be set separately.OperationThrottle Acceleration  "TH ACCEL"  (Throttle system)The servo will jump to the input position at its maximum possible speed. Unlike exponen-tial, which adjusts the whole throttle movement into a curve, throttle acceleration simply "jumps" away from neutral and then leaves the remaining response linear.The standard value (100  point) of this setup affects the operation amount set by throttle EPA function.Set valueCaburetorBrake sideServo hornClearanceFor nitro powered cars, the linkage must have a clearance because one servo controls the engine carburetor and brake. Thus, there is a noticeable time delay at both the forward and brake sides. Sharp response comparable to that of electric mo-tor cars is obtained by reducing this clearance at the transmitter side.Convenient usage methodDisplay to "TH ACCEL" screen using the following method:Setup itemFWR RATE  :Forward side accelerationBRA RATE   :Brake side acceleration4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   63 2016/08/05   9:35:36
64FunctionThrottle Acceleration  "TH ACCEL"(Preparation)- On the TH ACCEL screen make the following adjustments:1(Forward acceleration amount adjustment)Select the setting item FWD "RATE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the acceleration amount."0" :No acceleration."100"  :Maximum acceleration (Approximately 1/2 of the forward side throttle angle).2(Brake side acceleration amount adjustment)Select the setting item BRK "RATE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the acceleration amount."0" :No acceleration."100"  :Maximum acceleration (Brake side maximum throttle angle).4When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Throttle acceleration adjustmentThe throttle acceleration adjustment amount (FWD), (BRK) can be controlled with digital dial or digital trim. With the function select trim dial function (See page 70).Dial / Trim Setting Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Forward acceleration amount (FWD) 0~100  Initial value: 0Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Brake side acceleration amount (BRK) 0~100  Initial value: 04PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   64 2016/08/05   9:35:36
With A.B.S.Without A.B.S.ABSServo travelTrigger operationAB.P(Amount of brake return)TG.P (Trigger point)CYCL (Cycle)DUTY (duty): X and Y ratioX: (Brake application time)Y: (Brake return time)(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(TH A.B.S screen)(MENU 1 )PressPressPressSelect"TH A.B.S"65Function- AB.P : Amount of brake returnSets the rate at which the servo re-turns versus trigger operation for brake release. When set to 0 , the ABS function is not performed. When set to 50 , the servo returns 50  (1/2) of the trigger operation amount and when set to 100 , the servo returns to the neutral posi-tion.A.B.S. Function  "TH A.B.S"- When the brakes are applied, the throttle servo will pulse intermittently. This will have the same effect as pumping the brakes in a full size car. - The brake return amount, delay amount, pulse cycle, and brake duty can be adjusted. OperationA.B.S. Function  "TH A.B.S"  (Throttle system)When the brakes are applied while cornering with a 4 Wheel Drive or other type of vehicle, understeer may occur. Understeer can be elimi-nated and corners can be smoothly cleared by using this function. During ABS operation, the LED blinks.Operation displayDisplay "TH A.B.S" screen using the following method:Setup itemsMODE  : Function ON/OffAB.P  : Brake return amountDELY  : Delay amountCYCL  : Cycle speedTG.P : Trigger pointDUTY  : Cycle duty ratio4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   65 2016/08/05   9:35:36
AB.P(Amount of brake return)AB.PServo travel66FunctionA.B.S. Function  "TH A.B.S"- DELY : DelaySets the delay from brake operation to ABS operation. When set to 0 , the ABS function is activated without any delay. At 50 , the ABS function is activated after a delay of ap-proximately 1 second and at 100 , the ABS function is activated after a delay of approxi-mately 2 seconds.- CYCL : Cycle speedSets the pulse speed (cycle). The smaller the set value, the faster the pulse cycle.- TG.P : Trigger  pointSets the trigger point at which the ABS function begins to operate at brake operation.- DUTY : Cycle duty ratioSets the proportion of the time the brakes are applied and the time the brakes are released by pulse operation. The ratio can be set to HIGH, MID or LOW.- MODE : Function ON/OFFABS function ON/OFF setting. When using the ABS function, set to "ACT (ON)".1(Function ON/OFF)Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the function to the active state by pressing the (+) or (-) button."INH(OFF)":Function OFF."ACT(ON)":Function ON."ACT(OFF)":Switch OFF when setting switches.2(Brake return amount adjustment)Select the setting item "AB.P" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button to adjust the return amount."0":No return."50":Return to the 50  position of the brake operation amount."100":Return to the neutral position.3(Delay amount setup)Select the setting item "DELY" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button to adjust the delay amount."0":A.B.S. function performed without any delay."50":A.B.S function performed after an approximate 1 sec delay."100":A.B.S. function performed after an approximate 2 secs delay.A.B.S function adjustment- Brake return amount (AB.P) is influenced by the "EXP" rate on the brake side. Delay amount (DELY)0 ~ 100Initial value: 0Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Brake return amount (AB.P)0 ~ 50 ~ 100Initial value: 50Function ON/OFF (MODE)INH (OFF), ACT (ON,OFF)Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   66 2016/08/05   9:35:36
CYCLServo travelCYCL (Cycle)Cycle speed (CYCL)1 ~  30Initial value: 10DUTYServo travelDUTY (duty): X and Y ratioX: (Brake application time)Y: (Brake return time)Duty ratio (DUTY)LOW - MID - HIGHInitial value: MIDAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Trigger point (TG.P)10 ~  100Initial value: 30Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Servo travelTG.PTG.P(Trigger point)TGPBrake sideNeutral67FunctionAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).A.B.S. Function  "TH A.B.S"Use PS1 or PS2 to switch the A.B.S. function ON/OFF. See the function select switch function (See page 72).Switch settingThe brake return amount (AB.P), delay amount (DELY) and cycle (CYCL) can be con-trolled with digital dial or digital trim, with the function trim dial (See page 70). Dial / Trim Setting 4(Cycle speed adjustment)Select setting item "CYCL" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button to adjust the pulse speed (cycle).- The smaller the set value, the faster the pulse speed.5(Trigger point setup)Select setting item "TG.P" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button to adjust the operation point.- Sets the throttle trigger position at which the A.B.S. function is performed. The num-ber is the   display with the full brake position made 100.6(Cycle duty ratio setup)Select setting item "DUTY" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button to select the duty ratio."LOW" %UDNHDSSOLFDWLRQWLPHEHFRPHVVKRUWHVW%UDNHVORFNZLWKGLI¿FXOW\"HIGH":Brake application time becomes longest (Brakes lock easily).(Remark) For low grip, set at the LOW side and for high grip, set at the HIGH side.7When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   67 2016/08/05   9:35:36
68FunctionA.B.S. Function  "TH A.B.S"When the T4PV is used with the Futaba fail safe unit (FSU), it will operate as de-scribed below. However, FSU cannot be used in the high speed mode.- When the FSU is connected to the throttle channel, and the A.B.S. function has been DFWLYDWHGWKH)68/('ZLOOÀDVKHDFKWLPHWKHVHUYRRSHUDWHV7KHUHDVRQIRUWKLVLVthat the FSU responds to sudden data changes caused by A.B.S. function pumping op-eration. It does not mean that the fail safe function is activated. The servo will not be affected. Fail Safe Unit- Basic settingAB.P: Approx. 30  (If this value is too high, the braking distance will increase.)CYCL: 5 7DUTY:  (When grip is low: LOW side, when grip is high: HIGH side)DELY: 10 15TG.P: Approx. 70- When the wheels lock, or the car spins, when the brakes are applied fullyAB.P: Increase from 30DUTY: Shift  to "LOW" sideDELY: Reduce the delay - When the braking effect is poor and the braking distance is long when the brakes are applied fullyAB.P: Decrease from 30DUTY: Shift  to "HIGH" sideDELY: Increase the delayExample of A.B.S. function setting when S9352HV used (There will be a slight difference depending on the state of the linkage.) ABS can be independently set for the brakes which are controlled by the 3rd CH and 4th CH by using the brake mixing (BRAKE MIX) function described on page 74. For more information, read the brake mixing (BRAKE MIX) item.1/5 scale car and other independent brakes and ABS4PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   68 2016/08/05   9:35:36
(HOME screen) (MENU 2 )(MENU 3 )(D/R ATL screen)(MENU 1 )PressPressPressSelect"D/R" ATL69FunctionSteering Dual Rate/ Throttle ATL "D/R ATL"Steering Dual Rate/ Throttle ATL "D/R ATL" D/R (Steering dual rate)The steering left and right servo travels are adjusted simultaneously. This setting is linked to transmitter grip trim lever DT5. When DT5 is assigned another function, dual rate can be adjusted with this screen.ATL (Throttle ATL)This function decreases the set value when the braking effect is strong and increases the set value when the braking effect is weak. This function is linked to transmitter grip trim lever DT6. When DT6 is assigned another function, this function can be set with this screen.Display "D/R ATL" screen using the following method:1(Dual rate adjustment)Select the setting item ST-D/R "RATE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Adjust the servo travel with the (+) and (-) buttons.2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.1(Brake amount adjustment)Select the setting item TH-ATL "RATE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Adjust the servo travel with the (+) and (-) buttons.2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Dual rate adjustmentATL function adjustmentAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).D/R rate (RATE)0~100%Initial value: 100ATL rate (RATE)0~100%Initial value: 1004PV-Eng-08-1-Function-P45-69.indd   69 2016/08/05   9:35:36
*Function selection*Step amount set-ting*Direction of oper-ation setting(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(TRIM DIAL screen)(MENU 2)PressPressPressSelect"TRIM DIAL"70FunctionFunction Select Trim Dial  "TRIM DIAL"Select TRIM Dial Function  "TRIM DIAL"Selection of the function to be performed by trims and dial (DT1, DT2, DT3, DT4, DT5, DT6, DL1).-The functions that can be assigned to dial  and digital trim are listed on the next page.-  The dial and digital trim step amount can be adjusted (The relationship between set value and step amount is shown in the table on the next page.).-  The operation direction can be reversed (NOR/REV).1 (Setting trim/dial selection)Select the trim or dial you want to set by moving the (JOG) button up or down. 2 (Function setting)Select the function with the (+) or (-) button. - Refer to the list on the next page for the abbreviations of the functions.(Step amount setting)Select the step amount you want to set by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button to set the step amount.- Refer to the next page for the relationship between set value and step amount.(Changing the direction of operation)Select the direction of operation you want to set by mov-ing the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button to trim/dial the direction.3When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Function select trim/dial setting Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Display "TRIM DIAL" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   70 2016/08/05   9:41:36
DT2 DT1 DL1DT3 DT5 DT6DT471Function(Setting range: 1~10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 2P)-Steering trim/throttle trimWhen set to the minimum "1", the total trim operating width is 200 clicks. For "100", the total operating width is 2 clicks and for 2P, the total operating width is 1 click.-Rate, etc. settingThis is the % value which is operated by 1 click relative to the set value of each rate. Since the total operating width of functions having a rate of -100~0~+100 is 200%, when set to "100", the total operating width is 2 clicks. Since the total operating width of func-tions with a 0~100 rate is 100%, "100" and 2P are operated by 1 click.-Channel 3/4When set to the minimum "1", the total op-erating width of channel 3 is 200 clicks. For "100", the total operating with is 2 clicks and 2P is operated by 1 click.Relationship between set value and step amountFunction Select Trim Dial  "TRIM DIAL"Abbreviation used on setup screenFunction name, etcD/R Dual rate functionATL ATL functionEXP-ST Steering EXPEXP-FW Throttle EXP (Forward side)EXP-BK Throttle EXP (Brake side)SPD-TN Steering speed (Turn side)SPD-RN Steering speed (Return side)ABS.PS A.B.S. function (Return amount)ABS.DL A.B.S. function (Delay)CYCLE A.B.S. function (cycle speed)ACC-FW Throttle acceleration (Forward side)ACC-BK Throttle acceleration (Brake side)TH-SPD Throttle speed ST-TRM Steering trimTH-TRM Throttle trimCH3 Channel 3CH4 Channel 4SUBTR1 Sub trim (CH1)SUBTR2 Sub trim (CH2)SUBTR3 Sub trim (CH3)SUBTR4 Sub trim (CH4)IDLE Idle up functionESC-RT Dual ESC mixing (4ch ESC rate)TH-OFF Throttle off (engine cut)PMX-A Program mixing       (RGHT/BRAK/DOWN sides)PMX-B Program mixing       (LEFT/FWRD/UP sides)BK3-RT Brake mixing (3ch brake rate)BK4-RT Brake mixing (4th brake rate)4WS-RT 4WS mixing (3ch steering rate)ESC-MD Dual ESC mixing (Drive mode select)GYRO Gyro mixing (Gain rate)ACKMAN Ackermann mixing (ackermann rate)OFF Not usedSet table functions (DL1, DT1/DT2/DT3/DT4/DT5/DT6)4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   71 2016/08/05   9:41:36
PressPressPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(SWITCH screen)(MENU 2)Select"SWITCH"*Function selectionPS1 ON/OFF directionPS2 alternate operation72FunctionFunction Select Switch  "SWITCH"Select Switch Function  "SWITCH"Selection of the function to be performed by the switches (PS1, PS2).-  PS2 alternate operation (operation which switches between ON and OFF each time the switch is pressed) is possible.NOR (Normal) -ON only while pressed, OFF when released.ALT (Alternate) -Switched between ON and OFF each time pressed.-  PS1 ON/OFF direction can be reversed (NOR/REV).1 (Setting switch selection)Select the switch you want to set by moving the (JOG) button up or down.2  (Function setting)Select the function with the (+) or (-) button.- Refer to the list on the next page for the abbreviations of the functions.(Changing the PS1 operation direction)Select "DIRECTION" of "PS1" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select REV or NOR with the (+) or (-) button.(Changing the PS2 operation system)Select "DIRECTION" of "PS2" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select ALT or NOR with the (+) or (-) button.Function select switch settingDisplay "SWITCH" screen using the following method:Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.3When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   72 2016/08/05   9:41:37
PS1PS273FunctionFunction Select Switch  "SWITCH"Abbreviation used on setup screenFunction name, etcNT-BRK Neutral brake function ON/OFFABS A.B.S function ON/OFFIDLE Idle up function ON/OFFPRGMIX Program mixing function ON/OFFTH-OFF Throttle off (engine cut) function ON/OFFCH3 channel 3CH4 channel 4GYRO Switching GYRO mode4WS 4WS mixing type selectTIMER Timer function start/stopLOGGER Telemetry log start/stopOFF Not usedSet table functions (PS2)Abbreviation used on setup screenFunction name, etcNT-BRK Neutral brake function ON/OFFABS A.B.S function ON/OFFIDLE Idle up function ON/OFFPRGMIX Program mixing function ON/OFFTH-OFF Throttle off (engine cut) function ON/OFFCH3 channel 3CH4 channel 4GYRO Switching GYRO modeOFF Not usedSet table functions (PS1)4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   73 2016/08/05   9:41:37
4CH or 1CH1CH or 4CHPressPressPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(STR-MIX screen)(MENU 2)Select"STR MIX "74FunctionSteering Mixing  "STR MIX"  (Steering, 4th channel system)This mixing function uses 2 servos to individually control the left and right steering. Left and right steering can be set independently so smooth cornering is possible.The right side steering servo or the left side steering servo connects to receiver CH1 and the other side connects to receiver CH4. The channel to which the left and right servo connects LVQRWVSHFL¿HG$IWHUWKHOHIWDQGULJKWVHUYRVDUHDGMXVWHGLQGLYLGXDOO\$FNHUPDQFDQDOVREHDGMXVWHGE\$FNHUPDQUDWHSteering Mixing  "STR MIX"When the 4th CH is set to ACT by BRAKE MIX (p.76), or when DUAL ESC (p.82) and CPS MIX (p.86) are used, this steering mixing function cannot be used.Setting Special mixings Display "STR MIX" screen using the following method:Setup itemsMODE :Function ON/OFFSTR1 LFT  :Steering 1  Left sideSTR1 RGT :Steering 1  Right sideSTR2 LFT  :Steering 2  Left sideSTR2 RGT :Steering 2  Right side4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   74 2016/08/05   9:41:37
75FunctionSteering Mixing  "STR MIX"1 (Steering mixing function ON/OFF)Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the function by pressing the (+) or (-) button."INH": Function OFF."ACT": Function ON.- When "(ESC INH)" is displayed, the STR MIX cannot be used if the DUAL ESC function is not set to "INH".- When "(CPS INH)" is displayed, the STR MIX cannot be used if the CPS function is not set to "INH".- When "(BRK4 INH)" is displayed, the STR MIX cannot be used if the BRAKE MIX (CH4) function is not set to "INH".2(Steering 1 rate)Select the setting item STR 1 "LFT" or "RGT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Adjust the left and right steering amounts using the (+) or (-) button.3(Steering 2 rate)Select the setting item STR 2 "LFT" or "RGT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Adjust the left and right steering amounts using the (+) or (-) button.4(Ackerman adjustment)Select the setting item "ACKERMANN" rate by moving the (JOG) button up or down.Adjust the left and right differential amount and adjust the Ack-erman by (+) and (-) button.5When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Steering mixing adjustment$FNHUPDQUDWHFDQEHFRQWUROOHGZLWKGLJLWDOGLDORUGLJLWDOWULPXVLQJWKHIXQFWLRQVH-lect trim dial function (See page 70). Dial / Trim Setting Function ON/OFF (MODE)INH, ACTSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Sterring 1 rate (STR 1 LFT,RGT)0 ~ 120 Initial value:100Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Sterring 2 rate (STR 2 LFT,RGT)0 ~ 120 Initial value:100Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Ackerman rate-100 ~ 0 ~ +100 Initial value:04PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   75 2016/08/05   9:41:37
Setup item<CH3>MODE  : Brake function ON/OFFRATE  : Brake rateDELY  : Delay amountABS  : ABS. function ON/OFF<CH4>MODE  : Brake function ON/OFFRATE  : Brake rateDELY  : Delay amountABS  : ABS. function ON/OFF<CH2>DELY  : Delay amountPressPressPressSelect"BRAKE MIX"(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(BRAKE MIX screen)(MENU 2)76FunctionBrake Mixing  "BRAKE MIX"  (Throttle, 3rd /4th channel system)7KLVIXQFWLRQLVXVHGZKHQWKHIURQWDQGUHDUEUDNHVPXVWEHDGMXVWHGLQGHSHQGHQWO\VXFKDVRQDVFDOH*3FDU7KLVPL[LQJXVHVWKHQG&+IRUWKHUHDUEUDNHVDQGWKHUGRUWK&+IRUWKHIURQWEUDNHVRUFRQWUROVWKHIURQWEUDNHVZLWKWKHUG&+DQGWK&+VHUYRVRUFRQWUROVWKHQG&+E\LQGHSHQGHQWWKURWWOHDQGFRQWUROVWKHUHDUDQGIURQWEUDNHVZLWKWKH3rd CH and 4th CH. :KHQEUDNLQJPL[LQJLVDSSOLHGWRQG&+ 3rd CH, 4th CH.UG&+DQGWK&+EUDNHDPRXQWQG&+UG&+DQGWK&+EUDNHGHOD\DQGUG&+DQGWK&+EUDNH$%6FDQEHVHWOperationThe ABS function can be used independently at the CH3 and CH4 sides even when the CH2 side ABS function is OFF. The amount of pumping speed (CYCL), operation point (TG.P), and duty ratio (DUTY) can be set in common with the CH2 side ABS IXQFWLRQ&+DQG&+EUDNHUHWXUQ$%3LV¿[HGDWCH3/4 brake ABS function3CH3CH 4CH2CH2CHor4CHFront BrakeRear BrakeBrake Mixing  "BRAKE"Display "BRAKE MIX" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   76 2016/08/05   9:41:38
77FunctionBrake Mixing  "BRAKE"1 (Brake mixing function ON/OFF)Select the setting item "MODE" of <CH3> for CH3 brake and "MODE" of <CH4> for CH 4 brake by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) or (-) buttons to set the function to the "ACT" state."INH": Function OFF."ACT": Function ON.- When "(4WS OFF)"LVGLVSOD\HGEHORZ&+!$%6WKH&+EUDNHFDQQRWEHXVHGif the 4WS function is not set to "OFF".- When "(ESC INH)"LVGLVSOD\HGXQGHU&+!$%6WKH&+EUDNHFDQQRWEHXVHGif the DUAL ESC function is not set to "INH".- When "(SMX INH)"LVGLVSOD\HGXQGHU&+!$%6WKH&+EUDNHFDQQRWEHXVHGif the STR MIX function is not set to "INH".2(Brake rate)Moving the (JOG) button up or down, select "RATE" of <CH3> for CH3 brake and "RATE" of <CH4> for CH 4 brake, and use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the Brake rate amount.3(Delay amount setup)Moving the (JOG) button up or down, select "DELY" of <CH3> for CH3 brake, "DELY" of <CH4> for CH 4 brake and "DELY" of <CH2> for CH 2 brake. Use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the delay amount."0": No delay."100": Maximum delay amount.4(3rd & 4th channels brake-A.B.S ON/OFF)Moving the (JOG) button up or down, select "ABS" of <CH3> for CH3 brake and "ABS" of <CH4> for CH 4 brake.Use the (+) or (-) key and set the function to the "ACT" state.5When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Brake mixing adjustmentAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Brake rate (RATE)0 ~ 100 Initial value:100Delay amount (DELY)(CH3) 0 ~ 100(CH4) 0 ~ 100(CH2) 0 ~ 100Initial value:0Function ON/OFF (MODE)INH, ACTFunction ON/OFF (ABS)INH, ACT7KHIXQFWLRQVHOHFWGLDOIXQFWLRQFDQFRQWUROWKHUGWKFKDQQHOVEUDNHUDWH5$7(can be controlled with digital dial or digital trim, using the function select trim dial function (See page 70). Dial / Trim Setting ,QRUGHUWRXVH&+RIWKHEUDNHPL[LQJIXQFWLRQLWLVQHFHVVDU\WRVHW:6Sand Gyro MIX (p.84) to the "INH" setting. In order to use 4CH, it is necessary to set STR MIX (p.74), Dual ESC (p.82) and CPS MIX (p.86) to the "INH" setting.Setting Special Mixes Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   77 2016/08/05   9:41:38
(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(PROG MIX screen)(MENU 2)PressPressPressSelect"PROG MIX "78FunctionProgrammable Mixing  "PROG MIX"This function allows you to apply mixing between steering, throttle, channel 3 and channel 4.-When the steering or throttle channel is the master channel (channel that applies mix-ing), trim data can be added (Trim mode).- The mixing mode selection (Master mixing mode).    Relating functionsteering  :EPA, STR EXP, D/R, SPEED, 4WSthrottle  :EPA, THR EXP, ATL, ABS, SPEED, BRAKE MIX, NT-BRK, ESC MIX, TH ACCELCH3  :EPA, BRAKE MIX, 4WSCH4  :EPA, BRAKE MIX, ESC MIXAdditional Functions The movement of the master channel side will be added to the movement of the slave channel side.Movement of the slave channel sideProgrammable Mixing "PROG MIX"  (All channels)Function SW PROGMIXProgram mixing adjustment(Preparation)- When "PROG MIX" is turned ON and OFF by switch, set the switch by select switch function (p.72).1 (Mixing function ON/OFF)Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) and set the function to the "ON" or "OFF" state."INH" : Function OFF."ON"   : Function ON. When the switch is OFF, "OFF" is displayed.Display "PROG MIX" screen using the following method:Function ON/OFF (MODE) INH,ON (OFF) Setup itemsMODE  : Function ON/OFFLEFT  : Mixing rate (Left side)RGHT  : Mixing rate (Right side)MST  : Master channelSLV  : Slave channelMXMD  : Mix modeTRIM : Trim modeSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   78 2016/08/05   9:41:38
These setup items are different depending on the master channel.  Upper side  : LEFT/FWRD/UP  Lower side  : RGHT/BRAK/DOWNProgram mixing function 79FunctionProgrammable Mixing  "PROG MIX"Mixing amount -120~0~+120  Initial value: +100Channel selection (MST)  STR, THR, CH3, CH4  Initial value: STRChannel selection (SLV)  STR, THR, CH3, CH4  Initial value: CH3Mixing mode (MXD) OFF, ON  Initial value: OFFMixing amount -120~0~+120  Initial value: +100Trim mode (TRIM) OFF, ON  Initial value: OFF2(Master channel)Select setup item "MST" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and select the master channel by pressing the (+) or (-) button.When the program mixing function ON/OFF by switch, use the function select switch function (see page 72). Mixing rate (RATE) can be controlled with digital dial or digi-tal trim, using the function select trim dial function (see page 70).Switch / Dial / Trim Setting 3(Slave channel)Select setup item "SLV" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and select the slave channel by pressing the (+) or (-) button.4 (Upper side mixing amount adjustment)Select the setting item upper side (See an upper fi gure) by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) but-ton and adjust the upper side mixing amount.5 (Lower side mixing amount adjustment)Select the setting item lower side (See an upper fi gure) by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) but-ton and adjust the lower side mixing amount.6(Mixing mode setup)Select setup item "MXMD" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) or (-) button to select the mixing mode."OFF"  :Mixing proportional to master channel operation."MIX"  :Mixing by master channel another function considered.7(Trim mode setup)Select setup item "TRIM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) or (-) button to select the mixing mode."OFF"  :Trim is removed."ON"  :Trim is added.8When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   79 2016/08/05   9:41:38
Front side only(4WS OFF)Same phase Reverse phase Rear side onlySelect"4WS "(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(4WS screen)(MENU 2)PressPressPress80FunctionThis function can be used with crawlers and other 4WS type vehicles. It is mixing which uses the 1st CH to control the front side steering and the 3rd CH to control the rear side steering.OFF (front side only), reverse phase, same phase, rear side only and other 4WS type switch-ing is used by selecting PS2 with the function select switch function (p.72). If not selected, NO SW  is displayed. Therefore, select PS2.4WS Mixing "4WS" (Steering, 3rd channel system)Setup items MODE :4WS Type RATE :3ch rate (Rear side) MXMD :Mix mode4WS Mixing "4WS"(Preparation)Since this function is used by switching the type of 4WS with a switch (PS2), the switch used by the function select switch function (page 72) is set. 4WS mixing adjustment:KHQWKHUG&+ZDVVHWWR$&7DW%UDNH0L[LQJSRUZKHQ*\UR0L[LQJSis used, 4WS Mixing cannot be used.Setting Special MixesDisplay "4WS" screen using the following method:Function SW 4WS4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   80 2016/08/05   9:41:38
  The function select switch screen (p.72) can be dis-played from this screen.< NO SW >Displayed when the 4WS type SW is not used.81Function4WS Mixing "4WS"1(4WS type selection)Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) and set the function to the "ON" or "OFF" state."INH"  :Function OFF (front only)."2TYP"  :Front side only, reverse phase switching."3TYP" :Front side only, reverse phase and same phase switching."4TYP"  :Front side only, reverse phase, same phase, and rear side only switching.- When "(GYRO MIX ACT →INH)" is displayed, the 4WS cannot be used if the GY-RO MIX function is not set to "INH".- When "(BRAKE CH3 ACT →INH)" is displayed, the 4WS cannot be used if the BRAKE MIX (CH3) function is not set to "INH".Switched in the order shown in the fi gure below by set SW (PS2).Function ON/OFF (MODE)OFF, 2TYP, 3TYP, 4TYPMixing mode (MXMD) OFF, ON  Initial value: OFFRear rate (RATE)  0 ~ 100  Initial value:100Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).2(Rear side travel adjustment)Select setting item "RATE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Adjust the rear side travel with the (+) or (-) button.3(Mix mode setting)Select setting item "MXMD" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the mix mode with the (+) or (-) button."OFF"   :The EXP function of the 1st CH and other settings are not mixed."ON"   :The EXP function o the 1st CH and other settings are mixed.4When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons. "4TYP":Front side only, reverse phase, same phase, and rear side only switching"2TYP":Front side only and reverse phase switching  "3TYP":Front side only, reverse phase, and same phase switching4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   81 2016/08/05   9:41:38
The function select trim dial screen (p.70) can be dis-played from this screen.Function TRIM DIAL ESC-MD(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(DUAL ESC screen)(MENU 2)PressPressPressSelect"DUAL ESC "82FunctionDual ESC Mixing "DUAL ESC"This function is mixing used with crawlers and other 4WD type vehicles and uses the 2nd CH to control the front motor controller and the 4th CH to control the rear motor controller.Front drive only, rear drive only, or both front and rear drive can be selected using any pro-grammed DT (digital trim) button.Dual ESC Mixing "DUAL ESC" (Throttle system)(Preparation)- This function is used to switch between front drive/4WD/rear drive using one of the trims (dial).  Set the desired trims (dial) for this function us-ing the TRIM DIAL screen (p.70).- DT1 through DT6 or DL1.1 (Dual ESC setting)Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the function by pressing the (+) or (-) button."INH"  : Function OFF."ACT"   : Function ON.- When "(STR MIX ACT →INH)" is displayed, the DUAL ESC cannot be used if the STR MIX function is not set to "INH".- When "(CPS MIX ACT →INH)" is displayed, the DUAL ESC cannot be used if the CPS function is not set to "INH".- When "(BRK4 MIX ACT →INH)" is displayed, the DUAL ESC cannot be used if the BRAKE MIX (CH3) function is not set to "INH". Dual ESC mixing adjustmentFunction ON/OFF (MODE)INH, ACTDisplay "DUAL ESC" function screen using the following method:.:KHQWKHWK&+LVVHWWR$&7E\%UDNH0L[LQJSRUZKHQ6WHHULQJPL[LQJSand CPS Mixing (p.86) are used, this dual ESC Mixing function cannot be used.Setting Special Mixes Setup itemsMODE  : Function ON/OFFRATE : 4ch rate (Rear side)MXMD  : Mix modeTRIM : Trim modeSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   82 2016/08/05   9:41:39
83FunctionDual ESC Mixing "DUAL ESC"The programmed DT button is used to select the drive type as shown in the fi gure below.The function select dial function can control the 4th channel’s ESC (Rear side) rate (RATE) with digital dial or digital trim, using the function select trim dial function (See page 70). Dial / Trim Setting As this function drives 2 separate motor controllers simultaneously, a mutual load is applied. Use this function carefully so that the motor controllers are not damaged. Fut-aba will not be responsible for motor controller, motor, and other vehicle trouble due to use of this function.Note:Rear rate (RATE)  0 ~ 120  Initial value:100Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Mixing mode (MXMD) OFF, ON  Initial value: OFFTrim mode (TRIM) OFF, ON  Initial value: OFF2 (Rear side travel adjustment)Select the setting item "RATE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use when applying a rotation difference to the front and rear wheels by adjusting the rear (CH4) motor controller travel with the (+) or (-) button.3 (Mix mode setting)Select the setting item "MXMD" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the mix mode with the (+) or (-) button."OFF"  : CH2 EXP function and other settings are not mixed."ON"   : CH2 EXP function and other settings are mixed.4 (Trim mode setting)Select the setting item "TRIM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the trim mode with the (+) or (-) button."OFF"  : Front side (CH2) trim data is not included."ON"  : Front side (CH2) trim data is included.5When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   83 2016/08/05   9:41:39
AVCS / NORMAL Modes  The gyro has 2 operating modes: NORMAL mode and AVCS mode. In the AVCS mode, the angle is con-trolled simultaneously with NORMAL mode rate control (swing speed). The AVCS mode increases straight running stability more than that of the NORMAL mode. Because the feel of operation is different, choose your favorite mode.NORMALCountersteers against out-side force, but cannot cor-rect the skid direction.AVCSCorrects the skidding direc-tion and forcefully main-tains the heading.Outside forceOutside forcePressPressPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(GYRO MIX screen)(MENU 2)Select"GYRO MIX"84FunctionThis function is a remote gain function which adjusts the sensitivity of the Futaba car rate gyro at the T4PV side, and is mixing that uses the 3rd CH to adjust the gyro sensitivity.When using the T4PV by switching the AVCS and normal modes, use PS1 or PS2 with the function select switch function (p.72).For a description of the car rate gyro mounting method and handling, refer to the rate gyro instruction manual.Gyro Mixing "GYRO MIX" (Steering system):KHQWKHUG&+ZDVVHWWR$&7DW%UDNH0L[LQJSRUZKHQ:60L[LQJSis used, Gyro mixing cannot be used.Setting Special Mixes The gain amount can be adjusted by using the function trim dial function (p.70).Dial / Trim Setting Display "GYRO MIX" screen using the following method:Gyro mixing "GYRO MIX"4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   84 2016/08/05   9:41:39
85FunctionGyro mixing "GYRO MIX"(Preparation)- Refer to the gyro instruction manual and connect the gyro to the receiver. When using remote gain, connect gyro sensi-tivity adjustment to the 3rd CH of the receiver.- When using gyro mixing by switching between the NORM (normal) and AVCS modes, use the function select switch function (p.72) to set the switch to be used.1 (Gyro mixing setting)Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the function by pressing the (+) or (-) button."INH"  : Function OFF."NORM"  :NORMAL mode gain."AVCS"  :AVCS mode gain."SEL"  :Switching Normal mode and AVCS mode.  (Displayed  NO SW  when the Gyro Mode SW is not used.)-When "(4WS OFF)" is displayed, the GYRO MIX cannot be used if the 4WS function is not set to "OFF".- When "(BRAKE CH3 ACT →INH)" is displayed, the GYRO MIX cannot be used if the BRAKE MIX (CH3) function is not set to "INH". Gyro mixing adjustment2(NORMAL side gain adjustment)Select the setting item "NORM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Adjust the NORMAL side gain with the (+) or (-) button.(AVCS side gain adjustment)Select the setting item "AVCS" by moving the (JOG) but-ton up or down. Adjust the AVCS side gain with the (+) or (-)  button.3When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Function selection (MODE)  INH, NORM, AVCS, SELNORMAL / AVCS gain(NORM / AVCS)  0 ~ 120 Initial value:30"SELE" mode"NORM" mode "AVCS" modeShows the gyro mode select switch mode.The function select switch screen (p.72) can be dis-played from this screen.< NO SW >Displayed when the Gyro Mode SW is not used.Function SW GYROAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Setup itemsMODE  : Gyro modeNORM : Normal mode gainAVCS : AVCS mode gain4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   85 2016/08/05   9:41:39
(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(CPS MIX screen)(MENU 2)PressPressPressSelect"CPS MIX"86FunctionCPS Mixing "CPS MIX"Display "CPS MIX" screen using the following method:This function controls the Futaba CPS-1 channel power switch.Normally, when using the CPS-1 unit to operate vehicle lighting systems, the CPS-1 unit with LED connected is connected to a vacant switch channel and the LEDs are turned on and off by switch while the vehicle is running. However, when the CPS-1 mixing (CPS 0,;IXQFWLRQLVXVHGWKH/('FDQEHWXUQHGRQDQGRIIDQGÀDVKHGLQVWHSZLWKVWHHULQJDQGWKURWWOHRSHUDWLRQDVZHOODVEHLQJWXUQHGRQDQGRIIE\VZLWFK7KHÀDVKLQJVSHHGF\FOHcan also be set.)RULQVWDQFHWKH/('FDQEHÀDVKHGDVDEUDNHOLJKWE\WKURWWOHEUDNHVLGHRSHUDWLRQCPS Mixing "CPS MIX":KHQWKHWK&+LVVHWWR$&7E\%UDNH0L[LQJSRUZKHQ6WHHULQJ0L[LQJSand Dual ESC Mixing (p.82) are used, this CPS Mixing function cannot be used.Setting Special Mixes (Preparation)- Connect the CPS-1 to the 4th CH of the receiver.- When the LEDs are turned on and off by switch, use the func-tion select switch function (p.72) to set the switch to be used. CPS mixing adjustmentFunction SW CH4Setup itemsMODE  : Function ON/OFF, control modePOSI : ON/OFF positionTYPE : ON/OFF typeTCYCL  : Flashing speed4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   86 2016/08/05   9:41:39
ON/OFF Position (POSI)  5 ~ 95  Initial value: 50Shows the ON/OFF state87FunctionCPS Mixing "CPS MIX"1 (Control system setup)Select the setting item "CTRL" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button and select the function."INH"   : Function OFF."CH4 FUNC"  : ON/OFF by switch set at the 4th CH."STR NT"  : ON at steering neutral."STR END"   : ON at both sides of steering."THR NT"   : ON at throttle neutral."THR FWD"   : ON at throttle forward side."THR BRK" 21DWWKURWWOHEDFNEUDNHVLGH"TH NT+BK"21DWWKURWWOHQHXWUDODQGEDFNEUDNHVLGHV- When "(ESC MIXACT →INH)" is displayed, the CPC MIX cannot be used if the DUAL ESC function is not set to "INH".- When "(STR MIX ACT →INH)" is displayed, the CPS MIX cannot be used if the STR MIX function is not set to "INH".- When "(BRK4  ACT →INH)" is displayed, the CPS MIX cannot be used if the BRAKE MIX (CH4) function is not set to "INH".2 (ON/OFF switching position selection)Select the setting item "POSI" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) but-ton and select the ON/OFF position. Since the ON/OFF state is displayed at the right side of the setting item "CTRL", setting can be con-firmed while operating the function to be con-trolled (for example, throttle).3 (ON/OFF type setup)Select the setting item "TYPE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button and select the type of LED lighting. Normal ON/Off type or fl ashing can be selected."NORMAL"  : Normal ON/OFF type."FLASH"  : Flashing display.4 (Flashing cycle setting)When flashing type "FLASH" is selected at the setting item "TYPE", the flashing speed (cycle) can be set. Select the setting item "CYCL" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button and select the flashing speed (cycle).5When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Adjust button- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Function selection (MODE)INH, CH4 FUNC, STR NT, STR END, THR NT, THR FWD, THR BRK, TH NT+BKFunction selection (TYPE)NORMAL, FLASHFlashing cycle (CYCL)  1 ~ 100   Initial value: 504PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   87 2016/08/05   9:41:39
5:5 7:3F5/B5 F7/B3Forward side Brake side Forward side Brake sideSelect"TH MODE"(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(TH MODE screen)(MENU 2)PressPressPress88FunctionThrottle Mode "TH MODE"This menu has the following 4 functions:-  Servo neutral mode, which sets the throttle neutral ratio to 7:3 or 5:5.-  Idle up, which raises the idling speed when starting the engine to improve engine starting per-formance of a gasoline car (boat). 1HXWUDOEUDNHZKLFKDSSOLHVWKHEUDNHVDWWKHQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQRIWKHWKURWWOHWULJJHU-  Throttle off (engine cut), which stops the engine of a boat, etc. by operating the throttle servo to the low side regardless of the position of the throttle trigger.Throttle servo neutral position "SXNT"7KLVIXQFWLRQDOORZVVHOHFWLRQRIWKHIRUZDUGVLGHDQGEUDNHUHYHUVHVLGHRSHUDWLRQUDWLRfrom 7:3 or 5:5 by changing the neutral position of the throttle servo.Throttle Mode "TH MODE"  (Throttle system)1 (Mode selection)Select the setting item "SXNT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select "F5/B5" or "F7/B3" by (+) or (-) button."F5/B5" )RUZDUG%DFN"F7/B3" )RUZDUG%DFN2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Selecting the throttle servo neutral positionMode selection (SXNT) F5/B5, F7/B3Display "TH MODE" screen using the following method:Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Setup itemsSXNT :Throttle servo neutral position IDLUP :Idle-Up rateNTBRK :Neutral brake rateTHOFF :Throttle off (engine cut) position4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   88 2016/08/05   9:41:39
Warning displayThe function select switch screen (p.72) can be dis-played from this screen.< NO SW >If function’s ON/OFF switch is not selected, <NO SW> is displayed. 89FunctionThrottle Mode "TH MODE"Idle-Up "IDLUP"This is a function select switch function. The idle up switch must be set (see page 72).This function is used to improve engine starting performance by raising the idling speed when starting the engine of a GP car (boat). It is also effective when you want to prevent WKHEUDNLQJZKHQWKHSRZHULVWXUQHGRIIGXULQJUXQQLQJGXHWRWKHHIIHFWRI\RXUJHDUratio setting and choice of motor when operating an electronic car. However, consider-ing safety, and to prevent the motor from rotating instantly when the power is turned on, the MC950CR, MC851C, MC602C, MC402CR, and other Futaba electronic motor speed controller (ESC) will not enter the operation mode if the neutral position is not FRQ¿UPHG:KHQXVLQJWKH0&&50&&0&&0&&5RURWKHU)XWDED(6&FRQ¿UPWKDWWKH(6&LVLQWKHQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQDQGWKHVHWLVLQWKHRSHUDWLRQPRGHbefore setting the idle up function switch to ON.7KHWKURWWOHQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQLVRIIVHWWRWKHIRUZDUGVLGHRUEUDNHVLGH7KHUHLVQROLQNDJHORFNLQJHWFEHFDXVHWKHUH LVQRFKDQJHQHDU WKHPD[LPXP RSHUDWLRQDQJOHHYHQwhen the neutral position is offset by this function.Operation(Preparation)- Use the function select switch to select the switch. (p.72)1(Idle-Up rate)Select the setting item "IDLUP" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) and (-) buttons to set the Idle-Up rate.2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button. Idle-Up function adjustment Adjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Idle-Up rate (IDLUP)D50 ~ D1, 0, U1 ~ U50  Initial value: 0  "D": Brake side  "U": Forward sideIf the power switch is turned on while the idle-up switch is on, an audible alarm will be heard. Immediately set the Idle-Up switch to OFF. :KLOHWKLVIXQFWLRQLV21WKH/('EOLQNVOperation Display The function select dial function can control the Idle-up rate with digital dial or digital trim (See page 70). Dial / Trim Setting 4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   89 2016/08/05   9:41:39
Warning displayThe function select switch screen (p.72) can be dis-played from this screen.< NO SW >If function’s ON/OFF switch is not selected, <NO SW> is displayed. 90Function(Preparation)- Use the function select switch to select the switch. (p.72)1(Neutral brake rate)Select the setting item "NTBRK" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) and (-) buttons to set the neutral brake rate.2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button. Neutral Brake function adjustment7KH(6&QHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQDQG739QHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQFDQEHXVHGVLPXOWDQHRXVO\+RZHYHUZKHQVHWWLQJLVGLI¿FXOWWRXQGHUVWDQGZHUHFRPPHQGWKDWRQO\RQHQHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQEHXVHGReferenceThrottle Mode "TH MODE":KHQWKHQHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQLV"ON", the neutral EUDNHUDWHDGMXVWPHQWLVDXWRmatically assigned to the throttle trim (DT1 - DT6 or DL1). Dial / Trim Setting 7KURWWOHVLGH(3$IXQFWLRQRU$7/IXQFWLRQVHWWLQJDOVRDIIHFWVQHXWUDOEUDNHVLGHoperation.Effect of set value of other functions on neutral brakeNeutral Brake "NTBRK"7KLVLVDIXQFWLRQVHOHFWVZLWFKIXQFWLRQ7KHQHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQ212))VZLWFKPXVWbe set (see page 72).7KHQHXWUDOEUDNHZKLFKDSSOLHVWKHEUDNHVDWWKHQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQRIWKHWKURWWOHWULJJHUFDQbe set. However, when using the MC950CR, MC851C, MC602C, MC402CR, or other Futa-ba ESCFRQ¿UPWKDWWKH(6&LVLQWKHQHXWUDOSRVLWLRQDQGWKHVHWLVLQWKHRSHUDWLRQPRGHEHIRUHVHWWLQJWKHQHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQVZLWFKWR21WKHVDPHDVWKHLGOHXSIXQFWLRQSIn addition, when the idle up function or throttle off function (p.91) is set, this function has DKLJKHUSULRULW\WKDQWKHQHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQ$Q/('EOLQNVZKLOHWKHQHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQLVDFWLYHOperation displayIf the power switch is turned on while the neu-WUDOEUDNHVZLWFKLVRQan audible alarm will be heard. Immediately set WKHQHXWUDOEUDNHVZLWFKto OFF. Adjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value "0" by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously for about 1 sec-ond.Brake rate (NTBRK)  0 ~ B100   Initial value: 04PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   90 2016/08/05   9:41:39
Warning displayThe function select switch screen (p.72) can be dis-played from this screen.< NO SW >If function’s ON/OFF switch is not selected, <NO SW> is displayed. 91FunctionThrottle Mode "TH MODE"(Preparation)- Use the function select switch to select the switch. (p.72)1(Preset position setup)- Select the setting item "THOFF" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) and (-) buttons to set the preset posi-tion of the throttlle servo.2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Engine Cut function adjustmentCaution Always operate carefully before using this function.While switch with preset function set is in the ON state, the servo (motor controller) is locked in the preset posi-tion and does not operate even if the throttle trigger is operated. If the servo is operated at the wrong setting, you may lose control of the car (boat).Adjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Preset position (THOFF)  0 ~ B100  Initial value: 0Throttle Off (engine cut) "THOFF"This is a function select switch function. The throttle off function ON/OFF switch must be set (see page 72).The engine cut function stops the engine of a boat, etc. by operating the throttle servo to the slow side by switch regardless of the position of the throttle trigger and the setting of other functions (reverse function setting is effective).$Q/('EOLQNVZKLOHWKHQHXWUDOEUDNHIXQFWLRQLVDFWLYHOperation displayIf the power switch is turned on while the throttle-off switch is on, an audible alarm will be heard. Immediately set the throttle off switch to OFF. The function select dial function can control the throttle-off position can be controlled with digital dial or digital trim (See page 70). Dial / Trim Setting 4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   91 2016/08/05   9:41:40
PressPressPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 3)(CH3/CH4 screen)(MENU 2)Select"CH3/CH4"92Function  Display when CH3/4 is assigned to a switch by the switch function. Cannot adjust the CH3/4 via the screen.Channel 3/4  "CH3/CH4"  (3/4 channel)Adjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Channel 3 position (POSI)Channel 4 position (POSI) 0~100%  Initial value: 0Channel 3/4  "CH3/CH4"The channel 3/4 servo position can be set from the this screen. When CH3/4 is assigned to a trim dial or switch by the trim dial function (p.70) or the switch function (p.72), WKLVVHWWLQJLVOLQNHGWRWKDWWhen CH3/4 is not assigned to a trim dial or switch, it can be set with this screen.When CH3/4 is assigned to a switch by the switch function, you cannot adjust the CH3/4 via the screen.1 (Function selection)On each CH3/CH4 screen select CH3 "POSI" or CH4 "POSI"  by moving the (JOG) button up or down.2 (Position setting/rate adjustment)Use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the channel 3 or channel 4 position.3When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button. Rate/position adjustment on channel menu screenDisplay "CH3/CH4" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-2-Function-P70-92.indd   92 2016/08/05   9:41:40
BatteryConnect the S.BUS servo and the batteries to the transmitter Communication port .(HOME screen) (MENU 1 )(MENU 2 )(SX LINK screen)(MENU 3 )PressPressPressSelect"SX LINK"Display to "SX LINK" screen using the following method:Setup itemREAD   :Servo’s data read.WRITE  :Writing the data to servo.RESET  :Initialization93FunctionS.BUS Link Function  "SX LINK"This is a special function which allows Futaba S.BUS/S.BUS2 servo parameter changes to be set by the T4PV transmitter. However, some data changes require a PC and S-Link software.This function is used by connecting Futaba S.BUS/S.BUS2 servos directly to the trans-mitter. Use the various optional servo extension cords according to the distance between the transmitter and servo.-When the T4PV battery voltage drops, the display switches to low battery display.  Therefore, use this function when there is am-ple battery capacity remaining.-Also connect the corresponding battery to the servo side.S.BUS Link Function  "SX LINK"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   93 2016/08/05   10:13:18
94FunctionS.BUS Link Function  "SX LINK"(Preparation)-  Connect the T4PV and S.BUS or S.BUS2 servo in accordance with the connection diagram shown on page 93.-  Connect the battery to S.BUS/S.BUS2 servo.1Display the SX LINK function screen referring on page 93.2 (S.BUS/S.BUS2 servo read)Execute this function to read the connected servo’s ID and the data currently set at the servo. Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the(JOG) button up or down. Select "READ" by (+) or (-) button, and press the (JOG) button.-"COMPLETE!" blinks on the screen and the servo ID and currently set contents are read.- If "COM-ERROR" blinks on the screen, communication with the servo is not being performed normally. Check the T4PV and servo connection and the battery connection to servo and repeat READ.3 (Writing to S.BUS/S.BUS2)Execute this function to write the setting data to the servo. See pages 95~96 for the setting data contents.Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select "WRITE" by (+) or (-) button, and press the (JOG) button.-"COMPLETE!" blinks on the screen and the setting data is written to the servo.-If "COM-ERROR" blinks on the screen, communication with the servo is not being performed normally. Check the T4PV and servo connection and the battery connection to ESC and the ESC power switch and repeat WRITE. In addition, if (NO DATA) is dis-played on the T4PV screen, "WRITE" cannot be selected because there is no setting data to be written.4 (Initialization)This function writes the servo setting data set at the factory to the connected servo. Perform "READ" before performing initial-ization.Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select "RESET" by (+) or (-) button, and press the (JOG) button.-"COMPLETE!" blinks on the screen and the initial data is written to the servo. If "COM-ERROR" blinks, communication with the servo was not performed normally. Check the T4PV and servo connection and the battery connection to servo, and repeat RESET, when (NO DATA) is displayed on the T4PV screen "RESET" cannot be se-lected because there is no write initial data.Using the S.BUS servo function4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   94 2016/08/05   10:13:18
  The servo ID  The item indicated by the reverse displayed cursor is selected.IDDisplays the ID of the servo whose parameters are to be read. It cannot be changed.SMOT (Smoother)This function makes servo operation smooth. Set it according to your taste. Normally set it to "ACT". Set it to "INH" when you want especially quick operation. When the smoother function is set to "ACT" and the servo is operated, the distance up to the target position is changed in steps so movement is smooth.DEAD (Dead band)The dead band angle at stopping can be specifi ed.[Relationship between dead band set value and servo operation]Small - Dead band angle is small and the servo is immediately operated by a small signal change.Large - Dead band angle is large and the servo does not operate at small signal changes.(Note) If the dead band angle is too small, the servo will operate continu-ously and the current consumption will increase and the life of the servo will be shortened.DAMP (Damper)The characteristic when the servo is stopped can be set.When smaller than the standard value, the characteristic becomes an overshoot characteristic. If the value is larger than the standard value, the brake is applied before the stop position.Especially, when a large load is applied, overshoot, etc. are suppressed by inertia and hunting may occur, depend-ing on the conditions. If hunting (phenomena which cause the servo to oscillate) occurs even though the Dead Band, Stretcher, Boost and other parameters are suitable, adjust this parameter to a value larger than the initial value.[Relationship between damper set value and servo operation]Small - When you want to overshoot. Set so that hunting does not occur.Large - When you want to operate so that braking is not applied. However, it will feel like the servo response has worsened.(Note) If used in the hunting state, not only will the current consumption increase, but the life of the servo will also be shortened.95FunctionS.BUS Link Function  "SX LINK"Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Setup item selection- Select by the (JOG) button.Servo function setup1Select the setting item by moving the (JOG) button.Set the value by (+) and (-) button. Setup item4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   95 2016/08/05   10:13:18
CHAN (Channel)This is the S.BUS system channel assigned to the servo. When connected to the receiver S.BUS2 connector as an S.BUS system, the channel used by the transmitter is assigned. When the normal receiver channel is used, channel setting is unnecessary.NEUT (Neutral)The neutral position can be changed. When the neutral offset is large val-ue, the servo’s range of travel is restricted on one side.EPAL (Travel-left side)The maximum left travels centered about the neutral position can be set independently.EPAR (Travel-right side)The maximum right travels centered about the neutral position can be set independently.REVE (Reverse)The direction in which the servo rotates can be changed.STRE (Stretcher)The servo hold characteristic can be set. The torque which attempts to return the servo to the target position when the current servo position has deviated from the target position can be adjusted.This is used when stopping hunting, etc., but the holding characteristic changes as shown below.[Relationship between stretcher and servo operation]Small - Servo holding force becomes weaker.Large - Servo holding force becomes stronger.(Note) When this parameter is large, the current consumption increases.BSTM (Boost/-N/OFF)OFF : It is the boost ON at the time of low-speed operation.          (In the case of usual)ON : It is always the boost ON. (When quick operation is hope).BOST (Boost)The minimum current applied to the internal motor when starting the servo can be set. Since a small travel does not start the motor, it essentially feels like the dead band was expanded. The motor can be immediately started by adjusting the minimum current which can start the motor.[Relationship between boost set value and servo operation]Small - Motor reacts to a minute current and operation becomes smooth.Large - Initial response improves and output torque increases. However, if the torque is too large, operation will become rough.96FunctionS.BUS Link Function  "SX LINK"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   96 2016/08/05   10:13:18
Connecting ESC receiver connector to the transmit-ter Communication port  Battery(HOME screen) (MENU 1 )(MENU 2 )(MC LINK screen)(MENU 3 )PressPressPressSelect"MC LINK"Setup itemREAD   :ESC’s data readWRITE  :Writing the data to ESCRESET  :Initialization97Function(Preparation)  -Connect the T4PV and ESC in accordance with the connec-tion diagram, and connect the battery to ESC.1Display the MC LINK function screen in the above manner.Using the ESC Link functionESC Link Function  "MC LINK"This is a special function which lets you set the contents of the Link software which performs Futaba electronic motor speed controller (ESC), MC960CR, MC940CR, MC-950CR, MC851C, MC602C, MC402CR, etc. variable frequency and other data changes at the T4PV transmitter. However, some data changes require a PC and Link software. This function is used by connecting the ESC directly to the transmitter. The T4PV power switch is used at the display side. Use the various optional servo extension cords according to the distance between the transmitter and ESC. The last data read from ESC to T4PV or the last data written from T4PV to ESC is saved to the T4PV. Since the data for each model memory can be saved, the data of up to 40 models can be saved.-When the T4PV battery voltage drops, the display switches to low battery display.  Therefore, use this function when there is am-ple battery capacity remaining.-Also connect the battery at the ESC side.-Note: Do not read to the T4PV an MC940/960CR whose speed was set to over 99990rpm by Link software side Boost Angle rpm setting.ESC Link Function  "MC LINK"2 (ESC read)Execute this function to read the connected ESC type and the data currently set at the ESC. To save the ESC data to the T4PV, rewrite the read data.When you want to write the data saved in the T4PV to an ESC of the same type, execute the following "WRITE"(write) without executing "READ"(read).Display to "MC LINK" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   97 2016/08/05   10:13:19
MC402CR MC602C MC851C MC950CR MC960CR MC940CR98FunctionESC Link Function  "MC LINK"Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select "READ" by (+) or (-) button, and press the (JOG) button.-"COMPLETE!" blinks on the screen and the ESC type and currently set contents are read.- If "COM-ERRORR" blinks on the screen, communication with the amp is not being performed normally. Check the T4PV and ESC connection and the battery connection to ESC and the ESC power switch and repeat READ.3 (Writing to ESC)Execute this function to write the setting data to ESC. See pages 99~104 for the setting data contents.Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select "WRITE" by (+) or (-) button, and press the (JOG) button.-"COMPLETE!" blinks on the screen and the setting data is written to ESC.-If "COM-ERROR" blinks on the screen, communication with the amp is not being per-formed normally. Check the T4PV and ESC connection and the battery connection to ESC and the ESC power switch and repeat WRITE. In addition, if (NO DATA) is displayed on the T4PV screen, "WRITE" cannot be selected because there is no setting data to be writ-ten.- Different type ESC data cannot be written. If writing is attempted, "COM-ERROR" will link on the screen to show that the ESC type is wrong.4 (Initialization)This function writes the ESC setting data set at the factory to the connected ESC and T4PV. Perform "READ" before performing initialization.Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Select "RESET" by (+) or (-) button, and press the (JOG) button.-"COMPLETE!" blinks on the screen and the initial data is written to the ESC. If "COM-ERROR" blinks, communication with the amp was not performed normally. Check the T4PV and ESC connection and the battery connection to ESC and the ESC power switch, and repeat RESET. In addition, when (NO DATA) is displayed on the T4PV screen "RE-SET" cannot be selected because there is no write initial data.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   98 2016/08/05   10:13:19
Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Setup item selection- Select by the (JOG) button.  The currently set item is displayed here.  The item indicated by the reverse displayed cursor is selected.99FunctionMIn-(PWM FREC MIN LD) 100Hz~10000Hz (10kHz) MC950CR:500Hz~30000Hz (30kHz)Same as Link software PWM frequency (at Min. load).MIn sets the "0"A PWM frequency at minimum load.MAX-(PWM FREC MAX LD) 100Hz~10000Hz (10kHz) MC950CR:500Hz~30000Hz (30kHz)Same as Link software PWM frequency (at Max. load).MAX sets the PWM frequency at maximum load at the output cur-rent limit value set by Current Limiter.CLM-(CURRENT LIMIT) 50A~300A (MC950CR:50A~300A), OFF  Same as Link software Current Limiter.Current Limiter sets the current value at maximum load here.Since setting of the MAX is based on the output current limit value set by Current Limiter, Current Limiter does not have to be turned OFF except when a current exceeding 300A is generated.BRK-(PWM FREC BRK LD) nOR(2000Hz)/ HIG(1000Hz)/ SPH(500Hz)  MC950CR:500Hz~30000Hz (30kHz)Same as Link software Brake PWM at frequency.This setting can set the brake PWM frequency."MIn", which sets the frequency when the load is small, is set to the high frequency side (large value) when extension is desired after straightaways and curves."MAX", which sets the frequency when the load is large, is set to the high frequency side (large value) when you want to suppress the rise from low speed and when motor heating and commutator roughness are sensed.When the rise from low speed is poor, and becomes bad even when "MAX" is set to the low frequency side, use the log data to check if there was a momentary voltage drop. When you want to suppress the overall power, lengthen the run time, and otherwise improve effi -ciency, set both "MAX" and "MIn" to the high frequency side. When you want to set a fi xed PWM frequency at full range regardless of the load current, set PWM frequency (at Max. load) and PWM frequency (at Min. load) to the same value.nTB-(NEUTRAL BRAKE) 0%(OFF)~100%Same as Link software Neutral Brake.Make this setting when you want to use the brakes at the neutral throttle (OFF) position by throttle operation. The larger this value, the greater the braking force. When you want to use the neutral brake, set this value to "0%".ESC function setup (MC601/602/850/851C/401/402/950CR)Setup itemESC Link Function  "MC LINK"1Select the setting item by moving the (JOG) button up or down.Set the value by (+) and (-) button. 4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   99 2016/08/05   10:13:19
100500%Brake (Reverse) operationBraking forceReverse Power100FunctionLBP-(LOW BATTERY VOLT) 2.5V~6V2.5V~7.5V for MC950CRSame as Link software Low Bat Protection.This setting cuts off the output to the motor when the running battery voltage drops to the set volt-age to prevent the receiver from stopping operation when the supply of voltage to the receiver becomes insuffi cient while running due to a drop in the power supply voltage. When the power supply voltage re-covers, power is supplied to the motor once more.CTM-(C.L. TIME LIMIT) 50A~300A /CLT-(C.L. TIMER) 0sec(OFF)~240sec (except MC950CR)Same as Link software Current Limiter (Time Limit)/Current Limit timer.The output current can be limited up to the set time lapse from the start of run-ning. This is effective in preventing the motor from outputting wasted energy when the voltage is high immediately after the power battery was recharged.- "CTM" (Time Limit) sets the maximum output current within the time the out-put current is limited.- "CLT" sets the time the output current is limited. This function is disabled when set to "0" sec.Since the Current Limit Timer starts when the throttle is operated to the for-ward side and current is output to the motor, this function begins to operate when the motor is run during trim adjustment, etc.BMD-(BRAKE MAX DUTY) 0%~100% Same as Link software Brake Max. Duty.This setting can set the braking force between the neutral point and Max brake point. The larger this value, the greater the braking force. When set to "0%", the brakes are not effective.RMD-(REVERSE MAX DUTY)  w/back only 0%~100% Same as Link software Reverse Max. Duty.This setting can set the reverse power between the neutral point and Max reverse point. The larger this value, the greater the reverse power. When set to "0%", the reverses are not effective.100500Throttle responsForward operation FWB "50" FWB "0"FWB-(FORWARD BOOST) 0~100 (except MC850C)Same as Link software Forward Boost.Operation near the throttle trigger (stick) neu-tral position becomes a sharp rise.MC950CR only setup item REV-(REV CANCEL) BRk /REV  Same as Link software Reverse Cancel.When set to BRk, reverse operation is not performed.LA-(LEAD ANGLE) 0~1500   Same as Link software Lead Angle.The lead angle of the motor can be set at the MC950CR side. However, we recommend that it normally be set to "0". Since this setting is premised on setting by referring to the speed log by the Link software, independent use of the MC LINK function of the T4PV is recommended.ESC Link Function  "MC LINK"Throttle neutral positionDead BandPoint at which brakes start taking effectPosition at which motor starts to runDBA-(DEAD BAND)  ±2μs~±50μsSame as Link software Dead Band.This sets the range (neutral point range) over which the ESC does not respond to transmitter throttle operation.The larger the set value, the wider this range.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   100 2016/08/05   10:13:20
Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Setup item selection- Select by the (JOG) button.Page 1 Page 2  To right side on Page 2  To left side on Page 1101FunctionESC Link Function  "MC LINK"ESC function setup (MC940CR, MC960CR)1Select the setting item by the (JOG) button up or down.Set the value by (+) and (-) button. Operate the following (JOG) button and switch between Page 1 and Page 2 of the setup screen.The cursor positions "MODE"Page 1Setup itemMIn-(PWM FREC MIN LD) 1kHz(1000Hz)~30kHz (30000Hz)Same as Link software PWM frequency (at Min. load).MIn sets the "0"A PWM frequency at minimum load.MAX-(PWM FREC MAX LD) 1kHz(1000Hz)~30kHz (30000Hz)Same as Link software PWM frequency (at Max. load).MAX sets the PWM frequency at maximum load at the output cur-rent limit value set by Current Limiter.CLM-(CURRENT LIMIT) 50A~500ASame as Link software Current Limiter.Current Limiter sets the current value at maximum load here.Since setting of the MAX is based on the output current limit value set by Current Limiter, Current Limiter does not have to be turned OFF except when a current exceeding 300A is generated.BRK-(PWM FREC BRK LD) 1kHz(1000Hz)~30kHz (30000Hz)Same as Link software Brake PWM at frequency.This setting can set the brake PWM frequency.nTB-(NEUTRAL BRAKE) 0%(OFF)~100%Same as Link software Neutral Brake.Make this setting when you want to use the brakes at the neutral throttle (OFF) position by throttle operation. The larger this value, the greater the braking force. When you want to use the neutral brake, set this value to "0%".4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   101 2016/08/05   10:13:20
102FunctionESC Link Function  "MC LINK""Min", which sets the frequency when the load is small, is set to the high frequency side (large value) when extension is desired after straightaways and curves."MAX", which sets the frequency when the load is large, is set to the high frequency side (large value) when you want to suppress the rise from low speed and when motor heating and commutator roughness are sensed.When the rise from low speed is poor, and becomes bad even when "MAX" is set to the low frequency side, use the log data to check if there was a momentary voltage drop. When you want to suppress the overall power, lengthen the run time, and otherwise improve effi -ciency, set both "MAX" and "MIn" to the high frequency side. When you want to set a fi xed PWM frequency at full range regardless of the load current, set PWM frequency (at Max. load) and PWM frequency (at Min. load) to the same value.LBP-(LOW BATTERY VOLT) 2.5V~7.5VSame as Link software Low Bat Protection.This setting cuts off the output to the motor when the running battery voltage drops to the set voltage to pre-vent the receiver from stopping operation when the supply of voltage to the receiver becomes insuffi cient while running due to a drop in the power supply voltage. When the power supply voltage recovers, power is supplied to the motor once more.REV-(REV CANCEL) BRk /REV Same as Link software Reverse Cancel.When set to BRk, reverse operation is not performed.Throttle neutral positionDead BandPoint at which brakes start taking effectPosition at which motor starts to runDBA-(DEAD BAND)  ±2μs~±50μsSame as Link software Dead Band.This sets the range (neutral point range) over which the ESC does not respond to transmitter throttle operation.The larger the set value, the wider this range.Page1Page 1100500%Brake (Reverse) operationBraking forceReverse PowerBMD-(BRAKE MAX DUTY) 0%~100% Same as Link software Brake Max. Duty.This setting can set the braking force between the neutral point and Max brake point. The larger this value, the greater the braking force. When set to "0%", the brakes are not effective.RMD-(REVERSE MAX DUTY)  w/back only 0%~100% Same as Link software Reverse Max. Duty.This setting can set the reverse power between the neutral point and Max reverse point. The larger this value, the greater the reverse power. When set to "0%", the reverses are not effective.BKS-(BRAKE SLOPE) 0~300 (Only when used TBM-LEV2)Same as Link software Brake Slope.This function adjusts the braking effect when the throttle was returned (throttle off). It cancels operation like that called engine brake of actual vehicles. BEC-(BEC VOLT) 6.0V /7.4VSame as Link software BEC Volt.The receiver BEC voltage can be selected from 6.0V and 7.4V. Match the voltage to the rating of the servo connect-ed to the same receiver. This BEC voltage cannot output a voltage higher than the input voltage.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   102 2016/08/05   10:13:20
103FunctionPage 1TBM-(TURBO MODE) OFF /LV1 /LV2Same as Link software Turbo Mode.This function sets the turbo mode. More power can be displayed by using the turbo mode. Depending on the setting, the motor and ESC may be damaged so make this setting carefully. (Note) When LAU (LEAD ANGLE USE) is off, lead angle setting will not operate even if set to LEV1 or LEV2. (Turbo mode disabled, TBM=OFF)OFF mode: (No Lead Angle mode) Lead angle - NoWhen used in races in which the lead angle setting function is inhibited by ESC, set to this mode. The lead angle function is disabled the same as if LAU (LEAD ANGLE USE) was turned off.When the lead angle function was disabled by the method described above, the MC960CR shows that the lead angle function is off by blinking a blue LED at an ON 0.1 second, OFF 0.9 second cycle at the neutral point.LV1 turbo mode: (Lead Angle mode) Lead angle – YesThe output can be increased by setting a lead angle.Depending on the set value, the motor may be damaged so increase the lead angle value in steps from a small value while observing the conditions.Turn on LAU (Lead Angle Use) and adjust the lead angle by LA-(LEAD ANGLE) and A, B, C, D, E BA-(A, B, C, D, E BOOST ANGLE) value.LV2 power mode: (Power Mode) Lead angle – YesDisplays still more power than a turbo. However, since even a motor applies a large load on the ESC, make the lead angle larger in steps from a small value while observing the conditions.Turn on LAU (LEAD ANGLE USE) and adjust the lead angle by LA-(LEAD ANGLE) and A, B, C, D, E BA-(A, B, C, D, E BOOST ANGLE) value. The BOOST ANGLE and BOOST ANGLE RPM which can set the lead angle of 5 points relative to the speed.Page 2 Page 2"LAU"  turned on"LA" (LEAD ANGLE) is displayed and the lead angle can be set.When "LAU" (LEAD ANGLE USE) is turned on, "LA" (LEAD ANGLE) is the lead angle that can be set. In addition,  the "BOOST ANGLE" and "BOOST ANGLE RPM" can be set.ESC Link Function  "MC LINK"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   103 2016/08/05   10:13:20
104FunctionLAU-(LEAD ANGLE USE) ON /OFFSame as Link software Lead Angle Use.This function is effective when TBM (Turbo Mode) is LEV1 or LEV2 and sets whether or not lead angle is used. This setting has priority over the TURBO MODE setting. When used in races in which the lead angle func-tion is inhibited by the ESC, set this function to OFF.OFF  : Lead angle function not used.ON  : Lead angle used.LA-(LEAD ANGLE) 0~59degSame as Link software Lead Angle.When LAU (LEAD ANGLE USE) is turned on the motor lead angle can be set at the MC960CR. The lead angle can be set up to 59 degrees in 1 degree increments.A,B,C,D,E BA-(A,B,C,D,E BOOST ANGLE) 0~59degSame as Link software Boost Angle.A,B,C,D,E RPM-(A,B,C,D,E BOOST ANGLE RPM) 0~99990rpmSame as Link software Boost Angle rpm.When LAU (LEAD ANGLE USE) is turned on the lead angle versus motor speed of the 5 points A to E can be set. The lead angle can be set up to 59 degrees in 1 degree increments.Note: Do not read to the T4PV an MC940/960CR whose speed was set to over 99990rpm by Link software side Boost Angle rpm setting.Page 2When using in races in which the lead angle setting function is inhibited by the ESC, set LAU (LEAD ANGLE USE) to OFF. The LAU setting has priority over TBM-(TURBO MODE). If LAU is set to "OFF", the lead angle setting function can be turned off even if TBM is set to "LV1" or "LV2".The MC940,960CR shows that the lead angle setting function is OFF ("0" timing) by blinking a LED.The LA-(LEAD ANGLE) and A, B, C, D, E BA- (A, B, C, D, E BOOST ANGLE) relationship is shown on the graphs below. Graph [A] shows the relationship when the same value is set at points A, B, C, D, E BA-(A, B, C, D, E BOOST ANGLE) of [A] and [B] and the LA-(LEAD ANGLE) is set to "0". Graph [B] shows the relationship when a value other than "0" is set at LA-(LEAD ANGLE).As shown in the graphs, [B] is added to the A, B, C, D, E BA-(A, B, C, D, E BOOST ANGLE) set lead an-gle and [A] is added to the LA-(LEAD ANGLE) set lead angle. For example, if "3" is set at ABA and LA of [B] is set to "2", the actual ABA becomes 3+2=5 (deg). Since LA of [A] is "0", the actual ABA also becomes 3+0=3 (deg).RPM(A) RPM(B) RPM(C) RPM(D) RPM(E)AnG(A)AnG(B)AnG(C)AnG(D)AnG(E)RPM(A) RPM(B) RPM(C) RPM(D) RPM(E)AnG(A)LAAnG(B)AnG(C)AnG(D)AnG(E)B (LA >"0")A (LA ="0") Lead Angle(deg)  Lead Angle(deg)rpmrpmESC Link Function  "MC LNK"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   104 2016/08/05   10:13:20
Connect the communication port of both T4PV with the optional DSC cord.Communication port DSC cord for T4PK (option)(MDL TRANS screen)Press(HOME screen) (MENU 1 )(MENU 2 )Press(MENU 3 )PressSelect"MDL TRANS"105FunctionData Transfer  "MDL TRANS"This function copies the model memory data of one T4PV to another T4PV. Connect the communication port of both T4PVs with the optional DSC cord for T4PK. Note: If the T4PV battery voltage drops, the display switches to low battery display. There-fore, use this function when there is ample battery capacity remaining.Note: Since the receiving side writes the new contents of the currently selected model mem-ory, always check the model number before executing this function.Data is not interchangeable with another type of transmitter.(Preparation)- Connect the communication port of both transmitters with the optional DSC cord for T4PK.- Turn on the power of both T4PVs. Select the model number of the transfer side and the receiving side with the model select function (page 46).1Display the data transfer  function  screen in the above manner.Using the Data Transfer functionData Transfer  "MDL TRANS"Display to "MDL TRANS" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   105 2016/08/05   10:13:20
*30  seconds wait is displayed on the receive side screen.Transfer execution button- (JOG) button pressed.Mode selection "TRANSFER" "RECEIVE"Setup item selection- Select by (JOG) button up or down operation.Mode change button- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments."COMPLELE!" is displayed."RCV ERROR!" is displayed."CANCEL" is displayed.106Function2 (Select the setting item )Select "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and select the transfer side and receiv-ing side using the (+) or (-) button. "TRAN" :Data transfer side."RECV" :Data receiving side.3 (Data transfer execution)Select the setting item "EXEC" by moving the (JOG) button up or down on both transmitters.First, press the receiving side "RECV" transmit-ter (JOG) button. The message "RCV WAIT.." appears and countdown begins.Within 30 seconds, press the transfer side "TRANS" transmit-ter (JOG) button. (If data transfer is not executed within 30 sec-onds, an error will be displayed at the receiving side "RECV"transmitter.)-"COMPLETE!" is displayed on the screen of the receiving side "RECV" transmitter and data transfer is ends.-If "RCV ERROR!" is displayed on the screen of the receiving side "RECEIVE" transmitter, data transfer was not performed normally. Check the connection and repeat steps 1 3. Since the transfer side "TRANS" transmitter only sends, "COMPLETE!" is displayed even when data transfer was not performed normally.Data transfer can also be canceled before the end of transfer by operating the (JOG) button at a T4PV that is waiting to receive data.When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Data Transfer  "MDL TRANS"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   106 2016/08/05   10:13:20
Press(HOME screen) (MENU 1 )(MENU 2 )(TIMER screen)Press(MENU 3 )PressSelect"TIMER"107FunctionTimer Function  "TIMER"Use the timer by selecting one of the three timers UP TIMER, DOWN TIMER, and LAP TIMER.Display "TIMER" screen using the following method:UP TIMER functionUp timer function- This function can be used to count the time between start and stop, etc.- The timer repeatedly starts and stops each time the switch is pressed and accumulates the time between each start and stop. When the count reach-es 99 minutes 99 seconds, the count returns to 00 minutes 00 seconds and is repeated.7KH¿UVWVWDUWRSHUDWLRQFDQEHOLQNHGWRWKHWKURWWOHWULJJHU- The passage of time is announced by sounding of a buzzer (beep) each minute after starting.- Alarm  :Beep sounds at the set time (minute).- Prealarm  :Alarm advance announcement sound. Beeping begins 5 seconds before the alarm (beeps).- After starting, the timer continues to count and can be stopped by switch even when the LCD switches to another screen.Timer Function  "TIMER"UP TIMER FUEL DOWN  TIMER LAP TIMERTIMER screen4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   107 2016/08/05   10:13:20
108FunctionFUEL DOWN TIMER functionFuel down timer function- This function is primarily used to check the refueling time of a gasoline car. (The remaining time is displayed.)- Each time the switch is pressed, the timer is restarted and the set time is reset. The start time becomes the alarm set time. (When counted down to 00 minute 00 second, the down timer becomes an up timer.)- The down timer can be initially started by throttle trigger.- The passing of time is indicated by sounding of a buzzer (beep) each minute after starting.- Alarm :A beep sounds at the set time (minute).- Prealarm :Alarm advance announcement sound. Beeping begins 5 seconds before the alarm (beeps).- After starting, the timer continues to count even if the LCD switches to another screen.Timer Function  "TIMER"LAP TIMERLap timer function- Each lap time can be memorized by switch operation. (100 laps)- The race time can be set. Switch operation after the time set by alarm has elapsed auto-matically stops the timer. The passing of time is indicated by sounding of a buzzer (beep) each minute after starting.-Alarm :Beep sounds at the set time.Prealarm :Alarm advance announcement sound. Sounding begins 5 seconds before the alarm (beeps).- The lap timer can be started by throttle trigger.(LAP TIMER operation)- The lap timer is started by switch or throttle trigger.- Number of laps (LAP): After starting, the timer is counted up and the lap time blinks for 3 sec-onds each time the switch is pressed. To prevent erroneous counting, switch operation is not ac-cepted during this period. When 1 lap exceeds 10 minutes, counting is repeated from 0.- Lap list: Up to 10 lap times are memorized beginning from lap list 1. After lap memory "100", operation returns to lap memory "1" and the lap memories are overwritten.- The lap time data memorized in the lap memories can be checked with the lap list screen (p.113).  The entire lap list data is cleared the next time the lap timer is started.7,0()RUWKH¿UVWVHFRQGVWKHSUHFHGLQJODSWLPHLVGLVSOD\HG$IWHUWKDWWKHFXUUHQWODSWLPHLVGLVSOD\HG4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   108 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Status displayRST :Reset stateRDY :Throttle trigger operation waitRUN :Timer runningSTP : Timer stoppedOperation wait :Press the (JOG) button TRG :Throttle trigger operation 109FunctionTimer selectionFirst, select the type of timer at the "TYPE" item. The setup screen varies depending on the type of timer. This fi gure shows the UP TIMER setup screen.Timer Function  "TIMER"(Preparation)  Assign the "TIMER" switch using the function select switch (p.72). 1 (Racing timer type selection)Select the setting item "TYPE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Use the (+) or (-) button and set the racing timer type.Timer selection (TYPE).UP  : Up timer.DOWN  : Down timer.LAP  : Lap timer.2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Racing timer type selectionTime displayMinute display (m)Second display (s)1/100 second displaySetup item selection- Select by the  (JOG) button.Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.Timer screen4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   109 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Alarm time (ALRM)  OFF, 1 ~ 99 m  Initial value: 5 mSwitches  Time start / stopStatus display RST :Reset state RDY :Throttle trigger operation wait RUN :Timer running STP : Timer stoppedOperation wait :Press the (JOG) button   TRG :Throttle trigger operation Status display RST :Reset state RDY :Throttle trigger operation wait RUN :Timer running STP : Timer stopped110FunctionTimer Function  "TIMER"(Preparation)  Select the setting item "TYPE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Press the (+) or (-) button and select "UP".1 (Alarm time setting)Select the setting item "ALRM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the alarm time with the (+) or (-) button.2 (Timer start/stop operation)Start the timer by pressing the switch ("TIMER") set by function select switch function. Stop the timer with the same switch that starts it.- Linking only start to the throttle triggerSelect the setting item "RST" by moving the (JOG) button up or down and press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. When the set beeps and the status display switches from "RST" to blinking "RDY", the system enters the trigger operation ready state. When the trigger is operated at the forward side, the timer starts. (Status display "RUN")If the (END) button is pressed while the timer is operating, the LCD returns to MENU screen.3 (Timer reset operation)Select a status display ("RUN" or "STP") by moving the (JOG) button up or down and press the (JOG) buttons for approximately 1 second. A beep is generated and "RST" appears on the status display and the timer resets.Using the up timerAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Press the (+) and (-) buttons si-multaneously (approx. 1 sec) to return to the HOME screen.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   110 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Alarm time (ALRM)  OFF, 1 ~ 99 m  Initial value: 5 mStatus display RST :Reset state RDY :Throttle trigger operation wait RUN :Timer runningStatus display RST :Reset state RDY :Throttle trigger operation wait RUN :Timer runningOperation wait :Press the (JOG) button   TRG :Throttle trigger operation Switches  Timer start / restart 111FunctionTimer Function  "TIMER"(Preparation)  Select the setting item "TYPE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Press the (+) or (-) button and select "DOWN".1 (Alarm time setting)Select the setting item "ALRM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Set the alarm time with the (+) or (-) button.2 (Alarm start/restart operation)When the switch ("TIMER") set by function se-lect switch function is pressed, the timer starts. When the same switch is pressed while the tim-er is operating, the timer is reset and simultane-ously restarted. (Restart)- Linking only start to the throttle triggerSelect the setting item "RST" by moving the (JOG) button up or down and press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. When the set beeps and the status display switches from "RST" to blinking "RDY", the system enters the trigger operation ready state. When the trigger is operated at the forward side, the timer starts. (Status display "RUN")If the (END) button is pressed while the timer is operating, the LCD returns to MENU screen.3 (Timer reset operation)Select a status display ("RUN") by moving the (JOG) button up or down and press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. A beeping sound is generated and "RST" appears on the status display and the timer resets.Using the fuel down timerAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Press the (+) and (-) buttons si-multaneously (approx. 1 sec) to return to the HOME screen.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   111 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Alarm time (ALRM)  OFF, 1 ~ 99 m  Initial value: 5 mStatus display RST  :Reset state RDY  :Throttle trigger operation wait RUN  :Timer running GOAL : Timer stoppedStatus display RST  :Reset state RDY  :Throttle trigger operation wait RUN  :Timer running GOAL : Timer stoppedOperation wait :Press the (JOG) button   TRG :Throttle trigger operation Switches   Timer start / Lap countAdjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Press the (+) and (-) buttons si-multaneously (approx. 1 sec).112FunctionTimer Function  "TIMER"(Preparation)  Select the setting item "TYPE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. Press the (+) or (-) button and select "LAP".1(Alarm time setting)Select the setting item "ALRM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down and set the alarm time with the (+) and (-) buttons.2(Timer start/ lap count/ stop operation)When the switch ("TIMER") set by function se-lect switch function is pressed, the timer starts. During operation, the same switch becomes the lap switch and when the set time elapses, the timer is stopped by the same switch.- Linking only start to the throttle triggerSelect the setting item "RST" by moving the (JOG) button up or down and press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. When the set beeps and the status display switches from "RST" to blinking "RDY", the system enters the trigger operation ready state. When the trigger is operated at the forward side, the timer starts. (Status display "RUN")When the switch (TIMER) is pressed after the time set by alarm has elapsed, the timer stops and the lap time and total time are memorized. The status display becomes "GOAL".If the (END) button is pressed while the timer is operating, the LCD returns to MENU screen.3(Timer reset operation)Select a status display ("GOAL") using the (JOG) button and press the (JOG) button for approxi-mately 1 second. A beeping sound is generated and "RST" appears on the status display and the timer resets.- When reset operation was performed before the "ALRM" set time had elapsed, the total time is not memorized.- The lap memory data can be checked with the lap list (p.113) screen.Using the Lap timer4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   112 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Reset button- Reset by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously for about 1 second.Lap memory No. displayTotal time displayLap time displayPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1 )(MENU 2 )(LAP LIST screen)Press(MENU 3 )PressSelect"LAP LIST"113FunctionLap List  "LAP LIST"Lap List  "LAP LIST"The lap list is displayed when checking the lap memory data (lap times) memorized by lap timer (p.112) operation.- After the lap timer starts, the lap times are memorized sequentially each time the switch is operated.,IWKHWLPHULVVWRSSHGDIWHUWKHVHW$/50WLPHKDVHODSVHGWKH¿QDOODSWLPHLVPHPRrized and the total time after the last lap is automatically written.  - When the timer was stopped before the set ALRM time has elapsed, the total time is not memorized.Display "LAP LIST" screen using the following method:1 (Lap memory check)When moving the (JOG) button up or down, the list is scrolled every 10 laps and each lap time can be checked.2 (Lap memory total data reset)Press the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously for approximately 1 second. A beeping sound is generated and all the data is re-set.3To return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.Using the lap memory4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   113 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Telemetry info(HOME screen)114FunctionTelemetry "TELEMETRY"Telemetry  "TELEMETRY"With the telemetry system, the running status can be displayed at the transmitter and also recorded as a data log by mounting various sensor units to the chassis.The T4PV displays four kinds of information on the HOME screen; receiver power source (battery) voltage, external power supply (drive battery) voltage, speed, and temperature. * The telemetry function is compatible with only the T-FHSS system.* The telemetry function requires a corresponding receiver. (R304SB)* Only T4PV with R304SB ID registered have a telemetry display. * Multiple sensors of the same type cannot be used.The sensor data can be checked at the transmitter by connecting the telemetry sensor sold separately to the S.BUS2 connector of the R304SB receiver. 7KH¿JXUHSLVDQH[DPSOHRIFRQQHFWLRQRIDWHOHPHWU\VHQsor. The data of 3 types of sensors and the receiver power supply voltage can be transmitted by using the 3-way extension cord or double extension cord sold separately.The receiver power supply can also be connected to the S.BUS2 connector or each of CH1-4.  A receiver power supply voltage sensor is unnecessary.*The S.BUS2 system exerts control by connecting multiple gyros, servos and other devices corresponding to one S.BUS2 connector. Each device is separately controlled by setting the channel No. or slot No. individually for each device.A slot No. is also set for telemetry sensors. With the T4PV system, each slot No. of a teleme-try sensor must be set to its initial value. Since the slot No. can be changed for other aircraft type transmitters (T4PX, etc.), sensors with changed slot No. will not operate if not returned to their initial slot No. When using a sensor that is used with transmitters other than a T4PV, whether or not the slot No. is set to the initial value given in the sensor instruction manual must be checked at the changed transmitter (T4PX, etc.). With the T4PV, the set slot No. cannot be checked or changed. So, essentially, if a sensor has been used in a 4PX, and you want to use the same VHQVRUZLWK\RXU39\RXPXVW¿UVWFKDQJHWKHVORWQXPEHUWKURXJKWKH3;RULWZLOOQRWwork in your 4PV. 4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   114 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Temperature Sensor (SBS-01T)Temperature Sensor (SBS-01TE)RPM Sensor (SBS-01RM)Brushless moter RPM Sensor (SBS-01RB)Voltage Sensor (SBS-01V)InfoInfoInfoInfoSignalInfoTemperature              SensorRPM SensorVoltage SensorBattery voltage is displayed at the transmitter.Power battery voltage is displayed at the transmitter.voltageT-FHSS ReceiverTransmitterSwitchConnect to S.BUS2 ConnectorHUBHUBConnection diagram115FunctionTelemetry function :OFF- Telemetry function :ON- Receiver ID before setting or ID mis-match.- When the receiver ID is set, before ID check in the receiver power OFF stat.- Telemetry function :ON- Receiver ID setting complete.- Data receiving sensitivity display.-shows that data cannot be received be-cause it is outside the data receiving range or because of the effects of an obstruction or the receiver power is OFF after receiver ID check. Receiver -> Transmitter: The reception strength is shown.The reception strengthNo signal receptionHighLowTelemetry "TELEMETRY"Telemetry Function ON/OFFThe telemetry data can be viewed at the HOME screen and telemetry ON/OFF screen. The telemetry function can also be turned on and off at the telemetry ON/OFF screen. The te-lemetry ON/OFF and communication status can be checked at the HOME screen.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   115 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Function ON/OFF (MODE)INH, ACTSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.116Function(HOME screen)Temperature  Sensor infoRPM Sensor info Receiver voltage infoVoltage Sensor info(TELEMETRY ON/OFF screen)Voltage Sensor infoTemperature Sensor infoReceiver voltage infoRPM Sensor info1Select the setting item "MODE" by moving the (JOG) button. Set the function by pressing the (+) or (-) button."OFF" : Function OFF."ON"  : Function ON.Telemetry function ON/OFFPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1 )(MENU 2 )(TELEMETRY screen)Press(MENU 3 )PressSelect"TELEMETRY"Telemetry "TELEMETRY"Display "TELEMETRY" screen using the following method:2When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   116 2016/08/05   10:13:21
Alarm ON/OFF ON, OFF- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Voltage alarm 0.0V~90.0V  Initial value: 5VAdjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Alarm ON/OFFON, OFF- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Voltage alarm 3.8V~8.0V  Initial value: 5VAdjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).117FunctionTelemetry "TELEMETRY"Telemetry Sensor SettingAn audible alarm can be generated by the T4PV from the data from a telemetry sensor. This setting sets alarm ON/OFF and the alarm conditions.(Preparation)Select the setting item "RX BATT" by moving the (JOG) but-ton up or down, and display the receiver power supply voltage screen by pressing the (JOG) button. 1(Setting of each item)Select the setting item "ALRM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set alarm ON/OFF with the (+) button or (-) but-ton."OFF" : Alarm OFF."ON" $ODUP21E\DYROWDJHGURSEHORZWKHVSHFL¿HGYROWDJH2(Setting the receiver power supply voltage alarm)Select the setting item "LIMT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set the voltage at which the alarm begins to sound with the (+) button or (-) button. When fi nished with setting, return to the TELEMETRY screen by pressing the (END) button.(Preparation)Select the setting item "EXT VOLT" by moving the (JOG) but-ton up or down, and display the external power supply voltage screen by pressing the (JOG) button. 1(Setting of each item)Select the setting item "ALRM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down., and set alarm ON/OFF with the (+) button or (-) but-ton."OFF" : Alarm OFF."ON" $ODUP21E\DYROWDJHGURSEHORZWKHVSHFL¿HGYROWDJH2(Setting the external power supply voltage alarm)Select the setting item "LIMT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set the voltage at which the alarm begins to sound with the (+) button or (-) button. When fi nished with setting, return to the TELEMETRY screen by pressing the (END) button.Setting the receiver power supply voltageSetting external power supply voltage4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   117 2016/08/05   10:13:22
Sensor typeSBS-01T, Temp 125Select button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Display type °C, °F  - Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Alarm ON/OFF ON, OFF- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Temperature alarm -20~200°C/ -4~392°F  Initial value: 200°C/ 212°FAdjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Gear ratio (moderating ratio) 0.001~64  Initial value: 1Adjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).118Function(Preparation)Select the setting item "TEMP" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and display the temperature screen by pressing the (JOG) button. 1(Select Celsius or Fahrenheit)Select the setting item "UNIT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and select Celsius or Fahrenheit temperature display with the (+) button or (-) button."°C" : Celsius."°F" : Fahrenheit.2(Setting of each item)Select the setting item "ALRM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set alarm ON/OFF with the (+) button or (-) but-ton."OFF" : Alarm OFF."ON" $ODUP21DWWKHVSHFL¿HGWHPSHUDWXUH3(Setting the temperature alarm)Select the setting item "LIMIT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set the temperature at which the alarm begins to sound with the (+) button or (-) button. Select the setting item "TYPE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set the type of sensor with the (+) button or (-) button."SBS-01T"   : Option sensor."Temp 125"  : Option sensor for Europe.When fi nished with setting, return to the TELEMETRY screen by pressing the (END) button.(Preparation)Select "R.P.M" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and display RPM screen by pressing the (JOG) button.1(Setting the RPM Gear Ratio)Select the setting item "RATIO" by moving the (JOG) but-ton up or down, and set the location the sensor is to actu-ally measure and the gear ratio of the motor and engine with the (+) button or (-) button. There is no alarm function.When finished with setting, return to the TELEMETRY screen by pressing the (END) button.Setting the temperature Setting the gear ratioTelemetry "TELEMETRY"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   118 2016/08/05   10:13:22
LANGUJPN, ENG, GERSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Press(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 2 )(TLM VOICE screen)Press(MENU 3 )PressSelect"TLM VOICE"VOLUMLOW, HISelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.Speech ON/OFF ON, OFFSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.The voice feature cannot be used if the telemetry function is OFF and the receiver type is set to S-FHSS.119FunctionTelemetry "TELEMETRY"1(Setting of each item)Select the setting item "RXBATT", "EXTVOL", "TEMP" or "R.P.M" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set speech ON/OFF with the (+) button or (-) button."OFF" : No voice guide."ON"   : Information loaded by voice.2(Language setting)Select setting item "LANGU" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and select "ENG", "JPN", or "GER" with the (+) button or (-) button."JPN" :Japanese."ENG" :English."GER" :German.3(Select the voice volume)Select the setting item "VOLUM" by moving the (JOG) but-ton up or down, and select the voice volume with the (+) button or (-) button."LOW" :Low range."HI" :High range.4When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.The Speech function ON/OFFThe Speech Function SettingIf the telemetry function is running, you can listen to the information of the telemetry in the voice announcement.Display "TLM VOICE" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   119 2016/08/05   10:13:22
(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 2 )(LOG MODE screen)(MENU 3 )PressPressPressSelect"LOG"Function ON/OFF (MODE)INH, ACTSelect button- Select with the (+) or (-) buttons.120FunctionTelemetry "TELEMETRY"Log Setting Start/StopThe data from a telemetry sensor can be saved to the T4PV as a data log. Since the data is sequentially updated, when data logging is performed, the old data is erased. Only one set of data is saved.The interval at which the data is acquired can be selected from a minimum 0.1 second to a maximum 60 seconds. Because the maximum count is 200, if 200 counts are made at 0.1 second intervals, 20 seconds worth of data is acquired. If 200 counts are made at 60 second intervals, 3 hours 20 minutes worth of data is acquired.Data logging is started and stopped by setting PS2 using the select switch function (p.72) to "LOGGER" and by switch.  If the switch is not set, data logging is started by throttle trigger from the log setting screen.Data logging can also be started by throttle trigger from this screen and stopped by switch set by select switch function (p.72).(Preparation)When using a switch to start and stop data logging, set PS2 to "LOGGER" by the function select switch (p.72).1 (Log function ON/OFF)Move the cursor to the "MODE" setting item by moving the (JOG) button, and turn on the log function by setting "MODE" to "ACT" by press-ing the (+) button or (-) button. If "MODE" is not set to "ACT", the log function will not be performed even if the switch, etc. is operated."INH"  : Function OFF."ACT"  : Function ON.Log setting methodDisplay "LOG MODE" screen by the following method:4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   120 2016/08/05   10:13:22
Log recording cycle0.1~60s(sec) 0.1~10s(sec)0.1s step 10s~60s(sec)1s step  Initial value: 1.0secAdjust button- Adjust with the (+) and (-) but-tons.- Return to the initial value by pressing the (+) and (-) buttons simultaneously (approx. 1 sec).Log recording time 20s (seconds)~3h 20m (3 hours 20 minutes)  The maximum recordable time set by CYCL is displayed auto-matically.Status display RDY :Throttle trigger operation wait STA :Logger running  STP  : Logger stoppedAlarm ON/OFF ON, OFF- Select with the (+) or (-) but-tons.121FunctionTelemetry "TELEMETRY"1 (Log start operation)-Start by switch (PS2) When the switch (PS2) set by select switch function (p.72) is pressed, data logging starts.-Starting by throttle triggerDisplay the log setting "LOG MODE" screen and select the "STATE" setting item by the (JOG) button operation. Press the (JOG) button for ap-proximately 1 second.Log function start/stop operation2 (Recording cycle setting)Select the setting item "CYCL" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set the data ac-quisition interval from a minimum 0.1 second to a maximum 60 seconds with the (+) button or (-) button.The maximum recordable time set by CYCL is displayed at END TIME shown below.3 (Count alarm ON/OFF) Select the setting item "ALRM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down. To sound an electron-ic beep at each log count, set "ALRM" to ON with the (+) button or (-) button."OFF" : Alarm OFF."ON"  : Alarm ON at each log count.When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.An electronic beeping sound is generated and the "STATE" display switches from "RST" to blinking "RDY", and the logger enters the trigger operation wait state. When the trigger is operated in the forward direction, data logging begins. (STATE display "STA") When the end time arrives, an electronic beep sounds and data logging stops. Return to the MENU screen during data logging by pressing the (END) button.2 (Log forced end)To abort logging, press the switch (PS2), the same as starting, or display the log setting "LOG MODE" screen and select the "STATE" setting item moving the (JOG) button opera-tion. Then press the (JOG) button for approximately 1 second. An electronic beeping sound is generated and logging is stopped.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   121 2016/08/05   10:13:22
122FunctionDisplays the log data elapsed time.Displays the type of log data.Displays the dataReceiver power supply voltage.Receiver power supply voltage log.1(Log memory check)Each time the (JOG) button is operated up or down the list is scrolled 10 counts and each log data can be checked up to 200 counts.2 To return to the LOG screen by pressing the (END) button.Log list check methodLog Data ListThe log data list can be called when checking the log data memorized by logging operation (page 120). The maximum log data is up to 200 counts.Example: Receiver power supply voltage log list screen.Refer to the below map for the display method of each log list screen.Receiver power supply voltage log External power supply voltage logTemperature sensor logRPM sensor logPressPressPressPress(LOGscreen)PressPressPressPressTelemetry "TELEMETRY"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   122 2016/08/05   10:13:23
Press(HOME screen) (MENU 1 )(MENU 2 )(SYSTEM screen)Press(MENU 3 )PressSelect"SYSTEM"123FunctionSystem Functions  "SYSTEM"System Functions  "SYSTEM"The graphic liquid crystal screen display mode, buzzer sound and menu character mode, etc can be set.  - "CONTRA"---Liquid crystal screen contrast adjustment (20 steps)  - "BK-LHT"---Liquid crystal screen backlighting display mode setup     (OFF, ON at button operation, normally ON)  - "LHT-TM"---Setting of ON time (1~30 secs) when [ON at button operation] was selected above.  - "LHT-PW"---Liquid crystal screen backlighting brghtness adjustment (30 steps)  - "BATT"---Battery type setting (LiFe2/NiMH5/DRY4) The T4PV can use an optional rechargeable battery. However, the battery alarm setting is different from that of the dry cell battery (alkaline battery recommended). Therefore, always set the battery type to match the power source used. If used with the incorrect setting, the normal low battery alarm function will not work and the system may stop before a battery alarm is generated. The usage time may also become extremely short.  - "BUZZER"---Buzzer sound tone adjustment (OFF, 100 steps)  - "OPE-TM"---The power off forgotten alarm setting (OFF, 10 m)  - "MENU"---Item which displays the basic menu screen in katakana characters for Japanese use.  - "DISP"---HOME screen display mode setting (Telemetry data, Timer, Users name)Setup itemsCONTRA :ContrastBK-LHT :Backlighting modeLHT-TM :Backlighting timeLHT-PW :Backlighting brightnessBATT :Battery typeBUZZER :Buzzer toneOPE-TM  :Power off forgotten alarmMENU  :Menu screen character                   DISP  :HOME screen display modeDisplay "SYSTEM" screen using the following method:4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   123 2016/08/05   10:13:23
Contrast (CONTRA) -10~0~+10  Initial value: 0Backlighting time (LHT-TM) 1~30  Initial value: 10Backlight mode (BK-LHT)  KEY, ALL, OFFBacklighting brightness (LHT-PW) 1~30  Initial value: 15124Function1(Setting of each item)(Adjusting the liquid crystal contrast)Select the setting item "CONTRA" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the screen contrast.- Adjust to an easy-to-see contrast.When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.(Setting the liquid crystal backlighting mode)Select the setting item "BK-LHT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and select the mode by pressing the (+) or (-) button."KEY"  :Fixed time backlighting ON after button operated."ALL"  :Backlighting always ON."OFF" :Backlighting OFF.When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.(Setting liquid crystal backlighting time)Select the setting item "LHT-TM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-) buttons to set the ON time.- When "KEY" is set at the preceding item, this ON time becomes ef-fective.When fi nished with setting, eturn to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.(Setting liquid crystal backlighting brightness)Select the setting item "LHT-PW" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-) buttons to set the ON time.-If too bright, the battery will be consumed.When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.System function setup Adjustment buttons- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to make adjustments.- Press the (+) and (-) buttons si-multaneously (approx. 1 sec) to return to the initial value.System Functions  "SYSTEM"4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   124 2016/08/05   10:13:23
Battery Type  (BATT)  LiFe2, DRY4, NiMH5, CSTMVoltage displayWhen BATT is set to dry cell use DRY4 or LiFe2/NiMH5, the voltage display of the HOME screen changes.DRY4 LiFe2, NiMH5Buzzer tone (BUZZER) OFF, 1~100  Initial value: 92125Function(Setting the battery type)Select the setting item "BATT" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and select the mode by pressing the (+) or (-) button. When changing the battery type, press the (JOG) button after thoroughly checking whether or not the mistake was made again. An electronic beeping sound is generated and the setting is changed.Note: If the battery type is changed to the wrong setting, the low battery alarm will be generated immediately after the change and operation will become impossible.If the low battery alarm is generated, please return the setting to just before, or turn off the power and replace the battery with a fully charged battery or a new dry cell battery. Then, reset the battery type. Note: If used with the incorrect setting, a normal low battery alarm will not be gener-ated and the system may stop before the battery alarm is generated. The usage time may also become extremely short."LiFe2"  :Futaba LiFe type battery (FT2F1700B/2100B)."NiMH5"  :Futaba MiMH type battery (HT5F1800B)."DRY4"  :Dry cell battery (alkaline battery recommended) 4 batteries."CSTM"  :Third party battery is used.This function is selected by exception when a third party battery is used. In this case, the low battery alarm voltage is set at the user’s own risk. When "CSTM" is selected, the low battery alarm voltage displayed be-low can be adjusted. By operating the (JOG) button, move the cursor to the voltage display, and set the voltage by using the (+) or (-) button.System Functions  "SYSTEM"When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.(Adjusting the buzzer tone)Select the setting item "BUZZER" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-) buttons to adjust the tone.- Decide by referring to the tone at adjustment.When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   125 2016/08/05   10:13:23
The power off forgotten alarm (OPE-TM) 10m, OFFMenu character (MENU) ENG, HOME screen mode (DISP) TLMTR, TIMER, USERUSERTIMERTLMTR126FunctionSystem Functions  "SYSTEM"(Changing the power off forgotten alarm setting)Select the setting item "OPE-TM" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and use the (+) and (-) buttons to select the power off forgotten alarm mode."10m" :If an operation is not performed within 10 minutes while the power is on, an audible alarm sounds."OFF" :Power off forgotten alarm setting OFF.When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.(Changing the menu character display)Select the setting item "MENU" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set the basic menu character display with the (+) or (-) button (See page 41)."ENG"  : Basic menu displayed in Alphabetic character.""  : Basic menu displayed in katakana character.When fi nished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.(Changing the HOME screen display mode)Select the setting item "DISP" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and set the HOME screen display mode with the (+) or (-) button."TLMTR"  :Telemetry data is displayed."TIMER"  :Timer is displayed."USER"  :User name is displayed. Only the T-FHSS system can display telemetry data. Nothing is displayed with an S-FHSS system. When finished with setting, return to the MENU screen by pressing the (END) button.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   126 2016/08/05   10:13:23
fi g-1fi g-4fi g-2 fi g-3PressPressPress(HOME screen) (MENU 1)(MENU 2)(ADJUSTER screen)(MENU 3)Select"ADJUSTER"127FunctionAdjuster "ADJUSTER"(Preparation)On the ADJUSTER screen, select the setting item "WHEEL" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and press the (JOG) button.1 (Steering neutral adjustment)In the neutral setup screen (fi g-1) state, lightly pull the steering wheel and then press the (JOG) button without touching the wheel.2 (Steering throw adjustment)In the throw setup screen state (fi g-2), lightly turn the wheel fully to the left or right and when button mark (fig-3) is dis-played, press the (JOG) button.Internal check is performed automatically. When each adjust-ment point is within a fi xed range, correction is performed and "COMPLETE" (fi g-4) is displayed.If an adjustment point is not within a fi xed range, correction is not performed and the correction data is not updated.When button mark is not displayed even though correction was performed again, please contact a Futaba Radio Control Cus-tomer Center.3When fi nished with setting, return to the ADJUSTER screen by pressing the (END) button. Steering adjustmentAdjuster  "ADJUSTER"Steering wheel and throttle trigger neutral position and servo operating angle correction can be applied. This is used when a mechanical offset has occurred for some reason. *However, when correction is made, the set value of all the setting functions must be rechecked.Display the "ADJUSTER" screen using the following method:.4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   127 2016/08/05   10:13:24
fig-1fig-2 fig-3fig-4128FunctionAdjuster "ADJUSTER"(Preparation)On the ADJUSTER screen, select the setting item "THROT-TLE" by moving the (JOG) button up or down, and press the (JOG) button.1 (Throttle neutral adjustment)In the neutral setup screen (fig-1) state, lightly pull the throttle trigger and then press the (JOG) button in without touching the trigger.2 (Throttle throw adjustment)In the throw setup screen state (fig-2), lightly operate the trig-ger fully to the brake side and the forward side and when but-ton mark (fig-3) is displayed, press the (JOG) button.Internal check is performed automatically. When each adjust-ment point is within a fixed range, correction is performed and "COMPLETE!" (fig-4) is displayed.If an adjustment point is not within a fixed range, correction is not performed and the correction data is not updated.When button mark is not displayed even though correction was performed again, please contact a Futaba Radio Control Cus-tomer Center.3When finished with setting, return to the ADJUSTER screen by pressing the (END) button. Throttle adjustment4PV-Eng-08-3-Function-P93-128.indd   128 2016/08/05   10:13:24
129ReferenceReferenceRatings6SHFL¿FDWLRQVDQGUDWLQJVDUHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJHZLWKRXWSULRUQRWLFHCommunication method: 2QHZD\RSHUDWLRQV\VWHPMaximum operating range: P2SWLPXPFRQGLWLRQFor safety: )6%)6,'Transmitter T4PV-2.4G7)+666)+66)+66V\VWHPZKHHOW\SHFKDQQHOVTransmitting frequency band: *+]EDQGRF power output: PZ(,5Power requirement: 'U\FHOOEDWWHU\3HQOLJKW[9Current drain: P$RUOHVVTransmission antenna: ȜGLSROHReceiver R304SB: 7)+66V\VWHPFKDQQHOVPower requirement: 9a9EDWWHU\a9XVHDEOH'U\FHOOEDWWHU\FDQQRWEHXVHGReceiving frequency band: *+]EDQGRF power output: PZ(,5System:7)+66V\VWHPDXWRGHWHFWLRQSize:[["[[PPH[FOXGLQJDSURMHFWLRQSDUWWeight:R]JSystem Compatibility7KH39LVD*+]7)+66VXUIDFHV\VWHP7KHWUDQVPLWWHUFDQDOVREHVZLWFKHGWR6)+66+RZHYHUWKHWHOHPHWU\V\VWHPFDQQRWEHXVHGZLWK6)+667KHXVDEOHUHFHLYHUVDUHVKRZQEHORZCommunications System Usable ReceiversT-FHSS (Default) R304SBR304SBE56%7)+66$LUV\VWHPUHFHLYHUVGRQRWRSHUDWHS-FHSS (Change is possible)R2104GFR204GF-ENOTE:The T-FHSS surface system and T-FHSS Air system are different. The T4PV cannot be used with the R3008SB or T-FHSS Air system receivers.4PV-Eng-09-Reference-129-135.indd   129 2016/08/01   9:58:04
130ReferenceMemory Error ,IWKHGDWDLQWKHWUDQVPLWWHULVQRWWUDQVIHUUHGQRUPDOO\ZKHQWKHSRZHULVWXUQHGRQDQDXGLEOHDODUPZLOOVRXQG DQG "0$,1 0(025< $&&(66 (5525"ZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGRQWKH/&'- To stop the alarm, turn off the power. - Turn the power back on. If the alarm is not generated again, there is no problem. LCD screen: Audible alarm: Tone sounds (7 times) and stops (repeated)Warning DisplaysLow Battery Alarm:KHQWKHEDWWHU\YROWDJHRIWKHWUDQVPLWWHUIDOOVEHORZWKHXVDEOHUDQJHDQDXGLEOHDODUPZLOOVRXQGDQG""ZLOOEHGLVSOD\HGRQWKH/&'VFUHHQLCD screen: Audible alarm: Continuous tone. Warning When a low battery alarm is generated, cease operation immediately and retrieve the model. If the battery goes dead while in operation, you will lose control. Power supply and low battery alarm7KH739FDQXVHDQRSWLRQDOUHFKDUJHDEOHEDWWHU\+RZHYHUWKHEDWWHU\DODUPVHWWLQJLVGLIIHUHQWIURPWKDWRIWKHGU\FHOOEDWWHU\DONDOLQHEDWWHU\UHFRPPHQGHG7KHUHIRUHDOZD\VVHWWKHEDWWHU\W\SHWRPDWFKWKHSRZHUVRXUFHXVHG$OZD\VVHWWKHEDWWHU\W\SHWR"/L)H"RU"1L0+"HVSHFLDOO\ZKHQXVLQJD)XWDEDUHFKDUJHDEOHW\SHEDWWHU\,IWKHVHWLVXVHGDW"'5<"VHWWLQJWKHWLPHIURPORZEDWWHU\DODUPWRV\VWHPVWRSSLQJZLOOEHFRPHH[WUHPHO\VKRUW6HHSDJHIRUDGHWDLOHGGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHEDWWHU\W\SHV(HOME screen) (MENU 1, 2, 3) (Function screen)4PV-Eng-09-Reference-129-135.indd   130 2016/08/01   9:58:04
132ReferenceAngle spacer7KHZKHHOPRXQWLQJDQJOHFDQEHFKDQJHGE\XVLQJWKHRSWLRQDODQJOHVSDFHUAPA steering wheel offset adapter7KHZKHHOSRVLWLRQFDQEHRIIVHWE\XVLQJWKH$3$ZKHHOSRVLWLRQRIIVHWDGDSWHURIRSWLRQDOSDUWVT4PV/T3PV Handle7KLVKDQGOHLVRSWLRQSDUWIRUFDUU\LQJ739Two 3×12mm  screwsscrewsHandleAngle spacerAdapter APA4PV-Eng-09-Reference-129-135.indd   132 2016/08/01   9:58:04
133ReferenceWhen requesting repair%HIRUH UHTXHVWLQJUHSDLU UHDG WKLVLQVWUXFWLRQDJDLQDQGUHFKHFN\RXUV\VWHP 6KRXOGWKHSUREOHPVFRQWLQXHUHTXHVWDVIROORZV (Information needed for repair)'HVFULEHWKHSUREOHPLQDVPXFKGHWDLODVSRVVLEOHDQGVHQGWKHOHWWHUDORQJZLWKWKHV\VWHPLQTXHVWLRQ6\PSWRP,QFOXGLQJWKHFRQGLWLRQVDQGZKHQWKHSUREOHPRFFXUUHG5&6\VWHP6HQGWUDQVPLWWHUUHFHLYHUDQGVHUYRV0RGHO7\SHRIPRGHOEUDQGQDPHDQGPRGHOQXPEHURUNLWQDPH'HWDLOHGSDFNLQJOLVW0DNHDOLVWRIDOOLWHPVVHQWLQIRUUHSDLU<RXUQDPHDGGUHVVDQGWHOHSKRQHQXPEHU(Warranty)5HDGWKH:DUUDQW\FDUG:KHQUHTXHVWLQJZDUUDQW\VHUYLFHVHQGWKHFDUGRUVRPHW\SHRIGDWHGSURRISXUFKDVHInstalling the accessory neck strap hook$VDQRSWLRQDQHFNVWUDSKRRNFDQEHDWWDFKHGWRWKH739¶VPDLQERG\HookHookRemove the screw.Fix with the screws that were removed.Attach the resin parts sup-plied to the neck strap hook. Finally, attach the grips. Remove the plastic parts.Attach the resin parts supplied to the neck strap hook. 4PV-Eng-09-Reference-129-135.indd   133 2016/08/01   9:58:04
135Reference©Copyright 2016.  No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form without prior permission.  The contents of this manual are subject to change without prior notice.  While this manual has been carefully written, there may be inadvertent errors or omissions.  Please contact our service center if you feel that any corrections or clarifications should be made.)87$%$&25325$7,213KRQH)DFVLPLOH<DEXWVXND&KRVHLPXUD&KRVHLJXQ&KLED-DSDQ1M23N31606 ©FUTABA CORPORATION     2016, 08     (2)Compliance Information Statement (for EU)Declaration of Conformity +HUHE\  )XWDED &RUSRUDWLRQ  GHFODUHV  WKDW  WKH  UDGLR  HTXLSPHQW  W\SH 739  LV  LQ FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK 'LUHFWLYH(87KHIXOOWH[WRIWKH(8GHFODUDWLRQRIFRQIRUPLW\LVDYDLODEOHDWWKHIROORZLQJLQWHUQHWDGGUHVVKWWSZZZUFIXWDEDFRMSHQJOLVKGOGHFODUDWLRQVKWPO4PV-Eng-09-Reference-129-135.indd   135 2016/08/01   9:58:04

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