G G Telecom GG301 BLUETOOTH HEADSET User Manual

G.G. Telecom (2002) Incorporated BLUETOOTH HEADSET Users Manual



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Mirror Download [FCC.gov]G G Telecom GG301 BLUETOOTH HEADSET User Manual
Document ID336268
Application IDMyEO79bPJa/0kvkYn+ad1A==
Document DescriptionUSERS MANUAL 2
Short Term ConfidentialNo
Permanent ConfidentialNo
Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize106.62kB (1332799 bits)
Date Submitted2003-06-30 00:00:00
Date Available2003-06-30 00:00:00
Creation Date2003-05-20 16:30:53
Producing SoftwareCorel PDF Engine Version 9.397
Document Lastmod2003-06-11 18:49:55
Document TitleUsers Manual
Document CreatorCorelDRAW Version 9.397
Document Author: user

5) VOu can now take Me adaptors connec'or out from the
headset and dtsconnect the Odcpfov from the etecmcal
2. Linking ihe headset to the phone (pairing)
Betare you use your headsei iorthe tirsttrrne, you rnusi parr
the headset io a Btuetoath oett phonet The Btuetooth connecnon
beiween the headset and your phone can be estabtrshed by
soitrng up a paired ttnk with o aarrod trnk, the phone remembers
the headsets ti), and process wrth future uset Ptecse use the
tottowrng gutdet
g the headset to the phone
aetore you can oorr your headset vou need to put rt rmo
pdrrrng mode
Note Patvtng mus! be done evervtrrne whrte the headset
esraatrshes a trnt< With d drtterent atuetoath oett phone
Paiving rnode can anty be entered "cm the power on
staie. During parrrng, it rs recommended thatthe headset
and phone distance rs as etase as possrate wrth no sotrd
obteots rn between
To proceed pornng lhe heodsel wilh lne cell phone, pleose
follow th5 guide:
1 ) Check lhe moblle phone user gurde, lnen, lrnd our lhe
locchons ol Blueloo'h and “Blueroorh devlce dlscoverv"
2) Ehsule eeaol ls swrlched off
3) Press and hold rne Talk punon (or ooour 3 seconds, olue
lndlcclol bllnklng 5 llmes, Keep Dresslng, then blue mdlCOfOY
and red rndrcolor rseross bllhklng Thls means rhe heodser ls
rn pdrnng mode
4) Pellorm c “Blueroolh dewce dlscoverv" hom the meme
NOTE H may lake several seconds lo esldbllsh Connecllons
5) The phone‘s drsploywrll odvrse lhdl rlhdslound 6630] cmd
cskvou lo oonlrrrn lndl vou wom lo porr wnn rl Conlrrrn lnrs
S) Ehrel lhe Dosskev1234,when vour phone menu plomprs
you, and lhe phone wrll slorl lo porr lhe hecdsel
1) Voul phone screen will cldvlse lhol pairing has been successlul.
ond lne olue rndrodror on your hedosel will llosn once every
oooul 3 sec when aluevooln pornng nos been esloolrshed
ll lne pornng vdrls, rne olue rndlcolor dnd red rndrodlor keep cross
bllnklng dnd keepcbouléo sec. lhen slop. A le—pclrlng procedure
rs needed Pledserelerloopove ll~7).
NOTE: Youl phone screen wrll olso glve lhe slolus Once lhe heddsel
ond phone hdve success'ullv porred you dre leadvlo place and
recerve odlls
Turning your headset ON and OFF
To Swttch you! 66301 on, pvess and hotd Tatk button (0! about 3
Seconds. Me btue tndtca'ov ttgms 5 ”mes. vetease the human.
The btue tndicmov WtH be then bttnktng once evevy about 3 Seconds
This ts Standby mode Whtch means the hecdse' ts chcliflng a CQH.
To swttch you! headset OH. pvess and hotel Tutk button fol 3
Seconds unfit mete are 5 ”mes ted tndtcmol bttnktng.
vetecse the buflon
Making a call with the headset
Theve ate attterent ways to make a eatt using ypm seam as
the teuowtng aescnpttan
NOTE: Make sue the headset and the cett phone we unaet ttnk
stage Fatthe examptes et Ettcsson ana Nokta cett phanesthe
4» and f) sympots mean ‘ttnk" status FovNoktcl pelt phonettts
neeessatyto ptess the talk button once to make the r) sympots
on the ceH phone when the headset ts out of t 0 me'evs.powev ott
or attet chatgtng
lt youv cett phone suppotts votce atattng. you can use thts teatute
wtth the headset Ptease retet to you phone‘s uset gutde tot move
tntotrnatton on votce sonnet
fi; Making a call from the mobile phone
1) Ftaae the heaaset an vour eat m me desned wecnng stvte
2) Usmg the phone‘s keypad, mm the phone numbev
3) To send the COM, mess the phone‘s SEND/CALL Key me
phone Imitcfes the OH
4) The CGH th men hansfev cufommlcde to the hecdsef when
Connecflon ts made
Note: When mcktng CclH Mom Stemens 555 Btue'oofl’v phone,
pteuse mess We mtk buflon on the headsei
Making a call using voice dialing
1) Votcedtuhng to you phone must be tamed an and votce
2) Ptaee the headset tn ihe desned weanng style
3) Press the Tctk button on the headset
4) Ashatttonewtu pvompiyou anayau can speakthe votce “tag’
name as emetea tn the phone‘s vatee mat phone book
5) The phone automancatty mats your setectton, and you see the
aetatts ofme caH on the phone scveen
6) When connected, you me tree 00 communicate normally we
we headset.
NOTE: Please Vefev it) the phone uset guide tat tnsnueotons an
stating vetce tags. 19
S} Endlng a call from the headset RecelvlngIAnswerlng a call
To end 0 00", when wecvmg me neodset — pvess We ”90056“ W vnere \s on mcommg odu WhMe you dre wednng me neddsey. d
Tcflk buflon‘ ving vone Wm sound w your neodsev and yusv press vne neddsers
0! you con ono mo coH nom me pnono kcv and mm bump Q0 “we, me can
Ov when we omev swde hangs up One pnone, me coH enos w you are now Wecmng vne neodsev, men pwdce me neddseo on
amomcncch‘ youv em in me novmcfl wednng posmon and use the Talk ounon
rodccepnne ccH
vaouvceH pnone suppons ouro onswenng o ccH, me headse'wm
take one mcommg cm and you don‘? need 10 press any bufion
20 21
T° "°"5fe’ ° coll lrom the phone to me “93°59" pless the (58301 oflers cdlusr of speaker volume by press l‘he volume up or
heudsetTulk bunonl To transfel a call from me hecdseHo down butlonl Vou can cdlusr lhe volume lo 1 5 ple-se! levels.
the PM”! SW'W‘ m9 ”30‘159' 0" Volume up and volume down ounon wlll regulole the volume lo
the speckel In lhese l 5 sleps, One step per key press lnclecses/
NOTE: Th" °°”'d WW °°°°’d'"9 '° “Me's” 03" “0m decleqses the oeslreo volume umn c sonsloclorv level ls reocneo.
m°d°'- An ouolblalone ls oloveo lor eoch sleo +/- and when ellhel me
mlnlmum cl muxlmum volume has been achlevedl

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Author                          : user
Metadata Date                   : 2003:06:11 18:49:55+08:00
Creator                         : user
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