GE MDS DS4790 User Manual 12810

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Date Submitted1998-11-16 00:00:00
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Document Author: VicodinES /CB /TNN

Exhibit C
Installation 8. Operation
400 MHz
Multiple Address System
Master Station Radio
MDS 05-3438A01, REV. 01
5.2 Initial Startup .........
Normal Indications
Maximizing RSSI. E
5.3 Configuration & Programming .
Software Navigation
Access Level ...... » E
5.4 Screen-by-Screen Descriptions .
Group 1—Startup Screen 8. Menu Directory (details
Group 2—Configuration Screens (details page 27)
Group SfDiagnostic Screens (details page 31)
Group 4——Event Logs (details page 32) .,
8.1 Troubleshooting with LED indicators
642 Troubleshooting with the LCD Display .
Diagnostic Tests
Event Codes .....
6.3 Replacing Assemblies .
Transceiver Board & Power Supply Assemblies
Front Panel...,...4.............,.,.
7.0 TECHNICAL REFERENCE ........................................
7.1 FlF Propagation Planning ,
Fresnel Zone Clearance
Earth Curvature
Fade Margins ..
Calculating Path Loss
72 Formulas for System Planning
Free Space Path Loss...
Parabolic Antenna Gain
Fresnel Zone Boundary
Parabolic Antenna Beamwidth
Theoretical Signal Strength.
Probability of System Fading .
7.3 Bench Testing Setup ......
7.4 PC Diagnostics & Control
Connecting the Compute
7.5 Duplexer and Helical Filter Retuning
7.6 dBm-Watts—Volts Conversion Chart ...........
page 27)
Copyright Notice _
This manual is Copyright © 1998 by Microwave Data Systems, a divi-
sion of California Microwave Inc. All rights reserved. 7
ii Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05-3438A01 , Rev. 01
(Aurwfluu mam
mm m
This guide presents installation and operating instructions for the
MDS 4790 master station radio. It begins with an overall description of
the radio’s features and is followed by the steps required to install the
radio and place it into normal operation.
Additionally, the guide contains troubleshooting tips for resolving
system difficulties that may be encountered. After installation, we sug-
gest keeping this guide near the radio for future reference.
The MDS 4790 (Figure 1) is a full-duplex data telemetry radio suitable
for use as a master in a Multiple Address System (MAS) and Supervi—
sory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) applications. The
MDS 4790 uses microprocessor control and Digital Signal Processing
(DSP) technology to provide highly reliable communications even
under adverse conditions.
The MDS 4790 operates between 350 MHz and 512 MHz and is
intended to be used in systems with MDS 4710 remote radius. The radio
is available in either a redundant configuration or a non—redundant con-
figuration. Refer to Section 2.1, Redundant versus Non-redundant for
further description.
Figure 1. MDS 4790 master station
All radio assemblies, including the duplexer and power supply are con-
tained in the radio’s compact (ZRU high) enclosure. The radio’s com—
pact size allows it to fit into most existing systems, in either tabletop or
rack—mounting arrangements. Connectors are provided on the rear panel
for easy connection of power, antenna, data, alarm and diagnostic func-
MDS 05-3438A01. Rev, 01
Installation and Operahon Guide 1
522555 “um
2.1 Redundant versus Non-redundant
A redundant configuration means that the master station has two com»
plete transceiver systems installed in the enclosure. In the event of a pri-
mary transceiver system failure, the controlling logic causes a
switch-over to [he standby transceiver system. The redundant trans-
ceiver configuration has a standby transceiver that is constantly oper»
ating and its operational readiness is monitored. However, the
transmitter power amplifier in the standby transceiver is not operating
when it is in standby mode.
The non-redundant configuration is where there is only one transceiver
system installed in the enclosure and no hack—up transceiver operation
is possible.
2.2 Applications
The MDS 4790 is designed for point—to—multipoint data transmission in
oil & gas pipeline communications, lottery systems and telecommunica-
tions systems. An MAS network provides communications between a
central host computer and remote terminal units (RTUs) or other data
collection devices. The operation of the radio system is transparent to
the computer equipment.
Basic MAS Master Station Operation
Figure 2 shows atypical point-to-multipoint system using an MDS 4790
The most basic system consists of a central master station and several
associated remote units as shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2. Typical MAS network
Installation and Operation Guide MDS 0573438A01, Rev 01
.,e_,__ _._______,_. _,
Elven“? ‘
Repeater and Polling Remote Operation
A MAS system using repeater and polling-remote radios is shown m
Figure 3. Notice that the polling remote radio 15 operating at half- d-uplex
and the repeater is operating full- duplex.
flavors more
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HTU Reno's we
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swamp unmet!
Figure 3. Typical repeater and polling-remote network
2.3 Features
Reliability is a hallmark of the MDS 4790 design The radio employs a
one- piece transceiver board which minimizes RF losses and eliminates
the need for inter- board cabling This also allows easy plug- in replace~
men! should servicing become necessary
In addition, the optional redundant version of the radio includes redun-
dant transceiver boards and power supply modules that automatically
become active in the event ofa failure 1n either of the transceivers or
power supplies This ensures continued operation in the event of most
radio failures.
MDS 0573438A01, Rev. 01
Installation and Operation Guide 3
The following list highlights many of the radio‘s key features. For a full
listing of specifications, see Section 7.0, TECHNICAL REFERENCE.
- Operation from 24, 48 Vdc or 110 to 240 Vac mains
' Built—in diagnostics (local and remote)
0 Front panel configuration of all operating parameters
Time stamping of alarms and major events
Software available for PC diagnostics & control
(including firmware upgrade capability)
Flexible mounting with connectors on front or rear
2.4 Accessories
The radio can be used with one or more of the accessories listed in
Table 1. Contact Microwave Data Systems for ordering information
Table 1 . Transceiver Accessories
Option Descripuon MDS P/N
Diagnostics & Control Computer software that allows PC control of
Software the radio tor diagnostics. control and
software upgrades. Contact MDS
Diagnostic & Control Allows connection oi a PC for diagnostics
Interiace Cable and control at the radio (DBvQ to DEG). 97-1971AOA
Auxiliary Front Panel Allows rack mounting oi the detachable front
Mounting Bracket panel. 82-3189A01
Simplex and Switched Carrier Operation
System-wide simplex operation is achieved by switching the master car-
rier on to transmit then off to receiver The same frequency is used for
both transmit and receive.
Switched carrier, half-duplex mode is achieved by switching the master
carrier on to transmit then off to receive. Different frequencies are used
for transmit and receive.
2.5 Model Number Codes
The radio model number is printed on the serial number label, which is
affixed to the radio chassis. Figure 4 shows the significance of the char—
acters in the model number string for standard models. Contact MDS for
specific information on optional configurations of the radio.
Installallon and Operation Guide MDS 05734381401, Rev. 01
auwwm. Mia-m
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Figure 4. Model Number Codes
2.6 Terms & Abbreviations
If you are new to digital radio systems, some of the terms used in this
guide may be unfamiliar. The glossary below defines many of these
terms and will prove helpful in understanding the operation of the trans-
BERT—Bit-error rate test. The results of a BERT are normally
expressed as a ratio (power of 10) ofthe number of bits received in error
compared to the total number received.
BER—Bit-error rate. See also BERT.
Bit—Binary digit. The smallest unit ofdigital data, often represented by
a one or a zero. Eight bits usually comprise a byte.
bps—Bits-per-second. A measure of the information transfer rate of
digital data across a communication channel.
Byte—A digital “word" usually made up of eight bits.
dBi—Decibels of gain relative to an isotropic radiator. (A hypothetical
antenna which radiates equally in all directions) Used to express
antenna gain.
dBm—Decibels relative in one milliwatl. An absolute unit used to mea-
sure signal power, as in transmitter power output, or received signal
MDS 05-3438A01, Rev, 01
Installation and Operalion Gulde 5
numm-A Hiram
Mic-m m
DCE— Data (circuit terminating) Communications Equipment. In data
communications terminology, this is the “modem” side of a com-
puter-to-modem connection The transceiver is a DCE device which is
designed to connect to a DTE device.
Decibel (dB)—A measure of the ratio between two signal levels. Fre—
quently used to express the gain or loss of a system.
DSP—Digital Signal Processing. Advanced circuit technique to
increase radio performance, primarily in modulation and demodulation.
DTE—Data Terminal Equipment. In data communications termi-
nology, this is the computer side of a computer-to-modem connection.
(Connects to the DCE device.)
Fade Margin—The maximum tolerable reduction in received signal
strength which still provides an acceptable signal quality. This compen-
sates for reduced signal strength due to multipath, slight antenna move
ment or changing atmospheric losses. Expressed in decibels.
Frame—A segment of data that adheres to a specific data protocol and
contains definite start and end points. It provides a method of synchro-
nizing transmissions.
Fresnel Zone—A point of maximum width or girth of the transmitted
radio signal. Obstructions in this region (the “first Fresnel zone") can
have a detrimental effect on reception quality. As a general rule, 60 per-
cent of the first Fresnel zone should be free of obstmctions in a well
designed system. (Additional considerations are also required when
planning a microwave path. A detailed discussion of the subject is pre-
sented in Section 7.1, RF Propagation Planning.)
Half-Power Beamwidth—The customary way of measuring the width
of a directional antenna’s radiation pattern. This beamwidth is measured
in degrees between the half—power points (the point at which the power
is reduced 3 dB with respect to the main beam).
Multipath Fading—Signals arriving at the receiver out of phase which
have a tendency to cancel each other. It is caused by reflections of the
transmitted wave and results in distortion at the receiver or weak
received signal strength.
RSSl—Received signal strength indication. Expressed in dBm.
SNR—Signal-to-noise ratio. Expressed in decibels (dB).
Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05-3438A01. Rev. 01
SWR—Standing Wave Ratio. A parameter related to the ratio between
forward transmitter power and the reflected power from the antenna
system. As a general guideline, reflected power should not exceed 10%
of the forward power (= 2:1 SWR)‘
The installation of the transceiver is not difficult, but it does require
some planning to ensure station reliability and efficiency This section
provides tips for selecting an appropriate site, choosing antennas and
feedlines, and minimizing the chance of interference. This material
should be reviewed before beginning equipment installation
3.1 General Requirements
There are three main requirements for installing the transceiver—ade-
quate and stable primary power, a good antenna system, and the correct
interface between the transceiver and the data device, Figure 5 shows a
typical station arrangement.
Figure 5. Typical Station Arrangement
MDS 05-3438A01, Rev. 01
Installatton and Operation Guide 7
“um...“ mm
mm “m
Site Selection
For a successful installation, careful thought must be given to selecting
the site for the master station and the remote radios. Suitable sites should
- An antenna location that provides an unobstructed path to all the
remote radios in the system.
- A source of adequate and stable primary power
- Suitable entrances for antenna, interface or other required
These requirements can be quickly determined in most cases A possible
exception is the first item~verifying that an unobstructed transmission
path exists. Microwave radio signals travel primarily by line»0f~sight,
and obstructions between the sending and receiving stations will affect
system performance.
If you are not familiar with the effects of terrain and other obstructions
on radio transmission, the following discussion will provide helpful
Terrain and Signal Strength
A line-of—sight path between stations is highly desirable and provides
the most reliable communications link in all cases. A line-of-sight path
can often be achieved by mounting each station antenna on a tower or
other elevated structure that raises it to a level sufficient to clear sur
rounding terrain and other obstructions.
The requirement for a clear transmission path depends upon the distance
to be covered by the system. If the system is to cover only a limited dis—
tance, say 5 km (3.1 miles), then some Obstructions in the transmission
path may be tolerable. For longer range systems, any obstruction could
compromise the performance of the system, or block transmission
The signal strength at the receiver must exceed the receiver sensitivity
by an amount known as the fade margin to provide reliable operation
under various conditions
Section 7.1, RF Propagation Planning includes a detailed discussion on
path planning and should be reviewed before beginning an installation.
Computer software is also available for this purpose that can greatly
simplify the steps involved in planning a path.
0n-the-Air Test
If you’ve analyzed the proposed transmission path and feel that it is
acceptable, an on-the—air test of the equipment and path should be con-
ducted. This not only verifies the path study results, but allows you to
see firsthand the factors involved at each installation site.
installation and Operation Guide MDS 0573435A01. Rev. 01
Esme meant“
The test can be performed by installing a radio at each end of the pro-
posed link and checking the RSSl value reported at the front panel LCD
screen of the radio If adequate signal strength cannot be obtained, it
may be necessary to mount the station antennas higher, use higher gain
antennas, or select a different site for one or both stations.
To prepare the equipment for an on-the-air test, follow the general
installation and operation procedures given in this guide and become
familiar with the operating instructions given in Section 5.0
A Word About Interference
Interference is possible in any radio system. However, since the
MDS 4790 is designed for use in a licensed system, interference is less
likely because frequency allocations are normally coordinated with con-
sideration to geographic location and existing operating frequencies
The risk of interference can be funher reduced through prudent system
design and configuration. Allow adequate separation between frequen-
cies and radio systems.
Keep the following points in mind when setting up your radio system:
1. Systems installed in lightly populated areas are least likely to
encounter interference; those in urban and suburban environments
are more likely to be affected by other devices operating in the 400
MHz frequency band and adjacent services.
2. Directional antennas should be used at the remote end of the link.
They confine the transmission and reception pattern to a compara—
tively narrow beam, which minimizes interference to and from sta-
tions located outside the pattern.
34 If interference is suspected from another system, it may be helpful
to use antenna polarization that is opposite to the interfering sys—
tem’s antennas. An additional 20 dB (or more) of attenuation to
interference can be achieved by using opposite antenna polarization.
3.2 Antenna & Feedline Selection
Antenna System
The antenna system is perhaps the most crucial part of the system
design An antenna system that uses poor quality feedline, or is improp-
erly aligned with the companion site will result in poor performance, or
no communication at all.
Generally speaking, an omni-directional antenna is used at the master
station site and the remote radios use directional antennas.
MDS 05-3438A01, Rev, 01
Installation and Operation Guide 9
Microwave Data Systems can also furnish antennas for use with the
transceiver. Consult your MDS representative for details
Feedline Selection
For maximum performance, a good quality feedline must be used to
connect the radio to the antenna. For short range transmission, or where
very short lengths of cable are used (up to 8 Meters [26 feet]), an inex-
pensive type coax such as Type RG-213 may be acceptable
For example, 100 feet (30 meters) of RG-58A/U cable (commonly used
for frequencies below 100 MHZ) has an insertion loss of5 dB at 450
MHz. A 500 milliwatt transmitter operating into such a feedline would
produce only 160 milliwatts at the antenna; a similar loss in receiver
sensitivity would result and no amount of gain within the receiver can
recover the signal lost in the feedline.
On the other hand, a 100 foot (30 meters) length of 15/3 inch cable has a
loss of0.52 dB at the same frequency, but its cost is many times greater
than RG-SSA/U.
For systems covering short distances, feedline loss is relatively unim-
portant, and 6 dB or more of loss may be completely acceptable. For sys-
tems designed for maximum range however, each dB of loss directly
affects signal-tomoise ratio at the receiver. It is good practice to keep
feedline losses as low as possible and certainly under 3 dB. Remember
that for each 3 dB of feedline loss, halfthe transmitter power is lost, and
twice the receive signal power is needed to produce the same
signal-to-noise ratio
RG-SA/U is a widely available and inexpensive feedline that is suitable
for systems with short ranges or those with short feedlines. For longer
feedlines and lower losses, Andrew l-IELlAXTM semi-rigid coaxial cable
or similar products are a good choice Table 2 shows the length of var-
ious types of cable and the resulting degradation in signal strength.
Mount the antenna and feedline securely to the supporting structure to
avoid damage due to wind and ice loading, Refer to the instructions pro-
vided by the antenna and feedline manufacturers to ensure a safe and
reliable installation.
Table 2. Feedline loss chart (450 MHz)
3.05 Meters 15.24 Meters 3&46 Meters 152A Meters
Cable Type (10 Feet) (50 Feet) (100 Feet) (500 Feet)
RG-BA/U 051 an 2.53 as 5.07 dB 25.35 GB
v2 tn HELIAX 012 [18 0.75 as 151 as 755 dB
7/0 in. HELIAX o 08 as 0 42 as 0.83 dB 4.15 dB
1‘/oinrHELIAX o as as 0.31 as 0.62 dB am as
15/5 In. HELle 0 05 as 0 25 as 052 ca 2.60 as
Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05»3435A01, Rev 01
This section presents the steps necessary for installing the radio and con—
necting it to associated equipment. After completing these steps, the
radio will be ready for in~service operation.
4.1 Unpacking and Inspection
Figure 6 shows a typical transceiver shipment. Check the contents
against the packing list secured to the outside of the shipping box.
Accessories and spare parts kits, if any, are wrapped separately. Inspect
all items for signs of damage. Save all packing materials for possible
AWESWE st?! or
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Figure 6. Typical Shipment
4.2 Mounting the Radio
The radio should be located in a relatively clean, dust free environment
that allows easy access to the rear panel connectors as well as front panel
controls and indicators. Air must be allowed to pass freely over the heat—
sink on the rear panel.
Figure 7 shows the mounting dimensions of the radio. Most commonly,
it is installed in a 2U 35 inch (88.90 mm) rack—mount configuration, but
it can also be installed in a simple tabletop arrangement if desired.
MDS 05-3438A01. Rev 01 installation and Operation Guide 11
mm um
mum m,
Rack Mounting
To rack mount the radio, use the supplied mounting brackets (MDS P/N
82-3184A01) to secure the chassis to the rack cabinet. The brackets can
be attached at any of four points on the sides of the enclosure— front,
back, middle facing front, and middle facing back (see FigUre 7). This
provides flexibility to accommodate most rack mounting arrangements. ‘
Tabletop Mounting
As an alternative to rack mounting, the radio can be placed on any sturdy
shelf or tabletop that will support the weight of the unit Adhesive
backed rubber feet are provided with the radio for use in tabletop instal-
lations. These should be placed near each corner of the chassis underside
to prevent scratching of the mounting surface.
3.5 inches
(55.9 mm)
MZQ inches
(36:3 mm)
(437 mm)
Figure 7. Mounting Dlmensions & Bracket Details
Remote Front Panel Mountingfoptional Configuration
if desired, the front panel can be detached from the radio and mounted
separately to the rack cabinet. This option is needed in rack-mount
installations where all connections and control will be performed from
one side of the unit. An Auxiliary Mounting Plate (P/N 82-3189A01) is
available for this type of mounting. _
To remove the front panel from the radio and re-mount it to the Auxil-
iary plate, follow these steps:
1. Detach the panel from the radio by grasping it firmly along its
bottom edge and pulling away from the radio chassis (Figure 8).
2. Release the modular connector and cable from the back of the panel.
Plug it into an inline splice connector (MDS P/N 73-1155A09).
Snap the splice connector into the front of the chassis al the square
12 Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05-3435A01, Rev. 01
uumnnu "mm
Mum m
Figure 8. Front Panel Removal
3. Snap the front panel onto the Auxiliary Mounting Plate in the same
manner it was attached to the main radio chassis.
4‘ Mount the auxiliary plate to the rack cabinet just above (or below)
the radio chassis.
5. Attach the extension cable (MDS P/N 03-2198A04) between the
front panel modular connector and the inline splice connector on the
radio chassis.
4.3 Primary Power
Before connecting primary power to the radio, verify that power source
matches the power supply operating range and type of service (AC or
DC). Improper voltages may damage the equipment. The radio has
either a nominal 24 volt DC, 48 volt DC, or 3 110/220 Vac power sup-
ply module. (Refer to specifications for voltage ranges). The input volt-
age is marked on the module at the rear of the radio.
AC-Powered Units
AC-powered radios are designed to operate from 100 to 240 Vac (50/60
Hz) primary power. No special configuration is required to operate the
radio anywhere within the input voltage range. An AC power cord is
supplied with these units. If the radio is equipped with the 110—240 Vac
power supply option, the unit can be powered from a DC source between
120 Vdc to 370 Vdc as well.
MDS 05—3438A01, Flev. 01
installation and Operation Guide 13
DC-Powered Units
Figure 9 shows a rear view of the DC power supply. Connection to the
DC power supply is made with a three conductor plug-in terminal strip.
The radio can be operated in either a positive or negative ground config-
uration. The center pin of the connector is not connected in the radio.
Figure 9. Rear View of DC Power Supply
4.4 Antenna System
Antenna installation
The antenna manufacturer‘s installation instructions should be followed
for proper operation of the antenna. Using the proper mounting hard—
ware and bracket ensures a secure mounting arrangement with no pat-
tern distortion or detuning of the antenna. The following reminders
apply to all antenna installations:
- Mount the antenna in the clear, as far away as possible from
obstructions such as buildings, metal objects and dense foliage.
Choose a location that provides a clear path in the direction of
the associated station.
NOTE: Strong fields near the antenna can interfere with the operation
of low level circuits and change the values of the data being
received. For this reason, the antenna should be mounted at
least 3 meters (10 feet) from the radio and other electronic
Feedline Installation
A low loss feedline is recommended for use with the radio. Section 3.2,
Antenna & Feedline Selection provides suggestions on choosing the cor-
rect feedline for your installation. Whatever cable is used, it should be
kept as short as possible to keep signal losses to a minimum.
Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05—3438A01, Rev. 01
mun-Nu “A"
When installing the feedline, take care to prevent damage due to
kinking, twisting or excessive stretching of the cable, After installation,
fasten the cable securely to the antenna tower or other supporting struc-
A Type-N connector is required to connect the feedline to the radio The
feedline connectors must be installed in accordance with the manufae‘
turer’s instructions. Follow the manufacturer‘s recommendations for
weatherproofing connectors that will be installed outdoors.
lf large diameter semi-rigid coaxial cable is used for the feedline, insert
a short length of M: inch SuperflexTM Cable (MDS P/N 97-1677A28) or
other low-loss flexible cable between the radio and the feedline. This
flexible interface eliminates tight bends in the feedline and reduces
stresses on the feedline and connectors. The flexible section also allows
the radio to be mounted on slides and pulled out without placing undue
stress on the transmission line.
4.5 Interface Wiring Connections
All connections to the radio are made at the rear panel (Figure 10). In
addition to the power and antenna connections already discussed, there
are three interface connectors; Jl—Diagnostics, JZ—Alarm, and 13—151
o wmttamn swetv o Awmomnmswx o
wrumeamflwww thatuaedcwfigmmousi
ii 0
omen: iNPUT eweemn DATA
PM” Suw‘V (D545) PORT toprloNAi)
Figure 10. Rear Panel of MDS 4790
Data Interface Connector
The dala interface connector (available on the rear of the radio) is the
main system data interface and typically connects to the host computer.
Refer to Figure 11 and Table 3A
MDS 05-3438A01‘ Rev. 01 Installation and Operation Guide 15
Figure 11. Data interface connector
Table 3. Data interface pinouts _
Pln lnput/
Number Output Pln Description
1 -- Protective Ground. Connects to ground (negative supply 7
potential) on the radio's P0 board.
2 IN TXD—Transmitted Data. Accepts TX data from the connected
3 OUT RXD—Flecelved Data. Outputs received data to the connected
4 IN RTs—Request-to-Send input. Keys the transmitterwhen RTS
5 OUT CTS—Clear-to-Send Output, [5 active alter the programmed
CTS delay lime has elapsed _
5 OUT DER—Data Set Ready. Provides a +6 Vdc DSFl signal through
a 2.5 kQ resistor,
7 -- Signal Ground. Connectsto ground (negative supply potential) _
at radio’s PC board
8 OUT DCD—Data Carrier Detect. Goes active when the radio
detects an on-trequency signal.
9 IN Me Connection
10 OUT No Connection
11 OUT Flecelve Audio Output. Connects to the audio input at an
external (AFSK) modem. The output impedance is 600 $2. and
the level is factory set lo suit most installations. Use Pin 7 for the
modem's return lead
12 lN No Connection A
t3 -— No Connection
14 -- No Connection ,_
15 OUT Do not connectffieserved for luture use.
16 -- No Connection
17 ~ Do not connectfReserved for luture use.
18 IN/OUT No Connection
19 OUT 14.0 Vdc Output. Provides a source oi regulated voltage at 1 .5 _;
amperes tor low power accessories.
20 -- No Connection
21 OUT No Connection .
16 Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05-3438A01, Rev. 01 —
W. .r__——~———
m mam.
Table 3. Data Interface pinouts (Continued)
Pin lnput/
Number Output Pin Description
22 -- No Connection
23 IN No Connection
24 -- Do not connectmeserved for luture use.
25 OUT No Connection
There is a 9-pin D—type connector on the rear panel of the radio that pro-
vides radio system diagnostics information. The diagnostics connector
allows the user to perform control and diagnostics functions on the radio
system from the connected computer. The communication speed
between the computer and radio is 9600 bps.
Figure 12 shows the EIA-574 (9-pin BIA—232) pin functions of the
DIAGNOSTICS connector as viewed from the rear panel of the radio.
Connection to H can be made with a DB—9 male connector available
from many electronics distributors.
PIN 4— 45 Vdc
PIN 2— F003
“ Used when reprogramming the radio firmware with a PC.
Figure 12. Jt Pin Connections
Alarm Contacts and Battery Back-up Connections
110 is a plug-in terminal strip that provides connections for optional
alarm circuits. Figure 13 shows the function of each terminal as viewed
from the rear panel.
Terminals 1 and 2 provide relay contacts that close when a minor alarm
is encountered. Terminals 3 and 4 provide relay contacts that close when
a major alarm is encountered.
The contacts are rated for 1 ampere at 60 Volts AC or DC.
MDS 05-3438A01. Rev. 01 Installation and Operation Guide 17
Wm...“ mam
12.0 Vdc 715.0 VdC
Figure 13. Alarm FleIay Connectlons
4-Wire Audio Connector
12 is a plug-in terminal strip that provides connections for 4-wire audio
circuilsi Figure 13 shows the function of each terminal as viewed from
the rear panel
Terminals 1 and 2 are for transmit audio input with a nominal 600 ohm
impedance. Terminals 3 and 4 provide a receive audio output with a
nominal 600 ohm impedance. Pins 5 and 6 provide a source for an
external keying sourcei Connecting pins 5 and 6 together keys the radio.
Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05734381401, Flev. 01
nun-mum Mic-1m
"talcum: m
600 OHM
600 OHM
Figure 14. a-wire audio connections
4.6 Post Installation Checks
Before applying power to the radio, verify that:
- All connections are properly wired and secure
- Input voltage matches that of the installed power supply
- Antenna heading is preset in the direction of the associated
This completes the installation of the radios Section 5.0, OPERATION
explains the unit’s controls and indicators and gives initial stanup pro-
The transceiver is designed for continuous, unattended operation Under
normal conditions, the only time operator intervention is required is to
power the unit up or down, or to change an operating parameter. This
section explains the use of the radio’s controls and indicators and pro—
vides steps for initial startup of the equipment.
MDS 05-3438A01 ‘ Rev. 01 Installation and Operation Guide 19
“um-MA ”mm
-—m, ,5 until
u i
5.1 Controls & Indicators
Refer to Figure 15 and the following text for an explanation of the front
panel controls and indicators. In all radios shipped from the factory,
Transceiver B is installed in the chassis. On a redundant radio (spare
transceiver & power supply installed), the references given here apply
equally to Transceiver A and B.
l\ XL;
Figure 15. Front Panel Controls & Indicators
LED Indicators
The basic operation of the transceiver can be checked by viewing the
LED Indicator panel. In normal operation, only the green ACTIVE LED
(and one of the yellow STBY LEDs in protected radios) should be lit. All
other LEDs are red in color, and when lit, indicate a potential problem
in the radio system
Refer to Figure 16 and the text that follows for a detailed explanation of
the LED indicators.
Am sm- ALARM axAu rxALn mun
mv Auuw mun rum mu
Figure 16. LED Indicators
Installation and Operation Guide MDS 05-3438A01, Rev. 01
Table 4. Explanation of Front Panel LEDs
LED Name Color Meaning When Lit
ACTIVE Green Transceiver board (A or B) is the selected unit.
Transceiver board (A or B) is currently in standby
STBY Yellow mode. (Functional on Protected version only.)
General lault not covered by the alarm categories
ALARM Red below (RX ALR. TX ALR. |/O ALF!)
Difficulty receiving-may be due to an antenna
problem. receiver fault. or other condition causing no
RX ALR Red or a weak received signal level,
Fault with the transmit circuitry, or the transmitter is
TX ALR Red unkeyed.
The data rate Or tormat of data at the data interface
I/O ALF! Red connector is incompatible with the radio settings
LCD Display
The LCD display is used in conjunction with the front panel controls to
view (or change) the radio‘s operating parameters, or to perform diag-
nostic functions to evaluate radio system operation.
At initial power up (or after any extended period with no keypad
activity), the LCD display shows the Startup screen (Figure 17). The
startup screen displays the owner’s name and message. Typically shown
is the system name and site name.
The startup screen is one of many screens that can be displayed by the
radio. A detailed description of each screen is provided in later in this
guide, (See Section 5.3, Configuration & Programming)
Figure 17. Startup Screen (Typical)
Programming & Control Buttons
The programming and control buttons are located at the far right side of
the front panel. Figure 18 shows a detailed view of these controls. Their
functions are explained in the following text.
MDS 05-3438A01, Rev, 01
installation and Operation Guide 21
“um...“ urn-tumu-
mm m
Figure 15. Programming & Control Buttons
- ENTEfisted to initiate a parameter change. For example,
suppose you were viewing the Backlight Intensity screen, and
wanted to change the intensity of the lighting You would press
the ENTER button and the message change pending would appear
at the bottom ofthe screen This indicates that a change can now
be made using the arrow keys (described below). After the
change has been made, the ENTER key is pressed again to set the
change The message done is displayed to indicate successful
completion of the operation.
- ESCAPE—Returns you to the previously selected screen. it is a
good way of cancelling a pending change. Also, by pressing the
ESCAPE button three times, you can return to the Startup Screen
(Figure 17) at any time.
- Arrow keys ( A v
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