GE Medical Systems Information Technologies 2014748-002 Medical Telemetry Transmitter User Manual
GE Medical Systems Information Technologies Inc. Medical Telemetry Transmitter
Manual Draft1 Part 6
System setup Option Graph Setup Function NOTE When changing the Graph Setup options for admitted patients, the changes do not take effect until the patients are discharged. NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > Graph Setup. Default Locations for this CIC Set the print location for Manual, Alarm and Print Window. NOTE These default locations are only used for telemetry beds and determine where patient data prints for either manual or alarm conditions. Since a telemetry patient is not linked to a patient monitor, these defaults are necessary to specify the destination for alarm and manual graph printouts. Waveforms Designate the primary ECG lead for printing and enable or disable printing from subsequent ECG leads. ECG 1: Designate the primary ECG lead for printing. Lead II is the default. af Waveform 2 to 4: Choose other ECG leads to print or choose Off to disable printing an ECG lead. Choices are: Off, I, II, III, V, aVR, aVL and aVF. Dr Selecting option V indicates the V lead being monitored, e.g., V2. Transmitter Graph NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > Graph Setup. Turn on or off the Transmitter Graph printing. When this option is set to On, a telemetry patient can initiate a graph by pressing the Graph button on the transmitter. When this option is set to Off, graphs cannot be initiated at the transmitter. This option sets the unit default for all telemetry patients admitted to the CIC Pro center. NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > Graph Setup. Turn on or off Alarm Graph printing. Choices are: Always on or Always off. On is the default. Alarm Graph This option sets the unit default for all patients admitted to the CIC Pro center. It cannot be changed on an individual patient basis. 4-8 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 System setup Option Event Marker Graph Function Turn on or off Event Marker Graph printing. Off is the default. This option allows you to select whether a graph will be printed when a patient’s event is marked using the event marker button on the transmitter. NOTE This feature is not applicable to all transmitters. Display Lead Set the primary ECG lead for display in the patient’s waveform window. Choices are: I, II, III, V, aVR, aVL and aVF. Lead II is the default. Selecting option V indicates the V lead being monitored, e.g., Va or Vb. NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > ECG. Arrhythmia Enable or disable an arrhythmia processing program. Choices are: Full, Lethal, and Off. Full is the default. Selecting Off means arrhythmia detection remains off until you choose another option. af NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > ECG. Designate Single-Lead or Multi-Lead analysis for ECG and arrhythmia analysis. Multi-Lead is the default. Dr Lead Analysis ST Analysis NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > ECG. Enable or disable ST Analysis. Choices are: On or Off. Off is the default. NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > ECG. Va Lead Set the default for the V leads that will be monitored in these positions. A 6-leadwire set is required for multiple V-lead monitoring. Choices for Va: V1 to V6. Choices for Vb: V2 to V6. Vb Lead V1 is recommended for arrhythmia detection. V5 is recommended for ST depression monitoring1. NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > ECG. NOTE Correctly labelling V leads is important to facilitate correct ECG analysis when viewing real-time waveforms, histories or printouts. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 4-9 System setup Option Detect Pace Function Enable or disable pacer detection. Choices are: Pace 1, Pace 2, and Off. Off is the default. NOTE Selecting Off turns pacemaker detection off. It does not perform pacemaker detection. Pace 1 or Pace 2 must be used with pacemaker patients. See Monitoring pacemaker patients on page 7-13. NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Monitor Setup > ECG. PDS Enable or disable use of the Patient Data Server (PDS). The PDS is a rack-mounted server that collects graphic trend and event data from data acquisition devices on the Unity MC Network. Data may be collected from both hardwired and wireless devices and returns the data to a CIC Pro center for viewing, This data is stored in the PDS for 72 hours, providing temporary patient data history. af Additionally, the data is stored under a patient’s PID so that as the patient is moved from one data acquisition device or care unit to another, the new data is appended to the patient’s record, creating one continuous 72-hour string of data. Patient Age Set Patient Age. Choices are: 0-2 Years, 3-11 Years, 11-13 Years, and Adult. See Patient age on page 4-11. Dr NOTE Transmitter Alarm Pause Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Admit. Enable or disable transmitter alarm pausing. Choices are: Enable, Disable or Off. This option sets the unit default for all telemetry patients admitted to the CIC Pro center. NOTE Temporary changes may be made for a specific patient via the single patient viewer > Alarm Control. Alarm Pause Breakthrough Turn on or off Transmitter Alarm Pause breakthrough. Choices are: Always On or Always Off. Always On is the default. This option sets the unit default for all telemetry patients admitted to the CIC Pro center. It cannot be changed on an individual patient basis. Event Marker Turn on or off Event Marker alert. Off is the default. 1Barbara J. Drew, RN, PhD, FAAN (2000). Value of Monitoring a Second Precordial Lead for Patients in a Telemetry Unit, GE Medical Systems (order document number M04243ME0) 4-10 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 System setup Patient age WARNING INCORRECT ALGORITHMS, ARRHYTHMIA PROCESSING AND CALCULATIONS BASED ON PATIENT AGE — After manually updating or automatically retrieving patient demographic information from a network database, always confirm that the entered patient’s date of birth matches the patient’s actual date of birth. Otherwise the appropriate age-related algorithms, arrhythmia detection, and calculations will not be applied. NOTE The Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet settings take precedence when the Patient Age chosen in the Admit tab sheet and the age default setting from the Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet match. When the ages do not match, the Admit tab sheet age setting takes precedence. 0-2 years 3-10 years 11-13 years af The options found in the pull-down list for the Patient Age field are: Adult (factory default selection) The Patient Age setting chosen in the Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet affects the alarm settings. Adult Age Chosen In The Admit Tab Sheet When Patient Admitted Dr Telemetry Unit Defaults Tab Sheet Setting 0-2 years 2001989-301A- draft 1 Resulting Limits Unit Default Alarm Level (Brady) Resulting Alarm Level Adult 50, 150 Message Message 0-2 years 90, 200 Message Crisis 3-10 years 60, 180 Message Crisis 11-13 years 50, 150 Message Advisory Adult 50, 150 Message Advisory 0-2 years 90, 200 Message Message 3-10 years 60, 180 Message Crisis 11-13 years 50, 150 Message Advisory ApexPro™ 4-11 System setup Telemetry Unit Defaults Tab Sheet Setting 3-10 years 11-13 years Age Chosen In The Admit Tab Sheet When Patient Admitted Resulting Limits Unit Default Alarm Level (Brady) Resulting Alarm Level Adult 50, 150 Message Advisory 0-2 years 90, 200 Message Crisis 3-10 years 60, 180 Message Message 11-13 years 50, 150 Message Advisory Adult 50, 150 Message Advisory 0-2 years 90, 200 Message Crisis 3-10 years 60, 180 Message Crisis 11-13 years 50, 150 Message Message Factory defaults These factory defaults are in effect, depending upon the patient’s age, unless they have been modified through Telemetry Unit Defaults. ECG Display Lead is II Multi-Lead analysis Heart rate alarm limits (high/low): Adult—150/50 0–2 years—200/90 3–10 years—180/60 11–13 years—150/50 af ST measurement: Dr Adult— J+ 60ms 0–2 years— J+ 30ms 3–10 years— J+ 40ms 11–13 years— J+ 50ms PVC limit is 6 1X size Pace off Arrhythmia On (arrhythmia changes with age) ST off Graph leads II and V 25 millimeters per second speed Alarm Graph location at the CIC Pro center where patient was admitted TTX (manual) graph location at the CIC Pro center where patient was admitted Print window location at the CIC Pro center where patient was admitted Telemetry alarm control defaults This option sets the telemetry default alarm limits and alarm level settings. In user mode, all of the controls are view-only. You must be in Service mode to set the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults at the CIC Pro center. 4-12 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 System setup af To view the telemetry unit default settings, click CIC Setup > Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults. Parameter Limits and Alarm Levels Low High Level HR bpm 50 150 Warning ST-I mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-II mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-III mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-V mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-V2 mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-V3 mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-V4 mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-V5 mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-V6 mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-aVR mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-aVL mm -2.0 2.0 Warning ST-aVF mm -2.0 2.0 Warning NBP-S mmHg 80 200 Warning NBP-D mmHg 20 120 Warning NBP-M mmHg 40 140 Warning SPO2 90 105 Warning SPO2-R bpm 50 150 Warning Dr 2001989-301A- draft 1 501A ApexPro™ 4-13 System setup Parameter Limits and Alarm Levels Low High Level RR breaths/min 30 Warning RR-APNEA seconds 30 Warning PVC #/min Advisory Levels ASYSTOLE1 Crisis VFIB/VTAC Crisis V TACH Crisis VT > 2 Crisis V BRADY Crisis ACC VENT Advisory PAUSE Advisory TACHY Advisory BRADY Advisory af Arrhythmia Alarm Levels Message COUPLET Message BIGEMINY Message TRIGEMINY Message PVC Message IRREGULAR Message ATRIAL FIB Message Dr R ON T The default alarm level for Asystole and VFIB/VTACH cannot be moved from the Crisis level. 4-14 System Alarm Levels Levels CHANGE BATTERY System Warning OFF NETWORK System Warning ARR SUSPEND System Warning LEADS FAIL System Warning PROBE OFF System Warning ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 System setup Full disclosure defaults This option sets the full disclosure settings. In user mode, only the full disclosure Report and Strip settings can be configured. You must be in the Service mode to set the other full disclosure settings at the CIC Pro center. Dr af To view the full disclosure default settings, click CIC Setup > Full Disclosure Defaults. Option 503A Function Report Duration Designate how much data is included in the report. The maximum report duration is 72 hours, depending upon licensing. To set the report duration, place the cursor on the scroll bar below the Report Duration display field. Move the scroll bar to the left for shorter duration or to the right for longer duration. Hole Location Provide space for binding printed reports. Choices are: none, top, bottom, left, and right. Include Set print characteristics. You may set any or none of these options. Choices are: Graybar, Arrhythmia Annotations, and Heart Rate. Line Time Designate how much data shows on an individual report line. Choices are: 15sec, 30sec, and 1min. Strip 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 4-15 System setup Option Duration Function Designate how much data is included in the strip. The maximum strip duration is 60 minutes. To set the strip duration, place the cursor on the scroll bar below the Strip Duration display field. Move the scroll bar to the left for shorter duration or to the right for longer duration. Hole Location Provide space for binding printed reports. Choices are: none, top, bottom, left, and right. Unit License Default: Full Disclosure License Type NOTE You must be in the Service mode at the CIC Pro center to modify this setting. Display a list of the full disclosure license type. Choices are: none, 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours. NOTE If the default does not match the actual license, full disclosure does not work. Select a time period to store full disclosure data if contact with a monitor has been lost. Choices are: 30mins, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 hours. Offline Storage Dr af WARNING POTENTIAL DATA LOSS — Do not allow a NO COMM (patient offline) event to exceed the time limit selected in the Offline Storage setting. The patient’s full disclosure data is deleted if the time limit is exceeded. Start Data Storage Bed List For more information, refer to the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Bedrock Platform Service Manual. NOTE You must be in the Service mode at the CIC Pro center to modify this setting. Designate how full disclosure is enabled for patients at the time of admission. Choices are: automatically for all beds, automatically if listed, and manually. NOTE You must be in the Service mode at the CIC Pro center to modify this setting. Lists beds for which full disclosure data is automatically stored. Restore Clear any changes you made to the full disclosure default settings and revert to the previous settings. Current telemetry listings NOTE Refer to the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Bedrock Platform Service Manual for important configuration information. 4-16 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 System setup NOTE Telemetry beds are distinguished from monitoring beds by an asterisk appended to the end of the bed number. Dr af To view the Current Telemetry Listings, click CIC Setup > Current Telemetry Listings. Option Admitted Telemetry Patients 2001989-301A- draft 1 364B Function Provide a view-only overview of the admitted telemetry patients. NOTE Each row contains information for one telemetry patient. The second line of an entry shows the current software level for the patient bed in question. Tower: The telemetry receiver system for this patient Receiver: The receiver for this transmitter. Unit|Bed: The unit and bed assigned to this patient. Type: The type of patient; Tele Bed or Tele Combo. Transmitter: The transmitter’s identification number. Telemetry Beds Add, modify or delete a telemetry bed name. Hardwire Beds Add, modify or delete a hardwire bed name. Transmitters Add, modify or delete a transmitter. ApexPro™ 4-17 System setup Control settings (temporary) Control settings allow you to make temporary adjustments to some of the system and clinical application settings of the CIC Pro center. Control settings are temporary, meaning they apply to a selected patient and are erased when the patient is discharged. For detailed control setting information, including displayed waveform, Alarm Control, parameter control and print settings, refer to the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Operator’s Manual.To adjust the Alarm Volume, refer to Alarm volume on page 4-18. Alarm volume To adjust the Alarm Volume for a telemetry patient at the CIC Pro center, follow these steps: From the multi-patient viewer, click CIC Setup > CIC Defaults to display the current alarm volume. Dr af 1. 053A 4-18 2. Click the down arrow next to Minimum and select the desired Alarm Volume. The minimum Alarm Volume can be set between OFF and 100%. 3. Click the down arrow next to Current and select the desired Alarm Volume above the minimum volume setting. The current alarm level determines the actual alarm volume. 4. Click Apply. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms Dr af 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 5-1 Alarms Alarm notification WARNING ALARM ACTIVATION—No alarms sound or display on the CIC Pro center until a monitored patient is admitted to the CIC Pro center. The CIC Pro center will not alarm if an unadmitted patient enters an alarm condition. You must admit the patient to activate the alarms, automatic alarm printing, and the Events directory. WARNING OUT-OF-UNIT ALARMS—No audible alarms sound on the CIC Pro center for any viewed out-of-unit patient beds. The CIC Pro center only displays on-screen alarm indicators for viewed out-ofunit patient beds. The CIC Pro center notifies you of patient or system status alarm conditions using audible tones, on-screen indicators, or both audible tones and on-screen indicators. af The alarm tones used to identify alarm conditions are identified in Patient status alarms on page 5-3 and System status alarms on page 5-4. The following picture shows examples of on-screen alarm indicators: Dr 058A On-screen alarm indicators ADU Alarm buttons NOTE Clicking the alarm button displays detailed real-time parameter data for the alarming patient in a single patient viewer. 5-2 Parameter window Waveform area alarm message ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms Alarm categories The CIC Pro center categorizes alarms into patient status or system status alarms. NOTE The system will enunciate the system Warning and system Advisory fog horn for Leads Fail, as it takes priority over any active patient status Warning, Advisory and Message alarms. NOTE Crisis alarms are never superseded. NOTE When in Combo mode, alarm priority may be affected by the monitoring mode, i.e., USER DEFINED or TELE DEFINED. For more information, refer to Combo and Rover Combo monitoring on page 6-19. Patient status alarms af Patient status alarms are the highest priority alarm. They are triggered by a patient condition which exceeds a parameter’s alarm limits or by an arrhythmia condition. There are four severity levels of patient status alarms: Crisis: Life-threatening events. Crisis alarms sound until silenced by the user. Warning: Serious but non-life-threatening events. Warning alarms sound until the condition is resolved. Dr Advisory: Events that require monitoring, but are not serious or life threatening. Advisory alarms sound until the condition is resolved. Message: Additional information only. The CIC Pro center’s response to patient status alarms is as follows: Indicator Crisis Warning Advisory Message Alarm tone Three beeps Two beeps One beep No On-screen message Yes Yes Yes Yes Colored patient Red Yellow No No Automatic graph3 Yes Yes No No Events Yes Yes Yes No window border1 2 1When using the multi-patient viewer, the patient window border briefly flashes on and off at the start of the alarm and then stays on until the alarm is silenced or the alarming condition ends. 2Only patient status Crisis and Warning alarms and system status Warning alarms activate the colored border. Patients selected for single patient view have a white border in the multipatient viewer. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 5-3 Alarms For telemetry patients only, the factory default for this setting is Always on. To change this setting, see the Telemetry Unit Defaults in the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Bedrock Hardware Platform Service Manual. A graph prints automatically when a patient experiences a Crisis or Warning alarm. Arrhythmia alarm graphs run until the end of the alarm event or manually stopped by the user. The printer prints the 10 seconds of data that occurred immediately before the event, and prints for the duration of the event. The printer stops printing when the patient returns to a normal rhythm. If a printer is not available at the time of the alarm event, a 20-second graph is saved. This saved graph will print when a printer becomes available. You can temporarily adjust patient status alarm levels and limits. See Adjusting alarm control settings on page 5-8. System status alarms System status alarms are triggered by network or equipment problems. They are of lesser priority than patient status alarms. There are three severity levels of system status alarms: System Warning: Serious network or equipment problems. System Advisory: Network or equipment problems. System Message: Additional information only. af The CIC Pro center’s response to system status alarms is as follows. System Warning Dr Indicator System Advisory System Message Alarm tone Repeating foghorn Single foghorn No On-screen message Yes Yes Yes Colored patient Yellow No No window border1 2 When using the multi-patient viewer, the patient window border briefly flashes on and off at the start of the alarm and then stays on until the alarm is silenced or the alarming condition ends. Only patient status Crisis and Warning alarms and system status Warning alarms activate the colored border. Patients selected for single patient view have a white border in the multipatient viewer. Managing patient alarms To support a patient’s unique arrhythmia or parameter condition, you can temporarily adjust a patient’s Parameter Limits And Alarm Levels. See Adjusting alarm control settings on page 5-8. 5-4 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms The bedside monitors automatically stores a 10-second strip for all Advisory, Warning, or Crisis arrhythmia events. The CIC Pro center can retrieve and display the 10-second strip stored at the bedside monitor. When configured for it, your CIC Pro center automatically prints patient alarm graphs. See Printing patient alarm graphs on page 5-17. Enable transmitter pause The Enable Transmitter Pause check box, when checked, allows alarms to be paused by pressing both transmitter buttons simultaneously. To enable the transmitter pause option for a telemetry patient admitted to the CIC Pro center, click in the Enable Transmitter Pause check box. A check mark appears in the check box. To disable the transmitter pause option, click in the Enable Transmitter Pause checkbox. The check mark is removed from the check box and the option is disabled. NOTE If Off is selected for the Transmitter Alarm Pause option in the Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet, no check box appears on the tab. af To make the Enable Transmitter Pause option active (check box available), either Enabled or Disabled must be selected for the Transmitter Alarm Pause option in the Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet. Dr Pausing alarms at the transmitter WARNING Alarms do not sound and alarm graphs do not print during an ALARM PAUSE condition. CAUTION All alarms, except Crisis alarms, are ignored while the alarm pause is active. NOTE The Enable Transmitter Pause option for a telemetry patient admitted to the CIC Pro center must be enabled before the patient can initiate an alarm pause from the transmitter. To pause the alarms for five minutes, press the Verify Leads and Graph buttons simultaneously. When the Pause Alarm combination is pushed, the following takes place: 2001989-301A- draft 1 The top row of LEDs will flash twice, indicating the buttons were pushed. The Pause Alarm LED will flash at a 1 second rate until the pause alarm condition times out (5 minutes by default, but settable through the programming box). ApexPro™ 5-5 Alarms ALARM PAUSE displays in the patient’s waveform window on the CIC Pro center screen. After five minutes, the LED on the transmitter will no longer flash and alarms will be reactivated. Reactivating alarms at the transmitter To reactivate the alarms before the five minute time period has elapsed, press both transmitter buttons simultaneously again. Alarm pause breakthrough NOTE For more information on the Alarm Pause Breakthrough feature in Combo mode, refer to Combo and Rover Combo monitoring on page 6-19. NOTE af The Alarm Pause Breakthrough feature defaults to Always On. It can be set to Always Off in the Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet BEFORE admitting a telemetry patient if you do not wish to have Crisis level alarms break through alarm pauses. This feature cannot be set on an individual patient basis. It is either on or off for all telemetry patients admitted to the CIC Pro center. A status message on each patient’s Alarm Control tab sheet indicates whether it is enabled (on) or disabled (off). Dr The Alarm Pause Breakthrough feature allows any Crisis level alarm to break through (interrupt) an alarm pause and sound at the CIC Pro center. In other words, when this feature is turned on in the Telemetry Unit Defaults tab sheet, Crisis level alarms will sound at the CIC Pro center, even if an alarm pause is in effect. The chart below illustrates the function of the Alarm Pause Breakthrough feature during the various alarm states. Alarm Pause State Alarm Pause Breakthrough Feature Enabled Alarms on No Alarm Pause Breakthrough; all alarms are on. Alarms off No Alarm Pause Breakthrough; all alarms are off. Alarm off reason (X-ray, shower, etc.) Alarms are paused; Crisis level alarms will break through the alarm off reason if the patient is in antenna range. Alarms paused from the transmitter Alarms are paused; Crisis level alarms will break through the alarm pause. After a Crisis level alarm has broken through an alarm pause, the telemetry system does not return to an alarm pause state. All alarms at any alarm level will sound at the CIC Pro center. 5-6 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms If you wish to continue pausing alarms after an Alarm Pause Breakthrough occurs, you must re-initiate the alarm pause: 1. To re-initiate an alarms off with reason condition, select the alarms off reason in the telemetry patient’s Alarm Control tab sheet. 2. To re-initiate an alarm pause from the transmitter, press both transmitter buttons simultaneously twice. NOTE The transmitter buttons must be pressed once to end the alarm pause at the transmitter, then a second time to start a new alarm pause at the transmitter (see below). The Pause Alarm LED on the transmitter continues to flash after an Alarm Pause Breakthrough occurs. This is because there is no communication from the CIC Pro center back to the transmitter to indicate that the alarm pause has ended. After an Alarm Pause Breakthrough occurs, you can turn off the flashing Pause Alarm LED by pressing both transmitter buttons simultaneously. Silencing alarms af Temporarily silencing alarms from the CIC Pro center Dr WARNING Do not continuously try to silence audible alarms. You may inadvertently silence new patient alarms. Once you are notified of an alarm condition, you can silence audible alarms from the CIC Pro center for one minute by clicking the Silence Alarms button located on the display screen or by pressing the Silence Alarms key located on the keyboard. This sends a silence notification to the bedside monitor. For most GE monitors, this silence notification will silence the alarms for up to one minute. However, the bedside monitors must be configured to allow bedside alarms to be silenced from the CIC Pro center. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 5-7 Alarms NOTE The following conditions apply when you silence alarms at the CIC Pro center: The alarms remain silent for one minute unless a new patient alarm condition occurs. ApexPro telemetry beds: If a patient alarm condition of any severity level occurs, the alarm silence condition is cancelled and the alarm will break through. Monitors and CD Telemetry-LAN telemetry beds: If a patient alarm condition of equal or greater severity level occurs, the alarm silence condition is cancelled and the alarm will break through. The alarms for all patients are silenced simultaneously. You cannot silence patient alarms one at a time. The CIC Pro center displays a filled alarm silence icon when alarms are silenced at the CIC Pro center or at a monitor. Alarm silence indicator af When active alarms are silenced at the CIC Pro center or at a monitor, the CIC Pro center displays an alarm silence icon in the ECG parameter window. This icon remains displayed for the duration of the alarm silence condition or until a new alarm condition occurs. Dr Adjusting alarm control settings When viewing a single, in-unit patient from the CIC Pro center, you may temporarily adjust the monitor Alarm Control settings. WARNING ALARM CONTROL SETTINGS—If you adjust parameter limits or alarm levels at the CIC Pro center, these setting changes are also implemented by the bedside monitor. You must notify the bedside caregiver that you changed the parameter limit or alarm levels of that bedside monitor. 5-8 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms NOTE The following guidelines apply to changing Alarm Control settings at the CIC Pro center: The changes you make to the settings apply to the selected patient only and are adopted by the patient’s monitor. Some control settings for non-GE acquisition devices that are interfaced via the Unity Network Interface Device or the OCTANET interface device are not adjustable. It may be necessary to use the scroll bar at the right side of the window to view the appropriate alarm. The control settings that are blue in color indicate this setting has already been adjusted from the default value. The patient or the acquisition device must be located in-unit. Any out-of-unit patient alarm settings can be viewed, but not changed. Monitor alarm control settings Complete the following procedures to temporarily adjust the following monitor Alarm Control settings for a selected patient: Low/high parameter alarm limits and alarm levels. Arrhythmia Alarm Levels. af NOTE All changes are temporary and return to the default settings when the patient is discharged. Dr To permanently change the Alarm Control settings for telemetry patients, see the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults section of the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Bedrock Hardware Platform Service Manual. Displaying the alarm control window 1. From the multi-patient viewer, click on the patient you want to view. The single patient viewer displays. 2. From the single patient viewer, click Monitor Setup > Alarm Control. The Alarm Control window displays. 056A 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 5-9 Alarms You may change any of the undimmed setting options. When an option appears dimmed, you cannot change it. Adjusting the parameter limit values WARNING ALARM CONTROL SETTINGS—If you adjust parameter limits or alarm levels at the CIC Pro center, these setting changes are also implemented by the bedside monitor. You must notify the bedside caregiver that you changed the parameter limit or alarm levels of that bedside monitor. 1. From the Alarm Control window, click on the alarm limit Low or High field. 2. Click the up or down arrows to increase or decrease the alarm limit value. You may also type the values directly into the highlighted data field. 3. Repeat the previous steps to adjust additional alarm limit values. 4. After making your selections, complete one of the following tasks: Choose a different control setting to adjust. Click the window. af (close button) on the top right side of the window to close the Adjusting the alarm levels Dr WARNING ALARM CONTROL SETTINGS—If you adjust parameter limits or alarm levels at the CIC Pro center, these setting changes are also implemented by the bedside monitor. You must notify the bedside caregiver that you changed the parameter limit or alarm levels of that bedside monitor. 1. From the Alarm Control window, click on the alarm Level field. 2. Click the down arrow to display a list of alarm levels. 3. Select the desired alarm level. 4. Repeat step 1 to step 3 to adjust additional alarm level settings. 5. After making your selections, complete one of the following tasks: Choose a different control setting to adjust. Click the window. (close button) on the top right side of the window to close the Adjusting telemetry Alarms On/Off control settings 5-10 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms WARNING Alarms do not sound, alarm histories are not stored, and alarm graphs do not print during an alarms off with reason condition. NOTE The patient must be in antenna range for the alarm pause state to cease. After the patient has returned to antenna range and/or alarms have been turned back on, verify that the patient’s waveforms are displayed at the CIC Pro center or bedside monitor NOTE Refer to Alarm pause breakthrough on page 5-6 for important alarm pause information. The telemetry Alarm Pause - Smart Alarms feature reduces false patient alarms and works as follows: When a patient is re-connected to the telemetry device and continuous ECG data is recorded, the alarm pause condition automatically clears. Selecting any reason establishes an alarm pause state for 5 minutes in the presence of a valid waveform. After 5 minutes, alarms will reactivate if the patient is within range of the antenna system for 15 seconds or longer and continuous ECG data is detected. If the patient remains out of antenna range, the alarm pause state will continue until the patient re-enters antenna range for 15 seconds or longer. af When a patient is re-connected to the telemetry device and continuous ECG data is recorded, the Alarm Pause condition automatically clears. The alarms off reason displays in the event trend for Graphic Trends. If the patient is in LEADS FAIL or NO TELEM and an alarms off reason is selected, the reason is displayed in the waveform window. Dr Complete the following procedure to adjust the Alarms On/Off control settings: 1. 2001989-301A- draft 1 To temporarily pause this telemetry patient’s alarm to complete a procedure, click Alarm Pause - Smart Alarms. Then, complete the following steps: a. Click the down arrow to display a list of reasons for pausing the alarm. b. Select the desired reason. This text is displayed in addition to the ALARMS OFF message in the patient’s window at the CIC Pro center. Alarms Off Reason Text Displayed At CIC Pro center On (no text) (no text) Off1 ALARMS OFF OFF X-ray XRAY X-RAY Shower SHOWER SHOWER Surgery SURGERY SURGERY Physical therapy P.T. PHYSICAL THERAPY ApexPro™ Text Printed On Graph 5-11 Alarms Alarms Off Reason Text Displayed At CIC Pro center Text Printed On Graph Cardiac rehab CAR REHAB CARDIAC REHAB GI Lab GI LAB GI LAB Occupational therapy O.T. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY Off unit OFF UNIT OFF UNT Cath Lab CATH LAB CARDIAC CATH LAB OFF appears dimmed and is not selectable when the following service-level default is set: CIC Setup > CIC Defaults > Allow Alarms OFF on this CIC > No. To be able to turn off alarms for a telemetry patient, you must change the Allow Alarms OFF on this CIC service-level default to Yes. For more information, refer to the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Bedrock Hardware Platform Service Manual. 2. To turn off alarms for this telemetry patient, click OFF. af Telemetry bed alarm control defaults WARNING The telemetry alarms remain off until you manually select ON again. You cannot adjust the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults. These settings are servicelevel defaults and are password protected. Dr To view the settings, from the multi-patient viewer, click CIC Setup > Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults. To permanently change the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults, see the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Bedrock Hardware Platform Service Manual. Alarm unit default settings Telemetry alarm control defaults You can set Telemetry Unit Defaults for Parameter Limits And Alarm Levels, as well as for Arrhythmia Alarm Levels. These defaults are in effect for all telemetry patients admitted to your unit, unless they are modified in an individual patient’s Alarm Control tab sheet. To set Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults, follow the steps below: 5-12 1. Click CIC Setup. A set of tabs displays. 2. Click on the Service Password tab to bring it to the front. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms 318B Use the keyboard to enter the service password, then click the Apply button. The Current Permission entry changes from User to Service. 3. Dr af CAUTION The service mode is intended for use only by qualified personnel with training and experience in its use. The consequences of misuse include loss of patient data, corruption of the CIC Pro center operating system software, or disruption of the entire Unity network. 4. 2001989-301A- draft 1 Click on the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab to bring it to the front. ApexPro™ 5-13 Alarms af Parameter limits 319D To change the unit defaults for Parameter Limits and Alarm Levels, use the mouse to click in the Low or High field for the parameter you wish to edit. The field is framed by a rectangle, and up and down arrow buttons appear in the field. Dr 1. 2. 329A To increase or decrease the limit by 5, click on the up or down arrow button. To increase or decrease the limit in increments other than 5, use the keyboard to enter a new limit value. 3. Once you have set the desired limit, click on the Apply button for the changes to take effect. NOTE If you make only one change, you do not need to click on the Apply button. The change will take effect automatically, and the Apply button will appear dimmed. 4. 5-14 If you are finished making changes to the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab sheet, click the OK button. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms Parameter alarm levels To make a change in the telemetry unit default alarm level for a parameter, first access the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab as described in the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults section in this chapter. Then follow the procedure below. 1. In Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab, use the mouse to click in the Level field of the parameter for which the alarm level is to be changed. A down arrow button appears in the field. 2. Click on the down arrow button. A popup list of alarm level selections appears. 3. Click on the desired alarm level to select it. 4. Once you have set the desired level, click the Apply button for the changes to take effect. 5. If you are finished making changes to the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab sheet, click the OK button. af 331A Arrhythmia alarm levels Dr To make a change in the telemetry unit default alarm level for arrhythmia alarms, first access the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab as described in the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults section in this chapter. Then follow the procedure below. 1. In the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab, the Arrhythmia Alarm Levels for which unit defaults can be set appears on the right side of the window: 2. Click in the Level field of the arrhythmia alarm you wish to modify. A down arrow button appears in the field. 333C NOTE The Arrhythmia Alarm Levels for ASYSTOLE and VFIB/VTAC cannot be changed. Therefore, the text in the Level field for these alarms always appears dimmed. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 5-15 Alarms 3. Click on the down arrow button. A popup list of alarm level selections appears. 4. Click on your choice to select it. 5. Once you have set the desired level, click the Apply button for the changes to take effect. If you are finished making changes to the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab sheet, click the OK button. System alarm levels af WARNING ADJUSTING SYSTEM ALARM LEVELS — The Leads Fail alarm indicates that one or more electrodes are not connected to the patient and, as a result, there is loss of all waveforms and arrhythmia analysis. The ARR SUSPEND alarm indicates that arrhythmia conditions are not being detected and therefore alarms associated with arrhythmias will not occur. The Leads Fail and ARR SUSPEND alarms should be adjusted to a lower priority level only by experienced qualified personnel and with great caution. Adjusting these alarms to a lower priority level may result in reduced awareness of conditions that indicate the loss of patient monitoring. NOTE Dr Some alarm conditions may have a higher priority level at the bedside monitor. In Combo mode, the alarm levels come from the telemetry settings. For example, LEADS FAIL can be set to Crisis at a bedside monitor, but the telemetry setting is a system Warning. To make a change in the telemetry unit default alarm level for system alarms, first access the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab as described in the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults section in this chapter. Then follow the procedure below. 1. In the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab, the System Alarm Levels for which unit defaults can be set appears on the right side of the window: 2. Click in the Level field of the system alarm you wish to modify. A down arrow button appears in the field. 3. Click on the down arrow button. A popup list of alarm level selections appears. 4. Click on your choice to select it. 430A 5-16 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Alarms 5. Once you have set the desired level, click the Apply button for the changes to take effect. If you are finished making changes to the Telemetry Alarm Control Defaults tab sheet, click the OK button. Recalling unit defaults To recall the preset telemetry patient unit defaults for all options in the Alarm Control tab, simply click on the Recall Unit Defaults button on the bottom right side of the Alarm Control tab sheet. All data on the tab sheet will clear, and after a moment the preset unit defaults will appear. In addition, clicking on the Recall Unit Defaults button also restores the default graph locations and settings on the patient’s ECG tab sheet. Alarm help Dr af For additional information about alarms, click on the Alarm Help button at the bottom right side of the Alarm Control tab sheet. An Alarm Help window displays. 323A You can click on the buttons in this window to hear how each type of alarm sounds. When you are finished browsing the window, click on the Close Window button to close the window and return to the single patient viewer. Printing patient alarm graphs An automatic alarm graph prints the 10 seconds of data that occurred before the alarm event, then continues to print for the duration of the event. When the printer is not available, the bedside monitor stores the event data until the printer becomes available. Configure the automatic printing of alarm graphs The automatic printing of alarm graphs for telemetry beds must be enabled in the Service mode. For more information, refer to Telemetry alarm control defaults on page 5-12. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 5-17 Alarms Printing alarm settings A telemetry patient’s Alarm Control tab sheet can be printed, showing all current alarm settings and limits. Click on the Print button in the main menu to start a printout of the Alarm Control tab sheet. The Alarm Control tab sheet prints at the Print Window location. For more information about setting the Print Window location, refer to Chapter 9 in this manual. NOTE The Alarm Control tab sheet must be the front tab of the single patient viewer in order to print it. Click on the Alarm Control tab to bring it to the front if necessary. Stop printing an alarm graph You can stop the printing of an alarm graph from any in-unit CIC Pro center displaying the alarming patient bed. Stop printing to a laser printer af Complete the following procedure to stop printing all print jobs sent to the laser printer: From the multi-patient viewer, click CIC Setup > CIC Defaults. The CIC Defaults window displays. 2. Under Printer/Writer, click Cancel Print Jobs for the printer you want to stop printing to. 3. After making your selection, complete one of the following tasks from the CIC Defaults window: Dr 1. Click OK to apply your changes and close the CIC Defaults window. Click Cancel to cancel your changes and close the CIC Defaults window. Click Apply to apply your changes without closing the CIC Defaults window. Stop printing to a local digital writer Complete the following procedure to stop printing the current print job sent to a local digital writer: 5-18 1. Locate the digital writer. 2. Press the (Graph Stop) button located on the front of the digital writer to stop the print job. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients Dr af 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 6-1 Managing patients Introduction Prior to admitting a telemetry patient to the CIC Pro center, several steps need to be performed: 1. Transmitter setup on page 3-2. 2. Skin preparation on page 6-2. 3. Electrode placement on page 6-2. You can manage in-unit patients from the CIC Pro center or from a networked monitor. When managing in-unit patients from the CIC Pro center, you can complete the following tasks: Admit patients. Change patient demographic information. Adjust parameter settings. View stored data. Move patients to different beds. Discharge patients. af Skin preparation The quality of ECG information displayed on the monitor is a direct result of the quality of the electrical signal received at the electrode. Proper skin preparation is necessary for good signal quality at the electrode. Dr Choose flat, non-muscular areas to place electrodes, then follow the established prep protocol for your unit. Below is a suggested guideline for skin preparation: 1. Shave or clip hair from skin at chosen sites. 2. Thoroughly cleanse the site with alcohol or a mild soap and water solution. Be sure to remove all oily residue, dead skin cells, and abrasives. 3. Dry the skin completely before applying the electrodes. Regardless of patient age, all electrodes should be replaced on a regular basis, AT LEAST every 48 hours, to maintain quality signals during long-term monitoring. If they are not, increased noise can occur. Over the course of 48 hours, the electrode gel will start to dry out and the adhesive will age. After a long period of time, the patient’s skin may also be irritated by the gel or adhesive, causing discomfort. Electrode placement WARNING CONTAMINATED LEADWIRES— Contaminated leadwires may cause infection. Always follow the skin preparation guidelines and leadwire cleaning instructions provided in this manual. 6-2 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients The following chart shows the label used to identify each leadwire. Included also is its associated color code per AHA (American Heart Association) and IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards. Leadwire (Software Label) AHA Color AHA Label IEC Color IEC Label white RA red LA (left arm) black LA yellow RL (right leg) green RL black LL (left leg) red LL green V1 (precordial) brown V1 white C1 V2 (precordial) yellow V2 yellow C2 V3 (precordial) green V3 green C3 V4 (precordial) blue V4 brown C4 V5 (precordial) orange V5 black C5 V6 (precordial) purple V6 purple C6 RA (right arm) af 6-leadwire electrode placement Dr The following is a suggested configuration for a 6-leadwire electrode placement for all patients, including pacemaker and implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) patients: 6-leadwire AHA Electrode Placement 6-leadwire IEC Electrode Placement 100B, 101B Right arm and left arm electrodes should be placed just below the right and left clavicle. Right leg and left leg electrodes should be placed on a non-muscular surface on the lower edge of the rib cage. NOTE When using a 6-leadwire set, the V leads must be labelled correctly. Choices for Va: V1 to V6. Choices for Vb: V2 toV6. For more information, refer to Userlevel defaults (persistent) on page 4-7. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 6-3 Managing patients NOTE The V1 lead is recommended for arrhythmia detection, and the V5 lead is recommended for ST depression monitoring.1 NOTE For telemetry monitoring, any two precordial electrodes may be placed according to the clinician or physician’s preference. 5-leadwire electrode placement af The following is a suggested configuration for a 5-leadwire electrode placement: 5-leadwire Electrode AHA Placement 5-leadwire Electrode IEC Placement 633B, 634B Dr Right arm and left arm electrodes should be placed just below the right and left clavicle. Right leg and left leg electrodes should be placed on a non-muscular surface on the lower edge of the rib cage. The precordial electrode should be placed according to the clinician or physician’s preference. 3-leadwire electrode placement WARNING Do not monitor patients with a 3-leadwire set when reliable pacer detection is required. Pacer pulse detection can be erratic when only a single vector is monitored. Always use a 5- or 6-leadwire set when reliable pacer detection is required. When a 5-leadwire electrode configuration is not desirable, a 3-leadwire set can be used. The following is a suggested configuration for a 3-leadwire electrode placement: 1Barbara J. Drew, RN, PhD, FAAN (2000). Value of Monitoring a Second Precordial Lead for Patients in a Telemetry Unit, GE Medical Systems (order document number M04243ME0). 6-4 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients LA RA LL 3-leadwire AHA Electrode Placement 3-leadwire IEC Electrode Placement 370A, 373A Right arm and left arm electrodes should be placed just below the right and left clavicle. Left leg electrode should be placed on a non-muscular surface on the lower edge of the rib cage. When using the standard 3-leadwire configuration, the following operating conditions occur: Lead Analysis automatically switches to Single-Lead analysis. If an attempt is made to change to Multi-Lead analysis, a message will appear briefly on the monitor, indicating that Multi-Lead analysis is not possible, and no change will occur. af The choices for displayed leads are limited to I, II, and III. Any options usually allowing more than one ECG lead selection are disallowed. Respiration can be monitored from either lead I or II. It is not dependent on the displayed lead. Respiration is not available for telemetry patients. For more information, refer to SpO2 control settings on page 7-24. Dr Electrode placement for pediatric patients Typically, pediatric patients are large enough for a 5- or 6-leadwire electrode configuration. This is the preferred monitoring setup for receiving the benefits of Multi-Lead analysis. However, if the patient is too small for five or six electrodes, the 3-leadwire electrode configuration can be used. The right arm and left arm electrodes are positioned on the right and left sides of the chest. The right leg electrode can be placed on either the right or left side of the abdomen. Refer to 3-leadwire electrode placement on page 6-4. Electrode placement for neonate patients Because neonatal patients are small, there is usually only enough room for a 3leadwire electrode configuration. A 3-leadwire neonatal ECG cable is available, and Multi-Link DIN adapter is available for the 5-leadwire Multi-Link cable. The right arm and left arm or right arm and left leg electrodes are positioned on the right and left sides of the chest. The third electrode (right leg) can be placed on either the right or left side of the abdomen. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 6-5 Managing patients Lead II Lead I Neonatal AHA Electrode Placement Lead II Lead I Neonatal IEC Electrode Placement 883B, 884B Verify status After the transmitter leadwires have been properly attached to the patient's electrodes, verify lead quality, electrode status and transmitter function. For more information, refer to Maintaining quality ECG signal on page 6-6. For more information, refer to Transmitters on page 2-2. af Maintaining quality ECG signal Dr Electrodes are disposable and applied only once. Attempts to replace a loose electrode guarantees excessive motion artifact and results in false alarms. Regardless of patient type, electrodes should be replaced at least every 48 hours to maintain quality signals during long-term monitoring. Over the course of 48 hours, the electrode gel will start to dry out and the adhesive will age. This may irritate the patient’s skin. The transmitter must be carried securely on the patient. Stabilize the electrode and leadwire with a leadwire stress loop near the electrode. Tape the stress loop to the patient. A secured stress loop prevents the leadwire rotation about the electrode snap, leadwire tugging at the electrode and ECG artifact. 306A If the transmitter is allowed to dangle or jostle as the patient moves, then the weight of the device will tug on the electrodes, causing degradation of the signal. Even if the electrodes are in good contact, excessive tugging on the electrodes will change the physical structure of the gel, thereby generating motion artifact signals. Transmitters 6-6 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients can be carried securely is inserted into pouches or placed into a patient’s gown pocket. Special considerations for 6-leadwire monitoring V FAIL message CAUTION The CIC Pro center does not detect 6-leadwire monitoring until a signal from the sixth lead is received at the CIC Pro center. Therefore, if the sixth lead on the transmitter has failed before the telemetry patient is admitted to the CIC Pro center, the CIC Pro center will not generate a V FAIL message for the sixth lead. At the patient’s transmitter, verify that the sixth lead on the transmitter is good. Press the Verify Leads button on the transmitter and ensure that all the good lead LEDs illuminate. Relearn af If a telemetry patient is switched from 6-leadwire monitoring to 5-leadwire monitoring while admitted to the CIC Pro center, a V FAIL message will appear. The CIC Pro center assumes that the telemetry patient is being monitored for six leads and that the sixth lead has failed. Dr In situations where the admitted telemetry patient has been switched from 6- to 5leadwire monitoring, the associated V FAIL message can be cleared by clicking on the Relearn button in the telemetry patient’s ECG tab sheet. For more information, refer to ECG on page 7-11. Admitting Prior to admitting a telemetry patient to the CIC Pro center, several steps need to be performed: 1. 2001989-301A- draft 1 Transmitter setup on page 3-2. Battery installation on page 3-3. Leadwire installation on page 3-4. Electrode attachment on page 3-5. Verify transmitter/leadwires status on page 3-6. 2. Skin preparation on page 6-2. 3. Electrode placement on page 6-2. ApexPro™ 6-7 Managing patients Terminology Term Definition Locked and unlocked beds The CIC Pro center can be configured with the bed names in either locked or unlocked mode. When locked, the bed names are permanently assigned to specific windows. For information about locked and unlocked beds, refer to the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Bedrock Hardware Platform Service Manual. NOTE It is possible to admit a patient to a window with a bed name that is locked to NONE. To avoid duplication of patient waveforms, a window locked to NONE should not be used to admit a patient. Each transmitter has a transmitter TTX ID number that corresponds to a frequency and service type. The TTX ID number is found in parenthesis on the back of the transmitter. Dr af TTX ID number Telemetry monitoring occurs when patient vital signs data is transmitted by a transmitter to a telemetry receiver system over an established antenna system and viewed at a CIC Pro center. The CIC Pro center identifies a telemetry bed by placing an asterisk next to the bed name (e.g., IMC|BED4*). ECG data is processed by the telemetry receiver system. Telemetry monitoring 6-8 ApexPro™ When the TTX ID number is entered for a patient at the CIC Pro center, the CIC Pro center recognizes the transmitter type and translates the information into an alpha-numeric number. The alpha-numeric number of the transmitter is displayed under the ECG parameter window. NOTE The TTX ID number is a five digit number. 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients Term Definition Bedside monitoring WARNING INCORRECT ALGORITHMS, ARRHYTHMIA PROCESSING AND CALCULATIONS BASED ON PATIENT AGE — After manually updating or automatically retrieving patient demographic information from a network database, always confirm that the entered patient’s date of birth matches the patient’s actual date of birth. Otherwise the appropriate age-related algorithms, arrhythmia detection, and calculations will not be applied. (hard-wired) A bedside monitor is a stationary monitor (user-configured or factory-configured). These monitors are connected directly to the patient via an ECG cable. They are set up with a unit name as well as a bed name (e.g., IMC|BED4). For a userconfigured monitor, ECG data is processed by an acquisition module. For a factory-configured monitor, ECG data is processed within the monitor itself. For more information, refer to the CIC Pro Clinical Information Center Operator’s Manual. This application provides the option to acquire ECG from either the monitor or from a telemetry receiver system. This ECG data acquisition capability enhances basic telemetry monitoring by providing additional access to all of the available parameters from the monitor. A Unity Network connection is required. af Combo monitoring Dr Factors guiding the admit process WARNING ALARM ACTIVATION—No alarms sound on the CIC Pro center until a patient is admitted to the monitor or CIC Pro center. The CIC Pro center or monitor will not alarm if an unadmitted patient enters an alarm condition. You must admit the patient to activate alarms, alarm graphs, and the Events directory. You can admit a patient from the CIC Pro center or from a networked monitor. You only have to admit a patient once. The steps you must complete to admit a patient at the CIC Pro center may vary resulting from the following factors: 2001989-301A- draft 1 The source of the ECG data. The source of the patient demographic information. The mobility level of the monitor. Does the monitor move (rove) from room-toroom? The permanent assignment (locking) of beds in the multi-patient viewer. ApexPro™ 6-9 Managing patients The source of the ECG data You can admit patients to the CIC Pro center when the source of their ECG data comes from either a monitor or a transmitter. The source of the ECG data determines the monitoring mode the CIC Pro center uses. The monitoring mode is configured during installation. The CIC Pro center supports one of the following monitoring modes: Monitoring Modes Mode Description Standard Rover The patient is not connected to a transmitter. The monitor moves (roves) from room to room. The patient is not connected to a transmitter. The monitor (or transmitter) and patient always stay in one room. The patient is connected to either a stationary monitor or to a transmitter. The monitor (or transmitter) moves (roves) from room to room. af Rover Combo The monitor and patient always stay in one room. Combo The patient is connected to either a stationary monitor or to a transmitter. Dr The source of the patient demographic information Depending on the configuration of your CIC Pro center, you may use one of the following methods to enter patient demographic information: Enter search criteria (e.g., patient name) to retrieve matching patient demographic information from a networked database. Manually type patient demographic information into data entry fields and choose demographic information from a list. The monitor moves (roves) from room to room When the monitor moves (roves) from room to room and is not a transmitter, always admit the patient at the monitor. NOTE Before you admit a patient at a monitor that moves (roves), you must complete the following procedure (in the order it is presented) to ensure the correct bed number is identified at the CIC Pro center: 6-10 1. Turn off the monitor when you are storing it. 2. Keep the monitor turned off when you bring it into the patient room. 3. Verify the monitor is on the network. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients 4. Connect the monitor to an appropriate power outlet. 5. Turn on the monitor. 6. Wait 30 seconds, then verify the monitor displays the correct Unit Name and Bed Name. If the Unit Name and Bed Name do not appear, refer to To manually enter the patient demographic information on page 6-14. 7. Admit the patient to the monitor following the monitor’s operator instructions. The permanent (locked) beds in the multi-patient viewer During the installation of the CIC Pro center, qualified personnel may configure the CIC Pro center to permanently display bed names in specific multi-patient viewer locations (windows). These beds are locked into position and are always displayed whether a patient is admitted to them or not. To change the display of locked beds, contact your biomedical engineering department. Admitting a patient This section covers the following tasks: Look for an empty patient window displaying an Admit button. Enter the patient demographics. af Enter the bed number. Enter the source of the ECG data. Admit the patient. Dr NOTE When the monitor moves from room to room and is not a transmitter, always admit the patient at the monitor. See The monitor moves (roves) from room to room on page 6-10. Look for an empty patient window displaying an Admit button 1. 2001989-301A- draft 1 From the multi-patient viewer, look for an empty patient window displaying an Admit button. ApexPro™ 6-11 Managing patients a. When you see an empty patient window displaying an Admit button, go to step 2. b. If you do not see an empty patient window displaying an Admit button, click Auto Display in the menu bar. When the Auto Display button is enabled, the multi-patient viewer rearranges itself and should add at least one empty patient window with an Admit button: NOTE To enable or disable the Auto Display feature, from the multipatient viewer, click Setup CIC > CIC Defaults > Display Configuration > Auto Display. i. When you see an empty patient window displaying an Admit button, go to step 2. See Removing viewed out-of-unit patient beds on page 7-6. ii. If the message, Reconfiguration Failed appears, the multi-patient viewer is full of admitted patient windows and no empty patient windows are available. Use the following procedures (in the order presented) to remove displayed patient beds from the multi-patient viewer before you can admit a new patient: af See Viewing patient beds from another in-unit CIC Pro center on page 7-5. See Discharging an admitted patient on page 6-19. When a Discharged message is displayed in an unlocked patient window, you must clear the discharged bed from this unlocked window before you can admit a patient to this window. To clear the discharged bed, complete the following procedure: Dr c. i. Right click in the patient window you need to clear. The right click menu displays. ii. From the right click menu, click Select Care Unit then Bed Number > None. The patient window should now be empty except for an Admit button. Go to step 2. 2. Click Admit to display the Admit window. 057A To automatically enter the patient demographics 6-12 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients To bypass the manual entry of the patient demographic information, you can search for and retrieve the information from a networked database. WARNING INCORRECT ALGORITHMS, ARRHYTHMIA PROCESSING, AND CALCULATIONS BASED ON PATIENT AGE—After manually updating or automatically retrieving patient demographic information from a network database, always confirm that the entered patient's date of birth matches the patient's actual date of birth. Otherwise the appropriate age-related algorithms, arrhythmia detection, and calculations will not be applied. NOTE Retrieving patient demographic information from a networked database requires a Hospital Information System (HIS). You may also know the HIS as an Aware Gateway or as a Quantitative Sentinel (QS). NOTE af NOTE When using the patient’s last name or first name as your search criteria, remember to delete the default patient identification number 999999999 from the Patient ID data field. Dr When using a patient identification number as your search criteria, the CIC Pro center cannot successfully search for and match patient identification numbers containing lowercase letters. The CIC Pro center can successfully search for and match patient identification numbers containing all numbers or a combination of numbers and upper case letters. Complete the following procedure to retrieve patient demographic information from a networked database: 1. 2. From the Admit window, type one of the following patient search criteria into the appropriate data field: Medical record number (patient identification number) Last name Room number Bed number Click Request Admit Info to display a list of possible patient matches and their demographic information. 070A 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 6-13 Managing patients NOTE If the message, Server off network is displayed, the Hospital Information System (HIS) is either not available or not present. 3. Review the displayed list of patients and demographic information to find the demographic information that matches the patient you are admitting. 4. When the demographic information from the list does not match your patient, click Clear. You must now manually enter the patient demographic information. See To manually enter the patient demographic information on page 6-14. 5. When demographic information from the list matches your patient, complete the following steps: a. Click on the patient to highlight it. b. Click Select to retrieve the demographic information. af WARNING INCORRECT ALGORITHMS, ARRHYTHMIA PROCESSING, AND CALCULATIONS BASED ON PATIENT AGE—After manually updating or automatically retrieving patient demographic information from a network database, always confirm that the entered patient's date of birth matches the patient's actual date of birth. Otherwise the appropriate age-related algorithms, arrhythmia detection, and calculations will not be applied. Verify you selected the correct information by reviewing the displayed demographic information. Dr c. i. When this is the correct demographic information, go to Enter the bed number on page 6-15. ii. When this is not the correct demographic information, click Clear. iii. Repeat step 2 to step 5 of this procedure. To manually enter the patient demographic information Complete the following procedure to manually enter patient demographic information into data entry fields or select options from a list: NOTE Patient information entered here may be truncated on the CIC Pro center display based on limitations of the associated monitoring device. 6-14 1. Under Last Name, type the patient’s last name. 2. Under First Name, type the patient’s first name. 3. Under Patient ID, type the patient’s medical record number (patient identification number). 4. Under Age, click the down arrow to display the list of age ranges. Choose the patient’s age range from the displayed list. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients WARNING INCORRECT ALGORITHMS, ARRHYTHMIA PROCESSING, AND CALCULATIONS BASED ON PATIENT AGE—After manually updating or automatically retrieving patient demographic information from a network database, always confirm that the entered patient's date of birth matches the patient's actual date of birth. Otherwise the appropriate age-related algorithms, arrhythmia detection, and calculations will not be applied. Enter the bed number Complete the following procedure to enter the bed number: NOTE You must choose a bed number before you can admit a patient. Make sure the bed you want to select is on the network. Next to Bed, click the down arrow to display a list of available patient beds. 2. Choose a bed number from the displayed list: When the patient windows in the multi-patient viewer are assigned to specific windows (locked), only the current bed number is displayed. Complete the procedure, To automatically enter the patient demographics on page 6-12 or To manually enter the patient demographic information on page 6-14. af 1. When the bed is a telemetry bed, select the bed name displaying an asterisk (e.g., ICU4*). When the bed is a monitor, select the bed number identifying the monitor. When the bed is a monitor or in Combo mode, select the bed number identifying the monitor. Dr Enter the source of the ECG data Complete the following procedure to enter the source of the ECG data: NOTE You must choose the source of the ECG data before you can admit a patient. 1. Under ECG From, click the down arrow to display the list of ECG data sources. 2. Choose the source of the ECG data: When the source of the ECG data is a transmitter, choose the TTX ID number matching the TTX ID number label located on the back of the transmitter. When the source of the ECG data is a monitor, choose Monitor. Admit the patient Complete the following procedure to admit the patient: 1. 2001989-301A- draft 1 Click Admit to admit the patient. ApexPro™ 6-15 Managing patients If the message Would you like to start Full Disclosure? is displayed, the full disclosure data collection method is set to Manual. To complete the admit process, you must select Yes or No. 3. If an Admit Information Mismatch window displays while you are trying to establish the Combo monitoring mode, the CIC Pro center has detected a mismatch of patient data between the hardwired bed and the telemetry bed. To resolve this issue, complete the following steps: Compare the patient data displayed in the Admit Information Mismatch window. af a. 2. To choose the correct patient information, click Select under the correct patient information. c. To cancel admitting this patient, click Cancel to close this window and return to the Admit window. Make any necessary corrections to the patient information before trying to re-establish the Combo monitoring mode. Dr b. 4. Verify the patient’s window (located in the multi-patient viewer) is displaying parameter data and waveforms: When the patient’s data appears in the patient window, the patient is being monitored by the CIC Pro center. When no patient information is displayed in the patient window, the patient is not being monitored by the CIC Pro center. See Troubleshooting on page D-1. Changing patient demographic information Once a patient is admitted, you may add or change patient demographic information: 6-16 1. From the multi-patient viewer, click on the patient you want to change. The single patient viewer displays. 2. From the single patient viewer, click Admit to display the Admit window. 3. Make changes to the patient demographic information. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients WARNING INCORRECT ALGORITHMS, ARRHYTHMIA PROCESSING, AND CALCULATIONS BASED ON PATIENT AGE—After manually updating or automatically retrieving patient demographic information from a network database, always confirm that the entered patient's date of birth matches the patient's actual date of birth. Otherwise the appropriate age-related algorithms, arrhythmia detection, and calculations will not be applied. 4. Click Save. Moving a patient to a different bed You can move a patient to another bed in the same care unit. The following guidelines apply when moving an in-unit patient between locked and unlocked beds: You can move an unlocked bed to another available unlocked bed. You can move a locked bed to another available locked bed. You can move an unlocked bed to an available locked bed. af NOTE You cannot move a patient to an unlocked bed if an empty patient window is not available. When the message Patient not monitored displays, you will not be allowed to move the patient. Dr Move a patient to a different bed Complete the following procedure to move an in-unit patient to a different bed: 2001989-301A- draft 1 1. From the multi-patient viewer, click on the patient you want to move. The single patient viewer displays. 2. From the single patient viewer, click Admit to display the Admit window. 3. Click on the down arrow next to Bed to display a list of available beds. Choose the bed you want to move the patient to: Make sure the bed is on the network. When the bed is a telemetry bed, select the bed name with an asterisk appended to the name (e.g., ICU4*). When the bed is a monitor, select the bed number identifying the monitor. 4. Click Move to move the patient to the bed you selected. The message Are you sure you want to move this patient? displays. 5. Verify you are moving the correct patient: When this is the patient you want to move, click Yes. When this is not the patient you want to move, click No to cancel this action and display the multi-patient viewer. ApexPro™ 6-17 Managing patients Move a patient to telemetry monitoring To discharge a patient from the bedside monitor, but remain on telemetry monitoring, complete the following procedure: 1. From the multi-patient viewer, click on the patient you want to move. The single patient viewer displays. 2. From the single patient viewer, click Admit to display the Admit window. 3. Click on the down arrow next to Bed to display a list of available telemetry beds. 4. Choose the bed you want to move the patient to. Be sure to choose a bed name with an asterisk appended to the name (e.g., ICU4*). 5. Click Move to move the patient to the bed you selected. The message Are you sure you want to move this patient? displays. 6. Verify you are moving the correct patient: When this is the patient you want to move, click Yes. This will discharge the patient from the monitor. When this is not the patient you want to move, click No to cancel this action and display the multi-patient viewer. af Move a telemetry patient to a different transmitter At some time, you may need to replace an admitted patient’s transmitter with a different transmitter. Dr Complete the following procedure to start telemetry monitoring using a replacement transmitter: 1. Exchange the transmitters. 2. From the Admit window, under ECG From, click the down arrow to display a list of ECG data sources. 3. Choose the TTX ID number matching the TTX ID number label located on the back of the transmitter. 4. Click Save. Switching transmitters If you wish to switch an transmitter while a patient is admitted from a CD TelemetryLAN transmitter (Apex S, Apex 5, Apex 3 or CD transmitter) or vice versa, you must follow this procedure: Discharge the patient (losing stored data). Switch transmitters. Re-admit the patient. Monitoring will stop if you switch transmitters while a patient is admitted. Attempting to change the TTX ID number for an admitted telemetry patient at the CIC Pro center with generate the message Invalid TTX. 6-18 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients Discharging an admitted patient Discharging a patient at the CIC Pro center completes the following tasks: Discharges a telemetry patient from CIC Pro center. Discharges a hard-wired patient from both the CIC Pro center and from the monitor. Deletes the discharged patient’s locally stored patient data from the CIC Pro center. Complete the following procedure to discharge an admitted patient from the CIC Pro center: Disconnect all patient cables. 2. From the multi-patient viewer, click in the patient’s window you want to discharge. The single patient viewer displays for this patient. 3. From the single patient viewer, click Admit to display the Admit window. 4. Click Discharge. A window displays the patient name, patient ID, and bed number. The message Are you sure you want to discharge this patient? also displays. 5. Verify you are discharging the correct patient: When this is the patient you want to discharge, click Yes. This will discharge the patient. af 1. Dr The CIC Pro center displays a message similar to the following in the patient window, Discharging patient... and then displays the multi-patient viewer. In the multi-patient viewer, the discharged patient window displays one of the following types of information: When a telemetry patient is discharged from a locked patient window, the message Discharged is displayed in the patient window. When a telemetry patient is discharged from an unlocked patient window, an Admit button is displayed in the patient window. When a hard-wired patient is discharged, the message Discharged and the bed name are displayed in the patient window. When this is not the patient you want to discharge, click No to cancel this action and display the multi-patient viewer. Combo and Rover Combo monitoring Guidelines The following are guidelines to remember when monitoring in Combo or Rover Combo monitoring modes. When monitoring ECG from telemetry: 2001989-301A- draft 1 ECG limits and Arrhythmia Alarm Levels are not your monitor defaults, but are the telemetry defaults from the central station. You can adjust these settings at the monitor. ApexPro™ 6-19 Managing patients The alarm pause feature (if available on your transmitter) is honored at the monitor. You should not turn off the monitor until you have discharged the patient from the monitor. Second V lead data is not sent to the monitor from the transmitter. If you wish to see telemetry second V lead data, you must view the telemetry patient. When switching ECG monitoring from the monitor to telemetry: Arrhythmia alarm histories from the monitor are merged in the telemetry system. CD Telemetry-LAN software version 5 or later is required. If you discharge the monitor, the telemetry Arrhythmia Alarm Levels will be the same as the Arrhythmia Alarm Levels supported by the monitor. Therefore, when the monitor uses the BASIC software package, only lethal Arrhythmia Alarm Levels will be detected from telemetry. If the monitor has the CARDIAC software package, full Arrhythmia Alarm Levels will be detected from telemetry. When switching ECG monitoring from telemetry to the monitor: Telemetry is automatically discharged and the most recent 36 alarm histories are transferred to the monitor. The ECG limits, Arrhythmia Alarm Levels and display defaults are recalled from the monitor defaults. af NOTE It is not likely that the Combo or Rover Combo monitoring modes are used when the patient-monitor type is OPERATING ROOM. NOTE Constraints Dr Users should be aware of a possible time discrepancy between the waveforms from the telemetry device and the waveforms from the monitor. Users should not consider these waveforms to be synchronous. If absolute synchronicity is desired, Combo mode should be discontinued and the ECG waveforms should be acquired via the hard-wired monitor. For bedside monitors that allow the ECG parameter to be turned off, the following constraints apply. 6-20 SpO2 becomes the primary parameter for patient monitoring. The patient’s heart rate is determined from pulse oximetry. The SpO2 and SpO2 Rate parameter alarm levels become Warning. The SpO2 pulse search and probe off system status alarm levels become Warning. Connecting the ECG cable to the monitor will not automatically turn the ECG parameter on. When the monitor is connected to a Dash Responder defibrillator, the ECG parameter will either automatically turn on or remain turned on. ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Managing patients When the monitor alarms are paused and the ECG parameter is turned off, the following network devices will not display an ALARM PAUSE text message for that monitor. CIC Pro center using software version 3.0 or earlier. Centralscope central station using any version of software. ECG setting source Selecting ECG setting source When the monitor is in Combo mode, you can select whether the monitor uses its own ECG settings or the telemetry ECG settings. TELE DEFINED — Use the telemetry ECG settings. This is the factory default. USER DEFINED — Use the monitor’s ECG settings if telemetry is not admitted. Use the telemetry ECG settings if telemetry IS admitted. The following ECG settings are affected when you select an ECG setting source: Arrhythmia Alarm Levels HR, PVC and ST parameter alarm levels ECG SIZE DETECT PACE ARRHYTHMIA ST ANALYSIS LEAD ANALYSIS HR HIGH LIMIT and HR LOW LIMIT PVC LIMIT and PVC state Dr af Beat Pause interval ST Limit For more information, refer to the appropriate bedside monitor’s operator’s manual. ECG setting source when entering Combo mode WARNING INCORRECT ALGORITHMS, ARRHYTHMIA PROCESSING AND CALCULATIONS BASED ON PATIENT AGE — After manually updating or automatically retrieving patient demographic information from a network database, always confirm that the entered patient’s date of birth matches the patient’s actual date of birth. Otherwise the appropriate age-related algorithms, arrhythmia detection, and calculations will not be applied. NOTE It is possible (but not a normal operation), to admit a patient to both a telemetry bed and a hardwired bed before entering Combo mode. For example, bed101* (telemetry) and bed101 (monitor) are two separate beds for the same patient. When you enter Combo mode in this situation, the ECG setting source is always telemetry. 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 6-21 Managing patients The following tables indicate the source (monitor or telemetry) of ECG settings when entering Combo mode. Tele Defined Monitor Telemetry Entering Combo Mode Not admitted Not admitted Admitted Not admitted Not admitted Admitted ECG Setting Source Telemetry User Defined Monitor Telemetry Entering Combo Mode Not admitted Not admitted Admitted Not admitted Not admitted Admitted ECG Setting Source Monitor Telemetry af Notice that selecting Tele Defined means the ECG setting source is always telemetry when entering Combo mode, while the ECG setting source for User Defined depends on whether the patient is admitted to the monitor or telemetry when entering Combo mode. ECG setting source when exiting combo mode Dr When discharging from telemetry, but remaining admitted to the monitor (exiting Combo mode), the ECG setting source (monitor or telemetry) depends on the COMBO DEFAULT SOURCE selection. TELE DEFINED — When exiting Combo mode, the ECG settings return to the monitor’s ECG custom defaults. USER DEFINED — When exiting Combo mode, the ECG settings for the current patient persist until the patient is discharged from the monitor. For both the TELE DEFINED and USER DEFINED options, when discharging from the monitor (exiting Combo mode), but remaining admitted to telemetry, the ECG settings for the current patient persist until the patient is discharged from telemetry. 6-22 ApexPro™ 2001989-301A- draft 1 Viewing real-time patient data Dr af 2001989-301A- draft 1 ApexPro™ 7-1
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