GE ADEL30LWQ1 User Manual DEHUMIDIFIER Manuals And Guides 1705224L
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User Manual: GE ADEL30LWQ1 ADEL30LWQ1 GE DEHUMIDIFIER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your GE DEHUMIDIFIER #ADEL30LWQ1. Home:Heating & Cooling Parts:GE Parts:GE DEHUMIDIFIER Manual
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DEHUMIDIFIER SAFETY INFORMATION . . . . . . . . .3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 How the Dehumidifier Operates . . . . . . . . .5 Automatic Defrost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Choosing a Location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Removing Collected Water . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Water Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Bucket Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 OWNER’S MANUAL ADEL30 ADEL50 ADEL70 ENGLISH/ESPAÑOL CARE AND CLEANING Grille and Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Water Bucket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Air Filter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS. . . . . . .8 CONSUMER SUPPORT Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Consumer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Write the model and serial numbers here: Model # _________________ Serial # _________________ You can find them on a label on the back of the dehumidifier. GE is a trademark of the General Electric Company. Manufactured under trademark license. 49-7768 10-16 GEA THANK YOU FOR MAKING GE APPLIANCES A PART OF YOUR HOME. Whether you grew up with GE Appliances, or this is your first, we’re happy to have you in the family. We take pride in the craftsmanship, innovation and design that goes into every GE Appliances product, and we think you will too. Among other things, registration of your appliance ensures that we can deliver important product information and warranty details when you need them. Register your GE appliance now online. Helpful websites and phone numbers are available in the Consumer Support section of this Owner’s Manual. You may also mail in the pre-printed registration card included in the packing material. 2 49-7759 READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE USING THE APPLIANCE WARNING For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock or personal injury. Ŷ8VHWKLVDSSOLDQFHRQO\IRULWVLQWHQGHGSXUSRVHDV described in this Owner’s Manual. Ŷ7XUQWKHGHKXPLGLILHU2))DQGXQSOXJLWEHIRUH cleaning. Ŷ7KLVGHKXPLGLILHUPXVWEHSURSHUO\LQVWDOOHGDQG grounded as described in this manual before it is used. Ŷ*($SSOLDQFHVGRHVQRWVXSSRUWDQ\VHUYLFLQJRIWKH dehumidifier. We strongly recommend that you do not attempt to service the dehumidifier yourself. Ŷ1HYHURSHUDWHWKLVGHKXPLGLILHULQDQDUHDWKDWLV likely to accumulate standing water. If this condition develops, for your safety disconnect the power supply before stepping into the water. Ŷ)RU\RXUVDIHW\GRQRWVWRUHRUXVHFRPEXVWLEOH materials, gasoline or other flammable vapors or liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. Ŷ1HYHUXQSOXJ\RXUGHKXPLGLILHUE\SXOOLQJRQWKH power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight out from the receptacle. Ŷ5HSODFHLPPHGLDWHO\DOOHOHFWULFVHUYLFHFRUGV that have become frayed or otherwise damaged. A damaged power supply cord must be replaced with a new power supply cord obtained from the manufacturer and not repaired. Do not use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either the plug or connector end. Ŷ,IWKHUHFHSWDFOHGRHVQRWPDWFKWKHSOXJWKH receptacle must be changed out by a qualified electrician Ŷ$OOGHKXPLGLILHUVFRQWDLQUHIULJHUDQWVZKLFKXQGHU federal law must be removed prior to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an old product with refrigerants, check with the company handling disposal about what to do. SAFETY INFORMATION IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION Ŷ'RQRWXVHRXWGRRUV Ŷ7KLVGHKXPLGLILHULVLQWHQGHGIRULQGRRUUHVLGHQWLDO DSSOLFDWLRQVRQO\7KLVGHKXPLGLILHUVKRXOGQRWEH used for commercial or industrial applications. Ŷ7KHVH5$'HKXPLGLILHU6\VWHPVUHTXLUH contractors and technicians to use tools, equipment and safety standards approved for use with this UHIULJHUDQW'2127XVHHTXLSPHQWFHUWLILHGIRU5 refrigerant only. WARNING USE OF EXTENSION CORDS RISK OF FIRE. Could cause serious injury or death. Ŷ'2127XVHDQH[WHQVLRQFRUGZLWKWKLV'HKXPLGLILHU Ŷ'2127XVHVXUJHSURWHFWRUVRUPXOWLRXWOHWDGDSWRUV with this Dehumidifier. HOW TO CONNECT ELECTRICITY Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third JURXQGSURQJIURPWKHSRZHUFRUG)RUSHUVRQDOVDIHW\ this appliance must be properly grounded. Where a 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet. '2127XVHDQDGDSWHUSOXJZLWKWKLVDSSOLDQFH 7KHGHKXPLGLILHUVKRXOGDOZD\VEHSOXJJHGLQWRLWVRZQ individual electrical outlet, which has a voltage rating matching the rating plate. 7KHSRZHUFRUGRIWKLVDSSOLDQFHLVHTXLSSHGZLWKD 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet to minimize the possibility of electric shock hazard from this appliance. Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the outlet is properly grounded. 7KLVSURYLGHVWKHEHVWSHUIRUPDQFHDQGDOVRSUHYHQWV overloading house wiring circuits, which could cause a fire hazard from overheated wires. RECYCLING INFORMATION For appliance recycling information please visit READ AND SAVE THESE INSTRUCTIONS 49-7759 3 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Controls Power On indicator light Clean the Filter indicator light High, Medium and Low fan indicator light Continuous Operation on indicator light 4 hour or 2 hour delay off indicator lights Empty Nonstop On Power Bucket Full light indicates bucket needs to be emptied or is not in place in the unit Filter Filter Timer - + Fan Delay Off Hold 3 Sec To Rest Controls NOTE: When the bucket is full or removed, the controls cannot be set. 1. Power Pad Press to turn the dehumidifier on and off. 2. Filter Timer $IWHUKRXUVRIRSHUDWLRQWKH&OHDQWKH)LOWHU indicator light will glow to remind you to clean the filter. Remove the filter and clean it. 3UHVVWRWXUQRIIWKH&OHDQWKH)LOWHUOLJKW6HHWKH&DUH and Cleaning section. 3. Humidity Set Control Pads 7KHKXPLGLW\OHYHOFDQEHVHWZLWKLQDUDQJHRI 5+5HODWLYH+XPLGLW\WR5+5HODWLYH+XPLGLW\ LQLQFUHPHQWVRUDW16IRUFRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQ7R VHWWKHXQLWIRUFRQWLQXRXVRSHUDWLRQSUHVVWKHźSDG XQWLOWKHVFUHHQUHDGV16 NOTE: ,I161RQVWRSLVVHOHFWHGWKHGHKXPLGLILHUZLOO RSHUDWHFRQWLQXRXVO\DWLWVPD[LPXPGHKXPLGLILFDWLRQ settings if attached to a hose to drain or until the bucket is full. )RUGULHUDLUSUHVVWKHźSDGDQGVHWWRDORZHU SHUFHQWYDOXH )RUGDPSHUDLUSUHVVWKHŸSDGDQGVHWWRDKLJKHU SHUFHQWYDOXH When you first use the dehumidifier, set the humidity FRQWUROWRRU$OORZDWOHDVWKRXUVIRUWKH dehumidifier to achieve the humidity level. If you still have damper air than desired, set the humidity level WRDORZHUVHWWLQJRUVHOHFW1RQVWRSIRUPD[LPXP dehumidification. 4. Display 6KRZVWKHVHWKXPLGLW\OHYHOZKLOHVHWWLQJWKHQVKRZV WKHDFWXDO±DFFXUDF\URRPKXPLGLW\OHYHO 5. Fan Speed Pad Controls the fan speed. Press to select either High, Medium or Low fan speed. 6HWWKHIDQFRQWUROWR+LJKIRUPD[LPXPPRLVWXUH removal. When the humidity has been reduced and quiet operation is preferred, set the fan control to Medium or Low. 6. Delay Off While the dehumidifier is in operation, press this pad to VHWLWWRDXWRPDWLFDOO\WXUQRIILQKRXUVRUKRXUV Other Features Empty Light Glows when the bucket is ready to be emptied, or when the bucket is removed or not replaced in the proper position. Alarm If the bucket is full or missing for more than 3 minutes, an DODUPZLOOVRXQGIRUDERXWVHFRQGVWRUHPLQG\RXWR empty and replace the bucket. Auto Shut Off 7KH:DWHU/HYHO&RQWURO6ZLWFKVKXWVRIIWKHGHKXPLGLILHU when the bucket is full, or when the bucket is removed or not replaced in the proper position. NOTE: )DQZLOO FRQWLQXHWRUXQDSSUR[LPDWHO\PLQXWHVDIWHUEXFNHWLV removed. Auto Defrost When frost builds up on the evaporator coils, the compressor will cycle off and the fan will continue to run until the frost disappears. Power Outage In the case of a power outage or interruption, the unit will automatically restart, in the settings last used, after the power is restored. 49-7759 When first using the dehumidifier, operate the unit continuously for 24 hours. How the Dehumidifier Operates Moist, humid air is drawn over a cold refrigerated dehumidifying coil. Moisture in the air condenses on this coil and drains into a bucket (or through a hose and drain). It is normal for the surrounding air to become slightly warmer as the dehumidifier operates. Dry, clean air is drawn through the condenser where it is heated and discharged out the top grille into the room. Automatic Defrost When frost builds up on the evaporator coils, the compressor will cycle off and the fan will continue to run until the frost disappears. When the coil is defrosted, the compressor or fan will automatically restart and dehumidifying will resume. Choosing a Location A dehumidifier operating in a basement will have little or no effect in drying an adjacent enclosed storage area, such as a closet, unless there is adequate circulation of air in and out of the area. Correct Ŷ'RQRWXVHRXWGRRUV Ŷ7KLVGHKXPLGLILHULVLQWHQGHGIRULQGRRUUHVLGHQWLDO DSSOLFDWLRQVRQO\7KLVGHKXPLGLILHUVKRXOGQRWEHXVHG for commercial or industrial applications. Above OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Using the Dehumidifier Wrong Below Ŷ3ODFHWKHGHKXPLGLILHURQDVPRRWKOHYHOIORRUVWURQJ enough to support the unit with a full bucket of water. Ŷ$OORZDWOHDVW±LQFKHVRIDLUVSDFHRQDOOVLGHVRI the unit for good air circulation. Ŷ3ODFHWKHGHKXPLGLILHULQDQDUHDZKHUHWKHWHPSHUDWXUH ZLOOQRWIDOOEHORZ)&7KHFRLOVFDQEHFRPH FRYHUHGZLWKIURVWDWWHPSHUDWXUHVEHORZ)ZKLFK may reduce performance. at lea st 18 inc hs at l t1 eas 8in chs Ŷ8VHWKHGHKXPLGLILHULQFRRNLQJODXQGU\EDWKLQJDQG GLVKZDVKLQJDUHDVWKDWKDYHH[FHVVLYHPRLVWXUH NOTE: Place the dehumidifier away from the clothes dryer. Ŷ8VHWKHGHKXPLGLILHUWRSUHYHQWPRLVWXUHGDPDJH anywhere books or valuables are stored. Ŷ8VHWKHGHKXPLGLILHULQDEDVHPHQWWRKHOSSUHYHQW moisture damage. Ŷ7KHGHKXPLGLILHUPXVWEHRSHUDWHGLQDQHQFORVHGDUHD to be most effective. Ŷ&ORVHDOOGRRUVZLQGRZVDQGRWKHURXWVLGHRSHQLQJVWR the room. 49-7759 NOTE: 7KHGHKXPLGLILHUKDVUROOHUVWRDLGSODFHPHQW but it should only be rolled on smooth, flat surfaces. Do not attempt to roll the dehumidifier on carpet or over objects. 5 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Using the Dehumidifier Always make sure the water bucket is locked into place on the dehumidifier. Removing Collected Water 7KHUHDUHZD\VWRUHPRYHFROOHFWHGZDWHU Use the bucket. When the bucket is removed, the unit will shut off. Empty and replace the bucket. Use a hose. Water can be automatically emptied into a floor drain by attaching a garden water hose (not included). 5HPRYHWKHEXFNHWIURPWKHIURQWRIWKHXQLW 2. Open the drain cover on the back of the unit. drain hose IMPORTANT: Do not use the hose if using the bucket to collect water. When the hose is connected, water will flow through it onto the floor instead of into the bucket. Handle nozzle 7KUHDGDJDUGHQKRVHQRWVXSSOLHGRQWRWKHQR]]OHFXW to length, and lead it to the floor drain. Bucket NOTES: Ŷ'RQRWUHPRYHWKHEXFNHWZKLOHWKHGHKXPLGLILHULV RSHUDWLQJRULILWKDVMXVWVWRSSHGRSHUDWLQJ7KLVPLJKW cause some water to drip from the drain pan. Ŷ7KHEXFNHWPXVWEHLQSODFHDQGVHFXUHO\VHDWHGIRUWKH dehumidifier to operate. 5HSODFHWKHEXFNHWLQWKHXQLW NOTE: 7KHEXFNHWPXVWEHLQSODFHDQGVHFXUHO\VHDWHG for the dehumidifier to operate. Water Level 7KHGHKXPLGLILHUZLOOWXUQRIIDXWRPDWLFDOO\ZKHQWKHEXFNHW is full, or when the bucket is removed or not replaced in the proper position. 7KHEXFNHWPXVWEHUHSODFHGLQWKHSURSHUSRVLWLRQIRU WKHGHKXPLGLILHUWRZRUN7KHOLJKWZLOOEHRQDQGWKH dehumidifier will not run if the bucket is not in the proper position. Bucket Operation '2127UHPRYHWKHIRDPSLHFHLQWKHEXFNHWDVVHPEO\ If removed the Dehumidifier will not work properly. When the coil is defrosted, the compressor or fan will automatically restart and dehumidifying will resume. Foam 6 49-7759 Turn off the dehumidifier and remove the plug from the wall outlet before cleaning. Grille and Case To clean the case: To clean the front grille: 8VHZDWHUDQGDPLOGGHWHUJHQW'RQRWXVH bleach or abrasives. 8VHDYDFXXPDWWDFKPHQWRUEUXVK Water Bucket To clean: To remove: Every few weeks, clean the bucket to prevent growth of mold, mildew and bacteria. Partially fill the bucket with clean water and add a little mild detergent. Swish it around in the bucket, empty and rinse. Remove the bucket and pour out any water. NOTE: Do not use a dishwasher to clean the water bucket. NOTE: 7KHEXFNHWPXVWEHLQSODFHDQGVHFXUHO\VHDWHG for the dehumidifier to operate. To replace: Slide the bucket into the dehumidifier. CARE AND CLEANING Care and Cleaning Air Filter 7KHDLUILOWHUEHKLQGWKHIURQWJULOOHVKRXOGEHFKHFNHGDQG FOHDQHGDWOHDVWHYHU\KRXUVRIRSHUDWLRQRUPRUHRIWHQ if necessary. $IWHUKRXUVRIRSHUDWLRQWKH&OHDQWKH)LOWHULQGLFDWRU light will glow to remind you to clean the filter. Remove the ILOWHUDQGFOHDQLW5HSODFHWKHILOWHUDQGSUHVVWKH)LOWHU 7LPHUSDGWRWXUQRIIWKH&OHDQWKH)LOWHUOLJKW To remove: Remove the bucket. Grasp the filter edge, and pull it straight down and out. Air Filter To clean: Clean the filter with warm, soapy water. Rinse and let the filter dry before replacing it. NOTE: Avoid using a dishwasher to clean the filter. NOTE: '2127ULQVHRUSXWWKHILOWHULQDQDXWRPDWLF dishwasher. CAUTION '2127RSHUDWHWKHGHKXPLGLILHU without a filter because dirt and lint will clog it and reduce performance. 49-7759 7 TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS Troubleshooting Tips... Before you call for service Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages first and you may not need to call for service. Problem Possible Cause What To Do Dehumidifier does not start The dehumidifier is unplugged. Makes sure the dehumidifier’s plug is pushed completely into the outlet. The fuse is blown/circuit breaker is tripped. &KHFNWKHKRXVHIXVHFLUFXLWEUHDNHUER[DQGUHSODFH the fuse or reset the breaker. Dehumidifier has reached its preset level or bucket is full. 7KHGHKXPLGLILHUDXWRPDWLFDOO\WXUQVRIIZKHQHLWKHU condition occurs. Change to a lower setting or empty the bucket and replace properly. Bucket is not in the proper position. 7KHEXFNHWPXVWEHLQSODFHDQGVHFXUHO\VHDWHGIRU the dehumidifier to operate. Power Failure. 7KHUHLVDSURWHFWLYHWLPHGHOD\XSWRPLQXWHVWR SUHYHQWWULSSLQJRIWKHFRPSUHVVRURYHUORDG)RUWKLV reason, the unit may not start normal heating or cooling for 3 minutes after it turned back on. Did not allow enough time to remove the moisture. :KHQILUVWLQVWDOOHGDOORZDWOHDVWKRXUVWRPDLQWDLQ the desired dryness. Airflow is restricted. Make sure there are no curtains, blinds or furniture blocking the front of back of the dehumidifier. See the Choosing a Location section. Dirty Filter See the Care and Cleaning section. The Humidity Control may not be set low enough. )RUGULHUDLUSUHVVWKHSDGDQGVHWWRDORZHU SHUFHQWYDOXHRUDW161RQVWRSIRUPD[LPXP dehumidification. Doors and windows may not be closed tightly. Check that all doors, windows and other openings are securely closed. Clothes dryer may be blowing moisure-laden air into the room. ,QVWDOOWKHGHKXPLGLILHUDZD\IURPWKHG\HU7KHGU\HU should be vented to the outside. Room temperature is too low. Moisture removal is best at higher room temperatures. Lower room temperatures will reduce the moisture removal rate. Models are designed to be operated at WHPSHUDWXUHVDERYH)& Area to be dehumidified is too large. 7KHFDSDFLW\RI\RXUGHKXPLGLILHUPD\QRWEHDGHTXDWH Doors and windows are open. Close all doors and windows to the outside. Frost appears on the coils Dehumidifier has been turned on recently, or room temperature is below 41F (5C) 7KLVLVQRUPDO)URVWZLOOXVXDOO\GLVDSSHDUZLWKLQ minutes. See the Automatic Defrost section Control cannot be set The compressor will turn off and the fan will automatically continue to run for approximately 3 minutes at a fixed setting. 7KLVLVQRUPDO:DLWDSSUR[LPDWHO\PLQXWHVDQGVHW the fan as desired. Fan noise Air is moving through the dehumidifier. 7KLVLVQRUPDO Water on floor Hose connection may be loose. Check the hose connection. See the Removing Collected Water section. Intended to use the bucket to collect water, but a hose was attached. Disconnect the hose if using a bucket to collect water. See the Removing Collected Water section. Drain hose not tight on fitting. Check drain hose connection. Drain hose is kinked. Ensure the drain hose is pointed straight down to the floor and is not kinked in anyway. Dehumidifier does not dry the air as it should Dehumidifier runs too much Bucket Full LED light flashing and alarm sounds while drain hose is connected. 8 49-7759 49-7759 NOTES Notes 9 NOTES Notes 49-7759 For The Period Of: GE Appliances Will Replace: One Year )URPWKHGDWHRIWKH original purchase Replacement unit for any product which fails due to a defect in materials or workmanVKLS7KHUHSODFHPHQWXQLWLVZDUUDQWHGIRUWKHUHPDLQGHURI\RXUSURGXFW¶VRULJLQDO one-year warranty period. The replacement unit may either be a new unit or a refurbished unit. WARRANTY GE Appliances Dehumidifier Warranty In Order to Make a Warranty Claim During the First 90 Days from the Date of Original Purchase: Ŷ Properly pack your unit. We recommend using the original carton and packing materials. Ŷ5HWXUQWKHSURGXFWWRWKHUHWDLOORFDWLRQZKHUH it was purchased. Ŷ Include in the package a copy of the sales receipt or other evidence of date of original purchase. Also print your name and address and a description of the defect. In Order to Make a Warranty Claim During the Remainder of the One-Year Warranty: Ŷ/RFDWH\RXURULJLQDOVDOHVUHFHLSWDQGPDNHDQRWH Ŷ
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