GE DBSR453EB3WW User Manual ELECTRIC DRYER Manuals And Guides L0522927
GE Residential Dryer Manual L0522927 GE Residential Dryer Owner's Manual, GE Residential Dryer installation guides
User Manual: GE DBSR453EB3WW DBSR453EB3WW GE ELECTRIC DRYER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your GE ELECTRIC DRYER #DBSR453EB3WW. Home:Laundry & Garment Care Parts:GE Parts:GE ELECTRIC DRYER Manual
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Page Count: 16
Safety Instructions ....... 2-4
Operating Instructions
Control Panel ............ 5, 6
Control Settings ............ 7
Features .................. 8
Loading and Using
the D_yer . ................ 10
Reversing the Door . ........ 9
Venting the D_yer .......... 11
Troubleshooting Tips... 12, 13
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . Back Cover
V¢arranty ................. 15
DBLR3 3 3
DJXR 4 _3
EED 4500
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Ym can find them on a label
on the fl'ont ot the (hwer behind
the dooi:
500A277P056 175D1807P507 49-90239 04-05 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire
or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or death.
•Do not storeor use gasoline or other
flammable vaporsand liquids in the
vicinityofthis or any other appliance.
•Installationand service must be
performedbya qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
[] Do not trytolight a match, or cigarette,or
turn on any gas or electrical appliance.
[] Do not touch any electrical switch;
do notuse any phone in yourbuilding.
[] Clear the room,buildingor area ofall
[] Immediately call yourgas supplier from
a neighbor'sphone.Follow the gas
[] ff youcannot reach yourgas supplier,
call the fire department.
Cafifomia Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act
This act requires the governor (ff (:alifornia to publish a list (ff substm_ces known to the state to cause
cance_; birth deli_cts or other rei)roductive harm and requires businesses to warn custome_ of potential
eXl)OSllI'e tO StlC]/ s[Ibst_lnces.
Gas appliances can Catlse ii/inor exposure to ti_ur _ff these substmlces, nai/lely benzene, carbon monoxide,
timnaldehyde and soot, caused pdmadly by the in{omplem combustion of natural gas or I,P fllels.
Properly a_!iusted drye_ will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be
minimized flmher by properly venting the dryer to the outdoors.
This dryer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions
before it is used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions sheet, you can receive one by
visiting, or by calling 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737).
[] Proi_erh, ,gr°m_d (M'er to co_#bm_ wid_ all
goverm m_gcodes a_d ordim_m_ces Follow details
im_h_stalladom_ h_shl_cdo_s.
[] h_sr_]] or store where it wi]] _]ot be exposed to
tempel_tm'es be]o_ f_'eezh_ or exposed to the
weather; which coldd ca_*se permam_el_t damage
amid im_va]idate the w_r_:mrv.
[] Com_ect to _ properly _ted, protected a_d sized
[:)o_ er s_q:)p]y ci rc_d t to a_oi d el ectIJ ca] overl oa d.
[] Rem{>_ e all shaq)pac]d_]g items an_d dispose of
all shippi_g materials proper_).
](;as dryers MUSTbe exhm_stedto d_eomside.
][,se {rely Ng_d metal 4 dmmeter d_ctwork
i_]side the d_aer c;_bi_]et. [Jse {ml} rigid metal
or flexible metal 4" diameter d{_ctw(}rk tbr
ex]_m_sth_g to the o_tside. USE OFPLAST_COR
For complete details, _b]]o_ the h_sta]]_ti{m
I_]s[l IIc[iolls.
• Keep the area underneath and around your
appliances flee of combustfl)le materials,
(lint, paper; rags, etc.), gasoline, chemicals and
other flamlnable \_q)oi_ aim liquids.
• Kee I) tile floor around your appliances clean
and (hw to reduce the possibili F of slipping.
• Close supervision is necessm y if this appliance is
used bv oi" near chiMren. Do not allow children
to play on, with, or inside this or anv other
• Kee I) all laundia' aids (such as deteigents,
bleaches, etc.) out of tile reach (ff children,
preferably in a locked cabinet. Observe all
warnings on container labels to avoid iI_jtu T.
• Never climb on or stand (m tile dlTer top.
• Never reach into tile dt_'er while tile drutn is
moving. Betore loading, unloading or adding
clothes, wait until tile drum has completely
• Clean tile lint filter before each load to prevent
lint accumulation inside the diwer or in the
• Do not wash or (h T articles that have been
cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted
with combustible or explosive substances (such as
wax, oil, paint, gasoline, degreasers, dry-cleaning
solvents, kerosene, etc.) that may ignite or
explode. Do not add these substances to the
wash watei: Do not use oi" place these substances
around your washer oi" dlTer dining ol)eration.
• Do not place itelns exposed to cooking oils in
your dlwei: ltelns contanfilmted with cooking oils
inav contribute to a chenfical reaction that could
cause a clothes load to catch fire,
• Anv article on which you have used a cleaning
solvent or that contains flammable materials
(such as cleaning cloths, mops, rowels used in
beaut}, sahms, restaurants or barber shops, etc.)
must not be placed in or near tile chwer until
solvents or flammable materials have been
removed. There are many highly flammable
items used in homes such as acetone, denatured
alcohol, gasoline, kerosene, some household
cleaners, SOl/le spot relllOVei"s, ttlYpentines,
waxes, wax removers and products containing
petroleum distillams.
• Tile laundt T process can reduce tile flame
retardancv ofl,d)rics. To avoid such a result,
carefilllv tollow the gmment malmfi_cturer's
care instrtlctions.
• Do not dry articles containing rubbei; plastic
oi" similar materials such as padded bras, temfis
shoes, galoshes, bath mats, rugs, bibs, baby pants,
plastic bags, pillows, etc. that nlav melt or btlrn.
Some rubber materials, when heated, can under
certain circumstances produce fire by
Sl)Ont;i neo/1s (Ol/lb/1stion.
• Do not store plastic, paper or clothing that nlay
burn or melt on top of tile dryer dining
• Gmments labeled OryAwa}/from Hoator Do Not
rumblo Dry (such as life jackets containing l¢aq)ok)
must not be put in your dryer
• Do not (h T fibeiglass articles in wmr dryer
Skin irritation could result from the remaining
particles that may be picked up by clothing
(hlIJng stlbseqtlent dryer rises.
• To minimize the possibility of elecnic shock,
unl)lug this appliance fi'om tile power supply
or discom_ect the (hwer at the household
distiibution panel b)' removing the fllse or
switching off the circuit breaker before
attempting any maintenance or cleaning
(except the removal and cleaning of the lint
filter).NOTE:Turningthe Cycle Selector knob
to an off position or pressing PAUSE does NOT
disc(mnect tile appliance ti'om tile power supply.
• Never attempt to operate this appliance if it is
damaged, malfiu_cfioning, partially disassembled,
or has missing or broken parts, including a
damaged cord or plug.
• The interior of the machine and the exhaust
duct connection inside the dryer should be
cleaned at least once a year by a qualified
technidan. See the Loading and Using the Dlyor
If yoms is a gas chTe_; it is equipped with an
automatic electric ignition and does not have
A MATCH. gm'ns may result fl'om having your
hand in the viciniP< oI the bm'ner when the
•You may Msh to soften yore" laundered lid)YJcs
or reduce the static electricity in them, b v using
a dryei_applied rid)tic softener or an and-static
condifione_; We recommend you use either a
rid)tic softener in the wash cycle, according to
the mantfli_cmrer's instructions fi)r those
products, or try a chTe_added product fi)r
which the ii/anttfilcttli'eF gives wIJtten asstlI'ance
on the package that their product can be safely
used in your dryer: Service or peYlbm_ance
problems caused by use of these products a_e
the responsibili_' of the mantdi_cmre_s of those
pI'odtlcts and aye not coveYed/IndeI" the l_';lI'I';lllW
to this appliance.
atltOi/latic i_nition ttlYns on,
_V_(v_jH_ I_)N eN O_ TI-U_'/_ N n_(liY COlIU_i 1_ _ _ER |Be_( )i'e disc_lYding _l dlljei'_ cq" i'eli/oving it _l'Oli/
appliance to avoid damage to the cord while
pulling. Place the cord away from traffic areas
so it will not be stepped on, tripped over or
subjected to damage.
• Do not attempt to repair or replace any part of
this appliance or attempt aiff servicing mfless
spedfically recommended in this Owner's Manual
or in pul)lished usePrepair instructions that w_u
trade,stand and have the skills to carry out.
service, remove the dryer door to prevent
children fl'om hiding inside.
• Do not tamper with controls.
About the dryercontrolpanel _.CE4,,,
Youcan/ocate your model number on the labe! on the front of the dryer behind the door Throughout this manual, features and
appearance may vary from your model.
Model DVLR223
Model DX2300
D Fz
Models DS4500, DBSR453, DBXR463, DHDSR45 and DHDSR46
'"_,_E;ii,i_i;i:!i;iiiii!i!_iiIi!i!:iiii!i!i!ii,i_i!E_" _L CAT,S
Model DX4500
Ig urn
NOTE: Drying times will varyaccording to the type ofheat used (Electric, NaturM or LP gas), size of_oad,
types of fabrics, wetness of c_othes and condition of exhaust ducts.
About the dryercontrolpanel
Youcan/ocate your model number on the labe! on the front of the dryer behind the door Throughout this manual, features and
appearance may vary from your mode!.
Model DBLR333
D, !11
Models DJXR433, DRSR483, DWSR483, DWXR483, DLSR483,DQSR483 and DZSR483
FL! .....
S'_T _Du_ ,_ ,_iiii:iiii"iiiiiiiii"ii"¸ !!_iiii"iiii!ii"i¸iii__.....
i _ Wm_KZ_F_
Optional features ................... "_ ...... ,o
(on some models) _,_,
Models EED4500 and EGD4500
i_ii(_)ii; ,_
C_['[eNS EASYC_._E
NOH_r LOaNer
_i' !1
Model DLLSR33
3Heot Settrlgs
le' n _d
NOTE: Drying times will vary according to the type of heat used (Electric, Natural or LPgas), size of load,
types of fabrics, wetness of clothes and condition of exhaust ducts.
Aboutthe controlsettings,
IMPDRTAN_ Clean the lint filter each time you use the drye_
_r_ Fabric Care/Temperature (on some models)
REGULARForregularto heavycottons.
MEDIUM Forsynthetics,blends,deticatesanditemslabeledpermanentpress.
DELICATESOnsomemodels.Fordelicates,syntheticsanditemslabeledtumbladry low
FLUFFForfluffing itemswithoutheat.Usathe TIMEDDRYcycle.
/k I_.tom a ti c c',cl es a I _.t__m ati call'_ determi N_e fill) tic drv_ ess. Select LESS DRY if" "_'ol__,_:';__ t "_ol _.rd oth es
slightly damp at the e]_d o[ the dr}im_g c} cle. Select MORE ORYif'_ol_ wm_t them to feel d_tie_: Timed
c',des rm_ f_)r a selected dine.
Drying Cycles
EASYCARE/ Forwrinkle4ree,permanentpressanddelicateitems,andknits.
TINED DRY SettheCycleSelectorat thedesireddryingtime.
DAMPDRY Forleavingitemspartiallydamp.
QUICKFLUFFForfresheningorfluffingupalreadydryclothing,hbrics, linens,andpillows.Usawith FLUFFNOHEAT
Provides10minutesof noheattumbling.
_i Start Close the dryer doo_: Select START, 0 )em_im_ the door din'ira, opemti(m _,_,:i]]stop the dryer:
To restart the dryer; dose the door m_d sdec{ STARTto complete the c}de.
Color Logic (on some models)
Select the correct FABRIC CAREsetdng.
Match the l)articular color belo_ the words
with the same color on the Cycle Dial.
Example:Dryingaload of clothing labeled
r_ Choose the FABRICCAREsetdng--for
this load it would be the EASYCARE
MED. HEAT (_hich is a l)a_ticular color).
r_Turn the C}cle Dial to the area that has
the same color as the FABRICCARE
setting _ou h:_e chosen--for this load it
Aboutthe dryerfeatures.
VVRiNKLE CARE Wrinkle Care Option (onsomemodels)
Use this option to minimize tile wrinkles
in clothes. It provides ai)i)ro_mately
15 minutes of no-heat rambling alter
the clothes are dry:
This option can only be used with tile
If you are using tile CYCLESIGNAL knob
and wm select tile WRINKLE CAREopfion,
a signal will so/md at tile end ot tile chTing
time and several times during tile WRINKLE
CAREcvcle. This will remind w)u that it is
time to remove tile clothes.
If WRINKLECAREis not on, tile dxn'er will
stop once tile timer reaches tile WRINKLE
CAREmmkon tile cycle dial.
Cycle Signal Option (onsomemodels)
This signal will sound just befin'e tile end
ot the cycle to remind you to remove the
clothes. On some models, the signal sound
level cannot be a(!justed.
If wm selected the WRINKLECAREoption,
the signal will sound at the end ot the
(h3'ing time and will sound several times
dulJng the WRINKLE CARE cycle. This will
remind w>u that it is time to remove tile
•Remove garmentspremptlyatthe sound
of the signal Place clothes on hangers so
wrinkles won't set in.
•Use the Cycle Signal especially when
drying fabrics like polyester knits and
permanent press. These fabrics should
be removed so wrinkles wen't set in.
Automatic Cycle Signal (onsomemodels)
At tile end of each cycle there is
approMmately 15 minutes of no-heat
rambling after tile laundry is dry:
A reminder signal will so/md periodically
during this time to remind w>u to remove
tile laundry:
Drum Lamp (onsomemodels)
Before replacing tile light bulb, be sure to
unplug tile dryer power cord or disconnect
the dryer at the household distribution
panel by removing the fllse or switching
off tile circuit breaker; Reach above dryer
opening fl'om inside the dram, Remove the
bulb and replace with tile same size bulb.
Drying Rack (onsomemodels)
A handy drying rack may be used fin" drying
delicate items such as washable sweatet_,
Hook the rack over the lint filter so the rack
extends into the dryer drum,
•Thedryingrack mustbe usedwiththe
•Do not use this drying rack when there
are other clothes in the dryer.
Stainless Steel Drum (on some models)
Tile stainless steel used to make tile
d_'er drum provides tile highest reliabili F
available in a GE dr)/e_: If tile d_yer drum
should be scratched or dented dm'ing
nomml use, tile drum will not rust or
corrode. These surli_ce blemishes will
not affect tile flmction or durability of
tile drum.
Aboutreversingthe door.
Reveming the Door
[] Standard#2 [] Tape-tipped
Phillipsscrewdriver puttyknife
[_] Open the door and remoxe the filler plugs opposite the hinges. _Aith the door
completely open, remo_e the bottom screw from each hinge on the dryer fi_ce.
Insert these screws about halfwa_ into the TOP holes, for each hinge, on the opposite
side (where)ou remo',ed the filler plugs). App1) finn pressure to boet the screw stnrted
in new holes.
_ I,oosen top screw from each hinge on the dryer ti_ce half way: _Aith one hand holding
the top of the door and the other hand hokfing the bottolnl remo',e the door from <
the (h_er b) lifting it UP and OUT.
_] Rotnte tile door 1SO °. Insert it on tile opposite side of tile opening by moxgng tile door
IN and DOWN until tile top hinge and tile bottoln hinge are resting on tile top screws
inserted in step 1.
Remoxe tile remaining screws from tile side of tile o{)ening from which tile door
[_was i'elllo_,ed. _4]th these scI'ews sectlI'e each hinge at tile bottoi//. Tighten tile
two top screws of each hinge Reinsert tile plastic plugs on tile side fl'om which
tile door was i'eillO_,ed,
Loadingand usingthe dryer.
Always follow the fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
As a general rule, if clothes are sorted })roperly fin.
the _sheI; they are sorted properly for the dryei:
Do not add fabricsoftener sheets once the loadhas
become warm. Theymaycause fabric softener sta/bs.
Bounce®FabricConditionerDryer Sheetshave been
approvedfor usein aft GEDryerswhen used lb
accordancewith the manufacturer# lbstructions.
Denot overload.Thiswastesenergyandcauseswrinkling.
Donot drythe followingitems:fiberglassitems,woolens,
CareandCleaningof the Dryer
The Exterior:Wil)e or dust any spills or washing
compounds with a damp cloth. Dryer control
panel and finishes may be damaged by seine
laun(h T i)retreatlnent soil and stain relno\'er
i)ro(lucts. Apply these products away fl'om the (lrvei;
The rid)tic may then be washed and dried hero,ally.
Damage to your (h_'er caused bv these i)roducts is
not covered bv VOilEW_II'I'}III15':
The Lint Filter: Clean the lint filter beiore each
use. Moisten your fingeI_ and reach into tile filter
opening. Rm_ y(mr fingeI_ across the filteI: Ha\e a
qualified technician wlctltll/l the lint fl'om the dryer
once a veaE
Staiuless Steel:To clean stainless steel surfi_ces,
use a damp cloth with a mild, non-abrasive
cleaner suitable tot stainless steel sudhces.
Remove the cleaner residue, and then dry
with a clean cloth.
TheExhaust Duct:Inspect and clean tile exhaust
ducting at least once a year to prevent clogging.
A partially clogged exhaust can lengthen the
drying tim e.
Follow these steps:
_Turn off electrical supply b) discmmecting the
I)lug, fl'om file wall socket.
_ Disconnect tile duct ti'om tile (lr_ el;
_] Vacuum the duct with the hose attachment and
reconnect the duct.
The Exhaust Hoe& Check fl'om tile outside that tile
flaps of tile hood move fl'eely when oi)emting. Make
sure that there is not wiMlife (birds, insects, etc.)
nesting inside the duct or hood.
Below are lid)tic care lal)el "svml)ols" that affect tile clothing )ou will be lmmdefing.
wash _
cycle Normal Permanent Piess/ Gentde'_/ Do notwash Do not wring
wrinkle resistant de_[cate Hand wash
Water • • • O0 •
temperature not Wa,m Co_a/coo_
{50<0/120< F} {40<0/105< F} (30 C/85<F}
Bleach_., A A
symlJols Any bleach Onlynonch[or[nebleach Do not bleach
{when neededl {when needed) I
dr. oo°or,_v
Dry Normal PermanentPless/ Gentle/ Do not tumble dry {_sed with
wdnk[e _esistant delicate do notwash}
High Medium Low No heat/air
fPsetfiacltions _ _ D _7_
Line dry/ Drill dly Dry flat In tile shade
hang to dry
For the best dr_im_g perfi)rmam_ce the dryer m_eeds to be properly vetoed. The drger will use more enemy
and run longer if it is not vented to the below specifications, Carefully follow the details on Exhausting in the
Instafiatien Instructions,
[] (Ise orally rigid metal 4" diameter dl_ctwork ]m_s](le the
(!_er cabi m_et. ( Ise o_ly _Jgi(1 metal or flexibl e metal 4"
diameter dl_ctwork fin" exhm_sth_g to the ol_tside.
[] Do m_ot i_se plastic or other combl_stible d_ctwork,
[] I[Ise the shortest length possible.
[] Do m_ot cH*sh or collapse.
[] A_oid restim_g the d_ct o_ sharp o_)iects.
[] Ventingmust conform to local buildingcodes.
Before you call CustomerSupport...
Troubleshooting tips
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages, or visit Youmay not need to carl Customer Support.
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Dryer doesn'tstatt Dryer is tmplugged *Make sure the dryer plug is l)ushed (oml)letely into
the outlet.
Fuse is blown/circuit breaker • Check the house fllse/circuit breaker box and replace
is tripped fi/se or reset breaker: NOTE:Most electric (ha'e_s use
2 filses/breake_s.
Dryer doesn'theat Fuse is blown/circuit breaker is •Check the house fllse/circuit breaker box and replace
tripped; the dryer may tumble both fllses or reset both breake_. Your dryer may tumble
but not heat if only one filse is bh>wn or one breaker tripped.
Gas service is off •Make sure gas shutoff' at (hTer and main shutoff are
fitly open.
Dryershakesor Some shaking/noise is normal, •Move dryer to an even floor space, or a(!itlst leveling legs
makes noise Dryer may be sitting unevenly as necessar_ tmtil exert.
Greasy spots on clothes hnproper use of fabric softener • Follow directions on rid)tic softener package.
Drying dirty items with • Use w)ur oh'vet to d_y only clean items. Di m' items can
dem:l ones stain clean items and the drveI:
Clothes were not • Sometimes stains which cannot be seen when the
completely cleml clothes are wet appear'alter (hying. Use proper washing
procedm'es befin'e drying.
Linton clothes Lint filter is full • Clean lint screen befin'e each load,
Improper sorting • S(m lint producexs (like chenille) from lint collectox_
(like corduroy).
Static electricity can attract lint • See suggestions in this section trader STATIC.
Overloading • Separate large loads into smaller ones.
Paper, tissue, etc. left in pockets • EmpU' all pockets befin'e latmdering clothes.
Static occurs No fabric softener was used •T_w a tid)ric soflene_:
•Bounce <`:Fabric (_on(lifioner D_Ter Sheets have been
approved fin" use in all GE D_Te_ when used in
accordance with the manufiwtm'er's instructions.
Overdacyh_g •T_' a rid)tic soflene_:
•A(!iust seUing m LESSDRYor DAMP DRY.
Synthetics, permmmnt press • T_' a rid)tic soflene_:
mid blends can cause static
Inconsistent Type of heat •Automatic drying times will vaxT according to the type
drying times of heat used (electric, natural or I,P gas), size of load,
_'l)es of lid)tics, wetness of clothes and condition ot
exhaust ducts.
Problem Possible Causes What To Do
Clothes take too long Improper sorting • Separate hea_} items t}'om lightweight items (gei_e_]]},
to dry a _e]]-sorted _rasher load iS a _e]]-sorted dryer load).
Large loads of heavy fabrics , I _rge, heavy [sbrics ctmmh/more moisture mid rake
(l_e beach towels) hmger to dry. Separate large, heaw ed)_Jcs h_to smaller
loads to speed dryh_g time.
Controls _pr_periy set * Match control settim_gs to the load _<)l_ are dl)'im_g.
i_nt Nter is full ® (leam_ limit filter beii)re ever_ load.
Improper or obstructed * Check h_stai]ati<m h_stmctiom_s %r proper
®Make slate dial;thug is c]emL fl'ee of kh_ks amid
IH? obstl IIc[ed.
® Check to see if ol_tside wall damper ol:/e_/tes eas]]).
® Check the Im_sta]]atitm Instructions to make slate the
dryer vem_th_g is correct.
BlowJr_ fuses or tripped ® Replace h_ses or reset ciro_it breakers. Sim_ce most d]aers
circt_t breaker _se 2 fl_ses/breakers, make s_re both are o[:/e_/ti_g.
Overloading/combing loads • Do _ot [:mr more tha_ o_e washer load i_ the dryer
at a []_]]e.
Under]oading * If _o __a re d_ai, _ _(,on ]v (me (wtwo i tern s, add a few i tern s
to ensnare proper mmb]i_g.
Clothes are wrinkled Overdrying • Select a shorter dr}h_g time.
• Remove items while they still hold a slight amom_t of
moisture. Select a LESSORgor OAMPo_gsetth_g
Letting items sit in dryer * Ram ova item s _r]_ e]_ CVC] e e]_ (IS _ _ (1 f_}] (1 {)_" ]_ _ _ g
after cycle ends
Overloading * Separate large loads i_to smaller ones.
CloNes shri_k Some fabrics will naturally st_ * To aroid sh_J_kage, tb]]ow gam_e_t care labels exactb.
when washed. Others can be • S_)m e itern s m a} be [:/]'essed back i _ t() sh ape a:i_er (]]?i _ g.
safely washed, but Mll sbrh_k
in the dryer * lfxo_ are co_cerned about s]]ri_kage i_ a particle]at
item, do _ot machi_e wash or t_m_b]e dr_ it.
GEDryer Warranty.
All warranty support provided by our Factory Service Centers, or
an authorized Customer Care®technician. Toget Customer Support,
on-line, 24 hours a day, visit us at, or call
Staple your receipt here. I
Proof of the original purchase I
date is needed to obtain support
under the warranty<
For The Period Of.. GEWit Replace:
OneYear Anypart of the dryer which f;dls due to a de_bcth_materials ur workmam_ship.Dmim_gthis
From the date of the M/ one-year warranty,GE _rH]] _]SO provide, free of charge, aH ]abut am)d re]a[ed service COS[S
originalpurchase to replace the (]e{bctive part.
What GE Will Not Cover:
[] Service t_ps to your home to teach you how to
use the product.
[] Improper ms_ation_ de, very or mamtenauce.
[] Faflur_ of the product if it is abused_ ntisused, or
used for other than the hqtended purpose or used
[] Replacement of the lighi bu]b.
[] Products wh_cl_are not defective or broken, or which
are wor_d_g as described h! the Owl_er's MaJmaL
[] Replacement of hottse fuses or resett_lg of ckcnit
[] Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods
or acts of God.
[] Incidental or consequentiaJ damage catLsed by possible
defects whh this appliance.
[] Defects or damage due m operation in free_g
[] Damage caused after dellver>
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home
use within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service cain to your home.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives
you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what your
legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General.
Warranter: General Electric Company. toaisvifle, KY 40225
6EApp/iancesWebsite www.GEApp#ances.cem
Have a ql_esdo]_ or I_eed assist;race wkh )our app]iauce? Try die (;E App]iaN_ces X&ebsite 24 horn's a day
am/y da_ o{ die _ear! For greater com'em/iei/ce mid {;]ster service, )o_l can ]low dowi/]oad Owi/er's Mam0a]s,
order [)arts., catalogs,., or eve]/schedule service o]/-]im/e. Yoll cam/also "¢sk Ore" Team of Experts
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OUStomar Support www. GEApp#ances.corn
Expert (;E assistm_ce is o_])a dick awav_ Visit our ()K>line Tee]mica] support 24 hours a day or call at _om"
comwel_iel_ce24 hours am <laxof the xear! Or ca]] 800.(;E.(:ARES (800.432.2737) &_rim_gm_orma]busim_esshores.
flea/Life DesignStudio
C,E slq_ports the [ Im_iversa] Design com_cept--products, services am_(;[e]wironmems that cm_ be I_sed by
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m e _ ta] ab]]i ti es a _ d im pa] rm e_ ts. For details of GE's lIn_iversa] Design a pp]i ca ti o_ s, i_ c] _di _ g ]d tch e_
design ideas %r people _rdt]_ disab]]kies, check out our Website today. For t]_e heari_g h_paired, please ca]]
S00.TDD.GEAC. (800.833A322).
Pm'c]lase a (}E exte]lded war]:mty a_ld ]earnl abo_t special discolmts that are available _:rhi]e )O[IY _r;_]'_ b'
is still i_ effect. _2_u can_ purc]_ase it o_-]i_e m_ytime, or ca]] S00.626.2224 dmi_g ]_o_a] b_si_ess hours.
(;E ('x)l_ s0m_ er Hom e Servi cos wi]] sd]] be th e_'e a_}er )o _u" wa rra _ b expi res.
Parts and Accessoh;aS
I_dividua]s qualified to se_ice their o>,n_ app]ia_ces ca_ have parts or accessories se]_t directh to their
homes (VISA, MasterCard m_d Disco\or cards are accepted). Order o_-]i_e toda 5 24 horn's every day or
bv phoebe at 800.626.2002 dmJ_g _orma] bush_ess horns.
In_trnctiona contained in tflb man_al cover procedures to he performed by any _set Other servicing generally
sflonld he referred to qnalified setllice personnet Cantion meat he exercbed, since improper servicing may cerise
nnsafe operation.
Oontact Us
l_ _o_ are not satis[ied _rdt]_ the service _o_, receive [_'om (}E, contact us <m ore" _'ebsite v, ri[h a]] the details
i_c]_di_g your phoebe mm_beu or w_Jte to: (;el_em] Ma_ageu Customer Relatio_s
(;E App]im_ces, Applim_ce Park
I,ouisvi]]e, KY 40225
RegisterYourApp/iance w.CE@p/i nc
Re_ster your new appliance on=l_-_e--at your convenience! Timeh, _>rodwt regism_tio_,, wi]] allow Itor
e_ha_ced a_d prompt service imder the terms of_om" wari_mt}, should the _eed arise.
_)_ may also mail i_ the [>re-[ >rh_ted reg]st]_ti<m,, card i_c]u(;[ed i_ the [>acid w,> material.
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