GE GSD3230F00WW User Manual DISHWASHER Manuals And Guides 1401361L
User Manual: GE GSD3230F00WW GSD3230F00WW GE DISHWASHER - Manuals and Guides View the owners manual for your GE DISHWASHER #GSD3230F00WW. Home:Kitchen Appliance Parts:GE Parts:GE DISHWASHER Manual
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Part No. 165D4700P204 Pub.No. 49.5878 zoo JR
YouAm Now Partof theGEFamily.
Welcome to the GE/amily.
We're proud of our quality
products and we are
committed to providing
dependable service. You'll
see it in this easy-to-use
Owner's Nlanual and you'll
hear it in the fliendly voices
c,f OUl" CUSlC, Iller service
these values each lime you
use your dishwasher. That's
important, because your new
dishwasher will be part of
your tamily for many years.
And we hope you will be part
of ours tot a long time to
We thank you tot buying
GE.We appreciate your
purchase, and hope you
willcontinue to relyon us
whenever you need quality
appliances for your home.
Fill out and return the Consumer Product
()_mership Registration card flint is packed
wifl_tiffs product. If you cannot find it,
please send in the duplicate card printed in
the back of this manual.
Write the model and serial
Youcan find them on the tub wall just
inside the door.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check
Proof of the original purchase date is
needed to obtain service under the
GE& You,
A Service Partnership.
Ask any GEappliance owner and they will
tell you we stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service. However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily fix
yourself& just a few minutes? This
Owner's Manual can tell you how
Readthis Manual
Inside you _dll find many
helpthl hinls on how Io use and
mainlain your dishwasher
properly..lust a liule preventive
cm-eon your pmt can save >x)t.ta
great deal of time and money
over lhe lit( of your dishwasher.
You'll find many answers 1o
common problems here.
If you review our char! of
Troubleshooting Tips firsl,
)X)tlIn W nol need 1ocall tar
sel_ice al all.
If YouNeedService
If you do need sel_ice, you can
relax knoxdng help isonly a
phone call awW.A lislof loll-tiee
cusR)iner se_ice nulnbers is
included in the back secdon.
()r >m can alwws call the
GE Answer Cenler ®at
800.626.2000, 24 hours a d W,
7 days a week.
Operating Instructions
Control :
Dia! Cycles: : ;;
UsingtbeOishwasheri lZi3
DishwasherRacks . :: 14,15
Care and Cleanin_
OpfionalAccessories ::: :18
Before You
Call ForService ....... 19-24
ProductRegistration ........ 29
Warranty ................ 31
Numbers .......... BackCover
For your safety, the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
Under certain conditions hydrogen gas may be produced in
a water heater that has not been used for two weeks or
If lhe hot waler has not been used for l_x) weeks or more, prevenl
lhe possibilily of damage or in.juUby luming on all hot waler
f_tucels and allow flmm u) nm for several minules. Do this before
using aW eleclfical appliance which is connecled 1othe hol wamr
syslem. This simple procedure xdll allow aW buih-up h},tmgen gas
1,7escape. Since lhe gas is flammable, do nol smoke or use an open
flame or appliance during lifts process.
Use your dishwasher only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
This dishwasher must be properly installed and located in
accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is
used. If you did not receive an Installation Instructions
sheet with your dishwasher, you can receive one by calling
us toll-free at the GEAnswer Cente_ 800.626.2000.
Connecl lo a grounded
melal, permanent _dfing
sysleln; or nln an equipmenl_
gTounding conductor _dlh
lhe circuil conduclors and
connect lo lhe equipmenl:
gTounding lenninal or lead
oflhe appliance.
hnproper connecuon of the
conduclor can result in a risk
ofeleclfic shock. Check xdlh
a qualified elecuician or
sel_ice represenladve if)xm
are in doubl wheflmr lhe
appliance is properly
Dispose of discarded
appliances and shipping or
packing malefial properly.
Do not attempt to repair or
replace any part of)xmr
dishwasher unless it is
specifically recommended in
this manual. All other
sel_icing should be retened
u) a qualified lechnician.
To minimize lhe possibilily of
eleclfic shock, disconnect this
appliance flom the power
supply before anempling any
mainlenance. NOTE"Turning
the dishwasher offdoes not
disconnecl tim appliance
flom tim power supply.
We recommend having a
qualified lechnician sel_ice
your appliance.
Do nol tamper xdlh conll-ols. Do nol allow children to play
inside, on or xdlh lhis
} Do nol abuse, sit on, or stand
on the door or dish rack of appliance or any discarded
the dishwasher, appliance.
Do not discard a dishwasher
xdthoul first removing the
door of the washing
Do not sRJre or use
combustible mamrials,
gasoline or other flmnmable
vapors and liquids in the
x{cinityof this or aW other
Use only powder, tabs or
liquid delergenls or _tling
agents recommended for use
in a dishwasher and keep
them out of file reach of
children. Cascade"
Auumlafic Dishwashing
Detergent has been approved
for use in all GE dishwashers.
Locate shm_p items st) that
they are not likely It) damage
tile door seal.
Load shin 1) knives xdth tile
handles up to reduce the risk
of cul-tvpe injuries.
Do not wash plastic items
unless marked dishwasher
safe or lhe equivalent. For
plastic items not st)marked,
check the manuf_tcturer's
Non-Dishware Ilems: Do not
wash ilems such as elecmmic
air cleaner filters, fllmace
filmrs and paint brushes in
)xmr dishwasher. Damage u)
dishwasher and discoloration
or staining of dishwasher
In W resuh.
Do not touch the heating
element during or
immediateb, afler use.
Do not operale y()tlr
dishwasher unless all
enclosure panels are properly
in place.
Close supe_Yision is necessm T
it this appliance is used by or
near children.
Iz)ad light plastic imms
so they will not become
dislodged and drop lo lhe
bot k)m of the dishwashel_
they might come into contact
_dth file heating element and
be dmnaged.
Readand follow this
Safety Information carefully.
il!i i lii
About the dishwasher controlpanel
Youcan locate your model number on the tub wall just inside the door.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
GSD3100 and GSD3200 series models
POTS& PANS Forheavilysoileddishesor cookwarewith dried-on
or baked-onsoils. Everydaydishesmaybe included.
Thiscyclewill not removeburned-onfoods.
HOT STARTPreheatswashwater to the correcttemperature.
NORMALWASH Forloadsof everydaydishes,glassesandcookware
with mediumsoils. NOTE:Manydisheshavelighter
soil than normal.Choosinga cycleotherthan
NORMAL WASHwill save energyand water.
SHORTWASH Forquicklywashing loads of everydaydisheswith
mediumsoils that havenot driedon, suchas loads
consistingmostlyof glasses.
RINSEONLY Forrinsingpartial loadsthat will bewashedlater.
Do not use detergent.
PLATEWARMER Forwarmingcleandishesand servingplates.This
cyclewill takeapproximately32 minutes.
Make sure tile Dial is at the OFFposifion.
Latch tile door.
li ii
HI TEMP Providesextra heatfor best performance.It is used
WASH bestwith heavily-soileddishes.
HEATERDRYON/Turnsthe drying heater on forfast drying.This
HEATERDRY cyclewill extendthe time to your washcycle.
HEATEDDRYOFFShutsoff the dryingheat option. Dishesair dry
naturallyand energyis saved.
Slowly mm file Dial to tile STARTposifion. Don't turn it
past file STARTposition, or }xm could accidentally miss a
rinse. There is a time delay between start-up and water
fill st) you x_ll not hear aW wash action lJg'ht away.
il!i ilii
About the dial cycles.
Short Wash
For quickly washing loads of eve_)Tdaydishes with medium
soils thai have not dried on.
E_] Select the NORMAL WASH _ Slowly turn the Dial to
cycle and any options. _ SHORTWASH.
[_]Be sure the door is _ Latch the door to stml
unlatched. _ the cycle.
..... .....
°! RINS_ONLY_.._ DRY_r_
Rinse Only
For rinsing parda] loads that _d]]1)ewashed later. Do not use
E_] Make sure HEATEDDRY [-_ Slowly tm-n the Dial to
is not selected. _ RINSEONLY,
Latch the door to sire1
Be sure the door is [_] the cycle.
Plate Warmer
For wam_ing clean dishes and serving plates. This fide will
take approximately 32 minutes.
7] oad clean dishware
to be wammd.
[-_-]Select HEATEDDRY,
['j] Be sure the door is
['-_ Slowly turn the Dial
['_--]Latch the door to start
the cycle.
ii/i! ii iiiii
0_ SH°R_W_S"
RINSE ONLY/_aTm 0_orr_
Hot Start
Preheats wash water to the (olwe(t temperature.
FT] Select the HOTSTART
cycle and any other
Be sure the door
is unlatched.
F_-] Slowly turn the Dial to
[",/_Latd_ the door to start
the cycle.
About the circle sequence. (Not all cycles are on all models)
POTS&PANS 9.3gal. 63min. RinseRinseRinseMainWash RinseRinseRinse
SHORTWASH 6.6gal. 55min. RinseMainWash RinseRinseRinse
HOTSTARTadds 1.5gal. 30 min. to selectedcycle Rinse,startselectedcycle
HEATEDDRYON.Available on all wash cyclese×ce[)t RINSEONLY,
Add appr(Mmately _2minutes to tl_e c_xle.
HEATEDDRYOFF.D1)_ng heater is turned off. Dishes dl)- naturally.
il!i ilii
Usingthe dishwasher.
Checkthe Water Temperature
The entering water must be at least 120oF. and not more titan
150 oF., %r ettecfive cleaning and to prevent dish damage. Check
tl_ewater temperature xdth a can@ or meat thermometer. Turn on
the hot wamr faucet nearest the dishwasher, place the thennomemr
in a glass and let the wamr nm conunuously into the glass undl the
temperature stops rising.
iili! ii iiiii
UseJet-D ent
Jet-Dry®rinse agent removes spots and prevents new fihn build-up
on your dishes, glasses, tiara'are, cookwme and plastic.
Fill the rinse agent; dispenser
until it:reaches the bottom of lip
inside the opening. Replace cap.
To check if rinse agent is needed,
remove fl_e cap and look into the
dispenser. ()n some models, the
dispenser can be checked by
pressing the clem center of the
fill cap 2 or 3 times. If rinse agent
fills the cenmr of the fill cap, you
have enough.
A full dispenser should last about one month.
If rinse agent spills, wipe up the excess.
DishPreparationPriorto Loading
No pre-rinsing of normal tbod soil is required.
Nrape off hmd soils including bones, toothpicks, skins, and
Remove lm-ge quantifies of any remaining tbod.
Remove leat_ivegetables, meat uJmmings, and excessive amounts
of grease or oil.
Remo_ addic fi)od soils that can discolor stainless steel.
ProperUseof Detergent
Use only detergent specifically made tbr use in dishwashe)_. Cascade<_
Automatic Dishwashing Detergent has been approved tbr use in all GE
dishwashers. Keep your detergent ftesh and d U. Don't pul powder
detergent into the dispenser until you're ready Io wash dishes.
The mnount of demrgent to use depends on whelher your wamr is
hard or soft. Wifl_ hmd wamr, sxm need exua detergent. With soft
water, you need less demrgent.
Protect your dishes and dishwasher by contacting your water
deparunent and asking how hard >mr water is. Twelve or more grains
is exlremely hard wamr. A wamr softener is recommended. Without it,
lime can build up in the water valve, which could slick while ()pen and
cause flooding. Too nmch detergent x_fl_ soft water can caum a
permanent cloudiness of glassware, called etching.
You'll find Ix_) detergent dispensers on the
inside door of your dishwasher. All wash cycles
require detergent in the main cup. Wash cycles 0 pen
xdth two washes will also use the ()pen cup. When
using automatic dishwashing dete)gent tabs,
simply place one tab in the main cup and close.
Be sure lhe Dial is OFFbetbre adding
detergent. Other_dse, the detergent cup will not
close and latch properly. Add detergent then close tim main cup.
/VOTE."To open detergent cup 'atier it has /.{
been closed, simply turn the detergent cup
handle counter-clockxdse until it releases.
A snapping sound may be heard.
ForgettoAdd a Dish?
A fbrgotten dish can be added any lime beft_re the main wash.
Push the door latch u) the left.
Once the water cahns, ()pen the door. Steam may)ise out of the
:::::::: dishwasher.
Add fi)rgotten dishes.
_ Close the door and push the latch to the f_trright. 13
li ii
il!i ilii
Loadingthe dishwasher racks.
For best dishwashing results, follow these loading guidelines. Features and
appearance of racks and silverware baskets may vary from your model
Upper Rack
The upper rack is for glasses, cups and saucers.
Cups and glasses fit best along lhe sides. This is
also a secure place for dishwashe>sate plastics.
The upper rack is good tbr all kinds of odd-
shaped ulensils. Saucepans, mixing bowls and
other items should be placed tare doom.
A wine glass holder (on some models) secures
_dne glasses al an angle tar besl washability.
Because _dne glasses come in various sizes, 'ailer
loading, slowly push in lhe rack to make sure lhey
_dll clear the lop of ll_e dishwasher.
Securelargerdishwasher-safeplasticsovertwo fingers
Checkto makesurethattall itemswill notblockthe
rotationof thetop washarm.
iili! i'i iiiii'
iiiii!iiiH!! iiiiiHiil
The Wash Tower
Keepthecenterareaclearin thelowerrack.
The wash tower rises through fl_e cenmr of the
lower rack during the wash and rinse portions of
the wcle.
Don'tblockit orloadtallthingsnextto it.
Also, be cmetul not lo lel a portion
of an ilem such as a pot or dish
handle extend fluough the bouom
rack. This could block the wash mm
and cause [×:,orwashing resuhs.
Lower Rack
When/oading the/ower rack,do not load large platters or
trays le the front right comer Theymay prevent detergent
from circulatleg during the wash cycle.
Tile lower rack is best used fbr plains, smlcers, and
cookware. Large items such as broiler pans and
racks should go along the sides. D_ad platters,
pols and bowls along lhe sides, in comers, or in
tile back. Tile soiled side of items should face tile
center of the rack.
li ii
i_m extend
Silverware Basket
Put flatware in the removable basket _dth fork and
knite handles up u) promct your hands. Place
spoons in lhe basket x_lh handles doxm. Mix
knives, forks and spoons so they don'l nest
together. Distfibum evenly. Small plastic items,
such as measuring spoons and lids flom small
containers, should go in lhe bollonl of the
silverware basket xdlh silverware on u_p.
To increase file flexibility of tile lower rack, tile
silverware basket may be split (on some models).
(;rasp the basket at opposim comers and slide
apart. The basket sections should be placed in the
lower rack by hanging them on the lop hoop.
A cover can be lowered to
either side it secure
lighlweight ilems flom
tile eflecls of file
vigorous wash action.
Split basket
(on some models) 75
il!i ilii
Caring for the dishwasher.
To clean the control panel use a lightly dampened cloth then dry
thoroughly. Toclean the exterior use a good appliance polish wax.
Never use sharp objects, scouring pads or harsh cleaners on any
part of the dishwasher.
Protect Against Freezing
If your dishwasher is left in an unheated place during
tim _dnter, ask a service technician to:
Cut off electrical power to the dishwasher. Remove
fllses or tlip circuit breaker.
Turn off the water supply and disconnect the water
....- ' inlet line from the water valve.
{{{_Drain water from the inlet line and water valve.
::{ (I Jse a pan to catch the water.)
_ Reconnect the water inlet line to the water valve.
{2 Remove the plastic sump cover in tim mb
' bottoln and use a sponge to soak up water in the
robber boot.
ii/i! ii iiiii
iiiii!iiiH!! iiiiiHiil
Checktheair gapany timeyour
dishwasherisn't drabbg well
Does YourDishwasher Have an Air Gap?
An air gap prolecls your dishwasher againsl waler
backing up inlo it if a drain clogs. The air gap is nol a
[)art of the dishwasher. 11is not covered 1)yyour
wanamy. Not all plumbing codes require air gaps, so
)x)u may nol have one.
The air gap is easy to clean.
',_" Tum offlhe dishwasherandliflofflhe chrome
'_"_I Jnscrew.... the plaslic cap and clean _dlh a toothpick.
li ii
il!i i lii
About optional accessories.
Youcan change the door and lower access panel appearance of your
dishwasher by ordering one of these optional accessories:
Color Panels
1/4" Wood Panel TrimKit
3/4" Trimless Panel Kit
These accessories are available at extra cost (VISA,MasterCard, or
Discover cards accepted) by calling 800-626-2002.
Specify accessory number when ordering.
iili! i'i iiiii'
iiiii!iiiH!! iiiiiHiil
Descriptionsof OptionalAccessories
Color panels-- Replacement door panels and lo_r access panels
are available in the fbllo_x_ng colors:
:: GPF3OOA (Almond)
Wood panel trim kit--This accessory contains trim and instructions
f()l"you It) supply and install a 1/4" thick decorative _ot-] door and
lower access panel:
GPF325A (Almond)
GPF325B (Black)
GPF325W (White)
NOTE."The GPFIO0 dishwasher door spring kitmust also be ordered
and installed when the door panel weighs four Ibs. or more.
Trimless panel kit--This accessory contains parts and &structions
for you to supply and install a 3/4" thi(k de(orative wood door and
lower access panel:
NOTE."The GPFIO0 dishwasher door spring kit_5ll be included _fith
the trimless panel kit and must be installed with it.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting -tips
Review the charts on the following pages first and
you may not need to call for service.
Possible Causes
Fuse is blown, or the
circuit breaker tripped
What ToDo
Replace rise or resel
circuit breaker. Remove
aW ofimr appliances flom
lhe cir(uil.
Noise Some of the sounds
you'll hear are normal
Utensils are not secure
in the rack or something
small has dropped into
the rack
Hal(] tbod disposal
shredding action.
Drain valve opening to
pump water ()ut.
Timer conlrol as cycle
Detergent cup opening.
The motor stopping during
the &ying period.
Make sure evelyflfing is
secured in dishwasher.
Motor hums Dishwasher has not been
used on a regular basis. If
you do nol use your
dishwasher often, sel it lo
fill and pump oul once
eveU x_ek. This xdll help
keep the seal moisl and
lhe garbage disposer clear.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting -tips
Waterstandingin This is normal
thebottomof thetub
Water won"tpump
out of the tub Drain is dogged
Sudsin thetub Correct detergent
wasn't used
Rinse agent
was spilled
What ToDo
A small amount of clean
water around the outlet on
the mb botlom at tim back
of the tub keeps the water
seal lubricated.
If you have an air gap,
clean it.
Check to see if}x)ur kitchen
sink is draining well. If not,
)xm may need a plumber.
If the dishwasher drains
inu) a disposer, nm
disposer clear.
Use only automatic
dishwasher demrgenls to
avoid sudsing. Cascade"
Automatic Dishwashing
Detergent has been
approved ibr use in all
GE dishwashers.
To remove suds from the
tub, ()pen the dishwasher
and let suds evaporam.
Add 1gallon of cold water
to the tub. Close and latch
the dishwasher. Pump out
water 1)ysl(mqy mining the
Dial until a drain period
is reached. Repeat if
Alwaysxdpe up rinse agent
Dishes don't dry
Dishes and flatware
not clean
Possible Causes
Detergent with
colorant was used
Some tomato-based
foods can stain
Low inlet water
Rinse agent dispenser
is empty
Inlet water temperature
is below 120°F
What ToDo
Some delergenls contain
colorant (pigment or dyes)
that _dll discolor the tub
interior _dth extended use.
Check file detergent cup
tbr signs of any
discoloration. If cup is
discolored, change to
detergent xdlhout any
colorant. Cascade"
Automatic Dishwashing
Detergent has been
approved tbr use in all
GE dishwashers.
Use of tile RINSEONLY
cycle (on some models)
after adding the dish to the
load can decrease the level
of staining.
Make sure inlet water
temperature is correct.
Check tile rinse agent
Raise tile water heater
temperature to 120 °F.
l Jse HOTSTARTopfion.
Water pressure is
temporarily low
Turn on a fhucel. Is water
confing out more slowly
than usual? If so, wait until
pressure is normal betbre
using your dishwasher.
Air gap is clogged Clean the air gap.
Improper rack loading Make sure large dishware
does not block tile
detergent dispenser
or tile wash arm.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting -tips
Possible Causes What ToDo
Extremely hard water
Low inlet water
Overloading the
Improper loading
Old or damp powder
Rinse agent dispenser
Too little detergent
Use Jet-Dry®rinse agent to
remove spots and prevent
new fihn build-up.
To remove stubborn spots
and pre-existing fihn tiom
1Remove all metal utensils
flom tile dishwasher.
2Do not add demrgent.
3_lect file longest cycle.
4Start the dishwasher and
allow to nm fi)r 18 t,) 22
minutes. Dishwasher will
now be in tile main wash.
5()pen tile door and pour
2 cups (500 ml) of whim
xqnegar into the bottom of
tile dishwasher.
6Close the door and allow
to complem file cycle.
If vinegar rinse doesn't
_x)rk: Repeat as above,
except use 1/4 cup (60 ml)
ofcillic acid cuslals
instead of vinegar.
Combination of soft
water and too much
This is called etching and
is permanent. To prevent
this flom happening, use
less detergent if you have
soft water. Wash glassware
in tile shortest cycle thai
xdll gel theln clean.
Water temperature
entering the dishwasher
exceeds 150°F
Lower tile water heater
Possible Causes
Tea or coffee stains
What ToDo
Remove the stain by hand,
using a solulion of 1/2 cup
bleach and 3 cups warm
Betbre cleaning inlefior,
wait at least 20 minu/es
after a cycle tor the
heaung element to cool
doom. Failure to do so can
resuh in bums.
An overall yellow or
brown film can be caused
by iron deposits in water
A special filter in the wamr
supply line is the only way
t,) correct this problem.
Contact a water softener
Whitefilm oninside
Hard water minerals To clean rim interior, apply
dishwasher detergent to a
damp sponge. Were
robber gloves. Do notuse
any 1)i)e of cleanser other
lhan dishwasher demNent
becmlse it may cause
tomning or sudsing.
Cascade" Auu)mafic
Dishwashing Detergent
has been approved tor use
in all GE dishwashers.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting -tips
Possible Causes
Detergentcuplid Dial is not in the OFF
won't latch position
What ToDo
Turn the Dial to OFF
and slide lhe door lalch 1o
the lefL
Detergentleft in Dishes are blocking the Reposilion lhe dishes.
dispensercups detergent cups
Steam This is normal Sleam comes through the
venl by lhe door lalch
during duing and when
waler is being pumped oul.
Black orgray Aluminum utensils have
marksondishes rubbed against dishes
Remove marks wid_ a mild,
abrasive cleaner.
GE Service Protection Plus TM
GE, a name recognized worl&dde fin quality and dependability
ofters you Service Protection PlusrV-comprehensive protection on
all your appliances-No Matter What Brand!
Benefits Include:
Backed by GE
All brands covered
Unlimited service calls
All parts and labor costs included
No out-of-pocket expenses
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One 800 number to call
We'll Cover Any Appliance.
Anywhere. Anytime.*
You will be completely satisfied _dth our service protection or you may request your
money back on the remaining value of your contract. No questions asked. It's Ileal simple.
Protect your refligerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer, range, TV, VCR and much
more-any brand! Plus there's no extra charge for emergency service and low monthly
financing is available. Even icemaker coverage and food spoilage protection is offered.
You can rest easy, knoxdng that all your valuable household products are protected
against expensive repairs.
Place your confidence in GE and call us in tl_e U.S. toll-flee at 800-626-2224
fin more information.
*All brands coxered, up to 20 }ears old, in the continental U.S.
__-._ Cut here
Please place in envelope and mail to:
General Electric Company
Warranty Registration Department
P.O. Box 32150
Louisville, KY 40232-2150
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Dear Customer:
Thank you for purchasing our product and thank you for placing your confidence in us.
We are proud to have you as a cusloiner!
Follow these three steps to protect your new appliance investment:
1Complete and mail ,_ After mailing
your Consumer 2the registration 1)elow,
Product Ownership store lhis document in
Registration today, a safe place. It
Have the peace of conlains infbrn]ation
mind of knowin.g we you will need should
can conlact you in you require se_-ice.
the unlikely evenl of Our service number is
a sately modificalion. 800 GE CARES
Read your ()x_mr's
Manual carefully.
It xdll help you
operate your new
appliance properly.
If you have questions,
or need Ànol'e
infbnnafion, call lhe
GE Answer Center®
Model Number Serial Number
Important: If you did not get aregistration card with your product, detach and
return the form below to ensure that your product is registered, or
register online at
.............. ]_.,{_(-;L_Lt2e2£.
Consumer Product Ownership Registration
Model Number Serial Number
I .... , , , .... I I,, ,,,, , I
Mr. [] Ms. [] Mrs. [] Miss []
Fi"stI I'JastI I
Street II
Apt. # I,,,,,,,IE-mailAddress
I I I,l ip i I
I)ate Plated In ['se Phone
Mon,hl,i Darl, i vea,L__J_uml,e,l ' ' l-I ,,I-I ,,,I
Q ()ccasionally, we may allow selecled companies to send you infbrmalion.
[] Check here if you do no! wan! lhis infbrmalion.
General Electric Company
Louisville, Kentucky
www, geappliance&com
GEDishwasher Warranty
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care®technician. For service,
carl 800-GE-CARES.
One Year
Fromthe date of the
GEWill Replace:
Any part of the dishwasher which tails due lo a detect in
materials or _x)rklnanship. During tiffs full one-year
warranty, GE _dll also proxide, #ee of charge, all labor
and in-home serxice to replace tim detective part.
Second Year
From the date of the
original purchase
Ten Years
From the date of the
original purchase
Anypartof the WaterDistributionSystemwhichfails due
to a defect in materials or _rkmanship. Associated
inlet and drain plumbing parts are not covered by tiffs
warranty. During Ibis second-year limited warranty,you
_dll be responsible for any labor or in-home sewice costs.
ThePermaTuf®tubordoorliner,if it fails to contain water
due to a defect in materials or x_x)rkmanship such as
cracking, chipping, peeling or n_sdng. During lifts full
ten-year warranty, GE will also provide, free of charge,
all labor and in-home service to replace the defective
Service trips to your home to teach you
how to use the product.
Improper installation.
Replacement of house fuses or
resetting of circuit breakers.
Failure of the product if it is
abused, misused, or used for other
than the intended purpose or used
Damage to the product caused by
accident, fire, floods or acts of God.
Incidental or consequential damage to
personal property caused by possible
defects with this appliance.
Cleaning or servicing of the air gap
device in the drain line.
Thiswarrantyis extendedto theoriginalpurchaserandanysucceedingownerforproductspurchased
for homeusewithinthe USA.InAlaska,thewarrantyexcludesthecostof shippingorservicecalls to
Somestatesdonota/law theexc/uslanorlimitationof incidentalorconsequentialdamages.This
Warrantor: GeneralElectric Company.Louisville,KY40225 31
The GE Answer Center ®is open 24 hours aday 7days a week.
Expert GE repair service is only a phone call away.
TDD 800-TDD-GEAC(800-833-4322)
GE offers, fl-ee of charge, a brochure to assist in planning a banie>
flee kitchen tbr persons _dth limited mobility.
Purchase a GE service contract while your wan-anty is still in effect
and you'll receive a substantial discount. GE Consumer Service _dll
still be there _ier your wan-anty expires.
Individuals qualified to service dmir oxm appliances can have parts
or accessories sent directly to their homes (VISA, MasterCard and
Discover cards are accepmd).
Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed
by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified
service personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing
may cause unsafe operation.
If you are not satisfied xdth the service you receive flom GE, fbllow
these stops, first, contact the people who sewiced your appliance.
Next, if you are still not pleamd, x_Titeall the details-including your
phone number--to: Manager, Cusummr Relations, GE Appliances,
Appliance Park, Dmisville, KY 40225.