GE JV535H1BB User Manual RANGE HOOD Manuals And Guides L0610319
GE Range Hood Manual L0610319 GE Range Hood Owner's Manual, GE Range Hood installation guides
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ge.COm Safety Information ........ 2, 3 Operating/Care and Cleaning Instructions Charcoal Filters .............. Grease Filters ................ 5 4 iV555 Hood Lights ................ Hood Surfaces ............... Stainless Steel Surfaces ........ Vent Controls ............... 5 5 5 4 JV565 JV566 JVS._6 f17635 JV636 Installation Instructions ...6-15 f{!665 JV666 Troubleshooting Tips Consumer Consumer Support Support _4'arranty .................. ....... .......... 16 20 19 Write the model and serial numbers here: Model # Serial # Find these nmnbers on a label on the back wall of the hood. 49-80438 08-08 Jfl IMPORTANTSAFETYINFORMATION. READALLINSTRUCtiONSBEFOREUSING. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS WARNING-TO REOUCE THE RISK OF FIRE,WARNING-TO REOUOE THE RISK OF A ELECTRICSHOCKORINJURY TO PERSONS,OBSERVE THEFOLLOWING: A, Use this unit onl) in tile manner intended b) tile manutimturec If you hmv questions, contact the irlan tltilct tlreL RANGE TOPGREASEFIRE: A. Ne_vr leme surfiwe units unattended at high settings. Boilo_vI_ cause smoking and greas) st/illovet_ that ma) ig_lim. Heat oils slowl) on low or medium settings. B. Before seIMcing or cleaning unit, switch power off at seIMce panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power fl'om being switched on accidentally. When the set\ice disconnecting means cannot be locked, securel? tiisten a prominent warning dexice, such as a tag, to the seIMce panel. B. Always ttlrn hood ON when cooking on high heat or when tiamb_ing ti)od (i.e. Crepes Suzette, CherriesJ ubilee, Peptlercorn Beef Flamb_). C. Do not use this unit with an} solid-state speed control device. WARNING-TO REOUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, D. This unit must be grounded. ELECTRICSHOCKOR INJURY TO PERSONS,OBSERVE THEFOLLOWING: C. (;lean ventilating tiros fl'equentb'. Grease should not be allo_vd to accumulam on tim or filmt; D. Use proper appropriate pan size. Allows use cookwm'e titr file size of the surtime element. CAUTION-FOR CENERAL VENTI_TINC A. Installation USEONLY.DONOTUSETOEXHAUST HAZARDOUS OREXPLOSIVE MATERIALS AND VAPORS. WARNING- TO REBUCE THE RISK OF INJURY TOPERSONSIN THEEVENT OFA RANGETOP GREASEFIRE,OBSERVETHEFOLLOWING*: A, SM OTHER FI,AMES with a close-fitting lkt, cookie sheet or metal u'ay, then turn off the burne_; BE CAREFUI, TO PREVENT BURNS. If the flames do not g_) ()tit immediateb; E\,_CUATE AND CA[ i, THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. B. NEVER PICK UP A FIAMING be burned. P:MN--S%u ma) C. DO NOT USE \\[&TER, inchlding _vt dishcloths or to_vls--a violent smaln eNllosion will result. D. Use an extinguisher ONIXitl 1. You know you hmv a (;lass ABC extinguisher; and you alread} know how to operate it. 2. The fire is small and contained where it started. 3. The fire department in the area is being called. 4. You call fight tile fire with )'our back to all exit. * Based on "_tchen b} NFPA. Firesatet) Tips" published _)I'k and electrical wiring must be done b) qualified pelion(s) in accordance with all applicable codes and standards, including fire-rated construction. B. Sufficient air is needed titr proper combustion and exhausting of gases through the tue (chimne}) of filel burning equipment to pre_ent back dratiing. Follow the heating equipment manufhcturer's guideline and safet) standards such as those published b) the National Fire Promction ,_ssociadon (NFPA), the American Societ) titr Heating, Refl'igeradon and Air Conditkming Engineers (ASHRAE) and the local code authorities. C. When cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling, do not damage electrical wiring and other hidden utilities. D. Ducted thns must alwa)_ be vented to the o tltdooi's, WARNING-TO REOUCE THE RISK OF FIRE, USE ONLYMETALDUCTWORK. i_7Do not attempt to repair or replace an} part of your hood unless it is specificall) recommended ill this gukte. 'All other selMcing should be referred to a qualified technician. READANDFOLLOW THISSAFETY INFORMATION CAREFULLY. READAND SAVETHESEiNSTRUCtiONS 2 INSTRUCTIONS DESECUR/TE /MPORTANTES. USEZTOUTES LES/NSTRUCT/ONS AVANTD'UT/USER.,, PflccCAUTIONS ENMATlecRE DESCcCUfllTCc AVERTISSEMENT-pouR R_OUIRE LE AVERTISSEMENTR_OUISEZ LE RISQUED'INCENDIE, DESECOUSSE ELECTRIQUE OUDE RISQUE D'UNFEUDEGRAISSE StIRLASURFACE DE BLESSURE CORPORELLE, OBSERVEZ LESPRE.CAUTIONS CUISSON DUFOUR: SUIVANTES : A. Ne laissezjamais _lns sttr_.eillazr,(e k's tmiEds de (cdssoz:, de A. lid>ricant. Si _,tms m,_.'zdes B. le et verrouillez SelT\JC(! d\itcr Ni \_)/lS mdcanismes lie pO/l_'z pas avertissell/ellt dtiquette, all N'ufilisezjamNs 11/1 panneatl de service de d(,})l_lllchellleil[ de ddbranchemem de accJdente] Cet appareil B. Me_tez toujours la hotte en marche quand vous cuisinez _ haute tempdrature ott quand vous [hires flamber des aliments (p. ex. crbpes Suzette, cerises Jubilee, g(vut flambd Peppercorn). C. Neuo\ez les mdcanismes de _vndlation [i'6quenmlem. I1 ne [but pas permem:e une accmnttlafion de graisse sur le ventilateur ou sur le filuTe. D. Utilisez tree casserole de bomm taille. Utilisez toujottrs ttll ustensile de cuisine qui coiivienlle all diambtre de l'dl('ment de cuisson. art les de service, auachez \_qTO/lillel" visible, biell C()l//ITIle de service. l)ai/l/eatl cet appareil avcc un m&anisme de rdglag-e de la \itesse fi semi-coilducteurs. D. S/llTfi/Ce k, Jitbricant. votl'e appareil, lliveatt 1o/11 bl'allch('l/lel/t soignettselnellt/ill ttlle att les mdcanismes pOtll7 Co/lral/t. coti/'_uit appelez qtleStJOl/S, Awmt de r('pm:er ou de netto}er d('branchez C. _l /111( _ ten'q_('l'amre (qe\'('e. I ,e bouillomlement o( c_ksiOlllle des d('bOl'del//eI/tS filll/all[S et gTaisse/lX q/li pemvm prendre ti'u. Chauflbz _/li_'tt doux les substances Imileuses, avcc un r(,g-l_/ge has ou moycn. N'uti]iscz cot apparci] qtte de ]+/mani,St'cprdvue pro le doit 6tre bien mis 5 la terre. ATTENTION - UNIOUEMENr AUSAGE OE AVERTISSEMENTpOUR R_OUIRE tE VENTILATION GE-NE-RALE. N'UTILISEZ JAMAISPOUR L'E-CHAPPEMENT DEMATIE-RES ETDEVAPEURS EXPLOSIVES. RISQUED'INCENDIE, DESECOUSSE E.LECTRIQUE OUDE BLESSURE CORPORELLE, OBSERVEZ LESPRE.CAUTIONS SUIVANTES : AVERTISSEMENTPOUR R_OUIRE tE A. \_ms RISQUEDEBLESSURE CORPORELLE SI DELAGRAISSE PRENDFEllStIRLASURFACE DECUISSON DU FOUR, SUIVEZLESINSTRUCTIONS SUIVANTES* : A. I(TOUIqqZZ (OI/Vi(}II[, I.ES Iq.\MMFS ave( ttn (ottxer(le t61e 5 his( ui/s Otl till plateatt {llltt COlll[)lTl/l£'ll/eIlt qui nl('t}/l, puis &eigm:z le brOleur. I:AITES BIEN ._ITENTIt)N I)E NE PAS \OU S BRI_JI.ER. Si les flammes tie s'dteignem pas immddiatement, LES POMPIERS. B. C. d'installation _/ [OILS ceux de construction relatig d('\_'z assez d'air pour klvoir/li1(' bolll/e COI/Ib/IS[JOII et perlnettre l'(;\ilctta[Joll des gaz par le c(mduit de chemil_de du matdriel de combustion du rOllS cm'burm_t, afi_ d'd_iter tom retour d'ail: Stfi_vz les directives du tid_ricant de mat&:iel de combustion et H" APPEI.EZ les normes de sdcuritd comme celles publi('es National Nre Protection Association (NIq{\), par la FI .\M B1( - XO/ls po mez xr()ttS br ('tlel2 l',\merican m_d N'UTII.ISEZJAMAIS Nr (kmdifioning Engineers modalit& des codes locattx. NE DI{PLACEZJ.\MAIS ou d,: ,.hiitbn vJolellte D. SORTEZ mus los trmaux pro7/me persomm qualifi('e, les codes et les I/OFI//(!S eII vigttem; en pm:ticulier aux incendies. go en dcxez lid1\' cx&mcr et de cfibl_gc dlectrique de lo "_0/lS "_0/lS till(? Co eXtillt tetlr de (lass(} ABe el votts sa,,ez \_)/lS Jiffies tlIl [FOil et (onfil_d _:ll'endroit et les autres installations conduits off il a O/l ttlle Refi'igerafion (ANIRAE), ott_elTgtll?e n'endommagez D. Vous dc_vz t(mjours en air en provenance dalIS till IlI/IF pas les ills dlectriqttes cachdes alimemer aJnsi que les de service public. les vcmilatem's darts les de l'extdriem: AVERTISSEMENTpOUR R_OUIRE ('; t OITIIB}ttt(!Z _i Society tbr Iteafing, ou un plaJbnd, que si : l'utiliser; 3. V0us avez d(jl appel£' 4. une explosiol:, br0lal/te. 2. I.e t{_u (?st rdduit ( Ol//l//(!l/t ezl parti_ ulier de serviette UN EXTINC['EUR _/V(?Z till *omment lYE\U, mot;illd - il se produira vapeur N'UTII.ISEZ UNE C,.USSEROLLE QUI l(?S les pompiers; tl}tI/ll/l(!S (!I/ [O/11"11}t1/[ 112 (lOS _'1 LERISQUE D'INCENDIE, N'UTILISEZ QUEDESCONDUITS ENM_"I'AL sortie. * Basd sur l'ou'vrage imiml(, publi(' par la NFE\. <> N'ess_Ewzjamais de remplkuer ou de rdparer un (qg'ment de _)tre hotle si le pr('scnt mamml m' ]e rccommande pas express&nent. par un technicien Tout autre qualifi£ entretJen doit £'tre eJti_'ctu(' LISEZETSUIVEZ ATTENTIVEMENT CESINSTRUCTIONS. LISEZETCONSERVEZ CESINSTRUCTIONS 3 Usingthe hood controls. Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model Rocker Switch Controls (on some models) Control Knobs (on some models) €#FAN O O FAN Control Turn to LO,MED, HI or MAXas needed. OFF OFF LOW NITE (_LIGHT 0 , Press the rocker switch at the top to turn the tim on HI and at the bottom to turn it on LOW The center position is OFF. Continuous use of the tim system while cooking helps kee I) the kitchen comt0rtable and less humid. It also reduces cooking odox_ and soiling moisture that create a ti'equent need t0r cleaning. LIGHTControl Tm'n to HI while cooking a night light. HI FAN Control (_ondnuous use of the tim system while cooking helps kee I) the kitchen com/iwtable and less hmnid. It also reduces cooking o(lo_ and soiling moisture that create a fl'equent need for cleaning. O HI tIGHrControl or to NITE t0r use as Press the rocker switch at the top to turn the light ON while cooking. Press the rocker switch at the bottom t0r use as a night light. The center position is OFF. Careand cleaning of the venthood. Be sure electrical power is off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning or servicing any part of the vent hood. Reusable Metal Grease Filters The hood has 2 metal reusable grease filte_. in hot water and detergent. The metal filte_ trap grease released by leeds on the c()oktop. They also help prevent flaming leeds on the cooktop ti'om damaging the inside (ff the ho(M. If it ever becomes necessary to replace the metal grease filters, they may be ordered from your GEsupplier For this reason, the filter5 inust ALWAYS be in place when the hood is used. The grease filte_5 should be cleaned once a month, or as needed. To remove, back and and ot/t. press pull the the filter locks filte_3 down To replace, insert the rear filter tabs in the fl'ame slots at the back of the 4 To clean the grease f'flters, soak them and then sMsh them arotmd opening. Push the filte_ them into place. up and lock Don't rise alIllI/onia oi" alillilonia products because they will darken the metal. Do not use abrasives or oven cleaners. I,ight brushing can be used to remove embedded dirt. Rinse, shake and let them dry befiwe replacing. They may also be clemmd in an automatic dishwasher. NOTE." Beforecleanlbg,makesurethe charcoalfilters,if present,areunclipped andremovedSeetheCharcoalFilters sectlon. Careand cleaning of the venthood. gecom Charcoal Filters (onsomemodels) cannot be cleaned, NOTE" Oharcoa/ filters arenot The charcoal includedwith the hood They be replaced when they are noticeably dirty or They must be replaced, must be ordered from your For30 hOodmOdels,Order[ GEsupplier filte_5 should discolored (usually after 6-12 months, depending on hood usage). ,egg ,,.,emodel is,.,,t ve,.ted foraG hoodmode/s, Orde_tothe,,,.side, the.i,',,'ill The charcoal filters are cfiooed nslde of each reusable metal grease filter Kitno. WBO2XIiOOL TheSe kits canbe ordered from your GEsupplier be redrculated through disposable d, arcoal lilte,s that help remoxe smoke NOTE: DO NOTrinse, or put charcoal filters in an automatic dlshwashe_ ..................................................................................................................................................................................... and odors, Painted Surfaces (onsomemodels) To dean the hood sm_hce, use a hot, damp cloth with a mild detergent suitable tbr painted sm'fimes. Use a clean, hot, damp cloth to remo\e soap. D U with a dry, clean cloth. Stainless not abrasive rise steel-wool cleane_. pads or otheF They will scratch the surfime, Wipe with a clean, hot, damp cloth after using cleansers. Steel Surfaces (on some models) Do not use a steel wool pad; it will scratch the surface. To clean the stainless steel surfi_ce, use warn/sudsy water or a stainless steel cleaner or polish. Adwa):s wipe the suitace in the direction of the grain. Follow the cleaner instructions tor cleaning Do To inquire about pro'chasing stainless steel appliance cleaner or polish, or to find the locadon of a dealer nearest you, please call our toll-ti'ee number: National Parts Center 800.626.2002 the stainless steel suHi_ce. Hood Lights This hood requires two 1)ulbs (not induded), maximum 50 watts. Pro'chase and install PAR20, 50 W Maxim um halogen bulbs. \._l_en replacing a bulb, let it cool fi_st. Make sure that power m the light has been turned off. Never allow a hot bull) to COil/e into contact with _;IteI: WARNING:To reduce the rs, kof electric shock, do not connect electrical power to the hood without both bulbs in place. To chmlge the fght bulbs: [] (;rasp the bulb on the edges and tmscrew it. [] Replace xfith the same size bull). CAUTION: E:,:Donot touchthehoodh)ht bulbswhenthey are on.Theymaybe hotenoughtocause injury E:,:Thehghtbulbsoperateat extremelyhl)h temperatures. If theyshatter,thehotglass couldcausepersonalinjun/ 5 Installation Instructions RangeHood Questions? Call 800.G£CARES (800.432.2737) or Visit BEFORE YOU BEGIN Read these instructions completely . IMPORTANT instructions " IMPORTANT goveYllill , Note o codes add to Consumer for refeiellce. Skill level - Installation basic mechanical and , Completion Keep failure under instructions of this appliance electrical skills. " Use only _ith is tile responsibilit_ approved cord requires - Before if you s):stem must exhaust do not ductwork, to the outside. upper wall. If a 6" r(mnd duct is required, a rectangula>to-ro/md transition adaptor must be used*. Do not use less thml a 6" dlameter duct. of tile installation is not kit,,JXHC1. beginning duct length: For satisti_ctory air movement, tile total duct length of a 3¼" x l 0" rectangulm; 6" or 7" diameter ro/md duct should not exceed 65 equivalent feet. NOTE: It's important that ducfing be installed using the most direct route and with as tew elbows as possible. This ensm'es clear venting of exhaust and helps prevent blockages. Also, make sure dampers swhag freely mad nothing is blocking the ducts. FOR YOUR SAFETY: WARNING only Tile hood exhaust has been designed to mate with standard 3¼" x 10" rectangular ducting or 7" diameter ro/md ducting. Maximum due to improper tile "v_.u'l'ant). sections Exhaust connection: these time - 1-3 hours " Proper installation installer. the ductwork This hood can be vented vertically through cabinets or horizontally through an outside Ductwork is not inclmled. Be sm'e to leave these - Read REQUIREMENTS existing ductwork. If you have existing to the "Damage" section mad proceed. The venting - Obse,,e.11 - , o Product co_ered use. _dth tile (]OllStlI//eE , Note hlttll'e have skip oYdill_llices. to Installer instructions NOTE: and carefully. I Website at: DUCTWORK - S.,e hese for local inspector's our tile installation, switch power off at service panel and lock the service disconnecting means to prevent power fl'om being switched on accidentally. When the service disconnecting means cannot be locked, securely tasten a prominent warning device, such as a tag, to the service panel. Elbows, transitions, wall and roofcaps, etc., present additional resistance to airflow and are equivalent to a section of straight duct longer than their actual physical size. When calculating the total duct length, add the equiwflent lengths of all transitions and adaptm_ plus the length of all straight duct sections. The charts on the t011owing pages show wm how to calculate total equiwflent ductwork length using the approximate feet of equiwflent length of some typical ducts. * IMPORTANT: If a rectangula>toro/md transition adaptor is used, tile bottom corne_ of tile damper will have to be cut to fit, using tile tin snips, in order to allow flee uloveu/ellt Equiwflent are based requirements perfl)rmance 6 of tile daI/lpeI', lengths of duct pieces on actual tests and reflect fl)r good venting with any hood. Installation Follow the guidelines DUCTING for proper duct sizing CHART_JV5 in the ducth_g Instructions charts. Series Models 3OO u. 250 u 7" Round --.--._._. 31/4"x 10" Rectangular 200 ,m < 150 25 50 75 100 Equivalent DUCTING CHART_JV6 Length 125 150 175 (feet) Series Models 45O 400 7" Round g. 350 31/4" x 10" 0_ 300 ,m < 250 200 0 25 50 75 Equivalent 31/4" x 10" Rectangular Transition 7" Round 90 ° Elbow = 14 ft. to 6" Round Length 100 125 (feet) = 2 ft. 7" Roof Cap = 39 ft. MAXIMUM DUCT LENGTH: For satisfactorx air movement 6" or 7" diameter round duct should not exceed 65 equivalent the total duct length feet. 7 of a 3¼" x 10" rectangular; 150 Installation WORKSHEET--CALCULATE DUCT PIECES TOTAL EQUIVALENT EQUIVALENT NUMBER LENGTH x USED = TOTAL 31A"x10" Rect, straight 1Ft. = 7" Round, straight 1Ft. 6" Round, straight 1Ft. O 31A"x10" Rect.90° elbow 14Ft. x ( ) = Ft, J 31A"x10" Rect.45° elbow 8Ft. x ( ) = Ft, 31A"x10" Rect.90° flat elbow 33 Ft. x ( ) = Ft. 31A"x10" Rect. wall cap with damper 24 Ft. (18ft. w/o damper) x ( ) = Ft. x ( ) = Ft. 31A"x10" 6" round transition 2Ft. x ( ) = Ft. 31A"x10" 6" round transition 90° elbow 4Ft. (_ (_ 90° elbow 6"Round, 45° elbow 6"Round, 12Ft. 7 Ft. x ( x ( x ( x ( x ( x ( ) ) ) ) i_lo_,eillent, rectangulm; not exceed DUCT LENGTH: = = = ) Ft. x ( ) Ft. 6" Round 33 Ft. roofcap x ( ) Ft. 6" Round 2Ft. to 3W'x 10" rect. transition x ( ) Ft. 6" Round 4Ft. to 3W'x 10" rect. transition 90° elbow x ( ) Ft. % 7" Round, 14Ft. 90° elbow x ( ) Ft. G 7" Round, 9Ft. 45° elbow x ( ) Ft. 7" Round 28 Ft. wall cap (21ft. w/o with damper) damper x ( ) Ft. x ( ) Ft. 7" Round 39Ft. roofcap x ( ) Ft. 7" Round to 3_A"x10" rect. transition x( ) Ft. x ( ) Ft. Ft, Ft, = Ft. = Ft. 24 Ft. 18ft. w/o damper) 1Ft. 7" Round 5Ft. to 3W'x 10" rect. transition, 90° elbow ) For satislhctov_ x ( Ft, Ft. air the total (h/ct length ot a 31/( ' x ](V' 6" or 7" diameter round duct should 65 equivalent feet. 8 LENGTH EQUIVALENT NUMBER LENGTH x USED = TOTAL 6"Round wall cap with damper Ft, = DUCTWORK DUCT PIECES ) Subtotalcolumn1 MAXIMUM Instructions Subtotalcolumn2 = Ft. Subtotalcolumn1 = Ft. Totalductwork = Ft. Installation Instructions TOOLS YOU WILL NEED DAMAGE--SHIPMENT/INSTALLATION • If the store refit is dmnaged in which in shipment, it was bought • If the refit is dmnaged replacement • If the the unit is the CtlStomer), customer to the or illtlSt and Flatbladeand Phillips screwdrivers customer: (if other or replacement between unit repair of the by the installer repair the or replacement. by the customer, responsibility is damaged by arrangement return for repair Ducttape than be made installe_: Saw (saberor keyhole) MOUNTING Pencil SPACE Electricdrill Bottom edge of cabinet needs Metal snips (in some applications) to be 30" or __j the cooking more from surface __J 1/4" pivoting hex socket Pliers Tapemeasure Wire stripper Flashlight Caulking Level 1/4" Nutdriver .....; i ..... PARTS INCLUDED PART the hood QUANTITY Metal GreaseFilters 2 Mounting Screws 4 (for 3W' x 10" rect. venting) ExhaustAdaptor/Damper 1 ExhaustAdaptor Screws 1 ExhaustAdaptor (for 7" round venting) 1 NOTES: • This range hood is fin" installation oxer ranges up to • t-) Wl(le. • If you are going to vent your range hood outside, see the "Ducting Requirements" exhaust duct prepa ration. to the section Damperfor 7" Round ExhaustAdaptor (Obtain Locally) for OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES These kits can be ordered from your GEsupplier. I order Kit no. JXHC1. CordKit--For both 30" and 36" models, CharcoalFilters--JV5 Series only, if recirculating For30" hood models, order Kit no. WBO2X11000. For36" hood models, order Kit no. WBO2X11001. 9 ,I Installation Instructions [] CHOOSE VENT OPTION Detem_ine the vent option that your installation require fl'om the t011owing choices: NOTE: Only,f V5 Set{es models may be recirculated. The.IV6 Series models cannot be recirculated. will IMPORTANT: The outside vent exhaust option that vour installation requires will determine the hood knockouts that wm will use. If the hood is to be installed in a recirculating, non-vented ductless rammer, do not knock out rely vent openings in the hood. Only an electrical access hole will be knocked out of the hood. Outside exhaust " x 10" (Horizontalrear duct_31A Outside exhaust (Vertical top duct_3W' x 10" Rectangular) Rectangular) Outside top exhaust (Vertical duct_7" Round) Recirculating (Non-vented ductless_Optional JV5 Series models only) 10 for Installation [] REMOVE EXHAUST I),emove the the hood. NOTE: ducted 7" round Set it aside Save tile installation, exhaust along Instructions [_REMOVE WIRING COVER FROM THE JUNCTION BOX ADAPTOR adaptor with fron_ the its mounting top ot screws. Remo_e screws ti)r 3-1/4" x 10" rectangular if that is vom" chosen venting option. Set tile tile wMng cover and Wirino ? cover fl'om its mounting _ inside tile screw aside. hood. C__ z [] REMOVE Remo_ e the FILTERS protecti_ e ,shiII_ _iw,_ tihn of the metal grease filters. and lift the filte_ ()/It. Set Press them from the filter aside. the edges locks back [] REMOVE WIRING Remo_e either needed and file install Strain relief clamp Filters 11 top KNOCKOUT or file an approved back wiring strain knockout refief clmnp, as Installation [] REMOVE Series non-\ented models Step 9 D aald be recirculated. Using duct a fiat [] FOR 3¼" x 10" RECTANGULAR DUCTED DISCHARGE INSTALLATIONS ONLY: DUCT KNOCKOUT(S) If recirculating, ,IV5 Instructions proceed. blade Mmckout(s) ductless onl)), see The uote JV6 Series screwdrixer, from the 31/4"x 10" Rectangular vertical discharge, Remove top rectangular (optional below for skip models remove top and the or back to cmmot Attach exhaust adaptor/da_aper over knockout opening with two exha tlSt adaptor screws. Make sure damper pivot is nearest to top/back edge of hood. Remove tape fl'om damper flap. appropriate of the hood. 7" Round vertical discharge. Remove semicircular duct knockout and top uct Upto 1" side-tosideadjustment Top/back edge Exhaustadaptor/damper (verticaldischargeposition shown) NOTE: 31/4"x 10" Rectangular horizontal discharge. Remove rear rectangular duct knockout only. NOTE: If the hood non-vented ductless kit nmnber kit nmnber These Skip to Step exhaust on adaptor/damper can either side of the oflXceuter ductwork. center installations, need to be trimmed one end of the to clear the be installed hood center ]u extreule duct tl) off x cmmector electrical cable may clamp. is to be installed in a recirculafing, manne_; order charcoal filte_, WB02X11000 fin" 30" hood WBO2X] 1001 fin" 36" hood kits can The up to ] inch accoululodate be ordered ti'om your models, models. or [] GE suppliei: 9 D mad proceed. FOR 7" ROUND VERTICAL DUCTED DISCHARGE INSTALLATIONS ONLY: Re-install screws, Hood" NOTE: the The on installations, one to be trimmed The this product, 800.626.2002. 12 exhaust in Step 7" rotmd up to 1 inch accommodate NOTE: 7" round removed section. adaptor 2 trader exhaust adaptor either side of the oflXcenter ductwork. end to clear 7" round It can Order the duct the electrical damper kit number can its the be installed hood center In extreme of the be purchased with "Prepare to off'center cmmector may cable clamp. is not included with as a kit by calling JXDA22. need Installation [] MARK HOLES Select the _ent option that _our installation require and proceed to that section: Instructions D.Recirculating (non-vented ductlessAvailable on JV5 Series models only) will • Use the hood as a template and mark the locations on the cabinet for the electrical wiring and keyhole screw slots. A.Outside top exhaust (Vertical duct-31/4" x 10" Rectangular) • Since the hood is to be recirculated (not to be vented outside), do not cut out am xent ol)enings, in the wall or cabinet bottom. • Use the diagran_ or the hood as a template and mark the locations (m the cabinet for ductwork, electrical wiring and kevhole screw slots. Hood mounting screws (4) 131_6" (30" hood) (36" [] 13_s/U ' (30" hood) CHOOSE VENTING OPTION (for JV5 Series models only) f Wood shims(recessed- 't" Center bottomcabinetsonly) line or to recirculate The plastic vent lever is located hood opening. near the center • To vent to the outside, make lever is in the HORIZONTAL the metal top of the hood). sure the plastic vent position (fiat against • To redrculate Electricalaccesshole (in cabinetbottom) B.Outside top exhaust (Vertical duct-7" Round) • Use the diagram or the hood as a template and mark the locations on the cabinet for ductwork, electrical wiring and keyhole screw slots. aM into the kitchen, make sure the plastic vent lever is in the VERTICAL position (fiat against the plastic blower housing). Setfor outsideventing 131_6"(30" hood) Set for recirculating 101//' _Wood shims (recessed- Center Electrical access hole (in cabinetbottom) line bottom cabinets only) C.Outside rear exhaust (Horizontal duct-31/4" x 10" Rectangular) • Use the diagram or the hood as a template and mark the locations on the cabinet for ductwork, electrical wiring and keyhole screw slots. Wood shims (recessed-bottom cabinetsonly) [/_ ............ t 3_/43 _ Cabinet I front ] "_--_ '__i_ I_*' 17A s Horizont; Iduct f ICabinet \ [bottom \ | \ _--13 _A6" (30"hood) T , 1_-sw' _ "11--51/4 ,' _ 15 161_6"(36"hood) _ _ I \ --_1 127A6"_ 15 13'A6"(30"hood) 161_16" (36"hood)access hole Electrical Oowall) Hood mounting screws (4) Cente'r line of the NOTE: In order to change the vent lever position, wm will need to pull the lever out slightly to clear the plastic tabs. Hoodmountingscrews(4) 131_6"(30" hood) hood) The hood can be set to vent outside air back into the kitchen. Hoodshownlyingupsidedown Installation instructions [] [] FOR RECESSED-BOTTOM CABINETS ONLY RUN WIRES Run tile electrical wires through tile wall or cabinet according to National Electx_ical Code and applicable local codes. NOTE: DO NOT turn installation is complete. [] • If the cabinets 2 wood shims to the cabinet 9 for marking at marked SCREW IN PARTWAY FEED IN WIRES i,ift the hood into position and feed wiring throuoh_ the wirino_ knockout. CUT HOLES Cut holes on until Drixe a mounting screw (from the hardware packet) partwa) into each center of the narrow neck of the keyhole slots marked on the cabinet bottom. have fl'ont, side or back trim, make the width of the trim and attach them bottom recess on both sides. See Step locations. [] [] the power locations for duct and the house electrical wix_ing. For tile vertical duct, cut out 3/4" extra towa rd th e t_'o nt of the ca bin et so you ca n move the [] duct i/"eely when installing tile hood. It may also ease installation by cutting the hole 10JA" instead of 10". SECURE HOOD Slide the hood back against the wall. Tighten the mounting screws. Be sure the screw heads are in the narrow neck of the keyhole slot. Mounting Keyhole(4) 14 Installation [] CONNECT TO HOOD Use duct [] tape Instructions [] DUCTWORK to make joints secure and CONNECT WIRING Cmmect house black to hood black wire, house white to hood white wire, and house grotmd to hood green/ye,low wire. Securely tighten the strain relief clamp onto the house wiring. air tight. INSTALL LIGHT BULBS [] Pro'chase and install two PAR20, 50 _ nmxinmm halogen bulbs. I,ight bulbs are not included with the hood. REPLACE WIRING Replace the wiring COVER coxer. WARNING:Toed.ce the o,e,e,t ic shock, do not connect electrical without both bulbs in place. power to the hood L [] REPLACE FILTERS The installation is complete. Turn on power serxice pane,, and test for proper operation. [] FOLLOW Complete National NOTE; Connect ELECTRICAL CODE the electrical wiring according Electrical Code and local codes. This hood house at inust be pemmnently wiring (120 VAC) to hood to grom_ded. wiring. TROUBLESHOOTING CHECKLIST It the hood seems to be operating at high speed when the control is not set on high, or if ventilation seems inadequate, check the tollowing: F_I /4mockouts not removed from hood. Damper Reduced blade not opening. airflow because the duct is too small or the duct length is too long. The duct is blocked. Undersized 15 or restrictive wall or roof cap, Before you call for service... Troubleshooting -tips Save time and money! Review the following chart first and you may not need to call for service. Possible Causes Fan does not operate when the switch is on Fanfails to circulateair or movesair moreslowly thannormal A fuse may What To Do be blown or a • Replace tuse Excessively soiled is not /6 The motor the • Replace is probably overheating mid off. This can be turning harmful the motor. Filter may excessively soiled. Vent lever the itself to filter soiled, solve Air comingfrom the front vent(on some models)when # is ductedto the outside reset circuit breaker. "x&ash and replace the filters. Metal Grease Filters section. filter. Replace Fan continuallycycles off and on or circuit breaker may be tripped. if it is too the soiled or if replacing problem, call filter or if replacing call for serxice. See the the filter to clean. filter does If it not for serxice. if it is soiled. the Reusable does If it is not not solxe soiled, the problem, be is in the VERTICAL position (flat against the plastic blower housing) for recirculating. • Move (fiat to the the lever against outside. lnstHictions if the hood the back to the metal See fin" vent has been top Step HORIZONTAl, of the 10 in the hood) position to vent Installation lever operation. This installed to recirculate. is normal NOteS. €_ m I rJ_ u_ w rbr] mlmh m 17 NOteS. r_ €_ r_ €_ m m I 18 GERange Hood Warranty. All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers, or an authorized Customer Care® technician. Toschedule service, on-line, 24 hours a day, visit us at, or call 800.GE.CARES (800.432.2737). Staple your receipt here. Proof of the original purchase date is needed to obtain service under the warrantz GE Will Replace: ii i i I One Year From the date of the origina!purchase ::Ji::Service trips to your Anypattof the range hood which fifils due to a defect in materials or _n'kmanship, During this limitedone-yearwarranty, GE will also provide, freeof charge,all labor and in-home service to replace the defecti\'e part, home to teach you how to use the product. !i_ huproper h_staJlation, _: FaJhtre of the product used for other commercially. delivery or maintenance. if it is abused, thm_ the intended misused, purpose iJi::Replacement breakers. of house fuses !i_: Dmnage to the product or acts of God. or resetting caused of circuit by accident, fire, floods or or used !i_: h_cidentaJ defects iJi::Dmuage or consequential dmuage caused by possible with this applimlce. caused after delivery. II EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited Warranty. Any implied warranties, including the impfied warranties of merchantabifity or fitness for a particular purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law. This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use within the USA. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the cost of shipping or service calls to your home. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. To know what your legal rights are, consult your local or state consumer affairs office or your state's Attorney General Warrantor. General Electric Company.Louisville, KY 40225 19 ConsumerSupport. GEAppliancesWebsite Haxe a question any dax of the order parts or need year'. assistance For greater or e'.en with your appliance? comenience schedule service and Try the faster (;E Al)pliances service, you can now _ ebsite 24 hom_ download Owner a day, s Manuals, on-line. ScheduleService Expert GE repair se_,ice your conxenience business hom_. ge. com is only 24 hom_ one any day step ( awm from )t• the veai 1 your Or doo_: Get on-line call 800.GE.CAI_ES and schedule your (800.432.2737) service • {hmng at nomml RealLife DesignStudio (;E supports the ILrni\'e_al people of all ages, mental abilities design ideas sizes and concel_t-pro(hwts, capabilities. impaim/ents. for people 800.TDD.GEAC Design and with services _\'e recognize For details disabilities, the of GE's check out and need Universal our enviromnents to design Design Website that fi_r a wide applications, to&w: For the can be used range including hearing by of i_h):sical and kitchen impaired, please call (800.833.4322). ExtendedWarranties Pro'chase a (;E extended is still in effect. You (;E Home Consun/er warrant_ and learn about can purchase it on-line Set\ices will still be there special an) time, after discounts that are available or call 800.626.2224 your warrant' during while nomml xour business warrant_ hom_. expires. PartsandAccessories ge. com Individuals qualified to service their own appliances can have parts or accessories sent directly to their homes (VISA, MasterCard and Discover cards are accepted). Order on-line today, 24 hom_ evet'_' day or by phone at 800.626.2002 dining nomml business hom_. Instructions contained in this manual cover procedures to be performed by any user. Other servicing generally should be referred to qualified service personnel. Caution must be exercised, since improper servicing may cause unsafe operation. ContactUs If you are not safisiied with the service w)u receive fl'om GE, contact including ntlIl/beI; yore" phone or us on our _'Vebsite with all the details write to: Genei'al Manage_; Ctlstoil/er Relations GE Appliances, Appliance Park I,ouisville, KY 40225 RegisterYourAppl&nce Register enhanced You 20 your new applim_ce communication may also mail in the on-lhae---at and prompt pre-printed your service registration convenience! under card Timel_ product the tem/s of wmr included in the registradon warranty, should will allow fiw the arise. need I_ackiw"_ material. Printed in Mexico
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