GEMMY 87338 315 MHz Wireless Remote Control User Manual lightshow with remote 24 36 48CT 12 EN

GEMMY INDUSTRIES (HK)LIMITED BVI 315 MHz Wireless Remote Control lightshow with remote 24 36 48CT 12 EN


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pg.27. Install your sets. Follow step 6 to get all your sets operating on the same light pattern.NOTES:1. With all sets lighted, pressing the Function button will change all sets to the same (next) pattern.2.  These are Radio Frequency controlled devices. ALL sets within the effective range will be affected and controlled using any one remote.3. To have different lighting patterns, in Step 2 set each string to a different function.4.  To group sets together to their own function follow the above setting one group to its same function and then the second to their same yet different function.5.  If used with a mechanical/digital timer, only one timer must control all sets. In this case, do not turn sets off using the remote or sets will not turn on with timer.6.  Setting the same light pattern works ONLY with lights sets having the same number of LEDs.7.  Due to component tolerances there will be cycle time differences between sets.BATTERY CAUTION: • Always purchase the correct size and grade of battery most suitable for the intended use.• Replace all batteries of a set at the same time.• Clean the battery contacts and also those of the device prior to battery installation.• Ensure the batteries are installed correctly with regard to polarity (+ and -).• Remove batteries from equipment which is not to be used for an extended period of time.•Remove used batteries promptly.BATTERY USAGE: See illustration. 1. Keep these instructions for future reference because they contain important information. 2. Do not recharge non-rechargeable batteries. 3. Do not dispose of batteries in fire; they may leak or explode. 4. Products that contain non-replaceable batteries should not be disposed of in fire. The batteries inside may explode or leak. 5. Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc) or rechargeable (nickel-cadmium) batteries. 6. Do not mix old and new batteries. Replace all batteries of a set at the same time. 7. Use only batteries of the same or equivalent type as recommended by the manufacturer. 8. Be sure to insert batteries with correct polarities and always follow manufacturers’ instructions. 9. Remove exhausted batteries from product promptly. 10. Do not short-circuit supply terminals. 11. Remove batteries before storage or extended periods of non-usage. 12. Clean the contacts on the batteries and the device prior to battery installation. Rechargeable batteries are not recommended for use in this product. If rechargeable batteries are being used, however, please follow these guidelines. 1. Rechargeable batteries should be removed from the product before being charged. 2. Rechargeable batteries should only be charged under adult supervision. OUTSIDE OF COMPARTMENTINSIDE OF COMPARTMENTAAA 1.5VAAA 1.5V
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