GOLDIE GM98323919 Radio Control Kart Yoshi User Manual ACDSee Classic print job

GOLDIE MARKETING PTY. LTD. Radio Control Kart Yoshi ACDSee Classic print job

Users Manual

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Document ID1361083
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Document DescriptionUsers Manual
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Document TypeUser Manual
Display FormatAdobe Acrobat PDF - pdf
Filesize137.62kB (1720234 bits)
Date Submitted2010-10-15 00:00:00
Date Available2010-10-15 00:00:00
Creation Date2010-10-14 15:05:28
Producing SoftwareAcrobat Distiller 7.0 (Windows)
Document Lastmod2010-10-14 15:05:41
Document TitleACDSee Classic print job
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Document Author: wckung

canada version manusl-nswjpg tssnaxzsnsnsm jpeg)
Performance tlps to help you gel (he most out of your Marlo Kan
For east parlomtanoa, use your Kart on a smootlt dry sunaoe in a sale area Do not use on rdadaAnrid
areas where tnere rriay oe mdio inle-terenee trial could alleet your signal — such as oorlslmcllorl ereas
Avold dnying trirouglt and mud and wateri wlticn can impair lne oertormenoc oltlte vowels and may
cause damage to trie Kan Collisions call also cause damage to the Karl and sltould be avoided
Mario Karts penonn oesl in moderate and dry oondiuons no not use your Kart or ttarid Controller in rainy
weather or expose lriem to numidtry tor long periods ol time as dampnoas om demagetne inlemal
mecnenirm. You sliduld not leave your Karl or Hand controller rear sauna-s ol neat or in direot sunligltt
for extended perods as ltrese commons may also cause damage
Maintain a reasonaole distance between tne remote control and ltie Kan to dotain maxlmum signal
raoeotion. Avoid operating your kart lit areas wnera triers am 05 adios or dtlter radio oonlrolled yolilclot
oldie same MHz range being used as oerlonnanoe could oe rmpeded Concrete walls, metal posts iuire
fences and olnereleclncel macnmeryean sometrmes atleat transmission and result in enatic
pertorrnanoe Should ltirsooeun aiangeto a dillererit location Tlte most common causes olsrgnal loss or
irregular operation are due lo rundown oattenes or the yetiicle travelling oul ol transmission Wigs
To clean your Kall only use a solt, damp clotlt Do not use detergems or solvents Should your Karl or lrie
Hand Corllmllorgelwot turn lnern ollimrnedialely and remove lne oattertee. Drytlie balmy oompatlmanl
out a 5wa dry clotn and leave open until ll is completely dry Do nol use neaters or term dryers to assist
drying as tneu may damage tne nan or Hand Controller Do not usa your Kan again until all components
are oomolelely dry
Thls equipment ltat oeen tested and lound to oomplyiuilli no limits lora Class a digital deride pursuenl
to Part 15clltie FCC Rules Tttese limits are designed to provide leaswlable protection againsl namtiul
intcnerenoe in a residential installation Thls eduipnientganeratce trace and can radiate radio liedueney
energy and, ilndt installed and used in armrdznoe wllh lne instructions may cause rianrmrl interlerenpe
to radio wmmumcallofls
Fur17MHx manual Far sew. manual
Carmr lr-ouency 27 tathlz Czlmr Money 49 mmtz
Flam sirenotner admin. at an raid sire-loin 7m cdauyin. at GM
However, more is no guarantee tltal interlererioe wlll not occur in a particularinstaltauon lltrie equipment
does cause nannlul interference to more or teleyision reception wnioi can be determined by turning me
oouioment ell and on tne llur n enoouraged to try m correct me intencrenoe try one or more ol lite
lolldrnng measures (t) Reerient or reloate ltie reoeiuing antenna (2) lnorease tne separation oetween
me equipment and receiver is) Connecl lne Elllllmllerll into an outlet on a orolil direrentlrdm tnut m
wtricn ltie reoeiuer is connected (ti Consult ltie dealeroran expenenoed radiortheennician lortrelp
Warning oranges or modificationstd lllis uritl not expressly approved by ltie party responsiole lor
compliance could uoid trie user‘azulilallly looperaletna equipment.
snould Wu expenence prdolemswiltt yourMano Kali. please Mlew ltte Setup nireoronaon page 2
and the Performance Tlus lism above Should you sllll collllrltle lo enmunw Emblem; please wnlacl
Goldle Markellrlg ldrmnherassulallde
¢ , r; GoldleMallletlllg Plum (mandates
/ item No: NINRZMlMarin) Email nmmoldiemamelingconrau
Mario and Yoshi
Radio Controlled Karts
Operation is subject to lhe lollowing two conditions:
(lttnis dedioe may not cause interference
(zttnis devlcé rnust accept any interlerence,including
interference tnat may cause undesired operation ol the devlce
Thls category II radiooornmunication devrce complies wltri
industry Canada Slandard ass-aloe
Ce dispositif de radioccmniunication de categorie ll respecte
la norrne CNR—sto d‘ldtlslrie Canada
- Full lunmion radio control operation
- Available in mm 27MHz and AQMHz lreduencies
Package includes:
' Radio-controlled Karl
' Handheld remote control
- gov rechargeable Nl—MH battery pack
- 240V AC clrarging adaptor
- QV alkallne battery
. Telescopic antenna
. Operator‘s manual
Warn ing:
Not suitaole tor cnildren under a years ol age Contains small pans wnicn may be
swallowed. Please remoye all plastic tiesand any otrier oblecls designed tolrsleri
tlte ltart during transport oelote givingm a and Parents are urged lo penddirally
Examlm lne Kan and aeoessones tor potential salety cmlnems and ensure tnat any
nansdeemcd hazardous are repaired or replaced
Maulactured and Designed try Goldie Marketing. Made in China.
Phone. (03) 9m 6186 Emsll lrlfn@goldiemalkellrlg mm au

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FCC ID Filing: YPS-GM98323919

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