GOSAFE G1SL Vehicle GPS tracker with BTLE and 3G User Manual G1SL
Gosafe Company Limited Vehicle GPS tracker with BTLE and 3G G1SL
User Manual
G1SL User Manual M Up pdate Histtory DAT TE Updates content 20166-08-17 Update pro oduct parameeter G G1SL User Manual M Coopyrigh ht and Disclaim mer Thee User Manuual may be changed wiithout noticee. Witthout prior written app proval of G Gosafe Com mpany Ltd., this User M Manual, or any partt thereof, may not be reeproduced ffor any purp pose whatso oever, or traansmitted in n any form m, either eleectronically or mechaniically, inclu uding photocopying andd recording g. Gossafe Compaany Ltd. sh hall not be liable for direct, indirrect, speciall, incidentaal, or consequential damages (including bbut not lim mited to economic loosses, perssonal d by the usee, inability,, or illegalitty to injuuries and loss of assetss and propeerty) caused use the productt or documeentation. FC CC ID:: RSRG G1SL FC CC Rad diation Exposu re Stateement: w FCC raadiation exp posure limitts set forth ffor an Thiss equipmennt complies with uncontrolled ennvironment. This equippment shoulld be installled and operrated with minnimum distaance 20cm between thee radiator & your body. FC CC Warrning Thiss device com mplies with h Part 15 of the FCC Ru ules. Operattion is subjeect to the folloowing two conditions: (1) T This devicee may not caause harmfuul interferen nce, and (2) this devicee must accep pt any interferencce received, including iinterferencee that may cause undesiired operation. G G1SL User Manual M NOTE 1: This equipment has been tested and fou und to comp ply with thee limits for a Classs B digital device, purrsuant to paart 15 of the FCC Ruless. These lim mits are desiigned to proovide reason nable protecction againsst harmful in nterference in a residen ntial installation. Thhis equipment generatess, uses and can radiate radio frequuency energy and, if not instaalled and ussed in accorrdance with the instructtions, may ccause harmfful inteerference to radio comm municationss. However, there is no guarantee tthat inteerference wiill not occurr in a particuular installaation. If thiss equipmentt does causee harm mful interfeerence to rad dio or televiision recepttion, which can be deteermined by turnning the equuipment off and on, thee user is encouraged to try to correcct the inteerference byy one or morre of the folllowing meaasures: - Reeorient or reelocate the receiving anntenna. - Inccrease the separation between the equipment and receiveer. -Coonnect the eqquipment in nto an outlett on a circuiit different from that too which the reeceiver is coonnected. -Coonsult the deealer or an experienced d radio/TV technician for f help. NOTE 2: Any changes or modificatioons to this unit u not exprressly approoved by the partty responsibble for comp pliance coulld void the user's autho ority to operrate the equipment. IN NSTRUC CTION NS OF S SAFETY Thiss chapter coontains information on how to opeerate “G1SL L” safely. By following these instru uctions, reqquirements and recomm mendations one can avoid dangerous situuations. You u must reaad these insstructions carefully annd follow them stricctly before operating th he device. Thee device witth internal battery for long-time storage neeed regularlyy be chargeed to avoid over-disccharge and it should bbe stored in n a dry and d cool placee, if the sto orage timee is longer than two mo onths. Do not removee the device without autthorization. Thee device hass light detecction sensor . Ensure thee device and d installatioon plane fit fully wheen you instaall it. Beffore demounnting the device from thhe vehicle, disconnect it’s all connnections. G G1SL User Manual M CO ONTEN NTS 1. G G1SL introdduction ......................................................................................................... 6 2. G G1SL Speciffications ...................................................................................................... 7 3. P Product overrview ........................................................................................................... 9 3.1 Checkk Part List..................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Producct indicator diagram .................................................................................. 11 3.3 Interfaace Definition ............................................................................................ 12 3.4 LED indicator behavior...................................................................................... 12 4. D Device instaalling way................................................................................................... 14 4.1 Dismoount ............................................................................................................ 14 4.2 Configgure device ................................................................................................ 17 4.3 Installl magnet ..................................................................................................... 18 4.4 Conneect battery packet ....................................................................................... 19 4.5 Dismaantle battery y packet.................................................................................... 19 4.6 Charging device ................................................................................................. 20 5. C Common com mmands .................................................................................................... 21 5.1 Set Usser Phone Number ..................................................................................... 21 5.2 Set Usser Passworrd.............................................................................................. 22 5.3 Set AC CK ............................................................................................................. 23 5.4 Set Poosition Repo ort Interval tto User ................................................................. 24 5.5 Set SIM Card AP PN............................................................................................. 25 5.6 Set GP PRS Main Server......... .............................................................................. 26 5.7 Set GP PRS Backup p Server ................................................................................... 27 5.8 Set Poosition Repo ort Interval tto GRPS Seerver .................................................. 30 G G1SL User Manual M 5.9 Set deevice disman ntled alarm ............................................................................. 31 5.10 Set product firm mware upgraade ......................................................................... 32 6. U User Combinne Comman nd............................................................................................. 33 6.1 Comm mand Error SMS ........................................................................................ 33 6.2 Comm mand Successs SMS .................................................................................... 33 7. S SMS Reportt Explanatio on ............................................................................................. 34 7.1 “W” Mode Reporrt .............................................................................................. 34 7.2 “T” Mode GPS Report ....................................................................................... 34 7.3 “T” Mode LBS Report ....................................................................................... 35 G G1SL User Manual M 1. G G1SL in ntroductiion G1S SL is a GPS S tracker witth powerfull function, which is useed for assetss managemeent maiinly. It’s low w power con nsumption, high level of o waterproof productss. It has builld-in highh capacity rechargeable e lithium baattery, allow wing using external mulltilevel exteension batteery packet. The T device hhas abundant function,, support Blluetooth configuration, APP A to brow wser drive ttrajectory an nd other Blu uetooth acccessories conttrol functionns. Supportt device tam mper detectio on. Supportt movementt, stillness, harssh brake, coollision and turnover deetection etc.. Main and backup GPR RS server, S SMS server, Bluetooth server and report way of dual users can be conffigured flexxibly Set time, distance, ang gle , event aand dynamic upload Flexibly coonfigure sin ngle event, ccomb events 28 polygonns and 128 Geo-fence, can relate to speed, tim me and leveel factor Read ,impoort the conffiguration coommand fille, and switcch to differeent configuratiion in differrent scene Local and remote upg grade Can configgure white list of posittion requestiing informaation Anti-JJamming Automaticc time calibrration and ttime zone, daylight sav ving time seetting Private houur Three axis acceleratio on sensor to achieve mo ovement, em mergency drriving behavior (harsh brakke, acceleraate, turn), acccident (turn nover collision) detectiion. Over-speedd monitorin ng, mileage statistics, engine runniing time stat atistics Towing annd idling mo onitoring Power supply monitorring, low poower consum mption and multistage power supp ply managemeent Remote coonfiguration G G1SL User Manual M 2. G G1SL Sp pecificattions Physical Dimensions Weight Opeerating temp perature Hum midity Waterp proof and dusstproof 96(L)* *50(W)* *31.5(H) mm 140g (incllude CR123 3A battery ) -40 ~ +60°C (with CR R123 Batterry) -10 ~ +50°C (with CR R123A Batttery) 100%RH @ 50°C non-condensinng Dustproof: prevennt outside th hing intrusio on, and can completely y prevent dust. IP6 IP6-7 USB Waterp proof: Shortt-term immeersion under atmospheric c pressure, when the shell teemporary im mmersion in n the 1 m deep water will noot cause harrmful effects. IP-7 Sho ock & U.S. Milittary Standarrds 202G annd 810F, SA AE Vib bration J1455 EMC/EMI SAE J1113; FCC–Part 15B RoHS Complian nt (Optional)) Normall 4Pin sockeet on PCB, space 1.25M MM CPU ARM Cortex M3 Ennvironment Bluetooth Coommunicatee modes Flaash memoryy Power 4.0 GPRS/ED DGE and TC CP/UDP/SM MS 4Mbit (80000 records)) Operatiing voltage 3-5V LI-PO (40 000mAh) (Op ptional) Replacee battery Battery Reecharging Ran nge is 0 to +445ºC Power coonsumption Com mmunication Sleep mode 150µA 3.5V Power saving mode Active tracking mode Dataa Support GSM/G GPRS Quadd Band 3G Duaal Band US 3G Duaal Band EU GSM M/GPRS Output Power 300µA 3.5V 100mA 3.5V SMS. TC CP, UDP 850/900//1800/1900 MHz 850/1900 0 MHz (Opttional) 900/2100 0 MHz (Opttional) Class 4 (2 2W) for 850 0 / 900 bandds G G1SL User Manual M GSM M/GPRS Faallback HSPA Data Rate SIM M Card Lo ocation Tech hnology GPS Assist GPS Sen nsitivity Acccuracy Detector Innput/output Connectors, SIM M card accesss Build-iin detector LED Ligh ht sensor Charg ging cord Digital input Conneection type Seriaal to USB Poweer switch GPS antenna GSM M antenna SIM M card Class 1 (1W) for 180 00 / 1900 baands GPRS Cllass 10 5.76Mbp ps UL/7.2Mb bps DL (Opptional) 1.8/3.3 V 50 Chann nel Ublox GPS G (with SSBAS) GPS L1 C/A Code SBAS, WAAS, EGN NOS, MSASS Supporteed -162 dBm SBAS 2.0 0m CEP Driving beehavior(harrsh turn, acccelerate 3D brake, collision), movve alarm sensor 3 LED GPS/GSM M/Power staatus Built-in Detect dettach Two poin nt charging Cord 1 digital input(option nal) 4 PIN 1USB (co onfiguration n/debug/opttional) Device power ON/O OFF switch Internal Internal Internal (embed SIM M optional) G G1SL User Manual M 3. P Product overview 3.1 Check Part List Beffore startingg, check and d make sure the followiing items haave been inccluded with youur device. Iff anything iss missing, pllease contacct your supp plier. ①S Standard Paart List Main uniit Battery waterp proof of porrt G G1SL User Manual M ②O Optional Paart List USB cablee IO cable Chaarger Magnet Scrrew battery packett 10 G G1SL User Manual M 3.2 Product indicatorr diagram Chargin ng LED inddicator GPS LE ED indicatoor System m LED indiccator GSM LED indicattor Battery y packet connnector or IO data d connecttor Lig ght sensationn area 11 G G1SL User Manual M 3.3 Interfacee Definitio on Inteerface definiitions are ass below. Pin Nam me Deefinition VCC AD1 DC C5V input, bbattery packet supply or charger to input Baattery packet detection IN/O OUT1 Geeneral bidireectional input/output GND Grround 3.4 LED ind dicator behavior 12 G G1SL User Manual M 13 G G1SL User Manual M 4. D Device in nstalling g way 4.1 Dismoun nt a) O Open devicee cap Unscrew it Open the cap 14 G G1SL User Manual M b) Innstall SIM card Open cardd slot Install SIM M card Close carrd slot 15 G G1SL User Manual M c) C Close devicee cap Be sure to plug in the power line at first time use. Connect USB U cable an nd use configuratiion tool to configure device. Screw cap on 16 G G1SL User Manual M 4.2 Configurre device a) Innstall device driver Devvice driver file f Gosafe-Cdc b) O Open the connfiguration tool By ddouble clickk “Configurration Tool”” Notte: if there iss an error orr you are unnable to opeen the file, please installl “M Microsoft .N NET Framew work ”4.0 or latest version in you ur computerr. Soft ftware interfface is as beelow. 17 G G1SL User Manual M c) C Connect the device to your computter. Choose the correct serial port and device modde, and thenn click ‘conn nect’. param meters and click ‘writee’ to write all a of the datta to devicee. d) Innput your desired 4.3 Install magnet Usee two screwss to fix mag gnet. 18 G G1SL User Manual M 4.4 Connect battery packet a) C Connect b) C Close c) F Fasten 4.5 Dismanttle battery y packet Usee tweezers or o other toolls to insert aand press do own the point showed oon the pictu ure, at thhe same tim me open the buckle to di dismantle thee battery paacket. 19 G G1SL User Manual M 4.6 Charging device a) C Connect IO cable b) Fastten c) C Charging 20 G G1SL User Manual M 5. C Common n commands Set your cell phhone numbeer as User0 or User1. This T will allow you to ssend SMS com mmands to control and receive messsages from m the device. 5.1 Set User Phone Number Com mmand: Com mmand: UNO commandd is to set 2 users’ phonne numberss. Both users have the ssame authhorization. With W the correct passw word, any ph hone number is able to uuse this com mmand. Useer0’s factory y default passsword is “1234”, Userr1’s factoryy default passsword is alsso “1234”. Com mmand form mat: 1. S Set user0 phhone numberr: , UNO O0 ;< new phhone numbeer> 2. S Set user1 phhone numberr: , UNO O1 ;< new phhone numbeer> Paraameter desccription:: thee length muust be less th han or equal 20 digits. The setting has twoo formats: 1. D Domestic phhone numbeer: without ccountry cod de. 2. Innternationall phone num mber: with ccountry cod de. Add “+” before the nnumbers. Exaample: Set user0 phonne number: Set user0 phonne number: 1234, UNO0; +861391234 45678 Or 1234, UNO0; 1391234567 78 21 G G1SL User Manual M 5.2 Set User Password Com mmand: UPW W command set user password. U User0’s facto ory default password iss “1234”. Useer1’s factoryy default password is “ 1234”. Chaanging the faactory passw word upon first use is highly suuggested. Com mmand form mat: 1. S Set user0 password: , UPW W0 ;< New P Password> 2. S Set user1 password: , UPW W1 ;< New P Password> Paraameter desccription: : Fix 4 digits, rangee is “0000 to o 9999” Exaample: Set user0 passw word 1234, UPW0; 5678 22 G G1SL User Manual M 5.3 Set ACK Com mmand: ACK K commandd is used forr UDP resp onse mechaanism switch Com mmand form mat: Disaable UDP reesponse: AC CK; 0 Data packing method is th he same as bbefore Enaable UDP reesponse: AC CK; 1 Data packing inncludes seq quence numbber and ID Paraameter desccription: Thiss function needs SVR command s et as UDP mode to opeen a responsse. Exaample: Enaable UDP mode and open a responnse SVR R;; 666 67; 1; 1 Enaable new resspond mech hanism ACK K; 1 Connfigure the initial waitin ng reply tim me SVT T; 1800; 15 23 G G1SL User Manual M 5.4 Set Posittion Repo ort Intervaal to Userr Com mmand: USP P commandd is to set mo ode0 (staticc mode) and d mode1 (dy ynamic modde) report inteerval to userr, data uploaad and data format. Com mmand form mat: 1. S Set position report interrval to user00: , USP0; ;< < Interval> ;< ; Report mode> ;< Daata format> 2. S Set position report interrval to user11: , USP1; ;< < Interval> ;< ; Report mode> ;< Daata format> Paraameter desccription: : “0”: represents static uploaad mode “1”: represents dynamic up pload modee. It iss valid only when DNU U command enabled. : Repport intervall, range is “3 30 to 900 seeconds”, “15 to 59 min nutes”, “1 too 720 hours”. Thee parameter unit definittion as folloows: S: S Second M: Minute H: Hour >: “O””: Disable “G””: Upload GPS G informaation basical ally, if witho out GPS signal, it will uupload BS infoormation, annd BS inform mation show w in HEX. (Sett uploads daata packet data d ID “GP PS data” and d “GSM data” mask as11.) “L””: Periodicall voice callss (Voice moonitoring). : “O””: Not generrate data. 24 G G1SL User Manual M “T””: Text “W””: Map hyper link Exaample: Set User0 staticc report inteerval: 1234, USP0; 0;; 1H; G; W Disaable User0 static report interval: 55000 1234, USP0; 1;; 24H; O; W 5.5 Set SIM Card AP PN Com mmand: APN N commandd is required d for GPRS connectivitty. Com mmand form mat: , APN ;< < APN > ;< < user namee > ;< passw word > Paraameter desccription: : 1 to 64 characterss : 0 to 32 charracters : 0 to 32 charaacters If thhere is not a user name and passwoord for APN N, the comm mand could be: APN N ;< APN> Notte: The deviice already contains maany APNs. It I will autom matically iddentify APN infoormation aftter inserting g SIM card. Exaample: 25 G G1SL User Manual M Set APN, user name, and password 1234, APN; CM MNET; USR R; PW Queery setting: 1234, APN 5.6 Set GPR RS Main Server Com mmand: SVR R commandd is to set GPRS main sserver. Com mmand form mat: ,SVR; ;; ; ; ; Paraameter desccription: : IP I or domaiin name, 644 bytes maxiimum. : TCP T port : UDP port : “0”: TCP modee “1”: UDP mode mand interaaction,UD DP data uplo oad mode “2”: TCP comm >: “0”: Disable UDP commu unicates respponse mech hanism. “1”: Enable UD DP commun nicate respoonse mechan nism, this iss default settting “2”: Enabled foor UDP and d TCP both. Notte: : “1””:device datta is send viia UDP chan nnel The seerver must resppond with anny data during ACK s etting time,, otherwise the device w will consideer the UDP disconnnect and saave data intto internal flash storagee. 26 G G1SL User Manual M Exaample: Set as TCP porrt: 1234, SVR; 28; 3032; 0;; 0 Or 1234, SVR; ww ww.anytrack king.net;30332;;0;0 Set as UDP porrt: 1234, SVR; 28;; 3032;1;;1 Or 1234, SVR; ww ww.anytrack king.net;;30032;1;1 Delete main server: 1234, SVR; Queery setting: 1234, SVR 5.7 Set GPR RS Backup p Server Com mmand: BSV V commandd is to set GPRS backupp server. Thee device connnects with the main seerver as prio ority. When the connecction betweeen device and maiin server is overtime, itt will switch h to the back kup server. After the device is conneected with th he backup sserver reach h setting tim me, it will tryy to connecct withh the GPRS S main serveer automaticcally. Com mmand form mat: ,BSV; ;; ; ; ; Paraameter desccription: 27 G G1SL User Manual M : IP I or domaiin name, 644 bytes maxiimum : TCP T port : UDP port : “0”: TCP modee “1”: UDP modde mand interaaction,UD DP data uplo oad mode “2”: TCP comm >: “00”: Disable UDP comm municates ressponse mecchanism. “1”: Enable UDP commu unicate respponse mechaanism, this is default seetting “2”: Enabled for UDP an nd TCP bothh. Notte: : “1””:device datta is send viia UDP chan nnel The seerver must resppond with anny data during ACK s etting time,, otherwise the device w will consideer the UDP disconnnect and saave data to internal flassh storage. Exaample: Set as TCP porrt: 1234, BSV; 28; 3032;; 00;0 Or 1234, BSV; ww ww.anytrack king.net;30332;;0;0 Set as UDP porrt: 1234, BSV; 28;; 3032;1;;1 Or ww.anytrack king.net;;30032;1;1 1234, BSV; ww Delete main server: 1234, BSV; 28 G G1SL User Manual M Queery setting: 1234, BSV 29 G G1SL User Manual M 5.8 Set Posittion Repo ort Intervaal to GRP PS Serverr Com mmand: SVP P commandd is to set mo ode0 (staticc mode) and d mode1 (dy ynamic modde) report inteerval to GRP PS Server, upload data and data fo ormat. Com mmand form mat: , SVP; ;< IInterval> ;< < Report mo ode> ;< Data ta format> Paraameter desccription: : oad mode. “0”: represents statics uplo “1”: represents dynamic up pload modee. It iss valid only when DNU U command enabled. : Repport intervall, range is “3 30 to 900 seeconds”, “15 to 59 min nutes”, “1 too 720 hours”. Thee definition of parameteer as follow ws: S: S Second M: M Minute H: H Hour >: “O””: Disable “G G”: Upload GPS G inform mation basiccally, if with hout GPS signal, it willl upload BS infoormation, annd BS inform mation show w in HEX. (Sett uploads daata packet data d ID “GP PS data” and d “GSM data” mask as11.) “A””: GPS and GSM inforrmation : “O””: Not generrate data. 30 G G1SL User Manual M “B””: Binary “T””: Text Exaample: Set static reporrt interval: 1234, SVP; 0; 30S; G; H Set dynamic reeport intervaal: 1234, SVP; 1; 1H; G; H 5.9 Set devicce disman ntled alarm Com mmand: SEN N command d can configgure and qu uery parameter of dismaantling deviice alarrm Form mat: SEN N ;< intervaal checking time> ;< ennable switch h> Paraameter expllanation: < Innterval checcking time >: > each settinng interval time enablee one time ooptical distaance deteect. Range: 1-1800, uniit: second : “0”: turn off deetection “1”: turn on deetection Exaample: Enaable the deteection interv val time of ddismantling g device alarrm. SEN N; 5; 1 31 G G1SL User Manual M 5.10 Set product firm mware upggrade Com mmand: FW WU comman nd is to activve FOTA fiirmware upg grade by useer phone. Form mat: , FWU Exaample: 1234, FWU SMS Reply: G1S S V1.00 FW WU BAT T=3.30V #100 FOT TA upgradee will take about 10 minnutes and you y will receeive a confirrming messsage. SMS reply: G1S S V1.10 Upggrade Succeess! Ext__BAT=3.955V BAT T=3.30V #11 32 G G1SL User Manual M 6. U User Combine Comman nd Thee device suppports comb bining multiiple comman nds through h an SMS m message sentt to the device. Thee commandss are separaated by a comma. The maximum leength of thee com mbined comm mand is 256 6 bytes. Forrmat is as fo ollows: Useer Separaated Com mmand Separated Command Separaated nam me 1234 Comm ma UNO O;139 Comma UPW; Comm ma 12345678 4567 ... Commandd ... USP0; 1;224 H;0;W Com mmand Repply Explanattion: Afteer the devicce receives the t user's coommand, it will immed diately proceess and use SMS reply to thhe user. Reeply SMS haas two typees: command d error, com mmand succcess. 6.1 Comman nd Error SMS Conntent of messsage G1S SL V1.00 Exxplanation Deevice name,, Firmware version ERR Coommand Errror 6.2 Comman nd Successs SMS Conntent of messsage G1S SL V1.00 Exxplanation Deevice name,, Firmware version UPW W:1234 Coommand Seetting Ext__Pwr=11.944V Exxternal pow wer voltage BAT T=3.90V Buuilt-in batterry voltage #3 Coonsumed messages 33 G G1SL User Manual M 7. S SMS Reeport Exp planatioon Theere are two types of SM MS reports: iinterval report and even nt report. SM MS format has "W"" and "T" modes. GPS and LBS t ttypes of positioning daata. 7.1 “W” Moode Reporrt Conntent of messsage G1S SL V1.00 Explanation Device nam me/Firmwaree version LTM M 2015-02--26 14:17:12 Date/Time httpp://maps.gooogle.com/m maps?q... Google map p hyper link ETD D:28/ACC ON Event ID/Usser defined event namee/Data GSM M -52dBm GSM netwo ork signal strength EXT T_PWR=122.08V External pow wer voltagee BAT T=3.86V Built-in batttery voltagee #3001 Consumed messages 7.2 “T” Mod de GPS Report Conntent of messsage G1S SL V1.00 Explanation Device nam me/Firmwaree version LTM M 2015-02--28 23:51:09 Date/Time GPS S 1.55/0.50//3/4 HDOP/ALT TITUDE in meters/Fixeed satellite nnumber/Tim me of first fixed N means north/S meanss south N233.164302 E means easst/W means west E1113.428456 Speed/Head ding SPD D:0km/h 0 Event ID/Usser defined event namee ETD D:28/ACC ON GSM netwo ork signal strength GSM M -52dBm External pow wer voltagee EXT T_PWR=122.13V 34 G G1SL User Manual M BAT T=3.96V Built-in batttery voltagee #28 Consumed messages 7.3 “T” Mod de LBS Report Conntent of messsage G1S SL V1.00 Explanation Device nam me/Firmwaree version LTM M 2015-02--28 23:51:09 Date/Time MC CC/MNC/LA AC/CID/RS SSI Base station n informatio on type 4600/0/2503/9622C/-53dBm Main station n(MCC/MN NC/Local arrea code/ Station ID/S Signal streng gth) Neighbor staation 1 4600/0/2731/40F F4/-60dBm Neighbor staation 2 4600/0/2703/40550/-70dBm Event ID/Usser defined event namee ETD D:28/ACC ON GSM netwo ork signal strength GSM M -52dBm External pow wer voltagee EXT T_PWR=122.13V Built-in batttery voltagee BAT T=3.96V Consumed messages #28 Notte: 1. T The event reeport has “E Event ID/Us er defined event name//Data” messsages; fixed timee report doees not have “Event ID/U User defineed event nam me/Data” m messages. 2. “D Date/Time”” message, UTC: Greennwich Mean n Time; LTM: Local tim ime zone. 35
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File Type : PDF File Type Extension : pdf MIME Type : application/pdf PDF Version : 1.5 Linearized : No Author : Administrator Create Date : 2016:08:30 16:03:09+08:00 Modify Date : 2016:08:30 16:03:09+08:00 XMP Toolkit : Adobe XMP Core 4.2.1-c043 52.372728, 2009/01/18-15:08:04 Producer : Acrobat Distiller 9.3.2 (Windows) Creator Tool : PScript5.dll Version 5.2.2 Format : application/pdf Title : Microsoft Word - G1SL User Manual Creator : Administrator Document ID : uuid:0e5ebe46-741b-473a-8346-77c79b81fc57 Instance ID : uuid:39a986ff-2867-4670-8e6b-10f6e6057f60 Page Count : 35EXIF Metadata provided by EXIF.tools